Advanced Periodontitis (advanced + periodontitis)

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Selected Abstracts

Elevated levels of collagen cross-link residues in gingival tissues and crevicular fluid of teeth with periodontal disease

Søren Jepsen
Lysylpyridinoline (LP) and hydroxylysylpyridinoline (HP) are collagen cross-link residues. Lysylpyridinoline is present in most tissues, whereas LP is present mainly in mineralized tissue. Both are elevated in tissue with increased collagen resorption. The purpose of this investigation was to assess if the concentrations of LP and HP are elevated in gingiva and gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) of teeth with advanced periodontitis (AP). We investigated human gingival biopsies of healthy teeth (n = 19) and teeth with AP (n = 43) in 49 individuals. Samples of GCF from 54 teeth with AP were collected in seven patients and compared with samples from 11 patients with experimentally induced gingivitis. Levels of LP and HP were measured by HPLC and fluorescence detection. Gingival concentrations of HP but not LP around teeth with advanced periodontitis were significantly elevated compared with teeth with healthy periodontium. While significant amounts of HP and LP were measurable in the GCF of teeth with AP, no HP and LP was identified 3 months following non-surgical periodontal therapy of the teeth or in fluid from teeth subjected to experimentally induced gingivitis. Elevated concentrations of HP and LP in GCF may serve as indicators of ongoing destruction of periodontal tissues and alveolar bone in advanced periodontitis. [source]

The presence of local and circulating autoreactive B cells in patients with advanced periodontitis

Tord Berglundh
Abstract Aim: The aim of the present investigation was to study the local (gingival) and systemic occurrence of autoreactive B cells (CD5+CD19 positive) in subjects with a high or low susceptibility to periodontitis. Material and Methods: 2 groups of subjects (Group A and B) susceptible to periodontitis were included. Group A consisted of 22 adult patients (7 females and 15 males, aged 24,66 years) with advanced and generalized chronic periodontitis and group B comprised 7 children (4 girls and 3 boys aged 9,13 years) with localized aggressive periodontitis. 26 periodontally healthy subjects, Group C (aged 23,80 years, mean 49.6±16.3), were also recruited. Assessment of clinical and radiographical characteristics of periodontal disease was performed. Gingival biopsies and peripheral blood samples were obtained and prepared for immunohistochemical analysis. Blood samples only were obtained from the periodontally healthy subjects (group C). Results: The proportion of autoreactive B cells (CD5+CD19 positive) of peripheral blood lymphocytes was about 6 times higher in group A and 4 times higher in group B than in the samples from the control subjects (group C). About 40,50% of the B cells in the peripheral blood of the periodontitis susceptible individuals expressed markers for autoreactive features while less than 15% of the circulating B cells in the subjects of group C exhibited such markers. The periodontitis lesion in the adult periodontitis patients contained a substantial number of B cells out of which about 30% demonstrated autoreactive features. Conclusion: It is suggested that both circulating and local B cells in periodontitis susceptible individuals have a higher propensity to autoreactive properties than B cells of patients with a low susceptibility to periodontitis. Zusammenfassung Zielsetzungen: Untersuchung des lokalen (in der Gingiva) und systemischen Vorkommens autoreaktiver B-Zellen (CD5 und CD19 positiv) bei Individuen mit hoher und niedriger Anfälligkeit für Parodontitis. Material und Methoden: 2 Gruppen von Personen, die anfällig für Parodontitis waren, nahmen an der Studie teil: Gruppe A: 22 erwachsenen Patienten (im Alter von 24,66 Jahren; 7 weiblich) mit fortgeschrittener generalisierter chronischer Parodontitis; Gruppe B: 7 Kinder (9,13 Jahre; 4 Mädchen) mit lokalisierter aggressiver Parodontitis. Zusätzlich wurden 26 parodontal gesunde Personen (23,80 Jahre) untersucht. Klinische und röntgenologische parodontale Parameter wurden erhoben. In den Gruppen A und B, wurden Gingivabiopsien und periphere Blutproben, in Gruppe C nur Blutproben entnommen. Ergebnisse: Der Anteil autoreaktiver B-Zellen an den Lymphozyten im peripheren Blut war etwa 6 mal höher in gruppe A und 4 mal höher in Gruppe B als in Proben der Kontrollgruppe (Gruppe C). Etwa 40,50% der B-Zellen im peripheren Blut der für Parodontitis anfälligen Patienten exprimierten Marker für autoreaktive Eigenschaften während weniger als 15% der zirkulierenden B-Zellen der Individuen aus Gruppe C solche Marker aufwiesen. Die parodontalen Läsionen der erwachsenen Parodontitispatienten enthielten eine hohe Zahl von B-Zellen, von denen etwa 30% autoreaktive Eigenschaften aufwiesen. Schlussfolgerungen: Sowhol lokale als auch zirkulierende B-Zellen von für Parodontitis anfälligen Patienten zeigen mit größerer Häufigkeit autoreaktive Eigenschaften als die B-Zellen von Patienten mit geringer Parodontitisanfälligkeit. Résumé But: Le but de cette recherche était d'étudier la présence locale (gingivale) et systémique de cellules B auto réactives (CD5+CD19 positives) chez des sujets présentant une forte ou une faible susceptibilitéà la parodontite. Matériaux et méthodes: 2 groupes de sujet (A et B) susceptible à la parodontite furent inclus. Le groupe A était constitué de 22 patients adultes (7 femmes et 15 hommes âgés de 24 a 66 ans) présentant une parodontite chronique avancée et généralisée et le groupe B était constitué de 7 enfants (4 filles et 3 garçons ages de 9 à 13 ans) présentant une pardontite agressive localisée. 26 sujets sains d'un point de vue parodontal (groupe C, âgés de 23 à 80 ans, age moyen 49.6±16.3) furent également recrutés. L'observation des caractéristiques cliniques et radiographiques de la maladie parodontale fut réalisée. Des biopsies gingivales et des échantillons sanguins furent prélevées et préparées pour des analyses immunohistochemiques. Seuls des prélèvements sanguins furent pris sur le groupe des patients sains. Résultats: La proportion de cellules B auto réactives (CD5+CD19 positives) des lymphocytes du sang périphérique était 6× plus élevée dans le groupe A et 4× plus élevée dans le groupe B que chez les sujets contrôles du groupe C. Environ 40 a 50% des cellules B du sang périphérique des individus susceptibles à la parodontite exprimaient des marqueurs pour des caractéristiques auto réactives alors que moins de 15% des cellules B circulantes des sujets du groupe C présentaient de tels marqueurs. La lésion parodontale de patients atteints de parodontite de l'adulte contenait un nombre substantiel de cellule B parmi lesquels environ 30% présentaient des caractéristiques auto réactives. Conclusions: Cela suggère que les cellules B locales et circulantes des individus susceptibles à la maladie parodontale aient une puls grande propension aux propriétés auto réactives que les cellules B des patients ayant une susceptibilité faible à la parodontite. [source]

