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Fatigue Properties (fatigue + property)
Selected AbstractsFatigue of Metal Hollow Spheres Structures,ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS, Issue 3 2008O. Caty Fatigue properties of three kinds of hollow metal spheres structures were determined in compression/compression. These results were completed with a fatigue damage process study by ex-situ X-ray tomography and a finite element simulation using tomographic 3D images. All these data permitted to understand the chronology of damage in the structure. The difference in behaviour of the three kinds of materials is mainly explained by the process root used (brazing and sintering) and by the nature of the constitutive material. [source] Synthesis and Low Cycle Fatigue Behavior of In-situ Al-based Composite Reinforced with Submicron TiB2 and TiC Particulates,ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS, Issue 12 2004S.C. Tjong Low cycle fatigue behavior of in-situ aluminum based composite reinforced with submicron TiB2 and TiC particulates was investigated. This novel composite was prepared from the TiO2 -Al-B-C system via reactive hot pressing. The incorporation of carbon into such a system induces the formation of TiC particulate at the expense of brittle Al3Ti phase. The influence of submicron particulate formation on the tensile and fatigue properties of the composite is discussed. [source] Numerical modelling of fatigue crack initiation and growth of martensitic steelsFATIGUE & FRACTURE OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, Issue 11 2010N. JEZERNIK ABSTRACT This paper presents a numerical simulation of micro-crack initiation that is based on Tanaka-Mura micro-crack nucleation model. Three improvements were added to this model. First, multiple slip bands where micro-cracks may occur are used in each grain. Second improvement deals with micro-crack coalescence by extending existing micro-cracks along grain boundaries and connecting them into a macro-crack. The third improvement handles segmented micro-crack generation, where a micro-crack is not nucleated in one step like in Tanaka-Mura model, but is instead generated in multiple steps. High cycle fatigue testing was also performed and showed reasonably good correlation of proposed model to experimental results. Because numerical model was directed at simulating fatigue properties of thermally cut steel, edge properties of test specimens were additionally inspected in terms of surface roughness and micro-structural properties. [source] Fatigue behaviour of duplex stainless steel reinforcing bars subjected to shot peeningFATIGUE & FRACTURE OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, Issue 7 2009E. REAL ABSTRACT The influence of shot peening on the fatigue properties of duplex stainless steel reinforcing bars manufactured using both hot- and cold-rolled processes was studied. The S-N curves of the bars before and after the shot-peening process were determined, showing that shot peening improves the fatigue behaviour of the rebars. This improvement is essentially due to the introduction of a compressive residual stress field in the surface of the reinforcing bars, but also to the smoothing of the surface flaws and cold working generated during the manufacturing process. This improvement is much greater in the case of the hot-rolled bars, mainly as a result of their much higher ability for plastic deformation, whereas cold-rolled bars had a much higher hardness. A more severe peening action capable of promoting greater plastic deformation on the bar surface is judged necessary to improve the fatigue resistance of cold-rolled rebars. [source] Effect of test frequency on fatigue strength of low carbon steelFATIGUE & FRACTURE OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, Issue 6 2009N. TSUTSUMI ABSTRACT Ultrasonic fatigue tests (test frequency: 20 kHz) and conventional tension,compression fatigue tests (10 Hz) have been conducted on annealed and 10% pre-strained specimens of 0.13% carbon steel. Small holes were introduced on the specimen surface to investigate the effect of test frequency on small crack growth. The dynamic stress concentration factor and the stress intensity factor under ultrasonic fatigue tests were checked to be almost the same as those of conventional tension,compression fatigue tests. However, the fatigue properties were dependent on the test frequency. Ultrasonic fatigue tests showed longer fatigue life and lower fatigue crack growth rate for the annealed and 10% pre-strained specimens. Slip bands were scarce in the neighbourhood of cracks under ultrasonic fatigue tests, while many slip bands were observed in a wide area around the crack under conventional fatigue tests. In order to explain the effect of test frequency on fatigue strength, dynamic compression tests with Split Hopkinson bars were carried out. The stress level increases substantially with the strain rate. Thus, the increase in fatigue strength might be, to a large extent, due to a reduction in crack tip cyclic plasticity during ultrasonic fatigue tests. [source] The effect of cerium on high-cycle fatigue properties of die-cast magnesium alloyFATIGUE & FRACTURE OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, Issue 12 2007Y. YANG ABSTRACT The effect of cerium (Ce) on high-cycle fatigue behaviour of die-cast magnesium alloy AZ91D was investigated. Mechanical fatigue tests were conducted at the stress ratio, R= 0.1 on specimens of AZ91D alloys with different Ce additions. The microstructure and fatigue fracture surfaces of specimens were examined using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) to reveal the micromechanisms of fatigue crack initiation and propagation. The results show that the grain size of AZ91D is refined, and the amount of porosity decreases and evenly distributes with the addition of Ce. The fatigue strength of AZ91D evaluated by the up-and-down load method increases from 96.7 MPa to 116.3 MPa (1% Ce) and 105.5 MPa (2% Ce), respectively. The fatigue cracking of AZ91D alloy initiates at porosities and inclusions of the alloy's interior, and propagates along the grain boundaries. The fatigue fracture surface of test specimens shows the mixed fracture characteristics of quasi-cleavage and dimple. [source] Effects of humidity and temperature on the fatigue behaviour of an extruded AZ61 magnesium alloyFATIGUE & FRACTURE OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, Issue 4 2005Z. B. SAJURI ABSTRACT Load-controlled fatigue tests were performed at 20 and 50 °C using two relative humidity levels of 55 and 80% to characterize the influence of humidity and temperature on the fatigue behaviour of an extruded AZ61 magnesium alloy. Fatigue tests were also conducted at 150 °C. No significant variation in fatigue properties was noticed with respect to temperature over the range from 20 to 50 °C for both the humidity levels. Fatigue limits in the range 140,150 MPa were observed for relative humidity of 55%. Fatigue strength decreased significantly with increase in temperature to 150 °C. Further, a significant reduction in fatigue strength with a fatigue limit of ,110 MPa was observed with increase in relative humidity to 80% at 20 and 50 °C. The crack initiation and propagation remained transgranular under all test conditions. The fatigue fracture at low stress amplitudes and high relative humidity of 80% results from the formation of corrosion pits at the surface and their growth to a critical size for fatigue-crack initiation and propagation. The observed reduction in fatigue strength at high humidity is ascribed to the effects associated with fatigue,environment interaction. [source] High-cycle fatigue properties in Ti,5% Al,2.5% Sn ELI alloy with large grain size at cryogenic temperaturesFATIGUE & FRACTURE OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, Issue 5 2004Y. ONO ABSTRACT High-cycle fatigue properties were investigated for Ti,5% Al,2.5% Sn ELI alloy with a mean , grain size of 80 ,m, which had been used for liquid hydrogen turbo-pumps of Japanese-built launch vehicles. At cryogenic temperatures, the fatigue strength in high-cycle region did not increase in proportion to increments of the ultimate tensile strength and the fatigue strengths at around 106 cycles were about 300 MPa independent of test temperatures. Fatigue cracks initiated in the specimen interior independent of the test temperatures of 4 K, 77 K and 293 K. At 4 K and 77 K, several crystallographic facet-like structures were formed at crack initiation sites. On the other hand, there were no facet-like structures that could be clearly identified at the crack initiation sites at 293 K. Low fatigue strengths in longer-life region at cryogenic temperatures could be attributable to the formation of large sub-surface crack initiation sites, where large facet-like structure are formed. [source] Effects of Grain-Boundary Structure on the Strength, Toughness, and Cyclic-Fatigue Properties of a Monolithic Silicon CarbideJOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY, Issue 8 2000Da Chen An in situ -toughened silicon carbide (ABC-SiC) has been examined in the as-processed condition, where the grain-boundary films are predominantly amorphous, and following thermal exposure at a temperature of 1300°C, where the films become fully crystalline. Previous work has shown that, at elevated temperatures (up to 1300°C), after the grain-boundary films crystallize in situ, only a marginal reduction in strength, fracture toughness, and cyclic-fatigue crack-growth properties is observed, in comparison with those of the as-processed microstructure at 25°C. In the present study, the effect of such crystallization on the subsequent strength, toughness, and fatigue properties at 25°C is examined. Little or no degradation is observed in the room-temperature properties with the crystallized grain-boundary films/phase; in fact, although the strength shows a small reduction (,3%), the fracture toughness and fatigue-crack-growth threshold both increase by ,20%, compared with that of the as-processed structure with amorphous grain-boundary films. [source] Corrosion fatigue of spot-welded austenitic stainless steels in 3.5% NaCl solutionMATERIALS AND CORROSION/WERKSTOFFE UND KORROSION, Issue 12 2004M. E. Somervuori Abstract Corrosion fatigue and fatigue properties of spot-welded austenitic stainless steels EN 1.4301 and EN 1.4318 in 2B or 2F and 2H conditions were investigated in 