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Selected AbstractsAltered gene expression in acute systemic inflammation detected by complete coverage of the human liver transcriptomeHEPATOLOGY, Issue 2 2004Cédric Coulouarn The goal of the current study was to provide complete coverage of the liver transcriptome with human probes corresponding to every gene expressed in embryonic, adult, and/or cancerous liver. We developed dedicated tools, namely, the Liverpool nylon array of complementary DNA (cDNA) probes for approximately 10,000 nonredundant genes and the LiverTools database. Inflammation-induced transcriptome changes were studied in liver tissue samples from patients with an acute systemic inflammation and from control subjects. One hundred and fifty-four messenger RNAs (mRNA) correlated statistically with the extent of inflammation. Of these, 134 mRNA samples were not associated previously with an acute-phase (AP) response. The hepatocyte origin and proinflammatory cytokine responsiveness of these mRNAs were confirmed by quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (Q-RT-PCR) in cytokine-challenged hepatoma cells. The corresponding gene promoters were enriched in potential binding sites for inflammation-driven transcription factors in the liver. Some of the corresponding proteins may provide novel blood markers of clinical relevance. The mRNAs whose level is most correlated with the AP extent (P < .05) were enriched in intracellular signaling molecules, transcription factors, glycosylation enzymes, and up-regulated plasma proteins. In conclusion, the hepatocyte responded to the AP extent by fine tuning some mRNA levels, controlling most, if not all, intracellular events from early signaling to the final secretion of proteins involved in innate immunity. Supplementary material for this article can be found on the HEPATOLOGY website (http://interscience.wiley.com/jpages/0270-9139/suppmat/index.html). (HEPATOLOGY 2004;39:353,364.) [source] At-sea distributions and abundance of tropicbirds in the eastern PacificIBIS, Issue 2 2005LARRY B. SPEAR During spring and autumn 1980,95, we surveyed Red-tailed Phaethon rubricauda, White-tailed P. lepturus and Red-billed Tropicbirds P. aethereus at sea in the Pacific between the coast of the Americas and 176°W. For the Pacific, we had complete coverage of the range of aethereus, but only partial coverage of that of rubricauda and lepturus. Six areas of higher density were indicated: three of rubricauda, two of lepturus and one of aethereus. After pooling data across years, the ,abundance' (total number including subadults and adults) estimate for rubricauda was 81 700 (boreal spring) and 86 500 (boreal autumn) birds. Abundance of each of the three rubricauda subpopulations differed between seasons by about 50% despite seasonal consistency when populations were grouped. Furthermore, high densities of rubricauda occurred at the edge of our study area, indicating that neither of the seasonal estimates for this species could be considered as total numbers. Abundance estimates of lepturus during the non-breeding season (when these birds had dispersed from colonies) were 11 000 and 41 500 birds for northern and southern populations, respectively. Estimated abundance of aethereus during the boreal spring was 26 700 birds, and 33 400 during the boreal autumn. Because tropicbirds are attracted to survey vessels, we also estimated the abundance after excluding those recorded as flying in a steady direction, or having been attracted to the ship. Considering only stationary birds (i.e. those that could not have been attracted), our minimum estimates were 41 000 rubricauda, 15 750 aethereus, 28 000 southern lepturus and 6400 northern lepturus. [source] The annual cycle of heavy precipitation across the United Kingdom: a model based on extreme value statisticsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, Issue 12 2009D. Maraun Abstract The annual cycle of extreme 1-day precipitation events across the UK is investigated by developing a statistical model and fitting it to data from 689 rain gauges. A generalized extreme-value distribution (GEV) is fit to the time series of monthly maxima, across all months of the year simultaneously, by approximating the annual cycles of the location and scale parameters by harmonic functions, while keeping the shape parameter constant throughout the year. We average the shape parameter of neighbouring rain gauges to decrease parameter uncertainties, and also interpolate values of all model parameters to give complete coverage of the UK. The model reveals distinct spatial patterns for the estimated parameters. The annual mean of the location and scale parameter is highly correlated with orography. The annual cycle of the