Feminist Perspective (feminist + perspective)

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Selected Abstracts

Buddhist Nuns in Taiwan and Sri Lanka: A Critique of the Feminist Perspective , By Wei-Yi Cheng

Elise A. DeVido

Feminist Perspectives on 9/11

J. Ann Tickner
In this article I offer a feminist analysis of September 11, 2001 and its aftermath. I demonstrate how gendered discourses are used in this and other conflict situations to reinforce mutual hostilities. I suggest that men's association with war,fighting and national security serves to reinforce their legitimacy in world politics while it acts to create barriers for women. Using the framework of a post,9/11 world, I offer some alternative models of masculinity and some cultural representations less dependent on the subordination of women. Often in times of conflict women are seen only as victims. I outline some ways in which the women of Afghanistan are fighting against gender oppression and I conclude with some thoughts on their future prospects. [source]

Contemporary Feminist Perspectives on Social Contract Theory

RATIO JURIS, Issue 3 2007
First, which points must feminists continue to argue in their critique of the social contract tradition today? The second question is: Can feminists actually draw anything from the social contract tradition today? It argues that Pateman's critique of contractarianism continues to be useful when read in the context of her analysis of "self-ownership" and subordination rather than as a rewriting of the social contract. Hampton's deployment of a Kantian test for the failure of respect for personhood within domestic (and other) relationships does not undermine Pateman's position. Consideration of how such an ideal can be understood as potentially compatible with Pateman's perspective raises issues about the radical potential within claims for equal respect for personhood. In Hampton's work, widespread "test failure" can be used to indicate that political action rather than moral analysis is required. Hampton assumes that those employing the test are able to abstract themselves sufficiently from their current position to imagine what it would be to be treated as a person. It is argued that this "moral test" should be envisaged as being asked in concert with others, at which point it has the potential to become political action. [source]

,The Ties that Bind': Feminist Perspectives on Self,Help Groups for Prisoners' Partners

Helen Codd
Recent research has recognised the role of self,help groups in helping women cope with the imprisonment of a male partner. However, little research has explored the benefits of membership, beyond the pragmatic recognition that the groups meet an unmet need for support and information. With reference to the findings of recent qualitative research conducted by the author in the UK, this article integrates interdisciplinary perspectives drawn from criminal justice research, family theory and gender studies to construct a gendered theoretical framework for understanding the significance and value of group membership, exploring gendered ideologies of caring and questioning the role of self,help groups in empowering women. [source]

Child Sexual Assault: Feminist Perspectives

209 pp. £45.00., Basingstoke, Joy Trotter (eds) Palgrave Publishing, Pat Cox, Sheila Kershaw
No abstract is available for this article. [source]

Sister-to-Sister Talk: Transcending Boundaries and Challenges in Qualitative Research With Black Women,

April L. Few
Our purpose is to discuss the challenges that Black women researchers face when doing qualitative research with Black women on sensitive topics. From a Black feminist perspective, we explore the dynamics of race, class, and gender in the informant-researcher relationship between Black women. We also share five recommendations for conducting ethical qualitative research with Black women: contextualizing research, contextualizing subjectivity, triangulating multiple sources, monitoring symbolic power, and caring in the research process. [source]

Health visitors' understandings of domestic violence

Sue Peckover BSc MMedSci PhD RGN RHV
Background. Feminist work has made visible the extent and nature of domestic violence and the problems women face in having their experiences recognized by health and welfare professionals. Research has demonstrated that many health care professionals, including nurses, midwives and health visitors have little working knowledge about this issue. This impacts on their ability to recognize and respond to domestic violence within their practice. Aim. This paper is based upon a study of British health visitors, which explored their practice in relation to domestic violence. Drawing upon empirical data from interviews with health visitors, it explores their understandings of the extent and nature of domestic violence in the context of their work. Methods. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with 24 health visitors selected by convenience and purposive sampling. Data collection took place during 1997,1998. The research draws on the theoretical perspectives of feminist poststructuralism. Findings. The findings demonstrate considerable differences between health visitors in their understandings of the extent of domestic violence in their caseloads and their recognition of different types of abuse experienced by women. There were also differences between participants in their willingness to name situations other than physical violence as abusive, as well as the extent to which they recognized domestic violence within different social groups. Conclusions. A feminist perspective provides critical insight into the professional knowledge base in relation to domestic violence, demonstrating the need for health visitors to develop their understandings further in order to respond appropriately to women and children experiencing domestic violence. This is discussed in the context of ongoing struggles for professional identity within an ever-changing arena of health and welfare provision. [source]

