Ecosystem Level (ecosystem + level)

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Selected Abstracts

Individual, Population, Community, and Ecosystem Consequences of a Fish Invader in New Zealand Streams

Colin R. Townsend
But because invaders can have unexpected indirect effects in food webs, invasion ecologists need to integrate processes at the population level and other ecological levels. I describe a series of coordinated studies in New Zealand streams that address the effect of an exotic fish on individual behavior, population, community, and ecosystem patterns. Such case studies are important as an aid to the formulation of policy about invasions that are especially likely to become problematic. At the individual level, grazing invertebrates showed changes in behavior as a result of the introduction of brown trout ( Salmo trutta), a predator that exerts a very different selection pressure than do native fish. At the population level, trout have replaced nonmigratory galaxiid fish in some streams but not others, and have affected the distributions of crayfish and other large invertebrates. At the community level, trout have suppressed grazing pressure from invertebrates and are thus responsible for enhancing algal biomass and changing algal species composition. Finally, at the ecosystem level, essentially all annual production of invertebrates is consumed by trout ( but not by galaxiids), and algal primary productivity is six times higher in a trout stream. This leads, in turn, to an increased flux of nutrients from the water to the benthic community. The trout invasion has led to strong top-down control of community structure and ecosystem functioning via its effects on individual behavior and population distribution and abundance. Particular physiological, behavioral, and demographic traits of invaders can lead to profound ecosystem consequences that managers need to take into account. Resumen: Para desarrollar procedimientos y políticas de manejo efectivos a menudo será necesario conocer la biología de la población de especies invasoras. Sin embargo, debido a que los invasores pueden tener efectos indirectos inesperados en las redes alimenticias, ecólogos de invasión necesitan integrar procesos en la población y otros niveles ecológicos. Describo una serie de estudios coordinados en arroyos de Nueva Zelanda que enfocan el impacto de un pez exótico sobre los patrones de comportamiento individual, de la población, la comunidad y el ecosistema. Tales estudios de caso son importantes como un auxiliar para la formulación de políticas sobre invasiones que pueden ser especialmente problemáticas. Al nivel individual, los invertebrados que pastorean mostraron cambios de conducta como resultado de la introducción de la trucha café ( Salmo trutta), un depredador que ejerce una presión de selección muy diferente a la de los peces nativos. En el nivel de población, las truchas han reemplazado a peces galaxídos no migratorios en algunos arroyos pero no en otros y han afectado las distribuciones de cangrejos de río y otros invertebrados mayores. Al nivel de comunidad, las truchas han suprimido la presión de pastoreo por invertebrados y por lo tanto son responsables del incremento de la biomasa de algas y del cambio en la composición de especies de algas. Finalmente, a nivel de ecosistema, la producción anual de invertebrados esencialmente es consumida por las truchas ( pero no por galaxídos), y la productividad primaria de algas es seis veces mayor en arroyos con truchas. A su vez, esto conduce a incrementos en el flujo de nutrientes del agua hacia la comunidad béntica. La invasión de truchas ha conducido a un fuerte control de arriba hacia abajo de la estructura de la comunidad y del funcionamiento del ecosistema por medio de sus efectos sobre la conducta individual y la distribución y abundancia de la población. Las características fisiológicas, de conducta y demográficas particulares de los invasores pueden llevar a consecuencias profundas en los ecosistemas que los administradores necesitan tomar en consideración. [source]

