Conformational Heterogeneity (conformational + heterogeneity)

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Selected Abstracts

Conformational heterogeneity of transmembrane residues after the Schiff base reprotonation of bacteriorhodopsin

FEBS JOURNAL, Issue 9 2005
15N CPMAS NMR of D85N/T170C membranes
bR, N-like and O-like intermediate states of [15N]methionine-labelled wild type and D85N/T170C bacteriorhodopsin were accumulated in native membranes by controlling the pH of the preparations. 15N cross polarization and magic angle sample spinning (CPMAS) NMR spectroscopy allowed resolution of seven out of nine resonances in the bR-state. It was possible to assign some of the observed resonances by using 13C/15N rotational echo double resonance (REDOR) NMR and Mn2+ quenching as well as D2O exchange, which helps to identify conformational changes after the bacteriorhodopsin Schiff base reprotonation. The significant differences in chemical shifts and linewidths detected for some of the resonances in N- and O-like samples indicate changes in conformation, structural heterogeneity or altered molecular dynamics in parts of the protein. [source]

Structure of a human telomeric DNA sequence stabilized by 8-bromoguanosine substitutions, as determined by NMR in a K+ solution

FEBS JOURNAL, Issue 14 2007
Akimasa Matsugami
The structure of human telomeric DNA is controversial; it depends upon the sequence contexts and the methodologies used to determine it. The solution structure in the presence of K+ is particularly interesting, but the structure is yet to be elucidated, due to possible conformational heterogeneity. Here, a unique strategy is applied to stabilize one such structure in a K+ solution by substituting guanosines with 8-bromoguanosines at proper positions. The resulting spectra are cleaner and led to determination of the structure at a high atomic resolution. This demonstrates that the application of 8-bromoguanosine is a powerful tool to overcome the difficulty of nucleic acid structure determination arising from conformational heterogeneity. The obtained structure is a mixed-parallel/antiparallel quadruplex. The structure of telomeric DNA was recently reported in another study, in which stabilization was brought about by mutation and resultant additional interactions [Luu KN, Phan AT, Kuryavyi V, Lacroix L & Patel DJ (2006) Structure of the human telomere in K+ solution: an intramolecular (3+1) G-quadruplex scaffold. J Am Chem Soc 128, 9963,9970]. The structure of the guanine tracts was similar between the two. However, a difference was seen for loops connecting guanine tracts, which may play a role in the higher order arrangement of telomeres. Our structure can be utilized to design a small molecule which stabilizes the quadruplex. This type of molecule is supposed to inhibit a telomerase and thus is expected to be a candidate anticancer drug. [source]

DFT study of polymorphism of the DNA double helix at the level of dinucleoside monophosphates

Valeri I. Poltev
Abstract We apply DFT calculations to deoxydinucleoside monophosphates (dDMPs) which represent minimal fragments of the DNA chain to study the molecular basis of stability of the DNA duplex, the origin of its polymorphism and conformational heterogeneity. In this work, we continue our previous studies of dDMPs where we detected internal energy minima corresponding to the "classical" B conformation (BI-form), which is the dominant form in the crystals of oligonucleotide duplexes. We obtained BI local energy minima for all existing base sequences of dDMPs. In the present study, we extend our analysis to other families of DNA conformations, successfully identifying A, BI, and BII energy minima for all dDMP sequences. These conformations demonstrate distinct differences in sugar ring puckering, but similar sequence-dependent base arrangements. Internal energies of BI and BII conformers are close to each other for nearly all the base sequences. The dGpdG, dTpdG, and dCpdA dDMPs slightly favor the BII conformation, which agrees with these sequences being more frequently experimentally encountered in the BII form. We have found BII-like structures of dDMPs for the base sequences both existing in crystals in BII conformation and those not yet encountered in crystals till now. On the other hand, we failed to obtain dDMP energy minima corresponding to the Z family of DNA conformations, thus giving us the ground to conclude that these conformations are stabilized in both crystals and solutions by external factors, presumably by interactions with various components of the media. Overall the accumulated computational data demonstrate that the A, BI, and BII families of DNA conformations originate from the corresponding local energy minimum conformations of dDMPs, thus determining structural stability of a single DNA strand during the processes of unwinding and rewinding of DNA. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Quantum Chem 110:2548,2559, 2010 [source]