Feelings in context: Countertransference and the real world in feminist therapy

Laura S. Brown
The concept of countertransference has been seen as problematic by feminist therapists. However, feminist therapy theory is intensely interested in the symbolic levels of the relationships between therapists and clients, with an emphasis on how the here and now social context informs and transforms those symbols. This article describes a feminist perspective on the therapist's symbolic relationships to clients, and the positive and challenging ramifications of those symbolic encounters. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Clin Psychol/In Session 57: 1005,1012, 2001. [source]

A Family by any other Name ... or StarbucksTM comes to England

Alison JDiduck
The article examines the recent House of Lords decision in Fitzpatrickv. Sterling Housing Association from two perspectives. The first adopts a perspective of rights and discrimination and speculates as to how a court may in future decide such a case in the light of Britain's obligations under the Human Rights Act 1998. The second offers a review of some of the literature which questions the effectiveness of such a rights-based approach for achieving justice for lesbian women and gay men, and, from a feminist perspective, expresses caution about instantiating in law a traditional idea of ,family' and the privilege attached to that ideal. [source]

Toward a Dialectical Model of Family Gender Discourse: Body, Identity, and Sexuality

Libby Balter Blume
The goal of this article is to propose a dialectical model representing gender discourse in families. A brief review of literature in sociology, psychology, and gender studies focuses on three dialectical issues: nature versus culture, similarity versus difference, and stability versus fluidity. Deconstructing gender theories from a postmodern feminist perspective, the authors discuss agency and context in families' gender discourse. Narrative excerpts from interviews with an adolescent daughter and her mother illustrate three emergent themes in the social construction of gender: body, identity, and sexuality. The article concludes with recommendations for family researchers. [source]

Implementing a postcolonial feminist perspective in nursing research related to non-Western populations

Louise Racine
Implementing a postcolonial feminist perspective in nursing research related to non-Western populations In this article, I argue that implementing a postcolonial feminist perspective in nursing research transcends the limitations of modern cultural theories in exploring the health problems of non-Western populations. Providing nursing care in pluralist countries like Canada remains a challenge for nurses. First, nurses must reflect on their ethnic background and stereotypes that may impinge on the understanding of cultural differences. Second, dominant health ideologies that underpin nurses' everyday practice and the structural barriers that may constrain the utilization of public healthcare services by non-Western populations must be further examined. Postcolonial feminism is aimed at addressing health inequities stemming from social discriminative practices. I will draw on extant literature and data of an ongoing ethnography exploring the Haitian caregivers' ways of caring for ageing relatives at home to unveil how the larger social and cultural world has an impact on caregivers' everyday lives. Marginalized locations represent privileged sites from which health problems, intersecting with power, race, gender, and social classes, can be addressed. Postcolonial feminism provides the analytic lens to look at the impact of these factors in shaping health experiences. It also suggests redirecting nursing cultural research and practice to achieve social justice in the healthcare system. [source]

Qualitative research from a feminist perspective in the postmodern era: methodological, ethical and reflexive concerns

