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Selected AbstractsEQUALITY, INFANCY AND EFFICIENCY IN ALLOCATING INTERNAL RESEARCH FUNDS TO FACULTY MEMBERSECONOMIC PAPERS: A JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMICS AND POLICY, Issue 2 2003AMNON LEVY First page of article [source] Association amongst factors thought to be important by instructors in dental education and perceived effectiveness of these instructors by studentsEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF DENTAL EDUCATION, Issue 4 2004D. W. Chambers It is hypothesised that dental educators have perceptions of their roles as effective teachers. It is expected that subject matter expertise would be amongst the components of such personal philosophies of education, but it is unclear whether faculty member self-perceptions carry over into student ratings of instructors' effectiveness. A 20-item survey of ,Teaching Characteristics' was completed by 86% of full-time and 64% of the part-time faculty members at the University of the Pacific. Respondents distributed 100 points amongst the descriptions of what makes an effective instructor. The responses were factor-analysed, resulting in four general faculty ,types' that explained about 50% of the variance in ratings: expert, enthusiast, judicial and good soldier. Student ratings for the 2 years running up to the date of the survey administration were used to gauge student perceptions of instructor effectiveness. Faculty members who placed emphasis on expertise as key to being a good instructor received significantly lower ratings for teacher effectiveness from students than did other faculty members. Faculty members who conceived their roles as motivating students, explaining difficult concepts, displaying interest in the subject, showing compassion and caring, and being proactive tended to receive high ratings for teaching effectiveness from students. [source] Use of NANDA, NIC, and NOC in a Baccalaureate CurriculumINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 2003Cynthia Finesilver BACKGROUND For the last 8 years, NANDA, NIC, and NOC have been successfully introduced to students in fundamentals courses at Bellin College of Nursing. As students progress through the curriculum, the classifications are expanded and applied to various client populations in all settings. The faculty expect students to use NANDA, NIC, and NOC in a variety of ways: during preparation for care of clients, documentation of client care, discussion of clients in postconference; in formal nursing process papers; and in the college laboratory setting. MAIN CONTENT POINTS Through the use of standardized languages, which address all steps of the nursing process, students have been able to plan, implement, and evaluate nursing care in all settings, from primary care to specialty care areas. Application of the NANDA, NOC, and NIC frameworks into a baccalaureate curriculum is desirable because the classifications are research based, comprehensive, and based on current nursing practice. NOC and NIC include physiologic, psychosocial, illness prevention and treatment, health promotion, and alternative therapies. Because of the universal and clinically meaningful language, students are able to communicate and document nursing activities in diverse settings and better define the unique actions and value of nursing. Feedback from students and faculty has been positive. Faculty members are encouraged to refine and alter course expectations related to NANDA, NOC, and NIC as needed. Students in the fundamentals courses adapt easily to NANDA, NOC and NIC during small group work and during discussion of common client problems, such as constipation. CONCLUSIONS Although the frameworks are not used as part of the organizing framework, they are used to teach nursing process and increase students' critical thinking and problem-solving capabilities. [source] Sources of knowledge in clinical practice in postgraduate medical students and faculty members: a conceptual mapJOURNAL OF EVALUATION IN CLINICAL PRACTICE, Issue 4 2007Reza Yousefi-Nooraie MD Abstract Objectives, To determine the most important knowledge sources that can influence clinical practice and to cluster them in conceptual groups based on their relative importance. Methods, Faculty members, fellows and residents of a large teaching tertiary care hospital were asked to rate the importance of different resources in their daily clinical practice and their understanding of some common terms from evidence-based medicine. The knowledge sources were distributed in a two-dimensional map using multidimensional scaling and hierarchical cluster analysis. Results, A total of 250 of 320 recruited hospital staff returned the questionnaires. The most important resources in daily practice were English journals, text books and literature searching for faculty members, experience, text books and English journals for fellows and text books, experience and peers for residents. Regional journals were the least important resources for all study groups. About 62.7% of residents did not know the meaning of ,number needed to treat', 36.8%,confidence interval', 54.9%,confounding factor' and 44.6%,meta-analysis'. The percentages for faculty members were 41.3%, 37%, 42.2% and 39.1%. The knowledge sources were placed in four clusters in a point map derived from the multidimensional scaling process. Conclusion, The dominance of the traditional information resources and experience-based medicine debate which is the consequence of traditional approaches to medical education may be one of the considerable