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Empirical Work (empirical + work)
Kinds of Empirical Work Selected AbstractsSTRUCTURAL, EXPERIMENTALIST, AND DESCRIPTIVE APPROACHES TO EMPIRICAL WORK IN REGIONAL ECONOMICS,JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE, Issue 1 2010Thomas J. Holmes ABSTRACT The three general approaches to empirical work in economics are structural, experimentalist, and descriptive. This paper provides an overview of how empirical work in regional economics fits into these three categories. In particular, I examine a single issue in the field, the nature of agglomeration benefits and the productivity gains from agglomeration, and analyze the advantages and drawbacks of following each of these three empirical approaches. I also discuss potentially fruitful ways empirical work in regional economics might advance. [source] The spatial spread of invasions: new developments in theory and evidenceECOLOGY LETTERS, Issue 1 2005Alan Hastings Abstract We review and synthesize recent developments in the study of the spread of invasive species, emphasizing both empirical and theoretical approaches. Recent theoretical work has shown that invasive species spread is a much more complex process than the classical models suggested, as long range dispersal events can have a large influence on the rate of range expansion through time. Empirical work goes even further, emphasizing the role of spatial heterogeneity, temporal variability, other species, and evolution. As in some of the classic work on spread, the study of range expansion of invasive species provides unique opportunities to use differences between theory and data to determine the important underlying processes that control spread rates. [source] Lessons from brief therapy?CONFLICT RESOLUTION QUARTERLY, Issue 3 2002Some interactional suggestions for family mediators One continuing issue in mediation is the degree to which mediation and therapy can and should overlap. This article, which draws upon the empirical work of Dingwall and colleagues, looks at an area in which overlap may be beneficial. The authors review the concept and techniques of brief therapy and indicate appropriateness for family mediation. [source] Board Structure, Process and Performance: evidence from public-listed companies in SingaporeCORPORATE GOVERNANCE, Issue 2 2005David Wan Past literature in board research has centred on board structure and company performance. Over the years, empirical studies do not reveal a conclusive relationship between these two variables (Dalton and Daily, 1999. Across the Board, March, 28,32). Until recently, the literature on board processes has been sparse. The reason for insufficient empirical work on board processes possibly is due to the difficulty of gaining access to boards. In this paper, we propose a conceptual model and tested the model on publicly listed companies in Singapore. Based on a sample of 212 company responses and 299 directors, we conclude that board structure does not affect board process while board process is related to board performance. In terms of individual parameters, effort norms, cognitive conflict and the presence and usage of skills are positively related to board roles and board transparency. Also, affective and process conflicts are negatively related to board roles and board transparency. Finally, board process does not mediate the relationship between board structure and board performance. [source] THE INTERACTION OF ANTISOCIAL PROPENSITY AND LIFE-COURSE VARYING PREDICTORS OF DELINQUENT BEHAVIOR: DIFFERENCES BY METHOD OF ESTIMATION AND IMPLICATIONS FOR THEORY,CRIMINOLOGY, Issue 2 2007GRAHAM C. OUSEY Recent criminological research has explored the extent to which stable propensity and life-course perspectives may be integrated to provide a more comprehensive explanation of variation in individual criminal offending. One line of these integrative efforts focuses on the ways that stable individual characteristics may interact with, or modify, the effects of life-course varying social factors. Given their consistency with the long-standing view that person,environment interactions contribute to variation in human social behavior, these theoretical integration attempts have great intuitive appeal. However, a review of past criminological research suggests that conceptual and empirical complexities have, so far, somewhat dampened the development of a coherent theoretical understanding of the nature of interaction effects between stable individual antisocial propensity and time-varying social variables. In this study, we outline and empirically assess several of the sometimes conflicting hypotheses regarding the ways that antisocial propensity moderates the influence of time-varying social factors on delinquent offending. Unlike some prior studies, however, we explicitly measure the interactive effects of stable antisocial propensity and time-varying measures of selected social variables on changes in delinquent offending. In addition, drawing on recent research that suggests that the relative ubiquity of interaction effects in past studies may be partly from the poorly suited application of linear statistical models to delinquency data, we alternatively test our interaction hypotheses using least-squares and tobit estimation frameworks. Our findings