Chestnut Trees (chestnut + tree)

Distribution by Scientific Domains

Kinds of Chestnut Trees

  • american chestnut tree

  • Selected Abstracts

    Modulation of activity of the adipocyte aquaglyceroporin channel by plant extracts

    M.-M. Cals-Grierson
    Synopsis The plasma membrane protein, aquaglyceroporin-7 (AQP7) is exclusively expressed in adipocytes and appears to be a channel for glycerol entry and exit. It is possible that by facilitating the opening of these channels, the loss of intracellular glycerol could be encouraged and thus reduce the size of the lipid reservoir. Human preadipocytes and mouse 3T3-L1 preadipocytes were induced to develop an adipocytic phenotype by culture in a semi-defined medium. After 7 days, the expression of AQP7 message had increased by 37-fold, a level which could be further up-regulated by troglitazone or retinoic acid or down-regulated by insulin. The mature adipocytes also expressed immunoreactive aquaporin (AQP) channel protein as assessed by immunocytochemistry and Western blot. The addition of adrenaline to the culture medium stimulated the release of glycerol (blockable by HgCl2). Plant extracts, with potential anti-cellulite properties, were tested for their effect on glycerol elimination. These included wild yam root (Dioscorea opposita), cocoa bean (Theobroma cacao), horse chestnut tree (Aesculus hippocastanum) seed and bark and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). Of these, D. opposita appeared to induce a dose-dependent glycerol release. The results show that our assay can help to identify modulators of AQP7 channel expression and activation in adipocytes. Résumé Le canal aquaglyceroporine 7 (AQP7) est la voie principale d'entrée et sortie du glycérol dans les adipocytes. Nous avons émis l'hypothèse que la stimulation de ces canaux pourrait augmenter la perte de glycérol des vésicules de stockage des graisses dans les adipocytes et diminuer ainsi le volume des adipocytes. Des pré-adipocytes humains et des pré-adipocytes murins (lignée 3T3 - L1) ont été mis en culture et induits à développer un phénotype d'adipocyte mature différencié. L'expression de l'ARNm AQP7 est multipliée par 37 dans les cellules matures comparativement aux cellules immatures. Le taux d'expression peut être modulé par l'addition de troglitazone, d'acide rétinoique ou d'insuline. Les deux types de cellules (adipocytes matures humains et murins) possèdent une immunoreactivité spécifique de AQP, visualisée par immunocytochimie et par analyse en « Western blot ». Certains actifs susceptibles de moduler le passage de glycérol (et /ou d'augmenter le nombre des canaux actifs) ont étéévalués. L'épinéphrine à 1 ,M (contrôle positif) entraîne une libération maximale de glycérol. Cette réponse est bloquée par HgCl2 (fermeture des canaux AQP7). Plusieurs extraits végétaux ayant un potentiel anti-cellulite ont étéévalués: un extrait de la racine de l'igname sauvage (D. opposita), un extrait de cacao (T. cacao), des extraits du noyau et de l'écorce de marronnier (A. hippocastanum) et un extrait de tomate (S. lycopersicum; fruit). Parmi eux, D. opposita a provoqué une libération de glycérol de manière dose-dépendente. Ces résultats montrent que ce test peut être utile à la recherche cosmétique, pour identifier de nouveaux modulateurs des canaux AQP7 adipocytaires. [source]

    Importance of Cryphonectria parasitica stromata production and intermediate-pigmented isolates in spread of Cryphonectria hypovirus 1 on grafted American chestnut trees

