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Cultural Influences (cultural + influence)
Selected AbstractsCultural Influences on Immigrant Women's Labor Force Participation: The Arab-American Case,INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION REVIEW, Issue 1 2004Jen'nan Ghazal Read Research on the economic activity of immigrant women has flourished in recent years. The current study extends this literature to examine the labor force activity of Arab-American women, a group whose labor market experiences provide an exception to hitherto accepted theoretical explanations. The employment rates of Arab immigrant women rank among the lowest of any immigrant group, while the rates of native-born Arab-American women resemble those of U.S.-born white women. This study examines potential explanations for these differences using data from the U.S. Census and a national mail survey of Arab-American women. Contrary to findings for other immigrant groups, differences among Arab-American women cannot be explained by their human capital characteristics or family resources, but are almost entirely due to traditional cultural norms that prioritize women's family obligations over their economic activity, and to ethnic and religious social networks that encourage the maintenance of traditional gender roles. This study concludes by underscoring the need for additional research on the impact of culture on immigrant women's employment. [source] National Cultural Influences on Knowledge Sharing: A Comparison of China and RussiaJOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES, Issue 3 2006Snejina Michailova abstract This paper presents a set of theoretical propositions regarding knowledge sharing in China and Russia. We argue that there are important national cultural similarities and differences between the two countries that result in certain similarities and differences in individual knowledge-sharing behaviour in Chinese and Russian organizations. We claim that vertical collectivism and particularistic social relations in China and Russia lead to intensive social relations among organizational members, which facilitate knowledge sharing between in-group members in organizations in both countries. We also maintain that differences in the essence of collectivism as well as in the extent of collectivism in the two cultural contexts lead to different intensities of knowledge sharing in Chinese and Russian organizations. Finally, we discuss theoretical and management implications of this research. [source] Cultural Influences on Help-Seeking Attitudes in Asian American StudentsAMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHOPSYCHIATRY, Issue 1 2009Julia Y. Ting MS There is considerable evidence indicating that Asian American college students have less favorable attitudes toward and are less likely to use mental health services than other ethnic groups in the United States. Because a person's attitudes are often strongly associated with their voluntary behaviors, understanding what influences help-seeking attitudes may help shed light on why Asian American college students refrain from seeking mental health treatment. Andersen's Sociobehavioral Model is commonly used as a guide to understand help-seeking in the mainstream population. A modified version of this model that includes culture-related variables (i.e., level of acculturation and stigma tolerance) was used to guide this study. Results indicated that stigma tolerance predicted help-seeking attitudes above and beyond traditional variables associated with help-seeking. These findings suggest that reducing societal stigma and increasing individual tolerance to stigma should be a focus for prevention and intervention programs on college campuses. [source] Inter-organizational use of EMSs in supply chain management: some experiences from Poland and SwedenCORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, Issue 5 2008Dagmara Nawrocka Abstract The paper investigates the possibility of using environmental management systems (EMSs) as a tool for the environmental management of supply chains. Based on interviews with environmental managers of selected companies, the paper highlights the importance of taking a long-term perspective in terms of both the cooperation with suppliers and developing the supply chain perspective for EMSs. The role of cultural influence from foreign partner companies in building the proactive environmental focus and stimulating the spread of EMSs is underlined here. In addition, the paper looks at the development, use and control of supply chain environmental requirements and their possible integration into the buyer's and supplier's EMSs. Finally, important shortcomings of EMSs, such as the lack of enforcement forbearance and the credibility of ISO 14001 certification, are discussed. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. [source] BRAZILIAN IMMIGRATION TO THE UNITED STATES AND THE GEOGRAPHICAL IMAGINATION,GEOGRAPHICAL REVIEW, Issue 4 2009ALAN P. MARCUS ABSTRACT. In the late 1980s more than 1 million Brazilians left Brazil without returning. Today an estimated 2 million Brazilians live abroad, 1.2 million of them in the United States. In this article I show that Brazilians migrate for a variety of reasons, including the geographical imagination. Why are so many Brazilians leaving for the United States? What are their geographical imaginations, and how are they described in their migration process? Using primary and secondary data and multiple methods, I address these questions by providing insights into Brazilian migrants' place perceptions, experiences, and reasons for migrating, focusing on the geographical imagination. Those migrants who end up returning to Brazil are more likely to cite financial and curiosity reasons for having migrated. A web of transnational religious and social networks sustains those immigrants who remain in the United States. Reasons for migrating are not economic alone; rather, they are based on interrelated and complex factors that range from adventure to curiosity, the cultural influence of the United States, family members, education, and escape. [source] The Bishops' Ban of 1599 and the Ideology of English SatireLITERATURE COMPASS (ELECTRONIC), Issue 5 2010William R. Jones On June 1, 1599, the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of London banned the further printing of satires, epigrams, and unlicensed histories and plays. Furthermore, the order demanded the immediate recall and burning of specific works, many of which were verse imitations of the Roman satirist Juvenal. Although the order itself lacks specific motivational language, current explanations tend to foreground the potentially obscene and/or libelous nature of the recalled works. Comparatively little attention has been paid, however, to the internal ideologies of the banned satires themselves and to the dialogue between the satires and the cultural and political conditions that inspired them. Instead of an ad hoc response to any one particular transgression, this essay argues for the Ban as an attempt to stem the growing cultural influence of a particularly unorthodox mode of Juvenalian imitative satire expressed most forcefully in John Marston's banned work, The Scourge of Villanie. Marston's rejection of all established belief systems, especially the conservative literary traditions of native English and Horatian imitative satire, in favor of a highly individualistic and indecorous mode of social representation, was simply too ideologically destabilizing for the bishops to tolerate. In support of this reading, two relatively underexplored pieces of evidence are examined: first, the reprieve granted to Joseph Hall's imitative satire entitled Virgidemiarum, which attempts to negotiate an ideologically safe middle-ground between the radical Juvenalian mode and the conservative Horatian tradition; and second, the contemporary reflections on the bishops' prohibition within John Weever's 1599 Epigrams, his 1600 pastoral Faunus and Melliflora, and his 1601 direct attack on Marston in The Whipping of the Satyre. Weever's support of the bishops' actions derives from his identification of the banned Juvenalian mode as not merely morally offensive or personally defamatory, but as a tangible threat to the ideological stability of the English nation. [source] Genetic structure and affinities of the corsican population (France): Classical genetic markers analysisAMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN BIOLOGY, Issue 2 2003G. Vona The frequencies of 19 classical genetic markers for a total of 54 alleles were studied in a sample of 1,164 individuals born and residing in five different regions of Corsica. The results, which are also discussed in the context of the Mediterranean populations, show the existence within Corsica of a certain genetic differentiation between north and south which follows the linguistic subdivision differentiation. Compared to the other Mediterranean populations, Corsica also appears to be greatly differentiated from the populations of regions such as France and Tuscany, regions which have had great political and cultural influence. The Mediterranean population most comparable to Corsica is Sardinia. Despite their common origin, however, they do not prove to be absolutely identical. The genetic characteristics of Corsica and their relationship with the Mediterranean populations are interpreted in terms of demographic and matrimonial structure, isolation, and genetic drift. Am. J. Hum. Biol. 15:151,163, 2003. © 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source] Beyond nature versus culture: cultural variation as an evolved characteristic,THE JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE, Issue 2 2009Daniel Nettle There is a perceived dichotomy between evolutionary explanations for behaviour and social or cultural ones. In this essay, I attempt to dissolve this dichotomy by pointing out that organisms are susceptible to social or cultural influence because they have evolved mechanisms that make them so. I review two classes of evolutionary explanation for cultural variation, ,evoked' and ,transmitted' culture, and argue that these two classes of mechanism enrich and strengthen existing social science accounts, as well as making new predictions. I suggest a high degree of mutual compatibility and potential gains from trade between the social and biological sciences. Résumé Les explications du comportement opposent deux écoles de pensée, privilégiant les explications par l'évolution (biologique) et par le social ou la culture. Dans cet article, l'auteur tente de résoudre cette dichotomie en montrant que les organismes sont sensibles aux influences sociales et culturelles parce qu'ils ont acquis au cours de leur évolution des mécanismes qui leur confèrent cette sensibilité. Il étudie deux classes d'explications évolutionnistes des variations