
Distribution by Scientific Domains
Distribution within Life Sciences

Kinds of Elephants

  • african elephant
  • asian elephant
  • forest elephant
  • savanna elephant

  • Terms modified by Elephants

  • elephant abundance
  • elephant conservation
  • elephant density
  • elephant distribution
  • elephant number
  • elephant park
  • elephant population

  • Selected Abstracts


    BIOETHICS, Issue 4 2008
    ABSTRACT Despite broad agreement that the vulnerable have a claim to special protection, defining vulnerable persons or populations has proved more difficult than we would like. This is a theoretical as well as a practical problem, as it hinders both convincing justifications for this claim and the practical application of required protections. In this paper, I review consent-based, harm-based, and comprehensive definitions of vulnerability in healthcare and research with human subjects. Although current definitions are subject to critique, their underlying assumptions may be complementary. I propose that we should define vulnerability in research and healthcare as an identifiably increased likelihood of incurring additional or greater wrong. In order to identify the vulnerable, as well as the type of protection that they need, this definition requires that we start from the sorts of wrongs likely to occur and from identifiable increments in the likelihood, or to the likely degree, that these wrongs will occur. It is limited but appropriately so, as it only applies to special protection, not to any protection to which we have a valid claim. Using this definition would clarify that the normative force of claims for special protection does not rest with vulnerability itself, but with pre-existing claims when these are more likely to be denied. Such a clarification could help those who carry responsibility for the protection of vulnerable populations, such as Institutional Review Boards, to define the sort of protection required in a more targeted and effective manner. [source]

    Characterization of tetranucleotide microsatellite loci in the African Savannah Elephant (Loxodonta africana africana)

    E. A. Archie
    Abstract Most African elephant (Loxodonta africana africana) populations are isolated and thus threatened by a loss of genetic diversity. As a consequence, genetic analysis of African elephant populations will play an increasing role in their conservation, and microsatellite loci will be an important tool in these analyses. Previously published sets of polymorphic microsatellites developed for African elephants are all dinucleotide repeats, which are prone to typing error. Here, we characterize 11 tetranucleotide microsatellite loci in the African elephant. All loci were polymorphic in 32 faecal samples and two tissue samples from 33 individual African savannah elephants. [source]

    Electrocardiograms from the Turtle to the Elephant that Illustrate Interesting Physiological Phenomena

    GEDDES, L.A. Electrocardiograms From the Turtle to the Elephant that Illustrate Interesting Physiological Phenomena. This article describes a collection of ECGs from many species obtained over the past 50 years. Presented are ECGs of species in which the pacemaker is a separate contractile chamber with its own action and recovery potentials. In such species, pacemaker atrial and AV block can be produced. Shortening of the atrial refractory period and the negative inotropic effect can be produced by vagal stimulation. The cardiac electrogram and stroke volume are recorded from the turtle heart. The ECG and respiration were recorded from the snake. ECG records were obtained from the anesthetized and decapitated housefly. ECG records of the rabbit show slowing when the nose encountered irritating vapors. Records from a dog with atrial fibrillation exhibit rhythmic fibrillation frequency changes correlated with respiration. In addition, in a morphinized dog with atrial fibrillation, impulses crossed the AV node only during inspiration. The ECGs of a cow and camel exhibit long P-R intervals and biphasic P waves. Finally the elephant ECG shows a clear U wave following the T wave. [source]

    Electron Beam Computed Tomography: Views of the Elephant

    Saul Schaefer MD Guest Editor
    No abstract is available for this article. [source]

    Qualitative Comparison of the Cranio-Dental Osteology of the Extant Elephants, Elephas Maximus (Asian Elephant) and Loxodonta africana (African Elephant)

    Nancy E. Todd
    Abstract Few osteological descriptions of the extant elephants and no detailed morphological comparison of the two genera, Elephas and Loxodonta, have been done in recent years. In this study, 786 specimens of extant elephants (crania, mandibles, and molars) were examined for characters unique to each species. Differences between sexes in each species were described, as well as differences between subspecies of each species. Striking differences in morphology were noted between sexes of both elephants and between subspecies, which may complement current genetic studies, the focus of which is to determine division at the subspecies or species level, particularly differences between the savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana africana) and the forest elephant (Loxodonta africana cyclotis). In addition, examination of the two living elephants provides an excellent dataset for identifying phylogenetic characters for use in examining evolutionary relationships within and between fossil lineages of elephantids. Anat Rec, 2010. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Histological Assessment of Selected Blood Vessels of the Phocid Seals (Northern Elephant and Harbour Seals)

    H. Smodlaka
    Summary Phocid seals exhibit vascular adaptations that allow them to undertake prolonged deep dives. These vascular adaptations are either unique to phocids, or are modified vascular equivalents to those present in terrestrial mammals. One such adaptation, the aortic bulb, is a spherical enlargement of the ascending aorta specific to phocid seals. Its histological make-up consists of a reinforced tunica media with circular and longitudinal layers of elastic fibres. This reinforcement enables multi-axial deformation of the aortic bulb, thus complementing its function as a prominent elastic reservoir or ,windkessel'. A second adaptation, the hepatic sinus, is an asymmetrical dilation of the abdominal portion of the caudal vena cava and accompanying hepatic veins. The hepatic sinus is comprised of a relatively thin tunica media, with a scant smooth muscle component. The bulk of the sinus wall is comprised of tunica adventitia. A third vascular adaptation distinctive to the phocids is the pericardial venous plexus, composed of convoluted veins circumnavigating the perimeter of the heart. Microscopically, these veins have a thick tunica media and also contain valves. Smaller arteries, venules and distinct capillary beds are observed interspersed in-between these veins. It can be hypothesized, that in seals, certain vascular embryonic development may be arrested at an earlier embryonic stage, resulting in these unusual vascular formations. These modifications play a vital role in blood pressure regulation and distribution of oxygenated blood during prolonged deep diving. The purpose of this work was to elucidate the histological aspects of these unique vascular modifications and relate them to specific function. [source]

    Like Humans, Like Elephants

    CONSERVATION, Issue 1 2007
    Martin Meredith

    Noninvasive Stress and Reproductive Measures of Social and Ecological Pressures in Free-Ranging African Elephants