barriers to the dissemination of evidence-based medicine in developing countries. The evidence-based clinical practice guidelines could be used as a useful passive-predigested source for busy clinicians to make informed decisions. A considerable Western bias may undermine the local research in developing world. [source] A New Paradigm for the Teaching of Business Law and Legal Environment ClassesJOURNAL OF LEGAL STUDIES EDUCATION, Issue 1 2006Marc Lampe There is a need to develop curriculum and materials on law-related topics better designed for business students planning a career in business. Except incidentally, business school legal faculty are not teaching future lawyers or paralegals. The world of the business practitioner is very different from that of the lawyer. For most business people the law and lawyers are a necessary nuisance. Furthermore, the legal world is changing. For example, methods of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) have become mainstream. Opportunities for "self-help law" have proliferated. These trends, and other opportunities considered in this article, offer substantial benefits to the business community. To meet the needs of today's business person, college business law and legal environment courses must stress economical, intelligent prevention of legal problems and resolution of conflict. This article is about empowering future business managers by utilizing their class time to educate them to more directly meet these goals. Topical coverage and pedagogical approaches for implementing a new paradigm in a business school introductory law course are detailed. Faculty members should not allow fear of change to deter a needed overhauling of the curriculum, as such procrastination could harm the profession's future standing. [source] Obstacles to instructional innovation according to college science and mathematics facultyJOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN SCIENCE TEACHING, Issue 1 2007Jeffrey J. Walczyk Numerous studies have documented the infrequent use of learner-centered instruction in college science and mathematics classrooms and its negative effects on undergraduate learning and motivation. The present research deepened understanding of why. Specifically, an Internet survey was constructed that explored obstacles, supports, and incentives for instructional innovation in the classroom and was sent out to college science and mathematics faculty of Louisiana. Results revealed that colleges generally were perceived to assign little or an indeterminate weight to instruction in personnel decision making. Faculty members generally have little training in pedagogy; but when they do, they are more likely to consult sources of instructional innovation and consider teaching an important part of their professional identities. Data concerning the most common sources of instructional innovation information are presented. Several suggestions are made for institutional reform that if enacted might contribute to systemic improvement in the quality of instruction undergraduates receive. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach [source] Medical students' first clinical experiences of deathMEDICAL EDUCATION, Issue 4 2010Emily Kelly Medical Education 2010: 44: 421,428 Objectives, Many medical students feel inadequately prepared to address end-of-life issues, including patient death. This study aimed to examine medical students' first experiences of the deaths of patients in their care. Methods, Final-year medical students at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Western Ontario were invited to share their first experience of the death of a patient in their care. The students could choose to participate through telephone interviews, focus groups or e-mail. All responses were audiotaped, transcribed verbatim and analysed using a grounded theory approach. Results, Twenty-nine students reported experiencing the death of a patient in their care. Of these, 20 chose to participate in an interview, five in a focus group and four through e-mail. The issues that emerged were organised under the overlying themes of ,young', ,old' or ,unexpected' deaths and covered seven major themes: (i) preparation; (ii) the death event; (iii) feelings; (iv) the role of the clinical clerk; (v) differential factors between deaths; (vi) closure, and (vii) relationships. These themes generated a five-stage cyclical model of students' experiences of death, consisting of: (i) preparation; (ii) the event itself; (iii) the crisis; (iv) the resolution, and (v) the lessons learned. ,Preparation' touches on personal experience and pre-clinical instruction. ,The event itself' could be categorised as referring to a ,young' patient, an ,old' patient or a patient in whom death was ,unexpected'. In the ,resolution' phase, coping mechanisms included rationalisation, contemplation and learning. The ,lessons learned' shape medical students' experiences of future patient deaths and their professional identity. Conclusions, A tension between emotional concern and professional detachment was pervasive among medical students undergoing their first experience of the death of a patient in their care. How this tension was negotiated depended on the patient's clinical circumstances, supervisor role-modelling and, most importantly, the support of supervisors and peers, including debriefing opportunities. Faculty members and residents should be made aware of the complexities of a medical student's first experience of patient death and be educated regarding sympathetic debriefing. [source] Demographics, employment