Depth Psychology (depth + psychology)

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Selected Abstracts

Community feeling and social interest: Adlerian parallels, synergy and differences with the field of community psychology

Russell A. King
Abstract The field of community psychology has generally elided the insights of depth psychology and the traditions of Freud, Adler and Jung. Implicitly rejecting the notion of the unconscious, community psychology favours conscious, pragmatic agency. Whereas depth psychology is commonly associated with treatment modalities, community psychology argues that psychotherapy is ultimately unnecessary when prevention strategies are adequately deployed. In the critical and community psychology literature psychotherapy is often derided as both ,individualistic' and inefficient. Adlerian psychology, which espouses a method of psychotherapy, nevertheless holds key points of synergy with community psychology. To distinguish the school from psychoanalysis Alfred Adler named his approach ,Individual Psychology', which could obscure its' social orientation. Like community psychologists, Adlerians similarly argue for a sense of cohesive community as crucial to mental health. They have also adopted an ecological holism as core epistemology, and argue for reducing the necessity of psychotherapy by working in tandem on community-based prevention strategies. The authors consider the rationale for community psychology's distance from the depth psychologies whilst arguing that the unconscious could, if engaged with analytically, provide the discourse with radical new insights. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

The complexity of individuation

Inna Semetsky Honorary Research Associate
Abstract This paper addresses the problematics of individuation in Deleuze and Guattari's philosophy. The concept of fold , the inside of the outside , is analyzed in terms of the relations between thought and unthought constituting the process of thinking in affects. It is suggested that thinking of this sort, called by Deleuze the supreme act of philosophy, may be considered tending towards Jungian and post-Jungian depth psychology. The unconscious of thought is described by the archetypal dynamics of forces acting in the space of the Outside, that this paper posits as the field of collective unconscious. Analogous to Deleuzian virtual tendencies, Jungian archetypes subsist in potentia only and, as a multiplicity of relations between forces, can be expressed through cartographic microanalysis. In accord with Deleuze's method of transcendental empiricism, the unconscious, immanent, microperceptions are reterritorialized by means of mapping the archetypal field. Copyright © 2004 Whurr Publishers Ltd. [source]

Community feeling and social interest: Adlerian parallels, synergy and differences with the field of community psychology

Russell A. King
Abstract The field of community psychology has generally elided the insights of depth psychology and the traditions of Freud, Adler and Jung. Implicitly rejecting the notion of the unconscious, community psychology favours conscious, pragmatic agency. Whereas depth psychology is commonly associated with treatment modalities, community psychology argues that psychotherapy is ultimately unnecessary when prevention strategies are adequately deployed. In the critical and community psychology literature psychotherapy is often derided as both ,individualistic' and inefficient. Adlerian psychology, which espouses a method of psychotherapy, nevertheless holds key points of synergy with community psychology. To distinguish the school from psychoanalysis Alfred Adler named his approach ,Individual Psychology', which could obscure its' social orientation. Like community psychologists, Adlerians similarly argue for a sense of cohesive community as crucial to mental health. They have also adopted an ecological holism as core epistemology, and argue for reducing the necessity of psychotherapy by working in tandem on community-based prevention strategies. The authors consider the rationale for community psychology's distance from the depth psychologies whilst arguing that the unconscious could, if engaged with analytically, provide the discourse with radical new insights. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Some brief considerations on the relationship between theory and practice