    C. A. H. Foley
    This, coupled with political pressures to delist the elephant, has created a need for noninvasive physiological measures that can quantify the long-term effects of past mortality patterns of this long-lived species. We collected fresh fecal samples from 16 female elephants in three different groups over 23 months at Tarangire National Park, Tanzania, and analyzed them for fecal progesterone and cortisol metabolites. Social and ecological measures were collected concurrently. Fecal progesterone metabolite measures corresponded significantly with stage of gestation, and appear to be able to confirm pregnancy in female elephants from as early as 3 months of gestation. We found that progesterone metabolite concentrations were significantly lower during the dry season than during the wet season after controlling for stage of gestation. Fecal cortisol metabolite concentrations showed the opposite seasonal pattern, being significantly higher in the dry season and inversely correlated with rainfall across seasons. Fecal cortisol metabolite concentrations also increased with group size and were correlated positively with dominance rank in the largest group. Our results suggest that measures of progesterone and cortisol metabolites in feces provide indices of reproductive function and physiological stress that can quantify both natural and human disturbances in African elephants. These measures are ideally suited for monitoring the long-term effects of social disruption from poaching and a variety of other management concerns. Resumen: Debido a la cacería furtiva, la población de elefante africano ( Loxodonta africana) declinó en un 60%, principalmente adultos, entre 1979 y 1988. Esto, aunado a presiones políticas para eliminar al elefante de las listas de especies en peligro, ha creado la necesidad de medidas fisiológicas no invasivas que puedan cuantificar efectos a largo plazo de patrones de mortalidad en el pasado de esta especie longeva. Recolectamos muestras fecales de 16 elefantes hembras en tres grupos diferentes en el Parque Nacional Tarangire, Tanzania a lo largo de 23 meses, y las analizamos para detectar metabolitos de progesterona fecal y de cortisol. Al mismo tiempo se recolectaron medidas sociales y ecológicas. Las medidas de metabolitos de progesterona fecal correspondieron significativamente con la etapa de gestación, y parecen permitir la confirmación de preñez en elefantes hembras tan temprano como a los tres meses de gestación. Las concentraciones de metabolitos de progesterona fueron significativamente menores durante la época de sequía que en la de lluvias después de controlar para la etapa de gestación. Las concentraciones de metabolitos de cortisol fecal mostraron un patrón estacional opuesto, siendo significativamente más altas en la época de sequía e inversamente correlacionados con la precipitación en todas las estaciones. Las concentraciones de metabolitos de cortisol fecal también incrementaron con el tamaño del grupo y se correlacionaron positivamente con el rango de dominancia en el grupo más grande. Nuestros resultados sugieren que las medidas de metabolitos de progesterona y cortisol en las heces proporcionan índices de la función reproductiva y del estrés fisiológico que puede cuantificar perturbaciones, tanto naturales como humanas, en elefantes africanos. Estas medidas son idealmente adecuadas para monitorear efectos a largo plazo de la disrupción social por la cacería furtiva y así como una variedad de aspectos del manejo. [source]

    Elephants and water provision: what are the management links?

    I. P. J. Smit
    ABSTRACT In a recent paper we demonstrated that elephant bull groups and mixed herds exhibited spatial and resource segregation across the Kruger National Park. It was found, inter alia, that both bull groups and mixed herds occurred more frequently closer to rivers than expected if they were randomly distributed, but that only bull groups occurred more frequently closer to the artificial waterholes. Although Chamaillé-Jammes et al. (2007) accepted these results, they disagreed with our interpretation regarding the potential effect that closure of artificial waterholes might have. Here we address some of the specific concerns expressed and provide a broader context regarding water provision and elephant management. Although water provision can influence elephant density and distribution, we argue that the effectiveness of surface-water manipulation as a management tool will depend on (1) natural surface-water availability, (2) forage quality, (3) elephant densities, (4) position of a population on its growth trajectory, and (5) management objectives. Even though elephants are water-dependent, the effectiveness of water provision as a management tool will therefore be area- and population-specific and will depend on management objectives. [source]

    How Elephants are Opening Doors: Developmental Neuroethology, Attachment and Social Context

    ETHOLOGY, Issue 5 2007
    G. A. Bradshaw
    Ethology's renewed interest in developmental context coincides with recent insights from neurobiology and psychology on early attachment. Attachment and social learning are understood as fundamental mechanisms in development that shape core processes responsible for informing behaviour throughout a lifetime. Each field uniquely contributes to the creation of an integrated model and encourages dialogue between Tinbergen's four analytical levels: ethology in its underscoring of social systems of behaviour and context, psychology in its emphasis on socio-affective attachment transactions, and neuroscience in its explication of the coupled development of brain and behaviour. We review the relationship between developmental context and behaviour outcome as a topic shared by the three disciplines, with a specific focus on underlying neuroethological mechanisms. This interdisciplinary convergence is illustrated through the example of abnormal behaviour in wild African elephants (Loxodonta africana) that has been systematically observed in human-caused altered social contexts. Such disruptions impair normative socially mediated neuroendocrinological development leading to psychobiological dysregulation that expresses as non-normative behaviour. Aberrant behaviour in wild elephants provides a critical field example of what has been established in ex situ and clinical studies but has been largely absent in wild populations: a concrete link between effects of human disturbance on social context, and short- and long-term neuroethology. By so doing, it brings attention to the significant change in theories of behaviour that has been occurring across disciplines , namely, the merging of psychobiological and ethological perspectives into common, cross-species, human inclusive models. [source]

    Aspects of the reproductive biology and breeding management of Asian and African elephants Elephas maximus and Loxodonta africana

