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Field Validation (field + validation)
Selected AbstractsField validation of experimental challenge models for IPN vaccinesJOURNAL OF FISH DISEASES, Issue 12 2007A Ramstad Abstract Atlantic salmon S1/2 pre-smolts from the VESO Vikan hatchery were assigned to study groups, i.p. immunized with commercially available, multivalent oil-adjuvanted vaccines with (Norvax Compact 6 , NC-6) or without (Norvax Compact 4 , NC-4) recombinant infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) antigen. A control group received saline solution. When ready for sea, the fish were transported to the VESO Vikan experimental laboratory, where two identical tanks were stocked with 75 fish per group before being transferred to 10 °C sea water and exposed by bath to first passage IPNV grown in CHSE-214 cells. The third tank containing 40 fish from each group was challenged by the introduction of 116 fish that had received an i.p injection of IPNV-challenge material. The remaining vaccinated fish were transported to the VESO Vikan marine field trial site and placed in two identical pens, each containing approximately 53 000 fish from the NC-6 group and 9000 fish from the NC-4 group. In the experimental bath challenge trial, the cumulative mortality was 75% and 78% in the control groups, and the relative percentage survival (RPS) of the NC-6-immunized fish vs. the reference vaccine groups was 60% and 82%, respectively. In the cohabitation challenge, the control mortality reached 74% and the IPNV-specific vaccine RPS was 72%. In both models, the reference vaccine lacking IPNV antigen gave a moderate but statistically significant non-specific protection. In the field, a natural outbreak of infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) occurred after 7 weeks lasting for approximately 3.5 months before problems due to winter ulcers became dominating. During this outbreak, mortality in the NC-4 groups were 33.5% and 31.6%, respectively, whereas mortality in the NC-6 groups were 6.9% and 5.3%, respectively, amounting to 81% IPNV-specific protection. In conclusion, the IPN protection estimates obtained by experimental challenges were consistent between tanks, and were confirmed by the field results. [source] GIS-based rapid assessment of erosion risk in a small catchment in the wet/dry tropics of AustraliaLAND DEGRADATION AND DEVELOPMENT, Issue 5 2001G. Boggs Abstract Assessing the impact of various land uses on catchment erosion processes commonly requires in-depth research, monitoring and field data collection, as well as the implementation of sophisticated modelling techniques. This paper describes the evaluation of a geographic information system (GIS)-based rapid erosion assessment method, which allows the user to quickly acquire and evaluate existing data to assist in the planning of more detailed monitoring and modelling programmes. The rapid erosion assessment method is based on a simplified version of the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE), and allows the rapid parameterization of the model from widely available land unit and elevation datasets. The rapid erosion assessment method is evaluated through the investigation of the effects of elevation data resolution on erosion predictions and field data validation. The use of raster digital elevation model (DEM)-derived data, as opposed to vector land unit relief data, was found to greatly improve the validity of the rapid erosion assessment method. Field validation of the approach, involving the comparison of predicted soil loss ratios with adjusted in-stream sediment yields on a subcatchment basis, indicated that with decreasing data resolution, the results are increasingly overestimated for larger catchments and underestimated for smaller catchments. However, the rapid erosion assessment method proved to be a valuable tool that is highly useful as an initial step in the planning of more detailed erosion assessments. Copyright © 2001 Commonwealth of Australia. [source] The potential of seed-eating birds to spread viable seeds of weeds and other undesirable plantsAUSTRAL ECOLOGY, Issue 7 2009LAURIE E. TWIGG Abstract The potential for seed-eating birds to spread viable seeds was investigated using captive-feeding trials to determine seed preference, passage time through the gut, and viability of passed seeds for bronzewing pigeons (Phaps chalcoptera), peaceful doves (Geopelia striata), crested pigeons (Ocyphaps lophotes), Senegal doves (Streptopelia senegalensis), zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata), black ducks (Anas superciliosa) and wood ducks (Chenonetta jubata). Test seeds were bladder clover (Trifolium spumosum), crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum), gorse (Ulex europaeus), canola (Brassica napus) and red panicum (Setaria italica). Their consumption was compared with that of commercial seed mixes. Although all test seeds were recognizable foods, their consumption usually decreased in the presence of other foods, except for canola, where consumption rates were maintained. Hard-seeded bladder clover was the only species where viable seeds were passed by obligate seedeaters. In contrast, viable seeds of canola and