East Asia (east + asia)

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Kinds of East Asia

  • south east asia

  • Selected Abstracts


    Soyoung Kim
    Abstract., We examine the de facto exchange rate arrangements in eight East Asian countries during the post-Asian crisis period. The empirical results suggest that three countries adopted a hard peg or a peg with capital account restrictions, whereas five countries moved toward a more flexible exchange rate arrangement in the post-crisis period. Three of these five countries (Korea, Indonesia and Thailand) achieved a level of exchange rate flexibility close to the level accomplished in a free floater such as Australia. These results suggest that ,fear of floating' in East Asia is not prevalent in the post-crisis period, supporting the bipolar view of the optimal exchange rate regime. [source]


    George M. Von FurstenbergArticle first published online: 9 JAN 200
    Its venue, Villa Serbelloni, was made available by the Rockefeller Foundation. Reforms of the international monetary and financial system have been discussed there since the 1960s. As was the case then, the focus of the conference was once again on the declining international anchor functions and relations with the US dollar, but this time in and with continental East Asia, rather than Europe and Japan. [source]


    Kuo-I CHANG
    F13; F14; Q17 We investigate the impact of the elimination of import tariffs and nontariff policy barriers (NTPBs) on agricultural trade in a notional East Asian Free Trade Agreement using a Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP)-based computable general equilibrium model. The investigation is divided into two parts. We first measure the NTPBs by employing a widely used method derived from the literature on border effects. Then, by adding into the GTAP database our estimates on the NTPBs, which the original GTAP database by its nature does incorporate, we compute the impact of the entire elimination of policy barriers (the complete reduction of import tariffs and NTPBs) on GDP. The result shows that there are remarkable differences between the effect of abolition of import tariffs and that of entire elimination of all import barriers. [source]


    Sun LIXING
    First page of article [source]


    This paper analyses the mechanisms of, and draws lessons from, currency crises in Asian and Latin American countries in the 1990s and 2000s. In Asian countries fiscal deficits were insignificant in size, and were not part of a crisis trigger, while in Latin America they played a major role in the crisis story. Crisis management by international financial institutions has been evolving over the last 10 years, and private-sector involvement (PSI) has occupied centre-stage in efforts to reform the international financial architecture. Sovereign debts, a focus of PSI discussions, were neither a cause nor a propagation of the Asian crises. [source]

    Financing Constraints, Ownership Control, and Cross-Border M&As: Evidence from Nine East Asian Economies

    Yenn-Ru Chen
    ABSTRACT Manuscript Type: Empirical Research Question/Issue: This study distinguishes between the effects of financial constraint determinants on cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) and domestic M&As for all takeover bids announced in nine East Asian economies from 1998 to 2005. Research Findings/Insights: The results of logistic regressions verify that the extent of stock market and governance developments improves corporate financing conditions and subsequently encourages cross-border M&As in East Asia. The results also indicate that, except for ownership control variables, the firm-specific factors of financing constraints reduce the occurrence of cross-border M&As relative to domestic M&As. Although family- and state-controlled firms have better access to external financing, they are reluctant to risk diluting their management control and thus prefer domestic M&As to cross-border deals. Theoretical/Academic Implications: This study enhances the empirical studies of the relation between financing constraints and corporate investments based on the market imperfection hypothesis of corporate finance theories. In addition, this study also addresses the interaction between the market imperfection hypothesis and agency theory in explaining the effects of special ownership control on cross-border M&As relative to domestic deals. Furthermore, by examining the research questions across nine East Asian economies, this study provides an understanding of how such a relation applies to firms in countries where information asymmetry is high. Practitioner/Policy Implications: The findings indicate the importance of corporate governance and verify the effects of unique organizational structures on major corporate decisions. Specifically, family-controlled firms are often free of the financing constraints inherent in investment decisions. Thus, it is necessary to consider such organizational uniqueness when explaining the financing behavior of cross-border M&As conducted by Asian firms. [source]