suggest that method of estimation matters, with interaction effects appearing readily in the former but not in the latter. The implications of these findings for future conceptual and empirical work on stable propensity/time-varying social variable interaction effects are discussed. [source] Adult Learning Experiences from an Aquarium Visit: The role of Social Interactions in Family GroupsCURATOR THE MUSEUM JOURNAL, Issue 3 2007Adriana Briseño-Garzón Based on a larger empirical work,1 this paper reports on the nature and character of adult learning within a family group context while visiting the Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre (Canada), and the longitudinal effects of such experience in the weeks following the visit. In this study a multiple or collective instrumental case study approach was employed to examine the learning experiences of the adult members of 13 family groups; this approach demonstrates that adults visiting the aquarium as part of a family group are active social learners and not merely facilitators of the experience for younger visitors or caregivers. Our outcomes also indicate that the adult members of the participant family groups learned in a multiplicity of domains including the cognitive, the social, and the affective, as a result of their visit to the Vancouver Aquarium. In addition, we discuss the longitudinal impacts of the aquarium visit and provide valuable insights as to the relevance of these experiences in visitors' everyday lives. [source] Does disturbance of self underlie social cognition deficits in schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders?EARLY INTERVENTION IN PSYCHIATRY, Issue 2 2009Barnaby Nelson Abstract Aim: Although the different approaches to psychosis research have made significant advances in their own fields, integration between the approaches is often lacking. This paper attempts to integrate a strand of cognitive research in psychotic disorders (specifically, social cognition research) with phenomenological accounts of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. Method: The paper is a critical investigation of phenomenological models of disturbed selfhood in schizophrenia in relation to cognitive theories of social cognition in psychotic disorders. Results: We argue that disturbance of the basic sense of self, as articulated in the phenomenological literature, may underlie the social cognition difficulties present in psychotic disorders. This argument is based on phenomenological thinking about self-presence (,ipseity') being the primary or most basic ground for the intentionality of consciousness , that is, the directedness of consciousness towards others and the world. A disruption in this basic ground of conscious life has a reverberating effect through other areas of cognitive and social functioning. We propose three routes whereby self-disturbance may compromise social cognition, including dissimilarity, disruption of lived body and disturbed mental coherence. Conclusions: If this model is supported, then social cognition difficulties may be thought of as a secondary index or marker of the more primary disturbance of self in psychotic disorders. Further empirical work examining the relationship between cognitive and phenomenological variables may be of value in identifying risk markers for psychosis onset, thus contributing to early intervention efforts, as well as in clarifying the essential psychopathological features of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. [source] Spillover edge effects: the dispersal of agriculturally subsidized insect natural enemies into adjacent natural habitatsECOLOGY LETTERS, Issue 5 2006Tatyana A. Rand Abstract The cross-edge spillover of subsidized predators from anthropogenic to natural habitats is an important process affecting wildlife, especially bird, populations in fragmented landscapes. However, the importance of the spillover of insect natural enemies from agricultural to natural habitats is unknown, despite the abundance of studies examining movement in the opposite direction. Here, we synthesize studies from various ecological sub-disciplines to suggest that spillover of agriculturally subsidized insect natural enemies may be an important process affecting prey populations in natural habitat fragments. This contention is based on (1) the ubiquity of agricultural,natural edges in human dominated landscapes; (2) the substantial literature illustrating that crop and natural habitats share important insect predators; and (3) the clear importance of the landscape matrix, specifically distance to ecological edges, in influencing predator impacts in agroecosystems. Further support emerges from theory on the importance of cross-boundary subsidies for within site consumer,resource dynamics. In particular, high productivity and temporally variable resource abundance in agricultural systems are predicted to result in strong spillover effects. More empirical work examining the prevalence and significance of such natural enemy spillover will be critical to a broader understanding of fragmentation impacts on insect predator,prey interactions. [source] Minimum viable population sizes and global extinction risk are unrelatedECOLOGY LETTERS, Issue 4 2006Barry W. Brook Abstract Theoretical and empirical work has shown that