location parameter is strong in the northwest UK (peaking in late autumn or winter) and in East Anglia (where it peaks in late summer), and low in the Midlands. The annual cycle of the scale parameter exhibits a similar pattern with strongest amplitudes in East Anglia. The spatial patterns of the annual cycle phase suggest that they are linked to the dominance of frontal precipitation for generating extreme precipitation in the west and convective precipitation in the southeast of the UK. The shape parameter shows a gradient from positive values in the east to negative values in some areas of the west. We also estimate 10-year and 100-year return levels at each rain gauge, and interpolated across the UK. Copyright © 2008 Royal Meteorological Society [source] Effect of enamel matrix proteins (Emdogain®) on healing after re-implantation of "periodontally compromised" rootsJOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY, Issue 10 2003An experimental study in the dog Abstract Objective: The present experiment was performed to assess whether Emdogain® applied on the root surface of extracted teeth or teeth previously exposed to root planning can protect the tooth from ankylosis following re-implantation. Material and Methods: The experiment included two groups of dogs, including five animals each. The root canals of all mandibular third premolars (3 P 3) were reamed and filled with gutta-percha. A crestal incision was placed from the area of the second to the fourth premolar. Buccal and lingual full thickness flaps were elevated. With the use of a fissure bur, the crown and furcation area of 3 P 3 were severed in an apico-coronal cut. The distal and mesial tooth segments were luxated with an elevator and extracted with forceps. Group A: The mesial and distal segments of 3 P 3 were air dried on a glass surface for 60 min. The roots from the right side were conditioned and exposed to Emdogain® application. The roots from the left side received the same treatment with the exception of Emdogain® application. The mesial and distal tooth segments were re-implanted and the crown portions were severed with a horizontal cut and removed. The buccal and lingual flaps were mobilized and sutured to obtain complete coverage of the submerged roots. Group B: A notch was prepared in each root, 4,5 mm apical of the cemento-enamel junction. The area of the root that was located coronal to the notch was scaled and planned. The roots in the right side of the mandible were treated with Emdogain®, while the roots in the left side served as controls. After 6 months of healing, the dogs were killed and blocks containing one root with surrounding tissues were harvested, and prepared for histological examination, which also included morphometric assessments. Thus, the proportions of the roots that exhibited signs of (i) replacement (ii) inflammatory and (iii) surface resorption were calculated. Results and Conclusion: It was demonstrated that healing of a re-implanted root that had been extracted and deprived of vital cementoblasts was characterized by processes that included root resorption, ankylosis and new attachment formation. It was also demonstrated that Emdogain® treatment, i.e. conditioning with EDTA and placement of enamel matrix proteins on the detached root surface, failed to interfere with the healing process. Zusammenfassung Zielsetzung: Untersuchung, ob Emdogain®, wenn es auf die Wurzeloberfläche extrahierter Zähne oder von Zähnen, die zuvor eine Wurzelglättung bekommen haben, appliziert wird, die Zähne nach Reimplantation vor Ankylose schützen kann. Material und Methoden: Die Studie wurde bei 2 Gruppen von Hunden durchgeführt, die je 5 Tiere umfasste. Die Wurzelkanäle aller 3. Prämolaren des Unterkiefers (3 P 3) wurden aufbereitet und mit Guttapercha gefüllt. Ein Schnitt auf dem Limbus alveolaris wurde vom 2. zum 4 Prämolaren geführt. Bukkal und lingual wurde ein Vollschichtlappen mobilisiert. Mit einem Fissurenbohrer wurden die 3 P 3 mit einem Schnitt in koronoapikaler Richtung im Bereich der Krone und der Furkation geteilt. Die distalen und mesialen Zahnsegmente wurden mit einem Elevator luxiert und mit einer Zange extrahiert. Gruppe A: Die mesialen und distalen Segmente von 3 P 3 wurden auf einer Glasoberfläche 60 min lang luftgetrocknet. Die Wurzeln der rechten Seite wurden konditioniert und mit Emdogain® beschickt. Die Wurzeln der linken Seite erhielten die gleiche Behandlung mit der Ausnahme, dass keine Applikation von Emdogain® erfolgte. Die mesialen und distalen Wurzeln wurden reimplantiert und die Kronenanteile durch einen horizontalen Schnitt getrennt und entfernt. Die bukkalen und lingualen Lappen wurden mobilisiert und durch Naht ein vollständiger Verschluss der reimplantierten Wurzeln erreicht. Gruppe B: In jede Wurzel wurde 4,5 mm apikal der Schmelz-Zement-Grenze eine Kerbe präpariert. Der Bereich der Wurzel, der koronal dieser Kerbe lag, wurde gescalt und wurzelgeglättet. Die Wurzeln der rechten Unterkieferseite wurden mit Emdogain® behandelt, während die Wurzeln der linken Seite als Kontrolle dienten. Nach einer Heilung von 6 Monaten wurden die Hunde getötet und Blöcke, die eine Wurzel und das umgebende Gewebe enthielten, gewonnen und für die histologische Untersuchung präpariert, die auch morphometrische Befunde einschloss. Es wurden also die Anteile der Wurzeln berechnet, die Zeichen von (i) Ersatz- (ii) entzündlicher und (iii) Oberflächenresorption zeigten. Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen: Es wurde gezeigt, dass die Heilung von reimplantierten Wurzeln, die extrahiert und von vitalen Zementoblasten befreit worden waren, durch Prozesse charakterisiert war, die Wurzelresorption, Ankylose und die Bildung neuen Attachments umfassten. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die Behandlung mit Emdogain®, d.h. Konditionierung mit EDTA und Applikation des Schmelz-Matrix-Proteins auf die freie Wurzeloberfläche diesen Heilungsprozess nicht beeinflussen konnte. Résumé Objectif: Cette expérimentation fut réalisée pour déterminer si Emdogain® appliqué sur la surface radiculaire de dents extraites ou de dents préalablement soumises à un surfaçage radiculaire pouvait protéger la dent de l'ankylose après réimplantation. Matériel et Méthodes: L'expérience comprenait 2 groupes de 5 chiens. Les canaux radiculaires de toutes les troisièmes premolaires mandibulaires (3 P 3) furent alésés et bouchés à la gutta-percha. Une incision crestale de la deuxième à la quatrième prémolaire permit de soulever un lambeau de pleine épaisseur vestibulaire et lingual. La couronne et la zone de furcation de 3 P 3 furent découpées à l'aide d'une fraise fissure d'apical en coronaire. Les segments distaux et mésiaux furent luxés avec un élévateur et extraits avec un davier. Groupe A: Les segments mésiaux et distaux de 3 P 3 furent séchés à l'air sur une plaque de verre pendant 60 min. Les racines du coté droit furent préparées et imprégnées d' Emdogain®. Les racines gauches reçurent le même traitement sans application d'Emdogain ®. Les segments mésiaux et distaux furent alors réimplantés et les couronnes découpées par un trait horizontal et éliminées. Les lambeaux vestibulaires et linguaux furent déplacés et suturés pour obtenir un recouvrement complet des racines enfouies. Groupe B: Une entaille a été préparée sur chaque racine, à 4,5 mm en apical de la jonction amélo-cémentaire. La surface de racine située coronairement à cette entaille fut alors détartrée et surfacée. Les racines du coté droit furent traitées par Emdogain® alors que les racines du coté gauche firent office de contrôle. Après 6 mois de cicatrisation, les chiens furent sacrifiés et des blocs contenant une racine et les tissus environnant furent prélevés pour un examen histologique et morphométrique. Ainsi, les proportions de racine présentant des signes de (i) remplacement (ii) d'inflammation et (iii) de résorption furent calculées. Résultats et conclusion: Nous avons démontré que la cicatrisation de racine réimplantées après extraction et élimination des cémentoblastes se caractérisait par un processus qui comprenait résorption radiculaire, ankylose et formation d'une nouvelle attache. Nous avons aussi démontré que le traitement par Emdogain®, c'est à dire conditionnement à l'EDTA et mise en place de protéines de la matrice améllaire sur la surface radiculaire, ne pouvait pas interférer avec le processus de cicatrisation. [source] Lateral ridge augmentation by the use of grafts comprised of autologous bone or a biomaterial.JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY, Issue 12 2002An experiment in the dog Abstract Objective: The present investigation was performed to determine if a block of Bio-Oss® used as an onlay graft can be used as a scaffold for new bone formation. Material and methods: Five mongrel dogs were used. The mandibular premolars were extracted. On both sides of the mandible, the buccal bone plate was resected and defects, about 25 mm long, 8 mm high and 5 mm wide, were produced After 3 months of healing, a second surgical procedure was performed. In the left side, a block of Bio-Oss® was adjusted to the buccal bone wall. The graft had the shape of a cylinder and was retained with a miniscrew and covered with a collagen membrane. In the contra-lateral side of the mandible, a block biopsy was first obtained from the ascending ramus. This bone graft had the shape of a cylinder that was 8 mm in diameter and 3 mm thick. The graft was transferred to the experimental site, adjusted to the buccal wall, retained