Evasion Strategies (evasion + strategy)

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Selected Abstracts

Pathogen evasion strategies for the major histocompatibility complex class I assembly pathway

IMMUNOLOGY, Issue 1 2008
Antony N. Antoniou
Summary Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules bind and present short antigenic peptides from endogenously or exogenously derived sources to CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), with recognition of a foreign peptide normally targeting the cell for lysis. It is generally thought that the high level of MHC polymorphism, which is concentrated mostly within the peptide-binding groove, is driven by the ,evolutionary arms race' against pathogens. Many pathogens have developed novel and intriguing mechanisms for evading the continuous sampling of the intracellular and intercellular environments by MHC molecules, none more so than viruses. The characterization of immunoevasion mechanisms has improved our understanding of MHC biology. This review will highlight our current understanding of the MHC class I biosynthetic pathway and how it has been exploited by pathogens, especially viruses, to potentially evade CTL recognition. [source]

Hepatitis C virus,biology, host evasion strategies, and promising new therapies on the horizon

Sohail A. Qureshi
Abstract Hepatitis C reduces the quality of life for some 170 million people around the globe and is one of the most prevalent diseases on the planet. It is caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV) that is replicated by an error-prone polymerase and therefore undergoes rapid evolution. To date, although much has been learned about the biology of HCV, only a partially effective combination therapy comprised of ribavirin and pegylated-interferon-, is available to hepatitis C sufferers. Given the prevalence of hepatitis C, together with the fact that almost half the chronically infected HCV patients are refractory to current therapy, there is an urgent need for an efficacious immunoprophylactic that protects individuals from HCV infection, as well as drugs that impede the viral life cycle effectively and eradicate infection. Herein, I provide an overview of the molecular biology of HCV, highlighting the functions of different virally encoded proteins in terms of how they alter signaling pathways of host cell to establish an infection and discuss whether a more promising therapy for treating hepatitis C is anywhere in sight. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Med Res Rev, 27, No. 3, 353,373, 2007 [source]

Complement and fungal pathogens: an update

MYCOSES, Issue 6 2008
Cornelia Speth
Summary Fungal infections are a serious complication in immunocompromised patients such as human immunodeficiency virus-infected individuals, patients with organ transplantations or with haematological neoplasia. The lethality of opportunistic fungal infection is high despite a growing arsenal of antimycotic drugs, implying the urgent need for supportive immunological therapies to strengthen the current inefficient antimicrobial defences of the immunocompromised host. Therefore, increasing effort has been directed to investigating the interplay between fungi and the host immunity and thus to find starting points for additional therapeutic approaches. In this article, we review the actual state of the art concerning the role of complement in the pathogenesis of fungal infections. Important aspects include the activation of the complement system by the fungal pathogen, the efficiency of the complement-associated antimicrobial functions and the arsenal of immune evasion strategies applied by the fungi. The twin functions of complement as an interactive player of the innate immunity and at the same time as a modulator of the adaptive immunity make this defence weapon a particularly interesting therapeutic candidate to mobilise a more effective immune response and to strengthen in one fell swoop a broad spectrum of different immune reactions. However, we also mention the ,Yin-Yang' nature of the complement system in fungal infections, as growing evidence assigns to complement a contributory part in the pathogenesis of fungus-induced allergic manifestations. [source]

Evasion of innate and adaptive immune responses by influenza A virus

Mirco Schmolke
Summary Host organisms have developed sophisticated antiviral responses in order to defeat emerging influenza A viruses (IAVs). At the same time IAVs have evolved immune evasion strategies. The immune system of mammals provides several lines of defence to neutralize invading pathogens or limit their replication. Here, we summarize the mammalian innate and adaptive immune mechanisms involved in host defence against viral infection and review strategies by which IAVs avoid, circumvent or subvert these mechanisms. We highlight well-characterized, as well as recently described features of this intriguing virus-host molecular battle. [source]

Antigenicity and recombination of VlsE, the antigenic variation protein of Borrelia burgdorferi, in rabbits, a host putatively resistant to long-term infection with this spirochete

Monica E. Embers
Abstract Borrelia burgdorferi, the Lyme disease pathogen, employs several immune-evasive strategies to survive in mammals. Unlike mice, major reservoir hosts for B. burgdorferi, rabbits are considered to be nonpermissive hosts for persistent infection. Antigenic variation of the VlsE molecule is a probable evasion strategy known to function in mice. The invariable region 6 (IR6) and carboxyl-terminal domain (Ct) of VlsE elicit dominant antibody responses that are not protective, perhaps to function as decoy epitopes that protect the spirochete. We sought to determine if either of these characteristics of VlsE differed in rabbit infection, contributing to its reputed nonpermissiveness. VlsE recombination was observed in rabbits that were given inoculations with either cultured or host-adapted spirochetes. Early observations showed a lack of anti-C6 (a peptide encompassing the IR6 region) response in most rabbits, so the anti-Ct and anti-C6 responses were monitored for 98 weeks. Anti-C6 antibody appeared as late as 20 weeks postinoculation, and the anti-Ct response, evident within the first 2 weeks, oscillated for prolonged periods of time. These observations, together with the recovery of cultivable spirochetes from tissue of one animal at 98 weeks postinoculation, challenge the notion that the rabbit cannot harbour a long-term B. burgdorferi infection. [source]

Hepatitis C virus escape from the interferon regulatory factor 3 pathway by a passive and active evasion strategy,

HEPATOLOGY, Issue 5 2007
Marco Binder
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) has been known to replicate with extremely varying efficiencies in different host cells, even within different populations of a single human hepatoma cell line, termed Huh-7. Several reports have implicated the retinoic-acid inducible gene I (RIG-I)/ interferon regulatory factor 3 (IRF-3) pathway of the innate antiviral response with differences in host cell permissiveness to HCV. To investigate the general impact of the IRF-3 response onto HCV replication in cell culture, we generated an ample array of stable Huh-7 cell lines with altered IRF-3 responsiveness. Neither blocking IRF-3 activation in various host cells by expression of dominant negative RIG-I or HCV NS3/4A protease nor reconstitution of RIG-I signaling in Huh7.5, a cell clone known to be defective in this pathway, had any impact on HCV replication. Only by overexpressing constitutively active RIG-I or the signaling adaptor Cardif (also known as interferon-beta promoter stimulator 1, mitochondrial anti-viral signaling protein, or virus-induced signaling adaptor), both leading to a stimulation of the IRF-3 pathway in the absence of inducers, was HCV replication significantly inhibited. We therefore assessed the extent of RIG-I, dependent IRF-3 activation by different species of RNA, including full-length HCV genomes and HCV RNA duplexes, and observed strong induction only in response to double-stranded RNAs. Conclusion: Based on these findings, we propose a refined model of innate immune escape by HCV involving limited initial induction and stringent subsequent control of the IRF-3 response. (HEPATOLOGY 2007.) [source]