once reduced in size and geographical range, species face a considerably elevated risk of extinction. We predict minimum viable population sizes (MVP) for 1198 species based on long-term time-series data and model-averaged population dynamics simulations. The median MVP estimate was 1377 individuals (90% probability of persistence over 100 years) but the overall distribution was wide and strongly positively skewed. Factors commonly cited as correlating with extinction risk failed to predict MVP but were able to predict successfully the probability of World Conservation Union Listing. MVPs were most strongly related to local environmental variation rather than a species' intrinsic ecological and life history attributes. Further, the large variation in MVP across species is unrelated to (or at least dwarfed by) the anthropogenic threats that drive the global biodiversity crisis by causing once-abundant species to decline. [source] Financial dollarization: evaluating the consequencesECONOMIC POLICY, Issue 45 2006Eduardo Levy Yeyati SUMMARY Financial dollarization The presence in residents' portfolio of foreign-currency assets and liabilities (or ,financial dollarization') has been alleged to influence monetary policy in developing economies and, especially, to cause debtors' insolvency in the aftermath exchange rate depreciations (the ,balance sheet effect'). The abundant and influential literature on these implications, however, contrasts sharply with the scarcity of empirical work aimed at confirming or refuting them. Using a new database, this paper assesses the evidence on the determinants of financial dollarization and tests whether its empirical effects on monetary and financial stability and on economic performance are consistent with theoretical predictions. It finds that financially dollarized economies display a more unstable demand for money, a greater propensity to suffer banking crises after a depreciation of the local currency, and slower and more volatile output growth, without significant gains in terms of domestic financial depth. The results indicate that active de-dollarization policies may be advisable for the many economies, including Central and Eastern European ones, where foreign-currency denominated assets and liabilities are important in residents' financial portfolios. , Eduardo Levy Yeyati [source] Toward a New Sexual Selection Paradigm: Polyandry, Conflict and Incompatibility (Invited Article)ETHOLOGY, Issue 12 2003Jeanne A. Zeh Darwin's recognition that male,male competition and female choice could favor the evolution of exaggerated male traits detrimental to survival set the stage for more than a century of theoretical and empirical work on sexual selection. While this Darwinian paradigm represents one of the most profound insights in biology, its preoccupation with sexual selection as a directional evolutionary force acting on males has diverted attention away from the selective processes acting on females. Our understanding of female reproduction has been further confounded by discreet female mating tactics that have perpetuated the illusion of the monogamous female and masked the potential for conflict between the sexes. With advances in molecular techniques leading to the discovery that polyandry is a pervasive mating strategy, recognition of these shortcomings has brought the study of sexual selection to its current state of flux. In this paper, we suggest that progress in two key areas is critical to formulation of a more inclusive, sexual selection paradigm that adequately incorporates selection from the female perspective. First, we need to develop a better understanding of male × female and maternal × paternal genome interactions and the role that polyandry plays in providing females with non-additive genetic benefits such as incompatibility avoidance. Consideration of these interaction effects influencing natural selection on females is important because they can complicate and even undermine directional sexual selection on males. Secondly, because antagonistic coevolution maintains a balance between opposing sides that obscures the conflict itself, many more experimental evolution studies and interventionist investigations (e.g. gene knockouts) are needed to tease apart male manipulative adaptations and female counter-adaptations. It seems evident that the divisiveness and controversy that has plagued sexual selection theory since Darwin first proposed the idea has often stalled progress in this important field of evolutionary biology. What is now needed is a more pluralistic and integrative approach that considers natural as well as sexual selection acting on females, incorporates multiple sexual selection mechanisms, and exploits advances in physiology and molecular biology to understand the mechanisms through which males and females achieve reproductive success. [source] Differences between European and American IPO MarketsEUROPEAN FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, Issue 4 2003Jay R. Ritter G24; G32; G14; G15 Abstract This brief survey discusses recent developments in the European initial public offering (IPO) market. The spectacular rise and fall of the Euro NM markets and the growth of bookbuilding as a procedure for pricing and allocating IPOs are two important patterns. Gross spreads are lower and