Farmers' Incomes (farmer + income)

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Selected Abstracts

Smallholder Preferences for Agri-environmental Change at the Bhoj Wetland, India

Rob Hope
Incentive-based approaches have gained policy interest in linking change in agricultural land management with environmental conservation. This article investigates how scheme design influences smallholder farmers' decisions to switch to organic farming to reduce water pollution, drawing on a study at a Ramsar wetland site providing water for the city of Bhopal. Results from a choice experiment suggest that transitional payments are necessary to overcome farmer constraints to adopt organic farming, and that effective land certification has the potential to act as a self-enforcing mechanism linking farmer incomes with wetland conservation benefits. [source]

Potential Payoff from R&D in the Coconut Industry of North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Benjamin Henderson
D58; O13; O18 The coconut industry of North Sulawesi, one of the primary coconut-producing provinces of Indonesia, is dominated by a small number of products that are primarily exported overseas. As they only comprise a small share of the global coconut product export market, demand for coconut products from North Sulawesi is generally very elastic. Conversely, the supply of coconuts is highly inelastic, especially in the short to medium term. Hence, small shifts in supply and demand lead to large fluctuations in farmer incomes. In this context, an equilibrium displacement model is used to examine the intra-industry consequences of R&D investments in farm productivity and product development. These investments are assessed in terms of the producer surplus benefits that they generate. [source]

The grassland farming system and sustainable agricultural development in China

Zhibiao Nan
Abstract Grassland is the largest terrestrial ecosystem in China, at about 39 280 × 104 ha and covers 41% of the total land area. Grasslands not only provide forage to feed livestock, but also play a critical role in alleviating many of the most challenging environmental and ecological problems that humankind is facing. About 90% of the total usable grassland in China has been degraded to various extents and this is the number one problem facing agricultural production, rural development and environmental improvement. Research on grassland degradation has been carried out since the early 1950s. Enormous achievements have been made and theory and a technical system for pastoral agriculture have been developed. This pastoral agriculture system is a well-organized modern farming system including four production levels, that is, preplant, plant, animal and postbiotic levels, and is linked by three interfaces, including vegetation-site, grassland-animal and production-management. The system capacity and productivity could be improved by system coupling. Since it emerged, this pastoral agriculture system has been established in various ecological regions in China and significant improvements in agricultural sustainability, farmer's income and environmental stability have been obtained. In the future, it will play a more critical role in developing sustainable agriculture in China. [source]

Estimating the effectiveness of a rotational irrigation delivery system: A case study from Pakistan,

Noor ul Hassan Zardari
warabandi; allocation de l'eau; bassin de l'Indus; Pakistan Abstract In this study, basic principles of the rotational irrigation water delivery system of Pakistan (i.e. the warabandi) and the performance of the warabandi system under current socio-economic conditions have been investigated from a farmers' survey completed from 154 farmers located on five watercourses of the lower Indus River Basin. It is shown that irrigation water allocation based on very limited criteria does not give much incentive to the farmers for improving agricultural income. Also, the survey results suggest that the productivity of limited irrigation water could not be maximized under the warabandi system. We have therefore suggested the basic principles of the warabandi system should be revised by making them suitable for the current socio-economic conditions. We propose that the existence or non-existence of fresh groundwater resources along with other critical variables should be taken into consideration when making canal water allocation decisions. A framework to allow distribution equity and efficiency in water allocations , such as considering the gross area of a tertiary canal, sensitivity of crop growth stage to water shortage, crop value, bias of allocation towards most water use efficient areas, the potential losses from water deficiency, etc. , should be developed as a tool to improve water productivity for Pakistan and for individual farmers. The contribution of groundwater in the farmers' income from agriculture and the economic value of irrigation water have also been estimated. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Cette étude analyse les principes de base et la performance du tour d'eau (le warabandi) selon les conditions socio-économiques à partir d'une enquête auprès de 154 agriculteurs situés sur cinq cours d'eau du bassin inférieur de l'Indus. Il est montré que la répartition de l'eau d'irrigation basée sur peu de critères n'incite pas les agriculteurs à améliorer leurs revenus. En outre, les résultats de l'enquête suggèrent que la productivité de l'eau rare ne peut pas être améliorée dans le cadre du système warabandi. Nous avons donc proposé que les principes de base du warabandi soient révisés de façon à les adapter à la situation socio-économique actuelle. Nous proposons que la disponibilité en eaux souterraines ainsi que d'autres variables soient prises en compte dans les décisions d'allocation. Un cadre permettant une allocation de l'eau équitable et efficace , prenant en compte la surface brute commandée par un canal tertiaire, la sensibilité de la croissance des cultures au moment de la pénurie d'eau, la valeur de la récolte, l'orientation vers les zones valorisant le mieux l'eau, les pertes dues au déficit en eau, etc. , devrait être développé comme un outil pour améliorer la productivité de l'eau pour le Pakistan et pour les agriculteurs. La contribution des eaux souterraines au revenu des irrigants et la valeur économique de l'eau ont également été estimées. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