Carmel SeiboldArticle first published online: 25 DEC 200
Qualitative research from a feminist perspective in the postmodern era: methodological, ethical and reflexive concerns Developing methodology is an ongoing process in certain types of qualitative research. This paper describes the process in a study of single midlife women, detailing reflexive concerns on the ethics of data collection and dissemination of research findings from a feminist postmodern perspective, as well as the way in which modification of techniques of analysis occurred as the study progressed. Beginning research questions were concerned with identifying the impact of menopausal symptoms, and the debate surrounding HRT on the lives and decision-making processes of single midlife women. Initial analysis of data, using grounded theory techniques, indicated a need to place greater emphasis on the way the women constructed or talked about the self, including the embodied self. This led to an exploration of the literature relating to reflexivity, identity construction and embodiment, including feminist poststructuralist interpretations of the discursive and embodied construction of self, and informed both the theoretical framework and the method. The way in which a type of analysis fitting under the broad rubric of discourse analysis, that is one that gave added emphasis to gendered subjectivity, directed further analysis is discussed, as well as the influence on the women of social and scientific discourses in circulation. [source]

A feminist perspective on stroke rehabilitation: the relevance of de Beauvoir's theory

Kari Kvigne RN
Abstract The dominant view of women has changed radically during the last century. These changes have had an important impact on the way of life of women in general and, undoubtedly, on women as patients. So far, gender differences have received little attention when developing healthcare services. Stroke hits a great number of elderly women. Wyller et al. found that women seemed to be harder hit by stroke than men; they achieved lower scores in tests of motor, cognitive and ADL functions, both in the acute phase and 1 year after stroke. It is reasonable to expect that differences in outcome among male and female sufferers may in part be explained by the fact that rehabilitation services are designed primarily to meet the needs of men. de Beauvoir's feminist theory maintains that one's body is fundamental in creating the person, which is a lifelong process. Traditionally, the female body has been exposed to alienation and oppression through life. This has led women to develop a life in immanence. This we feel can be of significance in connection with rehabilitation after a stroke, particularly for elderly women. In this article we will discuss how de Beauvoir's theory can throw new light on the experiences and rehabilitation of elderly women and point to ways of improving the process of rehabilitation. [source]

Latina Mothers and Small-Town Racisms:Creating Narratives of Dignity and Moral Education in North Carolina

Sofia Villenas
Within the context of relatively new immigration and settlement in North Carolina, this ethnographic study highlights Latina mothers' narratives and conversations about a moral family education. Their narratives involved the claiming of el hogar (the home space) in the midst of the English-speaking community's attempts to define their families and childrearing practices as "problem." With a race-based feminist perspective, this article examines the role of the mothers' counternarratives in contesting their deficit framing, producing "educated" identities, and creating community in the rural South. [source]

Understanding Social and Spatial Divisions in the New Economy: New Media Clusters and the Digital Divide

Diane Perrons
Abstract: Economic inequality is increasing but has been sidelined in some of the recent debates in urban and regional studies. This article outlines a holistic framework for economic geography, which focuses on understanding social and spatial divisions, by drawing on economists' ideas about the new economy and feminist perspectives on social reproduction. The framework is illustrated with reference to the emerging new media cluster in Brighton and Hove, which, as a consequence, emerges less as a new technology cluster and more as a reflection of increasing social divisions in the new economy. [source]

Problematising home education: challenging ,parental rights' and ,socialisation'

LEGAL STUDIES, Issue 4 2004
Daniel Monk
In the UK, home education, or home-schooling, is an issue that has attracted little public, governmental or academic attention. Yet the number of children who are home educated is steadily increasing and the phenomenon has been referred to as a,quiet revolution,. This paper neither celebrates nor denigrates home educators; its aim, rather, is to identify and critically examine the two dominant discourses that define the way in which the issue is currently understood. First, the legal discourse of parental rights, which forms the basis of the legal framework and, secondly, a child psychology/common-sense discourse of ,socialisation', within which school attendance is perceived as necessary for healthy child development. Drawing on historical sources, doctrinal human rights and child psychology and informed by post-structural and feminist perspectives, this article suggests that both discourses function as alternative methods of governance and that the conflicting,rights claims'of parents and children obscure public interests and fundamental questions about the purpose of education. [source]

Continuing the dialogue: postcolonial feminist scholarship and Bourdieu , discourses of culture and points of connection