less clustered than in the USA. Unlike the USA, some European IPOs, especially those in Germany, have when-issued trading prior to the final setting of the offer price. Current research includes empirical studies on the valuation of IPOs and both theoretical and empirical work on the determinants of short-run underpricing. [source] Experimentally manipulated high in-group status can buffer personal self-esteem against discriminationEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, Issue 5 2005Michael J. Platow We present an experiment in which the relative status of an in-group and the discriminatory nature of a decision maker's intergroup behaviour (in-group-favouring/out-group-favouring/even-handed) were independently manipulated to observe their effects on self-esteem. Adopting a Social Identity Theory framework, and following from previous empirical work, we predicted that discrimination against one's in-group would lead to lower self-esteem among members of a low-status group but not among members of a high-status group. This prediction was confirmed. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source] TESTS OF SEX ALLOCATION THEORY IN SIMULTANEOUSLY HERMAPHRODITIC ANIMALSEVOLUTION, Issue 6 2009Lukas Schärer Sex allocation is a crucial life-history parameter in all sexual organisms. Over the last decades a body of evolutionary theory, sex allocation theory, was developed, which has yielded capital insight into the evolution of optimal sex allocation patterns and adaptive evolution in general. Most empirical work, however, has focused on species with separate sexes. Here I review sex allocation theory for simultaneous hermaphrodites and summarize over 50 empirical studies, which have aimed at evaluating this theory in a diversity of simultaneous hermaphrodites spanning nine animal phyla. These studies have yielded considerable qualitative support for several predictions of sex allocation theory, such as a female-biased sex allocation when the number of mates is limited, and a shift toward a more male-biased sex allocation with increasing numbers of mates. In contrast, many fundamental assumptions, such as the trade-off between male and female allocation, and numerous predictions, such as brooding limiting the returns from female allocation, are still poorly supported. Measuring sex allocation in simultaneously hermaphroditic animals remains experimentally demanding, which renders evaluation of more quantitative predictions a challenging task. I identify the main questions that need to be addressed and point to promising avenues for future research. [source] THE ROLE OF NATURAL ENEMIES IN THE EXPRESSION AND EVOLUTION OF MIXED MATING IN HERMAPHRODITIC PLANTS AND ANIMALSEVOLUTION, Issue 9 2007Janette A. Steets Although a large portion of plant and animal species exhibit intermediate levels of outcrossing, the factors that maintain this wealth of variation are not well understood. Natural enemies are one relatively understudied ecological factor that may influence the evolutionary stability of mixed mating. In this paper, we aim for a conceptual unification of the role of enemies in mating system expression and evolution in both hermaphroditic animals and plants. We review current theory and detail the potential effects of enemies on fundamental mating system parameters. In doing so, we identify situations in which consideration of enemies alters expectations about the stability of mixed mating. Generally, we find that inclusion of the enemy dimension may broaden conditions in which mixed mating systems are evolutionarily stable. Finally, we highlight avenues ripe for future theoretical and empirical work that will advance our understanding of enemies in the expression and evolution of mixed mating in their hosts/victims, including examination of feedback cycles between victims and enemies and quantification of mating system-related parameters in victim populations in the presence and absence of enemies. [source] PERSPECTIVE: SEXUAL CONFLICT AND SEXUAL SELECTION: CHASING AWAY PARADIGM SHIFTSEVOLUTION, Issue 6 2003TOMMASO PIZZARI Abstract., Traditional models of sexual selection propose that partner choice increases both average male and average female fitness in a population. Recent theoretical and empirical work, however, has stressed that sexual conflict may be a potent broker of sexual selection. When the fitness interests of males and females diverge, a reproductive strategy that increases the fitness of one sex may decrease the fitness of the other sex. The chase-away hypothesis proposes that sexual conflict promotes sexually antagonistic, rather than mutualistic, coevolution, whereby manipulative reproductive strategies in one sex are counteracted by the evolution of resistance to such strategies in the other sex. In this paper, we consider the criteria necessary to demonstrate the chase-away hypothesis. Specifically, we review sexual conflict with particular emphasis on the chase-away hypothesis; discuss the problems associated with testing the predictions of the chase-away hypothesis and the extent to which these predictions and the predictions of traditional models of sexual selection are mutually exclusive; discuss misconceptions and mismeasures of sexual conflict; and suggest an alternative approach to demonstrate sexual conflict, measure