    Elephants possess many unique qualities, including some that relate directly to their reproductive biology. Thus, comparative studies on elephants provide valuable information to the growing biological database for extant mammals. Left undisturbed, Asian Elephas maximus and African Loxodonta Africana elephants reproduce well in the wild. It is ironic then that most captive populations face possible,extinction'because of historically poor reproductive performance. Some of the problems with breeding elephants in captivity are logistical but others, like ovarian and uterine pathologies and bull infertility, have management-related aetiology. Through advances in endocrine monitoring and ultrasound imaging techniques, we are beginning to understand some of the complex mechanisms controlling reproductive function in elephants. Several reproductive characteristics appear to be unique to the taxon, such as luteal steroidogenic function, follicular development patterns, pituitary gonadotrophin secretion, a 22 month-long gestation and musth (in ,,). One example is the,double LH surge'occurring 3 weeks apart during the follicular or non-luteal phase of the cycle, with only the second surge inducing ovulation. These qualities have at times both enhanced and hampered efforts to understand and control reproduction. We have learned that techniques developed for domestic or laboratory species are not always directly applicable to elephants. However, the recent success of artificial insemination based on new ultrasound and endocrine methodology offers hope that establishing selfsustaining populations is possible. This paper reviews our current knowledge of elephant reproduction and how it is being used to aid species conservation for maximal reproductive efficiency and enhancement of genetic management. [source]

    Studies on feed digestibilities in captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus)

    M. Clauss
    Summary In order to test the suitability of the horse as a nutritional model for elephants, digestibility studies were performed with six captive Asian elephants on six different dietary regimes, using the double marker method with acid detergent lignin as an internal and chromium oxide as an external digestibility marker. Elephants resembled horses in the way dietary supplements and dietary crude fibre content influenced digestibility, in calcium absorption parameters and in faecal volatile fatty acid composition. However, the absolute digestibility coefficients achieved for all nutrients are distinctively lower in elephants. This is because of much faster ingesta passage rates reported for elephants. No answer is given to why elephants do not make use of their high digestive potential theoretically provided by their immense body weight. Differences in volatile fatty acid concentrations between these captive elephants and those reported from elephants from the wild are in accord with a reported high dependence of free-ranging elephants on browse forage. Zusammenfassung Untersuchungen zur Verdaulichkeit von Futtermitteln bei Asiatischen Elefanten (Elephas maximus) Um zu überprüfen, ob das Pferd als ernährungsphysiolgisches Modelltier für Elefanten herangezogen werden kann, wurden Verdaulichkeitsstudien an sechs im Zoo gehaltenen Indischen Elefanten mit sechs verschiedenen Futterrationen durchgeführt. Dabei wurde die Doppelindikatormethode mit Lignin als internem und Chromoxid als externem Marker verwendet. Elefanten ähnelten Pferden hinsichtlich der Art und Weise, wie sich Ergänzungsfuttermittel und der Rohfasergehalt der Ration auf die Verdaulichkeit auswirkten, hinsichtlich der Kalziumabsorption, und hinsichtlich der Zusammensetzung der flüchtigen Fettsäuren im Kot. Die von Elefanten erzielten absoluten Verdaulich-keitswerte sind jedoch für alle Nährstoffe deutlich niedriger als bei Pferden, was auf die schnellere Passage der Ingesta durch den Verdauungstrakt der Elefanten zurückzuführen ist. Die Frage, warum Elefanten ihr großes Potential zu hohen Verdauungleistungen nicht ausnutzen, das ihnen theoretisch aufgrund ihrer immensen Körpermasse gegeben ist, ist noch nicht beantwortet. Unterschiede in den Konzentrationen von flüchtigen Fettsäuren im Kot zwischen diesen Zoo-Elefanten und Elefanten aus freier Wildbahn spiegeln den hohen Laubanteil in der Nahrung freilebender Tiere wieder. [source]

    The ranging patterns of elephants in Marsabit protected area, Kenya: the use of satellite-linked GPS collars

    Shadrack M. Ngene
    Abstract We investigated the ranging patterns of elephants in the Marsabit protected area, north eastern Kenya, to ascertain the range of bachelor and female family herds in different seasons, and to identify corridor and noncorridor areas. Data were acquired for five bachelor and four female family herds equipped with satellite-linked geographical positioning system collars, and monitored from December 2005 to December 2007. Distinct dry (about 260 km2) and wet seasons (about 910 km2) ranges were observed, with connecting corridors (north-eastern corridor: about 90 km long, about 2-7 km wide; southern corridors: about 10-20 km long, about 2-3 km wide). The dry season range corresponded with Marsabit evergreen forest, while the wet season range matched with dry deciduous lowland shrubs. The ranging elephants moved at speed of about 0.2-20 kmh,1. Bachelor herds moved faster than female family herds. Elephants moved fast during the intermediate and wet seasons than during the dry season. The speed of ranging elephants was over 1 kmh,1 in the corridor areas and about 0.2 to less than 1 kmh,1 in the non-corridor areas. Expansion of settlements towards corridor areas needs to be controlled to avoid future blocking of connectivity between wet and dry season elephant ranges. Résumé Nous avons étudié les schémas spatiaux des éléphants dans l'aire protégée de Marsabit, au nord-est du Kenya, pour évaluer le domaine vital des hardes de mâles et des hardes matriarcales à différentes saisons, et pour identifier les zones qui sont, ou pas, des corridors. Nous avons récolté des données pour cinq hardes de mâles et quatre hardes matriarcales équipées de colliers émetteurs reliés par satellite à un système de positionnement mondial, et nous les avons suivies de novembre 2005 à décembre 2007. Nous avons observé des domaines distincts de saison sèche (environ 260 km²) et de saison des pluies (environ 910 km²) ainsi que les corridors qui les relient (corridor du nord-est : près de 90 km de long, entre 2 et 7 km de large environ ; corridors du sud : entre 10 et 20 km de long, de 2 à 3 km de large). Le domaine vital de saison sèche correspondait à la forêt sempervirente de Marsabit, tandis que celui de saison des pluies correspondait à des arbustes décidus secs de plaine. Les éléphants se déplaçaient à une vitesse comprise entre 0,2 et 20 km/h. Les hardes de mâles allaient plus vite que les familles de femelles. Les éléphants se déplaçaient plus vite à l'entre-saison et en saison des pluies qu'en saison sèche. La vitesse des éléphants en mouvement était de plus d'un km/h dans l'étendue des corridors et elle variait de 0,2 à moins d'un km/h dans les zones qui ne faisaient pas partie des corridors. Il faut contrôler les extensions vers les aires qui servent de corridors pour éviter tout futur blocage de la connectivité entre les espaces vitaux de saison sèche et de saison des pluies. [source]