culturelles, celle de la culture «évoquée » et celle de la culture « transmise », et avance que ces deux types de mécanismes enrichissent et renforcent les comptes-rendus existants, tout en permettant de nouvelles prédictions. L'article suggère qu'il existe une grande compatibilité mutuelle et qu'il y a beaucoup à gagner des échanges entre sciences sociales et naturelles. [source] Temporal changes in the island flora at different scales in the archipelago of SW FinlandAPPLIED VEGETATION SCIENCE, Issue 4 2010Jens-Johan Hannus Abstract Question: How have species richness and vegetation patterns changed in a group of islands in the northern Baltic Sea over a 58-yr period of changing land use and increasing eutrophication? Location: A group of 116 islands, the Brunskär sub-archipelago, in SW Finland. Methods: A complete survey of vascular plant species performed in 1947,1949 by Skult was repeated by our group using the same methodology in 2005,2007 (historical versus contemporary, respectively). DCAs were performed and total number of species, extinction,colonization rates, species frequency changes and mean Ellenberg indicator values for light, moisture and nitrogen and Eklund indicator values for dependence of human cultural influence were obtained for each island and relevé. Results: Species richness has declined on large islands and increased on small islands. The increase in number of species on small islands is driven by a strong increase in frequency of shore species, which in turn is induced by more productive shores. The decrease in species richness on large islands is related to overgrowth of open semi-natural habitats after cessation of grazing and other agricultural practices. Conclusions: After the late 1940s, open habitats, which were created and maintained by cattle grazing and other traditional agricultural activities, have declined in favour of woody shrub and forest land. Shores have been stabilized and influenced by the eutrophication of the Baltic Sea, and the vegetation has become more homogeneous. This development, resulting in lower species diversity, poses a challenge for the preservation of biodiversity both on a local and on a landscape level. [source] East,west: does it make a difference to hospital efficiencies in Ukraine?HEALTH ECONOMICS, Issue 11 2006Anatoly I. Pilyavsky Abstract Ukraine's history has given it a split personality (e.g. divergent cultural influences on economic and managerial behavior), as was observed in the recent political developments both prior to and following the December 2004 elections. Eastern regions were heavily influenced by Russo-Soviet rule, while western regions have more of a European outlook. This study, which is largely exploratory, compares recent trends in hospital efficiency in Ukraine to see if this split personality manifests itself in differential rates of improvement. Given the inflexibility of Soviet-style planned economies, it is hypothesized that western regions will show greater improvement in economic efficiency that can be attributed to higher levels of managerial and medical entrepreneurship. Data for this study comes from three oblasts (i.e. geopolitical regions), one in the west and two in the east, spanning from 1997 to 2001. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) was used to estimate technical efficiency for the hospitals. After correcting for bias, a second,stage Tobit regression was estimated. Results indicate that hospitals in the west improved efficiencies, while those in the east stayed constant. These western areas of the nation, being more amenable to western management and medical ,business' practice, may be quicker to pick up on new techniques to increase healthcare delivery efficiencies. This may stem from the more limited effects of a shorter history of incorporation into a Soviet-style planned and controlled economy in which individual decision-making and entrepreneurship was suppressed in favor of central decision-making by the state. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source] Creating social capital in MNCs: the international human resource management challengeHUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, Issue 4 2007Sully Taylor Social capital has assumed a critical role in the successful implementation of global strategy for multinational companies (MNCs). The article focuses on the ways in which the international human resource management (IHRM) system and those responsible for it influence the creation and utilisation of social capital in MNCs. It examines the challenges posed to IHRM by the wide diversity of definitions and manifestations of social capital found in the multiple cultural contexts of the global business environment and provides a framework on how to approach the cultural influences on the definitions and behavioural expressions of social capital. It also critically assesses the recommendations that have been made regarding developing social capital in MNCs, the competencies most critical to the ability to develop social capital in multiple cultural settings, and provides a set of recommendations for future research in this area. [source] A review of the Chinese cultural influences on Chinese enterprise managementINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT REVIEWS, Issue 4 2000Kit-Fai Pun In order to create and sustain competitive advantage, a company should not only develop technologies to create products and processes that meet customer