the intensity of sexually antagonistic selection in a population, and elucidate the coevolutionary trajectories of the sexes. [source] Selection of knowledge acquisition techniques based upon the problem domain characteristics of production and operations management expert systemsEXPERT SYSTEMS, Issue 2 2001William P. Wagner The application of expert systems to various problem domains in business has grown steadily since their introduction. Regardless of the chosen method of development, the most commonly cited problems in developing these systems are the unavailability of both the experts and knowledge engineers and difficulties with the process of acquiring knowledge from domain experts. Within the field of artificial intelligence, this has been called the ,knowledge acquisition' problem and has been identified as the greatest bottleneck in the expert system development process. Simply stated, the problem is how to acquire the specific knowledge for a well-defined problem domain efficiently from one or more experts and represent it in the appropriate computer format. Given the ,paradox of expertise', the experts have often proceduralized their knowledge to the point that they have difficulty in explaining exactly what they know and how they know it. However, empirical research in the field of expert systems reveals that certain knowledge acquisition techniques are significantly more efficient than others in helping to extract certain types of knowledge within specific problem domains. In this paper we present a mapping between these empirical studies and a generic taxonomy of expert system problem domains. In so doing, certain knowledge acquisition techniques can be prescribed based on the problem domain characteristics. With the production and operations management (P/OM) field as the pilot area for the current study, we first examine the range of problem domains and suggest a mapping of P/OM tasks to a generic taxonomy of problem domains. We then describe the most prominent knowledge acquisition techniques. Based on the examination of the existing empirical knowledge acquisition research, we present how the empirical work can be used to provide guidance to developers of expert systems in the field of P/OM. [source] An Analysis of Tenure and House Structure Type by Household CompositionFAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCES RESEARCH JOURNAL, Issue 2 2007Stephanie E. Vanderford This study examined the relation of household composition and characteristics with each of two variables, tenure status and structural type of residence. Past research related to tenure status has considered household composition and characteristics in a limited manner, and very little empirical work has addressed the relations of those variables with house structure type. The three structure types assessed were manufactured housing, multifamily site-built homes, and single-family site-built homes. The authors extended past research by considering more complicated household compositions and also identified the importance of knowing more complete information about all the residents of a home to understand both tenure and house structure type. Family composition and the presence of extended family members, an unmarried partner, and other unrelated individuals all explained di ferences in tenure and house structure type. The findings suggest the significance of family and household characteristics when understanding variations in tenure and house structure type. [source] Parasites can cause selection against migrants following dispersal between environmentsFUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, Issue 4 2010Andrew D. C. MacColl Summary 1.,The potential for selection against migrants to promote population divergence and speciation is well established in theory, yet there has been relatively little empirical work that has explicitly considered selection against migrants as a form of reproductive barrier, and its importance in the accumulation of reproductive isolation between populations has been overlooked until recently. 2.,Parasites often differ between environments and can be an important source of selection on hosts, yet their contribution to population divergence in general, and selection against migrants in particular, is poorly understood. 3.,Selection against migrants might be reduced if organisms escape parasitism when they disperse (natural enemy release). Alternatively, parasites could increase selection against migrants if, when they disperse, organisms encounter parasites to which they are poorly adapted. 4.,Here we test experimentally the contribution that parasites could make to selection against migrants in the adaptive radiation of three-spined sticklebacks. These fish have repeatedly colonized freshwater environments from marine ones, and this has repeatedly lead to rapid speciation. 5.,We use transplant experiments of lab-raised fish to simulate dispersal, and antihelminthic treatment to show that ancestral-type marine sticklebacks contract higher burdens of novel parasites when introduced to freshwater, than in saltwater, and suffer a growth cost as a direct result. 6.,Susceptibility to parasites and their detrimental effect is less in derived, freshwater fish from evolutionarily young populations, possibly as a result of selection for resistance. 