    The influence of tree canopies and elephants on sub-canopy vegetation in a savannah

    Robert Guldemond
    Abstract The apparent influence of elephants on the structure of savannahs in Africa may be enhanced by management activities, fire and other herbivores. We separated the effect elephants have on grasses, woody seedlings (<0.5 m) and saplings (0.5,2 m) from the effect of tree canopies (canopy effect), and herbivory (park effect). We defined the canopy effect as the differences between plant abundances and diversity indices under tree canopies and 20 m away from these. Our testing of the park effect relied on the differences in the sub-canopy plant indices inside and outside a protected area that supported a range of herbivores. We based our assessment of the elephant effect on sub-canopy vegetation indices associated with elephant induced reductions in tree canopies. The park and canopy effects were more pronounced than the elephant effect. The park effect suppressed the development of woody seedlings into saplings. Conditions associated with tree canopies benefited woody plants, but not the grasses, as their indices were lower under trees. Elephants reducing canopies facilitated grass species tolerant of direct solar radiation. We concluded that management should consider other agents operating in the system when deciding on reducing the impact that elephants may have on vegetation. Résumé L'influence apparente des éléphants sur la structure des savanes africaines pourrait bien être accentuée par les activités de gestion, les feux et les autres herbivores. Nous avons séparé l'effet que les éléphants ont sur les herbes, les jeunes plants ligneux (<0,5 m) et les arbustes (0,5,2 m) de ceux de la canopée des arbres (effet canopée) et de la présence d'herbivores (effet parc). Nous avons défini l'effet canopée comme la différence entre les indices d'abondance et de diversité des plantes sous la canopée des arbres et à 20 m de ceux-ci. Notre expérimentation de l'effet parc se basait sur la différence des indices de végétation sous canopée à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur d'une aire protégée qui accueille toute une gamme d'herbivores. Nous avons fondé notre évaluation de l'effet éléphants sur les indices de végétation sous canopée, associés aux réductions induites par les éléphants dans la canopée des arbres. Les effets parc et canopée étaient plus prononcés que l'effet éléphants. L'effet parc supprimait le développement des jeunes plants ligneux en arbustes. Les conditions liées à la canopée des arbres bénéficiaient aux plantes ligneuses mais pas aux herbes, car leurs indices étaient inférieurs sous les arbres. Les canopées réduites par les éléphants favorisaient les espèces d'herbes tolérantes à la lumière directe du soleil. Nous en avons conclu que toute gestion devrait considérer l'impact d'autres agents dans le système lorsqu'il s'agit de réduire l'impact que les éléphants peuvent avoir sur la végétation. [source]

    Patterns of elephant impact on woody plants in the Hluhluwe-Imfolozi park, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa

    Roger Patrick Boundja
    Abstract This study identifies patterns of elephant Loxodonta africana africana impacts upon tree species and woody plant communities in Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park, a South African savannahs/woodlands area. Elephants were reintroduced there from 1981, following more than 80 years of absence. Data were collected in 2003 on elephant impact on woodland in the Park. Different vegetation types were susceptible to different types and levels of damage by elephants, suggesting that elephants will not homogenize the vegetation. Elephants targeted larger stems for all types of damage, with a strong preference for some of the less abundant species such as Albizia versicolor (breaking and toppling) and Cordia caffra and Schotia brachypetala (debarking). Elephant impacts tended to be distributed evenly across the park landscape, irrespective of stem density or proximity to permanent water. Overall, elephants have little impact on slowing or reversing the spread of undesirable woody species, but are having a marked impact on certain less common tree species and larger tree size-classes in the Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park. Résumé Cette étude identifie le schéma des impacts des éléphants Loxodonta africana africana sur des espèces d'arbres et sur des communautés végétales du Parc de Hluhluwe-Imfolozi, une zone de forêts et de savanes d'Afrique du Sud. Des éléphants y furent réintroduits à partir de 1981, après une absence de plus de 80 ans. En 2003, on a récolté des données sur l'impact des éléphants sur les forêts du parc. ON a vu que les différents types de végétation étaient sensibles à des types et à des niveaux différents de dommages causés par les éléphants, ce qui laisse entendre que les éléphants ne vont pas uniformiser la végétation. Les éléphants visaient les plus gros troncs pour tous les types de dommages, avec une préférence marquée pour certaines des espèces les moins abondantes, comme Albizia versicolor (cassés et renversés) et Cordia caffra and Schotia brachypetala (écorcés). Les impacts des éléphants avaient tendance àêtre répartis également dans tout le paysage du parc, quelles que soient la densité des troncs ou la proximité de points d'eau permanents. En général, les éléphants avaient peu d'impact sur le ralentissement ou l'inversion de la dispersion des espèces ligneuses indésirables, mais ils ont un impact réel sur certaines espèces d'arbres moins fréquentes et sur les arbres de classes de taille plus grandes dans le Parc de Hluhluwe-Imfolozi. [source]

    Growth response of woody species to elephant foraging in Mwea National Reserve, Kenya

