Côte d'Ivoire (côte + d'ivoire)

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Selected Abstracts

Elites, Rent-Cycling and Development: Adjustment to Land Scarcity in Mauritius, Kenya and Côte d'Ivoire

Richard M. Auty
According to rent-cycling theory, low rent aligns the interests of the elite and the majority in providing public goods and efficiency incentives to promote economic growth, while high rent risks deflecting the elite into self-enriching rent deployment, which distorts the economy and triggers a collapse from which recovery is protracted because rent recipients resist reform. The theory also predicts, however, that this collapse will self-correct by shrinking per capita rent, which strengthens incentives for wealth creation. This article tests the prediction in Mauritius, Kenya and Côte d'Ivoire where intensifying land scarcity has shrunk per capita rent; Mauritius meets the prediction, but Kenya and Côte d'Ivoire do not. [source]

Alcohol use and non-adherence to antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected patients in West Africa

ADDICTION, Issue 8 2010
Antoine Jaquet
ABSTRACT Aim To investigate the association between alcohol use and adherence to highly active antiretroviral treatment (HAART) among human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients in subSaharan Africa. Design and setting Cross-sectional survey conducted in eight adult HIV treatment centres from Benin, Côte d'Ivoire and Mali. Participants and measurements During a 4-week period, health workers administered the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test to HAART-treated patients and assessed treatment adherence using the AIDS Clinical Trials Group follow-up questionnaire. Findings A total of 2920 patients were enrolled with a median age of 38 years [interquartile range (IQR) 32,45 years] and a median duration on HAART of 3 years (IQR 1,4 years). Overall, 91.8% of patients were identified as adherent to HAART. Non-adherence was associated with current drinking [odds ratio (OR) 1.4; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.1,2.0], hazardous drinking (OR 4.7; 95% CI 2.6,8.6) and was associated inversely with a history of counselling on adherence (OR 0.7; 95% CI 0.5,0.9). Conclusions Alcohol consumption and hazardous drinking is associated with non-adherence to HAART among HIV-infected patients from West Africa. Adult HIV care programmes should integrate programmes to reduce hazardous and harmful drinking. [source]

Effect of termites on clay minerals in tropical soils: fungus-growing termites as weathering agents

P. Jouquet
Summary Termites of the subfamily Macrotermitinae play an important role in tropical ecosystems: they modify the soil's physical properties and thereby make food available for other organisms. Clay is important in the architecture of Macrotermitinae termite nests, and it has been postulated that termites could modify the mineralogical properties of some clays. We have tested this hypothesis of clay transformation by termites in the laboratory under controlled conditions, using Odontotermes nr. pauperans termite species, one of the main fungus-growing species at Lamto Research Station (Côte d'Ivoire). Soil handled by termites in nest building was saturated with SrCl2, glycol or KCl and afterwards heated at 250°C for X-ray diffraction analyses. Termite handling led to an increase in the expandable layers of the component clay minerals. Heating and saturation by potassium of modified clays did not close the newly formed expandable clay layers. However, differences occurred between parts of the constructions built by termites, and the clays can be ranked according to their degree of alteration in the following order: unhandled soils < galleries < chamber walls. Consequently, termites can be seen as weathering agents of clay minerals, as previously shown for micro-organisms and plants. [source]

Reading Culture: Using Literature to Develop C2 Competence

Virginia M. Scott
The study compared the attitudes and performances of students who read a fact sheet about Côte d'Ivoire and the attitudes and performances of students who studied a poem about Côte d'Ivoire. We found that the students who read the fact sheet learned about the culture of Côte d'Ivoire in a rigid way that could foster stereotypes. Students who read the poem, on the other hand, explored their own feelings about the language and content of the poem. The study supports the notion that literary texts contribute to students' affective awareness and cognitive flexibility, and are therefore more effective for developing C2 competence. This study suggests ways to achieve the goals, articulated in the national standards, of fostering knowledge about and understanding of other cultures. [source]