Angela Connolly
Abstract:, The present crisis in models of training and in psychoanalytical education in general can be linked to the gulf that has come to be created between analytical theory and clinical practice. The paper1 examines the historical facts that have led to this split and suggests the need to return to the models of Freud and Jung. Both these fathers of depth psychology stressed the dangers inherent in the dogmatic use of theory and both insisted that theory must always spring from and be able to account for clinical practice rather than vice versa, as is so often the case today. The paper also looks at how theory should be taught in our analytical institutes in order to ensure that what we transmit to our candidates is not knowledge in the form of dogma but rather a way of proceeding that will enable them to think creatively about their clinical practice and thus produce new knowledge, essential if depth psychology is to remain relevant to our post-modern culture. Translations of Abstracts La crise actuelle des modèles d'apprentissage et de la formation psychanalytique en général, peut être mise en lien avec le fossé qui s'est progressivement creusé entre théorie analytique et pratique clinique. L'article examine les faits historiques ayant menéà cette scission et propose de revenir aux modèles de Freud et de Jung. Ces deux pères de la psychologie des profondeurs ont en effet insisté sur les dangers inhérents à l'usage dogmatique de la théorie et sur la nécessité pour la théorie d'émerger de la pratique clinique pour en rendre compte et non l'inverse, comme cela est si souvent le cas de nos jours. L'article se penche également sur la question de l'enseignement théorique dans nos instituts analytiques, dans un but de transmission, non pas d'un savoir dogmatique mais plutôt d'un processus susceptible d'inciter les étudiants à développer une pensée créative à partir de leur pratique clinique et de produire ainsi des connaissances nouvelles . Ceci est essentiel si tant est que la psychologie des profondeurs ait une pertinence et un rôle à jouer dans notre culture post-moderne. Die gegenwärtige Krise in Ausbildungsmodellen und in psychoanalytischer Schulung im Allgemeinen kann mit der Kluft in Beziehung gebracht worden, die zwischen analytischer Theorie und klinischer Praxis hergestellt wurde. In dieser Arbeit werden historische Fakten untersucht, die zu dieser Spaltung geführt haben und die Autorin weist darauf hin, dass es notwendig ist, zu den Modellen von Freud und Jung zurück zu gehen. Diese beiden Väter der Tiefenpsychologie betonten die Gefahren, die im dogmatischen Gebrauch der Theorie liegen. Und beide bestanden darauf, dass die Theorie immer aus der klinischen Praxis entstehen und auf diese anwendbar sein muss, statt umgekehrt, wie es heute so oft der Fall ist. In der Arbeit wird auch darauf geschaut, wie die Theorie in unseren Analytischen Instituten gelehrt werden sollte, um sicher zu stellen, dass das, was wir unseren Kandidaten und Kandidatinnen vermitteln, nicht dogmatisches Wissen ist, sondern eher eine Vorgehensweise, die ihnen hilft, kreativ über ihre klinische Praxis nachzudenken und neues Wissen hervor zu bringen. Dieses ist notwendig, wenn die Tiefenpsychologie in unserer postmodernen Kultur relevant bleiben soll. La presente crisi nei modelli di training e nella formazione psicoanalitica può essere connessa all'abisso che si è creato fra la teoria analitica e la pratica clinica. In questo scritto si esaminano i fatti storici che hanno condotto a tale scissione e si suggerisce la necessità di tornare ai modelli di Freud e Jung. Entrambi questi padri della psicologia del profondo sottolinearono i pericoli inerenti a un uso dogmatico della teoria ed entrambi insistettero sul fatto che la teoria deve emergere da ed essere in grado di tener conto della pratica clinica piuttosto che il contrario, come è così spesso il caso oggi. Il lavoro considera inoltre come dovrebbe essere insegnata la teoria nelle nostre istituzioni analitiche in modo da essere sicuri che ciò che noi oggi trasmettiamo ai nostri candidati non è una conoscenza dogmatica, ma piutttosto un modo di procedere che permetterà loro di pensare creativamente alla loro pratica clinica e in tal modo produrre nuova conoscenza, essenziale perchè la psicologia del profondo mantenga una sua rilevanza nella nostra cultura post moderna. La presente crisis en los modelos de entrenamiento y en la educación psicoanalítica en general puede ser vinculada con el abismo que se ha creado entre las teorías analíticas y la práctica clínica. Este trabajo examina los hechos históricos que han llevado a esta separación y sugiere la necesidad de retornar a los modelos de Freíd y Jung. A ambos padres de la Psicología Profunda les preocuparon los peligros inherentes al uso dogmático de la teoría e insistían que la teoría debía nacer siempre y tomar en cuenta la práctica clínica mas que a la inversa, como es frecuentemente el caso en nuestros días. El trabajo observa también como debe ser enseñada en nuestros institutos analíticos para poder asegurar que no trasmitimos conocimientos como dogmas sin que mejor una forma de que les permita pensar creativamente sobre su práctica clínica y así producir nuevos conocimientos, esenciales si la psicología profunda debe continuar siendo relevante para nuestra cultura post-moderna [source]

