Cross Pollination (cross + pollination)

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Selected Abstracts

Influences of Cross Pollination on Pollen Tube Growth and Fruit Set in Zuili Plums (Prunus salicina)

Hui-Juan Jia
Abstract Zuili plum (Prunus salicina L.) trees usually set fruit poorly, although they produce high quality fruit. To elucidate the causes of the poor fruit set, pollen tube growth into pistils and fruit set percentage were investigated after cross-, self- and open-pollination. Ovule development in Zuili pistils was also investigated. Pollen tube penetration into the ovules via the obturator and micropyle was best when Zuili pistils were pollinated by cv. Black Amber (P. domestica) pollen grains, although cross-pollinations with Hongxinli and Miili (P. salicina) pollen were more effective than self- and open-pollination. The fruit set percentage was also highest in pistils pollinated with Black Amber pollen grains. Morphological observation of Zuili pistils revealed that the trees produce "double pistils", developing two ovaries from a basal pistil, at a rate as high as 28%. In such abnormal pistils, most ovules were lacking an embryo sac or were entirely degenerated. The percentage of normally developed ovules was 24.3% and 8.9% in normal and double pistils, respectively. From these results, we conclude that the main causes of poor fruit set of Zuili plums are a lack of effective cross-pollination and the production of high percentages of double pistils in which normally developed ovules are scarcely formed. [source]

Shade-Coffee Plantations as Refuges for Tropical Wild Orchids in Central Veracruz, Mexico

biología reproductiva; epifitas vasculares; estratificación vertical; estructura poblacional; limitación de polinizador Abstract:,In central Veracruz, Mexico, coffee plantations have replaced large areas of lower montane cloud forest. Shade-coffee plantations with high levels of structural diversity provide refuge for forest-dependent biota (e.g., birds and insects). Orchids typical of natural forest may also be found in the canopy of shade-coffee agroecosystems. It is not known, however, whether these are relicts from the original forest vegetation or if the plantations themselves provide the necessary conditions to support a self-sustained orchid population. We studied the population structure of the epiphytic orchids Jacquiniella teretifolia (Sw.) Britton & Willson, Scaphyglottis livida (Lindl.) Schltr., and Maxillaria densa Lindl. in a shade-coffee plantation (commercial polyculture) in central Veracruz. We also studied the previously undescribed reproductive biology of the latter two species. Our results show that the three orchid species had high population densities (>800 plants/ha). In our study site, 50% to 68% of the orchid plants of the target species were young individuals (less than five shoots). Reproductive structures were present in 80% of individuals larger than 30 shoots in the three species. M. densa is self-incompatible, and the fruit set obtained from cross pollination (42.7%) was higher than that obtained from natural pollination (18.2%), suggesting that this species could be pollinator limited. S. livida is autocompatible, not autogamous, and was not pollinator limited. Our results show that the coffee plantation had abundant orchid populations with log-normal size/age structures. Two of the target species, M. densa and S. livida, depend on pollinators to reproduce. It is clear that pollinators that allow orchids to set a high proportion of fruits persist in shade-coffee plantations. Coffee plantations may not replace the original conditions of a forest, but it is possible that these and other orchid species survive and reproduce in coffee plantations that provide appropriate microclimate conditions for the plants, including pollinators. Resumen:,En el centro de Veracruz, México, las plantaciones de café han reemplazado a extensas áreas de bosque nublado montano. Las plantaciones cafetaleras de sombra con altos niveles de diversidad estructural proporcionan refugio a biota dependiente de bosques (e. g., aves e insectos). En el dosel de agroecosistemas de café de sombra también se pueden encontrar orquídeas típicas de bosques naturales. Sin embargo, no se conoce si son relictos de la vegetación del bosque original o si las plantaciones mismas proporcionan los recursos necesarios para soportar a una población de orquídeas auto sostenida. Estudiamos la estructura de la población de orquídeas epifitas Jacquiniella teretifolia (Sw.) Britton & Willson, Scaphyglottis livida (Lindl.) Schltr y Maxillaria densa Lindl en una plantación de café de sombra (policultivo comercial) en el centro de Veracruz. También estudiamos la biología reproductiva, no descrita previamente, de las últimas dos especies. Nuestros resultados muestran que las tres especies de orquídea tuvieron densidades poblacionales altas (>800 plantas/ha). En nuestro sitio de estudio, entre 50% y 68% de las plantas de las especies estudiadas eran individuos jóvenes (menos de cinco rebrotes). En las tres especies hubo presencia de estructuras reproductivas en 80% de los individuos con más de 30 rebrotes. M. densa es auto incompatible, y el conjunto de frutos obtenido por polinización cruzada (42.7%) fue mayor que el obtenido por polinización natural (18.2%), lo que sugiere que esta especie puede estar limitada por polinizadores. S. livida es autocompatible no autogama, y no fue limitada por polinizadores. Nuestros resultados muestran que la plantación de café tenía poblaciones de orquídeas abundantes con estructuras tamaño/edad log normales. Dos de las especies, M. densa y S. livida, dependen de polinizadores para su reproducción. Es claro que los polinizadores que permiten una alta proporción de frutos a las orquídeas persisten en las plantaciones. Puede que las plantaciones de café no sustituyan las condiciones originales de un bosque, pero es posible que estas, y otras, especies de orquídeas sobrevivan y se reproduzcan en plantaciones de café que proporcionen condiciones microclimáticas adecuadas, incluyendo polinizadores, para las plantas. [source]