Laurence Becker
ABSTRACT. Pressured by structural adjustment loan conditions, Côte d'Ivoire reduced state support for rice production and processing during the 1990s. In this article we examine how various actors in the rice commodity chain adapted to the macroeconomic reforms. Following a brief history of the rice sector, we present the results of fieldwork based on interviews conducted in 2002 of farmers, millers, traders, and workers in the state extension service and nongovernmental organizations. We found that, in the absence of state supports for farmers, private millers became the focal point of regional producer-processor rice networks. The four networks identified became the sole source of domestic commercial rice when the state removed subsidies for fertilizer and modern seeds, privatized extension, and liberalized prices and imports. To increase their role in the national rice supply, the rice networks may need support through microlending and a focus on niche markets. [source]

Cultural myths in stories about human resource development: analysing the cross-cultural transfer of American models to Germany and the Côte d'Ivoire

Carol D. Hansen
This exploratory study examined the cross-cultural transferability of occupational assumptions, in the form of work myths, to a foreign setting. The research followed the premise that occupations are culturally framed by certain myths which are shaped by national socio-cultural referents. The reaction of the German and Ivorian business communities to the myths that shape American human resource models of employee and organisational development formed a descriptive basis for practice and theoretical implications. The data were derived from the myths contained in informant stories about the need for human resource development (HRD) interventions. Societal differences in individualistic and collective orientations as well as historical variance in business development and approaches to management were reviewed in an attempt to explain disagreements in cultural assumptions. Highlighted was the need for all occupations to be cognisant of the ethnocentrism of their work myths. [source]

The Reproductive Health of Young people in Côte d'Ivoire: Issues and Prospects

Aminata Touré
In Côte d'Ivoire, young people aged between 14 and 24 represent 25% of the population, and this is the age group that is particularly vulnerable to reproductive health problems. Sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS in the main affect 15 to 18-year-olds; the early pregnancy rate is high; and the widespread recourse to illegal abortion by women at an increasingly young age reflects the emergence of an unfilled need for family planning services among the young. To cope with this situation, the Côte d'Ivoire authorities have adopted several strategies, which include launching wide-ranging information campaigns and making condoms generally available. However, over and beyond such actions, which are beginning to bear fruit, it seems that particular attention needs to be focused on young people not at school and on girls, whose social status is low. The promotion of equality between the sexes and the legalisation of abortion could give added force to strategies to promote the reproductive health of young people. [source]

Governance of social security regimes: Trends in Senegal

Ahmadou Yéri Diop
The main aim of this article is to analyse the Senegalese experience in the management of social security institutions. The keyword which occurs and reoccurs is autonomy. Except for Côte d'Ivoire, which has experimented with the same system since 2000, the Senegalese experience is unique in French-speaking sub-Saharan Africa. The article reviews the institutional pluralism which is another unique feature of the Senegalese situation, the genuine autonomy of management which exists and its results, illustrated by the example of the Social Security Fund. The results obtained in terms of financial stability, better quality of service and the installation of an efficient information system prove that this is the way of the future. Finally, the paper highlights the distribution of powers between the various bodies of the Fund. [source]

Global Restructuring and Liberalization: Côte d 'Ivoire and the End of the International Cocoa Market?

Bruno Losch
The restructuring of the world cocoa market has concluded with the liberalization of the sector in the world's leading producing country, Côte d'Ivoire, clearing the way for domination by an oligopoly of global companies. This paper describes how Côte d'Ivoire's share of world production created an illusion but not the reality of market power. In the 1990s, in the wake of failed attempts to influence the world market, the Ivorian cocoa sector experienced a series of upheavals that were both pivotal to broader changes in the global market and a refiection of them. The converging strategies of new Ivorianfirms and of the major global grinding companies resulted in increased vertical integration in Côte d'Ivoire, exemplified in the development of ,origin grinding '. Later, financial difficulties encountered by Ivorian firms led to global companies taking control. Amongst the results of these changes are a decline in the role of traders, a redefinition of the relationship between grinders and chocolate manufacturers, and a standardization of cocoa quality around an average ,bulk' level. This signals the end of ,the producing countries' and of the global market. [source]


Article first published online: 1 SEP 2010
No abstract is available for this article. [source]

Preliminary estimates of the population parameters of major fish species in Lake Ayamé I (Bia basin; Côte d'Ivoire)