motivations, and roles of part-time faculty at virtual universitiesNEW DIRECTIONS FOR HIGHER EDUCATION, Issue 143 2008Lauryl A. LefebvreArticle first published online: 21 AUG 200 Faculty members working within virtual university settings are distinguished demographically and by their employment motivations and work roles. [source] Hybrid Simulation Combining a High Fidelity Scenario with a Pelvic Ultrasound Task Trainer Enhances the Training and Evaluation of Endovaginal Ultrasound SkillsACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE, Issue 5 2009Daniel V. Girzadas Jr MD Abstract Objectives:, In this study, an endovaginal ultrasound (US) task trainer was combined with a high-fidelity US mannequin to create a hybrid simulation model. In a scenario depicting a patient with ectopic pregnancy and hemorrhagic shock, this model was compared with a standard high-fidelity simulation during training sessions with emergency medicine (EM) residents. The authors hypothesized that use of the hybrid model would increase both the residents' self-reported educational experience and the faculty's self-reported ability to evaluate the residents' skills. Methods:, A total of 45 EM residents at two institutions were randomized into two groups. Each group was assigned to one of two formats involving an ectopic pregnancy scenario. One format incorporated the new hybrid model, in which residents had to manipulate an endovaginal US probe in a task trainer; the other used the standard high-fidelity simulation mannequin together with static photo images. After finishing the scenario, residents self-rated their overall learning experience and how well the scenario evaluated their ability to interpret endovaginal US images. Faculty members reviewed video recordings of the other institution's residents and rated their own ability to evaluate residents' skills in interpreting endovaginal US images and diagnosing and managing the case scenario. Visual analog scales (VAS) were used for the self-ratings. Results:, Compared to the residents assigned to the standard simulation scenario, residents assigned to the hybrid model reported an increase in their overall educational experience (, VAS = 10, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 4 to 18) and felt the hybrid model was a better measure of their ability to interpret endovaginal US images (, VAS = 17, 95% CI = 7 to 28). Faculty members found the hybrid model to be better than the standard simulation for evaluating residents' skills in interpreting endovaginal US images (, VAS = 13, 95% CI = 6 to 20) and diagnosing and managing the case (, VAS = 10, 95% CI = 2 to 18). Time to reach a diagnosis was similar in both groups (p = 0.053). Conclusions:, Use of a hybrid simulation model combining a high-fidelity simulation with an endovaginal US task trainer improved residents' educational experience and improved faculty's ability to evaluate residents' endovaginal US and clinical skills. This novel hybrid tool should be considered for future education and evaluation of EM residents. [source] Gender and the Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors Standardized Letter of RecommendationACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE, Issue 9 2004Daniel V. Girzadas Jr. MD Abstract Objectives: Until 2002, the Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors standardized letter of recommendation (SLOR) prompted authors to predict how an applicant would rank on their match list. A ranking of guaranteed match (GM) was identified as the least common superlative response on the SLOR. That knowledge allowed precise identification of the best SLORs. The authors correlated GM with every possible author/applicant gender combination. Methods:This was a retrospective, observational study of 835 SLORs submitted in the 1998,1999 and 1999,2000 application cycles to one emergency medicine residency program. A standardized data collection instrument was used. Author/applicant gender combinations (M/M, M/F, F/F, F/M, M/M + F/F, and M/F + F/M) were analyzed with respect to GM by chi-square test, odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals, and logistic regression. Results: There was a statistically significant association between a female-authored/female-applicant SLOR and GM, with a female applicant two times more likely to get a GM from a female author than any other author/applicant gender combination (odds ratio, 2.0; 95% confidence interval = 1.1 to 3.8; p = 0.023). No other combination was significantly associated with GM. Conclusions: Female applicants to the authors' emergency residency program had a two times better chance of receiving a GM recommendation on a SLOR written by a female faculty member compared with any other possible gender combination of applicants and letter authors. Although the choice of GM has now been eliminated from the SLOR, the role of gender in relation to the SLOR merits further study. [source] The Local Shape of Revolution: Reflections on Quantitative Geography at Cambridge in the 1950s and 1960sGEOGRAPHICAL ANALYSIS, Issue 3 2008Peter Haggett The "quantitative revolution" in human geography which swept across so many universities in the 1950s and 1960s had its main diffusion centers in a few locations which were to have global significance. Two critical early centers were the University of Washington in the Pacific Northwest and Lund University in southern Sweden. But the experience of change was different in different locations as the general forces of perturbation sweeping around academia were translated into local eddies with