with a miniscrew, and covered with a membrane. The flaps were repositioned and closed with sutures to ensure a complete coverage of the experimental sites. After 6 months of healing, the dogs were sacrificed and the experimental sites dissected. The biopsies were processed for ground sectioning. The sections were stained in toluidine blue, examined in the microscope, and a number of histo- and morphometric assessments made. Results: The study demonstrated that cortical bone used as an onlay graft in the lateral aspect of the alveolar ridge, during a 6-month period of healing integrated with the host bone but underwent marked peripheral resorption. Thus, close to 30% of the height and 50% of the length of the graft was replaced with connective tissue. It was further observed that while the dimensions of a graft which contained a scaffold of cancellous bovine bone mineral remained unchanged, only moderate amounts of new bone formed at the base of this graft. Conclusion: Grafts of autologous cortical bone, placed on the surface of a one-wall defect, may undergo marked resorption during healing. A similar graft of Bio-Oss® may retain its dimension, and limited amounts of new bone will form within the biomaterial. [source] Effect of interleukin-1 gene polymorphism in a periodontally healthy Hispanic population treated with mucogingival surgeryJOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY, Issue 2 2002Raul G. Caffesse Abstract Objectives: A genetic test for susceptibility of periodontal disease has been introduced. A positive test indicates a risk factor for more severe periodontal destruction. The prevalence of genotype positive subjects has been reported around 30%. In a Mexican population, we have found a 26% prevalence of genotype positive individuals. Few studies have reported the response to therapy in these individuals. The purpose of this study was to assess the response to mucogingival surgery in an otherwise periodontally healthy Hispanic population. Materials and methods: 22 subjects (7 male and 15 female) with a mean age of 45 years participated. They were treated 3 years prior for the treatment of Types I and II recession defects using connective tissue grafts. No other active periodontal treatment was required, except for preventive maintenance. A full-mouth clinical evaluation was performed which included assessment of gingival inflammation and measurements of probing pocket depth and clinical attachment levels. Mean values per patient were determined. A finger stick blood sample was collected using specially provided DNA filter paper, let dried, and mailed for processing. Results: Results indicated that 5 out of the 22 subjects were genotype positive. The genotype positive subjects presented the following values: GI 1.13±0.17, PPD 2.48±0.46, and CAL 3.38±0.66. The values for the genotype negative subjects were GI 1.06±0.14, PPD 2.38±0.31 and CAL 3.11±0.53. No statistical significant differences were found when both groups were compared (p>0.05). Furthermore, the treatment of the localized recessions was effective and provided similar amount of coverage in genotype positive and negative subjects. However, more genotype negative subjects showed complete coverage of the recession than genotype positive individuals. Conclusions: Within the limits of this study it is concluded that (1) periodontal health can be maintained with proper preventive maintenance irrespective of the genotype present, (2) the mean response to mucogingival surgery to cover localized gingival recessions is similar irrespective of the IL-1 periodontal genotype, however, full coverage is achieved more frequently in genotype negative subjects. Zusammenfassung Ziele: Es wurde ein Gentest für die Anfälligkeit bezüglich einer Parodontalerkrankung eingeführt. Ein positiver Test ist ein Zeichen für einen Risikofaktor für eine stärkere parodontale Destruktion. Die Prävalenz von genotyp-positiven Personen wurde mit etwa 30% angegeben. In einer mexikanischen Population haben wir eine Prävalenz von 26% von genotyp-positiven Individuen vorgefunden. Nur wenige Studien haben bei diesen Patienten über die Reaktion auf die Therapie berichtet. Der Zweck dieser Studie war es die Heilung nach mukogingivaler Chirurgie in einer im Übrigen parodontal gesunden Population mit spanischen Abstammung. Material und Methode: 22 Patienten (7 Männer und 15 Frauen) mit einem Durchschnittsalter von 45 Jahren nahmen an der Studie teil. Sie wurden vor 3 Jahren zur Deckung einer Rezession von Typ I oder II mit einem Bindegewebetransplantat behandelt. Es war keine weitere parodontale Behandlung außer präventiven Erhaltungstherapie notwendig. Es wurde eine vollständige klinische Untersuchung des Gebisses durchgeführt, die die Bestimmung der gingivalen