L. Tah
Summary Length frequency data collected from artisanal fisheries in Lake Ayamé I (Côte d'Ivoire) from August 2004 to 2005 were analysed with Fisat software using the Elefan package to estimate the population parameters of 11 fish species. Asymptotic values for total length (L,) ranged from 20.5 cm for Brycinus imberi to 78 cm for Mormyrops anguilloides. Growth rates (k) varied from 0.24 year,1 for Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus to 0.57 year,1 for Hemichromis fasciatus. The growth performance estimates were close to the values found by others authors and reported in FishBase 2008. Fishing mortality (F) and exploitation rate (E) were found to be below optimum levels of exploitation for most fish species. Recruitment was noted as year,round and bimodal for most studied populations. The data sets were limited in most cases, thus this study provides preliminary population parameters only, but for species for which information is scarce. For application in stock assessment, the growth parameters and especially the natural mortality data require further confirmation. [source]

Côte d'Ivoire: Debt Relief

Article first published online: 1 MAY 200
No abstract is available for this article. [source]

Spatial and temporal habitat use of kob antelopes (Kobus kob kob, Erxleben 1777) in the Comoé National Park, Ivory Coast as revealed by radio tracking

Frauke Fischer
Abstract Spatial and temporal habitat use of kob antelopes (Kobus kob kob) have been investigated in the Comoé National Park (Ivory Coast, West Africa) by use of radio telemetry. A total of 23 kob were equipped with radio collars and radio tracked for up to 15 months. Home ranges of males were smaller and those of females larger than expected from theoretical models. Adult males used smaller areas than adult females and did not show seasonal home range shifts. Daily distances travelled did not differ between sexes. Kob walked less during the night than by day and covered shorter distances in the wet season. Whereas an increase in home range overlap between females resulted in higher rates of association among individuals, association of adults of mixed sexes was not correlated with the degree of home range overlap. Territorial behaviour of males and predator avoidance by females are suggested to explain the sex-specific differences in home range size of adults and the deviation from the predicted sizes. Predator avoidance is presumed as the main reason for the reduced walking distances at night as well as in the wet season. Reproductive behaviour and feeding ecology are assumed to determine the degree of association of conspecifics. Résumé On a étudié par radio-télémétrie l'utilisation spatiale et temporelle de l'habitat par les cobes (Kobus kob kob) au Parc National de Comoé (en Côte d'Ivoire, Afrique de l'Ouest). On a équipé un total de 23 cobes de colliers radio et on les a suivis pendant 15 mois (pour certains). L'espace vital des mâles était plus petit et celui des femelles plus grand que ce à quoi on s'attendait d'après les modèles théoriques. Les mâles adultes couvraient une zone plus réduite que les femelles adultes et ne déplaçaient pas leur espace vital en fonction des saisons. Les distances parcourues chaque jour étaient les mêmes pour les deux sexes. Les cobes se déplaçaient moins la nuit que le jour, et couvraient de plus courtes distances pendant la saison des pluies. Alors qu'une augmentation du recouvrement entre espaces vitaux des femelles aboutissait à un taux supérieur d'associations entre individus, l'association d'adultes des deux sexes n'était pas liée au taux de recouvrement des espaces vitaux. On suggère que le comportement territorial des mâles et l'évitement des prédateurs par les femelles pourraient expliquer les différences, spécifiques au sexe, de la dimension de l'espace vital des adultes et la déviation par rapport aux dimensions prévues. On suppose que l'évitement des prédateurs est la raison principale de la limitation des déplacements de nuit ainsi qu'en saison des pluies. On suppose que le comportement reproducteur et l'écologie alimentaire déterminent le degré d'association entre membres de la même espèce. [source]

Enregistering Modernity, Bluffing Criminality: How Nouchi Speech Reinvented (and Fractured) the Nation

Sasha Newell
This paper traces processes of the enregisterment of modernity in French and Nouchi (an urban patois) in Côte d'Ivoire, arguing that the struggles to define the indexical values of Nouchi and the performative bluff of urban street life associated with it have played a central role in the production of Ivoirian national identity. Speakers of Nouchi integrate references to American pop culture with local Ivoirian lexical content, which allows Nouchi use ambivalently to index both modernity and autochthony. In so doing they overturn the hierarchical schema of evaluation defined by proximity to the French standard. Nouchi indexes a new pan-ethnic Ivoirian identity based on the alternative modernity of cosmopolitan urban youth. Urban youth reject the Francocentric elitism of the postcolonial state but themselves exclude Northern migrants, whom they qualify as less than modern, from Ivoirian citizenship.,[modernity, enregisterment, French, Nouchi, indexicality, Côte d'Ivoire] [source]

