Fast Atom Bombardment (fast + atom_bombardment)

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Terms modified by Fast Atom Bombardment

  • fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry

  • Selected Abstracts

    Dimeric 2,2,-Bipyridylruthenium(II) Complexes Containing 2,2,-Bis(1,2,4-triazin-3-yl)-4,4,-bipyridine-Like Bridging Ligands: Syntheses, Characterization and DNA Binding

    Cai-Wu Jiang
    Abstract Three new bridging ligands 2,2,-bis(1,2,4-triazin-3-yl)-4,4,-bipyridine (btb), 2,2,-bis(1,2,4-triazino[5,6-f]acenaphthylen-3-yl)-4,4,-bipyridine (btapb), 2,2,-bis(5,6-diphenyl-1,2,4-triazin-3-yl)-4,4,-bipyridine (bdptb) and their dimeric 2,2,-bipyridylruthenium(II) complexes [Ru(bpy)2(btb)Ru(bpy)2]4+ (1), [Ru(bpy)2(btapb)Ru(bpy)2]4+ (2), [Ru(bpy)2(bdptb)Ru(bpy)2]4+ (3) have been synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, fast atom bombardment (FAB) mass spectrometry or electrospray mass spectrometry (ES-MS), 1H NMR and UV/Visible spectroscopy. The binding behavior of these dimeric complexes with calf thymus DNA (CT-DNA) was investigated by electronic absorption spectroscopy, viscosity measurements, and equilibrium dialysis experiments. The hypochromism of the metal-ligand charge transfer (MLCT) band in the electronic absorption spectra of the dinuclear complexes 1, 2, and 3 is 8.7%, 19% and 33%, respectively, with bathochromic shifts of 5, 5 and 14 nm, respectively. The binding constants are 7.5×104M,1, 4.8×105M,1 and 7.6×105M,1, respectively. Increasing the size of the plane of the bridging ligand increases the hydrophobicity of their complexes, leading to stronger binding by the complexes to calf thymus DNA. The effect of increasing concentrations of these novel dimeric ruthenium(II) complexes on the relative viscosities of CT-DNA is less notable than that of well-known intercalators such as [Ru(bpy)2(dppz)]2+. The equilibrium experiments showed that ,,,3 binding is stronger than ,,,3 binding to CT-DNA. This is the first example of a dinuclear complex binding enantioselectively to CT-DNA measured by equilibrium dialysis. The experiments suggest that the three complexes may be DNA groove binders. (© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2004) [source]

    MassBank: a public repository for sharing mass spectral data for life sciences

    Hisayuki Horai
    Abstract MassBank is the first public repository of mass spectra of small chemical compounds for life sciences (<3000 Da). The database contains 605 electron-ionization mass spectrometry(EI-MS), 137 fast atom bombardment MS and 9276 electrospray ionization (ESI)-MSn data of 2337 authentic compounds of metabolites, 11 545 EI-MS and 834 other-MS data of 10 286 volatile natural and synthetic compounds, and 3045 ESI-MS2 data of 679 synthetic drugs contributed by 16 research groups (January 2010). ESI-MS2 data were analyzed under nonstandardized, independent experimental conditions. MassBank is a distributed database. Each research group provides data from its own MassBank data servers distributed on the Internet. MassBank users can access either all of the MassBank data or a subset of the data by specifying one or more experimental conditions. In a spectral search to retrieve mass spectra similar to a query mass spectrum, the similarity score is calculated by a weighted cosine correlation in which weighting exponents on peak intensity and the mass-to-charge ratio are optimized to the ESI-MS2 data. MassBank also provides a merged spectrum for each compound prepared by merging the analyzed ESI-MS2 data on an identical compound under different collision-induced dissociation conditions. Data merging has significantly improved the precision of the identification of a chemical compound by 21,23% at a similarity score of 0.6. Thus, MassBank is useful for the identification of chemical compounds and the publication of experimental data. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Evaluation of the reduction of imidazophenazine dye derivatives under fast-atom-bombardment mass-spectrometric conditions,

    Marina V. Kosevich
    Abstract Satellite [M + 2]+, and [M + 3]+ peaks accompanying the common peak of the protonated molecule [M + H]+ that are known to indicate the occurrence of a reduction process were observed in the fast atom bombardment (FAB) mass spectra of imidazophenazine dye derivatives in glycerol matrix. The distribution of the abundances in the [M + nH]+ peak group varied noticeably for different derivatives. This indicated different levels of the reduction depending on the different structure variations of the studied molecules. In the search for correlations between the mass spectral pattern and the structural features of the dyes, ab initio HF/6-31++G** quantum chemical calculations were performed. They revealed that the abundances of the [M + 2]+, and [M + 3]+ ions show growth proportional to the decrease of the energy of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital, i.e. proportional to the increase of the electron affinity of the dye molecule. A method for rapid screening of reductive properties of sets of dye derivatives on the basis of the FAB mass spectral data is discussed. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Differentiation of sulfate and phosphate by H/D exchange mass spectrometry: application to isoflavone