    FOREST PATHOLOGY, Issue 5 2008
    E. P. Hogan
    Summary Large, surviving American chestnut trees, grafted in 1980, were inoculated in 1982 and 1983 with four ,white' European (French and Italian) hypovirulent strains of Cryphonectria parasitica infected with Cryphonectria hypovirus 1 (CHV1). Spread of Italian CHV1-Euro7, indicated by nucleotide sequence analysis of CHV1 isolates, and a high level of blight control, occurred on these trees for over 20 years. However, the means by which CHV1 spreads and the possible role of stromata production in that spread are unknown. In this study, 249 C. parasitica isolates were recovered from stromata excised from natural cankers on the grafted trees and plated on an agar medium; 5.2% of the stromata yielded white phenotype isolates, 9.2% yielded intermediate-pigmented isolates (30,70% pigmentation) and the remainder were normal-pigmented isolates. For comparison, cankers artificially established on blight-free, forest-clear-cut American chestnut trees, following inoculation with three Italian white hypovirulent strains, were evaluated in a similar manner. Of 241 C. parasitica isolates recovered from stromata, 66.4% had a white colony phenotype, 19.1% had an intermediate-pigmented phenotype and the remainder were normal-pigmented isolates. For single conidia collected from stromata and plated, nearly equal frequencies of only white and intermediate-pigmented colony phenotypes were obtained. Following dsRNA extraction and electrophoresis, 21 of 33 intermediate-pigmented isolates were positive for CHV1. Some normal pigmented isolates also were positive for CHV1. Single-sporing a CHV1-positve, normal-pigmented, natural-canker, stroma isolate (Str 1) from the grafts resulted in several deeply red-orange pigmented (JR) isolates as well as some white isolates. The dsRNA in the JR isolate was extracted and cDNAs made by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for part of a region (p29) in ORF A. Nucleotide sequencing indicated 100% identity to CHV1 present in the inoculated Italian white strain, Ep 47. The results indicate that stromata production on the grafted trees may contribute to CHV1 spread, and the presence of CHV1 in intermediate-pigmented isolates and some normal pigmented isolates indicates these isolates, often overlooked, may be important in CHV1 spread and the high level of blight control on the grafted trees. [source]

    Seasonal effect on infection and development of lesions caused by Cryphonectria parasitica in Castanea sativa

