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Dry Matter Production (dry + matter_production)
Selected AbstractsDry matter production, nutritive value and efficiency of nutrient utilization of a complementary forage rotation compared to a grass pasture systemGRASS & FORAGE SCIENCE, Issue 3 2008S. C. Garcia Abstract In pasture-based dairy farming, new sustainable systems that involve the annual dry matter (DM) production of grazed and conserved forage beyond the potential of grazed pasture alone are being sought. The objective of this experiment conducted in Australia was to compare a complementary forage rotation (CFR) for conservation and grazing, comprising an annual sequence of three crops, namely maize (Zea mays L), forage rape (Brassica napus L) and a legume (Persian clover, Trifolium repesinatum L or maple pea, Pisum sativum L), with a pasture [kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum) over-sown with short-rotation ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L)] as a pasture control treatment. The experiment was a complete randomized block design with four replicates (,0·7 ha each). Annual dry-matter (DM) yield over the 3 years averaged >42 t ha,1 year,1 for the CFR treatment and >17 t ha,1 year,1 for the pasture treatment. The high DM yield of the CFR treatment resulted from >27 t ha,1 year,1 from maize harvested for silage and >15 t DM ha,1 year,1 utilized by grazing the forage rape and legumes. Total input of nitrogen (N) and water were similar for both treatments, resulting in higher N- and water-use efficiency for the CFR treatment, which was more than twice that for the pasture treatment. Overall, the nutritive value of the pasture treatment was slightly higher than the mean for that of the CFR treatment. The implications of these results are that a highly productive system based on the CFR treatment in conjunction with the use of pasture is achievable. Such a dairy production system in Australia could increase the total supply of feed resources grown on-farm and the efficiency of use of key resources such as N and water. [source] Effects of elevated temperature and carbon dioxide on seed-set and yield of kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, Issue 8 2002P. V. Vara Prasad Abstract It is important to quantify and understand the consequences of elevated temperature and carbon dioxide (CO2) on reproductive processes and yield to develop suitable agronomic or genetic management for future climates. The objectives of this research work were (a) to quantify the effects of elevated temperature and CO2 on photosynthesis, pollen production, pollen viability, seed-set, seed number, seeds per pod, seed size, seed yield and dry matter production of kidney bean and (b) to determine if deleterious effects of high temperature on reproductive processes and yield could be compensated by enhanced photosynthesis at elevated CO2 levels. Red kidney bean cv. Montcalm was grown in controlled environments at day/night temperatures ranging from 28/18 to 40/30 °C under ambient (350 µmol mol,1) or elevated (700 µmol mol,1) CO2 levels. There were strong negative relations between temperature over a range of 28/18,40/30 °C and seed-set (slope, ,,6.5% °C,1) and seed number per pod (, 0.34 °C,1) under both ambient and elevated CO2 levels. Exposure to temperature >,28/18 °C also reduced photosynthesis (, 0.3 and ,,0.9 µmol m,2 s,1 °C,1), seed number (, 2.3 and ,,3.3 °C,1) and seed yield (, 1.1 and ,,1.5 g plant,1 °C,1), at both the CO2 levels (ambient and elevated, respectively). Reduced seed-set and seed number at high temperatures was primarily owing to decreased pollen production and pollen viability. Elevated CO2 did not affect seed size but temperature >,31/21 °C linearly reduced seed size by 0.07 g °C,1. Elevated CO2 increased photosynthesis and seed yield by approximately 50 and 24%, respectively. There was no beneficial interaction of CO2 and temperature, and CO2 enrichment did not offset the negative effects of high temperatures on reproductive processes and yield. In conclusion, even with beneficial effects of CO2 enrichment, yield losses owing to high temperature (> 34/24 °C) are likely to occur, particularly if high temperatures coincide with sensitive stages of reproductive development. [source] Soil Temperature and Planting Depth Effects on Tef EmergenceJOURNAL OF AGRONOMY AND CROP SCIENCE, Issue 3 2009S. Evert Abstract Tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] is an annual C4 grass crop that originated in Ethiopia. It has potential as a grain crop in the Great Plains because of its tolerance to drought and high temperatures. In Ethiopia, tef seed is typically broadcast on the soil surface and lightly incorporated. Shallow planting depths are used because the seed is very small and emergence can be limited by soil crusting. If planting equipment is to be used, planting depth may be important for successful tef production. The objective of this study was to identify optimal depths and soil temperatures to aid in developing tef planting recommendations for the central Plains. Tef was planted at five depths (0, 0.6, 1.3, 2.5 and 5.0 cm) in pots filled with a silt loam soil, and pots were