Energy input and zooplankton species richness

ECOGRAPHY, Issue 6 2007
Dag O. Hessen
What are the relative contribution of temperature and solar irradiance as types of energy deliveries for species richness at the ecosystem level? In order to reveal this question in lake ecosystems, we assessed zooplankton species richness in 1891 Norwegian lakes covering a wide range in latitude, altitude, and lake area. Geographical variables could largely be replaced by temperature-related variables, e.g. annual monthly maximum temperature or growth season. Multivariate analysis (PCA) revealed that not only maximum monthly temperature, but also energy input in terms of solar radiation were closely associated with species richness. This was confirmed by stepwise, linear regression analysis in which lake area was also found to be significant. We tested the predictive power of the "metabolic scaling laws" for species richness by regressing Ln of species richness over the inverse of the air temperature (in Kelvin), corrected for the activation energy (eV) as predicted by the Boltzmann constant. A significant, negative slope of 0.78 for ln richness over temperature, given as 1/kT, was found, thus slightly higher than the range of slopes predicted from the scaling law (0.60,0.70). Temperature basically constrained the upper bound of species number, but it was only a modest predictor of actual richness. Both PCA-analysis and linear regression models left a large unexplained variance probably due to lake-specific properties such as catchment influence, lake productivity, food-web structure, immigration constraints or more stochastic effects. [source]

Ecological implications of plants' ability to tell the time

Víctor Resco
Abstract The circadian clock (the endogenous mechanism that anticipates diurnal cycles) acts as a central coordinator of plant activity. At the molecular and organism level, it regulates key traits for plant fitness, including seed germination, gas exchange, growth and flowering, among others. In this article, we explore current evidence on the effect of the clock for the scales of interest to ecologists. We begin by synthesizing available knowledge on the effect of the clock on biosphere,atmosphere interactions and observe that, at least in the systems where it has been tested, the clock regulates gas exchange from the leaf to the ecosystem level, and we discuss its implications for estimates of the carbon balance. Then, we analyse whether incorporating the action of the clock may help in elucidating the effects of climate change on plant distributions. Circadian rhythms are involved in regulating the range of temperatures a species can survive and affects plant interactions. Finally, we review the involvement of the clock in key phenological events, such as flowering time and seed germination. Because the clock may act as a common mechanism affecting many of the diverse branches of ecology, our ultimate goal is to stimulate further research into this pressing, yet unexplored, topic. [source]

Wasted fishery resources: discarded by-catch in the USA

Jennie M Harrington
Abstract Fishery by-catch, especially discarded by-catch, is a serious problem in the world's oceans. Not only are the stocks of discarded species affected, but entire trophic webs and habitats may be disrupted at the ecosystem level. This paper reviews discarding in the marine fisheries of the USA; however, the type, diversity and regulatory mechanisms of the fisheries are similar to developed fisheries and management programmes throughout the world. We have compiled current estimates of discarded by-catch for each major marine fishery in the USA using estimates from existing literature, both published and unpublished. We did not re-estimate discards or discard rates from raw data, nor did we include data on protected species (turtles, mammals and birds) and so this study covers discarded by-catch of finfish and fishable invertebrates. For some fisheries, additional calculations were required to transform number data into weight data, and typically length and weight composition data were used. Specific data for each fishery are referenced in Harrington et al. (Wasted Resources: Bycatch and discards in US Fisheries, Oceana, Washington, DC, 2005). Overall, our compiled estimates are that 1.06 million tonnes of fish were discarded and 3.7 million tonnes of fish were landed in USA marine fisheries in 2002. This amounts to a nationwide discard to landings ratio of 0.28, amongst the highest in the world. Regionally, the southeast had the largest discard to landings ratio (0.59), followed closely by the highly migratory species fisheries (0.52) and the northeast fisheries (0.49). The Alaskan and west coast fisheries had the lowest ratios (0.12 and 0.15 respectively). Shrimp fisheries in the southeast were the major contributors to the high discard rate in that region, with discard ratios of 4.56 (Gulf of Mexico) and 2.95 (South Atlantic). By-catch and discarding is a major component of the impact of fisheries on marine ecosystems. There have been substantial efforts to reduce by-catch in some fisheries, but broadly based programmes covering all fisheries are needed within the USA and around the world. In response to international agreements to improve fishery management, by-catch and discard reduction must become a regular part of fishery management planning. [source]

Modelling approach to analyse the effects of nitrification inhibition on primary production