Changes in HIV RNA viral load, CD4+ T-cell counts, and levels of immune activation markers associated with anti-tuberculosis therapy and cotrimoxazole prophylaxis among HIV-infected tuberculosis patients in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire

Mireille Kalou
We analyzed changes in plasma human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 viral load, CD4+ T-cell count, and markers of immune activation markers at start of treatment of tuberculosis and 12 months after among 44 HIV-1-infected patients with newly diagnosed, sputum-smear positive for Mycobacterium tuberculosis pulmonary in fection. All patients received a standard regimen of 6 months of rifampicin and isoniazid with first 2 months of pyrazinamid with or without cotrimoxazole. Compared with values at start of treatment, median viral load increased by a median of 0.64 log10 copies/ml after 12 months of follow-up (P,=,0.0002). Median CD4+ T-cell counts were 393 cells/L at start of treatment and 370 cells/L after 12 months of follow-up (P,=,0.61). Levels of serum activation markers decreased significantly at 12 months of follow-up of the patients for both patients on standard and cotrimoxazole treatment. Levels of viral load, CD4+ T-cell counts, and markers of immune activation were not different for patients on standard treatment of tuberculosis compared with those on standard and cotrimoxazole treatment. Levels of serum activation markers decreased significantly at 12 months of follow-up of the patients for both patients on standard and cotrimoxazole treatment. Because viral load is a predictor of disease progression, its persistent elevated levels in blood of HIV-infected patients co-infected with tuberculosis, who successfully complete TB treatment, may account for the high mortality observed in this population. J. Med. Virol. 75:202,208, 2005. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Lack of effect of chemokine receptor CCR2b gene polymorphism (64I) on HIV-1 plasma RNA viral load and immune activation among HIV-1 seropositive female workers in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire

Christiane A. Adjé
Abstract The prevalence of the CCR2b,V64I mutation among human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-seropositive and -seronegative female workers and the potential effect of heterozygosity of this mutation on HIV-1 plasma RNA viral load and markers of immune activation were assessed. CCR2b,V64I was detected by polymerase chain reaction, followed by restriction enzymes analysis; plasma viral load was measured by the Amplicor HIV-1 monitor assay and CD4+ T-cell counts and markers of immune activation by standard three-color FACscan flow cytometry. Of the 260 female workers, 56 (21.5%) were heterozygous for CCR2b,V64I, and 8 (3%) were homozygous. Of the 99 HIV-seronegative female workers, 19 (19.2%) were heterozygous for the CCR2b,V64I mutation compared with 37 (23%) of the 161 HIV-seropositive FSW (P,=,0.47). In a univariate analysis of viral load among HIV-seropositive FSW, no difference was noted between those heterozygous for or without the mutation; both groups had plasma viral loads of 5.0 log10 copies/ml. After controlling for the effects of CD4+ T-cell counts in a multivariate analysis, no significant difference was observed between the groups in viral load or in markers of immune activation. The data suggest that the presence of the CCR2b mutation has no effect on HIV-1 plasma viral load and markers of immune activation in our study population. The finding that the frequency of this mutation is similar in HIV-seropositive and -seronegative female workers suggests that its presence is not associated with increased risk of HIV infection. J. Med. Virol. 64:398,401, 2001. © 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Palaeoproterozoic high-pressure granulite overprint of the Archean continental crust: evidence for homogeneous crustal thickening (Man Rise, Ivory Coast)