placed in growth chambers at four temperature regimes (day/night: 15/19 °C; 19/23 °C; 23/27 °C and 27/31 °C). No plants emerged from the 5.0-cm depth, so this depth was not included in the analysis. Emergence was greatest for planting depths of 0.6 and 1.3 cm and lower at 0 and 2.5 cm depths. Temperature did not affect final emergence, measured 21 days after planting (DAP), but did influence emergence rates during the first 9 DAP. Plant dry matter production increased as planting depth increased, but plant dry matter per pot was not different among planting depths greater than 0.9 cm, suggesting that compensation between plants across different plant densities began early in the plants' life cycles. Our results show that tef seed can emerge from depths between 0.6 and 1.3 cm and that soil temperatures below 19 °C can slow emergence but should not affect final stands. [source] Effects of Salinity and Mixed Ammonium and Nitrate Nutrition on the Growth and Nitrogen Utilization of BarleyJOURNAL OF AGRONOMY AND CROP SCIENCE, Issue 4 2001A. Ali The absorption and utilization of nitrogen (N) by plants are affected by salinity and the form of N in the root medium. A hydroponic study was conducted under controlled conditions to investigate growth and N uptake by barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) supplied with five different NH4+ -N/NO3, -N ratios at electrical conductivity of 0 and 8 dS m,1. The five NH4+ -N/NO3 -N ratios were 0/100, 25/75, 50/50, 75/25 and 100/0, each giving a total N supply of 100 mg N l,1 in the root medium. A mixed N supply of NH4+ and NO3, resulted in greater accumulation of N in plants than either NO3, or NH4+ as the sole N source. Plants produced a significantly higher dry matter yield when grown with mixed N nutrition than with NH4+ or NO3, alone. Total dry matter production and root and shoot N contents decreased with increasing salinity in the root medium. The interaction between salinity and N nutrition was found to be significant for all the variables. A significant positive correlation (r=0.97) was found between nitrogen level in the plant shoot and its dry matter yield. Wachstum und Stickstoffausnutzung bei Gerste in Abhängigkeit von Versalzung und Michungen von Ammonium und Nitrat Aufnahme und Nutzung von N durch Pflanzen wird von der Versalzung und N-Form im Wurzelbereich bestimmt. Es wurde in Hydrokultur unter kontrollierten Bedingungen Wachstum und N-Aufnahme durch Gerste (Hordeum vulgare L.) bei Anwendung von fünf unterschiedlichen NH4+ -N/NO3, -N Verhältnissen bei einer elektrischen Konduktivität von 0 und 8 dS m,1 untersucht. Die Gesamtmenge von 100 mg N l,1 im Wurzelmedium wies NH4+ -N/NO3, -N Verhältnisse von 0/100, 25/75, 50/50, 75/25 und 100/0 auf. Mischungen von NH4+ und NO3, führten zu einer größeren Aufnahme durch die Pflanzen als bei alleiniger Anwendung von NO3, oder NH4+. Die Pflanzen produzierten signifikant mehr Gesamttrockenmasse mit Mischungen der beiden N-Formen im Vergleich zu alleiniger Anwendung von NH4+ oder NO3,. Die Gesamttrockenmasse sowie die N-Gehalte von Wurzel und Sproß nahmen mit steigender Versalzung ab. Versalzungs- und N-Versorgungs-Interaktion war signifikant in allen Versuchsbedingungen. Eine signifikante positive Korrelation (r=0,97) wurde zwischen Stickstoffkonzentration und der Trockenmasseproduktion der Pflanze gefunden. [source] Effects of Interactions of Moisture Regime and Nutrient Addition on Nodulation and Carbon Partitioning in Two Cultivars of Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY AND CROP SCIENCE, Issue 4 2001T. Boutraa Major limitations of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) production in arid and semiarid regions are lack of moisture and low soil fertility. An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of soil moisture and N : P : K (20 : 10 : 10) fertilizer on root and shoot growth of two cultivars of bean: cv. Carioca, an indeterminate Brazilian landrace, and cv. Prince, a determinate cultivar grown in Europe. Carioca appears generally stress-tolerant while Prince is intolerant. Seedlings were grown in pots of non-sterile soil at 30, 60 or 90 % field capacity (FC), and given 0, 0.1 or 1 g (kg soil),1 of compound fertilizer. The soil contained a population of effective Rhizobium. Growth of both cultivars was greatest in the high moisture and high nutrient treatments. Root fractions were highest at low nutrient supply; the effect of water was not significant. Leaf fraction decreased as root fraction increased. Numbers of nodules were highest at high and intermediate moisture when no fertilizer was applied. Numbers were lowest at 30 % FC and at the highest fertilizer rate. Masses of nodules and fractions followed the same pattern. Decreasing water regime reduced the relative growth rate (RGR) of Prince, while Carioca maintained high RGR at unfavourable conditions of water and nutrients. Net assimilation rates (NAR) were unaffected by nutrient addition, and reduced by low moisture regime. Water use efficiencies (WUEs) were reduced by water stress but increased by nutrient deficiency. The water utilization for dry matter production was optimal at 60 % FC. Einflüsse der Interaktionen von Bodendenfeuchte und Düngung