Early Steps (early + step)

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  • very early step

  • Selected Abstracts

    Early steps in neural development

    Marc Callebaut
    Abstract We studied early neurulation events in vitro by transplanting quail Hensen's node, central prenodal regions (before the nodus as such develops), or upper layer parts of it on the not yet definitively committed upper layer of chicken anti-sickle regions (of unincubated blastoderms), eventually associated with central blastoderm fragments. We could demonstrate by this quail-chicken chimera technique that after the appearance of a pronounced thickening of the chicken upper layer by the early inductive effect of neighboring endophyll, a floor plate forms by insertion of Hensen's node-derived quail cells into the median part of the groove. This favors, at an early stage, the floor plate "allocation" model that postulates a common origin for notochord and median floor plate cells from the vertebrate's secondary major organizer (Hensen's node in this case). A comparison is made with results obtained after transplantation of similar Hensen's nodes in isolated chicken endophyll walls or with previously obtained results after the use of the grafting procedure in the endophyll walls of whole chicken blastoderms. J. Morphol. © 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Do parasitoids diversify in response to host-plant shifts by herbivorous insects?

    James T. Cronin
    Summary 1. For herbivorous insects, the incorporation of a novel host into the diet, and subsequent formation of distinct host associations (races), is thought to be a significant early step in the speciation process. While many studies have addressed this issue, virtually nothing is known about the evolutionary response of natural enemies to herbivore host-race formation. 2. The hypothesis that the parasitoid wasp Eurytoma gigantea (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae) has formed host races in direct response to the host shift and subsequent host-race formation by its host, the gallmaker Eurosta solidaginis (Diptera: Tephritidae) was tested. Emergence time, mating preference, and female oviposition preference were determined for parasitoids derived from galls of each Eurosta host race. 3. Male and female E. gigantea overlap broadly in their emergence times from each Eurosta host race, suggesting that there is no phenological barrier to gene flow. 4. In choice experiments, female parasitoids did not mate assortatively: females that emerged from one Eurosta host race were equally likely to mate with males from either Eurosta host race. 5. Oviposition behaviour experiments revealed that female parasitoids do not prefer to oviposit on their host race of origin and that there is no overall preference for one host race, even though fitness is higher when parasitoids are reared from Eurosta galls of the Solidago gigantea host race than when reared from Eurosta galls of the Solidago altissima host race. 6. These results suggest that E. gigantea has not diverged in parallel with its host in response to the herbivore host-plant shift. Further studies are needed before the ubiquity of this diversification mechanism can be evaluated fully. [source]

    Increased expression of VEGF following exercise training in patients with heart failure

    T. Gustafsson
    Background and aims During the last decades several angiogenic factors have been characterized but so far it is unknown whether local muscle exercise training increases the expression of these factors in patients with moderate heart failure. Expression of the major putative angiogenic factor vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) at the level of messneger RNA (mRNA) and/or protein was therefore studied before and after 8 weeks of training in patient with chronic heart failure. Methods VEGF mRNA and protein concentrations were determined in skeletal muscle biopsies before and after 8 weeks of one-legged knee extension training in patients with chronic heart failure (New York Heart Association II,III). Results Exercise training increased the citrate synthase activity and peripheral exercise capacity by 46% and 36%, respectively, in parallel with a two-fold increase in VEGF at both the mRNA (P = 0·03) and protein (P = 0·02) levels Conclusion The increase in VEGF gene expression in response to exercise training indicates VEGF to be one possible mediator in exercise-induced angiogenesis and may therefore regulate an important and early step in adaptation to increased muscle activity in patient with chronic heart failure. [source]

    Novel regulation of yolk utilization by thyroid hormone in embryos of the direct developing frog Eleutherodactylus coqui

    Srikanth Singamsetty
    SUMMARY Thyroid hormone (TH) is required for metamorphosis of the long, coiled tadpole gut into the short frog gut. Eleutherodactylus coqui, a direct developing frog, lacks a tadpole. Its embryonic gut is a miniature adult form with a mass of yolky cells, called nutritional endoderm, attached to the small intestine. We tested the TH requirement for gut development in E. coqui. Inhibition of TH synthesis with methimazole arrested gut development in its embryonic form. Embryos treated with methimazole failed to utilize the yolk in their nutritional endoderm, and survived for weeks without further development. Conversely, methimazole and 3,3,,5-tri-iodo- l -thyronine, the active form of TH, stimulated gut development and utilization and disappearance of the nutritional endoderm. In Xenopus laevis, the receptor for TH, TR,, is upregulated in response to TH. Similarly, EcTR,, the E. coqui ortholog, was upregulated by TH in the gut. EcTR, expression was high in the nutritional endoderm, suggesting a direct role for TH in yolk utilization by these cells. An initial step in the breakdown of yolk in X. laevis is acidification of the yolk platelet. E. coqui embryos in methimazole failed to acidify their yolk platelets, but acidification was stimulated by TH indicating its role in an early step of yolk utilization. In addition to a conserved TH role in gut development, a novel regulatory role for TH in yolk utilization has evolved in these direct developers. [source]