gorse were passed by seed-eating omnivorous/herbivorous ducks, although the germination of passed seeds (42%) was reduced significantly compared with that of untreated control seed (67%). Field validation with wild, urban bronzewings and Australian magpies (Gymnorhina tibicen) offered canola and commercial seed yielded similar outcomes, with a range of viable seeds recovered from magpie soft pellets. Mean seed passage time in captive birds ranged from 0.5 to 4.3 h for all test seeds and commercial seed mixes, suggesting that these bird species may potentially disperse seed over moderate distances. Despite the low probability of individual birds spreading viable seed, the high number of birds feeding in the wild suggests that the potential for granivorous and seed-eating omnivorous birds to disperse viable seeds cannot be discounted, particularly if exozoochorous dispersal is also considered. [source] A field validation of two sediment-amphipod toxicity testsENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY & CHEMISTRY, Issue 7 2002Steven P. Perraro Abstract A field validation study of two sediment-amphipod toxicity tests was conducted using sediment samples collected subtidally in the vicinity of a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-contaminated Superfund site in Elliott Bay (WA, USA). Sediment samples were collected at 30 stations with a 0.1 m2 grab from which subsamples were taken for sediment toxicity testing and geochemical and macrofaunal analyses. Standard 10-d sediment-amphipod toxicity tests were conducted with Rhepoxynius abronius and Leptocheirus plumulosus. Sediments were analyzed for 33 PAHs, pentachlorophenol, polychlorinated biphenyls, acid-volatile sulfide, simultaneously extracted metals (Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni), total organic carbon, and grain size. Sediment temperature, oxygen-reduction potential, water depth, and interstitial water salinity were also measured. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, quantified as total PAH toxic units (TUPAH), were confirmed to be an important common causal agent of the changes in the two toxicity test (% survival R. abronius, % survival L. plumulosus) and five macrofaunal community (number of species, S; numerical abundance, A; total biomass, B; Swartz's dominance index, SDI; Brillouin's index, H) endpoints. Two other macrofaunal community metrics (the complement of Simpson's index, 1 , SI, and McIntosh's index, MI) were less sensitive to TUPAH than the two toxicity test endpoints. The sensitivities of R. abronius and L. plumulosus to TUPAH were statistically indistinguishable. Field validations were conducted by testing the association between or among each toxicity test endpoint, each of seven macrofaunal community metrics (S, A, B, SDI, H, 1 , SI, MI), and TUPAH by (1) Spearman's coefficient of rank correlation, (2) Kendall's coefficient of concordance, (3) G tests of independence, and (4) regression analysis. Some field validations based on multivariable tests of association (e.g., points 2 and 3) among toxicity test, field, and stressor endpoints produced false positive results. Both toxicity test endpoints were validated as indicators of changes in S, A, SDI, and H by all the methods tested. The resolution power of the relationships between the laboratory toxicity test and macrofaunal field endpoints was low (, three classes) but sufficient to discriminate ecologically important effects. We conclude that standard sediment-amphipod toxicity tests are ecologically relevant and that, under the proper conditions, their results can be used for lab-to-field extrapolation. [source] Development and field validation of a biotic ligand model predicting chronic copper toxicity to Daphnia magnaENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY & CHEMISTRY, Issue 6 2004Karel A.C. De Schamphelaere Abstract In this study, we developed a toxicity model predicting the long-term effects of copper on the reproduction of the cladoceran Daphnia magna that is based on previously reported toxicity tests in 35 exposure media with different water chemistries. First, it was demonstrated that the acute copper biotic ligand model (BLM) for D. magna could not serve as a reliable basis for predicting chronic copper toxicity. Consequently, BLM constants for chronic exposures were derived by multiple regression analysis of 21-d median effective concentrations (EC50s; expressed as Cu2+ activity) versus physicochemistry from a large toxicity dataset and the results of an additional experiment in which the individual effect of sodium on copper toxicity was investigated. The effect of sodium on chronic toxicity (log KNaBL = 2.91) seemed to be similar to its effect on acute toxicity (log KNaBL = 3.19). However, in contrast to the acute BLM, no significant calcium, magnesium, or combined competition effect was observed, and an increase in proton competition and bioavailability of CuOH+ and CuCO3 complexes was noted. Some indirect evidence was also found for some limited toxicity of complexes of copper with two of three tested types of dissolved organic matter. Because the latter was only a minor effect, this factor was not included in the chronic Cu BLM. The newly developed model