Adverse Implications (adverse + implication)

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Selected Abstracts

Migratory Journeys and Tuberculosis Risk

Ming-Jung Ho
After decades of decline, tuberculosis case rates in New York City more than tripled between 1978 and 1992. While the number of cases of those born in the United States declined after 1992, the proportion of immigrant tuberculosis cases continued to increase and reached 58 percent in 1999. This article questions the biomedical explanation of immigrant tuberculosis as being imported from immigrants' countries of origin. Illness narratives of illegal Chinese immigrants with tuberculosis detailing risks associated with migratory journeys are presented. The social and cultural nature of the concept of risk, as well as the adverse implication of biomedical identification of immigrants as being at higher risk of tuberculosis, are also discussed. The author concludes that the dominant biomedical explanation of immigrant tuberculosis could be modified with the incorporation of the migratory process as a risk factor, [tuberculosis, illegal migration, Chinese immigrants, New York City, Chinatown] [source]

Corporate social responsibility in Asian supply chains

Richard Welford
Abstract This research provides an overview of CSR practices in Asia, evaluates the usefulness of codes of conduct, reviews the benefits of CSR in supply chains and reviews obstacles for companies wishing to adopt good CSR practices. In order to achieve this, interviews were undertaken with CSR managers, factory managers and other experts, conducted in confidence and anonymously. Codes of conduct and associated inspections and audits are common practice but in most cases flawed. Labour issues and the rights of workers are generally seen as the most important aspect of CSR in the region. Benefits of CSR include risk reduction, staff recruitment and retention, cost savings and building good relationships with stakeholders. Obstacles include a lack of resources and skills, a lack of awareness of stakeholders' demands and inefficient production techniques. It is noted that larger firms are more able to overcome such obstacles, with clear adverse implications for smaller companies. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. [source]

Vegetation of the river Yamuna floodplain in the Delhi stretch, with reference to hydrological characteristics

ECOHYDROLOGY, Issue 2 2009
Tanveera Tabasum
Abstract Vegetation in the Delhi stretch of the floodplain of the river Yamuna was examined in relation to hydrological characteristics. The floodplain was delineated into four zones based on hydrological interventions. Seventy-four plant species including forty-two aquatic/semi-aquatic were identified. The decrease in water discharge from Jhangola to downstream Okhla, led to reduction in species richness. Co-structures between hydrological characteristics and vegetational composition indicated that vegetation in the four identified zones was governed essentially by hydrological factors. Zones I and III exhibited near-perfect correspondence signifying that variation in vegetational composition in these zones could be explained, to a great extent, on the basis of variations in the hydrological conditions. Zone II and IV, with relatively weaker correspondence, indicated that there were gradients other than hydrological conditions, which caused variations in vegetational characteristics. The present study highlighted the importance of allocation of water for periodic inundation to maintain floodplain characteristics including aquatic/semi-aquatic vegetation cover as critical to the management of the river ecosystem. The current policy of water use focused entirely on human uses ignoring ecological requirements, and had clear adverse implications on the health of the river ecosystem. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Downward sloping demand for environmental amenities and international compensation: elephant conservation and strategic culling

Erwin Bulte
Abstract Conventional wisdom holds that monetary compensation for positive transboundary externalities will promote conservation of resource amenities. We demonstrate that, in the case of elephant conservation, international transfers may also result in strategic behavior by host countries, with adverse implications for global welfare and in situ stocks. [source]