Abstract The character of mountain building processes in Palaeoproterozoic times is subject to much debate. Based on the discovery of high-pressure granulites in the Man Rise (Côte d'Ivoire), several authors have argued that Eburnean (Palaeoproterozoic) reworking of the Archean basement was achieved by modern-style thrust-dominated tectonics. A mafic granulite of the Kouibli area (Archean part of the Man Rise, western Ivory Coast) displays a primary assemblage (M1) containing garnet, diopsidic clinopyroxene, red-brown pargasitic amphibole, plagioclase (andesine), rutile, ilmenite and quartz. This assemblage is associated with a subvertical regional foliation. Symplectites that developed at the expense of the M1 assemblage contain orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, plagioclase (bytownite), green pargasitic amphibole, ilmenite and magnetite (M2). Multiequilibrium thermobarometric calculations and P,T pseudosections calculated with thermocalc suggest granulite facies conditions of , 13 kbar, 850 °C and <7 kbar, 700,800 °C for M1 and M2, respectively. In agreement with the qualitative information obtained from reaction textures and chemical zoning of minerals, this suggests an evolution dominated by decompression accompanied by moderate cooling. A Sm,Nd garnet , whole-rock age of 2.03 Ga determined on this sample indicates that this evolution occurred during the Palaeoproterozoic. It is argued that from the geodynamic point of view the observed features are best explained by homogeneous thickening of the margin of the Archean craton, re-heated and softened due to the accretion of hot, juvenile Palaeoproterozoic crust, as well as coeval intrusion of juvenile magmas. Crustal shortening was mainly accommodated by transpressive shear zones and by lateral crustal spreading rather than large-scale thrust systems. [source]

Olyset Net® efficacy against pyrethroid-resistant Anopheles gambiae and Culex quinquefasciatus after 3 years' field use in Côte d'Ivoire

R. N'Guessan
Summary Pyrethroid-impregnated bednets are advocated for personal protection against malaria vectors. To avoid the need for periodic re-treatment, it would be advantageous to have nets that retain insecticidal efficacy for years and withstand repeated washing. Such a type of commercially produced bednet with permethrin 2% incorporated in polyethylene fibres (trademark Olyset Net® supplied by Sumika Life-Tech Co., Osaka, Japan) was evaluated against mosquitoes in veranda-trap huts at Yaokoffikro, near Bouaké, Côte d'Ivoire, by standard WHOPES phase II procedures. Four Olyset Nets were compared with a standard untreated polyester net as control. They comprised three examples previously used in a village for over 3 years (one washed, one dirty, one very dirty) and a previously unused Olyset Net, newly unwrapped, from the same original batch. Bioassays with 3 min exposure of susceptible Anopheles gambiae Giles (Diptera: Culicidae) gave >,99% mortality of female mosquitoes tested on the ,new' Olyset Net. The used Olyset Nets gave mortality rates averaging 83% for the washed net, 85% for the dirty net and 55% for the very dirty net (within 24-h following 3 min exposure). Thus, Olyset Nets were found to remain remarkably effective against susceptible An. gambiae for at least 3 years under field conditions. Wild pyrethroid-resistant populations of Culex quinquefasciatus Say and An. gambiae (savanna cytotype with 96% kdr) were assessed during June,August 1999 for their responses to sleepers protected by nets in the experimental huts. With regard to hut entry by foraging female mosquitoes, Olyset Nets showed some deterrency against An. gambiae (44% reduction by the new net, ,20% by the dirty nets, none by the washed net), but not against Cx. quinquefasciatus. Among mosquitoes entering the hut with untreated control net, 30,34% tried to leave (exophily) but were caught in the verandah trap. The permethrin repellency of Olyset Nets increased exophily by 19% for An. gambiae and 14% for Cx. quinquefasciatus. Blood-feeding rates were 16% An. gambiae and 35% Cx. quinquefasciatus in the hut with sleeper under the untreated net (showing considerable prevention of biting), 22,26% of both species in huts with washed or dirty used Olyset Nets (not significantly different from control), while the biting success rate of Cx. quinquefasciatus (but not kdr An. gambiae) was more than halved by the ,new' Olyset Net. Mortality rates of pyrethroid-resistant An. gambiae and Cx. quinquefasciatus from the huts were, respectively, 3% and 8% with the untreated polyester net, 27.5% and 17% with the ,new' Olyset, 15% and 17.5% with the washed Olyset, 16,25% and 17,20% with dirty old Olyset Nets. Kill differences between nets are significantly different for both An. gambiae and Cx. quinquefasciatus. Unfortunately the washed used Olyset Net showed least activity against resistant mosquitoes, despite its greatest activity against susceptible An. gambiae. In each case there was evidence that a high proportion of mosquitoes failed to feed through the net (many of them dying from starvation when they could not leave the closed hut), with indications that dirty Olyset nets enhanced this protective value. [source]

Agricultural policies and the emergence of cotton as the dominant crop in northern Côte d'Ivoire: Historical overview and current outlook

