Excellent Functional (excellent + functional)

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Terms modified by Excellent Functional

  • excellent functional group tolerance

  • Selected Abstracts

    Nasalis Island Pedicle Flap in Nasal Ala Reconstruction

    Maryam Asgari MD
    Background. Defects of the nasal ala can be difficult to repair in a one-stage procedure. We describe a laterally based nasalis myocutaneous island pedicle flap to repair small but deep defects of the superior nasal ala. Objective. To describe a single-stage flap for repair of small defects on the nasal ala that confines the repair to one cosmetic unit. Methods. We discuss the anatomy of the flap and illustrate the method of placing the flap. Results. We present several case examples and discuss potential applications of the flap. We also discuss the flap's limitations by citing an example of necrosis. Conclusions. The nasalis myocutaneous island pedicle flap for repair of nasal alar defects is a new application of a one-stage procedure that yields excellent functional and cosmetic results. Knowledge of the limitations and the anatomy of the flap is crucial for a good outcome. MARYAM ASGARI, MD, MPH, AND PETER ODLAND, MD, HAVE INDICATED NO SIGNIFICANT INTEREST WITH COMMERCIAL SUPPORTERS. [source]

    mTHPC-mediated photodynamic therapy for early oral squamous cell carcinoma

    Colin Hopper
    Abstract Surgery and radiotherapy are standard treatments for early oral squamous cell carcinoma, both resulting in good tumour control. However, neither of these modalities is without consequent functional or cosmetic impairment, and there are patients in whom both are contraindicated. Furthermore, there is a significant risk of metachronous tumours developing in the oral cavity, and salvage or retreatment with either surgery or radiotherapy poses difficulties. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) offers the potential for improved functional and cosmetic outcomes, while achieving comparable tumour control. We conducted an open-label, multicentre study to assess the efficacy and safety of meta-tetrahydroxyphenylchlorin (mTHPC) in patients with early oral cancer. One hundred twenty-one patients received intravenously administered mTHPC, followed 96 hr later by illumination of the tumour surface with 652 nm laser light. Of these patients, 114 were protocol compliant. A complete tumour response was achieved in 85% of protocol-compliant patients (97 of 114 patients). A complete response was maintained in 85% of responders at 1 year and in 77% at 2 years. One- and 2-year actuarial survival rates were 89% and 75%, respectively. In the opinion of the investigators, tumour clearance was accompanied by excellent cosmetic and functional results, without impact on the patients' performance status. Mild-to-moderate pain at the treatment site, a recognised side effect of PDT in the oral cavity, was reported by 82% of patients but was manageable with appropriate analgesia. Mild-to-moderate skin photosensitivity reactions were reported for 13% of patients. mTHPC offers an effective alternative treatment for early oral squamous cell carcinoma. It is associated with excellent functional and cosmetic results and can be used in conjunction with other standard therapies. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Replantation of amputated finger composite tissues with microvascular anastomosis

    MICROSURGERY, Issue 5 2008
    Yimin Chai M.D.
    Replantation of the partial amputated finger or the composite tissue in finger would achieve better functional and esthetical results than any reconstructive procedure. In this article, we report the results of microsurgical partial finger or composite tissue replantation at different anatomic sites of 24 fingers in 21 patients. Microvascular anastomosis was performed in all cases of replantation. For the digital palmar and lateral composite tissue defects, the proper palmar digital artery and volar or dorsal subcutaneous veins were repaired by end-to-end anastomoses. For the digital dorsal defects, the blood supply was reestablished by arterialization of a dorsal central vein in the replanted part with one of the proper palmar digital arteries. The average follow-up period was 12.3 months. Twenty-two of 24 fingers survived completely with good functional and esthetic results. Two replantations failed because of vascular complications. In conclusion, if the vascular vessels in amputations of partial finger and composite tissue of finger are suitable for anastomosis, a successful replantation of these parts with excellent functional and esthetical recovery can be achieved. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Microsurgery, 2008. [source]

    The use of integra artificial dermis to minimize donor-site morbidity after suprafascial dissection of the radial forearm flap

    MICROSURGERY, Issue 7 2007
    Andreas I. Gravvanis M.D., Ph.D.
    In an effort to minimize the radial forearm flap donor-site morbidity, the flap was elevated using the suprafascial dissection technique, in six patients with various facial defects. The donor site was covered primarily with Integra artificial skin and secondarily with an ultrathin split-thickness skin graft. The mean time to wound healing of the forearm donor site was 24 days. There were no flap failures, and all flaps healed uneventfully. At the end of the follow-up, all patients showed normal range of motion of the wrist and the fingers, normal power grip, and power pinch. All patients evaluated the esthetic appearance of the forearm donor site as very good. In conclusion, suprafascial dissection of the forearm flap creates a superior graft recipient site, and the use of Integra artificial dermis is a valuable advancement to further minimize the donor-site morbidity, resulting in excellent functional and aesthetic outcomes. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Microsurgery, 2007. [source]