local repercussions. Here, small and somewhat random quirks at the outset, led eventually to fundamental divergences between adoption and rejection. The theme is illustrated by reference to changes which occurred at Cambridge, one of England's two oldest universities, as seen from the perspective of someone who,as undergraduate, graduate student, and later, faculty member,was caught up in these changes and took some small part in propagating them. Special attention is given to the role of two environmental scientists, Vaughan Lewis and Richard Chorley, in introducing changes and the way in which later developments in human geography drew on preceding experiences in physical geography. The reasons behind the "Cambridge variant" and the questions of how intellectual DNA is passed across the generations are discussed. [source] The role of entrepreneurial activities in academic pharmaceutical science researchJOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES, Issue 6 2010Audra L. Stinchcomb Abstract Academic pharmaceutical science research is expanding further and further from the University setting to encompass the for-profit private company setting. This parallels the National Institutes of Health momentum to include multiple funding opportunities for University and private company collaboration. It has been recognized that the nonprofit and for-profit combination research model can accelerate the commercialization of pharmaceutical products, and therefore more efficiently improve human health. Entrepreneurial activities require unique considerations in the University environment, but can be modeled after the commercialization expansion of the academic healthcare enterprise. Challenges and barriers exist to starting a company as an entrepreneurial faculty member, but the rewards to one's personal and professional lives are incomparable. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 99: 2532,2537, 2010 [source] An Assessment of the Dental Public Health Infrastructure in the United StatesJOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH DENTISTRY, Issue 1 2006Scott L. Tomar DMD Abstract Objectives: The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research commissioned an assessment of the dental public health infrastructure in the United States as a first step toward ensuring its adequacy. This study examined several elements of the US dental public health infrastructure in government, education, workforce, and regulatory issues, focused primarily at the state level. Methods: Data were drawn from a wide range of sources, including original surveys, analysis of existing databases, and compilation of publicly available information. Results: In 2002, 72.5% of states had a full-time dental director and 65% of state dental programs had total budgets of $1 million or less. Among U.S. dental schools, 68% had a dental public health academic unit. Twelve and a half percent of dental schools and 64.3% of dental hygiene programs had no faculty member with a public health degree. Among schools of public health, 15% offered a graduate degree in a dental public health concentration area, and 60% had no faculty member with a dental or dental hygiene degree. There were 141 active diplomates of the American Board of Dental Public Health as of February 2001; 15% worked for state, county, or local governments. In May 2003, there were 640 US members of the American Association of Public Health Dentistry with few members in most states. In 2002, 544 American Dental Association members reported their specialty as Dental Public Health, which ranged from 0 in five states to 41 in California. Just two states had a public health dentist on their dental licensing boards. Conclusions: Findings suggest the US dental public health workforce is small, most state programs have scant funding, the field has minimal presence in academia, and dental public health has little role in the regulation of dentistry and dental hygiene. Successful efforts to enhance the many aspects of the US dental public health infrastructure will require substantial collaboration among many diverse partners. [source] What do you mean you want me to teach, do research, engage in service, and clinical practice?JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF NURSE PRACTITIONERS, Issue 7 2009Views from the trenches: The novice, the expert Abstract The purpose of this column is to explicate two points of view,the novice and the expert nurse practitioner (NP) faculty member, highlighting the importance of mentoring new faculty NP members into the diverse faculty roles relating to both general academic requirements and those particular roles related to NP education. For example, arranging clinical placements is one of the most important and time-consuming responsibilities of NP faculty. Learning to juggle all the roles is a challenge to new faculty members. Such mentoring may help alleviate the phenomenon of young faculty members leaving academia and returning to full-time clinical practice. Mentoring is crucial to integrating new NP faculty members into academic life. [source] Why Are You Learning a Second Language?LANGUAGE LEARNING, Issue S1 2003Motivational Orientations, Self-Determination Theory The data for this study were collected in my first year of graduate school for a term paper for a course I was taking from Luc Pelletier. When I began graduate school, Luc also started at the University of Ottawa as a new faculty member, and he taught a course in motivation. I had worked with Richard Clément for a couple of years already as an honors student and as a