S. Boudsocq
Summary 1Wet tropical savannas have high grass productivity despite the fact that nitrogen is generally limiting for primary production and soil nutrient content is typically very low. Nitrogen recycling, and especially nitrification, is supposed to be a strong determinant of the balance between conservation and loss of nutrients at the ecosystem level. The important primary production observed in wet tropical savannas might be due to a tight nutrient cycling and the fact that some grass species inhibit soil nitrification. 2Using a general theoretical ecosystem model taking both nitrate and ammonium into account, we investigate analytically, using a four,compartment-differential-equation system the general conditions under which nitrification inhibition enhances primary production. We then estimate the quantitative impact of such a mechanism on the dynamics and budget of nitrogen in a well-documented ecosystem, the Lamto savanna (Ivory Coast). This ecosystem is dominated by the grass Hyparrhenia diplandra, which drastically reduces nitrification in the whole savanna except for a small zone. While this small zone supports a lower grass primary production, nitrification is higher, most likely due to the presence of another genotype of H. diplandra, which has no effect on nitrification processes. Ultimately, we test whether differences in nitrification fluxes can alone explain this variation in primary production. 3Model analysis shows that nitrification inhibition enhances primary production only if the recycling efficiency , that is, the fraction of nitrogen passing through a compartment that stays inside the ecosystem , of ammonium is higher than the recycling efficiency of nitrate. This condition probably manifests itself in most soils as ammonium is less mobile than nitrate and is not touched by denitrification. It also depends partially on the relative affinity of plants for ammonium or nitrate. The numerical predictions for this model in the Lamto savanna show that variations in nitrification inhibition capacity may explain observed differences in primary production. 4In conclusion we find that nitrification inhibition is a process which probably enhances ecosystem fertility in a sustainable way, particularly in situations of high nitrate leaching and denitrification fluxes. This mechanism could explain the ecological advantage exhibited by native African grasses over indigenous grasses in South-American pastures. [source]

Tropospheric O3 moderates responses of temperate hardwood forests to elevated CO2: a synthesis of molecular to ecosystem results from the Aspen FACE project

D. F. Karnosky
Summary 1The impacts of elevated atmospheric CO2 and/or O3 have been examined over 4 years using an open-air exposure system in an aggrading northern temperate forest containing two different functional groups (the indeterminate, pioneer, O3 -sensitive species Trembling Aspen, Populus tremuloides and Paper Birch, Betula papyrifera, and the determinate, late successional, O3 -tolerant species Sugar Maple, Acer saccharum). 2The responses to these interacting greenhouse gases have been remarkably consistent in pure Aspen stands and in mixed Aspen/Birch and Aspen/Maple stands, from leaf to ecosystem level, for O3 -tolerant as well as O3 -sensitive genotypes and across various trophic levels. These two gases act in opposing ways, and even at low concentrations (1·5 × ambient, with ambient averaging 34,36 nL L,1 during the summer daylight hours), O3 offsets or moderates the responses induced by elevated CO2. 3After 3 years of exposure to 560 µmol mol,1 CO2, the above-ground volume of Aspen stands was 40% above those grown at ambient CO2, and there was no indication of a diminishing growth trend. In contrast, O3 at 1·5 × ambient completely offset the growth enhancement by CO2, both for O3 -sensitive and O3 -tolerant clones. Implications of this finding for carbon sequestration, plantations to reduce excess CO2, and global models of forest productivity and climate change are presented. [source]

Performance of High Arctic tundra plants improved during but deteriorated after exposure to a simulated extreme temperature event