    Akira Kanakubo
    Abstract Often phosphorylation or sulfation is an important step which occurs in the signal transduction and cascade of metabolic pathways. Some natural products and metabolites contain one or more sulfate or phosphate groups. Isoflavone sulfate has been identified from high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) and enzymatic digestion by sulfatase. We previously reported the new water-soluble isoflavone analogs, daidzein 7- O -phosphate and genistein 7- O -phosphate, which were surprisingly hydrolyzed by sulfatase. In this previous study, we could not determine the phosphate from the results of HRMS and enzymatic digestion, that is, HRMS and enzymatic digestion did not provide clear evidence. In this case, we drew conclusions from NMR analysis. HRMS has been ineffective with a regular fast atom bombardment (FAB) mass spectrometer to distinguish between phosphate and sulfate since the mass difference is only 0.009 mass units. There was, however, no conventional method of microanalysis to distinguish phosphate from sulfate owing to the same nominal mass. It is still very difficult to determine by negative FABMS [OP(O)(OH)2] = 80 and [OS(O)2OH] = 80. In this paper, we report a method to distinguish between these groups by using a popular low-resolution mass instrument; thus, phosphate and sulfate were measured by H/D exchange mass spectrometry at the picomole level to differentiate [OP(O)(OD)2] = 82 and [OS(O)2OD] = 81, respectively. This method is applicable not only to the isoflavone, but also to other phospho and sulfo compounds. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Direct stereochemical assignment of hexose and pentose residues in flavonoid O -glycosides by fast atom bombardment and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry,

    Filip Cuyckens
    Abstract Mass spectrometric methods have been developed which allow the direct stereochemical assignment of terminal monosaccharide residues in flavonoid O -glycosides without the need for chemical hydrolysis. Standards containing a glucose, galactose, mannose, xylose, arabinose or apiose residue were examined because these monosaccharides are by far the most commonly encountered in flavonoid glycosides. Following acetylation, the major peracetylated sugar related fragments, generated by fast atom bombardment (FAB) or electrospray ionization (ESI), were selected for collisional activation employing a broad range of collision energies. Both FAB and ESI proved to be useful as ionization techniques. Stereoselective fragmentation was achieved and allowed us clearly to differentiate and characterize isomeric monosaccharide residues. The method developed was successfully applied to an unknown flavonoid containing a terminal pentose and hexose residue which was isolated from Farsetia aegyptia. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    ,Bubble chamber model' of fast atom bombardment induced processes

    Marina V. Kosevich
    A hypothesis concerning FAB mechanisms, referred to as a ,bubble chamber FAB model', is proposed. This model can provide an answer to the long-standing question as to how fragile biomolecules and weakly bound clusters can survive under high-energy particle impact on liquids. The basis of this model is a simple estimation of saturated vapour pressure over the surface of liquids, which shows that all liquids ever tested by fast atom bombardment (FAB) and liquid secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) were in the superheated state under the experimental conditions applied. The result of the interaction of the energetic particles with superheated liquids is known to be qualitatively different from that with equilibrium liquids. It consists of initiation of local boiling, i.e., in formation of vapour bubbles along the track of the energetic particle. This phenomenon has been extensively studied in the framework of nuclear physics and provides the basis for construction of the well-known bubble chamber detectors. The possibility of occurrence of similar processes under FAB of superheated liquids substantiates a conceptual model of emission of secondary ions suggested by Vestal in 1983, which assumes formation of bubbles beneath the liquid surface, followed by their bursting accompanied by release of microdroplets and clusters as a necessary intermediate step for the creation of molecular ions. The main distinctive feature of the bubble chamber FAB model, proposed here, is that the bubbles are formed not in the space and time-restricted impact-excited zone, but in the nearby liquid as a ,normal' boiling event, which implies that the temperature both within the bubble and in the droplets emerging on its burst is practically the same as that of the bulk liquid sample. This concept can resolve the paradox of survival of intact biomolecules under FAB, since the part of the sample participating in the liquid,gas transition via the bubble mechanism has an ambient temperature which is not destructive for biomolecules. Another important feature of the model is that the timescale of bubble growth is no longer limited by the relaxation time of the excited zone (,10,12,s), but rather resembles the timescale characteristic of common boiling, sufficient for multiple interactions of gas molecules and formation of clusters. Further, when the bubbles burst, microdroplets are released, which implies that FAB processes are similar to those in spraying techniques. Thus, two processes contribute to the ion production, namely, release of volatile solvent clusters from bubbles and of non-volatile solute from sputtered droplets. This view reconciles contradictory views on the dominance of either gas-phase or liquid-phase effects in FAB. Some other effects, such as suppression of all other ions by surface-active compounds, are consistent with the suggested model. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]