    FOREST PATHOLOGY, Issue 4 2003
    L. Guérin
    Summary Seasonal variation in the development of chestnut blight, caused by Cryphonectria parasitica, was investigated by inoculating in situ chestnut trees and in vitro excised chestnut segments, at either monthly or 3-monthly intervals throughout 30 months. Inoculations were made with conidia and mycelium of a virulent isolate and with mycelium of a hypovirulent isolate. Conidial inoculations of living sprouts or excised segments between May and July resulted in the greatest incidence of infection whereas inoculations in autumn and winter, in vitro as well as in situ, did not reveal any visible disease. However, from these symptomless inoculated stems, C. parasitica was isolated 3 months after inoculation. Inoculations with the mycelium of the virulent isolate always resulted in lesions, except in January 1999, and the greatest rate of lesion development occurred for inoculations made in the spring and summer. There was a significant seasonal effect on lesion development. Lesions caused by the hypovirulent isolate, smaller than those caused by the virulent isolate, followed a similar seasonal pattern. The same seasonal variations were observed for inoculations in vitro of excised segments. Relative water content (RWC) of chestnut bark significantly varied with bark sampling date. The rate of lesion development in sprouts significantly correlated with average minimum (ATn) and maximum (ATx) temperatures and the sum of rainfall during inoculation period, with the rate of lesion development measured in excised segments 10 days after inoculation (R10d) and with RWC measured on the day of inoculation. In multiple regression models, variables ATx and R10d best explained variation in lesion development. Résumé La variation saisonnière du développement de la maladie du chancre causée par Cryphonectria parasitica a étéétudiée en réalisant, une fois par mois ou par trimestre pendant deux ans et demi, des inoculations de châtaigniers in situ et des inoculations in vitro de branches coupées. Les inoculations ont été réalisées avec des conidies et du mycélium d'un isolat virulent et avec du mycélium d'un isolat hypovirulent. En Mai et Juin, les inoculations conidiennes ont provoqué le taux d'infection le plus élevé, in situ et in vitro. A l'inverse, en automne et en hiver, ces inoculations n'ont pas causé de symptômes. Cependant C. parasitica a été réisolé 3 mois plus tard, sur ces tiges ne présentant aucune lésion. Les inoculations avec du mycélium ont toujours résulté en des lésions, excepté en Janvier 1999, et le développement des lésions (R1m) a été le plus rapide au printemps et en été. La date d'inoculation a eu un effet significatif sur l'extension des lésions. Le même effet saisonnier était observé sur le développement des lésions causées par l'isolat hypovirulent, plus petites que celles causées par l'isolat virulent. Les mêmes variations saisonnières de l'extension des lésions étaient observées in vitro sur tiges excisées. Un effet saisonnier significatif a été mis en évidence sur la teneur en eau relative des écorces de châtaignier (RWC). Le développement des lésions dans les tissus vivants était significativement corrélé avec les températures moyennes minimale (ATn) et maximale (ATx) et la somme des précipitations (SR) calculées sur chaque période d'incubation, avec le développement des lésions in vitro (R10d) et avec RWC. La variation saisonnière du développement des lésions était le mieux expliquée, par un modèle de régression multiple, par ATx et R10d pour l'isolat virulent, et par ATx pour l'isolat hypovirulent. Zusammenfassung Der jahreszeitlich bedingte Einfluß auf die Entstehung von Kastanienrindenkrebs, verursacht von Cryphonectria parasitica, wurde durch Inokulation von Kastanienbäumen in situ und durch Beimpfung von geschnittenen Triebsegmenten in vitro in monatlichen oder drei-monatlichen Intervallen über dreißig Monate untersucht. Zur Inokulation wurden Myzel und Konidien eines virulenten Isolates und Myzel eines hypovirulenten Isolates verwendet. Mit Konidien wurde zwischen Mai und Juni die größte Infektionshäufigkeit auf lebenden Sprossen oder Triebsegmenten erreicht, während Inokulationen im Herbst und Winter keine sichtbaren Symptome hervorriefen. Jedoch konnte C. parastica drei Monate nach Inokulation von lebenden Sprossen isoliert werden, auch wenn keine Läsion sichtbar war. Außer im Januar 1999 führte Inokulation mit Myzel des virulenten Isolates immer zu Läsionen. Am häufigsten traten Läsionen bei Inokulationen im Frühling und im Sommer auf. Der Einfluß des Inokulationszeitpunktes auf die Ausbildung von Läsionen war signifikant. Inokulationen mit dem hypovirulenten Isolat zeigten eine ähnliche jahreszeitliche Schwankung wie jene mit dem virulenten Isolat, führten aber zu kleineren Läsionen. Die gleichen jahreszeitlichen Variationen wurden bei in vitro Inokulation von Kastanientrieben beobachtet. Der relative Wassergehalt (RWC) der Borke variierte signifikant mit dem Beprobungszeitpunkt der Borke. Die Bildung von Läsionen an lebenden Sprossen korrelierte signifikant mit den durchschnittlichen Temperaturminima (ATn) und -maxima (ATx), mit der Gesamtregenmenge (SR) während der Inokulationsperiode, mit der Bildung von Läsionen an Triebsegmenten (R10d) und mit dem am Inokulationstag gemessenen RWC. In einem multiplen Regressionsanalysenmodell zeigte sich, dass die jahreszeitliche Schwankung der Ausbildung von Kastanienrindenkrebs beim virulenten Isolat am besten durch die Variablen ATx und R10d, beim hypovirulenen Isolat durch ATx erklärt wurde. [source]

    Incomplete movement of Cryphonectria hypovirus 1 within a vegetative compatibility type of Cryphonectria parasitica in natural cankers on grafted American chestnut trees