    Production and clearance of cyclobutane dipyrimidine dimers in UV-irradiated skin pretreated with 1% pimecrolimus or 0.1% triamcinolone acetonide creams in normal and atopic patients

    Laurence Doelker
    Background:, Ultraviolet (UV)-induced pyrimidine dimers are an early step in skin carcinogenesis, which is accelerated in the setting of long-term immunosuppression with systemic calcineurin inhibitors. It is not known whether topical application of calcineurin inhibitors exposes to a similar risk. Objective:, To assess the formation and clearance of UV-induced dipyrimidine dimers in human epidermis treated with topical pimecrolimus as compared to topical steroid, vehicle and untreated control. Methods:, Pretreated buttock skin of 20 human volunteers with (10) or without (10) atopic dermatitis was exposed to two minimal erythema doses (MED) of simulated solar radiation. DNA was extracted from epidermis 1 and 24 h postirradiation. Pyrimidine dimers were visualized by immuno slot blots and quantified by chemoluminescence image analysis. Results:, One-hour postirradiation, pimecrolimus-treated epidermis contains less DNA damage as compared to untreated control, but there were no statistically significant differences between pimecrolimus, triamcinolone acetonide and vehicle. Dimer levels at 24 h postirradiation showed no significant differences between different treatments. Conclusion:, Treatment with pimecrolimus cream, triamcinolone acetonide cream and vehicle is not associated with increased epidermal DNA damage at 1 and 24 h post-UV exposure. [source]

    Serum amyloid A has antiviral activity against hepatitis C virus by inhibiting virus entry in a cell culture system,

    HEPATOLOGY, Issue 6 2006
    Muriel Lavie
    Serum amyloid A (SAA) is an acute phase protein produced by the liver. SAA concentration increases markedly in the serum following inflammation and infection. Large increases in SAA concentration during the acute phase response suggest that SAA has a beneficial role in host defense. This study sought to determine the effect of SAA on hepatitis C virus (HCV) infectivity using retroviral particles pseudotyped with HCV envelope glycoproteins (HCVpp) and the recently developed cell culture system for HCV (HCVcc). SAA inhibited HCVpp and HCVcc infection in a dose-dependent manner by affecting an early step of the virus life cycle. Further characterization with HCVpp indicated that SAA blocks virus entry by interacting with the viral particle. In addition, the antiviral activity of SAA was strongly reduced when high-density lipoproteins (HDL) were coincubated with SAA. However, HDL had only a slight effect on the antiviral activity of SAA when HCVpp was first preincubated with SAA. Furthermore, analyses of SAA in sera of chronic HCV patients revealed the presence of variable levels of SAA with abnormally elevated concentrations in some cases. However, no obvious clinical correlation was found between SAA levels and HCV viral loads. In conclusion, our data demonstrate an antiviral activity for SAA and suggest a tight relationship between SAA and HDL in modulating HCV infectivity. (HEPATOLOGY 2006;44:1626,1634.) [source]

    The Use of Nursing Diagnoses in Perioperative Documentation

    Kristiina Junttila PhD
    Hoitotyön kirjaaminen; hoitotyön diagnoosit; perioperatiivinen hoitotyö; Perioperative Nursing Data Set PURPOSE., To clinically validate the nursing diagnoses of the first Finnish version of Perioperative Nursing Data Set (PNDS) by using them in perioperative documentation. METHODS., Nursing diagnoses were used in documentation in four operating departments with 250 patients. In analysis, nonparametric tests were applied. FINDINGS., While intraoperatively nursing diagnoses focused on physiological concerns, postoperatively the focus shifted to that of recovery. CONCLUSIONS., The findings revealed the importance of safety-related routines in perioperative care. Nursing diagnoses in the Finnish version of PNDS are sensitive in describing the rationales for perioperative care. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE., Nursing classifications illustrate the nursing process in a structured form. Nursing diagnosis is an early step in the decision-making process that aims to achieve expected outcomes in nursing care. TARKOITUS:, Validoida PNDS-luokituksen suomalaisen version diagnoositermit käyttämällä niitä perioperatiivisen hoitotyön kirjaamisessa. MENETELMÄT:, Hoitotyön diagnooseja käytettiin kirjaamisessa 250 potilaan kohdalla. Aineiston analyysissä käytettiin ei-parametrisiä testejä. TULOKSET:, Hoidon intraoperatiivisessa vaiheessa korostuvat potilaan fysiologiaan liittyvät ja postoperatiivisessa vaiheessa potilaan toipumiseen liittyvät hoitotyön diagnoosit. JOHTOPÄÄTÖKSET:, Perioperatiivisessa hoitotyössä painottuvat potilaan hoidon turvallisuuteen tähtäävät rutiinit. PNDS-luokituksen suomalaisen version diagnoositermejä voidaan käyttää kuvaamaan leikkauspotilaiden hoidon tarpeita. TULOSTEN HYÖDYNNETTÄVYYS:, Hoitotyön prosessia voidaan kuvata rakenteisesti hoitotyön luokituksilla. Hoitotyön diagnoosin määrittäminen on osa päätöksentekoprosessia tavoitteena tunnistaa ja saavuttaa toivotut tulokset potilaan hoidossa. [source]

