Consistency Reliability (consistency + reliability)

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  • internal consistency reliability

  • Selected Abstracts

    The five-factor personality inventory: cross-cultural generalizability across 13 countries

    A. A. Jolijn Hendriks
    In the present study, we investigated the structural invariance of the Five-Factor Personality Inventory (FFPI) across a variety of cultures. Self-report data sets from ten European and three non-European countries were available, representing the Germanic (Belgium, England, Germany, the Netherlands, USA), Romance (Italy, Spain), and Slavic branches (Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovakia) of the Indo-European languages, as well as the Semito-Hamitic (Israel) and Altaic (Hungary, Japan) language families. Each data set was subjected to principal component analysis, followed by varimax rotation and orthogonal Procrustes rotation to optimal agreement with (i) the Dutch normative structure and (ii) an American large-sample structure. Three criteria (scree test, internal consistency reliabilities of the varimax-rotated components, and parallel analysis) were used to establish the number of factors to be retained for rotation. Clear five-factor structures were found in all samples except in the smallest one (USA, N,=,97). Internal consistency reliabilities of the five components were generally good and high congruence was found between each sample structure and both reference structures. More than 80% of the items were equally stable within each country. Based on the results, an international FFPI reference structure is proposed. This reference structure can facilitate standardized communications about Big Five scores across research programmes. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Development and Construct Validation of the Pharmacists' Care of Migraineurs Scale

    HEADACHE, Issue 1 2009
    Monica L. Skomo PharmD
    Objectives., To develop the pharmacists' care of migraineurs scale (PCMS) and to evaluate its psychometric properties. Background., Migraine is often managed suboptimally in primary care. Migraineurs frequently come into contact with community pharmacists, who have the opportunity to make a positive impact on migraineur treatment outcomes. A valid and reliable tool that measures and documents the care provided by pharmacists to migraineurs is critical to the development and evaluation of educational programs and interventions. Methods., Relevant domains of pharmacist care and their respective composite items (behaviors) were identified through an extensive literature search and the use of 2 pharmacist and 2 migraineur focus groups sessions. The resultant 45 PCMS items composed a survey questionnaire mailed to a nationwide random sample of 6000 pharmacists. Data were subjected to an exploratory principal axis factoring procedure to discern the factor structure, and as such describe the latent domains composing the pharmacist caring behaviors constructs. Results., A total of 580 usable responses were returned, with an additional 60 returned as undeliverable, thus yielding a response rate of 9.7%. Exploratory factor analysis using principal axis factoring yielded 9 factors. However, upon examining the scree plot, communalities, and factor loadings, a reanalysis forcing a 7-factor solution yielded a more interpretable and plausible factor structure. The 7-factor solution included the following domains: (1) empathy; (2) prospective drug utilization review for newly diagnosed migraineurs; (3) medication counseling; (4) nonpharmacologic treatment plan; (5) headache sufferer triage; (6) dissemination of public health information; (7) maintenance of knowledge on migraine. Following the application of scale purification procedures, the final instrument is composed of 41 items and demonstrated a Cronbach's alpha reliability of 0.947. Cronbach's alpha reliabilities for the 7 domains ranged from 0.67 to 0.91, indicative of good to excellent internal consistency reliabilities for all the domains. Conclusions., The PCMS demonstrated very good construct validity and reliability. While additional validity testing is warranted, the PCMS should allow for benchmarking in the evaluation of interventions designed to improve pharmacists' care to migraineurs and for identifying correlates to effective community pharmacist migraineur care. [source]

    Concurrent validity of the Yale,Brown Obsessive,Compulsive Scale,Symptom checklist,

    Michael L. Sulkowski
    Abstract Despite the frequent use of the Yale,Brown Obsessive,Compulsive Scale,Symptom Checklist (Y-BOCS-SC; Goodman et al., 1989a) and the Obsessive,Compulsive Inventory-Revised (OCI-R; Foa et al., 2002), there are limited data on the psychometric properties of the two instruments. In the present research, clinician ratings on the Y-BOCS-SC for 112 patients with obsessive,compulsive disorder (OCD) were compared to their self-report ratings on the OCI-R. In addition, Y-BOCS-SC and OCI-R scores were compared to measures of OCD symptom severity and self-report measures of anxiety (State,Trait Anxiety Inventory,Trait Subscale [STAI-T]; Spielberger, Gorusch, & Lushene, 1970) and depression (Beck Depression Inventory-II [BDI-II]; Beck, Steer, & Brown, 1996). The six symptom scales of the OCI-R had good internal consistency reliabilities (,s). For the Y-BOCS-SC, three of five scales had good reliabilities (,s >.80), but ,s for symmetry/ordering and sexual/religious symptom scales were inadequate. Total scores for the two instruments were strongly correlated with their corresponding "checking" scales, but no individual symptoms scales were identified as indices of overall OCD symptom presence. Scales assessing washing/contamination, symmetry/ordering, and hoarding from the two OCD instruments correlated well, but lower correlations for the other scales suggested differences in symptom coverage by the two instruments. Most symptom scales from the Y-BOCS-SC and OCI-R had low correlations with the BDI-II and STAI-T, but the OCI-R obsessing scale was well correlated (r=.54) with the STAI-T. These findings reveal some of the strengths and weaknesses of these two OCD instruments, and the results provide guidance for selecting scales that are suitable for measuring OCD symptoms. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Clin Psychol 64:1,14, 2008. [source]

    Validation of a method to measure resident doctors' reflections on quality improvement