Countertransference as active imagination: imaginative experiences of the analyst

Joy Schaverien
Abstract:, Active imagination is at the heart of Jung's elucidation of depth psychology. Yet, in the discourse of present day analytical psychology theory it is not always given the serious attention accorded to some other Jungian concepts. Active imagination emerges spontaneously within the ,third' area,the imaginal or dynamic field,in-between patient and analyst. It is commonly regarded as the patient's experience but I am proposing that, looked upon as the analyst's experience as well, active imagination offers a distinctly Jungian way of understanding some forms of countertransference. I am describing what I think many present-day analytical psychologists already do in their clinical practice but, as far as I know, it has not been theorized in quite this way before. The intention is to exploit the unique contribution of our Jungian heritage by reframing certain profoundly symbolic countertransference-generated imagery as active imagination. In this article these are differentiated from other less complex forms of imaginative countertransference through examples from clinical practice. The point is that such countertransference experiences may activate the symbolic function in the analyst and thus contribute to the mediation of emergent consciousness in the analysand. Translations of Abstract L'imagination active est au coeur de l'exploration de la psychologie des profondeurs menée par Jung. Et pourtant, le discours théorique de la psychologie analytique actuelle ne lui concède pas toujours la même attention sérieuse accordée à d'autres concepts jungiens. L'imagination active émerge spontanément dans l'aire du « tiers », le champ imaginal ou dynamique entre patient et analyste. Elle est communément envisagée comme l'expérience du patient, mais je propose qu'elle soit également considérée comme l'expérience de l'analyste. En tant que telle, elle constitue alors une modalité spécifiquement jungienne pour appréhender certaines formes de contretransfert. Je décris ce que sans doute de nombreux analystes mettent déjà en oeuvre dans leur pratique clinique, mais pour autant que je sache, cela n'a pas encore été théorisé de la sorte à ce jour. Mon objectif est de redéfinir une certaine imagerie, profondément symbolique, générée par le contretransfert, comme relevant de l'imagination active et de la distinguer de formes moins complexes de contretransfert imaginatif. Un tel matériel contretransférentiel est susceptible d'activer chez l'analyste la fonction symbolique et de contribuer ainsi à médiatiser l'émergence de la conscience chez l'analysant. C'est une façon de tirer parti de l'apport unique de notre héritage jungien. Aktive Imagination ist ein Kernstück von Jungs Verständnis der Tiefenpsychologie. Jedoch wird im Diskurs der gegenwärtigen analytischen Psychologie dieser Theorie nicht immer die ernstliche Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt, die anderen Jung'schen Konzepten zuteil wird. Aktive Imagination entsteht spontan innerhalb eines ,dritten' Bereiches,dem imaginalen oder dynamischen Feld - zwischen Patient / Patientin und Analytiker / Analytikerin. Sie wird üblicherweise als Patientenerfahrung verstanden, aber ich schlage vor, sie zugleich als Analytikererfahrung anzusehen, weil die aktive Imagination dann einen spezifisch Jung'schen Weg bietet, um einige Formen der Gegenübertragung zu verstehen. Ich beschreibe etwas, von dem ich denke, dass es heutzutage von vielen Jung'schen Analytikern und Analytikerinnen in der klinischen Praxis bereits angewendet wird. Dennoch ist dies, soweit ich weiß, bisher nicht in dieser Form theoretisch dargestellt worden. Die Absicht besteht darin, gewisse, zutiefst symbolische und durch die Gegenübertragung hervorgerufene Bilder als aktive Imagination zu verstehen und