    FOREST PATHOLOGY, Issue 6 2002
    E. P. Hogan
    Summary American chestnut trees, grafted in 1980 from large survivors, were inoculated in 1982 and 1983 with four white (European) hypovirulent strains of Cryphonectria parasitica, infected with C. hypovirus 1 (CHV1); this hypovirus has been shown to be capable of moving rapidly within the mycelium of a vegetative compatibility (vc) type of C. parasitica in blight cankers. Using a 49-cell lattice plot, 17.8×17.8 cm, the spatial patterns and frequencies of white and pigmented isolates and white and pigmented vc types were investigated within superficial cankers on the grafts located outside the hypovirulent-strain-inoculated zone. Four of six cankers assayed contained white isolates, and three of the four had random spatial patterns of white isolates, based on join-count statistics. Vc tests, using pigmented isolates and pigmented single-spore colonies of white isolates, indicated that the majority of white and pigmented isolates recovered from each of two cankers assayed were in one vc type. White and pigmented lattice-plot cells of the same vc type were frequently in contact with each other, indicating incomplete movement of CHV1 within a vc type. Nine and 10 vc types were found in the two cankers; it is hypothesized that small, white vc type areas in each canker may be a source of CHV1 transmission to the major vc types. Based on join-count statistics, the spatial pattern of the single, major vc type in one canker was non-random (aggregated), whereas the other canker had a random major vc type pattern. White and pigmented in vitro variants (sectors) of C. parasitica, that resemble white and pigmented in vivo variants in spatial contact and vc compatibility, were intermediate hypovirulent and virulent on forest American chestnuts, and dsRNA positive and negative, respectively. Incomplete movement of CHV1 within a vc type could be a major cause of the prevalence of pigmented isolates in superficial cankers on chestnut trees. Résumé Des châtaigniers américains greffés en 1980 à partir de grands arbres survivants, ont été inoculés en 1982 et 1983 avec quatre souches blanches (européennes) hypovirulentes de Cryphonectria parasitica, infectées par l'hypovirus 1 (CHV 1). Cet hypovirus avait été montré capable de migrer rapidement dans le mycélium végétativement compatible (vc) de C. parasitica dans des chancres. Grâce un dispositif à 49 cellules (17,8×17,8 cm), la répartition spatiale et la fréquence des isolats blancs et pigmentés, et des GCV, ont étéétudiées dans des chancres superficiels chez les greffons, en dehors de la zone inoculée par les souches hypovirulentes. Quatre des six chancres étudiés contenaient des isolats blancs, dont la répartition spatiale était erratique chez trois d'entre eux. Les tests de compatibilité végétative, utilisant des isolats pigmentés et des colonies pigmentées mono-sporées d'isolats blancs, ont montré que la majorité des isolats blancs et des isolats colorés trouvés dans chacun des deux chancres analysés, était d'un seul type végétatif. Les cellules du dispositif, blanches ou pigmentées du même GCV, étaient fréquemment en contact, ce qui indique un mouvement incomplet de CHV1 dans un GCV. Neuf et dix GCV ont été trouvés dans les deux chancres et on avance l'hypothèse que de petites zones à GCV blancs dans chaque chancre peuvent être une source de transmission de CHV1 aux types végétatifs majoritaires. L'unique GCV majoritaire dans un des chancres n'était pas réparti au hasard (agrégé), mais il l'était dans l'autre chancre. Les variants blancs et pigmentés in vitro (secteurs) de C. parasitica, qui ressemblent aux variants blancs et pigmentés in vivo en contact spatial, étaient intermédiaires en hypovirulence et en virulence sur les châtaigniers américains, et respectivement positifs et négatifs pour le dsRNA. Un mouvement incomplet de CHV1 dans un GCV pourrait être la principale cause de la prévalence d'isolats pigmentés dans des chancres superficiels. Zusammenfassung Amerikanische Kastanien (Castanea dentata), die im Jahr 1980 von adulten überlebenden Exemplaren veredelt worden waren, wurden 1982 und 1983 mit vier unpigmentierten, hypovirulenten Stämmen von Cryphonectria parasitica aus Europa inokuliert, die mit dem Cryphonectria parasitica - hypovirus 1 (CHV 1) infiziert waren. Es war nachgewiesen, dass sich dieses Hypovirus rasch innerhalb des Myzels eines vc-Typs von C. parasitica in Krebsen ausbreiten konnte. Bei oberflächlichen Krebsen an veredelten Bäumen ausserhalb der mit dem hypovirulenten Stamm inokulierten Zone wurde auf einer 17,8×17,8 cm grossen Fläche (die in 49 Quadrate unterteilt wurde) die räumliche Verteilung und die Häufigkeit von unpigmentierten und pigmentierten Isolaten sowie der vc-Typen untersucht. Vier von sechs analysierten Krebsen enthielten weisse Isolate und drei davon zeigten zufällige Verteilungsmuster der Isolate (gemäss Joint-Count-Statistik). Vc-Tests mit pigmentierten Isolaten und pigmentierten Einzelsporkulturen von weissen Isolaten zeigten, dass die Mehrheit der weissen und der pigmentierten Isolate von zwei Krebsen zur gleichen vc-Gruppe gehörten. Weisse und pigmentierte Probepunkte mit dem gleichen vc-Typ waren häufig benachbart, was eine unvollständige Ausbreitung des CHV 1 innerhalb eines vc-Typs anzeigt. In den 2 Krebsen wurden 9 bzw. 10 vc-Typen nachgewiesen und es wird vermutet, dass kleine Bereiche mit weissem vc-Typ innerhalb eines Krebses als Reservoir für die Übertragung des Virus zu den dominanten vc-Typen fungieren können. Mit Hilfe der Joint-Count-Statistik wurde nachgewiesen, dass das räumliche Muster des einen, dominanten vc-Typs in einem Krebs nicht zufällig, sondern aggregiert war, während der andere Krebs ein zufälliges Verteilungsmuster der vc-Typen aufwies. Weisse und pigmentierte Varianten von C. parasitica, die in vitro auftraten (Sektoren), und die den weissen und pigmentierten Varianten sehr ähnlich sind, die in der Natur in räumlichem Kontakt zueinander auftreten, und die vegetativ kompatibel sind, zeigten in Feldversuchen auf C. sativa eine mittlere Hypovirulenz bzw. Virulenz. Ausserdem waren sie dsRNA positiv bzw. negativ. Die unvollständige Ausbreitung des CHV 1 innerhalb einer vc-Typs könnte das überwiegen pigmentierter Isolate in oberflächlichen Krebsen erklären. [source]

