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Selected AbstractsFeeding, growth and nutritional status of restocked salmon parr along the longitudinal gradient of a large European river: the AllierECOLOGY OF FRESHWATER FISH, Issue 2 2009A. Descroix Abstract,,, The feeding, growth and nutritional status of salmon parr (0+) released at fry stage in different riffles were studied in a large temperate river (Allier, France) throughout the active feeding period. Significant differences were observed along the upstream,downstream gradient. Parr growth performance and energy storage were higher in downstream riffles and low in the most upstream one. These longitudinal growth variations are discussed in the context of diet and food availability differences, habitat variables and intra- and inter-species competition. The most favourable site for optimum growth and nutritional status appeared to be the intermediary riffle located in the grayling zone. [source] Are Alaskan trees found in locally more favourable sites in marginal areas?GLOBAL ECOLOGY, Issue 2 2002Jack J. Lennon Abstract Aim Species generally become rarer and more patchily distributed as the margins of their ranges are approached. We predicted that in such marginal sites, tree species would tend to occur where some key environmental factors are at particularly favourable levels, compensating in part for the low overall suitability of marginal sites. Location The article considers the spatial distributions of trees in Southeast Alaska (the Alaskan ,panhandle'). Methods We quantified range marginality using spatial distributions of eight tree species across more than one thousand surveyed sites in Southeast Alaska. For each species we derived a site core/margin index using a three-dimensional trend surface generated from logistic regression on site coordinates. For each species, the relationships between the environmental factors slope, aspect and site marginality were then compared for occupied and unoccupied sets of sites. Results We found that site slope is important for more Alaskan tree species than aspect. Three out of eight had a significant core/margin by occupied/unoccupied interaction, tending to be present in significantly shallower-sloped (more favourable) sites in the marginal areas than the simple core/margin trend predicted. For site aspect, one species had a significant interaction, selecting potentially more favourable northerly aspects in marginal areas. A finer-scale analysis based on the same data came to the same overall conclusions. Conclusions There is evidence that several tree species in Alaska tend to occur in especially favourable sites in marginal areas. In these marginal areas, these species amplify habitat preferences shown in core areas. [source] Microstructural features of albite porphyroblasts as indicators of sequential Barrovian metamorphic mineral growth in the Caledonides of the SW Scottish HighlandsJOURNAL OF METAMORPHIC GEOLOGY, Issue 7 2004V. Mathavan Abstract Inclusion , porphyroblast and porphyroblast , porphyroblast relationships show that abundant albite in mica schists in the Caledonides of the SW Scottish Highlands are part of the Barrovian metamorphic assemblage. Growth early in the D2 deformational phase of porphyroblast cores followed the growth of Mn-rich garnet but preceded the growth of porphyroblasts of the index mineral almandine. Two sets of inclusion trails in the albite correspond to the regionally expressed S1 and S2. Straight trails of muscovite, chlorite, quartz, epidote and the earliest growth of biotite make up S1. Crenulated trails express deformation of S1 early in D2 with muscovite, chlorite, biotite, quartz, epidote and the Mn-rich garnet associated with the development of S2 crenulation cleavage. The geometries of these trails uniquely record early stages of D2 deformational history. An 0,3 growth is related to the temporal coincidence of the formation of S1,S2 crenulation cleavage hinges as favourable sites for nucleation and the release of large amounts of water from prograde reactions during tectonothermal reconstitution of first cycle immature sediments with a volcanic component. The main characteristics of the regionally expressed D2 schistosity were developed during the major grain coarsening that followed both albite and almandine porphyroblast growth. Essentially inclusion-free An 4,19 rims grew on the inclusion-containing cores in the almandine zone in the later stages of schistosity growth and unoriented porphyroblasts of muscovite, biotite and chlorite indicate that mineral growth extended from the later stages of D2 to post-D2. Previous interpretations of the albite porphyroblast growth having been during D4 to post-D4 contemporaneous with retrogression are inconsistent with the microstructural evidence. [source] A long-term record of Nothofagus dominance in the southern Andes, ChileAUSTRAL ECOLOGY, Issue 1 2005William Pollmann Abstract The general model of regeneration dynamics in Nothofagus forests of southern South America could have value in community ecology if predictive relationships between disturbance history, functional traits and site attributes could be identified. Examined here is the proposal that on favourable sites shade-intolerant Nothofagus are likely not to survive in competition with shade-tolerant, broad-leaved evergreen taxa of temperate rain forests, and persistence, thus, is dependent on periodic coarse-scale disturbance. Comparison of stand dynamics of three old-growth Nothofagus forests at different elevations in the southern Andes, Chile where deciduous Nothofagus alpina dominates the upper canopy, and examination of the life history trade-offs of this variation were made. Stem density of all stems ,5.0 cm d.b.h. was 233,303 stems per hectare, and basal area was 123.9,171.0 m2ha,1. Maximum lifespan of N. alpina was found to be greater than ca 640 years, exceeding all previously reported ages for this species in the region. Forests had a stable canopy composition for this long-term, but some appeared to lack effective regeneration of N. alpina in recent years. Regeneration of N. alpina was generally greater in disturbed stands and higher elevation than in undisturbed stands and at lower elevation. Recruitment emerged to be strongly affected by competitive over- and understorey associates. There was a gradient of increasing dependence of N. alpina on disturbance towards the more productive end of the environment gradients, and hence less dependence of N. alpina on disturbance for its regeneration towards higher elevation. The study confirms that changes in forest composition may be explained by processes occurring in accordance with the predictions of the existing model of Nothofagus regeneration dynamics, providing stronger evidence specifically directed at mid-tolerant N. alpina, and by factoring out regeneration dynamics on favourable sites. Thus, for N. alpina, trait differences probably contribute to the competitive advantage over its associates in productive habitats, and may be linked to small-to-intermediate-sized disturbances which inevitably occur as older trees die, enabling N. alpina to persist in forests and therefore maintain species coexistence for the long-term. [source] |