Chromophore Interaction in Xanthorhodopsin,Retinal Dependence of Salinixanthin Binding,

Eleonora S. Imasheva
Xanthorhodopsin is a light-driven proton pump in the extremely halophilic bacterium Salinibacter ruber. Its unique feature is that besides retinal it has a carotenoid, salinixanthin, with a light harvesting function. Tight and specific binding of the carotenoid antenna is controlled by binding of the retinal. Addition of all- trans retinal to xanthorhodopsin bleached with hydroxylamine restores not only the retinal chromophore absorption band, but causes sharpening of the salinixanthin bands reflecting its rigid binding by the protein. In this report we examine the correlation of the changes in the two chromophores during bleaching and reconstitution with native all- trans retinal, artificial retinal analogs and retinol. Bleaching and reconstitution both appear to be multistage processes. The carotenoid absorption changes during bleaching occurred not only upon hydrolysis of the Schiff base but continued while the retinal was leaving its binding site. In the case of reconstitution, the 13-desmethyl analog formed the protonated Schiff base slower than retinal, and provided the opportunity to observe changes in carotenoid binding at various stages. The characteristic sharpening of the carotenoid bands, indicative of its reduced conformational heterogeneity in the binding site, occurs when the retinal occupies the binding site but the covalent bond to Lys-240 via a Schiff base is not yet formed. This is confirmed by the results for retinol reconstitution, where the Schiff base does not form but the carotenoid exhibits its characteristic spectral change from the binding. [source]

Designed protein G core variants fold to native-like structures: Sequence selection by ORBIT tolerates variation in backbone specification

Scott A. Ross
Abstract The solution structures of two computationally designed core variants of the ,1 domain of streptococcal protein G (G,1) were solved by 1H NMR methods to assess the robustness of amino acid sequence selection by the ORBIT protein design package under changes in protein backbone specification. One variant has mutations at three of 10 core positions and corresponds to minimal perturbations of the native G,1 backbone. The other, with mutations at six of 10 positions, was calculated for a backbone in which the separation between G,1's ,-helix and ,-sheet was increased by 15% relative to native G,1. Exchange broadening of some resonances and the complete absence of others in spectra of the sixfold mutant bespeak conformational heterogeneity in this protein. The NMR data were sufficiently abundant, however, to generate structures of similar, moderately high quality for both variants. Both proteins adopt backbone structures similar to their target folds. Moreover, the sequence selection algorithm successfully predicted all core ,1 angles in both variants, five of six ,2 angles in the threefold mutant and four of seven ,2 angles in the sixfold mutant. We conclude that ORBIT calculates sequences that fold specifically to a geometry close to the template, even when the template is moderately perturbed relative to a naturally occurring structure. There are apparently limits to the size of acceptable perturbations: In this study, the larger perturbation led to undesired dynamic behavior. [source]

Circular dichroism of heterochromophoric and partially regenerated purple membrane: Search for exciton coupling

CHIRALITY, Issue 2 2006
Elena Karnaukhova
Abstract In order to determine the origin of the bisignate CD spectra of native purple membrane, heterochromophoric analogues containing bacteriorhodopsin regenerated with native all-trans -retinal and retinal analogues were investigated. The data collected for the purple membrane samples containing two different chromophores suggest the additive character of the CD spectra. This conclusion was supported by a series of spectra using 5,6-dihydroretinal and 3-dehydroretinal and by using 33% regenerated PM in buffer and in presence of osmolytes. Our results support the idea of conformational heterogeneity of the chromophores in the bR in the trimer, suggesting that the three bR subunits in the trimer are not conformationally equal, and therefore, the bisignate CD spectrum of bR in the purple membrane occurs rather due to a superposition of the CD spectra from variously distorted bR subunits in the trimer than interchromophoric exciton-coupling interactions. © 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Chirality 18:72,83, 2006. [source]