    MEDICAL EDUCATION, Issue 3 2010
    Christopher M Wittich
    Medical Education 2010:44: 248,255 Objectives, Resident reflection on the clinical learning environment is prerequisite to identifying quality improvement (QI) opportunities and demonstrating competence in practice-based learning. However, residents' abilities to reflect on QI opportunities are unknown. Therefore, we developed and determined the validity of the Mayo Evaluation of Reflection on Improvement Tool (MERIT) for assessing resident reflection on QI opportunities. Methods, The content of MERIT, which consists of 18 items structured on 4-point scales, was based on existing literature and input from national experts. Using MERIT, six faculty members rated 50 resident reflections. Factor analysis was used to examine the dimensionality of MERIT instrument scores. Inter-rater and internal consistency reliabilities were calculated. Results, Factor analysis revealed three factors (eigenvalue; number of items): Reflection on Personal Characteristics of QI (8.5; 7); Reflection on System Characteristics of QI (1.9; 6), and Problem of Merit (1.5; 5). Inter-rater reliability was very good (intraclass correlation coefficient range: 0.73,0.89). Internal consistency reliability was excellent (Cronbach's , 0.93 overall and 0.83,0.91 for factors). Item mean scores were highest for Problem of Merit (3.29) and lowest for Reflection on System Characteristics of QI (1.99). Conclusions, Validity evidence supports MERIT as a meaningful measure of resident reflection on QI opportunities. Our findings suggest that dimensions of resident reflection on QI opportunities may include personal, system and Problem of Merit factors. Additionally, residents may be more effective at reflecting on ,problems of merit' than personal and systems factors. [source]

    The Cannabis Use Problems Identification Test (CUPIT): development, reliability, concurrent and predictive validity among adolescents and adults

    ADDICTION, Issue 4 2010
    Jan Bashford
    ABSTRACT Aims To describe the empirical construction and initial validation of the Cannabis Use Problems Identification Test (CUPIT), a brief self-report screening instrument for detection of currently and potentially problematic cannabis use. Design In a three-phase prospective design an item pool of candidate questions was generated from a literature review and extensive expert consultation. The CUPIT internal structure, cross-sectional and longitudinal psychometric properties were then systematically tested among heterogeneous past-year users. Participants Volunteer participants were 212 high-risk adolescents (n = 138) and adults (n = 74) aged 13,61 years from multiple community settings. Measurements The comprehensive assessment battery included several established measures of cannabis-related pathology for CUPIT validation, with DSM-IV/ICD-10 diagnoses of cannabis use disorders as criterion standard. Findings Sixteen items loading highly on two subscales derived from principal components analysis exhibited good to excellent test,retest (0.89,0.99) and internal consistency reliability (0.92, 0.83), and highly significant ability to discriminate diagnostic subgroups along the severity continuum (non-problematic, risky, problematic use). Twelve months later, baseline CUPIT scores demonstrated highly significant longitudinal predictive utility for respondents' follow-up diagnostic group membership. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis identified a CUPIT score of 12 to be the optimal cut-point for maximizing sensitivity for both currently diagnosable cannabis use disorder and those at risk of meeting diagnostic criteria in the following 12 months. Conclusions The CUPIT is a brief cannabis screener that is reliable, valid and acceptable for use across diverse community settings and consumers of all ages. The CUPIT has clear potential to assist with achievement of public health goals to reduce cannabis-related harms in the community. [source]

    The construct validity of three entry level personality inventories used in the UK: cautionary findings from a multiple-inventory investigation,

    Neil Anderson
    This paper reports psychometric analyses into the convergent and divergent validity of three popular entry-level measures of occupational personality in the UK and Continental Europe. A sample of 504 individuals completed all three measures: the British version of the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), the Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ Version FS5.2), and the Business Personality Indicator (BPI). In addition, independent ratings of the conceptual loading of primary source scales onto the Five Factor Model (FFM) were obtained (n,=,66). Data were used in a three-stage analytical procedure directed at examining psychometric and construct validity. Results are reported for descriptive statistics (means, standard deviations, Cohen's d), internal consistency reliability (Cronbach's alphas), and exploratory factor analyses. Findings into the construct validity of first-order scales (i.e. primary source scales) and second-order scales (i.e. FFM loadings) are presented in detail, including multitrait,multimethod (MTMM) analyses of convergent and divergent validity. For some scales, the observed variability in our sample suggested significant range restriction/enhancement. It was found that scale reliabilities were generally lower than those typically reported by the test publishers, and that published factor structures for these measures could not be replicated by the authors for this sample of individuals. Further independent construct validity research into occupational personality inventories is encouraged based upon our proposed model of single-, dual-, and multiple-inventory construct validation studies. Practically, our findings suggest that when IWO psychologists or personnel professionals aim to select/screen job applicants for a particular personality trait those who are selected may vary depending on (i) which personality inventory is used, (ii) the actual variability in the applicant sample tested, and (iii) reliability of the scales under consideration. As such, this study sounds a note of caution. Future research is called for to replicate these findings. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Measuring disability in older adults: The International Classification System of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) framework