Etnzündung, sowie die Messung der Sondierungstiefe und des klinischen Attachmentniveaus beinhaltete. Es wurden für jeden Patienten die Mittelwerte bestimmt. Eine Blutprobe von der Fingerbeere wurde entnommen, auf ein specielles DNA-Filterpapier aufgetragen, getrocknet und zur Weiterverarbeitung versendet. Ergebnisse: Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass 5 von 22 Patienten genotyp-positiven waren. Die genotyp-positiven Patienten wiesen folgende Werte auf: GI 1.13±0.17, PPD 2.48±0.46 und CAL 3.38±0.66. Die Werte für die genotyp-negativen Patienten betrugen: GI 1.06±0.14, PPD 2.38±0.31 und CAL 3.11±0.53. Beim Vergleich beider Gruppen ergaben sich keine statistisch signifikanten Unterschiede (p>0.05). Des weiteren war die Behandlung der lokalisierten Rezession effektiv und lieferte bei genotyp-positiven und genotyp-negativen Patienten einen ähnlichen Anteil an Wurzeldeckung. Jedoch zeigten mehr genotyp-negative Patienten eine vollständige Rezessionsdeckung als genotyp-positive Patienten. Schlussfolgerungen: Mit den Einschränkungen dieser Studie kann die Schlussfolgerung gezogen werden, dass (1) unabhängig vom vorliegenden Genotyp mit geeigneten präventiven Maßnahmen die parodontale Gesundheit erhalten werden kann und (2) dass unabhängig vom IL-1-Genotyp, die durchschnittliche Reaktion auf die mukogingivale Chirurgie zur Deckung von lokalisierten Gingivarezessionen ähnlich ist. Jedoch wird eine vollständige Deckung häufiger bei genotyp-negativen Patienten erreicht. Résumé But: Un test génétique pour la suscpetibilitéà la maladie parodontale est présenté. Un test positif indique un facteur de risque pour une destruction parodontale plus sévère. La fréquence globale de sujets positifs au génotype semblerait être de 30%. Dans une population mexicaine, une fréquence globale de 26% d'individus positifs pour le génotype a été trouvée. Peu d'études ont apporté la réponse au traitement chez ces individus. Le but de cette investigation a été de mesurer la réponse de la chirurgie muco-gingivale dans une population hispanique parodontalement saine. Matériaux et méthodes: 7 hommes et 15 femmes d'un âge moyen de 45 ans y ont participé. Ils avaient été traités 3 ans auparavant pour des lésions de récession de type I et II en utilisant des greffes de tissu conjonctif. Aucun autre traitement parodontal actif n'avait été requis, sauf pour la maintenance. Une évaluation clinique de toute la bouche a été effectuée comprenant l'estimation de l'inflammation gingivale et les measures de la profondeur de poche au sondage et des niveaux d'attache clinique. Les valeurs moyennes par patient ont été déterminées. Un échantillon sanguin par piqûre du doigt a été récolté en utilisant un papier filtre ADN, qui fût séché et envoyé pour analyse. Résultats: Les résultats ont indiqué que 5 des 22 sujets étaient génotype positif. Ces sujets présentaient les valeurs suivantes: GI 1.13±0.17, PPD 2.48±0.46 mm et CAL 3.38±0.66 mm. Les valeurs chez les sujets génotype négatif étaient: GI 1.06±0.14, PPD 2.38±0.31 mm et CAL 3.11±0.53 mm. Aucune différence statistiquement significative n'a été trouvée lorsque les deux groupes ont été comparés. De plus le traitement des récessions locales était effectif et apportait une quantité semblable de recouvrement chez les deux types de sujets. Cependant davantage de sujets génotype négatif bénéficiaient d'un recouvrement complet de la récession. Conclusions: Dans les limites d l'étude présente: (1) la santé parodontale peut être maintenue avec des mesures préventives quelque soit le génotype présent, (2) la réponse moyenne de la chirurgie muco-gingivale pour recouvrir des récessions gingivales locales est semblable quelque soit le génotype parodontal IL-1, bien qu'un recouvrement complet est plus souvent réalisé chez les sujets génotype négatif. [source] View planning and automated data acquisition for three-dimensional modeling of complex sitesJOURNAL OF FIELD ROBOTICS (FORMERLY JOURNAL OF ROBOTIC SYSTEMS), Issue 11-12 2009Paul S. Blaer Constructing highly detailed three-dimensional (3-D) models of large complex sites using range scanners can be a time-consuming manual process. One of the main drawbacks is determining where to place the scanner to obtain complete coverage of a site. We have developed a system for automatic view planning called VuePlan. When combined with our mobile robot, AVENUE, we have a system that is capable of modeling large-scale environments with minimal human intervention throughout both the planning and acquisition phases. The system proceeds in two distinct stages. In the initial phase, the system is given a two-dimensional site footprint with which it plans a minimal set of sufficient and properly constrained covering views. We then use a 3-D laser scanner to take