In situ detection of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) in gingival epithelium in human periodontal disease

Patricio C. Smith
Background and objective:, As the periodontal lesion develops, the junctional epithelium migrates apically in conjunction with the dissolution of the most coronal Sharpey's fibers. Because matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) has been identified in migrating epithelial cells and invading tumors, we propose that this enzyme is produced by gingival keratinocytes in advanced periodontal lesions. Methods:, To test this idea, biopsies of inflamed gingival tissues were obtained from patients with advanced periodontitis. Healthy gingival tissue samples were utilized as controls. The presence and activity of MMP-9 was evaluated by combining indirect immunofluorescence of gingival tissue samples and gelatin zymography of gingival epithelium separated from connective tissue. Results and conclusions:, The staining pattern showed the presence of MMP-9 in junctional and pocket gingival epithelial cells, polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) and as a scattered deposit along connective tissues of periodontitis-affected gingival tissues. Gelatin zymography permitted the identification of pro-MMP-9 in surcular/pocket epithelium derived from inflamed gingival tissues. Lower levels of MMP-9 were detected in epithelium not exposed to inflammation. These observations suggest a role for MMP-9 in gingival epithelial response to periodontal infection. [source]

The Prevotella intermedia group organisms in young children and their mothers as related to maternal periodontal status