Fleur L. Marchand
Abstract Arctic ecosystems are known to be extremely vulnerable to climate change. As the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change scenarios project extreme climate events to increase in frequency and severity, we exposed High Arctic tundra plots during 8 days in summer to a temperature rise of approximately 9°C, induced by infrared irradiation, followed by a recovery period. Increased plant growth rates during the heat wave, increased green cover at the end of the heat wave and higher chlorophyll concentrations of all four predominating species (Salix arctica Pall., Arctagrostis latifolia Griseb., Carex bigelowii Torr. ex Schwein and Polygonum viviparum L.) after the recovery period, indicated stimulation of vegetative growth. Improved plant performance during the heat wave was confirmed at plant level by higher leaf photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) and at ecosystem level by increased gross canopy photosynthesis. However, in the aftermath of the temperature extreme, the heated plants were more stressed than the unheated plants, probably because they acclimated to warmer conditions and experienced the return to (low) ambient as stressful. We also calculated the impact of the heat wave on the carbon balance of this tundra ecosystem. Below- and aboveground respiration were stimulated by the instantaneous warmer soil and canopy, respectively, outweighing the increased gross photosynthesis. As a result, during the heat wave, the heated plots were a smaller sink compared with their unheated counterparts, whereas afterwards the balance was not affected. If other High Arctic tundra ecosystems react similarly, more frequent extreme temperature events in a future climate may shift this biome towards a source. It is uncertain, however, whether these short-term effects will hold when C exchange rates acclimate to higher average temperatures. [source]

The carrying capacity of ecosystems

GLOBAL ECOLOGY, Issue 6 2004
Pablo Del Monte-Luna
ABSTRACT We analyse the concept of carrying capacity (CC), from populations to the biosphere, and offer a definition suitable for any level. For communities and ecosystems, the CC evokes density-dependence assumptions analogous to those of population dynamics. At the biosphere level, human CC is uncertain and dynamic, leading to apprehensive rather than practical conclusions. The term CC is widely used among ecological disciplines but remains vague and elusive. We propose the following definition: the CC is ,the limit of growth or development of each and all hierarchical levels of biological integration, beginning with the population, and shaped by processes and interdependent relationships between finite resources and the consumers of those resources'. The restrictions of the concept relate to the hierarchical approach. Emergent properties arise at each level, and environmental heterogeneity restrains the measurement and application of the CC. Because the CC entails a myriad of interrelated, ever-changing biotic and abiotic factors, it must not be assumed constant, if we are to derive more effective and realistic management schemes. At the ecosystem level, stability and resilience are dynamic components of the CC. Historical processes that help shape global biodiversity (e.g. continental drift, glaciations) are likely drivers of large-scale changes in the earth's CC. Finally, world population growth and consumption of resources by humanity will necessitate modifications to the paradigm of sustainable development, and demand a clear and fundamental understanding of how CC operates across all biological levels. [source]

The fate of an intentional introduction of Formica lugubris to North America from Europe

A. J. Storer
Abstract Red wood ants (Formica s.str.) are not prevalent in the forests of North America, but commonly occur in conifer and mixed conifer forests in northern Europe and Asia. In 1971, a European red wood ant species, Formica lugubris, was intentionally established in a 35-year-old predominantly mixed conifer plantation approximately 30 km north of QC, Canada. The purpose of its introduction was to evaluate the potential of this species as a biological control agent against conifer-defoliating Lepidoptera species. This red wood ant introduction was monitored periodically for about 5 years after establishment, but its long-term fate has not been reported. We visited this field site in 2005 and found that this species was well established, and we could locate some of the nests that resulted from the original release. We mapped and measured over 100 nests around the site of original release, which ranged from 5 cm in height to over 1 m. We estimated the population of introduced ants to have grown to over 8 million in the last 34 years. Significant clustering of nests suggests that these nests may be one supercolony. F. lugubris has become a dominant understory arthropod in this mixed forest, and is likely to have ecological impacts, including effects at the community and ecosystem level. [source]

Shrubs as ecosystem engineers in a coastal dune: influences on plant populations, communities and ecosystems