    W Jack Rejeski
    Background: Despite the importance of disability to geriatric medicine, no large scale study has validated the activity and participation domains of the International Classification System of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) in older adults. The current project was designed to conduct such as analysis, and then to examine the psychometric properties of a measure that is based on this conceptual structure. Methods: This was an archival analysis of older adults (n = 1388) who had participated in studies within our Claude D Pepper Older Americans Independence Center. Assessments included demographics and chronic disease status, a 23-item Pepper Assessment Tool for Disability (PAT-D) and 6-min walk performance. Results: Analysis of the PAT-D produced a three-factor structure that was consistent across several datasets: activities of daily living disability, mobility disability and instrumental activities of daily living disability. The first two factors are activities in the ICF framework, whereas the final factor falls into the participation domain. All factors had acceptable internal consistency reliability (>0.70) and test,retest (>0.70) reliability coefficients. Fast walkers self-reported better function on the PAT-D scales than slow walkers: effect sizes ranged from moderate to large (0.41,0.95); individuals with cardiovascular disease had poorer scores on all scales than those free of cardiovascular disease. In an 18-month randomized clinical trial, individuals who received a lifestyle intervention for weight loss had greater improvements in their mobility disability scores than those in a control condition. Conclusion: The ICF is a useful model for conceptualizing disability in aging research, and the PAT-D has acceptable psychometric properties as a measure for use in clinical research. [source]

    Development and Validation of the Headache Needs Assessment (HANA) Survey

    HEADACHE, Issue 4 2001
    Joyce A. Cramer BS
    Objective.,To develop and validate a brief survey of migraine-related quality-of-life issues. The Headache Needs Assessment (HANA) questionnaire was designed to assess two dimensions of the chronic impact of migraine (frequency and bothersomeness). Methods.,Seven issues related to living with migraine were posed as ratings of frequency and bothersomeness. Validation studies were performed in a Web-based survey, a clinical trial responsiveness population, and a retest reliability population. Headache characteristics (eg, frequency, severity, and treatment), demographic information, and the Headache Disability Inventory were used for external validation. Results.,The HANA was completed in full by 994 adults in the Web survey, with a mean total score of 77.98 ± 40.49 (range, 7 to 175). There were no floor or ceiling effects. The HANA met the standards for validity with internal consistency reliability (Cronbach , = .92, eigenvalue for the single factor = 4.8, and test-retest reliability = 0.77). External validity showed a high correlation between HANA and Headache Disability Inventory total scores (0.73, P<.0001), and high correlations with disease and treatment characteristics. Conclusions.,These data demonstrate the psychometric properties of the HANA. The brief questionnaire may be a useful screening tool to evaluate the impact of migraine on individuals. The two-dimensional approach to patient-reported quality of life allows individuals to weight the impact of both frequency and bothersomeness of chronic migraines on multiple aspects of daily life. [source]

    A pilot study of research utilization practices and critical thinking dispositions of Alberta dental hygienists

    SJ Cobban
    Abstract:, In order to test interventions for increasing uptake of research findings into dental hygiene practice, we must first identify factors that influence research use. There has been little work on this topic in dental hygiene, but much in other disciplines that can provide exemplars of how others have approached the study of this phenomenon. Objectives:, A pilot study was conducted to determine if protocols used to study research utilization (RU) behaviours and critical thinking dispositions (CTD) in nursing could also be applied to dental hygiene. Methods:, A cross-sectional survey design was used with a random sample of 640 practicing dental hygienists in Alberta, Canada. Three questionnaires were included: one to capture measures of RU including direct, indirect and symbolic RU; the California Critical Thinking Dispositions Inventory (CCTDI) and a demographics questionnaire. Results:, Mean responses for the three types of RU were highest for indirect at 3.52 (SD 0.720), followed by direct at 3.13 (SD 0.903) and symbolic 2.86 (SD 0.959). The majority (74.8%) scored between 280 and 350 on the CCTDI (maximum 420). Cronbach's alpha reliability for the RU measures and four of the seven sub-scales were over .7, indicating internal consistency reliability. Conclusions:, The instruments proved reliable for this population, but other challenges, including a low response rate, were identified during the process of using the RU questionnaire in the context of dental hygiene practice. Pilot testing identified the need for improvements to the presentation of scales to reduce cognitive load and improve the response rate. [source]

    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: concordance of the adolescent version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview Version 3.0 (CIDI) with the K-SADS in the US National Comorbidity Survey Replication Adolescent (NCS-A) supplement

    Jennifer Greif Green
    Abstract This paper evaluates the internal consistency reliability and concurrent validity of the assessment of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the adolescent version of the World Health Organization (WHO) Composite International Diagnostic Interview Version 3.0 (CIDI). The CIDI is a lay-administered diagnostic interview that was carried out in conjunction with the US National Comorbidity Survey Adolescent Supplement, a US nationally representative survey of 10,148 adolescents and their parents. Internal consistency reliability was evaluated using factor and item response theory analyses. Concurrent validity was evaluated against diagnoses based on blinded clinician-administered interviews. Inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity items loaded on separate but correlated factors, with hyperactivity and impulsivity items forming a single factor in parent reports but separate factors in youth reports. We were able to differentiate hyperactivity and impulsivity factors for parents as well by eliminating a subset who endorsed zero ADHD items from the factor analysis. Although concurrent validity was relatively weak, decomposition showed that this was due to low validity of adolescent reports. A modified CIDI diagnosis based exclusively on parent reports generated a diagnosis that had good concordance with clinical diagnoses [area under the curve (AUC) = 0.78]. Implications for assessing ADHD using the CIDI and the effect of different informants on measurement are discussed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Validity of the World Health Organization Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS) Screener in a representative sample of health plan members