    Robert M. Chira
    Abstract The African elephant (Loxodonta africana) is known to greatly affect the structure and dynamics of vegetation. In Mwea National Reserve, elephants foraged mainly on Acacia ataxacantha and Grewia bicolor out of the five most preferred woody species. However, out of the five preferred woody species, only Grewia virosa and G. bicolor showed a positive association between their fresh use and past elephant use. All the five selected woody species showed high coppicing response after foraging, with the highest coppice growth rates recorded for Acacia brevispica and lowest for Grewia tembensis. The mean heights of woody species utilized by elephants were highest for A. brevispica and lowest for G. bicolor. The mean heights of coppices emerging after utilization by elephants were not significantly different for A. ataxacantha but were significantly shorter in the rest of the foraged species. Elephants avoided the coppices of many other woody species notably C. africana, A. tortilis, A. mellifera, Combretum aculeatum among others in the reserve. The objective of this study was to understand the capacity of woody species to recover after utilization by elephants and feeding response of elephants to new woody species re-growth; a cycle that would define the dynamics of food resources and elephant population within the reserve. Résumé On sait que l'éléphant africain Loxodonta africana affecte beaucoup la structure et la dynamique de la végétation. Dans la Réserve Nationale de Mwea, les éléphants consommaient principalement de l'Acacia ataxacantha et du Grewia bicolor parmi les cinq espèces ligneuses préférées. Cependant, parmi ces cinq espèces, seuls Grewia virosa et .G. bicolor présentaient une association positive entre leur utilisation récente et ancienne par les éléphants. Les cinq espèces ligneuses sélectionnées manifestaient une forte repousse en réponse à la consommation des éléphants, et le taux de repousse était le plus élevé a été enregistré chez Acacia brevispica et le plus faible chez Grewia tembensis. La hauteur moyenne des espèces ligneuses consommées par les éléphants était plus grande chez A. brevispica et plus petite chez G. bicolor. La hauteur moyenne des tiges qui avaient repoussé après consommation des éléphants n'était pas significativement différente chez A. ataxacantha, mais elle était significativement plus courte pour les autres espèces consommées. Les éléphants évitaient les taillis de nombreuses autres espèces ligneuses telles que, particulièrement, C. africana, A. tortilis, A. mellifera, Combretum aculeatum, entre autres, dans la réserve. L'objectif de cette étude était de comprendre la capacité des espèces ligneuses de se régénérer après le passage des éléphants, et la réponse alimentaire des éléphants à la nouvelle repousse de différentes espèces ligneuses et d'esquisser ainsi un cycle qui définirait la dynamique des ressources alimentaires et de la population des éléphants de la réserve. [source]

    Elephants and the conservation dilemma

    Jon C. Lovett
    No abstract is available for this article. [source]

    Changes in the structure and composition of miombo woodlands mediated by elephants (Loxodonta africana) and fire over a 26-year period in north-western Zimbabwe

    Isaac Mapaure
    Abstract Changes in structure and composition of miombo woodlands mediated by elephants and fire were studied in 26-year-old permanent transects established in 1972 in north-western Zimbabwe. Elephants caused 48% decline in proportions of large trees (>11 cm diameter), significant reductions (30.9,90.9%) in tree heights, reductions in stem areas (43.5%) and densities (2.5%) of all trees. There were increases in proportions of small trees (64.8%), shrub canopy volumes (271%) and shrub densities (172%). These increases are attributed to natural recruitment because of longer fire-free periods and reduction of tree suppression effects on lower strata as a result of elephant-induced tree declines. Frequencies of occurrence of most species dropped by 28,89.6%. Brachystegia boehmii was replaced by Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia as the most dominant tree, largely because of high elephant preference for Brachystegia boehmii. A new suite of species, dominated by Combretaceae, increased in dominance resulting in local floristic changes. Reductions in old elephant (33.4%), old unknown (89.9%) and new elephant (13.7%) damage suggest that elephant occupancy of miombo woodlands has declined, possibly because of limited availability of preferred browse species. This study clearly shows that elephants and fire have contributed significantly to the changes in miombo woodlands in the area. Résumé Les changements de la structure et de la composition des forêts de miombo dus aux éléphants et aux feux ont étéétudiés sur des transects permanents établis en 1972 dans le nord-ouest du Zimbabwe. Les éléphants ont causé un déclin de 48% de la proportion de grands arbres (>11 cm de diamètre), des réductions significatives (30,9,90,9%) de la hauteur des arbres, des réductions de la surface des tiges (43,5%) et de la densité (2,5%) de tous les arbres. Il y avait des augmentations de la proportion de petits arbres (64,8%), du volume des buissons (271%) et de leur densité (172%). Ces augmentations sont attribuées au recrutement naturel dûà de plus longues périodes sans feux, et à la réduction des effets suppressifs des arbres sur les couches inférieures due au déclin des arbres induit par les éléphants. La fréquence de la plupart des espèces a chuté de 28%à 89,6%. Brachystegia boehmi a été remplacé par Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia comme arbre dominant, en grande partie à cause de la forte préférence marquée par les éléphants pour Brachystegia boehmi. Une nouvelle série d'espèces, dominée par des Combrétacées, a accru sa dominance et entraîné des changements floristiques locaux. La réduction des dommages « anciens dus aux éléphants » (33,4%), « anciens d'origine inconnue » (,9,9%) et « nouveaux dus aux éléphants » (13,7%) suggère que l'occupation des forêts de miombo par les éléphants a diminué, peut-être à cause de la disponibilité limitée des espèces fourragères qu'ils préfèrent. Cette étude montre clairement que les éléphants et les feux ont contribué significativement aux changements survenus dans les forêts de miombo de la région. [source]

    Elephants caught in the middle: impacts of war, fences and people on elephant distribution and abundance in the Caprivi Strip, Namibia