Oluyede Clifford Ajayi
Abstract In most of sub-Saharan Africa, where the agricultural sector experiences dismal performance and is characterized by a gloomy picture, the cotton sub-sector in Côte d'Ivoire is often mentioned as a "success story" given the spectacular rise in the quantity of cotton production and the profile of the crop within the farming system. What are the historical and political antecedents of the development of cotton and the factors responsible for the feat accomplished in the midst of general failures in the same continent? To what extent can cotton be regarded as a "success story" and, what lessons can be drawn for agricultural development strategies based on the Ivorian case study? This paper traces the historical and socio-political background of cotton development in Côte d'Ivoire and identifies key policy and institutional interventions that have influenced the rise of cotton production and its emergence as the dominant crop in the farming systems of the country. Four stages in Ivorian cotton development are identified: planning, take off, crisis and the renaissance phases. The study demonstrates how a combination of good planning, technological advancement and appropriate policy and institutional conditions have contributed significantly to the rise of cotton production and its influence on the agricultural economy of northern Côte d'Ivoire. The study also highlights how the sustainability of agricultural development has been impacted by domestic and international policies and political events over which smallholder farm families have little control, and can at best only respond to. Important questions about cotton development in Côte d'Ivoire are raised that need to be answered before the program can be categorized conclusively as a success story. The study shows that there are no quick fixes to agricultural development in the sub-region. Rather, good planning and putting the necessary building blocks in place are important prerequisites. It is recommended that agricultural development efforts in the continent take cognizance of the complexity of the sector and address the inter-relationships that exist among the technical, policy, market and institutional factors that combine individually and collectively to influence African agriculture. [source]

Chthonic science: Georges Niangoran-Bouah and the anthropology of belonging in Côte d'Ivoire

ABSTRACT Georges Niangoran-Bouah worked assiduously toward Africanizing national education, academia, and public culture in Côte d'Ivoire. As part of this venture, his research projects, including his study of "drummology," can be regarded as a quest for "chthonic" science, that is, an anthropology that uncovers and implements the deep tenets of African,Ivorian culture. Properly situated in its academic, ideological, and political umwelt, we demonstrate, Niangoran-Bouah's anthropology of belonging is not merely an instance of "closure" but must be seen as a multiform attempt to recover a "local" position as a way to participate in universal,global science. [Niangoran-Bouah, chthonic science, postcolonial theory, autochthony, Côte d'Ivoire] [source]

Three new or little-known Chassalia (Rubiaceae) species from west and central Africa

Olivier Lachenaud
A new species from Liberia and Côte d'Ivoire, Chassalia bicostata O. Lachenaud & Jongkind, is described and compared with its two close relatives, C. pteropetala (K. Schum.) Cheek and C. pleuroneura (K. Schum.) O. Lachenaud, both from central Africa. The latter is here transferred to Chassalia from Psychotria. All three species share deeply bifid stipules, which are an unusual feature in Chassalia. Full descriptions and illustrations are given for the three taxa. [source]

Recurrent selection of cocoa populations in Côte d'Ivoire: comparative genetic diversity between the first and second cycles

PLANT BREEDING, Issue 5 2009
N. D. Pokou
Abstract In Côte d'Ivoire, the cocoa breeding programme has been based on the creation of hybrids between different genetic groups. From 1990 onward, a reciprocal recurrent selection programme has been set up with the purpose of improving simultaneously the characteristics of the two main genetic groups: Upper Amazon Forastero (UA) and a mixture of Lower Amazon Forastero (LA) and Trinitario (T). Based on data obtained from 12 microsatellite primers, the genetic diversity and genetic distances of the parental populations used in the first and second selection cycles are presented. The results revealed that the diversity of populations UA0 and UA1 on the one hand and (LA+T)0 and (LA+T)1 on the other is similar. The genetic distances were small between the parental populations used for the first and second cycles. Genetic diversity was greater in the UA group than in the LA+T group. The number of rare and of private alleles was reduced for both genetic groups, as well as the number of the frequent alleles in the LA+T group. [source]


Joachim Nyemeck BINAM
D24; Q12; Q18; R58 This paper uses survey data to examine the technical efficiency and productivity potential of cocoa farmers in West and Central Africa. Separate stochastic frontier models are estimated for farmers in Cameroon, Ghana, Nigeria, and Côte d'Ivoire, along with a stochastic metaproduction frontier to obtain alternative estimates for the technical efficiencies of farmers in the different countries. The mean productivity potential of cocoa farmers is also estimated, by using a decomposition result applied to both the national and the metaproduction frontiers. The determinants of technical efficiency are assessed to identify the reasons for differences across countries. [source]