How Mobile Are Resources in Chinese Agriculture?, Implications for China's Agricultural Trade Policy

Funing Zhong
Abstract Agricultural trade policy in China has been the subject of heated discussion since China's accession to the WTO. Studies have been carried out and propositions put forth regarding comparative advantage, food security, development of the industry, and farmers' income. In this paper, we attempt to provide an analysis from another important perspective: resource mobility, which is an essential assumption in free trade theory. By examining the mobility of different production resources in Chinese agriculture, namely natural resources, capital inputs, human resources and institutional arrangements, we found that for most production resources in Chinese agriculture, mobility is low. The results have significant policy implications in two respects: first, protective measures in the transitional period for certain crops in certain areas in China are legitimate and necessary to ensure social stability; and second, policy instruments to improve resource mobility in Chinese agricultural should be explored and implemented to realize more trade benefit in the future. (Edited by Xinyu Fan) [source]

The CAP: History and attempts at reform

Richard Howarth
This article outlines the economic consequences of the CAP, including the high level of protection, the burdens on consumers, taxpayers and the EU budget, environmental damage, the harm to international trading relations, and the failure to raise farmers' incomes. The numerous unsuccessful attempts at reform from 1968 to 1999 are described. Finally, some of the lessons of the reform attempts are drawn, including the apparent political impossibility of reducing farm support and bureaucratic intervention once it is in place. [source]

Agricultural and Rural Development in China: Achievements and Challenges Entwicklung der Landwirtschaft und des ländlichen Raums in China: Erfolge und Herausforderungen Le développement agricole et rural en Chine : résultats et défis