    Prostaglandin F2, inhibits adipocyte differentiation via a G,q-Calcium-Calcineurin-Dependent signaling pathway

    Li Liu
    Abstract Prostaglandin F2, (PGF2,) is a potent physiological inhibitor of adipocyte differentiation, however the specific signaling pathways and molecular mechanisms involved in mediating its anti-adipogenic effects are not well understood. In the current study, we now provide evidence that PGF2, inhibits adipocyte differentiation via a signaling pathway that requires heterotrimeric G-protein G,q subunits, the elevation of the intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i), and the activation of the Ca2+/calmodulin-regulated serine/threonine phosphatase calcineurin. We show that while this pathway acts to inhibit an early step in the adipogenic cascade, it does not interfere with the initial mitotic clonal expansion phase of adipogenesis, nor does it affect either the expression, DNA binding activity or differentiation-induced phosphorylation of the early transcription factor C/EBP,. Instead, we find that PGF2, inhibits adipocyte differentiation via a calcineurin-dependent mechanism that acts to prevent the expression of the critical pro-adipogenic transcription factors PPAR, and C/EBP,. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the inhibitory effects of PGF2, on both the expression of PPAR, and C/EBP, and subsequent adipogenesis can be attenuated by treatment of preadipocytes with the histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor trichostatin A. Taken together, these results indicate that PGF2, inhibits adipocyte differentiation via a G,q-Ca2+ -calcineurin-dependent signaling pathway that acts to block expression of PPAR, and C/EBP, by a mechanism that appears to involves an HDAC-sensitive step. J. Cell. Biochem. 100: 161,173, 2007. © 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    siRNA mediated inhibition of MMP-1 reduces invasive potential of a human chondrosarcoma cell line

    Xiaoling Jiang
    Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) play a crucial role in tumor cell invasion and metastasis. Expression of MMP-1 has been reported as a prognostic predictor of recurrence in human chondrosarcoma, and studies using human chondrosarcoma cell lines indicate that MMP-1 expression levels correlate with in vitro invasiveness. These observations suggest that MMP-1 activity has a central role in cell egress from the primary tumor at an early step in the metastatic cascade. In this study, siRNA was used to investigate whether knock down of the MMP-1 gene could be used to inhibit invasiveness in a human chondrosarcoma cell line. The inhibitory effect of siRNA on endogenous MMP-1 gene expression and protein synthesis was demonstrated via RT-PCR, Northern blotting, Western blotting, collagenase activity assay, and an in vitro cell migration assay. The siRNA inhibited MMP-1 expression specifically, since it did not affect the expression of endogenous glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) nor other collagenases. Most importantly, the siRNA mediated reduction in MMP-1 expression correlated with a decreased ability of chondrosarcoma cells to invade a Type I collagen matrix. The reduction of invasive behavior demonstrated by human chondrosarcoma cells transfected with MMP-1 siRNA and the specificity of this inhibition supports the hypothesis that this metalloproteinase molecule is involved in initiation of chondrosarcoma metastasis. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Role of Protein Kinases in the Prolactin-Induced Intracellular Calcium Rise in Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells Expressing the Prolactin Receptor

    B. Sorin
    Abstract There is still only limited understanding of the early steps of prolactin signal transduction in target cells. It has been shown that prolactin actions are associated with cell protein phosphorylation, Ca2+ increases, and so on. However, the link between the activation of kinases and calcium influx or intracellular Ca2+ mobilization has not yet been clearly established. Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, stably transfected with the long form of rabbit mammary gland prolactin receptor (PRL-R) cDNA were used for PRL-R signal transduction studies. Spectrofluorimetric techniques were used to measure intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) in cell populations with Indo1 as a calcium fluorescent probe. We demonstrate that, although protein kinase C activation (PMA or DiC8) caused a calcium influx in CHO cells, prolactin-induced PKC activation was not responsible for the early effect of prolactin on [Ca2+]i. Activation of protein kinase A (PKA) or protein kinase G did not modify [Ca2+]i and inhibition of PKA pathway did not affect the prolactin response. In the same way, phosphatidylinositol-3 kinaseinhibition had no effect on the prolactin-induced Ca2+ increase. On the other hand, tyrosine kinase inhibitors (herbimycin A, lavendustin A, and genistein) completely blocked the effect of prolactin on [Ca2+]i (influx and release). W7, a calmodulin-antagonist, and a specific inhibitor of calmodulin kinases (KN-62), only blocked prolactin-induced Ca2+ influx but had no significant effect on Ca2+ release. Using pharmacological agents, we present new data concerning the involvement of protein phosphorylations in the early effects of prolactin on ionic channels in CHO cells expressing the long form of PRL-R. Our results suggest that, at least in the very early steps of prolactin signal transduction, serine-threonine phosphorylation does not participate in the prolactin-induced calcium increase. On the other hand, tyrosine phosphorylation is a crucial, very early step, since it controls K+ channel activation, calcium influx, and intracellular calcium mobilization. Calmodulin acts later, since its inhibition only blocks the prolactin-induced Ca2+ influx. [source]

