Electric Power Generation (electric + power_generation)

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Selected Abstracts

Analysis of effect of electrolyte types on electrokinetic energy conversion in nanoscale capillaries

Reiyu Chein
Abstract An analytical study on the effect of electrolyte types on the electrokinetic energy conversion is presented using nanoscale cylindrical capillary, which is either positively or negatively charged. The sign of surface charge determines the role and concentration magnitude of ions in the capillary and the energy conversion performance. Our study shows that the electrokinetic energy conversion performance (maximum efficiency, pressure rise and streaming potential) are approximately identical for 1:1 (KCl), 2:1 (CaCl2) and 3:1 (LaCl3) electrolytes when capillary is positively charged. For negatively charged capillary, energy conversion performance degrades significantly with the increase of counter-ion valence. For both positively and negatively charged capillaries, higher maximum efficiency can be resulted in low bulk concentration and surface charge density regimes. However, high maximum pressure rise generation for the pumping is found in the low bulk concentration and high surface charge density regimes. For the electric power generation, higher maximum streaming potential is found when both bulk concentration and surface charge density are low. [source]

Dynamic characteristics of a PEM fuel cell system for individual houses

S. ObaraArticle first published online: 1 AUG 200
Abstract The method of determination of the control variables for a system controller, which controls the electric power output of a solid-polymer-membrane (PEM) fuel cell system during electric power load fluctuations, was considered. The operation was clarified for the response characteristics of electric power generation for setting the control variables of proportional action and integral action considered to be the optimal for the system controller. The power load pattern of an individual house consists of loads usually moved up and down rapidly for a short time. Until now, there have been no examples showing the characteristics of the power generation efficiency of a system that follows a load pattern that moves up and down rapidly. Therefore, this paper investigates the relation of the control variables and power generation efficiency when adding change that simulates the load of a house to PEM fuel cell cogeneration. As a result, it was shown that an operation, minimally influenced by load fluctuations, can be performed by changing the control variables using the value of the electric power load of a system. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

The role of policy instruments for promoting combined heat and power production with low CO2 emissions in district heating systems

Å. Marbe
Abstract Policy instruments clearly influence the choice of production technologies and fuels in large energy systems, including district heating networks. Current Swedish policy instruments aim at promoting the use of biofuel in district heating systems, and at promoting electric power generation from renewable energy sources. However, there is increasing pressure to harmonize energy policy instruments within the EU. In addition, natural gas based combined cycle technology has emerged as the technology of choice in the power generation sector in the EU. This study aims at exploring the role of policy instruments for promoting the use of low CO2 emissions fuels in high performance combined heat and power systems in the district heating sector. The paper presents the results of a case study for a Swedish district heating network where new large size natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) combined heat and power (CHP) is being built. Given the aim of current Swedish energy policy, it is assumed that it could be of interest in the future to integrate a biofuel gasifier to the CHP plant and co-fire the gasified biofuel in the gas turbine unit, thereby reducing usage of fossil fuel. The goals of the study are to evaluate which policy instruments promote construction of the planned NGCC CHP unit, the technical performance of an integrated biofuelled pressurized gasifier with or without dryer on plant site, and which combination of policy instruments promote integration of a biofuel gasifier to the planned CHP unit. The power plant simulation program GateCycle was used for plant performance evaluation. The results show that current Swedish energy policy instruments favour investing in the NGCC CHP unit. The corresponding cost of electricity (COE) from the NGCC CHP unit is estimated at 253 SEK MWh,1, which is lower than the reference power price of 284 SEK MWh,1. Investing in the NGCC CHP unit is also shown to be attractive if a CO2 trading system is implemented. If the value of tradable emission permits (TEP) in such as system is 250 SEK tonne,1, COE is 353 SEK MWh,1 compared to the reference power price of 384 SEK MWh,1. It is possible to integrate a pressurized biofuel gasifier to the NGCC CHP plant without any major re-design of the combined cycle provided that the maximum degree of co-firing is limited to 27,38% (energy basis) product gas, depending on the design of the gasifier system. There are many parameters that affect the economic performance of an integrated biofuel gasifier for product gas co-firing of a NGCC CHP plant. The premium value of the co-generated renewable electricity and the value of TEPs are very important parameters. Assuming a future CO2 trading system with a TEP value of 250 SEK tonne,1 and a premium value of renewable electricity of 200 SEK MWh,1 COE from a CHP plant with an integrated biofuelled gasifier could be 336 SEK MWh,1, which is lower than both the reference market electric power price and COE for the plant operating on natural gas alone. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Long-term transient and metastable effects in cadmium telluride photovoltaic modules

J. A. del Cueto
Abstract Thin-film cadmium telluride (CdTe) photovoltaic (PV) technology is poised to begin making significant contributions and impact on terrestrial, electric power generation. However, some outstanding issues such as stability and transient behavior, and their impact on reliability and assessment of performance, remain to be thoroughly addressed, which has prompted some unease among PV industry integrators toward deploying this technology. We explore the issues of long-term stability and transient behavior in the performance of CdTe modules herein, using data acquired from indoor light-soaking studies. We find that measurement of current-voltage parameters and their temperature coefficients are entangled with transient effects. Changes in module power depend on recent operating history, such as electrical bias, and can result in either artificially high or low performance. Both the open-circuit voltage (VOC) and fill factor (FF) are significantly impacted by metastable behavior that appears to linger for up to tens of hours, and we observe such increased transient effects after modules have undergone several hundred hours of light exposure. We present and analyze data measured under standard reporting conditions and actual operating conditions for six CdTe modules light-exposed and stressed at 65°C nominal temperatures. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Performance and cost analysis of future, commercially mature gasification-based electric power generation from switchgrass

Haiming Jin
Abstract Detailed process designs and mass/energy balances are developed using a consistent modeling framework and input parameter assumptions for biomass-based power generation at large scale (4536 dry metric tonnes per day switchgrass input), assuming future commercially mature component equipment performance levels. The simulated systems include two gasification-based gas turbine combined cycles (B-IGCC) designed around different gasifier technologies, one gasification-based solid oxide fuel cell cycle (B-IGSOFC), and a steam-Rankine cycle. The simulated design-point efficiency of the B-IGSOFC is the highest among all systems (51.8%, LHV basis), with modestly lower efficiencies for the B-IGCC design using a pressurized, oxygen-blown gasifier (49.5% LHV) and for the B-IGCC design using a low-pressure indirectly heated gasifier (48.6%, LHV). The steam-Rankine system has a simulated efficiency of 33.0% (LHV). Detailed capital costs are estimated assuming commercially mature (,Nth plant') technologies for the two B-IGCC and the steam-Rankine systems. B-IGCC systems are more capital-intensive than the steam-Rankine system, but discounted cash flow rate of return calculations highlight the total cost advantage of the B-IGCC systems when biomass prices are higher. Uncertainties regarding prospective mature-technology costs for solid oxide fuel cells and hot gas sulfur clean-up technologies assumed for the B-IGSOFC performance analysis make it difficult to evaluate the prospective electricity generating costs for B-IGSOFC relative to B-IGCC. The rough analysis here suggests that B-IGSOFC will not show improved economics relative to B-IGCC at the large scale considered here. © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd [source]