EUROCHOICES, Issue 2 2009
Chen Xiaohua
Summary Agricultural and Rural Development in China: Achievements and Challenges China has made great advances in its agricultural and rural development since the reforms and opening-up that began in 1978. It has not only fed its population of 1.3 billion, but has also contributed to international agricultural development and food security. Agricultural production registered great development, providing sufficient food and clothes for 21 per cent of the world's population with 9 per cent of the arable land. In the process farmers' living standards improved remarkably and rural public utilities and services were greatly enhanced. China is now in a key transition period of accelerating the transformation and modernisation of traditional agriculture and rural society. It is facing significant challenges. Agriculture is still one of the weakest industries in China and it is proving difficult to sustain increases in grain output and farmers' incomes. The problems of uneven development in rural areas have become increasingly prominent and the gap between urban and rural development is tending to widen. The Chinese government will respond strategically to these challenges and will firmly pursue the construction of a new efficient and sustainable socialist countryside, along the path of modernisation with Chinese characteristics. It will also make greater contributions to world agriculture and rural development. Les progrès de la Chine en termes de développement agricole et rural depuis le début des réformes et l'ouverture en 1978 ont été considérables. Non seulement le pays a nourrit une population de 1.3 millions d'habitants mais il a contribué au développement et à la sécurité alimentaire au niveau international. La production agricole a fortement augmenté et a fournit suffisamment de nourriture et de vêtements à 21 pour cent de la population du monde avec 9 pour cent des terres cultivables. Ce processus s'est accompagné d'une hausse considérable du niveau de vie des agriculteurs et d'une grande amélioration des services publics dans les zones rurales. La Chine est maintenant à un moment clé de sa période de transition, caractérisé par une accélération de la transformation et de la modernisation de l'agriculture et de la société rurale traditionnelles. Des défis importants se présentent à elle. L'agriculture reste une des industries chinoises les plus fragiles et il se révèle difficile de continuer à augmenter la production céréalière et les revenus des agriculteurs. Les problèmes d'inégalité de développement dans les zones rurales deviennent de plus en plus visibles et l'écart de développement entre les zones urbaines et les zones rurale tend à s'accroître. Les pouvoirs publics chinois vont apporter une réponse stratégique à ces défis et vont poursuivre fermement la construction d'une nouvelle campagne socialiste efficace et durable, en suivant une voie de modernisation typiquement chinoise. Ils vont aussi accroître les contributions de la Chine au développement agricole et rural mondial. Seit Beginn der Reformen und der Öffnungspolitik 1978 hat sich Chinas Landwirtschaft und ländlicher Raum enorm weiterentwickelt. China hat seitdem nicht nur seine 1.3 Milliarden Einwohner ernährt, sondern auch zur internationalen Agrarentwicklung und Ernährungssicherung beigetragen. Die Agrarproduktion wurde erheblich ausgeweitet und deckt nun 21 Prozent des weltweiten Bedarfs an Lebensmitteln und Kleidung bei gerade einmal 9 Prozent der Weltackerfläche. Dabei haben sich die Lebensbedingungen für die Landwirte sowie das Angebot an öffentlichen Einrichtungen und Dienstleistungen im ländlichen Raum deutlich verbessert. China durchläuft gerade eine wichtige Übergangsphase, in der sich der Wandel und die Modernisierung der traditionellen Landwirtschaft und der Landbevölkerung noch schneller vollziehen, und steht großen Herausforderungen gegenüber. Die Landwirtschaft ist nach wie vor einer der schwächsten Sektoren in China, und es erweist sich als schwierig, die Steigerungsraten bei der Getreideerzeugung und den Einkommen in der Landwirtschaft aufrecht zu erhalten. Die Probleme der ungleichmäßigen Entwicklung in ländlichen Gebieten werden immer offensichtlicher, und die Kluft zwischen städtischer und ländlicher Entwicklung droht sich auszuweiten. Die chinesische Regierung wird diesen Herausforderungen strategisch begegnen und , ganz im Sinne einer Modernisierung mit chinesischen Merkmalen , daran festhalten, einen neuen sozialistischen ländlichen Raum effizient und nachhaltig zu gestalten. Sie wird ebenfalls einen noch größeren Beitrag zur Weltlandwirtschaft und zur Entwicklung des ländlichen Raums leisten. [source]