    Increased metastatic potential of tumor cells in von Willebrand factor-deficient mice

    Summary.,Background:,The key role played by von Willebrand factor (VWF) in platelet adhesion suggests a potential implication in various pathologies, where this process is involved. In cancer metastasis development, tumor cells interact with platelets and the vessel wall to extravasate from the circulation. As a potential mediator of platelet,tumor cell interactions, VWF could influence this early step of tumor spread and therefore play a role in cancer metastasis.Objectives:,To investigate whether VWF is involved in metastasis development.Methods:,In a first step, we characterized the interaction between murine melanoma cells B16-BL6 and VWF in vitro. In a second step, an experimental metastasis model was used to compare the formation of pulmonary metastatic foci in C57BL/6 wild-type and VWF-null mice following the injection of B16-BL6 cells or Lewis lung carcinoma cells.Results:,In vitro adhesion assays revealed that VWF is able to promote a dose-dependent adhesion of B16-BL6 cells via its Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) sequence. In the experimental metastasis model, we found a significant increase in the number of pulmonary metastatic foci in VWF-null mice compared with the wild-type mice, a phenotype that could be corrected by restoring VWF plasma levels. We also showed that increased survival of the tumor cells in the lungs during the first 24 h in the absence of VWF was the cause of this increased metastasis.Conclusion:,These findings suggest that VWF plays a protective role against tumor cell dissemination in vivo. Underlying mechanisms remain to be investigated. [source]

    Analysis of herpesvirus host specificity determinants using herpesvirus genomes as bacterial artificial chromosomes

    Jun Arii
    ABSTRACT Almost all mammalian alphaherpesviruses can grow in cells derived from several types of animals in vitro. However, FHV-1 can only infect feline cell lines. For this reason, FHV-1 should be a good model to investigate species barriers to herpesviruses in vivo. To apply bacterial mutagenesis of FHV-1, we cloned the FHV-1 genome as a BAC. Using , and flp recombinations, we introduced a monomeric red fluorescence protein into the C-terminus of glycoprotein D. Although GFP in the constructed recombinant FHV-1, a transfectant of the bacmid of FHV-1 that possessed the GFP, acted in non-feline cell lines, the virus could not enter non-feline cell lines, demonstrating that the host specificity of FHV-1 was restricted in an early step of infection. The host range of canine herpesvirus is limited to dogs in vitro and in vivo; it cannot enter non-canine cell lines as a result of infection but the GFP is active by transfection, revealing the same result that the restriction step is at an early stage of infection. These results suggest the possibility of breaking species barriers of FHV-1 and CHV by modifying the gene(s) that act at the early stage of infection. [source]

    Optimizing measurement of the electrical anisotropy of muscle

    MUSCLE AND NERVE, Issue 5 2008
    Anne B. Chin BS
    Abstract Skeletal muscle is electrically anisotropic, with applied high-frequency electrical current flowing more easily along than across muscle fibers. As an early step in harnessing this characteristic for clinical use, we studied approaches for maximizing the measured anisotropy by varying electrode size and applied current frequency in the tibialis anterior of 10 normal subjects. The results were compared to those from two patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Current was applied percutaneously, first parallel and then perpendicular to the major fiber direction of the muscle at frequencies ranging from 20 kHZ to 1 MHZ, using a fixed voltage,electrode length and varying the current,electrode length. The measured anisotropy was most pronounced using the longest length current electrodes and with a 125-kHZ applied frequency for the major outcome parameter phase. In addition, the two ALS patients showed very distinct anisotropic patterns. These results support the belief that, with the appropriate measurement technique, non-invasive assessment of electrical anisotropy of muscle may have useful clinical application. Muscle Nerve, 2008 [source]

    Crystallization and initial crystallographic analysis of phosphoglucosamine mutase from Bacillus anthracis

    Ritcha Mehra-Chaudhary
    The enzyme phosphoglucosamine mutase catalyzes the conversion of glucosamine 6-phosphate to glucosamine 1-phosphate, an early step in the formation of the nucleotide sugar UDP- N -acetylglucosamine, which is involved in peptidoglycan biosynthesis. These enzymes are part of the large ,- d -phosphohexomutase enzyme superfamily, but no proteins from the phosphoglucosamine mutase subgroup have been structurally characterized to date. Here, the crystallization of phosphoglucosamine mutase from Bacillus anthracis in space group P3221 by hanging-drop vapor diffusion is reported. The crystals diffracted to 2.7,Å resolution under cryocooling conditions. Structure determination by molecular replacement was successful and refinement is under way. The crystal structure of B. anthracis phosphoglucosamine mutase should shed light on the substrate-specificity of these enzymes and will also serve as a template for inhibitor design. [source]