    Ronald C. Kessler
    Abstract The validity of the six-question World Health Organization Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS) Screener was assessed in a sample of subscribers to a large health plan in the US. A convenience subsample of 668 subscribers was administered the ASRS Screener twice to assess test-retest reliability and then a third time in conjunction with a clinical interviewer for DSM-IV adult ADHD. The data were weighted to adjust for discrepancies between the sample and the population on socio-demographics and past medical claims. Internal consistency reliability of the continuous ASRS Screener was in the range 0.63,0.72 and test-retest reliability (Pearson correlations) in the range 0.58,0.77. A four-category version The ASRS Screener had strong concordance with clinician diagnoses, with an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) of 0.90. The brevity and ability to discriminate DSM-IV cases from non-cases make the six-question ASRS Screener attractive for use both in community epidemiological surveys and in clinical outreach and case-finding initiatives. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Developing a valid and reliable self-efficacy in clinical performance scale

    F. Cheraghi phd
    Aim:, This paper describes the development and testing of the Self-Efficacy in Clinical Performance (SECP) instrument for nursing students. Background:, Accurate measurement of self-efficacy can be used to predict nursing students' clinical performance. The literature review indicated there is no existing self-efficacy in clinical performance instrument for Iranian nursing students. Methods:, To clarify the concept of self-efficacy in clinical performance, 28 semi-structured interviews and three focus groups were conducted. A self-efficacy framework with well-developed theoretical constructs was formed. A review of literature and content analysis of the interview transcripts identified subscales and items to be included in the instrument. Then, a methodological design was used. The SECP was developed into 69 Likert-format items, which were evaluated by 20 nursing experts in the form of content validity index. The scale's validity and reliability were tested in a randomized sample of 207 final year nursing students. Findings:, The final scale consists of four dimensions with 37 items. The overall scale internal reliability had , = 0.96; the dimensions Cronbach's , ranged from 0.90 to 0.92. Test,retest reliability with a 2-week time interval was: r = 0.94. In addition, concurrent validity was obtained (r = 0.73, P = 0.01). Conclusions:, The SECP has demonstrated evidence of content validity, construct validity, concurrent validity, internal consistency reliability and stability. Statistical analysis provided an objective tool for assessing nursing students' self-efficacy in clinical performance. It may have been fruitful to further test the instrument with students from other years of their education. [source]

    Trust in Nurses Scale: construct validity and internal reliability evaluation

    Laurel E. Radwin
    radwin l.e. & cabral h.j. (2010) Trust in Nurses Scale: construct validity and internal reliability evaluation. Journal of Advanced Nursing66(3), 683,689. Abstract Aim., This paper is a report of the continued psychometric evaluation of the Trust in Nurses Scale. Background., Qualitative analyses indicate that trust in nurses is critically important to adult patients. Instruments that distinctively measure this concept are lacking. A middle-range theory of patient-centred nursing care provided the theoretical basis for the Trust in Nurses Scale. Content validity was assessed by an expert panel and patient interviews. Construct validity and reliability were found acceptable using multi-trait/multi-item analysis techniques. These findings were previously reported. Methods., Construct validity and reliability of the Trust in Nurses Scale was assessed in 2007 using data collected during 2004,2005 from 187 hospitalized patients in a haematology-oncology setting. Trust in nurses (the latent factor) was operationalized by five items (manifest variables) using confirmatory factor analyses. Fit statistics included comparative fit index, Tucker-Lewis Index, root mean square error of approximation and the standardized root mean square residual. Internal consistency reliability was assessed using coefficient alpha. Findings., Both a five-item and a four-item version demonstrate acceptable psychometric properties. The five-item version met three fit statistics criteria. Fifty-nine per cent of the variance was explained. A four-item version met all fit statistics criteria. Sixty-six per cent of the variance was explained. Acceptable internal consistency reliability was found for both versions. Conclusion., Previous psychometric testing of the Trust in Nurses Scale provided evidence of the instrument's reliability, content validity and construct validity. The presented analyses further support construct validity. Thus, cumulative findings indicate that the instrument measures with a few items the underlying concept of trust. [source]

    Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure: psychometric testing with Chinese nursing students

    Jian Wang
    Abstract Title.,Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure: psychometric testing with Chinese nursing students. Aim., This paper is a report of the psychometric testing of the Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure with Chinese nursing students. Background., Although the Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure has been widely used to measure educational environments in the healthcare professions, no psychometric evaluation of the measure with Chinese nursing students has been reported. Method., Data from 214 nursing students were collected during a 2-month period between December, 2004 and January, 2005. Exploratory factor analysis, internal consistency reliability and Cronbach's alpha were examined. Results., Five factors were found by principal components analysis with Oblimin with Kaiser Normalization rotation. The original factor names were maintained, but items in each factor changed. These five factors all achieved eigenvalues >1, and in total accounted for 52·186% of the variance. Cronbach's alpha ranged from 0·623 to 0·9 across factors, with an overall alpha of 0·949. Conclusion., The Chinese version of the Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure could be a valuable measurement for nursing educators in professional development programmes and nursing curriculum design. Further studies need in different Chinese nursing schools and larger sample sizes to be conducted to validate its stability and factor structure. [source]