7.,Our results support a role for parasites in selection against migrants and population diversification. They do not support the hypothesis of ,natural enemy release'. [source] Seasonal mortality and the effect of body size: a review and an empirical test using individual data on brown troutFUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, Issue 4 2008Stephanie M. Carlson Summary 1,For organisms inhabiting strongly seasonal environments, over-winter mortality is thought to be severe and size-dependent, with larger individuals presumed to survive at a higher rate than smaller conspecifics. Despite the intuitive appeal and prevalence of these ideas in the literature, few studies have formally tested these hypotheses. 2We here tested the support for these two hypotheses in stream-dwelling salmonids. In particular, we combined an empirical study in which we tracked the fate of individually-marked brown trout across multiple seasons and multiple years with a literature review in which we compiled the results of all previous pertinent research in stream-dwelling salmonids. 3We report that over-winter mortality does not consistently exceed mortality during other seasons. This result emerged from both our own research as well as our review of previous research focusing on whether winter survival is lower than survival during other seasons. 4We also report that bigger is not always better in terms of survival. Indeed, bigger is often worse. Again, this result emerged from both our own empirical work as well as the compilation of previous research focusing on the relationship between size and survival. 5We suggest that these results are not entirely unexpected because self-sustaining populations are presumably adapted to the predictable seasonal variation in environmental conditions that they experience. [source] The New Men's History and the Peculiar Absence of Gendered Power: Some Remedies from Early American Gender HistoryGENDER & HISTORY, Issue 1 2004Toby L. Ditz Historians with feminist commitments have expressed reservations about men's history and men's studies. This unease has existed more or less from the first appearance of men's history as a specialised area of inquiry, and shows no signs of abating. The first part of this article explores the sources of this unease. It discusses several guiding premises of men's history and shows that they tend to lead to the occlusion of men's gendered power over women. Nonetheless, the scrutiny of the gender of men is the logical outgrowth of several decades of theoretical and empirical work on gender,witness the many historians of women and gender who have recently turned their attention to the systematic study of manliness and masculinity. With the help of examples drawn from the scholarship on the history of the British colonies in America and the early United States, the second part of this article enumerates several strategies for successfully highlighting men's gendered power in histories of manliness and masculinity. [source] Resistance Is Not Futile: Liberating Captain Janeway from the Masculine-Feminine Dualism of LeadershipGENDER, WORK & ORGANISATION, Issue 4 2004Michèle A. BowringArticle first published online: 10 JUN 200 . . . the boundary between science-fiction and social reality is an optical illusion' (Haraway, 1990, p. 191) My underlying purpose in this article is to uncover the way in which research on leadership has been constrained by a reliance on the categories male-female and/or masculine-feminine for theorizing and for empirical work. I argue that both gender and leadership are caught within what Judith Butler calls the heterosexual matrix and that this has significant repercussions on leaders and leadership discourse. I use the character of Captain Kathryn Janeway from Star Trek: Voyager as a case study. I begin by analysing her leadership on the television series. I then perform a similar analysis of Janeway as she is represented in a text that subverts her gender by queering her character. I compare the two Janeways and the effect that the construction of each one's gender has on her leadership. In the conclusion I discuss ways in which we can use this analysis to move towards fluidity in the theorizing and practice of both gender and leadership. [source] Sometimes more equal than others: how health inequalities depend on the choice of welfare indicatorHEALTH ECONOMICS, Issue 3 2006Magnus Lindelow Abstract In recent years, a large body of empirical work has focused on measuring and explaining socio-economic inequalities in health outcomes and health service use. In any effort to address these questions, analysts must confront the issue of how to measure socioeconomic status. In developing countries, socioeconomic status has typically been measured by per capita consumption or an asset index. Currently, there is only limited information on how the choice of welfare indicators affect the analysis of health inequalities and the incidence of public spending. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the potential sensitivity of the analysis of health related inequalities to how socioeconomic status is measured. Using data from Mozambique, the paper focuses on five key health service indicators, and tests whether measured inequality (concentration index) in health service utilization differs depending on the choice of welfare indicator. The paper shows that, at least in some contexts, the choice of welfare indicator can have a large and significant impact on measured inequality in utilization of health services. In consequence, we can reach very different conclusions about the ,same' issue depending on how we define socioeconomic status. The paper also provides some tentative conclusions about why and in what contexts health inequalities can be sensitive to the choice of living standards measure. The results call for more clarity and care in the analysis of health related inequalities, and for explicit recognition of the potential sensitivity of findings to the choice of welfare measure. The results also point at the need for more careful research on how different dimensions of SES are related, and on the pathways by which the respective different dimensions impact on health related variables. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source] How leveraging human resource capital with its competitive distinctiveness enhances the performance of commercial and public organizationsHUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, Issue 4 2005Abraham Carmeli Although scholars agree that complex relationships between organizations' actual human resources (i.e., human capital stock) and means of leveraging these resources may influence performance, little empirical work has tested such propositions directly. We collected two primary data sets from privateand public-sector organizations in Israel. The multiplicative interaction between perceived human resources capital and distinctive value derived from that HR capital was significantly related to various measures of perceived and objective organizational performance. Having higher levels of human resources capital was strongly associated with performance only when top managers perceived that these resources provided distinctive value in terms of being highly valuable, inimitable, rare, and nonsubstitutable. We discuss the implications of these findings for research on strategic human resource management and the resource-based view of competitive advantage, as well as for practical efforts to develop firm-specific human resource capital that is inherently distinctive. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. [source] Critically classifying: UK e-government website benchmarking and the recasting of the citizen as customerINFORMATION SYSTEMS JOURNAL, Issue 2 2009Benjamin Mosse Abstract In recent years, discussion of the provision of government services has paid particular attention to notions of customer choice and improved service delivery. However, there appears to be marked shift in the relationship between the citizen and the state moving from government being responsive to the needs of citizens to viewing citizens explicitly as customers. This paper argues that this change is being accelerated by government use of techniques like benchmarking, which have been widely used in the private sector. To illustrate this point, the paper focuses on the adoption of website benchmarking techniques by the public sector. The paper argues that the essence of these benchmarking technologies, a process comprised of both finding and producing truth, is fundamentally based on the act of classifying and draws on Martin Heidegger's etymological enquiry to reinterpret classification as a dynamic movement towards order that both creates and obfuscates truth. In so doing, it demonstrates how Heidegger's seminal ideas can be adapted for critical social research by showing that technology is more than an instrument as it has epistemic implications for what counts as truth. This stance is used as the basis for understanding empirical work reporting on a UK government website benchmarking project. Our analysis identifies the means involved in producing the classifications inherent in such benchmarking projects and relates these to the more general move that is recasting the relationship between the citizen and the state, and increasingly blurring the boundaries between the state and the private sector. Recent developments in other attempts by the UK government to use private-sector technologies and approaches indicate ways in which this move might be challenged. [source] Valuation of biodiversity effects from reduced pesticide useINTEGRATED ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT, Issue 2 2006Jesper S. Schou Abstract This study deals with the effects on biodiversity of pesticide-free buffer zones along field margins. Using choice modeling, the majority of respondents to a survey on pesticide use in the environment are willing to accept an increase in the price of bread if the survival of partridge chicks and the number of wild plants increase. The study identifies the need for further empirical work with respect to methodological validation, price estimation, and the use of survey results in policy analysis. In particular, the environmental effects of pesticide use are complex and, therefore, present difficult challenges when presenting information to lay people. Forty-one percent of respondents changed their responses regarding willingness to pay more for bread when references to pesticide use were introduced in the questionnaire. This indicates that scenarios depicting changes