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Different Cultural (different + cultural)
Terms modified by Different Cultural Selected AbstractsThe effects of traumatic experiences on the infant,mother relationship in the former war zones of central Mozambique: The case of madzawde in GorongosaINFANT MENTAL HEALTH JOURNAL, Issue 5 2003Victor Igreja This article addresses the ways in which years of war and periods of serious drought have affected the cultural representations of the populations in Gorongosa District, Mozambique. In the wake of these events different cultural and historical representations have been disrupted, leaving the members of these communities with fragmented protective and resilience factors to cope effectively. Emphasis is placed on the disruption of madzawde, a mechanism that regulates the relationship between the child (one to two years of life) and the mother, and the family in general. The war, aggravated by famine, prevented the populations from performing this child-rearing practice. Nearly a decade after the war ended, the posttraumatic effects of this disruption are still being observed both by traditional healers and health-care workers at the district hospital. The results suggest that this disruption is affecting and compromising the development of the child and the physical and psychological health of the mother. An in-depth understanding of this level of trauma and posttraumatic effects is instrumental in making a culturally sensitive diagnosis and in developing effective intervention strategies based on local knowledge that has not been entirely lost but is nonetheless being questioned. ©2003 Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health. [source] Family policy and social order , comparing the dynamics of family policy-making in Scandinavia and Confucian AsiaINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WELFARE, Issue 1 2003Ka Lin This article compares family policies in two Scandinavian and three Confucian Asian countries. Through a general survey on schemes of child allowance and parental leave, it seeks explaining factors for cross-regime diversity of the welfare systems. In focus are the agents affecting the family policy-making process, including social classes, the state, women and families. In order to assess the roles these agents have played, this study retraces the preconditions of family policy development and its associated socio-cultural backgrounds. Results from such an examination will illustrate how the social order determines the patterns of family policy, which offers a new path to travel to these different cultural ,worlds'. Taking the Confucian Asian states into its frame of reference, the study will take a fresh look at Scandinavian welfare systems, which still have some general implications for the study of the dynamics, model and outcome of family policy in an international context. [source] Culturally centered psychosocial interventionsJOURNAL OF COMMUNITY PSYCHOLOGY, Issue 2 2006Guillermo Bernal Over the last few decades, psychologists and other health professionals have called attention to the importance of considering cultural and ethnicminority aspects in any psychosocial interventions. Although, at present, there are published guidelines on the practice of culturally competent psychology, there is still a lack of practical information about how to carry out appropriate interventions with specific populations of different cultural and ethnic backgrounds. In this article, the authors review relevant literature concerning the consideration of cultural issues in psychosocial interventions. They present arguments in favor of culturally centering interventions. In addition, they discuss a culturally sensitive framework that has shown to be effective for working with Latinos and Latinas. This framework may also be applicable to other cultural and ethnic groups. @ 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. [source] Knowledge facts, knowledge fiction: the role of ICTs in knowledge management for developmentJOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, Issue 1 2002Maja Van Der Velden What happens when corporate knowledge management monoculture meets the diverse international development sector? This paper finds that development agencies have too readily adopted approaches from the Northern corporate sector that are inappropriate to development needs. These approaches treat knowledge as a rootless commodity, and information and communications technology as a key knowledge tool. Alternative approaches are required, that focus on the knower and on the context for creating and sharing knowledge. ICT tools need to support this approach, helping people develop appropriate or alternative scenarios and improving the accessibility of information and knowledge for people with different cultural, social, or educational backgrounds. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source] The burden of constipation on quality of life: results of a multinational surveyALIMENTARY PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS, Issue 2 2007A. WALD Summary Background The impact of constipation on quality of life (QoL) may vary in different cultural or national settings. Aim We studied QoL in a multinational survey to compare different social and demographic groups with and without constipation (defined according to Rome III criteria) and to detect country-specific differences among the groups studied. Methods Health-related QoL (HRQoL) was assessed with the Short Form 36 (SF-36) questionnaire in 2870 subjects in France, Germany, Italy, UK, South Korea, Brazil and USA. Results Respondents were mainly middle-aged, married or living together and part- or full-time employed. General health status, measured by the SF-36 questionnaire, was significantly worse in the constipated vs. non-constipated populations. Results were comparable in all countries. QoL scores correlated negatively with age. Constipated women reported more impaired HRQoL than constipated men. Brazilians were most affected by constipation as to their social functioning (35.8 constipated vs. 51.3 non-constipated) and general health perception (29.4 constipated vs. 54.4 non-constipated). Conclusions There are significant differences in HRQoL between constipated and non-constipated individuals and a significant, negative correlation between the number of symptoms and complaints and SF-36 scores. The study detected a correlation of constipation with QoL and the influence of social and demographic factors on HRQoL in constipated people. [source] Through the Iron Curtain: analytical space in post-Soviet RussiaTHE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY, Issue 2 2006Angela Connolly Abstract: This paper discusses the experience of working as an analyst in post-totalitarian Russia in order to explore some of the general theoretical and clinical issues involved in working in a different cultural and linguistic context, and the particular problems encountered in the Russian cultural context. It describes how the Soviet regime worked actively to create a new totally collective mentality through the destruction of individual differences and the collectivization of private space, and the effects this produced in the individual and collective psyche. It examines the difficulties encountered when working with Russian analysands in creating and maintaining the setting, in preserving boundaries, in creating analytical space, and in working with certain particular transference-countertransference dynamics. It focuses on the contrast between my own Western experience of space and the spatial experience of the analysands, and describes the process of helping them use analytical space to interiorize and create a new experience of psychic space. The paper uses dreams to illustrate some of these dynamics, and the particular psychic problems associated with the traumas created by totalitarian regimes. [source] Fluoride ingestion from toothpaste: conclusions of European Union-funded multicentre projectCOMMUNITY DENTISTRY AND ORAL EPIDEMIOLOGY, Issue 2004Denis M. O'Mullane Abstract,-, An important challenge encountered in this multicentred project was the need to take account of the different cultural and legal differences between the seven sites when agreeing the protocol. Examples such as access to registers of births and subject consent dictated that there were some differences in the methods used in the different sites. The data presented showed that it was possible to train and calibrate a number of examiners in a standardized photographic method for recording enamel fluorosis. This method has a number of important advantages for the objective monitoring of enamel fluorosis over time. There were considerable differences between the seven sites in the formulations of the toothpaste used and in the pattern of their use. The results indicate that it is possible to agree and adopt a standardized method for measuring fluoride ingestion from toothpaste. The aesthetic impact of enamel fluorosis seemed low in the populations included in this project, but further work is required on this issue. [source] Human Security and ConstructivismINTERNATIONAL STUDIES PERSPECTIVES, Issue 3 2001Edward Newman This article explores the concept of "human security" as an academic and fledgling policy movement that seeks to place the individual,or people collectively,as the referent of security. It does this against a background of evolving transnational norms relating to security and governance, and the development of scientific understanding that challenges orthodox conceptions of security. It suggests that human security is not a coherent or objective school of thought. Rather, there are different, and sometimes competing, conceptions of human security that may reflect different sociological/cultural and geostrategic orientations. The article argues that the emergence of the concept of human security,as a broad, multifaceted, and evolving conception of security,rreflects the impact of values and norms on international relations. It also embraces a range of alliances, actors, and agendas that have taken us beyond the traditional scope of international politics and diplomacy. As a demonstration of change in international relations, of evolving identities and interests, this is best explained with reference to "social constructivist" thought, in contradistinction with the structural realist mainstream of international relations. In a constructivist vein, the article suggests that empirical research is already building a case in support of human security thinking that is, slowly, being acknowledged by decision-makers, against the logic of realist determinism. [source] |