scans at each of these views. When this planning system is combined with our mobile robot it automatically computes and executes a tour of these viewing locations and acquires them with the robot's onboard laser scanner. These initial scans serve as an approximate 3-D model of the site. The planning software then enters a second phase in which it updates this model by using a voxel-based occupancy procedure to plan the next best view (NBV). This NBV is acquired, and further NBVs are sequentially computed and acquired until an accurate and complete 3-D model is obtained. A simulator tool that we developed has allowed us to test our entire view planning algorithm on simulated sites. We have also successfully used our two-phase system to construct precise 3-D models of real-world sites located in New York City: Uris Hall on the campus of Columbia University and Fort Jay on Governors Island. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. [source] Incomplete Aneurysm Coverage after Patent Foramen Ovale Closure in Patients with Huge Atrial Septal Aneurysm: Effects on Left Atrial Functional RemodelingJOURNAL OF INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGY, Issue 4 2010GIANLUCA RIGATELLI M.D. Background: Large devices are often implanted to treat patent foramen ovale (PFO) and atrial septal aneurysm (ASA) with increase risk of erosion and thrombosis. Our study is aimed to assess the impact on left atrium functional remodeling and clinical outcomes of partial coverage of the approach using moderately small Amplatzer ASD Cribriform Occluder in patients with large PFO and ASA. Methods: We prospectively enrolled 30 consecutive patients with previous stroke (mean age 36 ± 9.5 years, 19 females), significant PFO, and large ASA referred to our center for catheter-based PFO closure. Left atrium (LA) passive and active emptying, LA conduit function, and LA ejection fraction were computed before and after 6 months from the procedure by echocardiography. The preclosure values were compared to values of a normal healthy population of sex and heart rate matched 30 patients. Results: Preclosure values demonstrated significantly greater reservoir function as well as passive and active emptying, with significantly reduced conduit function and LA ejection fraction, when compared normal healthy subjects. All patients underwent successful transcatheter closure (25 mm device in 15 patients, 30 mm device in 6 patients, mean ratio device/diameter of the interatrial septum = 0.74). Incomplete ASA coverage in both orthogonal views was observed in 21 patients. Compared to patients with complete coverage, there were no differences in LA functional parameters and occlusion rates. Conclusions: This study confirmed that large ASAs are associated with LA dysfunction. The use of relatively small Amplatzer ASD Cribriform Occluder devices is probably effective enough to promote functional remodeling of the left atrium. (J Interven Cardiol 2010;23:362,367) [source] A New Stent Design for the Treatment of True Bifurcation Lesions: H-Side Branch StentsJOURNAL OF INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGY, Issue 1 2010MYEONG-KI HONG M.D. Background:There has been much debate for the adequate treatment strategies for true bifurcation lesions. The purpose of this study is to introduce and test a novel stent design for the treatment of true bifurcation lesions. Methods:This side branch stent is composed of three parts: proximal, connecting, and distal parts. The distal part for the side branch vessel has a slope-side stent margin for circumferential coverage of the ostium and one radio-opaque marker for targeting the carina. The proximal part with two radio-opaque markers operates for safe stent delivery and useful guidance for a more precise placement of the distal part on the side branch ostium. Results of the in vitro test in the acrylic resin-made bifurcation phantom model were evaluated with microcomputer tomography. Animal experiments with this new stent platform were also performed in five pigs. Results:In vitro test and microcomputer tomography showed complete coverage of the side branch ostium circumferentially with stent struts, and the absence of stent struts in the main vessel above the side branch ostium level. This side branch stents were successfully deployed in all 5 pigs. The results of animal experiments were also similar to those of in vitro tests. Conclusions:In vivo and vitro tests demonstrated the effective modality of this side branch stent for the treatment of true bifurcation lesions. (J Interven Cardiol 2010;23:54,59) [source] Quantitative peptidomics of mouse pituitary: comparison of different stable isotopic tagsJOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY (INCORP BIOLOGICAL MASS