auf die Knöllchenbildung und Kohlenstoff verteilung bei zwei Bohnenkultivaren (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Der begrenzende Hauptfaktor der Bohnenproduktion in ariden und semiariden Regionen sind der Feuchtigkeitsmangel und die Bodenfruchbarkeit. Es wurde ein Experiment durchgeführt, um die Wirkungen des Bodenwassers und von N : P : K (20 : 10 : 10) Dünger auf das Wurzel- und Sproßwachstum an zwei Kultivaren von Bohnen (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Carioca, eine brasilianischen, indeterminierte Landsorte und cv. Prince, eine determinierter in Europa angebauter Kultivar) zu untersuchen. Carioca erscheint grundsätzlich streßtoleranter im Vergleich zu Prince. Die Sämlinge wurden in Gefäßen mit nichtsterilisiertem Boden unter Feldkapazitäten von 30,60 oder 90 % mit 0, 0,1 oder 1 g eines Volldüngers angezogen. Der Boden enthielt eine Population von wirksamem Rhizobium. Das stärkste Wachstum wurde bei beiden Kultivaren unter dem Einfluß des höchsten Feuchtigkeitsgehaltes und der höchsten Düngermenge gefunden. Der Wurzelanteil war bei der geringen Düngermenge am niedrigsten. Der Einfluß der Bodenfeuchtigkeit war nicht signifikant. Der Blattanteil nahm mit zunehmendem Wurzelanteil ab. Die Anzahl der Knötchen war bei hoher und mittlerer Bodenfeuchte und ohne Düngeranwendung am höchsten. Die Anzahl war am geringsten bei 30 % FC und der höchsten Düngermenge. Die Knötchenmasse und ihr Anteil reagierte entsprechend. Abnehmende Bodenfeuchte reduzierte die relative Wachtumsrate (RGR) von Prince, während Carioca einen hohen RGR auch bei ungünstigen Bedingungen bezüglich Wasser und Düngung behielt. Die Nettoassimilationsraten wurden durch die Düngung nicht beeinflußt; sie gingen bei geringer Bodenfeuchte zurück. Die Wassernutzungseffiziens (WUE) wurde bei Wasserstreß reduziert, nahm aber bei Düngermangel zu. Die Wassernutzung für die Trockenmasseproduktion war bei 60 % Feldkapazität am höchsten. [source] Long-term study of dry matter allocation and rhizome growth in Anemone nemorosaPLANT SPECIES BIOLOGY, Issue 1 2007MARIANNE PHILIPP Abstract The rhizome system of Anemone nemorosa in a beech forest in Denmark was studied to determine how resources (dry matter) are allocated to segments of different age, and how rhizome growth is influenced by temperature and precipitation in the spring. The allocation pattern was studied by regular sampling and by experiments. In early spring, almost all movable resources in 1,4-year-old rhizome segments are used for development of leaves and flowers. Later, photosynthetic products from the above-ground parts are used for the growth of new segments (one-third to one-quarter of the resources allocated to the rhizome) or stored in segments from previous years (two-thirds to three-quarters of the resources). Thus, A. nemorosa uses the rhizome tissue for storage several times. Maximum and minimum dry weight per unit length (DWUL) was remarkably constant in 1,4-year-old rhizome segments. The DWUL of the current year's segments was half as high as that of the older segments. The differences in dry matter production across years were expressed in differences in segment length and branching, not in the DWUL of rhizomes. Unusually severe drought in the spring had a negative effect on rhizome growth, although a significant correlation between spring precipitation and rhizome growth was not detected. We found a negative correlation between the length of the growing period in spring and segment length, suggesting that a future increase in winter temperatures may cause an increase in rhizome growth. [source] Use of white clover as an alternative to nitrogen fertiliser for dairy pastures in nitrate vulnerable zones in the UK: productivity, environmental impact and economic considerationsANNALS OF APPLIED BIOLOGY, Issue 1 2007M. Andrews Abstract Perennial ryegrass and perennial ryegrass/white clover permanent dairy pastures are compared with respect to productivity, environmental impact and financial costs in nitrate vulnerable zones (NVZ) in the UK. With appropriate management, and utilisation of recommended perennial ryegrass and white clover cultivars, white clover is likely to stabilise at around 20% of total dry matter production in a mixed pasture. Plant dry matter production and milk production from a perennial ryegrass/white clover pasture are likely to be similar to that from a perennial ryegrass pasture receiving 200 kg N ha,1 annum,1 and around 70% of that obtained with perennial ryegrass supplied with 350,400 kg N ha,1 annum,1. Nitrate, phosphorus and methane losses from the system and decreases in biodiversity relative to a grazed indigenous sward are likely to be similar for a perennial ryegrass/white clover pasture and a perennial ryegrass pasture receiving 200 kg N ha,1 annum,1: nitrate leachate from both systems is likely to comply with European legislation. Greenhouse gas emissions resulting from nitrogen (N) fertiliser production would be avoided with the perennial ryegrass/white clover pasture. Within NVZ stocking rate restrictions, white clover can provide the N required by a pasture at a lower financial cost than that incurred by the application of N fertiliser. [source] |