needs, but also stimulate a corporate culture that commits to continuous performance improvement. Managing corporate culture is one of a number of important factors that make for organizational change and business success. This paper reviews the cultural roots and identifies the characteristics of Chinese cultural values and management. A comparative analysis of the differences between Anglo-American and Chinese cultures is made. The cultural influences on Chinese management systems are then elaborated with reference to enterprise management in Mainland China and Hong Kong. With unique cultural heritage, collective orientation has a pervasive influence on the mode of Chinese management and organization. The prevailing Chinese culture values stress largely the paternalistic approach to management, acceptance of hierarchy and the importance of relationships. Today's Chinese enterprises need to determine changes in practice or value or both aspects of corporate culture in order to facilitate organizational change and maintain a competitive edge over their rivals. The paper also discusses the links of cultural values to employee involvement (EI) and total quality management (TQM), and initiates a need to manage cultural influences on EI/TQM practices to improve organizational performance in Chinese enterprises. [source] The National Survey of American Life: a study of racial, ethnic and cultural influences on mental disorders and mental healthINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF METHODS IN PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH, Issue 4 2004James S. Jackson Abstract The objectives of the National Survey of American Life (NSAL) are to investigate the nature, severity, and impairment of mental disorders among national samples of the black and non-Hispanic white (n = 1,006) populations in the US. Special emphasis in the study is given to the nature of race and ethnicity within the black population by selecting and interviewing national samples of African-American (N = 3,570), and Afro-Caribbean (N = 1,623) immigrant and second and older generation populations. National multi-stage probability methods were used in generating the samples and race/ethnic matching of interviewers and respondents were used in the largely face-to-face interview, which lasted on average 2 hours and 20 minutes. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) IV World Mental Health Composite Interview (WHO-CIDI) was used to assess a wide range of serious mental disorders, potential risk and resilience factors, and help seeking and service use patterns. This paper provides an overview of the design of the NSAL, sample selection procedures, recruitment and training of the national interviewing team, and some of the special problems faced in interviewing ethnically and racially diverse national samples. Unique features of sample design, including special screening and listing procedures, interviewer training and supervision, and response rate outcomes are described. Copyright © 2004 Whurr Publishers Ltd. [source] Mindscapes And Internet-mediated CommunicationJOURNAL OF COMPUTER-MEDIATED COMMUNICATION, Issue 3 2002John Gammack Cultures are considered to be epistemologically heterogeneous, and it is assumed that epistemologically similar individuals exist across distinct cultures. Epistemological type is viewed as prior to, and transcendent of, nationality and culture. Identifying a shared epistemological basis for communication will be more likely to succeed in dialogical contexts where conformity to prevailing national stereotypes may fail. Two levels of communication are distinguished: explicate (here seen as conformity to social and cultural symbolic norms and conventions), and implicate (the level at which implicit, abstract communicative intention originates). Cyberspatial interactions potentially undermine normative cultural influences and permit multicultural or transcultural environments in which new codes extending from epistemological types (rather than cultural) become possible, limited only by media potential and symbolization itself. Drawing upon Maruyama's (1980) theory, implications for an alternative to the homogenization of verbal communication, and potential elements of codes for universal understandings are considered. [source] Cultural Perspectives of International Breast Health and Breast Cancer EducationJOURNAL OF NURSING SCHOLARSHIP, Issue 2 2007Karen Dow Meneses Purpose: To (a) describe teaching,learning strategies to foster cultural exchange among participants in the Train-The-Trainer (TTT) International Breast Health Program; (b) describe participants' perceptions of cultural influences on breast health and breast cancer; and (c) explore lessons learned about cultural influences on breast health TTT educational programs. Organizing Construct: The TTT curriculum was grounded in the belief that nurses can effectively deliver breast health and breast cancer education, that educational programs must be culturally relevant and sensitive to the needs of the target population, and that an urgent need exists worldwide to reduce the burden of breast cancer. Methods: A total of 32 nurses from 20 countries participated in three TTT programs held before the biennial meetings of the International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care (ISNCC) since 2000, with follow-up by E-mail survey. Narrative descriptions of their perspectives and experiences are reported. Results: Teaching,learning strategies incorporated cultural values into a TTT program to engage participants in sharing their individual and collective experiences about women with breast cancer. Conclusions: Developing countries are increasingly multicultural. Developed countries have large immigrant populations that generally maintain the cultural values and practices about breast cancer from the country of origin. These "lessons learned" are important in planning other educational programs. [source] Personality Development: An Introduction Toward Process Approaches to Long-Term Stability and Change in PersonsJOURNAL OF PERSONALITY, Issue 6 2003William G. Graziano This special issue is concerned with the systematic transformation of persons and personalities as they move through their lives. The focus is on developmental processes early in the life course that influence both long-term stability and change. Contributors represent diverse topics and viewpoints, but offer new data on classical issues of personality, including trait structure, self-regulation and internalization, self-evaluation, and self-efficacy. In addition, the issue includes empirical contributions on newer approaches to bullying, developmental processes in psychopathology, the influence of racial and ethnic discrimination on subsequent adjustment, and cultural influences on personality development. The issue also includes a special contribution addressing methodological and statistical advances in dealing with prospective longitudinal data assessing personality over time. [source] MPP programs emerging around the world19JOURNAL OF POLICY ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT, Issue 1 2008Iris Geva-May This paper examines public policy and management programs in Canada, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, and makes comparisons with similar programs in the United States. Our study of public policy programs shows that there are many challenges ahead in terms of making good decisions on the form and content of programs that will add value to governments and citizens. Appropriate choices in terms of program design and pedagogy will reflect different economic, social, environmental, and cultural influences and will be shaped by history, values, and the roles of public policy and management professionals within a particular governmental context. [source] Fathers in situational crisis: A comparison of Asian and Western culturesNURSING & HEALTH SCIENCES, Issue 3 2008Yun-Shan Tseng Abstract The purpose of this synthesis was to compare the difference between Asian and Western fathers' perceptions of their roles when confronted with situational crises involving their children. Twenty-two studies were reviewed and assigned to one of two categories: the father experiencing a situational crisis related to his child's illness or cultural influences on the paternal role. The results indicated that Asian and Western fathers' perceptions of crises do not differ greatly. It was concluded that there exists a gap in the literature with respect to the knowledge of Asian fathers' situational crisis surrounding their child's illness, their coping strategies when faced with their child's illness, as well as their emotional reactions toward family health. Future research should investigate the single or same-gender father's perceptions and emotional reactions in both Asian and Western cultures. [source] "The black image , Framed in silver worn to shreds by kisses" A study of Byzantine cultural influences on Gunnar Ekelöf's later poetry1ORBIS LITERARUM, Issue 4 2003Elena V. Oxenstierna This article provides an analysis of the complex of motifs within the Swedish poet Gunnar Ekelöf's (1907,1968) Diwan -trilogy (1965,1967), which is influenced by, and frequently refers to, the Byzantine sacred art and tradition. The following motifs are analysed in depth: Naming, and theological characteristics of the iconographies of God's Mother; the black image; the sacred room of the Byzantine church; Jesus versus Adam; and the motifs of mother and child, pain. water and thirst, Jesus Christ, and Nothing and No One. Based primarily on the concepts of intertextuality, and particularly M. Riffaterre's theoretical propositions within this field, the article demonstrates affinity between the Byzantine-Orthodox art and tradition, and the poetic complex of motifs. [source] Differences in Patterns of Symptom Attribution in Diagnosing Schizophrenia Between African American and Non-African American CliniciansAMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHOPSYCHIATRY, Issue 2 2006Steven J. Trierweiler PhD The authors examined clinician race differences in symptom attribution patterns in diagnosing psychiatric inpatients from a low-income, African American community. Different decision models were applied to patients based on clinician race. African American clinicians diagnosed schizophrenia with higher odds than non-African American clinicians when they believed hallucinations were present and avoided that diagnosis with lower odds when they considered substance abuse issues. Non-African American clinicians usually related the attribution of negative symptoms to the diagnosis of schizophrenia while African American clinicians did not make this linkage. The study highlights the need for more detailed examination of cultural influences on diagnostic judgments. [source] Classical and contemporary Italy in Roger Ascham's The Scholemaster (1570)RENAISSANCE STUDIES, Issue 2 2002Melanie Ord This article seeks to show that a consideration of the use of Italy in Roger Ascham's The Scholemaster (1570) is illuminated by a study of the structural progression of book 1 (from educational methodologies, to a declamation against courtly vices, to an objection to travel to Italy). Specifically, it argues that the final section on Italy is conceived as a threat to those pedagogical and moral ideals of order, discipline and discrimination outlined in earlier sections; and that this closing statement forcibly demonstrates, and gives particular expression to, Ascham's humanist commitment to maintaining such well-schooled qualities against pernicious contemporary influences. Attention directed to the range of concerns addressed in the text also points to Ascham's conflicted use of Italy. For whilst his humanist educative project accompanies a concern to privilege the moral and cultural influences of classical over contemporary Italy, his national project of literary acculturation (witnessed in such things as his objection to courtly versifying) involves an attempt to conflate, rather than to distinguish, specific Italian identities. [source] Is Hanukkah Responsive to Christmas?,THE ECONOMIC JOURNAL, Issue 545 2010Ran Abramitzky We use individual-level survey and county-level expenditure data to examine the extent to which Hanukkah celebrations among US Jews are driven by the presence of Christmas. We document that Jews with young children are more likely to celebrate Hanukkah, that this effect is greater for reform Jews and for strongly-identified Jews, and that Jewish-related expenditure on Hanukkah is higher in counties with lower shares of Jews. All these findings are consistent with the hypothesis that celebration of religious holidays is designed not only for worship and enjoyment but also to provide a counterbalance for children against competing cultural influences. [source] Practitioner Review: The assessment of language pragmaticsTHE JOURNAL OF CHILD PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY AND ALLIED DISCIPLINES, Issue 8 2002Catherine Adams Background: The assessment of pragmatics expressed in spoken language is a central issue in the evaluation of children with communication impairments and related disorders. A developmental approach to assessment has remained problematic due to the complex interaction of social, linguistic, cognitive and cultural influences on pragmatics. Method: A selective review and critique of current formal and informal testing methods and pragmatic analytic procedures. Results: Formal testing of pragmatics has limited potential to reveal the typical pragmatic abnormalities in interaction but has a significant role to play in the assessment of comprehension of pragmatic intent. Clinical assessment of pragmatics with the pre-school child should focus on elicitation of communicative intent via naturalistic methods as part of an overall assessment of social communication skills. Assessments for older children should include a comprehensive investigation of speech acts, conversational and narrative abilities, the understanding of implicature and intent as well as the child's ability to employ contextual cues to understanding. Practical recommendations are made regarding the choice of a core set of pragmatic assessments and elicitation techniques. The practitioner's attention is drawn to the lack of the usual safeguards of reliability and validity that have persisted in some language pragmatics assessments. Conclusions: A core set of pragmatic assessment tools can be identified from the proliferation of instruments in current use. Further research is required to establish clearer norms and ranges in the development of pragmatic ability, particularly with respect to the understanding of inference, topic management and coherence. [source] Health behaviours of young, rural residents: A case studyAUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF RURAL HEALTH, Issue 2 2009Lisa Bourke Abstract Objective:,To analyse self-reported health behaviours of young people from a rural community and the factors influencing their behaviours. Methods:,Interviews were conducted with 19 young people, 11 parents and 10 key informants from a small rural Victorian community, asking about teenage health behaviours and the factors influencing these behaviours. Results:,Young people ate both healthy and unhealthy foods, most participated in physical activity, few smoked and most drank alcohol. The study found that community level factors, including community norms, peers, access issues and geographic isolation, were particularly powerful in shaping health behaviours, especially alcohol consumption. Smoking was influenced by social participation in the community and national media health campaigns. Diet and exercise behaviour were influenced by access and availability, convenience, family, peers and local and non-local cultural influences. Conclusion and implications:,The rural context, including less access to and choice of facilities and services, lower incomes, lack of transport and local social patterns (including community norms and acceptance), impact significantly on young people's health behaviours. Although national health promotion campaigns are useful aspects of behaviour modification, much greater focus on the role and importance of the local contexts in shaping health decisions of young rural people is required. [source] |