    Michael J. Chase
    Abstract We conducted wet [26 March,4 April 2003 (Apr03)] and dry [1,8 November 2005 (Nov05)] season aerial surveys of African elephants (Loxodonta africana Blumenbach) in the Caprivi Strip, Namibia to provide an updated status report on elephant numbers and distribution and assist with a historical analysis of elephant distribution and abundance in the Caprivi Strip. During the wet season when water was available in seasonal pans, elephants were widely distributed throughout the survey area. In contrast, during the dry season, a majority of elephant herds occurred within 30 km of the perennial Kwando, Linyanti and Okavango rivers and few herds occurred within the West Caprivi Game Reserve where water in the seasonal pans was limited. We estimated 5318 elephants for the 7731-km2 survey area (0.71 elephants km,2) for the Apr03 wet season survey and 6474 elephants for the 8597-km2 survey area (0.75 elephants km,2) for the Nov05 dry season survey. Based on our aerial surveys and reports of elephant numbers and distribution from historical aerial surveys and telemetry studies, civil war, veterinary fences and human activities appear to have effected changes in African elephant abundance, distribution and movements in the Caprivi Strip, Namibia since 1988 when the first comprehensive aerial surveys were conducted. Résumé En saison des pluies (avril 2003) et en saison sèche (novembre 2005), nous avons réalisé des contrôles aériens des éléphants africains (Loxodonta africana Blumenbach) dans la Bande de Caprivi, en Namibie, pour pouvoir fournir un rapport actualisé sur le statut du nombre et de la distribution des éléphants, et aider une analyse de longue durée de la distribution et de l'abondance des éléphants dans la Bande de Caprivi. Pendant la saison des pluies, lorsque l'eau était disponible dans les « pans » saisonniers, les éléphants étaient largement distribués dans toute la zone étudiée. Par contre, en saison sèche, la grande majorité des troupeaux d'éléphants se trouvaient dans les 30 km des rivières permanentes Kwando, Linyanti et Okavango, et peu de troupeaux se trouvaient dans la West Caprivi Game Reserve, où l'eau était limitée dans les pans saisonniers. Nous avons estimé le nombre d'éléphants à 5 318 dans les 7 731 km² de la zone étudiée (0,71 éléphant km,²) pour l'étude faite en saison des pluies d'avril 2003, et à 6 474 éléphants dans les 8 597 km²étudiés (0,75 éléphant km,²) pendant la saison sèche de novembre 2005. En se basant sur nos contrôles aériens et sur des rapports concernant le nombre et la distribution des éléphants provenant de contrôles aériens et d'études télémétriques anciens, il s'avère que la guerre civile, les barrières vétérinaires et les activités humaines ont provoqué des changements de l'abondance, de la distribution et des déplacements des éléphants dans la Bande de Caprivi depuis 1988, date où les premiers contrôles aériens complets ont été effectués. [source]

    Levels of aloe mortality with and without elephants in the Thicket Biome of South Africa

    D. M. Parker
    Abstract Studies concerning the influence of African elephants (Loxodonta africana) on vegetation have produced contradictory results; some show minimal or no effect while others report significant elephant-induced effects. Elephants are generalist megaherbivores but will selectively feed from preferred plant species. We investigated the mortality of aloe plants (highly preferred food items for elephants) at five sites with elephants (treatment) and five paired sites without elephants (control) in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. A significantly higher proportion of aloes were dead at treatment sites and significantly more aloes that had lost their crown (headless) were found at treatment sites compared with controls. We conclude that although the proportions of dead aloes at treatment sites were significantly higher, it remains unclear whether there is a need to be concerned with the potential small-scale extinction of aloes from parts of the Eastern Cape Province. The observed mortality may merely be an artefact of the loss of large herbivores through disease (e.g. rinderpest) and hunting in the past. Résumé Des études de l'influence des éléphants africains (Loxodonta africana) sur la végétation ont produit des résultats contradictoires: certaines montrent un effet minimal, voire nul, alors que d'autres signalent des effets significatifs. Les éléphants sont des grands herbivores généralistes, mais ils se nourrissent sélectivement de certaines parties des plantes. Nous avons étudié la mortalité de plants d'aloès (nourriture fortement privilégiée par les éléphants) à cinq sites avec éléphants (traitement) et à cinq autres sites sans éléphant (témoins), dans la Province du Cap oriental, en Afrique du Sud. Il y avait une proportion significativement plus grande d'aloès morts dans les sites du traitement, et ils étaient significativement plus nombreux à avoir perdu leur couronne (étêtés) que dans les sites témoins. Nous concluons que, bien que la proportion d'aloès morts soit significativement plus grande dans les sites du traitement, il n'est pas évident de savoir s'il faut s'inquiéter de cette possible extinction à petite échelle des aloès dans certaines parties de la Province du Cap oriental. La mortalité observée peut bien être simplement un artefact de la perte des grands herbivores en raison de maladies (ex. la peste bovine) et de la chasse dans le passé. [source]

    Qualitative Comparison of the Cranio-Dental Osteology of the Extant Elephants, Elephas Maximus (Asian Elephant) and Loxodonta africana (African Elephant)

    Nancy E. Todd
    Abstract Few osteological descriptions of the extant elephants and no detailed morphological comparison of the two genera, Elephas and Loxodonta, have been done in recent years. In this study, 786 specimens of extant elephants (crania, mandibles, and molars) were examined for characters unique to each species. Differences between sexes in each species were described, as well as differences between subspecies of each species. Striking differences in morphology were noted between sexes of both elephants and between subspecies, which may complement current genetic studies, the focus of which is to determine division at the subspecies or species level, particularly differences between the savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana africana) and the forest elephant (Loxodonta africana cyclotis). In addition, examination of the two living elephants provides an excellent dataset for identifying phylogenetic characters for use in examining evolutionary relationships within and between fossil lineages of elephantids. Anat Rec, 2010. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Elephants, Quality, and Doing the Right Thing

    Arthur B. Sanders MD
    No abstract is available for this article. [source]

    The Elephant's Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants

    M Lynch
    No abstract is available for this article. [source]

    Forest Elephants: Tree Planters of the Congo

    BIOTROPICA, Issue 4 2009
    Stephen Blake
    ABSTRACT The abundance of large vertebrates is rapidly declining, particularly in the tropics where over-hunting has left many forests structurally intact but devoid of large animals. An urgent question then, is whether these ,empty' forests can sustain their biodiversity without large vertebrates. Here we examine the role of forest elephant (Loxodonta africana cyclotis) seed dispersal in maintaining the community structure of trees in the Ndoki Forest, northern Congo. Analysis of 855 elephant dung piles suggested that forest elephants disperse more intact seeds than any other species or genus of large vertebrate in African forests, while GPS telemetry data showed that forest elephants regularly disperse seeds over unprecedented distances compared to other dispersers. Our analysis of the spatial distribution of trees from a sample of 5667 individuals showed that dispersal mechanism was tightly correlated with the scale of spatial aggregation. Increasing amounts of elephant seed dispersal was associated with decreasing aggregation. At distances of<200 m, trees whose seeds are dispersed only by elephants were less aggregated than the random expectation, suggesting Janzen,Connell effects on seed/seedling mortality. At the landscape scale, seed dispersal mode predicted the rate at which local tree community similarity decayed in space. Our results suggest that the loss of forest elephants (and other large-bodied dispersers) may lead to a wave of recruitment failure among animal-dispersed tree species, and favor regeneration of the species-poor abiotically dispersed guild of trees. [source]