    Competency Inventory for Registered Nurses in Macao: instrument validation

    Ming Liu
    Abstract Title.,Competency Inventory for Registered Nurses in Macao: instrument validation. Aim., This paper is a report of a study to test the reliability and construct validity of the Competency Inventory for Registered Nurses. Background., A reliable competency assessment tool is a basic yardstick to assist in assessing the generic competencies of nurses and to evaluate the outcome of various education programmes. The Competency Inventory for Registered Nurses was developed in mainland China. Confirmatory evidence is needed to support its proposed structure, and to further estimate its psychometric properties. Methods., A quantitative descriptive design and stratum random sampling method were used to recruit 533 Registered Nurses in Macao in 2007. Internal consistency reliability and stability were estimated by Cronbach's , and paired t-test, respectively. Confirmatory factor analysis was employed to test the construct validity of the instrument. Results., Internal consistency Cronbach's , was 0·908 for the overall scale and 0·718,0·903 for subscales. The factor loading value across 55 items ranged from 0·310 to 0·725. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the model exhibited acceptable goodness-of-fit statistic indices. The 7-factor structure of the Competency Inventory for Registered Nurses, with 55 items included after deletion of three low loading items, was confirmed. Conclusion., The model of Registered Nurses' competency was confirmed. As the instrument was initially developed in mainland China and successfully validated in this group, it is suggested that this instrument also has the potential for cross-cultural application. [source]

    Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale , Second Edition: initial validation of the Korean version

    Myung-Sun Hyun
    Abstract Title.,Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale , Second Edition: initial validation of the Korean version. Aim., This paper is a report of a study conducted to test the validity and reliability of the Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale , Second Edition in Korean culture. Background., Depression is a significant mental health problem in adolescents. The Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale , Second Edition has been shown to be a useful tool to assess depression in adolescents, with extensive research on this measure having been conducted in western cultures. Measures developed in western cultures need to be tested and validated before being used in Asian cultures. Method., The participants were a convenience sample of 440 Korean adolescents with a mean age of 13·78 years (sd = 0·95) from grades 7 to 9 in three public middle schools in South Korea. A cross-sectional design was used. Back-translation was used to create the Korean version, with additional testing for cultural meaning and comprehension. The data were collected at the end of 2004. Results., Internal consistency reliability for the Korean version of the Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale , Second Edition was 0·89, with subscale reliability ranging from 0·66 to 0·81. Evidence for criterion-related, convergent and discriminant validity for the Korean version of the Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale , Second Edition was found. Confirmatory factor analysis supported the 4-factor structure of Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale , Second Edition. Conclusion., Our results support the validity and reliability for the Korean version of the Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale , Second Edition as a measure of depression and suggest that it can be used to screen students and to evaluate the effectiveness of preventive interventions in school settings. [source]

    Perceived Maternal Parenting Self-Efficacy (PMP S-E) tool: development and validation with mothers of hospitalized preterm neonates

    Christopher R. Barnes
    Abstract Title.,Perceived Maternal Parenting Self-Efficacy (PMP S-E) tool: development and validation with mothers of hospitalized preterm neonates Aim., This paper is a report of a study to develop and test the psychometric properties of the Perceived Maternal Parenting Self-Efficacy tool. Background., Mothers' perceptions of their ability to parent (maternal parenting self-efficacy) is a critical mechanism guiding their interactions with their preterm newborns. A robust measure is needed which can measure mothers' perceptions of their ability to understand and care for their hospitalized preterm neonates as well as being sensitive to the various levels and tasks in parenting. Methods., Using a mixed sampling methodology (convenience or randomized cluster control trial) 165 relatively healthy and hospitalized mother-preterm infant dyads were recruited in 2003,2005 from two intensive care neonatal units in the United Kingdom (UK). Mothers were recruited within the first 28 days after giving birth to a preterm baby. The Perceived Maternal Parenting Self-Efficacy tool, which is made up of 20 items representing four theorized subscales, was tested for reliability and validity. Results., Internal consistency reliability of the Perceived Maternal Parenting Self-Efficacy tool was 0·91, external/test-retest reliability was 0·96, P < 0·01. Divergent validity using the Maternal Self-Report Inventory was rs = 0·4, P < 0·05 and using the Maternal Postnatal Attachment Scale was rs = 0·31, P < 0·01. Conclusion., The Perceived Maternal Parenting Self-Efficacy tool is a psychometrically robust, reliable and valid measure of parenting self-efficacy in mothers of relatively healthy hospitalized preterm neonates. Although application outside the UK will require further cross-cultural validation, the tool has the potential to provide healthcare professionals with a reliable method of identifying mothers of preterm hospitalized babies who are in need of further support. [source]

    Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic Scale

    Hsin Chu
    Aim and objectives., The aim of this study was to test the psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic Scale (C-BSDS) in a Chinese population to serve as an aid to clinical diagnosis of bipolar disorders. Background., Bipolar spectrum disorders are often misdiagnosed because of the wide range of symptoms seen in patients. The consequences of delayed diagnoses or misdiagnoses can be devastating. Design., A cross-sectional research design. Method., Two hundred patients with affective disorders from a psychiatric outpatient clinic in Taiwan were enrolled. Internal consistency reliability and two-week test,retest reliability were performed to evaluate the reliability of the C-BSDS. Expert content validity and factor analysis were used for testing construct validity. To evaluate sensitivity and specificity, the Chinese version of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) was used as the gold standard for diagnosis. Results., The internal consistency coefficient measured by intra-class correlation (ICC) was 0·81, the test,retest reliability coefficient was 0·85 and the expert validity was 0·85. For construct validity, ,irritable and hyper-energetic factors' and ,depressed and lack of energy factors' were extracted by factor analysis. These two factors reflected the structure of the original scale and accounted for 33·27% of the variance. The optimal cut-off was 12, which yielded a sensitivity of 74 and a specificity of 0·97 for detecting bipolar disorder and for bipolar II disorder these were 0·79 and 0·68, respectively. Conclusions., The C-BSDS showed good reliability and validity, and the results were consistent with the English version of the BSDS. Therefore, the C-BSDS is an effective tool for evaluation of a Chinese population. Relevance to clinical practice., The BSDS can further increase the detection rate of bipolar disorders, especially bipolar II disorder, with satisfactory sensitivity and specificity. It can effectively assist with clinical screening of patients for bipolar spectrum disorders. [source]

