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Chicago Metropolitan Area (chicago + metropolitan_area)
Selected AbstractsEconomic Interdependence Within the Chicago Metropolitan Area: A Miyazawa AnalysisJOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE, Issue 2 2001Geoffrey J.D. Hewings The present study explores the nature and strength of economic interdependence between inner-city communities and suburbs within the Chicago metropolitan area. Employing Miyazawa's extended input-output framework, a multiregional model is used to investigate the interdependence of income formation and output generation. The metropolitan area is divided into four regions and particular attention is directed to predominantly minority areas on the south and west sides of the city of Chicago. The region-to-region impacts of trade flows and their associated multipliers proved to be far less important in determining the strength of interregional interdependence in contrast to income flows derived from journey-to-work movements. The interrelational income multiplier revealed considerable interdependence between regions although the strength of this interdependence was asymmetric. [source] Ethnic Communities and Ethnic Organizations Reconsidered: South-East Asians and Eastern Europeans in ChicagoINTERNATIONAL MIGRATION, Issue 2 2002Lorraine Majka A major debate continues about whether immigrants receive benefits by virtue of their attachment to ethnic communities and ethnic organizations. On one side of the controversy, a large body of literature suggests that the ethnic community, which often contains resources that promote immigrants' adaptation and assimilation, actually hinders adaptation because the resources of mainstream institutions are less accessible to immigrants (often because they are also minorities). On the opposite side of the argument, critics contend that the ethnic solidarity school emphasizes the positive effects of ethnic communities and ethnic organizations on immigrant populations, while ignoring many of the negative consequences of migrants' involvement in ethnic groups and ethnic institutions. The purpose of this article is to reconsider whether ethnic communities and ethnic institutions facilitate immigrants' socio-economic adaptation. Specifically, the study analyses the impact of ethnic organizations on public assistance utilization among South-East Asian and Eastern European refugees in the Chicago metropolitan area in the late 1980s. The paper proceeds in five stages. As a background to the overall study, the literature on ethnic communities and ethnic organizations is reviewed. This is followed by a discussion of the development of mutual assistance associations (MAAs) in the US. Third is a concise description of the data and methods. Fourth is a presentation of the results. The article concludes with an assessment of the implications of the findings and suggestions for future research. [source] Change in Motor Function and Risk of Mortality in Older PersonsJOURNAL OF AMERICAN GERIATRICS SOCIETY, Issue 1 2007Aron S. Buchman MD OBJECTIVES: To assess the association between change in motor function and mortality. DESIGN: Prospective, observational cohort study. SETTING: Approximately 40 retirement communities across the Chicago metropolitan area participating in the Rush Memory and Aging Project. PARTICIPANTS: Eight hundred thirty-seven community-based older persons without dementia. MEASUREMENTS: Change in composite measures of motor performance and muscle strength. RESULTS: During a mean follow-up of 2.2 years, 81 persons died. In a proportional hazards model adjusted for age, sex, education, and body mass index, each 1-unit increase in the level of baseline motor performance was associated with an approximately 10% decrease in risk of mortality (hazard ratio (HR)=0.901, 95% confidence interval (CI)=0.863,0.941), and each unit of annual increase in motor performance was associated with an approximately 11% decrease in the risk of mortality (HR=0.887, 95% CI=0.835,0.942). In a similar model, each 1-unit increase in the level of baseline strength was associated with an approximately 9% decrease in the risk of mortality (HR=0.906, 95% CI=0.859,0.957), and each 1-unit annual increase in strength was associated with an approximately 10% decrease in the risk of mortality (HR=0.898, 95% CI=0.809,0.996). These results were similar when men and women were analyzed separately and after controlling for physical activity, cognition, and chronic disorders. When motor performance and muscle strength were examined in a single model, only baseline and annual change in motor performance were associated with mortality. CONCLUSION: Level and rate of change in strength and motor performance are associated with mortality. The attenuation of the association between strength and mortality by motor performance suggests that motor function is not a unitary process and that its components may vary in their associations with adverse health consequences in older persons. [source] Economic Interdependence Within the Chicago Metropolitan Area: A Miyazawa AnalysisJOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE, Issue 2 2001Geoffrey J.D. Hewings The present study explores the nature and strength of economic interdependence between inner-city communities and suburbs within the Chicago metropolitan area. Employing Miyazawa's extended input-output framework, a multiregional model is used to investigate the interdependence of income formation and output generation. The metropolitan area is divided into four regions and particular attention is directed to predominantly minority areas on the south and west sides of the city of Chicago. The region-to-region impacts of trade flows and their associated multipliers proved to be far less important in determining the strength of interregional interdependence in contrast to income flows derived from journey-to-work movements. The interrelational income multiplier revealed considerable interdependence between regions although the strength of this interdependence was asymmetric. [source] Nail Matrix Arrest Following Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease: A Report of Five ChildrenPEDIATRIC DERMATOLOGY, Issue 1 2000Gina C. Clementz B.S. Nail matrix arrest has been associated with a variety of drug exposures and systemic illnesses, including infections, and may result in a variety of changes, including transverse ridging (Beau's lines) and nail shedding (onychomadesis). The association of HFMD with Beau's lines and onychomadesis has not been reported previously. Five children, ages 22 months,4 years, presented with Beau's lines and/or onychomadesis following physician-diagnosed HFMD by 3,8 weeks. Three of the five patients experienced fever with HFMD, and none had a history of nail trauma, periungual dermatitis, periungual vesicular lesions, or a significant medication intake history. All patients experienced HFMD within 4 weeks of one another, and all resided in the suburbs of the Chicago metropolitan area. In all patients the nail changes were temporary with spontaneous normal regrowth. The mechanism of the nail matrix arrest is unclear, but the timing and geographic clustering of the patients suggests an epidemic caused by the same viral strain. [source] |