J. Hall Cushman
Abstract Question: How do two shrubs with contrasting life-history characteristics influence abundance of dominant plant taxa, species richness and aboveground biomass of grasses and forbs, litter accumulation, nitrogen pools and mineralization rates? How are these shrubs , and thus their effects on populations, communities and ecosystems , distributed spatially across the landscape? Location: Coastal hind-dune system, Bodega Head, northern California. Methods: In each of 4 years, we compared vegetation, leaf litter and soil nitrogen under canopies of two native shrubs ,Ericameria ericoides and the nitrogen-fixing Lupinus chamissonis, with those in adjacent open dunes. Results: At the population level, density and cover of the native forb Claytonia perfoliata and the exotic grass Bromus diandrus were higher under shrubs than in shrub-free areas, whereas they were lower under shrubs for the exotic grass Vulpia bromoides. In contrast, cover of three native moss species was highest under Ericameria and equally low under Lupinus and shrub-free areas. At community level, species richness and aboveground biomass of herbaceous dicots was lower beneath shrubs, whereas no pattern emerged for grasses. At ecosystem level, areas beneath shrubs accumulated more leaf litter and had larger pools of soil ammonium and nitrate. Rates of nitrate mineralization were higher under Lupinus, followed by Ericameria and then open dune. At landscape level, the two shrubs , and their distinctive vegetation and soils , frequently had uniform spatial distributions, and the distance separating neighbouring shrubs increased as their combined sizes increased. Conclusions: Collectively, these data suggest that both shrubs serve as ecosystem engineers in this coastal dune, having influences at multiple levels of biological organization. Our data also suggest that intraspecific competition influenced the spatial distributions of these shrubs and thus altered the distribution of their effects throughout the landscape. [source]

Superparasitism in gregarious hymenopteran parasitoids: ecological, behavioural and physiological perspectives

Abstract Superparasitism in gregarious wasps occurs with the deposition of a clutch of eggs by a female into a host already parasitized by itself or a conspecific female. This review synthesizes and interprets the available results in the literature reported from field studies, and from behavioural and physiological investigations. To study superparasitism at the ecosystem level, methodological issues have to be solved to determine threshold values beyond which multiple offspring can be indisputably classified as originating from superparasitism. This life strategy is then discussed from the parasitoid's perspective, considering time and egg limitation, host discrimination, clutch size, offspring body size and sex ratio, as well as development time and survival rate of offspring, with special emphasis on physiological facilitation and constraints. Then, superparasitism in gregarious species is evaluated from the host's angle, addressing host survivorship and development, host food consumption and growth. Although superparasitism may be beneficial for either the first or the superparasitizing female, depending on the system, it is detrimental for both of them under conditions of extreme superparasitism. Recent methodological and experimental advances encourage further studies on the adaptive host choice under field and laboratory conditions, as well as on mechanisms underlying success of the first or the superparasitizing female and their progeny. [source]

On the 13C/12C isotopic signal of day and night respiration at the mesocosm level

ABSTRACT While there is currently intense effort to examine the 13C signal of CO2 evolved in the dark, less is known on the isotope composition of day-respired CO2. This lack of knowledge stems from technical difficulties to measure the pure respiratory isotopic signal: day respiration is mixed up with photorespiration, and there is no obvious way to separate photosynthetic fractionation (pure ci/ca effect) from respiratory effect (production of CO2 with a different ,13C value from that of net-fixed CO2) at the ecosystem level. Here, we took advantage of new simple equations, and applied them to sunflower canopies grown under low and high [CO2]. We show that whole mesocosm-respired CO2 is slightly 13C depleted in the light at the mesocosm level (by 0.2,0.8,), while it is slightly 13C enriched in darkness (by 1.5,3.2,). The turnover of the respiratory carbon pool after labelling appears similar in the light and in the dark, and accordingly, a hierarchical clustering analysis shows a close correlation between the 13C abundance in day- and night-evolved CO2. We conclude that the carbon source for respiration is similar in the dark and in the light, but the metabolic pathways associated with CO2 production may change, thereby explaining the different 12C/13C respiratory fractionations in the light and in the dark. [source]

Allelic diversity associated with aridity gradient in wild emmer wheat populations