    Bi-allelic silencing of the Fanconi anaemia gene FANCF in acute myeloid leukaemia

    Marc Tischkowitz
    Summary. Fanconi anaemia (FA) is a chromosomal instability disorder associated with a high risk of acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). Previous work has shown that the AML cell line CHRF-288, derived from a sporadic AML-M7 patient, does not express FANCF protein and exhibits a cellular FA phenotype. We show that this phenotype is corrected by a FANCF -expressing plasmid and that the absence of FANCF protein is explained by hypermethylation of the promoter region of the FANCF gene. As FANCF is localized in a hot-spot region for somatic hypermethylation (11p15), FANCF silencing might be an early step in sporadic carcinogenesis, including leukaemogenesis. [source]

    A new player in a deadly game: influenza viruses and the PI3K/Akt signalling pathway

    Christina Ehrhardt
    Summary Upon influenza A virus infection of cells, a wide variety of antiviral and virus-supportive signalling pathways are induced. Phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K) is a recent addition to the growing list of signalling mediators that are activated by these viruses. Several studies have addressed the role of PI3K and the downstream effector protein kinase Akt in influenza A virus-infected cells. PI3K/Akt signalling is activated by diverse mechanisms in a biphasic manner and is required for multiple functions during infection. While the kinase supports activation of the interferon regulatory factor-3 during antiviral interferon induction, it also exhibits virus supportive functions. In fact, PI3K not only regulates a very early step during viral entry but also results in suppression of premature apoptosis at later stages of infection. The latter function is dependent on the expression of the viral non-structural protein-1 (A/NS1). It has been shown that PI3K activation occurs by direct interaction of A/NS1 with the p85 regulatory subunit and interaction sites of A/NS1 and p85 have now been mapped in detail. Here, we summarize the current knowledge on influenza virus-induced PI3K signalling and how this pathway supports viral propagation. [source]

    Signalization and cytoskeleton activity through myosin IB during the early steps of phagocytosis in Entamoeba histolytica: a proteomic approach

    Sabrina Marion
    Summary Phagocytosis of human cells is a crucial activity for the virulence of the human parasite Entamoeba histolytica. This protozoan invades and destroys the intestine by killing and phagocytosing epithelial cells, erythrocytes and cells from the immune system. In this study, we used magnetic beads covered with proteins from human serum as a model system to study the early events involved in phagocytosis by E. histolytica. We validated the system showing that the beads uptake triggered the activation of the actin-myosin cytoskeleton and involved a PI3-kinase as previously described for erythrophagocytosis. We purified early phagosomes from wild-type (WT) amoeba and from parasites that overproduced myosin IB (MyoIB+), the unique unconventional myosin of E. histolytica. The MyoIB+ cells exhibit a slower and more synchronized uptake process than the WT strain. Proteomic analysis by liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectroscopy (LC-MS/MS) of the WT and MyoIB+ phagosomes allowed us to identify, for the first time, molecular actors involved in the early step of the uptake process. These include proteins involved in cytoskeleton activity, signalling, endocytosis, lytic activity and cell surface proteins. Interestingly, the proteins that we found specifically recruited on the phagosomes from the MyoIB+ strain were previously described in other eukarytotic cells, as involved in the regulation of cortical F-actin dynamics, such as ,-actinin and formins. This proteomics approach allows a step further towards the understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in phagocytosis in E. histolytica that revealed some interesting differences compared with phagocytosis in macrophages or Dictyostelium discoideum, and allowed to identify putative candidates for proteins linked to myosin IB activity during the phagocytic process [source]

    Dynamics of the endoplasmic reticulum during early development of Drosophila melanogaster

    CYTOSKELETON, Issue 3 2003
    Yves Bobinnec
    Abstract In this study, we analyze for the first time endoplasmic reticulum (ER) dynamics and organization during oogenesis and embryonic divisions of Drosophila melanogaster using a Protein Disulfide Isomerase (PDI) GFP chimera protein. An accumulation of ER material into the oocyte takes place during the early steps of oogenesis. The compact organization of ER structures undergoes a transition to an expanded reticular network at fertilization. At the syncytial stage, this network connects to the nuclear envelope as each nucleus divides. Time-lapse confocal microscopy on PDI transgenic embryos allowed us to characterize a rapid redistribution of the ER during the mitotic phases. The ER network is massively recruited to the spindle poles in prophase. During metaphase most of the ER remains concentrated at the spindle poles and shortly thereafter forms several layers of membranes along the ruptured nuclear envelope. Later, during telophase an accumulation of ER material occurs at the spindle equator. We also analyzed the subcellular organization of the ER network at the ultrastructural level, allowing us to corroborate the results from confocal microscopy studies. This dynamic redistribution of ER suggests an unexpected regulatory function for this organelle during mitosis. Cell Motil. Cytoskeleton 54:217,225, 2003. © 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Initiation of limb regeneration: The critical steps for regenerative capacity