Forecasting the Adoption of Genetically Modified Oilseed Rape Prognosen hinsichtlich der Einführung von gentechnisch verändertem Raps Prévisions sur l'adoption de colza transgénique

EUROCHOICES, Issue 2 2009
Gunnar Breustedt
Summary Forecasting the Adoption of Genetically Modified Oilseed Rape We explore farmers' willingness to adopt genetically modified oilseed rape prior to its commercial release and estimate the ,demand' for the new technology. The analysis is based upon experiments with arable farmers in Germany who were asked to choose among conventional and GM rapeseed varieties with different characteristics. Our analysis has shown that ex ante GM adoption decisions are driven by profit expectations and personal as well as farm characteristics. Monetary and technological determinants such as the gross margin advantage of GM oilseed rape varieties, expected liability from cross pollination and restricted flexibility in returning to conventional oilseed rape growing affect the willingness to adopt GM rape in the expected directions. The results further indicate that neighbourhood effects and public attitudes matter a lot, such that individual farmers may not feel entirely free in their technology choice. Our demand simulations suggest that monopolistic seed prices would be set at between ,50 and ,100 per hectare, leaving farmers with a small share of the GM rent. This raises the question as to whether the farmers surveyed would actually benefit from the approval of GM rape varieties if the technology were to be provided by a single firm. Nous explorons le consentement des agriculteurs à utiliser du colza transgénique avant sa mise en marché et estimons la demande de cette nouvelle technologie. L'analyse se fonde sur des expériences menées auprès de cultivateurs allemands à qui l'on a demandé de choisir entre des variétés de colza conventionnelles et transgéniques aux caractéristiques différentes. Notre analyse a montré que les décisions a priori concernant l'adoption de variétés transgéniques sont fonction des profits attendus et des caractéristiques de l'agriculteur et de l'exploitation. Les facteurs financiers et technologiques comme les avantages des variétés de colza transgénique en termes de marge brute, ainsi que les risques possibles de fertilisation croisée et les contraintes relatives au retour vers des cultures de colza conventionnelles ont les effets attendus sur le consentement à adopter des variétés transgéniques. Les résultats montrent également que les effets de voisinage et l'attitude du public comptent beaucoup, de sorte que les agriculteurs individuels pourraient ne pas se sentir complètement libres de choisir leur technologie. Nos simulations sur la demande semblent indiquer que les prix des semences en situation de monopole seraient fixés entre 50 et 100 , par hectare, ce qui laisserait aux agriculteurs une faible part de la rente transgénique. Cela soulève la question de savoir si les agriculteurs de l'enquête tireraient vraiment avantage de l'approbation de variétés de colza transgéniques si la technologie n'était fournie que par une seule compagnie. Wir untersuchen die Bereitschaft von Landwirten, gentechnisch veränderten Raps einzuführen, bevor dieser auf den Markt gebracht wird, und schätzen die ,Nachfrage' nach dieser neuen Technologie ein. Unsere Analyse stützt sich auf Versuche mit Ackerbauern in Deutschland, bei denen sich die Landwirte zwischen herkömmlichen und gentechnisch veränderten Rapssorten mit verschiedenen Eigenschaften entscheiden mussten. Unsere Analyse zeigt, dass ex ante die Entscheidungen über die Einführung von gentechnisch verändertem Raps aufgrund von Gewinnerwartungen sowie von persönlichen und betrieblichen Charakteristika getroffen werden. Monetäre und technologische Bestimmungsgrößen wie z.B. der Vorsprung des gentechnisch veränderten Raps beim Deckungsbeitrag, die erwartete Haftbarkeit bei Fremdbestäubung sowie die nur eingeschränkte Flexibilität, zum herkömmlichen Rapsanbau zurückkehren zu können, beeinflussen erwartungsgemäß die Bereitschaft, gentechnisch veränderten Raps anzubauen. Desweiteren zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass Nachbarschaftseffekte und öffentliche Meinungen eine große Rolle spielen, so dass sich einige Landwirte womöglich bei der Wahl der Technologie in ihrer Entscheidungsfreiheit eingeschränkt fühlen. Unsere Nachfragesimulationen deuten darauf hin, dass sich monopolistische Saatgutpreise zwischen EUR 50 und EUR 100 pro Hektar bewegen würden, so dass den Landwirten ein kleiner Teil der ökonomischen Rente der GV-Technologie verbliebe. Dies wirft die Frage auf, ob die betrachteten Landwirte überhaupt von der Zulassung der gentechnisch veränderten Rapssorten profitieren würden, wenn die Technologie nur von einem einzigen Unternehmen angeboten würde. [source]