ABSTRACT The association between allelic diversity and ecogeographical variables was studied in natural populations of wild emmer wheat [Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccoides (Körn.) Thell.], the tetraploid progenitor of cultivated wheat. Patterns of allelic diversity in 54 microsatellite loci were analyzed in a collection of 145 wild emmer wheat accessions representing 25 populations that were sampled across naturally occurring aridity gradient in Israel and surrounding regions. The obtained results revealed that 56% of the genetic variation resided among accessions within populations, while only 44% of the variation resided between populations. An unweighted pair-group method analysis (UPGMA) tree constructed based on the microsatellite allelic diversity divided the 25 populations into six major groups. Several groups were comprised of populations that were collected in ecologically similar but geographically remote habitats. Furthermore, genetic differentiation between populations was independent of the geographical distances. An interesting evolutionary phenomenon is highlighted by the unimodal relationship between allelic diversity and annual rainfall (r = 0.74, P < 0.0002), indicating higher allelic diversity in populations originated from habitats with intermediate environmental stress (i.e. rainfall 350,550 mm year,1). These results show for the first time that the ,intermediate-disturbance hypothesis', explaining biological diversity at the ecosystem level, also dominates the genetic diversity within a single species, the lowest hierarchical element of the biological diversity. [source]

Preparation of starch and soluble sugars of plant material for the analysis of carbon isotope composition: a comparison of methods,

Andreas Richter
Starch and soluble sugars are the major photosynthetic products, and their carbon isotope signatures reflect external versus internal limitations of CO2 fixation. There has been recent renewed interest in the isotope composition of carbohydrates, mainly for use in CO2 flux partitioning studies at the ecosystem level. The major obstacle to the use of carbohydrates in such studies has been the lack of an acknowledged method to isolate starch and soluble sugars for isotopic measurements. We here report on the comparison and evaluation of existing methods (acid and enzymatic hydrolysis for starch; ion-exchange purification and compound-specific analysis for sugars). The selectivity and reproducibility of the methods were tested using three approaches: (i) an artificial leaf composed of a mixture of isotopically defined compounds, (ii) a C4 leaf spiked with C3 starch, and (iii) two natural plant samples (root, leaf). Starch preparation methods based on enzymatic or acid hydrolysis did not yield similar results and exhibited contaminations by non-starch compounds. The specificity of the acidic hydrolysis method was especially low, and we therefore suggest terming these preparations as HCl-hydrolysable carbon, rather than starch. Despite being more specific, enzyme-based methods to isolate starch also need to be further optimized to increase specificity. The analysis of sugars by ion-exchange methods (bulk preparations) was fast but produced more variable isotope compositions than compound-specific methods. Compound-specific approaches did not in all cases correctly reproduce the target values, mainly due to unsatisfactory separation of sugars and background contamination. Our study demonstrates that, despite their wide application, methods for the preparation of starch and soluble sugars for the analysis of carbon isotope composition are not (yet) reliable enough to be routinely applied and further research is urgently needed to resolve the identified problems. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Litterfall dynamics and nitrogen use efficiency in two evergreen temperate rainforests of southern Chile

Abstract In unpolluted regions, where inorganic nitrogen (N) inputs from the atmosphere are minimal, such as remote locations in southern South America, litterfall dynamics and N use efficiency of tree species should be coupled to the internal N cycle of forest ecosystems. This hypothesis was examined in two evergreen temperate forests in southern Chile (42°30'S), a mixed broad-leaved forest (MBF) and a conifer forest (CF). Although these forests grow under the same climate and on the same parental material, they differ greatly in floristic structure and canopy dynamics (slower in the CF). In both forests, biomass, N flux, and C/N ratios of fine litterfall were measured monthly from May 1995 to March 1999. There was a continuous litter flux over the annual cycle in both forests, with a peak during autumn in the CF. In the MBF, litterfall decreased during spring. In both forests, the C/N ratios of litterfall varied over the annual cycle with a maximum in autumn. Annual litterfall biomass flux (Mean ± SD = 3.3 ± 0.5 vs 2.0 ± 0.5 Mg ha -1) and N return (34.8 ± 16 vs 9.1 ± 2.8 kg N ha -1) were higher in the MBF than in the CF. At the ecosystem level, litterfall C/N was lower in the MBF (mean C/N ratio = 60.1 ± 15, n= 3 years) suggesting decreased N use efficiency compared with CF (mean C/N ratio = 103 ± 19.6, n= 3 years). At the species level, subordinated (subcanopy) tree species in the MBF had significantly lower C/N ratios (<50) of litterfall than the dominant trees in the CF and MBF (>85). The litterfall C/N ratio and percentage N retranslocated were significantly correlated and were lower in the MBF. The higher net N mineralization in soils of the MBF is related to a lower N use efficiency at the ecosystem and species level. [source]