    Indices for studying urinary incontinence and levator ani function in primiparous women

    Cathy L. Antonakos PhD
    Summary ,,Urinary incontinence (UI) is a complex phenomenon that is prevalent in pregnant and parous women and requires the use of sophisticated measures to adequately reflect functioning of the continence system. ,,The purpose of this study was to develop reliable and valid measures of UI and levator ani function for use in research and clinical settings. ,,A Leakage Index (LI) and a Levator Ani Function Index (LAFI) were developed using data from a longitudinal study of primiparous women. Reliability and validity tests were conducted to: (i) estimate the internal consistency reliability of each index, (ii) determine whether the indices captured change in continence status and pelvic floor function during pregnancy through 1 year postpartum, and (iii) estimate association between the indices as a test of predictive validity. ,,Cronbach's alpha ranged from 0.72 to 0.84 for the LI and from 0.53 to 0.79 for the LAFI across the six data collection time points of the study. Average LI scores increased late in pregnancy and decreased postpartum, though not significantly. Average LAFI scores decreased significantly at 35 weeks gestation (t = 4.84, P = 0.000) and increased significantly at 12 months postpartum (t = ,3.51, P = 0.002) relative to baseline. The LI and LAFI were significantly associated at 20 weeks gestation (Pearson r = ,0.40, P = 0.007) and at 6 weeks postpartum (Pearson r = ,0.33, P = 0.029). ,,The findings suggest the LI and LAFI are reliable and valid measures of UI and levator ani function in primiparous women, which can be used with confidence in clinical and research settings. [source]

    A new scale to measure family members' perception of community health care services for persons with Huntington disease

    Valmi D. Sousa PhD CNS-BC RN
    Abstract Rationale, aims, and objectives, Huntington disease (HD) is a progressive genetic brain disease leading to disruptive cognitive, behavioural and physical impairments. Persons with the condition and their caregivers need appropriate and accessible health care services to help them manage the disease adequately. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of a new scale that measures family members' perception of community health care services (CHCS) for persons with HD. Methods, A methodological design was used to examine the initial reliability and dimensionality of the CHCS scale among 245 family members of persons with a diagnosis of HD. Data analysis consisted of computing Cronbach's , coefficients, calculating the 95% confidence interval for , and performing item-analysis and exploratory factor analysis. Results, Reliability of the scale based on Cronbach's , was 0.83. Factor analysis using principal component analysis and varimax rotation suggested that three interpretable factors underlie the scale. Factor 1, HD knowledge, had , = 0.82, eigenvalue of 4.67 and explained 33.42% of the variance; factor 2, HD community resources, had , = 0.62, eigenvalue of 1.68 and explained 12.02% of the variance; factor 3, individualized HD management, had , = 0.77, eigenvalue of 1.45 and explained 10.39% of the variance. Conclusions, Findings from this study provide evidence of both construct validity and internal consistency reliability of the CHCS scale. Further psychometric testing of the scale in other samples of family caregivers of persons with HD is warranted. [source]

    Psychometric properties of the MacNew heart disease health-related quality of life instrument in patients with heart failure

    Stefan Höfer
    Abstract Rationale, aims and objectives, Heart failure (HF) is a severe chronic disease and impairs health-related quality of life (HRQL). While validated specific HRQL instruments are required for evaluation of treatment and rehabilitation in patients with HF, a single validated measure to document changes in HRQL for patients with different heart disease diagnoses would be invaluable. The purpose of this analysis was the psychometric analysis of the German MacNew Heart Disease Questionnaire (MacNew) in HF patients, which has previously been shown to be reliable and valid in patients with myocardial infarction, angina pectoris and arrhythmia. Methods, We recruited 89 patients (61.7 ± 11.5 years; 84.3% male) in two Austrian and one Swiss cardiology department with documented HF (effect sizes 28.9 ± 10.1%). The self-administered MacNew, the Short Form-36 (SF-36) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale were completed. Internal consistency reliability (Cronbach's ,), discriminative and evaluative validity were assessed. Results, Cronbach's , exceeded 0.80. Each MacNew scale differentiated between patients with and without anxiety (3.9 ± 1.0 vs. 5.3 ± 0.8, all P < 0.001), with and without depression (4.2 ± 1.2 vs. 5.2 ± 0.9 all P < 0.03) and by the SF-36 health transition item (deteriorate = 4.39, no change = 4.95, improve = 5.45, all P < 0.02). Evaluative validity was demonstrated with effect sizes >0.70 for a subsample attending a 12-week outpatient rehabilitation programme. Conclusions, The German language version of the MacNew demonstrates consistently acceptable psychometric properties of reliability, validity and responsiveness in patients with documented HF. Together with previous documentation of reliability, validity and responsive, these findings strengthen the argument for the MacNew as a potential ,core' HRQL measure, at least in the German language. [source]