Eija Könönen
Currently, the Prevotella intermedia group includes three biochemically and phylogenetically related species: Prevotella intermedia, Prevotella nigrescens, and the newly described Prevotella pallens. The two first-named species are mentioned with varying emphasis in connection with periodontal diseases, while such a connection of P. pallens is not known. Mothers serve as a plausible source of bacteria to their children, and conceivably, a mother with periodontitis as a recurrent reservoir of periodontally infecting organisms. In the present study, 23 mothers and their young children were examined for the presence of the P. intermedia group organisms in relation to maternal periodontal status (I: periodontal health, II: initial periodontitis, and III: advanced periodontitis). Species differentiation was based on established biochemical methods, electrophoretic mobility patterns, SDS-PAGE, and DNA hybridization. P. intermedia was not recovered from children but nearly exclusively from mothers in group III, thus confirming its association with periodontitis. P. nigrescens and P. pallens were frequently found in mothers and children. To determine bacterial transmission between a mother and her child, 72 isolates from 13 mother,child pairs were analyzed by arbitrarily primed PCR (AP-PCR). Similar AP-PCR types of P. nigrescens and/or P. pallens were recovered from 3/4 pairs in group I, 2/5 pairs in group II, and none in group III. Our results indicate that different species within the P. intermedia group have a different colonization pattern in childhood and that the periodontal status reflects qualitatively their presence in maternal saliva. Intra-familial transmission of P. nigrescens and P. pallens can occur in early childhood, however similar AP-PCR types were most obvious within periodontally healthy mother,child pairs. [source]

Salivary matrix metalloproteinase (MMP-8) levels and gelatinase (MMP-9) activities in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Hanna-Leena Collin
We studied the salivary levels and activities of the matrix metalloproteinases (MMP)-8 and -9 in 45 type 2 diabetic patients and 77 control subjects. The patients' mean glycosylated haemoglobin (HbAlc) was 8.7%, indicating an unsatisfactory metabolic control of the disease. The MMP levels were further related to the clinical and microbiological periodontal findings as well as to salivary flow rate and other factors. The salivary flow rate, albumin and amylase concentrations were similar in type 2 diabetic patients to those in the control group. The mean gingival and periodontal pocket indexes were higher in the diabetes group. The number of potential periodontopathogenic bacteria was lower, however, in the diabetic than in the control group. Zymography and immunoblotting revealed that the major MMPs in the type 2 diabetic patients' saliva were MMP-8 and MMP-9. Salivary MMP levels and activities in type 2 diabetic patients were in general similar to those in the control group. However, the correlation coefficients using multiple regression analysis revealed that gingival bleeding, pocket depths and HbAlc were associated with increased MMP-8 levels which, in turn, were negatively predicted by elevated plasma lipid peroxide levels in the diabetic group. Our data on salivary MMP-8 and -9 do not support the concept of generalized neutrophil dysfunction in unbalanced diabetes. Moreover, plasma lipid peroxidation levels reflecting the increased oxidative burden, which is generated mainly by triggered neutrophils, do not indicate neutrophil dysfunction due to diabetes, but may rather be related to the increased tissue damage in an uncontrolled disease. However, advanced periodontitis in type 2 diabetes seems to be related to elevated salivary MMP-8 levels which might be useful in monitoring periodontal disease in diabetes. [source]

A hidden periodontitis epidemic during the 20th century?

P. P. Hujoel
Abstract , Objectives: Increasing evidence suggests a strong causal link between smoking and periodontitis. The goal of this study was to impute how the secular changes in smoking prevalence during the 20th century impacted the advanced periodontitis incidence in the US. Methods: Epidemiological analyses based on US prevalence data of advanced periodontitis and smoking, and predictions of future smoking prevalence. Results: Assuming other risk factors for periodontitis remained constant, we estimated that the incidence of advanced periodontitis decreased by 31% between 1955 and 2000. The changes in smoking habits, and consequently the changes in periodontitis incidence, depended strongly on education and gender. Between 1966 and 1998, we estimated a 43% decreased periodontitis incidence among college-educated individuals versus only an 8% decrease among individuals with less than a high school education. Between 1955 and 1999, we estimated a 41% decrease among males versus a 14% decrease among females. By the year 2020, the incidence of advanced periodontitis may decrease 43% from its level in 1955. Conclusions: A periodontitis epidemic fueled by smoking remained hidden for most of the 20th century. Because this epidemic was hidden, it distorted our understanding of the treatment and etiology of periodontitis. The socioeconomic polarization of this epidemic will dictate alterations in patterns of periodontal care. [source]