Complex Movements (complex + movement)

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Selected Abstracts

Movements of Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii) in a large Australian lowland river

J. D. Koehn
Abstract,,, This study of Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii) movements in a large lowland river in south-eastern Australia indicated that the species was not sedentary, but undertook complex movements that followed a seasonal pattern. While there were sedentary periods with limited home ranges and high site fidelity, Murray cod also under took larger movements for considerable portions of the year coinciding with its spawning schedule. This generally comprised movements (up to 130 km) from a home location in late winter and early spring to a new upstream position, followed by a rapid downstream migration typically back to the same river reach. Timing of movements was not synchronous amongst individuals and variation in the scale of movements was observed between individuals, fish size, original location and years. [source]

REVIEW ARTICLE: Cortical control of eye and head movements: integration of movements and percepts

L. Longtang Chen
Abstract The cortical control of eye movements is well known. It remains unclear, however, as to how the eye fields of the frontal lobes generate and coordinate eye and head movements. Here, we review the recent advances in electrical stimulation studies and evaluate relevant models. As electrical stimulation is conducted in head-unrestrained, behaving subjects with the evoked eye and head movements sometimes being indistinguishable from natural gaze shifts, a pertinent question becomes whether these movements are evoked by motor programs or sensory percepts. Recent stimulation studies in the visual cortex and the eye fields of the frontal lobes have begun to bring both possibilities to light. In addition, cognitive variables often interact with behavioral states that can affect movements evoked by stimulation. Identifying and controlling these variables are critical to our understanding of experimental results based on electrically evoked movements. This understanding is needed before one can draw inferences from such results to elucidate the neural mechanisms underlying natural and complex movements. [source]

Effector-independent representations of simple and complex imagined finger movements: a combined fMRI and TMS study

J. P. Kuhtz-Buschbeck
Abstract Kinesthetic motor imagery and actual execution of movements share a common neural circuitry. Functional magnetic resonance imaging was used in 12 right-handed volunteers to study brain activity during motor imagery and execution of simple and complex unimanual finger movements of the dominant and the nondominant hand. In the simple task, a flexible object was rhythmically compressed between thumb, index and middle finger. The complex task was a sequential finger-to-thumb opposition movement. Premotor, posterior parietal and cerebellar regions were significantly more active during motor imagery of complex movements than during mental rehearsal of the simple task. In 10 of the subjects, we also used transcranial magnetic brain stimulation to examine corticospinal excitability during the same motor imagery tasks. Motor-evoked potentials increased significantly over values obtained in a reference condition (visual imagery) during imagery of the complex, but not of the simple movement. Imagery of finger movements of either hand activated left dorsal and ventral premotor areas and the supplementary motor cortex regardless of task complexity. The effector-independent activation of left premotor areas was particularly evident in the simple motor imagery task and suggests a left hemispherical dominance for kinesthetic movement representations in right-handed subjects. [source]


Abstract:, The exceptionally preserved hyolithids Gompholites striatulus, Maxilites robustus, Maxilites snajdri and Maxilites sp. are described with particular emphasis on helen and muscle scar morphology. These two aspects of hyolithid morphology have remained controversial. In life position, each helen curved ventrally. When the operculum closed the aperture of the conch, each helen was locked at the commissure slit with its dorsal edge tilted forward. Inside the conch, it was held in the dorsal apertural plane and clear of the inner surface of the operculum. Previously unidentified muscle scars are described from both the operculum and the conch. Dorsal scars on the conch aperture held muscles directed to the operculum. Comparative study of the muscle insertion pattern indicates that hyolithids did not have serially arranged muscles and that all hyolithids may have had a common skeleto-muscular system. The arrangement of the muscle scars with respect to the helens suggests that the latter were capable of relatively complex movements and could have been used to propel the organism over the substrate. The general morphology and orientation of the helens suggests that in addition they functioned to stabilize the organism on the sea-floor. [source]