Forecasting the Adoption of GM Oilseed Rape: Evidence from a Discrete Choice Experiment in Germany

Gunnar Breustedt
C42; C81; Q12; Q16 Abstract This paper explores farmers' willingness to adopt genetically modified (GM) oilseed rape prior to its commercial release and estimates the ,demand' for the new technology. The analysis is based upon choice experiments with 202 German arable farmers. A multinomial probit estimation reveals that GM attributes such as gross margin, expected liability from cross pollination, or flexibility in returning to conventional oilseed rape significantly affect the likelihood of adoption. Neighbouring farmers' attitudes towards GM cropping and a number of farmer and farm characteristics were also found to be significant determinants of prospective adoption. Demand simulations suggest that adoption rates are very sensitive to the profit difference between GM and non-GM rape varieties. A monopolistic seed price would substantially reduce demand for the new technology. A monopolistic seed supplier would reap between 45% and 80% of the GM rent, and the deadweight loss of the monopoly would range between 15% and 30% of that rent. The remaining rent for farmers may be too small to outweigh possible producer price discounts resulting from the costs of segregating GM and non-GM oilseed rape along the supply chain. [source]

Comparisons of breeding systems between two sympatric species, Nastanthus spathulatus (Calyceraceae) and Rhodophiala rhodolirion (Amaryllidaceae), in the high Andes of central Chile

Abstract Alpine vegetation occurs over a wide range of ecological conditions. Thus, the breeding systems of alpine plants are likely to be diverse and vary from one geographical area to another. The reproductive characteristics of Nastanthus spathulatus (Calyceraceae) and Rhodophiala rhodolirion (Amaryllidaceae), species with contrasting floral morphology, were studied in the high Andes of Chile, which has a Mediterranean-type climate. Natural and supplemental open pollination, and cross pollination and self-pollination trials were carried out in the field. Flower visitors were quantified by field and video observations. Both species had high outcrossing properties, and Nastanthus was strongly self-incompatible. Rhodophiala could form some seed by self-pollination, but fruit and seed sets were much lower after self-pollination compared with outcrossing. The phenology and flower/inflorescence forms of these species supported the view that alpine flowers are comparatively long lived and that the floral display contributes to a large proportion of the plant biomass. Rhodophiala was well attended by a native bee species (Megachile sauleyi) that was appropriately sized for efficient pollination. Although no flower visitors were observed on Nastanthus and wind pollination was discarded experimentally, a high proportion of the flowers produced seeds under natural pollination. Therefore, the seed set was not severely pollen limited in these species. Including previously published information, breeding systems are now known for 12 species on this Mediterranean alpine site and current knowledge suggests an emphasis on outcrossing breeding systems. [source]