performed well in predicting 21-d EC50s and no-observed-effect concentrations in natural water samples: 79% of the toxicity threshold values were predicted within a factor of two of the observed values. It is clear, however, that more research is needed to provide information on the exact mechanisms that have resulted in different BLM constants for chronic exposures (as opposed to acute exposures). It is suggested that the developed model can contribute to the improvement of risk assessment procedures of copper by incorporating bioavailability of copper in these regulatory exercises. [source] Development and field validation of a predictive copper toxicity model for the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitataENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY & CHEMISTRY, Issue 10 2003Karel A. C. De Schamphelaere Abstract In this sudy, the combined effects of pH, water hardness, and dissolved organic carbon(DO) concentration and type on the chronic (72-h) effect of copper on growth inhibition of the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata were investigated. Natural dissolved organic matter (DOM) was collected at three sites in Belgium and The Netherlands using reverse osmosis. A full central composite test design was used for one DOM and a subset of the full design for the two other DOMs. For a total number of 35 toxicity tests performed, 72-h effect concentration resulting in 10% growth inhibition (EbC10s) ranged from 14.2 to 175.9 ,g Cu/L (factor 12) and 72-h EbC50s from 26.9 to 506.8 ,g Cu/L (factor 20). Statistical analysis demonstrated that DOC concentration, DOM type, and pH had a significant effect on copper toxicity; hardness did not affect toxicity at the levels tested. In general, an increase in pH resulted in increased toxicity, whereas an increase of the DOC concentration resulted in decreased copper toxicity. When expressed as dissolved copper, significant differences of toxicity reduction capacity were noted across the three DOM types tested (up to factor 2.5). When expressed as Cu2+ activity, effect levels were only significantly affected by pH; linear relationships were observed between pH and the logarithm of the effect concentrations expressed as free copper ion activity, that is, log(EbC50) and log(EbC10): (1) log(EbC50) = ,1.431 pH + 2.050 (r2 = 0.95), and (2) log(EbC10) = ,1.140 pH , 0.812 (r2 = 0.91). A copper toxicity model was developed by linking these equations to the WHAM V geochemical speciation model. This model predicted 97% of the EbC50dissolved and EbC10dissolved values within a factor of two of the observed values. Further validation using toxicity test results that were obtained previously with copper-spiked European surface waters demonstrated that for 81% of tested waters, effect concentrations were predicted within a factor of two of the observed. The developed model is considered to be an important step forward in accounting for copper bioavailability in natural systems. [source] A field validation of two sediment-amphipod toxicity testsENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY & CHEMISTRY, Issue 7 2002Steven P. Perraro Abstract A field validation study of two sediment-amphipod toxicity tests was conducted using sediment samples collected subtidally in the vicinity of a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-contaminated Superfund site in Elliott Bay (WA, USA). Sediment samples were collected at 30 stations with a 0.1 m2 grab from which subsamples were taken for sediment toxicity testing and geochemical and macrofaunal analyses. Standard 10-d sediment-amphipod toxicity tests were conducted with Rhepoxynius abronius and Leptocheirus plumulosus. Sediments were analyzed for 33 PAHs, pentachlorophenol, polychlorinated biphenyls, acid-volatile sulfide, simultaneously extracted metals (Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni), total organic carbon, and grain size. Sediment temperature, oxygen-reduction potential, water depth, and interstitial water salinity were also measured. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, quantified as total PAH toxic units (TUPAH), were confirmed to be an important common causal agent of the changes in the two toxicity test (% survival R. abronius, % survival L. plumulosus) and five macrofaunal community (number of species, S; numerical abundance, A; total biomass, B; Swartz's dominance index, SDI; Brillouin's index, H) endpoints. Two other macrofaunal community metrics (the complement of Simpson's index, 1 , SI, and McIntosh's index, MI) were less sensitive to TUPAH than the two toxicity test endpoints. The sensitivities of R. abronius and L. plumulosus to TUPAH were statistically indistinguishable. Field validations were conducted by testing the association between or among each toxicity test endpoint, each of seven macrofaunal community metrics (S, A, B, SDI, H, 1 , SI, MI), and TUPAH by (1) Spearman's coefficient of rank correlation, (2) Kendall's coefficient of concordance, (3) G tests of independence, and (4) regression analysis. Some field validations based on multivariable tests of association (e.g., points 2 and 3) among toxicity test, field, and stressor endpoints produced false positive results. Both toxicity