    Development and psychometric properties of the Individualized Care Scale

    Riitta Suhonen PhD RN
    Abstract Rationale, aims and objectives, In this study we describe the development of the Individualized Care Scale (ICS) and evaluate its validity, psychometric properties and feasibility. The ICS was designed to measure patients' views on how individuality is supported through specific nursing interventions (ICA) and how they perceive individuality in their own care (ICB) during hospitalization. Method, Three different data sets were collected among patients being discharged from hospital (n1 = 203, n2 = 279, n3 = 454). This bipartite 38-item ICS promises to be a brief, timely, easy to administer and useful self-completion measure for evaluating clinical nursing practice from the patient's point of view. Results, The findings supported the internal consistency reliability of the ICS (alpha 0.94 for ICA and ICB 0.93) and the three subscales (alphas 0.85,0.90). Item analysis supported the item construction of each scale. Content validity was furthered by a critical literature review and four expert analyses. Principal component analysis (Promax with Kaiser normalization) among earlier factor analyses supported construct validity by generating a three-factor solution which accounted for 65% of the variance in the ICA and 61% in the ICB. Pearson's correlation coefficients were at least 0.88 between the subscales and the total domain ICA or ICB. Conclusions, The ICS has demonstrated promise as a tool for measuring patients' evaluations of their hospital experience and individuality in care. [source]

    Multi-item outcome measures for lateral ligament injury of the ankle: a structured review

    K.L. Haywood BSc(Hons) DPhil MCSP
    Abstract Objective, To identify and review evidence relating to the measurement properties of published multi-item outcome measures for the conservative management of lateral ligament injuries of the ankle. Methods, Systematic literature searches were used to identify measures, which were then assessed against pre-defined criteria relating to development, item content, reliability, validity and responsiveness. Results, Seven disease-specific measures of ankle status [Ankle Joint Functional Assessment Tool, Clinical Trauma Severity Score, Composite Inversion Injury Scale, Kaikkonen Functional Scale (KFS), Karlsson Ankle Function Score (KAFS), Olerud and Molander Ankle Score (OMAS), and the Point System] and two generic measures of health (McGill Pain Questionnaire, Sickness Impact Profile) met the review inclusion criteria. While all measures had been used in acute injuries, only two had also been applied during later stages of recovery (>6 months). The studies covered a comprehensive range of graded ligament injuries. Expert opinion dominated item generation for all measures. All measures lack evidence of test-retest or internal consistency reliability in patients with ankle sprain. Several measures were assessed for validity through comparison with other measures, but there was limited evidence of construct validity and no formal assessment of responsiveness for any measure. Conclusion, The disappointing lack of evidence for measurement properties suggests that any measure should be used with caution until appropriate evidence is provided. On the basis of limited evidence, the KFS offers the most promising approach to a combined clinician- and patient-assessment of ankle function, and the KAFS or OMAS if a patient-assessed evaluation of function is required. [source]

    Validation of a 28-item version of the Systemic Clinical Outcome and Routine Evaluation in an Irish context: the SCORE-28

    Paul Cahill
    This article describes the development, in an Irish context, of a three-factor, twenty-eight-item version of the Systemic Clinical Outcome and Routine Evaluation (SCORE) questionnaire for assessing progress in family therapy. The forty- item version of the SCORE was administered to over 700 Irish participants including non-clinical adolescents and young adults, families attending family therapy, and parents of young people with physical and intellectual disabilities and cystic fibrosis. For validation purposes, data were also collected using brief measures of family and personal adjustment. A twenty-eight-item version of the SCORE (the SCORE-28) containing three factor scales that assess family strengths, difficulties and communication was identified through exploratory principal components analysis. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the factor structure of the SCORE-28 was stable. The SCORE-28 and its three factor scales were shown to have excellent internal consistency reliability, satisfactory test-retest reliability and construct validity. The SCORE-28 scales correlated highly with the General Functioning Scale of the Family Assessment Device, and moderately with the Global Assessment of Relational Functioning Scale, the Kansas Marital and Parenting Satisfaction Scales, the Satisfaction with Life Scale, the Mental Health Inventory , 5, and the total problems scale of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. Correlational analyses also showed that the SCORE-28 scales were not strongly associated with demographic characteristics or social desirability response set. The SCORE-28 may routinely be administered to literate family members aged over 12 years before and after family therapy to evaluate therapy outcome. [source]

    PROFESSION AND SOCIETY: Recovered Medical Error Inventory

    DNSc, Patricia C. Dykes RN
    Abstract Purpose: To describe the development and psychometric testing of the Recovered Medical Error Inventory (RMEI). Design and Methods: Content analysis of structured interviews with expert critical care registered nurses (CCRNs) was used to empirically derive a 25-item RMEI. The RMEI was pilot tested with 345 CCRNs. The data set was randomly divided to use the first half for reliability testing and the second half for validation. A principal components analysis with Varimax rotation was conducted. Cronbach's alpha values were examined. A t test and Pearson correlation were used to compare scores of the two samples. Findings: The RMEI consists of 25 items and two subscales. Evidence for initial reliability includes a total scale alpha of .9 and subscale alpha coefficients of .88 (mistake) and .75 (poor judgment). Conclusions: The RMEI subscales have satisfactory internal consistency reliability and evidence for construct validity. Additional testing is warranted. Clinical Relevance: A tool to measure CCRNs' experiences with recovering medical errors allows quantification of nurse surveillance in promoting safe care and preventing unreimbursed hospital costs for treating nosocomial events. [source]