Retention of Inorganic Nitrogen by Epiphytic Bryophytes in a Tropical Montane Forest,

BIOTROPICA, Issue 3 2005
Kenneth L. Clark
ABSTRACT We developed and evaluated a model of the canopy of a tropical montane forest at Monteverde, Costa Rica, to estimate inorganic nitrogen (N) retention by epiphytes from atmospheric deposition. We first estimated net retention of inorganic N by samples of epiphytic bryophytes, epiphyte assemblages, vascular epiphyte foliage, and host tree foliage that we exposed to cloud water and precipitation solutions. Results were then scaled up to the ecosystem level using a multilayered model of the canopy derived from measurements of forest structure and epiphyte mass. The model was driven with hourly meteorological and event-based atmospheric deposition data, and model predictions were evaluated against measurements of throughfall collected at the site. Model predictions were similar to field measurements for both event-based and annual hydrologic and inorganic N fluxes in throughfall. Simulation of individual events indicated that epiphytic bryophytes and epiphyte assemblages retained 33,67 percent of the inorganic N deposited in cloud water and precipitation. On an annual basis, the model predicted that epiphytic components retained 3.4 kg N ha/yr, equivalent to 50 percent of the inorganic N in atmospheric deposition (6.8 kg N ha/yr). Our results indicate that epiphytic bryophytes play a major role in N retention and cycling in this canopy by transforming highly mobile inorganic N (ca. 50% of atmospheric deposition is NO,3) to less mobile (exchangeable NH+4) and recalcitrant forms in biomass and remaining litter and humus. RESUMEN En este estudio se desarrollo y se evaluo un modelo para estimar la retención de nitrogeno (N) inorganico atmospherico en el dosel de un bosque tropical montano en Monteverde, Costa Rica. Primeramente, estimamos la retención de N inorganico en muestras de briófitas, grupos de epífitas, hojas de epífitas, y hojas de árboles que fueron expuestas a agua de neblina y de lluvia. Basandose en medidas de estructure del bosque y la biomasa de epífitas se derivo un modelo multi nivel de dosel, estos resultados fueron aumentados a la escala de ecosystema. El modelo fue guiado por datos meteorológicos tomados a cada hora y datos de deposición atmosféricos y las predicciónes del modelo fueron evaluadas con medidas de la lluvia indirecta (throughfall) del sitio. Las predicciónes del modelo fueron similares a los datos de campo para eventos individuales, el ciclo hidrológico anual y las fluctuaciones de N en la lluvia indirecta. La simulación de eventos individuales indicaron que las briófitas y grupos de epífitas retuvieron 33,67 por ciento de N inorganico en agua de nubes y de lluvia. Predicciónes anuales del modelo indican que los grupos de epífitas retienen 3.4 kg N ha/año, equivalente al 50 por ciento del N inorganico en la deposición atmosférica (6.8 kg N ha/año). Nuestros resultados indican que las briófitas en el dosel desempeñan un papel muy importante en la retención y ciclaje de N inorganico, porque transforman el N con alta mobilidad en N de baja mobilidad y a formas mas recalcitrantes en la biomasa, la hojarasca y el humus. [source]

Direct and indirect effects of a potential aquatic contaminant on grazer,algae interactions