    Noninvasive Stress and Reproductive Measures of Social and Ecological Pressures in Free-Ranging African Elephants

    C. A. H. Foley
    This, coupled with political pressures to delist the elephant, has created a need for noninvasive physiological measures that can quantify the long-term effects of past mortality patterns of this long-lived species. We collected fresh fecal samples from 16 female elephants in three different groups over 23 months at Tarangire National Park, Tanzania, and analyzed them for fecal progesterone and cortisol metabolites. Social and ecological measures were collected concurrently. Fecal progesterone metabolite measures corresponded significantly with stage of gestation, and appear to be able to confirm pregnancy in female elephants from as early as 3 months of gestation. We found that progesterone metabolite concentrations were significantly lower during the dry season than during the wet season after controlling for stage of gestation. Fecal cortisol metabolite concentrations showed the opposite seasonal pattern, being significantly higher in the dry season and inversely correlated with rainfall across seasons. Fecal cortisol metabolite concentrations also increased with group size and were correlated positively with dominance rank in the largest group. Our results suggest that measures of progesterone and cortisol metabolites in feces provide indices of reproductive function and physiological stress that can quantify both natural and human disturbances in African elephants. These measures are ideally suited for monitoring the long-term effects of social disruption from poaching and a variety of other management concerns. Resumen: Debido a la cacería furtiva, la población de elefante africano ( Loxodonta africana) declinó en un 60%, principalmente adultos, entre 1979 y 1988. Esto, aunado a presiones políticas para eliminar al elefante de las listas de especies en peligro, ha creado la necesidad de medidas fisiológicas no invasivas que puedan cuantificar efectos a largo plazo de patrones de mortalidad en el pasado de esta especie longeva. Recolectamos muestras fecales de 16 elefantes hembras en tres grupos diferentes en el Parque Nacional Tarangire, Tanzania a lo largo de 23 meses, y las analizamos para detectar metabolitos de progesterona fecal y de cortisol. Al mismo tiempo se recolectaron medidas sociales y ecológicas. Las medidas de metabolitos de progesterona fecal correspondieron significativamente con la etapa de gestación, y parecen permitir la confirmación de preñez en elefantes hembras tan temprano como a los tres meses de gestación. Las concentraciones de metabolitos de progesterona fueron significativamente menores durante la época de sequía que en la de lluvias después de controlar para la etapa de gestación. Las concentraciones de metabolitos de cortisol fecal mostraron un patrón estacional opuesto, siendo significativamente más altas en la época de sequía e inversamente correlacionados con la precipitación en todas las estaciones. Las concentraciones de metabolitos de cortisol fecal también incrementaron con el tamaño del grupo y se correlacionaron positivamente con el rango de dominancia en el grupo más grande. Nuestros resultados sugieren que las medidas de metabolitos de progesterona y cortisol en las heces proporcionan índices de la función reproductiva y del estrés fisiológico que puede cuantificar perturbaciones, tanto naturales como humanas, en elefantes africanos. Estas medidas son idealmente adecuadas para monitorear efectos a largo plazo de la disrupción social por la cacería furtiva y así como una variedad de aspectos del manejo. [source]

    What do dung beetles eat?

    Abstract 1.,Most adult coprophagous beetles feed on fresh dung of mammalian herbivores, confining ingestion to small particles with measured maximum diameters from 2,5 to 130 ,m, according to body size and kind of beetle. This study explores benefits and costs of selective feeding in a ,typical' dung beetle with a maximum diameter of ingested particles (MDIP) of 20 ,m. 2.,Examined dung types (from Danish domestic sheep, cattle and horse, and African wild buffalo, white rhino and elephant) contained 76,89% water. Costs of a 20 ,m MDIP were often low, since 69,87% of the total nitrogen in bulk dung other than that of elephant and rhino (40,58%) was available to selective feeders. 3.,Nitrogen concentrations were high , and C/N ratios low , in most types of bulk dung compared with the average food of terrestrial detritivores or herbivores. Exceptions were elephant and rhino dung with low nitrogen concentrations and high C/N ratios. 4.,Estimated C/N ratios of 13,39 in bulk dung (sheep,elephant) were decreased by selective feeding to 7.3,12.6 in the ingested material. In assimilated food, ratios are probably only 5,7, as most assimilable nitrogen and carbon may be of microbial origin. If so, the assimilable food contains a surplus of nitrogen relative to carbon. 5.,The primary advantage of selective feeding, particularly in dung with a high C/N ratio, may be to concentrate assimilable carbon in the ingested food. Effects of changing the MDIP within 20,106 ,m are modest, especially in dung with a low C/N ratio. [source]

    Toward an Integrative Model of Effective FOB Succession

    Isabelle Le Breton-Miller
    Given that less than 10% of family owned businesses (FOBs) survive into the third generation, the issue of top executive succession has received a good deal of attention. Unfortunately, the literature on the topic is fragmented, as it deals with different parts of the elephant. This synthetic effort tries to put together the pieces to (1) derive a more encompassing model of what it takes for a succession to succeed, (2) determine the trends, consensus findings, as well as the gaps in our conceptual and empirical knowledge, and (3) suggest areas for further research. [source]

    The distribution, density and three-dimensional histomorphology of Pacinian corpuscles in the foot of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) and their potential role in seismic communication

    JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, Issue 4 2007
    D. M. Bouley
    Abstract Both Asian (Elephas maximus) and African (Loxodonta africana) elephants produce low-frequency, high-amplitude rumbles that travel well through the ground as seismic waves, and field studies have shown that elephants may utilize these seismic signals as one form of communication. Unique elephant postures observed in field studies suggest that the elephants use their feet to ,listen' to these seismic signals, but the exact sensory mechanisms used by the elephant have never been characterized. The distribution, morphology and tissue density of Pacinian corpuscles, specialized mechanoreceptors, were studied in a forefoot and hindfoot of Asian elephants. Pacinian corpuscles were located in the dermis and distal digital cushion and were most densely localized to the anterior, posterior, medial and lateral region of each foot, with the highest numbers in the anterior region of the forefoot (52.19%) and the posterior region of the hindfoot (47.09%). Pacinian corpuscles were encapsulated, had a typical lamellar structure and were most often observed in large clusters. Three-dimensional reconstruction through serial sections of the dermis revealed that individual Pacinian corpuscles may be part of a cluster. By studying the distribution and density of these mechanoreceptors, we propose that Pacinian corpuscles are one possible anatomic mechanism used by elephants to detect seismic waves. [source]