    ABSTRACT Objective:, To contrast relief efforts for the 26 December 2004 tsunami with current global HIV/AIDS relief efforts and analyse possible reasons for the disparity. Methods:, Literature review and ethical analysis. Results:, Just over 273,000 people died in the tsunami, resulting in relief efforts of more than US$10 bn, which is sufficient to achieve the United Nation's long-term recovery plan for South East Asia. In contrast, 14 times more people died from HIV/AIDS in 2004, with UNAIDS predicting a US$8 bn funding gap for HIV/AIDS in developing nations between now and 2007. This disparity raises two important ethical questions. First, what is it that motivates a more empathic response to the victims of the tsunami than to those affected by HIV/AIDS? Second, is there a morally relevant difference between the two tragedies that justifies the difference in the international response? The principle of justice requires that two cases similarly situated be treated similarly. For the difference in the international response to the tsunami and HIV/AIDS to be justified, the tragedies have to be shown to be dissimilar in some relevant respect. Are the tragedies of the tsunami disaster and the HIV/AIDS pandemic sufficiently different, in relevant respects, to justify the difference in scope of the response by the international community? Conclusion:, We detected no morally relevant distinction between the tsunami and the HIV/AIDS pandemic that justifies the disparity. Therefore, we must conclude that the international response to HIV/AIDS violates the fundamental principles of justice and fairness. [source]

    Transforming the Developmental Welfare State in East Asia

    Huck-ju Kwon
    This article attempts to explain changes and continuity in the developmental welfare states in Korea and Taiwan within the East Asian context. It first elaborates two strands of welfare developmentalism (selective vs. inclusive), and establishes that the welfare state in both countries fell into the selective category of developmental welfare states before the Asian economic crisis of 1997. The key principles of the selective strand of welfare developmentalism are productivism, selective social investment and authoritarianism; inclusive welfare development is based on productivism, universal social investment and democratic governance. The article then argues that the policy reform toward an inclusive welfare state in Korea and Taiwan was triggered by the need for structural reform in the economy. The need for economic reform, together with democratization, created institutional space in policy-making for advocacy coalitions, which made successful advances towards greater social rights. Finally, the article argues that the experiences of Korea and Taiwan counter the neo-liberal assertion that the role of social policy in economic development is minor, and emphasizes that the idea of an inclusive developmental welfare state should be explored in the wider context of economic and social development. [source]

    Agrifood Sector Liberalisation and the Rise of Supermarkets in Former State-controlled Economies: A Comparative Overview

    Thomas Reardon
    Former state-controlled economies (FSCEs) have become the most important destination of global retail chain investments. These economies, which spread from North Africa, across Central and Eastern Europe, to East Asia, include more than one and a half billion consumers and a large share of the world's agricultural area and poor farmers. They have undergone an often radical transformation of their agrifood system over the past decade. The take-off of supermarkets in FSCEs started seriously in the mid-late 1990s, and is now moving fast. This article compares FSCE experience in the supermarket revolution and considers its implications for policy-makers and rural development practitioners. [source]

    The rise of methamphetamine in Southeast and East Asia

    Abstract Introduction and Aims. Southeast and East Asia has become a global hub for methamphetamine production and trafficking over the past decade. This paper describes the rise of methamphetamine supply and to what extent use of the drug is occurring in the region. Method and Design. The current review uses data collected through the Drug Abuse Information Network for Asia and the Pacific (DAINAP) and other available sources to analyse retrospectively methamphetamine trends within Southeast and East Asia. Results. Southeast and East Asia has experienced a methamphetamine epidemic in the past decade which began around 1997 and peaked in 2000,2001. While the situation has since stabilised in many countries, methamphetamine trafficking and use are still increasing in parts of the Mekong region and there is evidence of large-scale manufacture in Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. Methamphetamine is typically smoked or ingested, but injection of the drug is apparent. Conclusion. While the peak of the methamphetamine epidemic has passed in parts of Southeast and East Asia, attention is needed to minimise the potential consequences of spreading methamphetamine production, trafficking and use in the Mekong region and in the peninsular and archipelago of Southeast Asia. [source]

    The Political Construction of Agro-Food Liberalization in East Asia: Lessons from the Restructuring of Japanese Dairy Provisioning

    ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY, Issue 2 2004
    Bill Pritchard
    Abstract: This article asserts the significance of national-scale processes in the global restructuring of agro-food systems, especially in East Asia. Using an analysis of the recent restructuring in Japanese dairy provisioning, it documents how this trade remains orchestrated by government-commercial institutions that are organized and regulated to serve domestic agrarian interests. In the context of international disagreement on the future of the liberalization of agricultural trade, the implications of this study are that models of contemporary Asia Pacific agro-food restructuring should emphasize the ongoing importance of national institutions within the organization of trade, rather than assume prematurely the reality of a neoliberal marketplace. [source]

    Industrial Agglomeration and Development: A Survey of Spatial Economic Issues in East Asia and a Statistical Analysis of Chinese Regions

    ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY, Issue 3 2003
    C. Cindy Fan
    Abstract: In this article, we explore the issue of industrial agglomeration and its relationship to economic development and growth in the less-developed countries of East Asia. We present theoretical arguments and secondary empirical evidence as to why we should have strong expectations about finding a positive relationship between agglomeration and economic performance. We also review evidence from the literature on the roles of formal and informal institutions in East Asian regional economic systems. We then focus specifically on the case of China. We argue that regional development in China has much in common with regional development in other East Asian economies, although there are also important contrasts because of China's history of socialism and its recent trend toward economic liberalization. Through a variety of statistical investigations, we substantiate (in part) the expected positive relationship between agglomeration and economic performance in China. We show that many kinds of manufacturing sectors are characterized by a strong positive relationship between spatial agglomeration and productivity. This phenomenon is especially marked in sectors and regions where liberalization has proceeded rapidly. We consider the relevance of our comments about industrial clustering and economic performance for policy formulation in China and the less-developed countries of East Asia. [source]

    Phylogeny of Rhus gall aphids (Hemiptera : Pemphigidae) based on combined molecular analysis of nuclear EF1, and mitochondrial COII genes

    Zi-xiang YANG
    Abstract Rhus gall aphids (Fordinae : Melaphidini) have a disjunct distribution in East Asia and North America and have specific host plant relationships. Some of them are of economic importance and all species form sealed galls which show great variation in shape, size, structure, and galling-site. We present a phylogeny incorporating ten species and four subspecies of Rhus gall aphids based on 1694 base pairs of nuclear elongation factor-1, (EF1,) and mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit II (COII) DNA sequence data. The results suggest that Melaphidini is monophyletic and at the genus level, Schlechtendalia, Nurudea, and Floraphis were each monophyletic. Kaburagia and Meitanaphis were not monophyletic and therefore inconsistent with the current classification. The North American sumac gall aphid, Melaphis rhois, was most closely related to the East Asian Floraphis species, although this was poorly supported. The conservation of gall morphology with respect to aphid phylogeny rather than their host plants suggests that gall morphology is largely determined by the aphids. While there is no evidence of strict co-speciation between the aphids and their primary host plants, switching between recently diverged host plants may be involved in the speciation process in Melaphidini. [source]

    Glechoma hederacea (Lamiaceae) in North America: invasion history and current distribution,

    FEDDES REPERTORIUM, Issue 1-2 2004
    M. Scholler
    Glechoma hederacea L. (Ground-ivy, Lamiaceae), a perennial mat-forming herb, is native to the temperate regions of Eurasia and was introduced elsewhere (South East Asia, New Zealand and North America). Based on data obtained from herbaria, literature, online and other data bases and field studies, we documented the invasion history and current distribution of this plant in North America. At present, the plant is recorded from all but two continental states of the USA and all southern provinces of Canada. There are two main ranges: the larger one covers mainly the eastern part of the U.S.A. and a smaller one stretches along the West Coast. While published records of Glechoma hederacea date from 1814, the oldest specimen is from 1829. During the 19th century the species spread westwards at a rate of approximately 30 km/year. The spread and present range of G. hederacea can only be explained by climatic factors (degree of oceanicity) and considering human activity. Especially long distance propagation of vegetative parts of the plants and the change of the environment that accompanies human settlements may have had a major influence on these processes. (© 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) Glechoma hederacea L. (Lamiaceae) in Nordamerika: Invasionsgeschichte und derzeitige Verbreitung Glechoma hederacea (Gewöhnlicher Gundermann; Lamiaceae), eine im temperaten Eurasien beheimatete ausdauernde krautige Pflanze konnte sich als Neophyt in Südostasien, Neuseeland und Nordamerika etablieren. Basierend auf Daten aus der Literatur und Datenbanken, Belegdaten aus Herbarien und Felduntersuchungen werden die Ausbreitungsgeschichte der Art in Nordamerika und ihr gegenwärtiges Areal dokumentiert. Gegenwärtig ist die Art aus allen kanadischen Provinzen und mit Ausnahme von zwei Bundesstaaten auch von allen kontinentalen Bundesstaaten der USA dokumentiert. Es gibt zwei Hauptareale: ein großes, welches einen Großteil der östlichen USA einnimmt und ein kleineres an der Westküste. Der älteste Nachweis von 1814 von Glechoma hederacea stammt aus der Literatur, der älteste Beleg von 1829. Im Laufe des 19. Jahrhunderts breitete sich die Art mit einer Geschwindigkeit von etwa 30 km/Jahr nach Westen aus. Ausbreitungsgeschwindigkeit und das gegenwärtige Areal können nur mit Hilfe klimatischer (Ozeanität) und anthropogener Faktoren erklärt werden. Der Mensch trägt vor allem zur Verbreitung vegetativer Pflanzenteile bei und schafft in Siedlungen günstige Wachstumsbedingungen. [source]

