English Classroom (english + classroom)

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Selected Abstracts

Developing a Multicultural Curriculum in a Predominantly White Teaching Context: Lessons From an African American Teacher in a Suburban English Classroom

ABSTRACT The author sought to understand an African American English teacher's multicultural curriculum transformation and teaching in a suburban, mostly White, high school. Building on Banks's (1998) model of multicultural curriculum integration, the study focused on a context that might otherwise be ignored because there was not a large student-of-color representation in the school. The teacher in the study was operating at one of the highest levels of Banks's model, the transformational approach. Although the teacher shared characteristics with many of the Black teachers explored in the literature, there was one important difference: much of the research and theory about Black teachers and their instruction focus on Black teachers and their effectiveness in predominantly Black settings. The Black teacher in this study taught in a predominantly White teaching context. The study suggested that even teachers highly conscious of race, culture, gender, and ethnicity may find it difficult to reach the highest level of Banks's model: the social action approach. Implications of this study suggest that multicultural curricula can be well developed and received in a predominantly White setting as long as the curriculum is thoughtfully and carefully transformed. However, the study pointed out that the pervasive discourses and belief systems against multicultural education in a school can discourage highly effective curriculum transformers, and there is a great need to help critically minded teachers persevere in the face of such adversity. [source]

Extending the English Classroom

Warrick Wynne
Abstract This article is an account of one Australian school's attempt to integrate interactive technology meaningfully into the Senior English curriculum through the use of purpose-built intranet sites. The story of carrying out the project in the end also becomes a case study in teacher collaboration. [source]

Playing texts against each other in the multimodal English classroom

Richard Beach
Abstract This article explores the way adolescents and adults are experimenting with the multimodal affordances of contemporary intertextual practices. Drawing on a considerable number of recent research studies, we outline how young people and young adults are consistently engaging with the opportunities of the digital environment. We explore the recent history of multimodality, examining how we can help students move from simply using intertextuality for their own enjoyment, to a far more critical and informed position. This critical position, we feel, is especially powerful when students engage in intercontextuality and when they investigate issues of identity through the affordances of multimodal texts. Drawing on the research studies, we offer a number of ways in which English teachers can utilize the potential of their students' capability with the new technologies. [source]

English in classrooms: only write down what you need to know: annotation for what?

Dr Carey Jewitt
Abstract The annotation of texts in the school English classroom is central to the curriculum, examination and the history of English as a school subject. In this paper we explore ,the way it is done' across two different classrooms. We focus on the relationship between official definitions of annotation offered by national policies and examination syllabuses and its actualization in particular classrooms. The article takes a multimodal approach: attending to all modes of representation and communication in the teaching of English including image, gesture, gaze and the spatial organization of the classroom. [source]

Why that, in that language, right now?

Code-switching, pedagogical focus
Dil de,i,imi; s,n,f içi etkile,im; diyalog çözümlemesi; ,ngilizce'nin yabanc, dil olarak okutuldu,u s,n,flar; ikinci yabanc, dil edinimi The study depicts the relationship between pedagogical focus and language choice in the language teaching/learning environment of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) at a Turkish university. The article presents the organisation of code-switching which is teacher-initiated and ,teacher-induced'. The data were collected from six beginner-level English classrooms. Transcripts of the lessons were examined using the conversation analysis (CA) method of sequential analysis in relation to the pedagogical focus, applying an adapted version of the classic CA question for interaction involving code-switching: "why that, in that language, right now?" The study demonstrates that code-switching in L2 classrooms is orderly and related to the evolution of pedagogical focus and sequence. Through their language choice, learners may display their alignment or misalignment with the teacher's pedagogical focus. Bu akademik çal,,ma, yabanc, dil olarak ,ngilizce eǧitim ve öǧretim veren bir Türk üniversitesi'ndeki eǧitsel (pedagojik) amaç ile dil seçimi aras,ndaki ili,kiyi incelemektedir. Dil deǧi,iminin (ayn, diyalog süresince birden fazla dilin kullan,lmas,) organizasyonunu öǧretmen-giri,imli ve öǧretmen-te,vikli (öǧretmenin bir ,ngilizce kelimenin Türkçe kar,,l,ǧ,n, sormas,) olarak aç,klanm,,t,r. Bu ara,t,rma için veriler s,n,f gözlemi metoduyla toplanm,,t,r. Bu metot 6 adet ba,lang,ç düzeyi ,ngilizce s,n,f,n,n ders kay,tlar,n,n sesli ve görüntülü toplanmas,yla yürütülmüttür. S,n,f içi diyalog döküman, diyalog çözümleme metodunun ard,,,k analiz yöntemine dayanarak diyalog çözümleme metodundaki klasik ,neden böyle?' ve ,neden ,imdi?' sorular,n,n öǧretmen-öǧrenci diyaloǧundaki dil deǧi,imine uyacak ,ekilde ,neden böyle?', ,neden bu dilde?' ve ,neden ,imdi?' olarak deǧi,tirilmi,tir. Bu ara,t,rma yabanc, dil s,n,flar,ndaki dil deǧi,iminin eǧitsel amaçlara baǧl, olarak deǧi,en kurall, bir yap,da olduǧunu ortaya koymaktad,r. Dil seçimleriyle öǧrenciler, öǧretmenin belirlediǧi eǧitsel amaca kat,l,p kat,lmad,klar,n, göstermektedirler. [source]