test endpoints were validated as indicators of changes in S, A, SDI, and H by all the methods tested. The resolution power of the relationships between the laboratory toxicity test and macrofaunal field endpoints was low (, three classes) but sufficient to discriminate ecologically important effects. We conclude that standard sediment-amphipod toxicity tests are ecologically relevant and that, under the proper conditions, their results can be used for lab-to-field extrapolation. [source] Corn stover feedstock trials to support predictive modelingGCB BIOENERGY, Issue 5 2010DOUGLAS L. KARLEN Abstract To be sustainable, feedstock harvest must neither degrade soil, water, or air resources nor negatively impact productivity or subsequent crop yields. Simulation modeling will help guide the development of sustainable feedstock production practices, but not without field validation. This paper introduces field research being conducted in six states to support Sun Grant Regional Partnership modeling. Our objectives are to (1) provide a fundamental understanding of limiting factor(s) affecting corn (Zea mays L.) stover harvest, (2) develop tools (e.g., equations, models, etc.) that account for those factors, and (3) create a multivariant analysis framework to combine models for all limiting factors. Sun Grant modelers will use this information to improve regional estimates of feedstock availability. A minimum data set, including soil organic carbon (SOC), total N, pH, bulk density (BD), and soil-test phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) concentrations, is being collected. Stover yield for three treatments (0%, 50%, and 90% removal) and concentrations of N, P, and K in the harvested stover are being quantified to assess the impact of stover harvest on soil resources. Grain yield at a moisture content of 155 g kg,1 averaged 9.71 Mg ha,1, matching the 2008 national average. Stover dry matter harvest rates ranged from 0 to 7 Mg ha,1. Harvesting stover increased N,P,K removal by an average of 42, 5, and 45 kg ha,1 compared with harvesting only grain. Replacing those three nutrients would cost $53.68 ha,1 based on 2009 fertilizer prices. This first-year data and that collected in subsequent years is being used to develop a residue management tool that will ultimately link multiple feedstock supplies together in a landscape vision to help develop a comprehensive carbon management plan, quantify corn stover harvest effects on soil quality, and predict regional variability in feedstock supplies. [source] The development of taiwan arterial traffic-adaptive signal control system and its field test: A taiwan experienceJOURNAL OF ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION, Issue 4 2009Yueh-Tzu Wu Abstract This Taiwan traffic-adaptive arterial signal control model borrowed its traffic flow framework mainly from a British traffic-adaptive control model with a cyclic traffic progression function, i.e. SCOOT (Split Cycle Office Optimisation Technique). The new arterial control model can take into account delays of both major and minor streets and make real-time signal timing decisions with optimal two-way signal offsets, so as to create the best arterial signal operation performance. It has been developed to be an online real-time software for both simulation testing and field validation. Through simulation, it was found that the performance when operating this newly developed real-time arterial traffic-adaptive model was significantly better than when using the optimal fixed-time arterial timing plan. On the aspect of field testing, three signalized intersections located in East District, Tainan City, Taiwan were selected to be the test sites. Fairly good traffic control performance has been demonstrated in that it can effectively reduce travel delays of the control arterial as a whole. Additional discussions about how to combine travel delay and the total number of vehicle stops into a new control performance index have also been included to make the new traffic-adaptive model more flexible and reasonable to meet the expectations of different driver groups in the arterial system. [source] The effect of insecticide application sequences on the control and insecticide resistance status of the peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae (Hemiptera:Aphididae), on field crops of potatoPEST MANAGEMENT SCIENCE (FORMERLY: PESTICIDE SCIENCE), Issue 4 2006William E Parker Abstract Experiments were done on commercial potato crops in the UK to investigate the effect of different insecticide sequences on the control and insecticide resistance status of Myzus persicae (Sulzer). The work was done to provide field validation of similar laboratory studies done in ,field simulators'. To ensure adequate aphid populations and to influence the initial resistance status of the aphid population, cultured M. persicae from a clone of known resistance status (esterase R1, kdr heterozygote, non-MACE (modified acetylcholinesterase)) were inoculated into both experiments. Two-spray programmes starting with ,-cyhalothrin (a pyrethroid insecticide) gave poor control in comparison with programmes starting with pirimicarb (a carbamate insecticide) or pirimicarb-containing mixtures. This concurred closely with the results obtained from single applications in field simulator studies. Treatment sequences containing pymetrozine (a pyridine azomethine insecticide) were also effective, though slower-acting. This again concurs with field simulator studies. The proportions of aphids carrying different resistance mechanisms were largely unaffected by treatment in these experiments. The implications of these results for field control strategies are discussed. Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry [source] Effect of protective filters on fire fighter respiratory health: field validation during prescribed burnsAMERICAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE, Issue 1 2009Annemarie J.B.M. De Vos MPH, ICCert Abstract Background Bushfire smoke contains a range of air toxics. To prevent inhalation of these toxics, fire fighters use respiratory equipment. Yet, little is known about the effectiveness of the equipment on the fire ground. Experimental trials in a smoke chamber demonstrated that, the particulate/organic vapor/formaldehyde (POVF) filter performed best under simulated conditions. This article reports on the field validation trials during prescribed burns in Western Australia. Methods Sixty-seven career fire fighters from the Fire and Emergency Services Authority of Western Australia were allocated one of the three types of filters. Spirometry, oximetry, self-reported symptom, and personal air sampling data were collected before, during and after exposure to bushfire smoke from prescribed burns. Results Declines in FEV1 and SaO2 were demonstrated after 60 and 120 min exposure. A significant higher number of participants in the P filter group reported increases in respiratory symptoms after the exposure. Air sampling inside the respirators demonstrated formaldehyde levels significantly higher in the P filter group compared to the POV and the POVF filter group. Conclusions The field validation trials during prescribed burns supported the findings from the controlled exposure trials in the smoke chamber. Testing the effectiveness of three types of different filters under bushfire smoke conditions in the field for up to 2 hr demonstrated that the P filter is ineffective in filtering out respiratory irritants. The performance of the POV and the POVF filter appears to be equally effective after 2 hr bushfire smoke exposure in the field. Am. J. Ind. Med. 52:76,87, 2009. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source] A field validation of two sediment-amphipod toxicity testsENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY & CHEMISTRY, Issue 7 2002Steven P. Perraro Abstract A field validation study of two sediment-amphipod toxicity tests was conducted using sediment samples collected subtidally in the vicinity of a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-contaminated Superfund site in Elliott Bay (WA, USA). Sediment samples were collected at 30 stations with a 0.1 m2 grab from which subsamples were taken for sediment toxicity testing and geochemical and macrofaunal analyses. Standard 10-d sediment-amphipod toxicity tests were conducted with Rhepoxynius abronius and Leptocheirus plumulosus. Sediments were analyzed for 33 PAHs, pentachlorophenol, polychlorinated biphenyls, acid-volatile sulfide, simultaneously extracted metals (Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni), total organic carbon, and grain size. Sediment temperature, oxygen-reduction potential, water depth, and interstitial water salinity were also measured. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, quantified as total PAH toxic units (TUPAH), were confirmed to be an important common causal agent of the changes in the two toxicity test (% survival R. abronius, % survival L. plumulosus) and five macrofaunal community (number of species, S; numerical abundance, A; total biomass, B; Swartz's dominance index, SDI; Brillouin's index, H) endpoints. Two other macrofaunal community metrics (the complement of Simpson's index, 1 , SI, and McIntosh's index, MI) were less sensitive to TUPAH than the two toxicity test endpoints. The sensitivities of R. abronius and L. plumulosus to TUPAH were statistically indistinguishable. Field validations were conducted by testing the association between or among each toxicity test endpoint, each of seven macrofaunal community metrics (S, A, B, SDI, H, 1 , SI, MI), and TUPAH by (1) Spearman's coefficient of rank correlation, (2) Kendall's coefficient of concordance, (3) G tests of independence, and (4) regression analysis. Some field validations based on multivariable tests of association (e.g., points 2 and 3) among toxicity test, field, and stressor endpoints produced false positive results. Both toxicity test endpoints were validated as indicators of changes in S, A, SDI, and H by all the methods tested. The resolution power of the relationships between the laboratory toxicity test and macrofaunal field endpoints was low (, three classes) but sufficient to discriminate ecologically important effects. We conclude that standard sediment-amphipod toxicity tests are ecologically relevant and that, under the proper conditions, their results can be used for lab-to-field extrapolation. [source] |