SPECTROMETRY), Issue 2 2005Fa-Yun Che Abstract Determining the relative levels of neuropeptides in two samples is important for many biological studies. An efficient, sensitive and accurate technique for relative quantitative analysis involves tagging the peptides in the two samples with isotopically distinct labels, pooling the samples and analyzing them using liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS). In this study, we compared two different sets of isotopic tags for analysis of endogenous mouse pituitary peptides: succinic anhydride with either four hydrogens or deuteriums and [3-(2,5-dioxopyrrolidin-1-yloxycarbonyl)propyl]trimethylammonium chloride with either nine hydrogens or deuteriums. These two labels react with amines and impart either a negative charge (succinyl) or a positive charge (4-trimethylammoniumbutyryl (TMAB)). Every endogenous mouse pituitary peptide labeled with the light TMAB reagent eluted from the C18 reversed-phase column at essentially the same time as the corresponding peptide labeled with the heavy reagent. Most of the peptides labeled with succinyl groups also showed co-elution of the heavy- and light-labeled forms on LC/MS. The mass difference between the heavy and light TMAB reagents (9 Da per label) was larger than that of the heavy and light succinyl labels (4 Da per label), and for some peptides the larger mass difference provided more accurate determination of the relative abundance of each form. Altogether, using both labels, 82 peptides were detected in Cpefat/fat mouse pituitary extracts. Of these, only 16 were detected with both labels, 41 were detected only with the TMAB label and 25 were detected only with the succinyl label. A number of these peptides were de novo sequenced using low-energy collisional tandem mass spectrometry. Whereas the succinyl group was stable to the collision-induced dissociation of the peptide, the TMAB-labeled peptides lost 59 Da per H9 TMAB group. Several peptides identified in this analysis represent previously undescribed post-translational processing products of known pituitary prohormones. In conclusion, both succinyl and TMAB isotopic labels are useful for quantitative peptidomics, and together these two labels provide more complete coverage of the endogenous peptides. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source] Kinetics of the heteroepitaxial growth of Ge layer at low temperature on Si(001) in UHV-CVDPHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI (A) APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE, Issue 2 2004M. Halbwax Abstract The Ge growth at 330 °C by ultrahigh vacuum chemical vapour deposition is investigated in real time by reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) in combination with atomic force microscopy and Rutherford back scattering spectrometry (RBS). The Stranski-Krastanov-related 2D to 3D transition is avoided at low temperature and the major part of the relaxation process occurs during the deposition of the first two monolayers. The very low growth rate observed during this first step is related to the deposition of Ge on Si. Beyond 2 deposited MLs, the growth rate increases drastically due to a complete coverage of Si by Ge. Finally, the deposition of Ge at 330 °C results in an in-plane lattice parameter approaching 90% of that of Ge bulk and a flat surface with rms roughness of 0.6 nm for a film thickness lower than 30 nm. (© 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) [source] Highly-efficient Cd-free CuInS2 thin-film solar cells and mini-modules with Zn(S,O) buffer layers prepared by an alternative chemical bath processPROGRESS IN PHOTOVOLTAICS: RESEARCH & APPLICATIONS, Issue 6 2006A. Ennaoui Abstract Recent progress in fabricating Cd- and Se-free wide-gap chalcopyrite thin-film solar devices with Zn(S,O) buffer layers prepared by an alternative chemical bath process (CBD) using thiourea as complexing agent is discussed. Zn(S,O) has a larger band gap (Eg,=,3·6,3·8,eV) than the conventional buffer material CdS (Eg,=,2·4,eV) currently used in chalcopyrite-based thin films solar cells. Thus, Zn(S,O) is a potential alternative buffer material, which already results in Cd-free solar cell devices with increased spectral response in the blue wavelength region if low-gap chalcopyrites are used. Suitable conditions for reproducible deposition of good-quality Zn(S,O) thin films on wide-gap CuInS2 (,CIS') absorbers have been identified for an alternative, low-temperature chemical route. The thickness of the different Zn(S,O) buffers and the coverage of the CIS absorber by those layers as well as their surface composition were controlled by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and X-ray excited Auger electron spectroscopy. The