    The Platysma Myocutaneous Flap: Underused Alternative for Head and Neck Reconstruction,

    THE LARYNGOSCOPE, Issue 7 2002
    Wayne M. Koch MD
    Abstract Objectives The use, advantages, and disadvantages of the platysma flap were assessed. Study Design Retrospective review of the medical records of patients undergoing platysma flap reconstruction of the upper aerodigestive tract from 1987 to 2001. Methods Information regarding the tumor, surgical procedure, flap design, and outcome emphasizing complications and function was extracted. Associations between putative risk factors for flap failure and outcome were assessed using the ,2 test. Results Thirty-four patients underwent reconstruction with platysma flaps. Surgical defects included the oropharynx, oral cavity, and hypopharynx. Nine patients had had prior radiation therapy and all had some dissection of the ipsilateral neck. There were 5 postoperative fistulas (15%), flap desquamation was noted in 6 cases (18%), and 2 patients experienced loss of the distal skin closing the donor site. Complications were not associated with prior radiation. Hospital stay ranged from 5 to 21 days (mean, 10 d). There were no returns to the operating room or need for additional reconstruction. All but 1 patient resumed a normal diet within 3 months of surgery. There were no recurrences of cancer in the dissected neck regions. Conclusions The platysma flap is simple and versatile with properties similar to the radial forearm free flap. The rate of complications is similar to other published series, and problems encountered were manageable using conservative methods with excellent functional and cosmetic outcomes. These facts support the contention that the platysma myocutaneous flap can serve as a viable alternative to free tissue transfer and has advantages over pectoralis major pedicled flaps for reconstruction of many head and neck defects. [source]

    Single-tooth replacement by immediate implant and connective tissue graft: a 1,9-year clinical evaluation