research assistant and had conducted research on orientations and motivation under his supervision as part of my honors thesis project. Luc was very interested in self-determination theory (SDT) and had worked with Bob Vallerand on an instrument to assess academic motivation from this perspective. Luc and I decided to carry out a study on language learning orientations using SDT and enlisted Richard's and Bob's involvement in the project. As a bilingual institution where all students were required to demonstrate competence in their second language (L2), whether French or English, the University of Ottawa was an ideal setting for this type of research. The project was a first examination of SDT in the language learning context, and to the best of my knowledge it was the only, or at least one of the very few, empirical investigations of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in the area. It involved the development of a valid and reliable instrument to assess the different subtypes of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. It also explored the link between these motivational subtypes and various orientations to language learning that had been identified by Clément and Kruidenier (1983), including the travel, friendship, knowledge, and instrumental orientations. The results showed that the instrumental orientation and the SDT external regulation orientation were strongly correlated, and that the travel, friendship, and knowledge orientations were quite highly intercorrelated with identified regulation and intrinsic motivation. Moreover, the instrumental and external regulation orientation scales correlated in similar ways with the hypothesized antecedents of perceived autonomy and competence and the hypothesized consequences of intention to pursue L2 study and anxiety. In addition, the travel, friendship, and knowledge orientations were correlated with the hypothesized antecedents and consequences in a manner similar to intrinsic motivation and identified regulation. These results suggested that Clément and Kruidenier's 4 orientations may be tapping a similar construct as the SDT orientations. My only regret with this study is that I did not include a scale to measure the integrative orientation (Gardner, 1985) to determine its relation with the SDT subtypes. This issue would have to wait until a later study to be addressed. The results of this initial investigation encouraged me to pursue research integrating SDT with other theoretical frameworks of language learning motivation. I believe that the SDT framework has several advantages over some other formulations of learner orientations. SDT offers a parsimonious, internally consistent framework for systematically describing many different orientations in a comprehensive manner. It also offers considerable explanatory power for understanding why certain orientations are better predictors of relevant language learning variables (e.g., effort, persistence, attitudes) than others. Also, by invoking the psychological mechanisms of perceived autonomy, competence, and relatedness, it can account for why certain orientations are evident in some learners and not in others. Moreover, the framework is empirically testable and indeed has stood up well under empirical scrutiny in our studies. Its clear predictions may also be particularly valuable in applying the theory in language teaching and program development. [The present article first appeared in Language Learning, 50 (1), 2000, 57,85] [source] A comparison of learning outcomes and attitudes in student- versus faculty-led problem-based learning: an experimental studyMEDICAL EDUCATION, Issue 1 2000David J Steele Objectives To compare learning outcomes and perceptions of facilitator behaviours and small-group process in problem-based learning (PBL) groups led by students and those led by faculty. Design A prospective, Latin-square cross-over design was employed. Second-year medical students participated in 11 PBL cases over the course of the academic year. For each case, half the student groups were led by faculty and the other half by a student group member selected randomly to serve in the facilitator role. Learning outcomes were assessed by performance on objective examinations covering factual materials pertinent to the case. Perceptions of facilitator behaviours and of group functioning were assessed with a questionnaire completed at the end of each individual case. Focus-group discussions were held to gain more in-depth information about student perceptions and experience. Student-led sessions were observed at random by the investigators. Setting A state-supported, US medical school with a hybrid lecture-based and problem-based curriculum. Subjects One hundred and twenty-seven second-year medical students and 30 basic science and clinical faculty. Results No differences were detected in student performance on the objective evaluation based on whether the facilitator was a faculty member or peer group member, nor were there any differences in the perceptions of group process. Students gave peer facilitators slightly higher ratings in the second semester of the experiment. In the focus-group discussions, students voiced a general preference for student-led groups because they felt they were more efficient. Observation and focus-group reports suggest that groups led by students sometimes took short cuts in the PBL process. Conclusion In a hybrid lecture- and PBL-based curriculum, student performance on objective examinations covering PBL materials is unaffected by the status of the facilitator (student vs. faculty). However, in