    Trichoderma biodiversity in China: Evidence for a North to South distribution of species in East Asia

    Chu-long Zhang
    Abstract Towards assessing the biodiversity and biogeography of Trichoderma, we have analyzed the occurrence of Trichoderma species in soil and litter from four areas in China: North (Hebei province), South-East (Zhejiang province), West (Himalayan, Tibet) and South-West (Yunnan province). One hundred and thirty five isolates were grouped according to tentative morphological identification. A representative 64 isolates were verified at the species level by the oligonucleotide barcode program TrichO Key v.1.0 and the custom BLAST server Tricho BLAST, using sequences of the ITS1 and 2 region of the rRNA cluster and from the longest intron of the tef1 (translation elongation factor 1-,) gene. Eleven known species (Trichoderma asperellum, T. koningii, T. atroviride, T. viride, T. velutinum, T. cerinum, T. virens, T. harzianum, T. sinensis, T. citrinoviride, T. longibrachiatum) and two putative new species (T. sp. C1, and T. sp. C2), distinguished from known species both by morphological characters and phylogenetic analysis, were identified. A significant difference in the occurrence of these species was found between the North (Hebei) and South-West (Yunnan) areas, which correlates with previously reported species distributions in Siberia and South-East Asia, respectively. As in previous studies, T. harzianum accounted for almost half of the biodiversity; although, in this study, it was exclusively found in the North, and was predominantly represented by an ITS1 and 2 haplotype, which has so far been rarely found elsewhere. This study therefore reveals a North,South gradient in species distribution in East Asia, and identifies Northern China as a potential center of origin of a unique haplotype of T. harzianum. [source]

    Susceptibility of cones and seeds to fungal infection in a pine (Pinus spp.) collection

    FOREST PATHOLOGY, Issue 6 2000
    V. Vujanovic
    Summary Thirty-one fungi, members of Ascomycota and Deuteromycota, were isolated from cones/seeds of 28 hosts (Pinus spp.) originating from East Asia, Europe and North America, and growing at the Montreal Botanical Garden, Canada. A total of 21 taxa of these isolated fungi are considered pathogens. The damage severity was most prevalent on Diploxylon pines of European provenance (Pinus nigra, Pinus mugo and Pinus sylvestris), and one indigenous North American species (Pinus albicaulis). Twelve fungi occurred on different hosts, i.e. Sphaeropsis sapinea (12), Herpotrichia juniperi (8), Truncatella hartigii (7), Ceuthospora sp. (5), Fusarium, spp. (5), Pestalotiopsis funerea (3), Phomopsis sp. (3), Valsa spp. (anamorph. Cytospora) (3), Diaporthe sp. (3), Fusicoccum sp. (2) and Sirococcus strobilinus (2). Sphaeropsis sapinea, Herpotrichia juniperi, Phomopsis conorum, Truncatella hartigii, Tubercularia sp. and Valsa spp. were related to high cone and seed damage. For the most frequently observed Sphaeropsis sapinea damage, the subgenus Haploxylon was less susceptible than Diploxylon, and P. sylvestris less than P. nigra and P. mugo. Pinus resinosa showed more tolerance to S. sapinea. Truncatella hartigii was more frequently associated with necrotic lesions on cones/seeds in comparison with Pestalotiopsis funerea. The results are discussed in the context of arboretum, seed orchard, nursery and quarantine management. [source]