    Hitoshi Yokoyama
    While urodele amphibians (newts and salamanders) can regenerate limbs as adults, other tetrapods (reptiles, birds and mammals) cannot and just undergo wound healing. In adult mammals such as mice and humans, the wound heals and a scar is formed after injury, while wound healing is completed without scarring in an embryonic mouse. Completion of regeneration and wound healing takes a long time in regenerative and non-regenerative limbs, respectively. However, it is the early steps that are critical for determining the extent of regenerative response after limb amputation, ranging from wound healing with scar formation, scar-free wound healing, hypomorphic limb regeneration to complete limb regeneration. In addition to the accumulation of information on gene expression during limb regeneration, functional analysis of signaling molecules has recently shown important roles of fibroblast growth factor (FGF), Wnt/,-catenin and bone morphogenic protein (BMP)/Msx signaling. Here, the routine steps of wound healing/limb regeneration and signaling molecules specifically involved in limb regeneration are summarized. Regeneration of embryonic mouse digit tips and anuran amphibian (Xenopus) limbs shows intermediate regenerative responses between the two extremes, those of adult mammals (least regenerative) and urodele amphibians (more regenerative), providing a range of models to study the various abilities of limbs to regenerate. [source]

    Zebrafish mutants with disrupted early T-cell and thymus development identified in early pressure screen

    Nikolaus S. Trede
    Abstract Generation of mature T lymphocytes requires an intact hematopoietic stem cell compartment and functional thymic epithelium. We used the zebrafish (Danio rerio) to isolate mutations that affect the earliest steps in T lymphopoiesis and thymic organogenesis. Here we describe the results of a genetic screen in which gynogenetic diploid offspring from heterozygous females were analyzed by whole-mount in situ hybridization for the expression of rag-1. To assess immediately if a global defect in hematopoiesis resulted in the mutant phenotype, ,-embryonic globin expression was simultaneously assayed for multilineage defects. In this report, we present the results obtained with this strategy and show representative mutant phenotypes affecting early steps in T-cell development and/or thymic epithelial cell development. We discuss the advantage of this strategy and the general usefulness of the zebrafish as a model system for vertebrate lymphopoiesis and thymic organogenesis. Developmental Dynamics 237:2575,2584, 2008. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Rapid accumulation of nucleostemin in nucleolus during newt regeneration

    Nobuyasu Maki
    Abstract In newt regeneration, differentiated cells can revert to stem cell,like cells in which the proliferative ability and multipotentiality are restored after dedifferentiation. However, the molecular events that occur during the dedifferentiation still remain obscure. Nucleostemin has been identified in mammals as a nucleolar protein specific to stem cells and cancer cells. In this study, a newt nucleostemin homologue was cloned and its regulation was analyzed. During lens regeneration, the expression of nucleostemin was activated and nucleostemin rapidly accumulated in the nucleoli of dedifferentiating pigmented epithelial cells 2 days before cell cycle reentry. During limb regeneration, nucleostemin also accumulated in the nucleoli of degenerating multinucleate muscle fibers before blastema formation. These findings suggest that nucleostemin plays a role in the dedifferentiation of newt cells and can provide crucial clues for addressing the molecular events at early steps of cellular dedifferentiation in newts. Developmental Dynamics 236:941,950, 2007. © 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis of the interactions between honeybee larvae and Paenibacillus larvae, the causative agent of American foulbrood of honeybees (Apis mellifera)

    Dominique Yue
    Summary American foulbrood (AFB) is a bacterial disease of honeybee larvae caused by the spore-forming bacterium Paenibacillus larvae. Although AFB and its aetiological agent are described now for more than a century, the general and molecular pathogenesis of this notifiable disease is poorly understood. We used fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) performed with P. larvae -specific, 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes to analyse the early steps in the pathogenesis of American foulbrood. The following chain of events could be demonstrated: (i) the spores germinate in the midgut lumen, (ii) the vegetative bacteria massively proliferate within the midgut before, and (iii) they start to locally breach the epithelium and invade the haemocoel. The paracellular route was shown to be the main mechanism for invasion contrasting earlier hypotheses of phagocytosis of P. larvae. Invasion coincided with the death of the host implicating that the penetration of the midgut epithelium is a critical step determining the time of death. [source]

    The interferon-inducible gene IFI16 secretome of endothelial cells drives the early steps of the inflammatory response