    Persistence of Cryphonectria hypoviruses after their release for biological control of chestnut blight in West Virginia forests

    FOREST PATHOLOGY, Issue 6 2002
    Y.-C. Liu
    Summary Although Cryphonectria hypoviruses have been relatively successful as biological control agents of chestnut blight in Europe, their success in North America has been limited. Experimental releases of hypoviruses were made in 1978,82 at two sites in West Virginia forests with high densities of regenerating chestnut trees. Cryphonectria hypovirus 1 (CHV-1) from Europe, as well as American isolates of Cryphonectria parasitica containing CHV-3, were used for these releases. Although most trees died during the 5-year release period, it was not known if the hypoviruses persisted in the C. parasitica population at the two sites. When the experimental plots were revisited in 1994, few chestnut trees were found. The exception was one plot containing coppice sprouts that had grown from the root collars of the original trees. The authors intensively sampled C. parasitica from experimental plots and screened recovered isolates for double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). None of the isolates contained CHV-1; only six isolates contained CHV-3, all from the plots with the coppice sprouts. CHV-4, which occurs naturally in West Virginia forests and in two released isolates, hybridized to dsRNA from the isolates containing CHV-3, indicating mixed infections. CHV-4 also hybridized to dsRNA from other isolates sampled inside and outside the treated plots. In contrast to CHV-1 and CHV-3, however, CHV-4 has little effect on the growth or phenotype of C. parasitica. The limited persistence of CHV-1 and CHV-3 may have resulted when the C. parasitica population was reduced in size due to the failure of chestnut trees to resprout because of competition from other hardwood species. Résumé Bien que les hypovirus de Cryphonectria aient remporté un réel succès comme agents de lutte biologique contre le chancre du châtaignier en Europe, leur succès en Amérique du nord a été limité. Des applications d'hypovirus ont été faites en 1978,1982 en Virginie de l'ouest dans deux sites forestiers à fortes densités de régénérations de châtaigniers. Le CHV-1 originaire d'Europe ainsi que des isolats américains contenant le CHV-3 ont été utilisés dans ces essais. Bien que la plupart des arbres soient morts pendant les cinq ans de l'application, on ne sait pas si les hypovirus ont persisté dans la population de Cryphonectria parasitica. Quand les parcelles expérimentales ont été revisitées en 1994, peu de châtaigniers ont été trouvés. Un site faisait exception qui était un taillis de rejets issu de racines de souches. Nous avons échantillonné intensivement le C. parasitica dans les placettes et le dsRNA a été examiné dans les isolats obtenus. Parmi tous les isolats provenant des placettes de taillis, aucun ne contenait CHV-1 et seulement six contenaient CHV-3. CHV-4 qui existe naturellement dans les forêts en Virginie de l'ouest et dans deux des isolats appliqués, s'hybridait avec le dsRNA d'autres isolats contenant CHV-3, ce qui indique des infections mixtes. CHV-4 s'hybridait aussi avec le dsRNA d'autres isolats recueillis dans ou au dehors des placettes traitées. Contrairement à CHV1 et à CHV-3, CHV-4 a cependant peu d'effet sur la croissance et le phénotype de C. parasitica. La persistance limitée de CHV-1 et de CHV-3 peut avoir résulté de la réduction de la population de C. parasitica par un manque de rejets de châtaigniers dûà la compétition avec les autres espèces de feuillus. Zusammenfassung Währenddem der Einsatz von Cryphonectria Hypoviren zur biologischen Bekämpfung des Kastanienrindenkrebses in Europa relativ erfolgreich war, stimmt dies in Nordamerika nur begrenzt. In West-Virginia wurden in den Jahren 1978,82 Hypoviren in Experimenten an zwei Waldstandorten mit hoher Dichte regenerierender Edelkastanien freigesetzt. Cryphonectria hypovirus 1 (CHV-1) von Europa und amerikanische Isolate von Cryphonectria parasitica, die CHV-3 enthielten, wurden für diese Freisetzungsversuche verwendet. Obschon die meisten Bäume während der fünfjährigen Freisetzungsperiode abstarben, war unklar, ob die Hypoviren in der C. parasitica Population überlebten. Als die Versuchsflächen im Jahre 1994 erneut aufgesucht wurden, konnten nur noch wenige Edelkastanien gefunden werden mit Ausnahme einer Fläche, auf der die Wurzelanläufe ursprünglicher Bäume Stockausschläge trugen. Zahlreiche C. parasitica Stämme wurden von den Versuchsflächen gewonnen und auf Besiedlung mit dsRNA untersucht. Keines der Isolate enthielt CHV-1; nur sechs Isolate, welche alle von der Fläche mit den Stockausschlägen stammten, enthielten CHV-3. CHV-4, das natürlich in den Wäldern West-Viriginias vorkommt und in zwei der freigesetzten Isolate vorhanden war, hybridisierte mit dsRNA aus den Isolaten, die CHV-3 enthielten, was auf eine Mischinfektion hindeutet. CHV-4 hybridisierte auch mit dsRNA aus anderen Isolaten, die innerhalb und ausserhalb der behandelten Versuchsflächen gesammelt wurden. Im Gegensatz zu CHV-1 und CHV-3 war der Einfluss von CHV-4 auf den Phänotyp von C. parasitica gering. Die begrenzte Persistenz von CHV-1 und CHV-3 wird möglicherweise durch die Abnahme der C. parasitica Population als Folge des Ausbleibens der Regeneration der Edelkastanie bedingt. Erschwerend für die Edelkastanien dürfte sich zudem die Konkurrenz mit anderen Laubhölzern auswirken. [source]