    Monoterpene emissions from rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis) in a changing landscape and climate: chemical speciation and environmental control

    GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, Issue 11 2007
    Abstract Emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have important roles in ecophysiology and atmospheric chemistry at a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. Tropical regions are a major global source of VOC emissions and magnitude and chemical speciation of VOC emissions are highly plant-species specific. Therefore it is important to study emissions from dominant species in tropical regions undergoing large-scale land-use change, for example, rubber plantations in South East Asia. Rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis) are strong emitters of light-dependent monoterpenes. Measurements of emissions from leaves were made in the dry season in February 2003 and at the beginning of the wet season in May 2005. Major emitted compounds were sabinene, , -pinene and , -pinene, but , -ocimene and linalool also contributed significantly at low temperature and light. Cis -ocimene was emitted with a circadian course independent of photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) and temperature changes with a maximum in the middle of the day. Total isoprenoid VOC emission potential at the beginning of the wet season (94 ,g gdw,1 h,1) was almost two orders of magnitude higher than measured in the dry season (2 ,g g dw,1 h,1). Composition of total emissions changed with increasing temperature or PAR ramps imposed throughout a day. As well as light and temperature, there was evidence that assimilation rate was also a factor contributing to seasonal regulating emission potential of monoterpenes from rubber trees. Results presented here contribute to a better understanding of an important source of biogenic VOC associated with land-use change in tropical South East Asia. [source]

    Development, Democracy and Welfare States: Latin America, East Asia and Eastern Europe , By Stephan Haggard and Robert R. Kaufman

    GOVERNANCE, Issue 1 2010
    No abstract is available for this article. [source]

    Globalization, Governance, and the Political-Economy of Public Policy Reform in East Asia

    GOVERNANCE, Issue 4 2001
    Mark Beeson
    In the wake of the crisis that developed in East Asia during 1997, perceptions of the region have been transformed. Critics claim that East Asian political practices and economic structures must be reformed if the region is to prosper in an era of globalization. In short, the region must adopt a different sort of public policy, one associated with an influential agenda of "good governance." This paper critically assesses this discourse and the predominately "Western" assumptions that underpin it. It is argued that, not only is this reformist agenda likely to be resisted by powerful vested interests, but the institutional infrastructure to support such a style of governance is inadequately developed in East Asia. [source]

    The Dynamics of Regional Development: The Philippines in East Asia , Edited by Arsenio Balisacan and Hal Hill

    GROWTH AND CHANGE, Issue 3 2009
    Anne Booth
    No abstract is available for this article. [source]

    Health systems in East Asia: what can developing countries learn from Japan and the Asian Tigers?

    HEALTH ECONOMICS, Issue 5 2007
    Adam Wagstaff
    Abstract The health systems of Japan and the Asian Tigers (Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore and Taiwan), and the recent reforms to them, provide many potentially valuable lessons to East Asia's developing countries. All five systems have managed to keep a check on health spending despite their different approaches to financing and delivery. These differences are reflected in the progressivity of health finance, but the precise degree of progressivity of individual sources and the extent to which households are vulnerable to catastrophic health payments depend on the design features of the system , the height of any ceilings on social insurance contributions, the fraction of health spending covered by the benefit package, the extent to which the poor face reduced copayments, whether there are caps on copayments, and so on. On the delivery side, too, Japan and the Tigers offer some interesting lessons. Singapore's experience with corporatizing public hospitals , rapid cost and price inflation, a race for the best technology, and so on , illustrates the difficulties of corporatization. Korea's experience with a narrow benefit package illustrates the danger of providers shifting demand from insured services with regulated prices to uninsured services with unregulated prices. Japan, in its approach to rate setting for insured services, has managed to combine careful cost control with fine-tuning of profit margins on different types of care. Experiences with DRGs in Korea and Taiwan point to cost-savings but also to possible knock-on effects on service volume and total health spending. Korea and Taiwan both offer important lessons for the separation of prescribing and dispensing, including the risks of compensation costs outweighing the cost savings caused by more ,rational' prescribing, and cost-savings never being realized because of other concessions to providers, such as allowing them to have onsite pharmacists. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma: diagnosis and treatment cues