    Rossella Baggetta
    Abstract The IFN-inducible human IFI16 gene is highly expressed in endothelial cells as well as epithelial and hematopoietic tissues. Previous gene array analysis of human umbilical vein endothelial cells overexpressing IFI16 has revealed an increased expression of genes involved in inflammation and apoptosis. In this study, protein array analysis of the IFI16 secretome showed an increased production of chemokines, cytokines and adhesion molecules responsible for leukocyte chemotaxis. Functional analysis of the promoter for CCL20, the chemokine responsible for leukocyte recruitment in the early steps of inflammation, by site-specific mutation demonstrated that NF-,B is the main mediator of CCL20 induction at the transcriptional level. Finally, both Langerhans DC and B-lymphocyte migration triggered by supernatants from IFI16-overexpressing endothelial cells was partially inhibited by Ab inactivating CCL4, CCL5 and CCL20 chemokines. Altogether, these results demonstrate that the IFI16 gene, through its secretome, regulates proinflammatory activity of endothelial cells, thus corroborating its role in the early steps of inflammation. [source]

    Selective cross-talk among natural cytotoxicity receptors in human natural killer cells

    Raffaella Augugliaro
    Abstract The cytolytic activity of human natural killer cells is induced by several triggering cell surface receptors upon interaction with specific cellular ligands. These receptors include NKp46, NKp30 and NKp44, collectively termed natural cytotoxicity receptors (NCR). Co-operation among NCR has been shown to occur for optimal recognition and killing of most tumor target cells. In this study, we show that the mAb-mediated engagement and clustering of one or another NCR results in the activation of an identical set of tyrosine kinases. These kinases are included in the signaling cascade leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of different receptor-associated signal transducing molecules i.e. CD3, (associated with NKp46 and NKp30) and KARAP/DAP12 (associated with NKp44). In line with the notion that the engagement of inhibitory receptors prevents NCR-mediated responses, we show that the engagement of CD94/NKG2A virtually abrogates the tyrosine phosphorylation of the NCR-associated signaling molecules, i.e. it acts at the very early steps of the signaling cascade. Importantly, the engagement of a single NCR resulted in the activation of the signaling cascades associated with the other NCR. This "cross-talk" is confined to NKp46, NKp30 and NKp44 since neither CD16-nor KIR2DS4-associated signaling polypeptides were phosphorylated following the NCR engagement. These results suggest that a functional cross-talk specifically occurs among different NCR, possibly resulting in the amplification of the activating signals. [source]

    Probing the unfolding region of ribonuclease A by site-directed mutagenesis

    FEBS JOURNAL, Issue 20 2004
    Jens Köditz
    Ribonuclease A contains two exposed loop regions, around Ala20 and Asn34. Only the loop around Ala20 is sufficiently flexible even under native conditions to allow cleavage by nonspecific proteases. In contrast, the loop around Asn34 (together with the adjacent ,-sheet around Thr45) is the first region of the ribonuclease A molecule that becomes susceptible to thermolysin and trypsin under unfolding conditions. This second region therefore has been suggested to be involved in early steps of unfolding and was designated as the unfolding region of the ribonuclease A molecule. Consequently, modifications in this region should have a great impact on the unfolding and, thus, on the thermodynamic stability. Also, if the Ala20 loop contributes to the stability of the ribonuclease A molecule, rigidification of this flexible region should stabilize the entire protein molecule. We substituted several residues in both regions without any dramatic effects on the native conformation and catalytic activity. As a result of their remarkably differing stability, the variants fell into two groups carrying the mutations: (a) A20P, S21P, A20P/S21P, S21L, or N34D; (b) L35S, L35A, F46Y, K31A/R33S, L35S/F46Y, L35A/F46Y, or K31A/R33S/F46Y. The first group showed a thermodynamic and kinetic stability similar to wild-type ribonuclease A, whereas both stabilities of the variants in the second group were greatly decreased, suggesting that the decrease in ,G can be mainly attributed to an increased unfolding rate. Although rigidification of the Ala20 loop by introduction of proline did not result in stabilization, disturbance of the network of hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions that interlock the proposed unfolding region dramatically destabilized the ribonuclease A molecule. [source]

    Differential transcriptional regulation of sulfur assimilation gene homologues in the Saccharomyces carlsbergensis yeast species hybrid

    FEMS YEAST RESEARCH, Issue 4 2002
    Pia Francke Johannesen
    Abstract The allopolyploid yeast Saccharomyces carlsbergensis appears to be a relatively newly formed species hybrid, and therefore constitutes a good model for studying early steps in hybrid speciation. Using reverse transcription-coupled polymerase chain reaction to monitor derepression of the S. carlsbergensis homologues of the sulfur assimilation genes MET14 and MET2, we found that both homologues of these genes are regulated in the same pathway-specific manner, but surprisingly, with different kinetics, as the genes derived from one of the parent species (the non- Saccharomyces cerevisiae -like) are alleviated from repression much faster than the genes from the other parent (the S. cerevisiae -like). This probably reflects differing physiological adaptation of the parent species, and the finding may contribute to the general understanding of hybrid speciation. [source]