Michelle A. Evans-White
Abstract Contaminants have direct, harmful effects across multiple ecological scales, including the individual, the community, and the ecosystem levels. Less, however, is known about how indirect effects of contaminants on consumer physiology or behavior might alter community interactions or ecosystem processes. We examined whether a potential aquatic contaminant, an ionic liquid, can indirectly alter benthic algal biomass and primary production through direct effects on herbivorous snails. Ionic liquids are nonvolatile organic salts being considered as an environmentally friendly potential replacement for volatile organic compounds in industry. In two greenhouse experiments, we factorially crossed four concentrations of 1-N-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide (bmimBr; experiment 1: 0 or 10 mg/L; experiment 2: 0, 1, or 100 mg/L) with the presence or absence of the snail Physa acuta in aquatic mesocosms. Experimental results were weighted by their respective control (no bmimBr or P. acuta) and combined for statistical analysis. When both bmimBr and snails were present, chlorophyll a abundance and algal biovolume were higher than would be expected if both factors acted additively. In addition, snail growth rates, relative to those of controls, declined by 41 to 101% at 10 and 100 mg/L of bmimBr. Taken together, these two results suggest that snails were less efficient grazers in the presence of bmimBr, resulting in release of algae from the grazer control. Snails stimulated periphyton primary production in the absence, but not in the presence, of bmimBr, suggesting that bmimBr also can indirectly alter ecosystem function. These findings suggest that sublethal contaminant levels can negatively impact communities and ecosystem processes via complex interactions, and they provide baseline information regarding the potential effects of an emergent industrial chemical on aquatic systems. [source]

In situ-based effects measures: Determining the ecological relevance of measured responses

Donald J Baird
Abstract The aim of this review is to examine how the choice of test species and study design employed in the use of in situ approaches in ecological risk assessment can maximize the ecological relevance of data. We provide a framework to define and assess ecological relevance that permits study designs to remain focused on the ecological question being addressed. This framework makes explicit the linkages between effects at lower levels of biological organization and higher-order ecological effects at the population, community, and ecosystem levels. The usefulness of this framework is illustrated by reference to specific examples from aquatic ecotoxicology. The use of models as both interpretive and predictive tools is discussed, with suggestions of appropriate methods for different protection goals. [source]

Orchid mycorrhiza: implications of a mycophagous life style

OIKOS, Issue 3 2009
Hanne N. Rasmussen
Orchid mycorrhiza probably affects about 25,000 plant species and thus roughly one tenth of all higher plants. Histologically, this symbiosis resembles other kinds of endomycorrhiza, the fungal hyphae growing within living plant cells. Considerable evidence, however, suggests that it is not a two-way exchange relationship and thus not potentially mutualistic, such as the wide-spread endomycorrhiza between plants and Glomalean fungi, known as arbuscular mycorrhiza. During the achlorophyllous seedling stage orchids are obligately dependent on the fungi; some species remain so through life, while others establish photosynthesis but to varying degrees remain facultatively dependent of /responsive to fungal infection as adults. None of the fungi involved are so far known to depend on the symbiosis with orchids. Transfer of organic carbon compounds from hyphae to the orchid has been demonstrated repeatedly, but it is not clear to what extent this takes place during a biotrophic phase while the intracellular hyphae remain intact, or during the subsequent extensive degradation of the hyphal coils. The advantage of viewing orchid mycorrhiza basically as a unilateral mycophagous relationship, in spite of hypothetical beneficial spin-offs to the mycobiont, is that it provides a conceptual framework similar to that of other parasitic or fungivore relationships; mechanisms known in such relationships could be searched for in future studies of the orchid,fungus symbiosis. These could include mechanisms for recognition, attraction and selection of fungi, physiological regulation of internal hyphal growth, breakdown, and material transfer, nutritional consequences of the plant's preference(s) and trophic changes, fungal avoidance mechanisms, and consequences at population and ecosystem levels. A whole range of possible life strategies becomes apparent that could support divergent evolution and lead to the proliferation of species that has indeed occurred in the orchid family. We outline some of the possible physiological mechanisms and ecological implications of this approach. [source]