Embryo Proper (embryo + proper)

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Selected Abstracts

Requirement of Runx1/AML1/PEBP2,B for the generation of haematopoietic cells from endothelial cells

GENES TO CELLS, Issue 1 2001
Tomomasa Yokomizo
Recent studies revealing that endothelial cells derived from E8.5-E10.5 mouse embryos give rise to haematopoietic cells appear to correspond to previous histological observations that haematopoietic cell clusters are attached to the ventral aspect of dorsal aorta in such a way as if they were budding from the endothelial cell layer. Gene disruption studies have revealed that Runx1/AML1 is required for definitive haematopoiesis but not for primitive haematopoiesis, but the precise stage of gene function is not yet known. We found that mice deficient in Runx1/AML1 (an , subunit of the transcription factor PEBP2/CBF) lack c-Kit+ haematopoietic cell clusters in the dorsal aorta, omphalomesenteric and umbilical arteries, as well as yolk sac vessels. Moreover, endothelial cells sorted from the embryo proper and the yolk sac of AML1,/, embryos are unable to differentiate into haematopoietic cells on OP9 stromal cells, whereas colonies of AML1,/, endothelial cells can be formed in culture. These results strongly suggest that the emergence of haematopoietic cells from endothelial cells represents a major pathway of definitive haematopoiesis and is an event that also occurs in the yolk sac in vivo, as suggested by earlier in vitro experiments. [source]

AtDEK1 is essential for specification of embryonic epidermal cell fate

Kim L. Johnson
Summary The specification of epidermal (L1) identity occurs early during plant embryogenesis. Here we show that, in Arabidopsis, AtDEK1 encodes a key component of the embryonic L1 cell-layer specification pathway. Loss of AtDEK1 function leads to early embryo lethality characterized by a severe loss of cell organization in the embryo proper and abnormal cell divisions within the suspensor. Markers for L1 identity, ACR4 and ATML1, are not expressed in homozygous mutant embryos. In order to clarify the function of AtDEK1 further, an RNAi knockdown approach was used. This allowed embryos to partially complete embryogenesis before losing AtDEK1 activity. Resulting seedlings showed a specific loss of epidermal cell identity within large portions of the cotyledons. In addition, meristem structure and function was systematically either reduced or entirely lost. AtDEK1 expression is not restricted to the L1 epidermal cell layer at any stage in development. This is consistent with AtDEK1 playing an upstream role in the continuous generation or interpretation of positional information required for epidermal specification. Our results not only identify a specific role for AtDEK1 during embryogenesis, but underline the potential key importance of L1 specification at the globular stage for subsequent progression through embryogenesis. [source]

The enigmatic primitive streak: prevailing notions and challenges concerning the body axis of mammals

BIOESSAYS, Issue 8 2009
Karen M. Downs
Abstract The primitive streak establishes the antero-posterior body axis in all amniote species. It is thought to be the conduit through which mesoderm and endoderm progenitors ingress and migrate to their ultimate destinations. Despite its importance, the streak remains poorly defined and one of the most enigmatic structures of the animal kingdom. In particular, the posterior end of the primitive streak has not been satisfactorily identified in any species. Unexpectedly, and contrary to prevailing notions, recent evidence suggests that the murine posterior primitive streak extends beyond the embryo proper. In its extraembryonic site, the streak creates a node-like cell reservoir from which the allantois, a universal caudal appendage of all amniotes and the future umbilical cord of placental mammals, emerges. This new insight into the fetal/umbilical relationship may explain the etiology of a large number of umbilical-associated birth defects, many of which are correlated with abnormalities of the embryonic midline. [source]

Silence of the fathers: Early X inactivation

BIOESSAYS, Issue 8 2004
Mimi K. Cheng
X chromosome inactivation is the mammalian answer to the dilemma of dosage compensation between males and females. The study of this fascinating form of chromosome-wide gene regulation has yielded surprising insights into early development and cellular memory. In the past few months, three papers1,3 reported unexpected findings about the paternal X chromosome (Xp). All three studies agree that the Xp is imprinted to become inactive earlier than ever suspected during embryonic development. Although apparently incomplete, this early form of inactivation insures dosage compensation throughout development. Silencing of the Xp persists in cells of extraembryonic tissues, but it is erased and followed by random X inactivation in cells of the embryo proper. These findings challenge several aspects of the current view of X inactivation during early development and may have profound impact on studies of pluripotency and epigenetics. BioEssays 26:821,824, 2004. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. [source]