peer-facilitated groups, students sometimes took short cuts in the PBL process that may undermine some of the intended goals of PBL. [source] The trials and accomplishments of an online adjunct faculty memberNEW DIRECTIONS FOR COMMUNITY COLLEGES, Issue 150 2010Jeffrey Hoyle The rate of expansion of online classes at community colleges has required hiring and training faculty for the online class offerings. The demand is being met in large part by adjunct faculty, who, as with face-to-face classes, continue to represent a large portion of the community college online faculty. [source] Perspectives from the Dark Side: The career transition from faculty to administratorNEW DIRECTIONS FOR HIGHER EDUCATION, Issue 134 2006Risa Palm A number of challenges mark the transition from full-time faculty member to academic administrator. [source] Work and family perspectives from research university facultyNEW DIRECTIONS FOR HIGHER EDUCATION, Issue 130 2005Kelly Ward Having a child creates priorities, adds perspective, and helps women to be clear about what they can do (and what they are willing to do) to succeed as a faculty member. [source] From behind the veil: Students' resistance from different directionsNEW DIRECTIONS FOR TEACHING & LEARNING, Issue 110 2007Ahlam Muhtaseb In this chapter, critical race and expectancy violation theories are used to deconstruct students' resistance to a female faculty member of color, a Muslim Arab American who wears the traditional Islamic cover. The author provides a narrative of her teaching experience and some techniques she has used to face such resistance. [source] Teaching global citizenship: Reflections on the American Indian Housing InitiativeNEW DIRECTIONS FOR TEACHING & LEARNING, Issue 105 2006David R. Riley Based on the author's work with the American Indian Housing Initiative, this essay presents the reflections of a faculty member whose experiences with public scholarship have shaped his views on teaching global citizenship. [source] A MOOcentric Perspective on Education and Information TechnologyNEW DIRECTIONS FOR TEACHING & LEARNING, Issue 94 2003Wesley Cooper This chapter is a personal account of the transformative nature of technology on the teaching and learning of one faculty member. [source] Monitoring stress levels in postgraduate medical trainingTHE LARYNGOSCOPE, Issue 1 2009Justin D. Hill MD Abstract Objectives: The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) mandates that residency Program Directors (PD) monitor resident well-being, including stress. Burnout, as a measure of work-related stress, is defined by a high degree of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, and a low degree of personal accomplishment using the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS). The purpose of this study is to describe the use of the MBI-HSS as a method of monitoring stress levels in an academic otolaryngology residency training program and introduce this survey as a tool for wider use in meeting ACGME requirements. Methods: The MBI-HSS was administered to residents in an academic otolaryngology residency training program on three separate occasions: at the beginning, middle, and end of different academic years. In addition, at the time of the third administration, the MBI-HSS was completed by faculty and staff in the same department. Surveys were completed and collected anonymously. Responses were scored against normative data from the MBI-HSS overall sample and the medicine subscale. Low, average, and high levels of burnout were identified for the individual categories of emotional exhaustion (EE), depersonalization (DP), and personal accomplishment (PA); average levels for each category were calculated. Results: Twenty-two residents completed the first survey, taken near the end of an academic year; 19 completed the second administration in the middle of the following academic year; and 24 completed the third survey at the beginning of the subsequent academic year. Thirteen faculty and 23 staff also completed the third survey. We found that three, one, and one residents reported high levels of burnout on the first, second, and third surveys, respectively. These figures compare to one faculty member and no staff members in the same department reporting high levels of burnout. Conclusions: The MBI-HSS is an established and validated tool for identifying burnout in resident physicians. Residency PDs may find the MBI-HSS useful as an aid in monitoring resident well-being and stress. In our own department, we found levels of burnout comparable to those previously reported for residents and faculty in this specialty. Laryngoscope, 119:75,78, 2009 [source] Receiving: The Use of Web 2.0 to Create a Dynamic Learning Forum to Enrich Resident EducationACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE, Issue 2009Adam Rosh Receiving (http://www.drhem.com) is a powerful web-based tool that encompasses web 2.0 technologies. "Web 2.0" is a term used to describe a group of loosely related network technologies that share a user-focused approach to design and functionality. It has a strong bias towards user content creation, syndication, and collaboration (McGee 2008). The use of Web 2.0 technology is rapidly being integrated into undergraduate and graduate education, which dramatically influences the ways learners approach and use information (Sandars 2007). Knowledge transfer has become a two-way process. Users no longer simply consume and download information from the web; they create and interact with it. We created this blog to facilitate resident