European Standards (european + standards)

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Selected Abstracts

Effects of column axial force , bending moment interaction on inelastic seismic response of steel frames

Marina Como
Abstract It is well known that axial force , bending moment interaction (N,M interaction) affects to a large extent the cyclic inelastic behaviour of structural elements, especially columns in framed structures, with reduction in bending capacity and loss of available ductility. A few studies have also shown that significant inelastic axial shortening affects the response of column elements subjected to medium,high levels of axial loads and cyclic bending. This paper is primarily aimed at evaluating the effects of column N,M interaction on the inelastic seismic response of steel frames. By considering the contemporaneous action of vertical loads, due to gravity, and of horizontal seismic excitation, it is shown that the progressive axial shortening of adjacent columns may differ substantially, thus inducing significant relative settlements at the ends of the connecting beams and, then, remarkable amplifications in beam plastic rotations. An evaluation of additional beam plastic rotations induced by column N,M interaction is carried out for real structures by investigating the inelastic response of steel frames designed according to European standards under horizontal and vertical earthquake excitations. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

From Scientific Apprentice to Multi-skilled Knowledge Worker: changes in Ph.D education in the Nordic-Baltic Area

There is no doubt that what is generally referred to as ,Ph.D education' has undergone dramatic changes in Europe in recent years. Whereas the Bologna Process, launched in 1999, originally had in mind to make it easier for undergraduate students to gain international experience and enhance their employability by facilitating mobility and transparency of higher education in Europe, the idea of a ,third cycle' of doctoral studies came relatively late in the discussion (2003). For some academic cultures, the idea of educating doctoral students was and still is perceived as a threat against academic freedom, originality and credibility. Other academic cultures have already long adopted Ph.D training schemes as an integrated part of training future scientists and knowledge workers. This article presents the result of a recent survey on Ph.D training in the Nordic-Baltic Area (Andreas Önnerfors: ,Ph.D-training/PGT in the Nordic-Baltic Area', Exploring the North: papers in Scandinavian Culture and Society 2006:1, Lund 2006) initiated by the Nordic research organisation NordForsk, which discusses new concepts of doctoral education and training in the five Nordic and the three Baltic countries as well as in Russia, Poland and three northern states of the Federal Republic of Germany. Whereas there is great correspondence in the performance of doctoral training and education in the Nordic countries and changes have been introduced permanently for about 30 years, Poland, Germany and Russia are battling with their academic traditions and the challenge of adapting their academic cultures to joint European standards. This concerns especially the phenomenon of two postgraduate degrees (the Ph.D and a further degree) and the view upon training elements in doctoral studies. After their independence, the three Baltic countries rapidly adapted their systems of higher education to the Nordic model. [source]

Governing Standards: The Rise of Standardization Processes in France and in the EU

GOVERNANCE, Issue 1 2007
The rise of standardization processes highlights two different paths toward a regulatory state. Within the EU, the New Approach serves as a model for co-regulation, and European standards have become instruments of supranational governance. In France, standardization is much more part of a renegotiation of the state's role and influence in a changing society. In both cases, standardization was undertaken with other motives; yet it evolved to answer the strains and constraints exerted upon regulatory processes in the two polities. As such, standards are a case for unintentionality in policy instruments. [source]

The past, present and future of nurse education in Poland: stages, conditions and activities

B. Sztembis rn
Aim:, This paper describes the multidirectional activities recently completed to adapt nurse education in Poland to European standards. Background:, The Polish system transformation and the changes that have taken place in health care since the 1980s required intensive effort and change in the nursing care and education systems of nurses and midwives. Outcomes:, Changes accomplished include: (1) preparation and implementation of a nurse education model complying with European standards; (2) discontinuance of the previous system of nurse education taught at the secondary school level; and (3) adjusting the organization and post-basic curricula of nurses and midwives to the actual needs of the society as well as for the nurses themselves. The goal of a uniform nurse education system in Poland that met European requirements motivated the Polish change agents. This change ensures the integration of Polish nurses with the nurses from Europe and other countries in their common endeavours to improve nursing care and health outcomes. Conclusions:, The adopted changes in the system of nurse education resulted in uniformity of education and acceptance of bachelor's level education, which complies with European standards as well as adjusting the post-basic education to actual needs. Describing the substance and process of our work may be helpful to nurses in other countries who are working on their own models of nursing and healthcare restructuring. [source]

Der Eurocode 2 für Deutschland , Erläuterungen und Hintergründe

Teil 1: Einführung in den Nationalen Anhang
Normen, Vorschriften, Richtlinien Abstract Der neue Eurocode 2: "Bemessung und Konstruktion von Stahlbeton- und Spannbetontragwerken , Teil 1-1: Allgemeine Bemessungsregeln und Regeln für den Hochbau" (EC2-1-1) mit seinem Nationalen Anhang ist nach einer ausführlichen Erprobungsphase bereit zur bauaufsichtlichen Einführung in Deutschland. In mehreren Beiträgen sollen Erläuterungen und Hintergründe zu einigen Regelungen im Eurocode 2 und zu den Entscheidungen für Regeln im Nationalen Anhang vorgestellt werden, die entweder zu Änderungen gegenüber DIN 1045-1 oder zu Abweichungen vom Eurocode 2 führten. Der Teil 1 gibt zunächst eine Übersicht über die maßgeblichen europäischen Normen und führt in den Nationalen Anhang ein. The Eurocode 2 for Germany , Explanations and Backgrounds. Part 1: Introduction in the National Annex The new Eurocode 2 "Design of concrete structures , Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings" (EC2-1-1) and its National Annex has undergone a phase of detailed testing and is now ready for the implementation in Germany. In some articles should be given explanations and backgrounds of some rules in Eurocode 2 and of decisions for rules in the National Annex, which have been taken either to changes compared with DIN 1045-1 or to differences to Eurocode 2. Article 1 gives an overview about the important European standards and introduces in the National Annex. [source]