    Ritsuro Suzuki
    Abstract Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type (ENKL) is mostly endemic to East Asia. It predominantly occurs in the nasal or paranasal areas and less frequently in the skin. Most of the tumours show NK-cell, but rarely T-cell, phenotypes. The Epstein,Barr virus (EBV) genome can be usually detected in lymphoma cells. Geographic localization of ENKL matches the endemic distribution of EBV, suggesting that EBV plays an important role in lymphomagenesis. Originally, NK-cell and T-cell types were believed to present the same clinicopathologic characteristics, but recent data suggest more aggressive characteristics for the NK-cell phenotype. Although ENKL is sensitive to radiotherapy, it shows a poorer response to chemotherapeutic agents than other lymphomas due to expression of p-glycoprotein. Therefore, new therapeutic approaches must be considered. Several new clinical trials are now being conducted in East Asia. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Nationalism in East Asia

    Prasenjit Duara
    The historiography of nationalism in East Asia, particularly on China and Japan, is predictably enormous, although it is considerably smaller for Korea. This survey will cover only certain key themes relating this historiography to modern nationalism more widely and to the relationships among the countries in this region. [source]

    Outcome of surgical treatment for recurrent pyogenic cholangitis: a single-centre study

    HPB, Issue 1 2009
    Kit-fai Lee
    Abstract Background:, Recurrent pyogenic cholangitis (RPC) is still a common disease in East Asia. The present study reviews the operative results for this disease in a single centre. Methods:, The records of 85 patients who underwent surgical treatment for RPC from August 1995 to March 2008 were retrospectively reviewed. Results:, Patients included 35 men and 50 women with a median age of 61 years. Types of surgery included: hepatectomy (65.9%); hepatectomy plus drainage (9.4%); drainage alone (14.1%), and percutaneous choledochoscopy (10.6%). There was no operative mortality. Complications occurred in 40% of patients and half the complications involved wound infections. The overall incidences of residual stone, stone recurrence and biliary sepsis recurrence were 21.2%, 16.5% and 21.2%, respectively, over a median follow-up of 45.4 months. The drainage-alone group and percutaneous choledochoscopy group had higher incidences of residual stone, stone recurrence and biliary sepsis recurrence. In hepatectomy patients, regardless of whether or not a drainage procedure had been performed, rates of residual stone, stone recurrence and biliary sepsis recurrence were 15.6%, 7.8% and 9.4%, respectively, over a median follow-up of 42.7 months. Conclusions:, Hepatectomy is safe and yields the best treatment outcome for RPC. It should be considered as the treatment of choice for suitable patients with RPC. [source]

    Daily streamflow modelling and assessment based on the curve-number technique

    Jin-Yong Choi
    Abstract A cell-based long-term hydrological model (CELTHYM) that can be integrated with a geographical information system (GIS) was developed to predict continuous stream flow from small agricultural watersheds. The CELTHYM uses a cell-by-cell soil moisture balance approach. For surface runoff estimation, the curve number technique considering soil moisture on a daily basis was used, and release rate was used to estimate baseflow. Evapotranspiration was computed using the FAO modified Penman equation that considered land-use-based crop coefficients, soil moisture and the influence of topography on radiation. A rice paddy field water budget model was also adapted for the specific application of the model to East Asia. Model sensitivity analysis was conducted to obtain operational information about the model calibration parameters. The CELTHYM was calibrated and verified with measured runoff data from the WS#1 and WS#3 watersheds of the Seoul National University, Department of Agricultural Engineering, in Hwaseong County, Kyounggi Province, South Korea. The WS#1 watershed is comprised of about 35·4% rice paddy fields and 42·3% forest, whereas the WS#3 watershed is about 85·0% forest and 11·5% rice paddy fields. The CELTHYM was calibrated for the parameter release rate, K, and soil moisture storage coefficient, STC, and results were compared with the measured runoff data for 1986. The validation results for WS#1 considering all daily stream flow were poor with R2, E2 and RMSE having values of 0·40, ,6·63 and 9·69 (mm), respectively, but validation results for days without rainfall were statistically significant (R2 = 0·66). Results for WS#3 showed good agreement with observed data for all days, and R2, E2 and RMSE were 0·92, 0·91 and 2·23 (mm), respectively, suggesting potential for CELTHYM application to other watersheds. The direct runoff and water balance components for watershed WS#1 with significant areas of paddy fields did not perform well, suggesting that additional study of these components is needed. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Emerging Economies in East Asia: Are they Safe from Future Crises?