in pesticide use can be difficult to present to lay people in an economically rational and well-defined context. Thus, in the study of valuation related to changes in pesticide use, much attention should be devoted to the design and definition of the context. Furthermore, the effects of providing different background information, e.g., with or without the mention of pesticides, should be tested. [source] The real exchange rate and real interest differentials: the role of nonlinearitiesINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FINANCE & ECONOMICS, Issue 4 2005Nelson C. Mark Abstract Recent empirical work has shown the importance of nonlinear adjustment in the dynamics of real exchange rates and real interest differentials. This work suggests that the tenuous empirical linkage between the real exchange rate and the real interest differential might be strengthened by explicitly accounting for these nonlinearities. We pursue this strategy by pricing the real exchange rate by real interest parity. The resulting first-order stochastic difference equation gives the real exchange rate as the expected present value of future real interest differentials which we compute numerically for three candidate nonlinear processes. Regressions of the log real US dollar prices of the Canadian dollar, deutschemark, yen and pound on the fundamental values implied by these nonlinear models are used to evaluate the linkage. The evidence for linkage is stronger when these present values are computed over shorter horizons than for longer horizons. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source] War, Economic Development, and Political Development in the Contemporary International SystemINTERNATIONAL STUDIES QUARTERLY, Issue 1 2010Cameron G. Thies The European state-building experience has led many scholars to argue that war forces states to increase their fiscal-administrative capacity, or what we might refer to as political development, in order to compete in the international system. War also requires states to generate wealth to support such competition, which should lead to progressively increased levels of economic development. Yet, in contemporary empirical studies, war is often studied as a dependent variable, with economic and political development modeled as affecting its origination. This reading of theory and empirical work suggests that war, economic development, and political development constitute an endogenous system. In this paper, we develop expectations about how these three processes interact and test them using a three-stage least squares regression model. The results show significant simultaneous relationships between the three processes. We conclude that war, economic development, and political development are mutually constitutive processes in the contemporary international system. [source] Stimuli for nestling begging in blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus: hungry nestlings are less discriminatingJOURNAL OF AVIAN BIOLOGY, Issue 4 2007Megan Dickens In altricial birds, nestlings usually respond to the sound and appearance of the provisioning adults by begging for food when the adults arrive at the nest. Nestlings can, however, also beg incorrectly on hearing misleading sounds in the environment and fail to beg when the adult arrives. This study uses the blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus to test the hypotheses that nestling begging strategies are influenced by the reliability of the stimulus to beg, and that nestling motivational state affects the response to different stimuli. Here, we show experimentally that nestling hunger strongly influences the response to stimuli that vary in their reliability. While hunger increases begging rate, it also increases the likelihood that nestlings will beg when the parent is absent. This is in agreement with both the predictions of signal detection theory and recent empirical work on other species. We found, however, no evidence that age-related perceptual constraints influence the begging response of ten day old nestlings to different stimuli. [source] The terminology and use of species,area relationships: a response to Dengler (2009)JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY, Issue 10 2009Samuel M. Scheiner Abstract Dengler (Journal of Biogeography, 2009, 36, 728,744) addresses issues regarding species,area relationships (SARs), but fails to settles those issues. He states that only certain types of sampling schemes should be used to construct SARs, but is not consistent in the criteria that he uses to include some sampling schemes but not others. He argues that a sampling scheme of contiguous plots will be more accurate in extrapolating beyond the sampled area, but logic tells us that a dispersed sampling scheme is likely to be more accurate. Finally, he concludes that the ,true' SAR is a power function, but this conclusion is inconsistent with his results and with the results of others. Rather than defining a narrow framework for SARs, we need to recognize that the relationship between area and species richness is scale- and system-dependent. Different sampling schemes serve different purposes, and a variety of functional relationships are likely to hold. Further theoretical and empirical work is needed to resolve these issues fully. [source] |