education, communication, and productivity. Using simple, freely available blog software (Wordpress.com), this inter-disciplinary web-based forum integrates faculty-created, case-based learning modules with critical essays and articles related to the practice of emergency medicine (EM). Didactic topics are based on the EM model and include multi-media case presentations. The educational modules include a visual diagnosis section (VizD), United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) board-style cases (quizzER), radiographic interpretation (radER), electrocardiogram interpretation (Tracings), and ultrasound image and video clip interpretation (Morrison's Pouch). After viewing each case, residents can submit their answers to the questions asked in each scenario. At the end of each week, a faculty member posts the answer and facilitates an online discussion of the case. A "Top 10 Leader Board" is updated weekly to reflect resident participation and display a running tally of correct answers submitted by the residents. Feedback by the residents has been very positive. In addition to the weekly interactive cases, Receiving also includes critical essays and articles on an array of topics related to EM. For example, "Law and Medicine" is a monthly essay written by an emergency physician who is also a lawyer. This module explores legal issues related to EM. "The Meeting Room" presents interviews with leading scholars in the field. "Got Public Health?", written by a resident, addresses relevant social, cultural, and political issues commonly encountered in the emergency department. "Mini Me" is dedicated to pediatric pearls and is overseen by a pediatric emergency physician. "Sherwin's Critical Care" focuses on critical care principles relevant to EM and is overseen by a faculty member. As in the didactic portion of the website, residents and faculty members are encouraged to comment on these essays and articles, offering their own expertise and interpretation on the various topics. Receiving is updated weekly. Every post has its own URL and tags allowing for quick and easy searchability and archiving. Users can search for various topics by using a built-in search feature. Receiving is linked to an RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed, allowing users to get the latest information without having to continually check the website for updates. Residents have access to the website anytime and anywhere that the internet is available (e.g., home computer, hospital computer, IphoneÔ, BlackBerryÔ), bringing the classroom to them. This unique blend of topics and the ability to create a virtual interactive community creates a dynamic learning environment and directly enhances resident education. Receiving serves as a core educational tool for our residency, presenting interesting and relevant EM information in a collaborative and instructional environment. [source] Genomics and bioinformatics in undergraduate curricula: Contexts for hybrid laboratory/lecture courses for entering and advanced science studentsBIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY EDUCATION, Issue 1 2010Louise Temple Abstract Emerging interest in genomics in the scientific community prompted biologists at James Madison University to create two courses at different levels to modernize the biology curriculum. The courses are hybrids of classroom and laboratory experiences. An upper level class uses raw sequence of a genome (plasmid or virus) as the subject on which to base the experience of genomic analysis. Students also learn bioinformatics and software programs needed to support a project linking structure and function in proteins and showing evolutionary relatedness of similar genes. An optional entry-level course taken in addition to the required first-year curriculum and sponsored in part by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, engages first year students in a primary research project. In the first semester, they isolate and characterize novel bacteriophages that infect soil bacteria. In the second semester, these young scientists annotate the genes on one or more of the unique viruses they discovered. These courses are demanding but exciting for both faculty and students and should be accessible to any interested faculty member. [source] A Theme-based Hybrid Simulation Model to Train and Evaluate Emergency Medicine ResidentsACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE, Issue 11 2008Thomas P. Noeller MD Abstract Objectives:, The authors sought to design an integrated theme-based hybrid simulation experience to educate and evaluate emergency medicine (EM) residents, to measure the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) competencies using this simulation model, to measure the impact of the simulation experience on resident performance on written tests, and to measure resident satisfaction with this simulation experience. Methods:, A theme-based hybrid simulation model that takes advantage of multiple simulation modalities in a concentrated session was developed and executed to both educate and evaluate EM residents. Simulation days took place at an integrated simulation center and replaced one 5-hour didactic block per quarter. Modified competency checklists were used to evaluate residents based on ACGME competencies. Written tests were administered before, during, and after simulation days. Residents were given the opportunity to evaluate the simulation days using standard residency program evaluation tools. Results:, The model was proven feasible. Core competencies were measured using the model, which