    IDS BULLETIN, Issue 4 2007
    Yung Chul Park
    First page of article [source]


    Sanghoon Lee
    American students study harder in college than in high school, whereas East Asian students study harder in high school than in college. This article proposes a signaling explanation. Signaling may occur over time both in high school and in college, and societies may differ in the timing of signaling. Students work harder in the signaling stage determined by the society as a whole. A testable implication is that high ability workers in East Asia are more concentrated among a few colleges than their U.S. counterparts. This implication is confirmed by top CEO education profile data in the United States and Korea. [source]

    Do we need a different strategy for HPV screening and vaccination in East Asia?

    Shiho Miura
    No abstract is available for this article. [source]

    Response of the summer atmospheric circulation over East Asia to SST variability in the tropical Pacific

    Rena Nagata
    Abstract General circulation over East Asia and its linkages with sea surface temperature (SST) variability over the tropical Pacific is investigated for the 1958,2000 period. The western edge of the North Pacific subtropical high (NPSH) index (SHI) is defined from pentad 31 (May 31 to June 4) to pentad 49 (August 29 to September 2). A southwestward extension of the SHI has been observed since 1980. The changes in the NPSH are associated with SST warming in the tropical eastern Pacific and Indian Ocean. On the basis of the SHI, years with western, eastern, southern and northern displacement of the NPSH are defined as WD, ED, SD and ND years. WD and SD years occur after 1980. Climatologically, the subsidence is located around 30°N in the western Pacific. This subsidence area corresponds to the NPSH region. Before pentad 40 in WD and SD years, associated with warm SST anomalies, circulation anomalies show an ascending motion over the tropical eastern Pacific and Indian Ocean. This ascending motion induces the anomalous subsidence over the tropical western Pacific and causes the southwestward extension of the NPSH. After pentad 40 (July 15,19), the seasonal evolution of WD years is different from the SD years. After pentad 40 in WD years, associated with large warm SST anomalies over the tropical eastern Pacific and Indian Ocean, the strong anomalous ascending motion strengthens the anomalous subsidence in the western tropical Pacific and leads to the lack of the eastward contraction of the NPSH. In SD years, warm SST anomalies over the tropical eastern Pacific and Indian Ocean weakened after pentad 40. Correspondently, the weakened anomalous ascending motion over these regions provides the weak anomalous subsidence over the tropical western Pacific. The weakened anomalous subsidence leads to the eastward contraction of the NPSH after pentad 40 similar to the climatological evolution. Copyright © 2009 Royal Meteorological Society [source]

    Effect of the climate shift around mid 1970s on the relationship between wintertime Ural blocking circulation and East Asian climate

    Lin Wang
    Abstract Blocking variability over the Ural Mountain region in the boreal winter and its relationship with the East Asian winter climate is investigated. The climate shift around mid 1970s has been shown to exert a significant influence on the blocking pattern. In contrast with the years before 1976/1977, the Ural blocking signal after 1976/1977 is found to propagate less into the stratosphere and more eastward in the troposphere to East Asia, which therefore exerts more influence on the East Asian winter climate. This enhanced Ural blocking,East Asian climate relationship amplifies the impact of Ural blocking on East Asia and, with the background of decreasing Ural blocking, contributes to the higher frequency of warm winters in this region. Further analyses suggest that the NAM-related stratospheric polar vortex strength and its modulation on the propagation of atmospheric stationary waves can account for this change, with the key area being located in the North Atlantic region. Copyright © 2009 Royal Meteorological Society [source]