JM Anderson
Continuing the dialogue: postcolonial feminist scholarship and Bourdieu , discourses of culture and points of connection Postcolonial feminist theories provide the analytic tools to address issues of structural inequities in groups that historically have been socially and economically disadvantaged. In this paper we question what value might be added to postcolonial feminist theories on culture by drawing on Bourdieu. Are there points of connection? Like postcolonial feminists, he puts forward a position that aims to unmask oppressive structures. We argue that, while there are points of connection, there are also epistemologic and methodologic differences between postcolonial feminist perspectives and Bourdieu's work. Nonetheless, engagement with different theoretical perspectives carries the promise of new insights , new ways of ,seeing' and ,understanding' that might enhance a praxis-oriented theoretical perspective in healthcare delivery. [source]

Struggles among Japanese women with conservative gender roles flooded with ,ideal' feminine images through commercialism

Konoyu Nakamura
Abstract In Japan, eating disorders among women have been become a huge social problem in the past three decades. It is clear that eating disorders are developed by socio-cultural context, especially the pursuit of thinness. This paper first shows, through research using EAT-26, how such behaviours have recently spread even to elementary schoolgirls in Japan. It then attempts to explore, from feminist perspectives, the social status of Japanese women and how commercialism floods them with ,ideal' feminine images, which drive them to various self-destructive behaviours. Conservative gender roles in East Asian culture also greatly restrict women, consciously or unconsciously. Stereotyped feminine images function as a sort of internal oppression, which is observed in much clinical experience with patients with eating disorders. Jungian approaches, dream analysis, insight and withdrawing projections are helpful for patients. By reporting some patients' dreams, I describe their struggles to find their true selves. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Symbolic interactionism and the concept of power

Alex Dennis
Abstract Symbolic interactionism is often represented as a perspective which is limited by its restriction to ,micro' aspects of social organization. As such, it is allegedly unable to adequately conceptualize ,macro' phenomena such as social structure, patterns of inequality, and power. Such a view is routinely presented in undergraduate textbooks. This paper contests such a view through a consideration of the concept of power. We argue that the interactionist research tradition does show a fundamental concern with power phenomena, and that a reconsideration of the concept is timely in light of theoretical developments in sociology more generally. An increasing concern with the analysis of culture, the continuing influence of Foucault, the development of feminist perspectives, and the emerging consensus around neo-Weberian thought have all contributed to a renewal of interest in themes long ago explored by interactionists. As examples we suggest that interactionist studies in the fields of deviance and education have been concerned above all with the authoritative imposition of consequential identities, i.e., with the social processes through which power is enacted and institutionalized in real situations. Such developments have led some to argue that interactionism has now been incorporated into the mainstream of sociology. We conclude, however, by arguing that such a view runs the risk of granting to orthodox sociological thought a legitimacy which is analytically unwarranted, and which fails to recognize the alternative theoretical and philosophical foundations of symbolic interactionist thought. [source]

On the Outskirts of Physics: Eva von Bahr as an Outsider Within in Early 20th Century Swedish Experimental Physics

CENTAURUS, Issue 1 2009
Staffan Wennerholm
Abstract Eva von Bahr (1874,1962) got her doctorate in experimental physics at the Physics Institute at Uppsala University in 1908. Subsequently she became the first woman assistant professor in physics in Sweden. In the face of many obstacles, she worked as a physicist for six years in Uppsala and Berlin. In 1914 she took a position as a school teacher. This article explores von Bahr's trajectory through academic experimental physics. It is argued that network connections with male scientists enabled her work. Her associations were a mix between institutional relationships and informal connections, resulting in what is labeled a ,hybrid of connections'. Furthermore it is argued that von Bahr became an ,outsider within' in academic experimental physics. Her connections created openings, but these coexisted with hindrances. It is argued that von Bahr oscillated between being an insider and an outsider which created a fractured identity. Her position and identity was a mix between membership and non-membership. Through examining von Bahr's career this article aims to bring together historical research on women in science and theoretical work in science studies. Furthermore, the article argues the analytical value of feminist perspectives on scientific collaborations as a way to a deeper understanding of the network structures of science. [source]