Elution Buffer (elution + buffer)

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Selected Abstracts

Effect of Conductivity, pH, and Elution Buffer Salinity on Glycomacropeptide Recovery from Whey Using Anion Exchange Chromatography

Hatice N. Tek
ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of whey conductivity, pH, and the salt concentration of the elution buffer on glycomacropeptide recovery and its extent of contamination using anion exchange chromatography. Glycomacropeptide was isolated from Mozzarella whey. Samples were analyzed for glycomacropeptide and contaminating whey proteins. Mass balances and percent recoveries were calculated from these data. Glycomacropeptide recovery increased substantially with decreasing conductivity and increasing pH of the whey feed stream. Increasing the pH, but not increasing the conductivity, increased contamination of the glycomacropeptide by primarily beta-lactoglobulin. Salt concentration of at least 0.1 M was required for complete elution of bound glycomacropeptide. These data define conditions needed for glycomacropeptide recovery by a process chromatography system that uses food-grade buffers, operates at industrially relevant flow rates, and achieves up to 98% recovery. [source]

Differential interactions of plasmid DNA, RNA and genomic DNA with amino acid-based affinity matrices

Angela Sousa
Abstract The development of a strategy to plasmid DNA (pDNA) purification has become necessary for the development of gene therapy and DNA vaccine production processes in recent years, since this nucleic acid and most of contaminants, such as RNA, genomic DNA and endotoxins, are negatively charged. An ideal separation methodology may be achieved with the use of affinity interactions between immobilized amino acids and nucleic acids. In this study, the binding behaviour of nucleic acids under the influence of different environmental conditions, such as the composition and ionic strength of elution buffer, and the temperature, is compared with various amino acids immobilized on chromatography resins. Supercoiled (sc) plasmid isoform was isolated with all matrices used, but in some cases preferential interactions with other nucleic acids were found. Particularly, lysine chromatography showed to be an ideal technology mainly on RNA purification using low salt concentration. On the other hand, arginine ligands have shown a greater ability to retain the sc isoform comparatively to the other nucleic acids retention, becoming this support more adequate to sc pDNA purification. The temperature variation, competitive elution and oligonucleotides affinity studies also allowed to recognize the dominant interactions inherent to biorecognition of pDNA molecule and the affinity matrices. [source]

PEG enhances viral clearance on ceramic hydroxyapatite

Mark A. Snyder
Abstract Viral clearance across ceramic hydroxyapatite (CHTÔ) was examined in two elution systems: sodium chloride and sodium chloride plus poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG). In both cases clearance of xenotropic murine leukemia virus was significant (3,4,log) while that of minute virus of mice varied between 1.7 and 2.7,log; in addition, the addition of PEG to the elution buffer enhanced viral clearance. The data are in agreement with the previous results and demonstrate that additional clearance can be obtained by adding PEG to a ceramic hydroxyapatite buffer system. [source]

Chromatographic separation of cytidine triphosphate from fermentation broth of yeast using anion-exchange cryogel

Lianghua Wang
Abstract A novel separation method was developed to isolate directly cytidine triphosphate (CTP) from fermentation broth of yeast using anion-exchange supermacroporous cryogel. The anion-exchange cryogel with tertiary amine groups was prepared by graft polymerization. The breakthrough characteristics and elution performance of pure CTP in the cryogel bed were investigated experimentally and the CTP binding capacity was determined. Then the separation experiments of CTP from crude fermentation broth of yeast using the cryogel column were carried out using deionized water and 0.01 M HCl as washing buffer, respectively. The chromatographic behavior was monitored and analyzed. The purity and concentration of the obtained CTP in these processes were determined quantitatively by HPLC. The maximal purity of CTP obtained at the condition of 0.01 M HCl as washing buffer and 0.5 M NaCl in 0.01 M HCl as elution buffer reached 93%. [source]

Tricalcium phosphate nanoparticles enable rapid purification, increase transduction kinetics, and modify the tropism of mammalian viruses

Imke A.J. Dreesen
Abstract Adenoviral, adeno-associated viral, and retroviral particles are chosen as gene delivery shuttles in more than 50% of all gene therapy clinical trials. Bulk availability of clinical-grade viral particles and their efficiency to transduce the therapeutic cargo into specific target cells remain the most critical bottlenecks in gene therapy applications to date. Capitalizing on the flame-spray technology for the reproducible economic large-scale production of amorphous tricalcium phosphate nanoparticulate powders (ATCP), we designed a scalable ready-to-use gravity-flow column set-up for the straightforward concentration and purification of transgenic adenoviral, adeno-associated viral, and lentiviral particles. Specific elution buffers enabled rapid release of viral particles from the ATCP matrix of the column and provided high-titer virus preparations in an unsurpassed period of time. The interaction of ATCP with adenoviral, adeno-associated viral, and lentiviral particles in solution increased the transduction kinetics of several mammalian cell lines in culture. The nanoparticles were also able to modify the tropism of murine leukemia virus (MLV) towards transduction of human cells. Based on these findings, we believe that the use of flame-spray tricalcium phosphate nanoparticles will lead to important progress in the development of future gene therapy initiatives. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009;102: 1197,1208. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. [source]