Income Insurance in European Agriculture

EUROCHOICES, Issue 1 2003
Miranda P. M. Meuwissen
Summary Income Insurance in EuropeanAgriculture The agricultural risk environment in Europe is changing, for example because of WTO agreements and governments increasingly withdrawing from disaster assistance in case of catastrophic events. In this context, some form of income insurance may be a useful risk management tool for farmers. Insuring farmers' incomes, however, is rather problematical for reasons of asymmetric information and high correlation of the risks amongst the would-be insured, for example risks due to price fluctuations, floods, droughts and livestock epidemics. It is concluded that the most aggregated forms of income insurance that are likely to be feasible include revenue insurance for field crops, especially if there are relevant futures markets and area yield data, and business interruption insurance for livestock commodities. In Europe, only a few such schemes currendy exist; some are purely private, others are subsidised. A somewhat larger involvement of the public sector, for example through public-private partnerships for reinsurance, could extend the availability of income insurance schemes throughout Europe. Governments, however, should tread warily in entering the field of subsidised agricultural insurance, which experience shows is beset with pitfalls. Pilot tests are useful in establishing the attractiveness of income insurance schemes and other income stabilising tools for the various parties involved. Le contexte du risque agncoie est en train de changer en Europe, en raison notamment des accords de 'OMC et d'un retrait croissant des gouvernements de , assistance sinistre en cas de catastrophes. Dans ce contexte, une certaine forme ? assurance sur le revenu peut être un outil utile de gestion des risques pour les agriculteurs. Assurer les revenus des agriculteurs, cependant, est une activitécute; assez délicate pour des raisons ? information asymétrique et de forte corrélation des risques chez les assurés potentiels, avec , exemple des risques dus aux fluctuations de prix, aux inondations, aux sécheresses et aux épidémies animales. On en conclut que les formes ? assurance revenu les plus complètes et les plus plausibles comprennent ľ assurance-revenu pour les récoltes, notamment s'il existe des marchés a terme appropriés et des données sur le rendement par région, et ,,assurance pour cessation ?'activite pour les produits de ,élevage;. En Europe, seuls quelques projets similaires existent; certains sont purement privés, ? autres sont subventionés. Une implication un peu plus importante du secteur public, par exemple par le biais de partenariats public-privé pour la réassurance, permettrait ?élargir la disponibilité des plans ? assurance-revenu dans toute , Europe. Les gouvernements, cependant, doivent aborder avec prudence le domaine de , assurance agricole subventionée qui, , expérience le montre, est semée ? embûches. Des expériences pilotes sont utiles pour définir , intérêt des projets ? assurance-revenu et des autres outils permettant de stabiliser les revenus pour les différentes parties impliquées. In Europa ändern sich zur Zeit die _ Rahmenbedingungen für die Landwirtschaft hinsichtlich des Risikos. Dies liegt zum Beispiel an WTO-Abkommen und Regierungen, die ihre Hilfsleistungen im Schadensfall zunehmend verweigern. In diesem Zusammenhang könnte irgendeine Form von Einkommenversicherung im Bereich des Risikomanagements für Landwirte von Nutzen sein. Eine solche Versicherung wirft jedoch Probleme auf, da asymmetrische Information und eine hohe Risikokorrelation bei den potenziellen Versicherungsnehmem vorliegen, wie beispielsweise Risiken, die auf Preisschwankungen, Flut- und Dürrekatastrophen oder Tierseuchen beruhen. Hieraus wird gefolgert, dass zu den umfassendsten realisierbaren Formen von Einkommenversicherungen die Erlösversicherung im Ackerbau - insbesondere bei Vorliegen von relevanten Warenterminmärkten und Flächenertragsdaten - und die Betriebsausfallversicherung für tieriscbe Erzeugnisse gehören. In Europa sind zur Zeit nur wenige solcher Programme vorhanden; bei einigen handelt es sich um ausschließlich private Versicherungen, andere werden subventioniert. Würde der öffentliche Sektor stärker mit eingebunden, zum Beispiel mit Hilfe von öffendich-privaten Rückversicherungsgesellschaften, könnten in ganz Europa weitere Programme zur Einkommenversicherung zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Für die Regierungen jedoch ist beim Etablieren subventionierter Versicherungen im Bereich der Landwirtschaft größte Vorsicht geboten, da dies erfahrungs-gemäß Schwierigkeiten aufwirft. Zunächst sollten Pilotprojekte durchgeführt werden, mit deren Hilfe die Attraktivität von Programmen zur Einkommen-aversicherung und von weiteren einkommensstabilisierendenMaßnahmen fÜr die verschiedenen beteiligten Parteien sicher gestellt wird. [source]

Irrigation water management policies: Allocation and pricing principles and implementation experience

Ariel Dinar
Abstract Food security and sustainable development require efficient use of water resources, especially in irrigation. Economic pricing can be an effective tool to achieve more efficient water use, provided it is supported by other policies in implementation. Applying various water pricing and cost recovery arrangements is suggested for efficient allocation. Any adverse impact on farmers' incomes must be addressed and more reliable service must accompany higher prices. Experience from several countries suggests a variety of implementation issues. Essential complements to water pricing are water distribution rules and technological choices at critical nodes in the delivery system that allow farmers flexibility in conserving water in response to higher prices. Among supporting institutions, water users associations seem a higher priority than water markets. [source]