    Andrea E. Bianchi
    Abstract Objectives: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the long-lasting efficacy of a combined surgical protocol, using immediate implant and subepithelial connective tissue graft for single-tooth replacement. The advantages of this single-center, longitudinal, randomized, blind examiner research were the following: preservation of both keratinized mucosa amount and bone tissue, optimal peri-implant marginal sealing, satisfactory aesthetic results, reduction in treatment time. Materials and methods: In the time period from 1990 to 1998, 116 patients were consecutively admitted for treatment with a total of 116 solid screw ITI-implants supporting single crowns. Ninety-six patients underwent the proposed combined treatment (test group), while 20 received only single immediate implants (control group). The observation time extended from 1 up to 9 years. Results: The 9-year cumulative survival rate was 100% for both test and control groups. Comparative statistical analysis of soft and hard tissue peri-implant parameters demonstrated better results in the test group than in the control during every single 3-year analysis and especially in the last observation interval. The test group also showed very good results in terms of aesthetic parameters, which estimated the keratinized mucosa width, the alignment of crown emergence profile and the patient's satisfaction. Conclusion: Single-tooth replacement by immediate solid screw ITI implants in association with connective tissue autograft was demonstrated to be a predictable procedure. Moreover, this treatment can be considered as a sure system to reach an excellent functional and harmonious aesthetic restoration. Résumé Le but de l'étude présente a été d'évaluer l'efficacitéà long terme d'un protocole chirurgical combiné utilisant l'implant placé immédiatement et un greffon tissulaire de tissu conjonctif sous-épithélial pour le remplacement d'une dent unique. Les avantages de cette recherche randomisée longitudinale dans un seul centre et en aveugle étaient les suivants : préservation de la quantité de muqueuse kératinisée et du tissu osseux, une fermeture marginale paroïmplantaire optimale, des résultats esthétiques satisfaisants et une réduction du temps de traitement. Durant les années 1990 à 1998, 116 patients ont été admis pour le traitement de 116 implants ITI en vis pleines portant des couronnes uniques. Nonante-six patients ont recu le traitement proposé (groupe test) tandis que 20 autres n'ont reçu que des implants placés immédiatement en une étape (groupe contrôle). Le temps d'observation s'échelonnait de un à neuf ans. Le taux de survie cumulatif à neuf années était de 100% dans les deux groupes. L'analyse statistique comparative des tissus mous et durs paroïmplantaires a constaté des meilleurs résultats dans le groupe test que dans le groupe contrôle durant chaque analyse de trois ans et spécialement dans la dernière période d'observation. Le groupe test montrait également de très bons résultats esthétiques concernant la largeur de la muqueuse kératinisée, l'alignement du profil de l'émergence de la couronne et la satisfaction du patient. Le remplacement de dents uniques par des implants ITI en vis pleines placées immédiatement en association avec une greffe de tissu conjonctif est un processus prévisible. De plus, ce traitement peut être considéré comme un système sûr pouvant apporter une restauration fonctionnelle harmonieuse et esthétique. Zusammenfassung Ziele: Das Ziel dieser Studie war es, den Langzeiterfolg eines chirurgischen Protokolls zu untersuchen, das den Einzelzahnersatz mit einem Sofortimplantat in Kombination mit einem subepithelialen Bindegewebstransplantat vorsah. Die Vorteile dieser an einem Zentrum durchgeführten randomisierten, longitudinalen Blindstudie waren die folgenden: Erhaltung sowohl der gesamten keratinisierten Mukosa wie auch des Knochengewebes, der optimale perimplantäre marginale Abschluss, die befriedigenden ästhetischen Resultate und die Verkürzung der Behandlungszeit. Material und Methoden: In der Zeit von 1990 bis 1998 bekamen in der Folge 116 Patienten insgesamt 116 ITI-Vollschraubenimplantate, die mit Einzelkronen versorgt wurden. 96 Patienten wurden nach der vorgestellten kombinierten Methode behandelt (Testgruppe), währenddem die übrigen 20 Patienten einzig das Sofortimplantat erhielten (Kontrollgruppe). Die Beobachtungszeit reichte von 1 bis zu 9 Jahren. Resultate: Die kumulative Überlebensrate nach 9 Jahren betrug für Test- und Kontrollgruppe 100%. Eine statistische Vergleichsanalyse der Parameter von Weich- und Hartgeweben zeigte während jeder der dreijährigen Beobachtungsphasen (insbesondere in der letzten) in der Testgruppe bessere Resultate als in der Kontrollgruppe. Die Testgruppe zeigte auch bezüglich ästhetischen Parametern (Breite der keratinisierten Gingiva, Lokalisation der Durchtrittsstelle der Krone, Zufriedenheit des Patienten) sehr schöne Resultate. Zusammenfassung: Der Einzelzahnersatz mittels Sofortimplantation einer ITI-Vollschraube in Verbindung mit einem freien Bindegewebetransplantat erwies sich als gut beherrschbare Methode. Man kann diese Behandlung sogar als sicher für den Erhalt einer hervorragenden funktionellen, harmonischen und ästhetischen Rekonstruktion empfehlen. Resumen Objetivos: La intención del presente estudio fue evaluar la eficacia a largo plazo de un protocolo quirúrgico combinado, usando implantes inmediatos e injertos de tejido conectivo subepitelial para reemplazar dientes unitarios. Las ventajas de esta investigación unicentro, longitudinal, aleatoria, examinador ciego fueron las siguientes: preservación de tanto de la cantidad de mucosa queratinizada como del tejido óseo, sellado marginal periimplantario óptimo, resultados estéticos satisfactorios, reducción del tiempo del tratamiento. Material y métodos: En el periodo de tiempo desde 1990 a 1998, se admitieron 116 pacientes consecutivos para tratamiento con un total de 116 implantes macizos roscados ITI soportando coronas unitarias. Noventa y seis pacientes se sometieron al tratamiento propuesto (grupo de prueba), mientras 20 recibieron solo implantes inmediatos unitarios (grupo de control). El tiempo de observación se extendió de 1 9 años. Resultados: El índice acumulado de supervivencia a los 9 años fue del 100% tanto para el grupo de prueba como el de control. El análisis estadístico comparativo de los parámetros de los tejidos blandos y duros periimplantarios demostró mejores resultados en el grupo de prueba que en el de control, durante cada análisis de 3 años y especialmente en el último intervalo de observación. El grupo de prueba también mostró muy buenos resultados en términos de parámetros estéticos, que estimaron la anchura de la mucosa queratinizada, la alineación del perfil de emergencia de la corona y la satisfacción del paciente. Conclusión: La sustitución de un diente unitario por implantes macizos roscados inmediatos ITI en asociación con autoinjertos de tejido conectivo demostró ser un procedimiento predecible. Más aun, este tratamiento puede ser considerado como un sistema seguro para alcanzar una excelente restauración estética funcional y armónica. [source]