minimum thickness required for a complete coverage of the rough CIS absorber by a Zn(S,O) layer deposited by this CBD process was estimated to ,15,nm. The high transparency of this Zn(S,O) buffer layer in the short-wavelength region leads to an increase of ,1,mA/cm2 in the short-circuit current density of corresponding CIS-based solar cells. Active area efficiencies exceeding 11·0% (total area: 10·4%) have been achieved for the first time, with an open circuit voltage of 700·4,mV, a fill factor of 65·8% and a short-circuit current density of 24·5,mA/cm2 (total area: 22·5,mA/cm2). These results are comparable to the performance of CdS buffered reference cells. First integrated series interconnected mini-modules on 5,×,5,cm2 substrates have been prepared and already reach an efficiency (active area: 17·2,cm2) of above 8%. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source] A combination of neutral loss and targeted product ion scanning with two enzymatic digestions facilitates the comprehensive mapping of phosphorylation sitesPROTEINS: STRUCTURE, FUNCTION AND BIOINFORMATICS, Issue 15 2007Juan Casado-Vela Abstract We propose here a new strategy for the exhaustive mapping of phosphorylation sites in the Xenopus laevis Cdc25 phosphatase, which regulates cell cycle progression in eukaryotic cells. Two different MS analyses in a linear IT were used to identify the phosphorylated residues. First, a data-dependent neutral loss (DDNL) analysis triggered the fragmentation of peptides that show enhanced neutral loss of phosphoric acid. Second, a targeted product ion scanning (TPIS) mass analysis was carried out in which MS2 events are triggered for specific m/z values. Full coverage of the protein sequence was obtained by combining the two analyses with two enzymatic digestions, trypsin and chymotrypsin, yielding a comprehensive map of the phosphorylation sites. Previous reports have shown Cdc25C to be phosphorylated by Cdc2,cyclin B at four residues (Thr48, Thr67, Thr138 and Ser205). By using this combination of scan modes, we have identified four additional phosphorylation sites (Thr86, Ser99, Thr112 and Ser163) in a recombinant Cdc25C protein containing 198 residues of the NH2 -terminal noncatalytic domain. The sensitivity of this combined approach makes it extremely useful for the comprehensive characterization of phosphorylation sites, virtually permitting complete coverage of the protein sequence with peptides within the mass detection range of the linear IT. [source] Long-term outcomes of bifurcation lesions after implantation of drug-eluting stents with the "mini-crush technique"CATHETERIZATION AND CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS, Issue 7 2007Alfredo R. Galassi MD, FSCAI Abstract Objectives: To evaluate clinical and angiographic long-term outcome of "the mini-crush" technique for treating bifurcation lesions. Background: Despite proven efficacy of drug-eluting stent (DES) within most lesions subsets, bifurcation lesions continue to exhibit high restenosis rate using current DES stenting technique. Methods: We report a new stenting technique which was employed in 45 consecutive patients (52 lesions) between April 2004 and July 2005 to treat true bifurcation lesions using DES in both branches. Results: Using this technique procedural success was obtained in 100% of cases, without complications and with excellent angiographic result in 96.1% and 98.1% of main vessel and side branch. Preprocedure reference vessel diameter and minimal lumen diameter (MLD) were 2.68 ± 0.48 and 0.90 ± 0.55 mm for the main branch, respectively and 2.28 ± 0.34 and 1.14 ± 0.47 mm for the side branch, respectively. Postprocedure MLD was 2.56 ± 0.39 mm for the main branch and 2.16 ± 0.29 mm for the side branch. There were no in-hospital major adverse cardiac events (MACE). At 72 days after procedure there was one case of side branch stent thrombosis (2.2%), which resulted in non Q-wave MI. Angiographic follow up was obtained in 100% of patients at 7.5 ± 1.3 months. Target lesion revascularization (TLR) was 12.2%; no death and Q-wave MI were observed; reference vessel diameter and MLD for the main branch were 2.79 ± 0.51 and 1.99 ± 0.65 mm respectively and for the side branch 2.28 ± 0.40 and 1.63 ± 0.48 mm respectively. Restenosis rate in the main branch was 12.2% while in the side branch was 2.0%. Conclusions: In-hospital outcome indicates that the mini-crush technique for bifurcation lesions with DES can be easily performed. It provides very low total MACE rate and restenosis at 8-month follow-up. These results confirmed the advantage of this specific technique to give complete coverage of the ostium of the side branch using two stents technique. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source] |