A longitudinal study of urinary dipstick parameters in wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) in Côte d'Ivoire

Siv Aina J. Leendertz
Abstract We performed 796 dip-stick tests on urine from 100 wild West African chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) from 4 habituated groups in the tropical rain forest of Taï National Park, Cote d'Ivoire, to establish reference values for health monitoring. Specific gravity was also measured on 359 urine samples from 62 chimpanzees. The effect of age, sex, group, month, estrus, pregnancy, meat consumption, and acute respiratory disease on pH, leucocytes, protein, blood, hemoglobin, and glucose was examined using ordinal logistic regression. The presence of nitrite, ketones, bilirubin, and urobilinogen in urine was also recorded. Outbreak of acute respiratory disease did not influence any of the urinary parameters. Thirty-seven percent of the samples had a pH <7 and the whole range of pH was found through the year, in all age groups, and in both sexes. Meat consumption lowered the urinary pH. Our results show that all pH levels must be considered normal for the West African chimpanzee subspecies P. troglodytes verus living in the rainforest. We also found a cluster of glucose-positive samples at a specific point in time which was not attributed to diabetes mellitus. These findings highlight that there are differences in normal physiological parameters among wild chimpanzees living in different habitats. Am. J. Primatol. 72:689,698, 2010. © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Hunters, ritual, and freedom: dozo sacrifice as a technology of the self in the Benkadi movement of Côte d'Ivoire

Joseph Hellweg
This article argues that dozo hunters in Côte d'Ivoire used sacrifice to become unofficial police in the 1990s as part of a security movement they called Benkadi. Scholars have noted similar transformations of West African hunters into soldiers, park guards, and development agents in the context of political, economic, and ecological changes. Although such changes created the conditions in which dozos assumed national security roles, these conditions alone fail to explain why dozos became police. I explore dozo sacrifice as a ,technology of the self' in Foucault's terms to argue that dozos freely assumed security roles as ethical responsibilities analogous to those implicit in their hunting and occult pursuits. I draw on Frankl and Laidlaw to explain the emotional and practical aspects of such self-fashioning. The cultural analysis of dozo rituals clarifies the ways dozo agency shaped the impact of political economy and ecology on dozo practice. Résumé L'article affirme que dans les années 1990, les chasseurs dozo de Côte-d'Ivoire ont utilisé le sacrifice pour se constituer en police officieuse au sein d'un groupement de sécurité qu'ils ont appeléBenkadi. Les chercheurs ont noté une évolution similaire par laquelle d'autres chasseurs d'Afrique de l'Ouest devenaient soldats, garde-chasse ou agents de développement, dans le contexte des changements politiques, économiques et écologiques. Bien que ces changements aient créé les conditions dans lesquelles les dozos se sont chargés de fonctions de sûreté nationale, ces conditions ne suffisent pas à expliquer comment ils en sont venus à constituer une force de l'ordre. L'auteur explore le sacrifice des dozos comme une «technologie de soi», selon les termes de Foucault, pour avancer qu'ils ont librement endossé des rôles de sûreté impliquant des responsabilités éthiques proches de celles implicitement contenues dans leurs chasses et leurs pratiques occultes. Il invoque Frankl et Laidlaw pour expliquer les aspects émotionnels et pratiques de cet auto-façonnage. L'analyse culturelle des rituels des dozoséclaircit la manière dont ils ont agi pour donner forme aux effets de l'économie et de l'écologie politiques sur leurs pratiques. [source]

Regional Fragmentation of Rain Forest in West Africa and Its Effect on Local Dung Beetle Assemblage Structure

BIOTROPICA, Issue 2 2009
Adrian L. V. Davis
ABSTRACT Data from Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire, for local dung beetle assemblages of rain forest, plantations, and savanna, suggest that a subset of the savanna fauna has expanded its range across the Eastern Guinean Forest ecoregion, presumably in response to its conversion from continuous rain forest into an archipelago of forest fragments within a disturbance matrix of less shady plantation and farmland vegetation that more resembles moist savanna. [source]