    Contemporary and historical impacts of megaherbivores on the population structure of tree euphorbias in South African subtropical thicket

    Richard M. Cowling
    Abstract African elephant and black rhinoceros , both megaherbivores , impact negatively on the abundance of succulent plants, including tree succulents, in South Africa's subtropical thicket. We sampled 35 sites in subtropical thicket to assess historical and contemporary impacts of African elephant and black rhinoceros on the population structure of three species of succulent tree euphorbia. Population age structures were highly variable and showed no species-specific effects. Almost half the sites had growing populations dominated by young individuals. Sites having contemporary impacts had significantly fewer individuals in the 30,75 years age range, but this effect declined with increasing terrain slope. Eighty-one percent of sites assumed to have been impacted by megaherbivores historically had individuals that predated rhino and elephant extirpation in the region. This and other population age structure data indicate that megaherbivores and tree euphorbias coexisted historically on terrain of low relief. However, in areas not subject to contemporary impacts, euphorbia populations are likely to be much higher now than historically, owing to population relaxation after the extirpation of megaherbivores in the mid 1800s. Given the sensitivity of tree euphorbias to megaherbivore impacts, managers should consider monitoring the population structure of these species in order to identify thresholds of potential concern regarding megaherbivore impacts. Résumé L'éléphant et le rhinocéros africains , deux méga-herbivores , ont un impact négatif sur l'abondance de plantes succulentes, y compris des arbres succulents, dans les fourrés subtropicaux d'Afrique du Sud. Nous avons prélevé des échantillons dans 35 fourrés subtropicaux afin d'évaluer les impacts anciens et actuels des éléphants et des rhinos noirs africains sur la structure de la population de trois espèces d'euphorbes arborescentes succulentes. Les structures d'âges des populations étaient très variables et ne présentaient aucun effet spécifique des espèces. Près de la moitié des sites contenaient des populations en croissance dominées par de jeunes individus. Les sites qui présentaient des impacts actuels comptaient significativement moins d'individus de la classe d'âge comprise entre 30 et 75 ans, mais cet effet diminuait lorsque la pente du terrain s'accentuait. Quatre-vingt-un pour cent des sites supposés avoir subi jadis l'impact des méga-herbivores contenaient des individus qui dataient d'avant l'élimination des rhinos et des éléphants. Ceci, tout comme d'autres données sur la structure d'âge des populations, indique que les méga-herbivores et les euphorbes arborescentes ont longtemps coexisté sur les terrains de faible relief. Cependant, dans les zones qui ne subissent aucun impact actuel, les populations d'euphorbes sont susceptibles d'être beaucoup plus hautes aujourd'hui que jadis, en raison de la libération induite par l'élimination des méga-herbivores au milieu des années 1800. Etant donné la sensibilité des euphorbes arborescentes face aux impacts des méga-herbivores, les gestionnaires devraient envisager le suivi continu de la structure de la population de ces espèces afin de déterminer les seuils d'alerte potentiels en ce qui concerne les impacts des méga-herbivores. [source]

    The influence of tree canopies and elephants on sub-canopy vegetation in a savannah

    Robert Guldemond
    Abstract The apparent influence of elephants on the structure of savannahs in Africa may be enhanced by management activities, fire and other herbivores. We separated the effect elephants have on grasses, woody seedlings (<0.5 m) and saplings (0.5,2 m) from the effect of tree canopies (canopy effect), and herbivory (park effect). We defined the canopy effect as the differences between plant abundances and diversity indices under tree canopies and 20 m away from these. Our testing of the park effect relied on the differences in the sub-canopy plant indices inside and outside a protected area that supported a range of herbivores. We based our assessment of the elephant effect on sub-canopy vegetation indices associated with elephant induced reductions in tree canopies. The park and canopy effects were more pronounced than the elephant effect. The park effect suppressed the development of woody seedlings into saplings. Conditions associated with tree canopies benefited woody plants, but not the grasses, as their indices were lower under trees. Elephants reducing canopies facilitated grass species tolerant of direct solar radiation. We concluded that management should consider other agents operating in the system when deciding on reducing the impact that elephants may have on vegetation. Résumé L'influence apparente des éléphants sur la structure des savanes africaines pourrait bien être accentuée par les activités de gestion, les feux et les autres herbivores. Nous avons séparé l'effet que les éléphants ont sur les herbes, les jeunes plants ligneux (<0,5 m) et les arbustes (0,5,2 m) de ceux de la canopée des arbres (effet canopée) et de la présence d'herbivores (effet parc). Nous avons défini l'effet canopée comme la différence entre les indices d'abondance et de diversité des plantes sous la canopée des arbres et à 20 m de ceux-ci. Notre expérimentation de l'effet parc se basait sur la différence des indices de végétation sous canopée à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur d'une aire protégée qui accueille toute une gamme d'herbivores. Nous avons fondé notre évaluation de l'effet éléphants sur les indices de végétation sous canopée, associés aux réductions induites par les éléphants dans la canopée des arbres. Les effets parc et canopée étaient plus prononcés que l'effet éléphants. L'effet parc supprimait le développement des jeunes plants ligneux en arbustes. Les conditions liées à la canopée des arbres bénéficiaient aux plantes ligneuses mais pas aux herbes, car leurs indices étaient inférieurs sous les arbres. Les canopées réduites par les éléphants favorisaient les espèces d'herbes tolérantes à la lumière directe du soleil. Nous en avons conclu que toute gestion devrait considérer l'impact d'autres agents dans le système lorsqu'il s'agit de réduire l'impact que les éléphants peuvent avoir sur la végétation. [source]