    Development of a Self-Report Instrument to Measure Patient Safety Attitudes, Skills, and Knowledge

    Rebecca Schnall
    Purpose: To describe the development and psychometric testing of the Patient Safety Attitudes, Skills and Knowledge Scale (PS-ASK). Methods: Content validity of a 35-item instrument was established by a panel of experts. The instrument was pilot tested on 285 nursing students. Principal components analysis (PCA) with varimax rotation was conducted, and Cronbach's alphas were examined. Paired samples t-tests were used to show responsiveness of the scales pre- and post-patient safety curriculum. Results: The final instrument consists of 26 items and three separate scales: attitudes, skills, and knowledge. The attitudes and skills scales each had a three-factor solution. The knowledge items had a one-factor solution. Both skills and knowledge were significantly increased at Time 2 (p<0.001). Conclusions: The skills and knowledge subscales had satisfactory internal consistency reliability, evidence for construct validity, and responsiveness for use as independent scales in future studies. The attitudes subscale needs further refinement before implementation. Comparison with other measures of patient safety skills (e.g., observation) and knowledge are warranted. Clinical Relevance: A tool to measure clinicians' attitudes, skills, and knowledge about patient safety might be useful to evaluate nurses and other clinicians during educational preparation and in practice. [source]

    Measuring Nursing Power Within Organizations

    Christina L. Sieloff
    Purpose: To describe the Sieloff-King Assessment of Departmental Power (SKADP) instrument and the psychometric evaluation of both the SKADP and its revision: the Sieloff-King Assessment of Group Power within Organizations (SKAGPO) instrument. Design: A survey of 357 chief nurse executives in the United States to psychometrically evaluate the SKAGPO. Methods: Psychometric evaluation of the SKAGPO included: (a) internal consistency reliability using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, split-half with the equal-length Spearman Brown Correction Formula, and item analysis; (b) concurrent criterion-related validity; and (c) factor analysis. Findings: Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the SKAGPO was.92. Subscales' alphas ranged from.63 to.88. Item-total correlations ranged from.24 to.68, with an average item-total correlation of.48 (n = 334). Concurrent criterion-related validity was supported. Conclusions: The SKAGPO and the related subscales showed initial reliability and validity. [source]

    A narrative review of the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and implications for its use in an alcohol-dependent population

    A. MCPHERSON rn ba(hons) bsc
    Accessible summary ,,The findings from the present study reveal that the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) is a reliable and valid instrument for measuring depression in a variety of populations. This realization should enable nurses and other health professionals to utilize the tool with added confidence and assurance. ,,The main finding was that the BDI would probably be a reliable and valid screening tool in an alcohol-dependent population. This conclusion appears to echo the relationship that alcohol consumption generally has with depression. This finding is important to those practitioners using the BDI in this population in that it provides further evidence to enhance their practical experience. Abstract A psychometric evaluation of the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) was carried out on contemporary studies to ascertain its suitability for use in an alcohol-dependent population. Three criteria were used for this: factor analysis, test,retest reliability and internal consistency reliability. Factor analysis revealed that its structure is consistent with either two or three factor models, depending on the population. Test,retest results concluded that the correlation coefficient remained above the recommended threshold and internal consistency reliability highlighted alpha coefficient results consistently above suggested scores, leading to the conclusion that the BDI is probably an effective screening tool in an alcohol-dependent population. [source]

    Validation of the verbal and social interaction questionnaire: nurses' focus in the nurse,patient relationship in forensic nursing care

    M. RASK rn phd
    There is a need to develop a questionnaire that measures nurses' verbal and social interactions (VSI) with their patients from the nurses' perspective as well as from the patients' perspective in the psychiatric and especially in the forensic psychiatric field. The major aim of the present study was to determine the construct validity and the internal consistency reliability of the VSI questionnaire. The study had a methodological and developmental design and was carried out in four steps: construction of the items, face validity, data collection and data analysis. The number of items was reduced from 50 to 21. The factor analysis of the final 21 items resulted in three quite distinct factors, namely, ,inviting the patient to establish a relationship', ,showing interest in the patients' feelings, experiences and behaviour' and ,helping the patients to establish structure and routines in their everyday life'. The results showed satisfactory psychometric properties in terms of content validity, construct validity and the internal consistency reliability of the questionnaire. [source]

    Measuring Parental Perceptions of Child Oral Health-related Quality of Life

    Aleksandra Jokovic MSc
    Abstract Objectives: The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate the P-CPQ, a measure of parental/caregiver perceptions of the oral health-related quality of life of children. This forms one component of the Child Oral Health Quality of Life Questionnaire (COHQOL). Methods: An item pool was developed through a review of existing child health questionnaires and interviews with parents/caregivers of children with pedodontic, orthodontic, and orofacial conditions. The resulting 47 items were used in a study in which 208 parents/caregivers provided data on their frequency and importance. The 31 items rated the most frequent and important were selected for the final questionnaire (P-CPQ). The P-CPQ validity and reliability were assessed by a new sample of 231 parents, 79 of whom completed two copies for the assessment of test-retest reliability. Results: The P-CPQ discriminated among the three clinical groups included in the expected direction. Within-group analyses using clinical data provided some evidence that scores were associated with the severity of the condition. The P-CPQ also showed good construct validity. It had excellent internal consistency reliability with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.94 and demonstrated perfect test-retest reliability (ICC=0.85). Conclusion: The study provides data to indicate that the P-CPQ is valid and reliable. [source]