Emergent Trees (emergent + tree)

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Selected Abstracts

Variation in pollen dispersal between years with different pollination conditions in a tropical emergent tree

Abstract We examined differences in pollen dispersal efficiency between 2 years in terms of both spatial dispersal range and genetic relatedness of pollen in a tropical emergent tree, Dipterocarpus tempehes. The species was pollinated by the giant honeybee (Apis dorsata) in a year of intensive community-level mass-flowering or general flowering (1996), but by several species of moths in a year of less-intensive general flowering (1998). We carried out paternity analysis based on six DNA microsatellite markers on a total of 277 mature trees forming four spatially distinct subpopulations in a 70 ha area, and 147 and 188 2-year-old seedlings originating from seeds produced in 1996 and 1998 (cohorts 96 and 98, respectively). Outcrossing rates (0.93 and 0.96 for cohorts 96 and 98, respectively) did not differ between years. Mean dispersal distances (222 and 192 m) were not significantly different between the 2 years but marginally more biased to long distance in 1996. The mean relatedness among cross-pollinated seedlings sharing the same mothers in cohort 96 was lower than that in cohort 98. This can be attributed to the two facts that the proportion of intersubpopulations pollen flow among cross-pollination events was marginally higher in cohort 96 (44%) than in cohort 98 (33%), and that mature trees within the same subpopulations are genetically more related to each other than those between different subpopulations. We conclude that D. tempehes maintained effective pollen dispersal in terms of outcrossing rate and pollen dispersal distance in spite of the large difference in foraging characteristics between two types of pollinators. In terms of pollen relatedness, however, a slight difference was suggested between years in the level of biparental inbreeding. [source]

Cavity use and reproductive success of nesting macaws in lowland forest of southeast Peru

Katherine Renton
ABSTRACT Competition for nest sites by sympatric species can lead to resource partitioning among species. We examined the partitioning of cavity resources by Red-and-green Macaws (Ara chloropterus), Blue-and-yellow Macaws (A. ararauna), and Scarlet Macaws (A. macao) in the lowland forest of southeast Peru. Red-and-green Macaws nested primarily in cavities in emergent Dipteryx trees, and Blue-and-yellow Macaws nested predominantly in palm snags. Scarlet Macaws had the broadest nesting niche, and their use of cavities overlapped that of the other two species. These differences in cavity use may be related to differences in size, with Red-and-green Macaws the largest of the three species (90 cm long, 1050,1320 g), followed by Scarlet Macaws (85 cm long, 1060,1123 g) and Blue-and-yellow Macaws (70 cm long, 1086 g). We did not observe interspecific conflicts between Blue-and-yellow Macaws and the other two species. However, Scarlet and Red-and-green macaws frequently compete for cavities, perhaps contributing to the use of a wider range of cavity resources by the smaller, less competitive Scarlet Macaws. For the three macaw species combined, 40 of 84 nests (48%) were successful, fledging either one or two young (mean = 1.4 ± 0.43). The overall reproductive output (including failed nests) was 0.60 ± 0.68 fledglings per nesting pair, with no difference between macaw species (P > 0.18). A lack of alternative nest substrates for large macaws may drive resource partitioning by sympatric species, with specialization on either emergent trees or palm snags, whereas less competitive species like Scarlet Macaws need to be flexible and use a variety of nest sites. RESUMEN La competencia por sitios de anidación entre especies simpatricas favorece la repartición de recursos. Evaluamos la repartición del recurso de cavidades entre la guacamaya roja (Ara chloropterus), guacamaya azul y amarilla (A. ararauna), y guacamaya escarlata (A. macao) en la selva tropical húmeda del sureste de Perú. La guacamaya roja anidó principalmente en cavidades en árboles emergentes de Dipteryx, y la guacamaya azul y amarilla anidó en palmeras muertas. La guacamaya escarlata presentó el nicho de anidación más amplio, sóbrelapando su uso de cavidades con las otras dos especies. Estas diferencias en uso de cavidades podrían estar relacionadas con diferencias en tamaño corporal, la guacamaya roja es la especie mas grande (90 cm largo, 1050,1320 g), seguido por la guacamaya escarlata (85 cm largo, 1060,1123 g) y la guacamaya azul y amarillo (70 cm largo, 1086 g). No observamos conflictos interespecificos de la guacamaya azul y amarilla con las otras dos especies. Sin embargo, las guacamayas roja y escarlata competieron frecuentemente por las cavidades, que contribuiría al rango mas amplio de cavidades usadas por la mas pequeña, menor competitivo, guacamaya escarlata. Para las tres especies, 40 de 84 nidos (48%) fueron exitosos, con uno o dos volantones (promedio = 1.4 ± 0.43). La productividad reproductiva (incluyendo nidos fracasados) fue de 0.60 ± 0.68 volantones por pareja, que no varió entre las especies (P > 0.18). Una falta de sustratos alternos para anidación por las guacamayas podría impulsar la repartición de recursos entre las especies simpatricas, con especialización sobre árboles emergentes o palmeras muertas, mientras la menor competidora guacamaya escarlata necesita ser flexible, utilizando una variedad de sitios de anidación. [source]

Using hyperspectral satellite imagery for regional inventories: a test with tropical emergent trees in the Amazon Basin