    New school in liver development: Lessons from zebrafish,

    HEPATOLOGY, Issue 5 2009
    Jaime Chu
    There is significant overlap in the genes and pathways that control liver development and those that regulate liver regeneration, hepatic progenitor cell expansion, response to injury, and cancer. Additionally, defects in liver development may underlie some congenital and perinatal liver diseases. Thus, studying hepatogenesis is important for understanding not only how the liver forms, but also how it functions. Elegant work in mice has uncovered a host of transcription factors and signaling molecules that govern the early steps of hepatic specification; however, the inherent difficulty of studying embryogenesis in utero has driven developmental biologists to seek new systems. The rapidly developing vertebrate zebrafish is a favorite model for embryology. The power of forward genetic screens combined with live real-time imaging of development in transparent zebrafish embryos has highlighted conserved processes essential for hepatogenesis and has uncovered some exciting new players. This review presents the advantages of zebrafish for studying liver development, underscoring how studies in zebrafish and mice complement each other. In addition to their value for studying development, zebrafish models of hepatic and biliary diseases are expanding, and using these small, inexpensive embryos for drug screening has become de rigueur. Zebrafish provide a shared platform for developmental biology and translational research, offering innovative methods for studying liver development and disease. The story of hepatogenesis has something for everyone. It involves transcriptional regulation, cell-cell interaction, signaling pathways, control of cell proliferation and apoptosis, plus morphogenic processes that sculpt vasculature, parenchymal cells, and mesenchyme to form the multifaceted liver. Decades of research on liver development in mice and other vertebrates offer valuable lessons in how the multipotent endoderm is programmed to form a functional liver. Of equal importance are insights that have illuminated the mechanisms by which hepatic progenitors are activated in a damaged liver, how the adult liver regenerates, and, possibly, the basis for engineering liver cells in vitro for cell transplantation to sustain patients with liver failure. Moreover, processes that are key to liver development are often co-opted during pathogenesis. Therefore, reviewing hepatogenesis is informative for both basic and translational researchers. In this review, we bring to light the many advantages offered by the tropical freshwater vertebrate zebrafish (Danio rerio) in studying hepatogenesis. By comparing zebrafish and mice, we highlight how work in each system complements the other and emphasize novel paradigms that have been uncovered using zebrafish. Finally, we highlight exciting efforts using zebrafish to model hepatobiliary diseases. (HEPATOLOGY 2009.) [source]

    Genetic dissection of thymus development in mouse and zebrafish

    Thomas Boehm
    Summary:, Lymphoid organs represent a specialized microenvironment for interaction of stromal and lymphoid cells. In primary lymphoid organs, these interactions are required to establish a self-tolerant repertoire of lymphocytes. While detailed information is available about the genes that control lymphocyte differentiation, little is known about the genes that direct the establishment and differentiation of principal components of such microenvironments. Here, we discuss genetic studies addressing the role of thymic epithelial cells (TECs) during thymopoiesis. We have identifed an evolutionarily conserved key regulator of TEC differentiation, Foxn1, that is required for the immigration of prothymocytes into the thymic primordium. Because Foxn1 specifies the prospective endodermal domain that gives rise to thymic epithelial cells, it can be used to identify the evolutionary origins of this specialized cell type. In the course of these studies, we have found that early steps of thymus development in zebrafish are very similar to those in mice. Subsequently, we have used chemical mutagenesis to derive zebrafish lines with aberrant thymus development. Strengths and weaknesses of mouse and zebrafish models are largely complementary such that genetic analysis of mouse and zebrafish mutants may lead to a better understanding of thymus development. [source]

    The delicate balance between male and female sex determining pathways: potential for disruption of early steps in sexual development

    P. Koopman
    Summary Testes and ovaries develop from the same primordial structures, the genital ridges, in the mammalian foetus. Male development depends critically on the correct functioning of the Y-linked testis-determining gene, Sry. However, Sry is highly vulnerable to mutation, and so does not provide a very robust sex-determining mechanism. Both in testes and in ovaries, proper gonadal development involves co-ordinated regulation of the bipotential fates of a number of different cell lineages, and is dependent on intercellular signalling mechanisms. If either the testicular or ovarian pathway stalls in the early stages, mechanisms operate to engage the alternative pathway. For these reasons, the early steps in mammalian sexual development are vulnerable to genetic and environmental perturbation, and represent possible points of action of endocrine disrupting compounds. [source]

    Latin America: a new developmental welfare state model in the making?1

    Manuel Riesco
    Latin America is emerging from a century of transformation , from a traditional agrarian to an urban industrial economy , where countries have taken diverse historical paths. Some have almost completed this transformation, others are taking early steps, and most are living through it. State-led transition has followed two successive development strategies. From the 1920s to the 1980s, state developmentalism, for the most part, successfully assumed the twin challenges of economic and social progress. In the final decades of the century, Latin American states adopted the policies of the Washington consensus, which emphasized the importance of business in the framework of globalization, benefiting the affluent few. However, an unambiguous shift in direction has been taking place in Latin America since the 1997 economic crisis. This article suggests that a new developmental welfare state model is in the making. How will it evolve over the wider space of an increasingly integrated Latin America? [source]