zusammenzufassen, und sie so von anderen weniger komplexen Formen der imaginativen Gegenübertragung zu unterscheiden. Diese Gegenübertragungsinhalte können die symbolische Funktion im Analytiker / in der Analytikerin aktivieren und so zur Vermittlung der auftauchenden Bewusstheit im Analysanden / in der Analysandin beitragen. Hierdurch wird ein einzigartiger Beitrag unseres Jung'schen Erbes ausgeschöpft. L'immaginazione attiva è al centro della spiegazione di Jung sella psicologia del profondo. Eppure, nel discorso della teoria analitica di oggi non viene ad essa data la seria attenzione accordata ad altri concetti junghiani. L'immaginazione attiva emerge spontaneamente all'interno della ,terza' area,il campo immaginale o dinamico- tra il paziente e l'analista. Di solito viene considerata come un'esperienza del paziente, ma io propongo che, se considerata anche come un'esperienza dell'analista, l'immaginazione attiva offre un modo particolarmente junghiano per comprendere alcune forme di controtransfert. Sto descrivendo qualcosa che credo gli analisti già fanno ogni giorno nella loro pratica clinica. Tuttavia, per quanto io ne sappia, non è stata teorizzata teorizzata prima in questo modo. L'intenzione è di ridefinire certe immagini che generano un controtransfet profondamente simbolico e di differenziare queste forme da altre forme meno complesse di controtransfert immaginativo. Tale materiale controtransferale può attivare la funzione simbolica nell'analista e contribuire così a mediare la consapevolezza emergente nell'analizzando. Con questo si utilizza un contributo unico della nostra eredità junghiana. La imaginación activa se encuentra en el corazón de la elucidación de Jung de la psicología profunda. Sin embargo, en el discurso de la teoría de la psicología analítica de nuestros días no siempre se le da una atención seria en relación a otros conceptos junguianos. La imaginación activa emerge espontáneamente dentro de la tercera área,el imaginal o campo dinámico,entre paciente y analista, con frecuencia se atribuye a la experiencia del paciente pero estoy proponiendo que se la estudie en relación al analista también, la imaginación activa ofrece un camino junguiano diferente para entender ciertas formas de contratransferencia. Estoy describiendo lo que pienso que muchos analistas hacen en la actualidad en su práctica clínica, De cualquier forma, hasta donde puedo conocer, esto no ha sido teorizado antes de esta forma. La intención es la de enmarcar ciertas imaginerías profundamente simbólicas generadas en la contratransferencia como imaginación activa y diferenciarlas de otras formas mas complejas de imaginería contratransferencial. Este material contratransferencial puede activar la función simbólica en el análisis y contribuir a la mediación emergente de la conciencia el analizando. Ello expresa la singular contribución de nuestra herencia Junguiana. [source]

Art, dreams and active imagination: A post-Jungian approach to transference and the image

Joy Schaverien
Abstract:, The term active imagination is sometimes applied rather uncritically to describe all forms of creative activity that take place in depth psychology. Whilst there are many forms of expression that evoke or are evoked by active imagination, they cannot automatically be classed as active imagination. In this article investigation of visualized mental imagery, dreams and art reveals three distinct forms of image-based psychological activity. Integrated and mediated within the transference and countertransference dynamic, it is proposed that the engagement in active imagination reflects and is influenced by the transference. Distinctions between sign and symbol, simple and big dreams as well as diagrammatic and embodied imagery clarify the differences. Examples from clinical practice demonstrate each mode in action within the analytic frame. [source]