3.5% sodium chloride (NaCl) solution and in air. The shear-loaded specimens were single spot overlap joints. The effect of steel grade, load, frequency, temperature and type of chloride on fatigue strength of the 1.0 mm thick steel specimens was evaluated by using the Taguchi Method®. Increase of the load, rise of temperature and lowering of the frequency accelerate corrosion fatigue of the spot-welded steel samples. Type of chloride had only a minor effect on fatigue strength. The 2B grade spot-welded steel samples exhibited better fatigue strength than the 2H grade samples of the same steels. On the basis of the results obtained by the Taguchi Method® the S-N curves were defined for the spot-welded 1.9 mm thick steels in 3.5% sodium chloride solution at 50°C. For reference the fatigue experiments were performed in air at the ambient temperature. Comparison of the results shows that corrosive environment decreases remarkably the fatigue strength of the spot-welded steels. The EN 1.4301 2H and EN 1.4318 2H steels have no distinctive difference in their corrosion fatigue strength even though they show a different fatigue behaviour in air. The microscopic investigations indicate that the fatigue cracks in the spot welds initiate from either side of the recrystallised area in the HAZ outside the spot-weld nugget both in air and in the corrosive environments. Pre-exposure in the corrosive environment seems to have no major influence on the crack initiation, because the cracks do not initiate at the heat-tinted area of the crevice where the crevice corrosion occurs. [source] Verhalten laserschockverfestigter und festgewalzter Randschichten der Ti-Legierung Ti-6Al-4V bei schwingender Beanspruchung unter erhöhten TemperaturenMATERIALWISSENSCHAFT UND WERKSTOFFTECHNIK, Issue 6 2003I. Altenberger Laser Shock Peening; Deep Rolling; Residual Stresses; Ti-6-4 Abstract Es ist seit langem bekannt, dass mechanische Oberflächenbehandlungen wie etwa Festwalzen, Kugelstrahlen oder Laserschockoberflächenbehandlungen, um nur einige zu nennen, das Ermüdungsverhalten hochbeanspruchter metallischer Bauteile entscheidend verbessern können. Insbesondere Festwalzen und Laserschockoberflächenbehandlungen haben sich als besonders wirksam herausgestellt, da sie tiefe Druckeigenspannungs- und Verfestigungsprofile sowie eine vergleichsweise glatte Oberflächentopographie erzeugen. Tatsächlich wird z.,B. das Festwalzen bereits serienmässig zur Erhöhung der Schwingfestigkeit von Stählen, wie etwa beim Festwalzen von Kurbelwellen, eingesetzt. Obwohl die meisten Arbeiten zum Festwalzen sich mit Stählen beschäftigen, wurde dieses Verfahren in jüngerer Zeit auch auf eine Reihe von Titanwerkstoffen erfolgreich angewendet. Die vorliegenden Untersuchungen beschäftigen sich mit dem Einfluss von Festwalzbehandlungen auf das Niedrig- und Hochlastwechselermüdungsverhalten der wichtigsten kommerziellen Titanlegierung Ti-6Al-4V, wobei besonderes Augenmerk auf die thermische und mechanische Stabilität randnaher Eigenspannungszustände und Mikrostrukturen gerichtet wurde. Zusätzlich werden erste Ergebnisse zum Eigenspannungszustand und zur Schwingfestigkeit lasergeschockter Ti-6Al-4V-Proben präsentiert und mit Resultaten festgewalzter Zustände verglichen. Ausserdem wird untersucht, ob die Oberflächenbehandlungen auch bei erhöhten Temperaturen (bis 450,°C) ihre Wirksamkeit zur Verbesserung der Schwingfestigkeit behalten. Basierend auf Wechselverformungs- und Lebensdaueruntersuchungen, in Kombination mit Röntgendiffraktometrie und In-situ -Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie, lässt sich feststellen, dass Laserschockoberflächenbehandlungen und insbesondere Festwalzen die Rissbildung und Ausbreitung in hochtemperaturschwingbeanspruchtem Ti-6Al-4V trotz eines fast völligen Druckeigenspannungsabbaus wirkungsvoll hemmt. Daraus lässt sich ableiten, dass zusätzlich zu Eigenspannungen vor allem randnahe Mikrostrukturen, welche im Falle von mechanisch randschichtverfestigtem Ti-6Al-4V durch sehr hohe Versetzungsdichten und Nanokristallite gekennzeichnet ist, einen wesentlichen Einfluss bei der Lebensdauererhöhung durch Randschichtverfestigung haben. Residual stress stability and near-surface microstructures in high temperature fatigued mechanically surface treated Ti-6Al-4V It is well known that mechanical surface treatments, such as deep rolling, shot peening and laser shock peening, can significantly improve the fatigue behavior of highly-stressed metallic components. Deep rolling is particularly attractive since it is possible to generate, near the surface, deep compressive residual stresses and work hardened layers while retaining a relatively smooth surface finish. In the present investigation, the effect of deep rolling on the low-cycle and high-cycle fatigue behavior of a Ti-6Al-4V alloy is examined, with particular emphasis on the thermal and mechanical stability of the residual stress states and the near-surface microstructures. Preliminary results on laser shock peened Ti-6Al-4V are also presented for comparison. Particular emphasis is devoted to the question of whether such surface treatments are effective for improving the fatigue properties at elevated temperatures up to ,450,°C, i.e., at an homologous temperature of ,0.4 T/Tm (where Tm is the melting temperature). Based on cyclic deformation and stress/life (S/N) fatigue behavior, together with the X-ray diffraction and in situ transmission electron microscopy observations of the microstructure, it was found that deep rolling can be quite effective in retarding the initiation and initial propagation of fatigue cracks in Ti-6Al-4V at such higher temperatures, despite the almost complete relaxation of the near-surface residual stresses. In the absence of such stresses, it is shown that the near-surface microstructures, which in Ti-6Al-4V consist of a layer of work hardened nanoscale grains, play a critical role in the enhancement of fatigue life by mechanical surface treatment. [source] Structure,properties relations in titanium-based thermoplastic fiber,metal laminatesPOLYMER COMPOSITES, Issue 3 2006P. Cortés This paper investigates the interfacial, tensile, and fatigue properties of a titanium alloy fiber,metal laminate (Ti-FML) based on woven glass-fiber-reinforced polyetherimide (GF/PEI). Initial tests, using the single cantilever beam (SCB) geometry have shown that it is not necessary to surface treat the titanium alloy in order to achieve a high value of metal,composite interfacial fracture toughness. Tensile tests have shown that the mechanical properties of the FML lie between those offered by its constituent materials. Tension,tension fatigue tests have shown that the fatigue lives of these laminates are superior to those offered by the plain titanium alloy. The mechanical properties of this glass fiber/PEI FML have also been compared with those offered by an FML based on a unidirectional carbon-fiber-reinforced polyetheretherketone (CF/PEEK) composite. Here, it has been shown that although the fatigue properties of this woven GF/PEI composite are inferior to those of the CF/PEEK FML, they do offer a higher temperature capability due to the higher glass transition temperature of the PEI matrix. Polym. Compos. 27:264,270, 2006. © 2006 Society of Plastics Engineers. [source] Accelerated fatigue properties of unidirectional carbon/epoxy composite materialsPOLYMER COMPOSITES, Issue 2 2006Hsing-Sung Chen It has been confirmed that polymer matrix composites possess viscoelastic behavior. This means that one could accelerate the fatigue testing by changing the stress amplitude, frequency, or temperature. This study is to investigate the accelerated fatigue properties, which are resulted from the viscoelastic behavior, of carbon/epoxy composites and to predict their fatigue life. For this purpose, a series of fatigue tests of unidirectional specimens are conducted at room temperature under different stress ratios and stress frequencies. A group of sigmoid S-N curves, which are suitable for the whole fatigue life, and the corresponding parameters are developed for different cyclic loading conditions. A transformation method, which can transform a reference S-N curve to the corresponding S-N curve of the assigned fatigue conditions, is established by the parameters. And this S-N curve can be utilized to predict the fatigue life of the composite at the assigned stress ratio or stress frequency. The comparison between the linear and sigmoid S-N curves is also carried out to show the advantages of the latter model in the whole fatigue life. POLYM. COMPOS., 27:138,146, 2006. © 2006 Society of Plastics Engineers [source] Enhanced strength of portland cement products via reinforcing polypropylene/fiberglass structures obtained from a novel processing techniquePOLYMER COMPOSITES, Issue 5 2003Yuanheng Zhang An uninterrupted filament winding process was used to fabricate structures made of polypropylene and glass fiber that provide superior reinforcement to Portland cement structures. Fabricated polypropylene/fiberglass composite tubes were filled with a cement mixture and some were reinforced with internal tapes. Three-point bending experiments, microscopic observation, and image analysis were used as tools to study various processing variables and their effect on the mechanical properties of the tubes. The temperature of the mandrel and wetting strongly affected the composite's mechanical properties. Increased temperatures diminished the void content within the composite and produced a unique "fuzzy" inner surface for the cylindrical tube. The development of this "fuzzy" inner surface improved the strength and fatigue properties of the cement filled composite tube by providing efficient load transfer to the glass fibres. Also the surface to volume ratio of the steel rebar geometry when compared to that of the polypropylene/fibreglass structure explains the superior load transfer to the glass. It was found that a tube reinforced with 15 internal tapes filled with a cement mixture recorded a maximum tensile stress of 71 MPa (10,000 psi) with excellent damage tolerance, more than a 10-fold increase over the upper bound value for steel reinforced cement obtained from the rule of mixtures. The tube continued to be load bearing to strains of 0.4, which is more than 40 times the failure strain of glass. These large failure strains are the result of the shear yielding of polypropylene that coats the glass fibres and allows them to move within the cement. [source] |