    Approaching risk assessment of complex disease development in horse chestnut trees: a chemical ecologist's perspective

    A. B. Johne
    Abstract The chemo-ecological predispositions were investigated for the development of a complex disease on the basis of an insect,fungus mutualism using the system of horse chestnuts (Aesculus hippocastanum and Aesculus x carnea), the horse chestnut leaf miner (Cameraria ohridella) and the biotrophic powdery mildew (Erysiphe flexuosa). Both C. ohridella and E. flexuosa can appear on the same horse chestnut leaf tissue simultaneously. The olfactory detection of fungal infection by the insect, its ability to discriminate the potentially mutualistic fungus from other fungi and the impact of fungal infection on insect oviposition were examined. Gas chromatography coupled with mass spectroscopic and electroantennographic detection by C. ohridella (GC-MS/EAD) was used to assess the olfactory detection of fungal-infected A. hippocastanum and A. x carnea leaves by C. ohridella. Infection-related compounds, such as benzyl alcohol, dodecane, tridecane and methyl salicylate as well as fungus-related C8 compounds, are perceived by C. ohridella. The discrimination of E. flexuosa from another phytopathogenic fungus, such as Guignardia aesculi, is based primarily on the differing pattern of C8 compounds of these fungi. Oviposition on fungal-infected leaves of A. hippocastanum and leaves treated with fungal-related compounds showed that C. ohridella is able to respond to the modifications in the leaf volatile profiles of horse chestnuts caused by the different fungal infections. Thus, from the perception point of view, the necessary predispositions for the development of a close insect,fungus relation between the biotrophic fungus E. flexuosa and the leaf-mining insect C. ohridella are fulfilled. However, decreased oviposition on infected leaves does not enhance the selective contact between the species. As a consequence, an important predisposition for forming an insect,fungus mutualism is not fulfilled by these two species and, according to this approach, the risk of forming a complex disease can be assessed as low. [source]