was executed on four occasions in 2007. Most residents met expectations based on objective checklist criteria and subjective assessment by an observing faculty member. Data from the written tests showed no overall difference in scores measured before, during, or after the simulation days. The simulation model was rated highly useful by the residents. Conclusions:, With the use of a highly developed simulation center and an organized, theme-based, hybrid simulation model that takes advantage of multiple simulation modalities, the authors were able to successfully develop an educational model to both train and evaluate EM residents with a high degree of resident satisfaction. [source] 8 The Observed Teaching Encounter: Providing Residents Feedback on Their Teaching SkillsACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE, Issue 2008Ankur Doshi Introduction:, Emergency medicine residents spend a significant portion of their time teaching junior residents and medical students in the clinical setting. Feedback is an integral component of any teaching curriculum, and therefore, feedback on residents' skill in teaching abilities is an essential part of their learning to teach. We have developed a structured method of providing feedback to senior residents on their teaching competence. Methods:, Upcoming senior residents receive an 8-hour course on clinical teaching during their useful conference time. In our ED, attending faculty and senior "teaching" residents are matched with medical student learners. The Observed Teaching Encounter (OTE) is used during usual clinical ED shifts to reinforce concepts in teaching. During the OTE, the teaching resident is directly observed by a faculty physician while teaching a student learner. A checklist is completed by both the faculty member and the student learner in order to provide feedback to the teaching resident. Assessed skills correlate with teaching theory provided to residents in their didactic curriculum. Written formative comments are provided to the resident from faculty, as well. Results:, Attending faculty, senior residents, and student learners have all provided positive feedback on the OTE. Assessment of residents' retention of knowledge on methodology of teaching is presently in progress as a tool to evaluate the efficacy of the OTE. [source] An Agency Theory Perspective on Student Performance EvaluationDECISION SCIENCES JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE EDUCATION, Issue 1 2005Michael E. Smith ABSTRACT The emphasis in recent research on the responsibility of college and university business instructors to prepare students for future employment underscores a need to refine the evaluation of student performance. In this article, an agency theory framework is used to understand the trade-offs that may be involved in the selection of various approaches to student evaluation. Understanding these trade-offs may be particularly important as faculty members seek to balance competing obligations, such as research and service requirements, while ensuring instructional effectiveness. This article presents propositions for examining how various institutional, instructor, and student characteristics influence the selection and use of student performance evaluation techniques (i.e., exams, papers, and group assignments). In conclusion, we suggest that agency theory may serve as a foundation for understanding current evaluation practices and guiding instructors in their selection of appropriate evaluation mechanisms. [source] Using the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in Teaching: One Criteria, Several Perspectives,DECISION SCIENCES JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE EDUCATION, Issue 2 2004James A. Belohlav ABSTRACT The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) has influenced the thinking and operations within organizations from all sectors of the American economy. This paper presents the experiences of three faculty members who have used the Criteria for Performance Excellence and the underlying concepts of the MBNQA to enhance the learning experiences of their students. The authors discuss how Dale's Cone of Experience is employed, by means of concrete exercises and experiences, to better leverage the student's ability to understand the abstract concepts. The formal, end-of-term student evaluations indicate that the described approach has led to a higher level of student engagement in the learning process, as evidenced by more abundant and higher-quality feedback to the instructors. [source] Emergency Department Orientation Utilizing Web-based Streaming VideoACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE, Issue 8 2004Swaminatha V. Mahadevan MD Abstract To assure a smooth transition to their new work environment, rotating students and housestaff require detailed orientations to the physical layout and operations of the emergency department. Although such orientations are useful for new staff members, they represent a significant time commitment for the faculty members charged with this task. To address this issue, the authors developed a series of short instructional videos that provide a comprehensive and consistent method of emergency department orientation. The videos are viewed through Web-based streaming technology that allows learners to complete the orientation process from any computer with Internet access before their first shift. This report describes the stepwise process used to produce these videos and discusses the potential benefits of converting to an Internet-based orientation system. [source] |