M. Pape
Abstract Questions: Understanding distributions of tree species at landscape scales in tropical forests is a difficult task that could benefit from the recent development of satellite imaging spectroscopy. We tested an application of the EO-1 Hyperion satellite sensor to spectrally detect the location of five important tree taxa in the lowland humid tropical forests of southeastern Peru. Location: Peru, Departamento de Madre de Díos. Methods: We used linear discriminant analysis with a stepwise selection procedure to analyze two Hyperion datasets (July and December 2006) to choose the most informative narrow bands for classifying trees. Results: Optimal channels selected were different between the two seasons. Classification was 100% successful for the five taxa when using 25 narrow bands and pixels that represented >40% of tree crowns. We applied the discriminant functions developed separately for the two seasons to the entire study area, and found significantly nonrandom overlap in the anticipated distributions of the five taxa between seasons. Conclusions: Despite known issues, such as signal-to-noise ratio and spatial resolution, Hyperion imaging spectroscopy has potential for developing regional mapping of large-crowned tropical trees. [source]

Demographic and life-history correlates for Amazonian trees

Henrique E.M. Nascimento
Abstract Questions: Which demographic and life-history differences are found among 95 sympatric tree species? Are there correlations among demographic parameters within this assemblage? Location: Central Amazonian rain forest. Methods: Using long-term data from 24 1,ha permanent plots, eight characteristics were estimated for each species: wood density, annual mortality rate, annual recruitment rate, mean stem diameter, maximum stem diameter, mean stem-growth rate, maximum stem-growth rate, population density. Results: An ordination analysis revealed that tree characteristics varied along two major axes of variation, the major gradient expressing light requirements and successional status, and the second gradient related to tree size. Along these gradients, four relatively discrete tree guilds could be distinguished: fast-growing pioneer species, shade-tolerant sub-canopy species, canopy trees, and emergent species. Pioneers were uncommon and most trees were canopy or emergent species, which frequently had low mortality and recruitment. Wood density was negatively associated with tree mortality, recruitment, and growth rates when all species were considered. Growth rates varied markedly among and within species, with pioneers exhibiting far faster and less variable growth rates than did the other species. Slow growth in subcanopy species relative to canopy and emergent trees was not a simple consequence of mean tree size, but apparently resulted from physiological constraints imposed by low-light and other conditions in the forest understorey. Conclusions: Trees of Amazonian rain forests could be classified with some success into four relatively distinctive guilds. However, several demographic and life-history traits, such as those that distinguish early and late successional species, probably vary along a continuum, rather than being naturally grouped into relatively discrete categories. [source]

Selection of sleeping trees in pileated gibbons (Hylobates pileatus)

Rungnapa Phoonjampa
Abstract Selection and use patterns of sleeping sites in nonhuman primates are suggested to have multiple functions, such as predation avoidance, but they might be further affected by range defense as well as foraging constraints or other factors. Here, we investigate sleeping tree selection by the male and female members of one group of pileated gibbons (Hylobates pileatus) at Khao Ang Rue Nai Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand. Data were collected on 113 nights, between September 2006 and January 2009, yielding data on 201 sleeping tree choices (107 by the female and 94 by the male) and on the characteristics of 71 individual sleeping trees. Each sleeping tree and all trees ,40,cm diameter at breast height (DBH) in the home range were assessed (height, DBH, canopy structure, liana load) and mapped using a GPS. The gibbons preferentially selected tall (mean=38.5,m), emergent trees without lianas. The majority of the sleeping trees (53.5%) were used only once and consecutive reuse was rare (9.5%). Sleeping trees were closer to the last feeding tree of the evening than to the first feeding tree in the morning, and sleeping trees were located in the overlap areas with neighbors less often than expected based on time spent in these areas. These results suggest avoidance of predators as the main factor influencing sleeping tree selection in pileated gibbons. However, other non-mutually exclusive factors may be involved as well. Am. J. Primatol. 72:617,625, 2010. © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

The Role of Cloud Combing and Shading by Isolated Trees in the Succession from Maquis to Rain Forest in New Caledonia1

BIOTROPICA, Issue 2 2002
L. S. Rigg
ABSTRACT This study examined the role of shading and cloud combing of moisture by scattered trees of the emergent conifer Araucaria laubenfelsii (Corbass.) in montane shrubland-maquis at Mont Do, New Caledonia, in facilitating the succession from shrubland to rain forest. Water collection experiments showed that these trees combed significant amounts of water from low clouds on days when no rainfall was recorded and deposited this moisture on the ground beneath the tree canopy. Analysis of photosystem II function in A. laubenfelsii and five other plant species using fluorometry revealed much lower photosystem stress in plants beneath scattered A. laubenfelsii than for individuals exposed to full sunlight in the open maquis. Transition matrix analyses of vegetation change based on "the most likely recruit to succeed" indicated that the transition from maquis to forest was markedly faster when emergent trees of A. laubenfelsii acted as nuclei for forest species invasion of die maquis. On the basis of these lines of evidence, it is argued that increased moisture and shading supplied to the area directly below the crown of isolated A. laubenfelsii trees in the maquis facilitates the establishment of both conifer seedlings and other rain forest tree and shrub species. In the absence of fire, rain forest can reestablish through spread in two ways: first, by expansion from remnant patches, and second, from coalescence of small rain forest patches formed around individual trees of A. laubenfelsii. [source]