    Demography of American chestnut populations: effects of a pathogen and a hyperparasite

    JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, Issue 4 2004
    Summary 1Matrix models were used to evaluate the effect of chestnut blight infection on transition probabilities and population growth rates for American chestnuts. Disease-free, epidemic and recovering (i.e. pathogen infected with a double-stranded (ds) RNA hypovirus) populations were compared. 2Population growth rates (,) did not differ significantly over time or with disease status. However, predicted stable stage distributions differed between population types, with disease-free and recovering populations more similar to each other than either was to epidemic populations. 3Survival had the highest proportional contribution to population growth rates as revealed by elasticity analyses. However, reductions in stasis of the largest trees contributed most to reductions in population growth rate when comparing diseased with disease-free populations using LTRE. 4The presence of hypovirus reduces pathogen virulence, allowing individual American chestnut trees to increase in size. Where dsRNA has spread, chestnut populations in Michigan have attained population dynamics similar to those found in disease-free populations. 5Matrix models and life table response experiments can be used to detect important pathogen-mediated changes in the dynamics of host populations. [source]

    Effect of Chestnut Ink Disease on Photosynthetic Performance

    J. Gomes-Laranjo
    Abstract In order to evaluate the evolutionary impact of chestnut ink disease, infected trees (cv. Judia), were compared with non-infected trees, in three separate months: July, September and October. The aim of this work is to analyse the effects of the infection using parameters related to plant water relations, gas exchange and biometric data of leaves and fruits. In this period, temperatures decreased from 31 to 16°C contrarily to precipitation, which increased from 18 to 178 mm, respectively. In consequence, leaf water potential changed between ,1.6 and ,1.0 MPa while in infected plants the values maintained around ,1.2 MPa over the referred period. Nevertheless, at the gas exchanges level, differences in stomatal conductance, transpiration and photosynthesis were only detected in October. Concerning photosynthesis rate, the infected plants showed, in relation to September, a reduction around 35% whereas in non-infected plants the decline was 25%. Alterations in the chlorophyll contents were also observed between September and October. In infected plants reduction on total amount of chlorophyll was from 18.6 to 13.4 mg/Wf, while in non-infected plants values were only decayed from 15.1 to 13.1 mg/Wf. In relation to chlorophyll a/chlorophyll b ratio, plants infected by the oomycete preserved values in the level of 2.6, whereas in healthy plants values changed from 2.5 to 2.3. Leaves and fruits from infected chestnut trees were 13 and 20% smaller, respectively than those from non-infected. Fruits from infected plants also had less starch but more crude protein. [source]

    Limited Reintroduction Does Not Always Lead to Rapid Loss of Genetic Diversity: An Example from the American Chestnut (Castanea dentata; Fagaceae)

    Sarah A. M. Pierson
    Abstract In restoring species, reasons for introducing limited numbers of individuals at different locations include costs of introduction and maintenance, limited founder supply, and risk "bet hedging." However, populations initiated from few founders may experience increased genetic drift, inbreeding, and diversity loss. We examined the genetic diversity of an isolated stand of more than 5,000 American chestnut trees relative to that of the 9 surviving stand founders (out of 10 total) planted in the 1880s. We used minisatellite DNA probes to reveal 84 genetic markers (circa 24 loci) among the nine founders, and their genetic diversity was compared with three separate plots of descendant trees, as well as with two natural stands. The descendants were circa 7.3% more heterozygous than the founders (mean estimated H= 0.556 vs. 0.518, respectively; p < 0.0001). Genetic differentiation was not pronounced (FST < 0.031), and no markers, including those at low frequency among the founders, were lost in the descendants. The founders and natural transects were not significantly different in H or similarity (mean proportion of bands shared). Special planting or mating protocols for establishment of a vigorous American chestnut population from a low number of founders may not be required to avoid strong effects of genetic drift and inbreeding. These results demonstrate that loss of genetic diversity following reintroduction of a limited number of founders is not always inevitable, such as this case where the species is highly outcrossing, expression of heterozygous advantage may occur, the original founders remain as gene contributors over generations, and the establishing population expands constantly and rapidly. [source]