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Achievement Scores (achievement + score)
Selected AbstractsDo worker absences affect productivity?INTERNATIONAL LABOUR REVIEW, Issue 1 2008The case of teachers Abstract. This article studies the impact of teacher absences on education. Using data spanning three academic years about 285 teachers and 8,631 predominantly economically disadvantaged students from a United States urban school district, it tests assumptions that a substantial portion of teachers' absences is discretionary and that these absences reduce productivity , students' mathematics scores. Since absent teachers are typically replaced by less qualified substitutes, instructional intensity and consistency may decline: ten days of teacher absence reduce students' achievement score by about 3.3 per cent of a standard deviation , enough to lower some students' designation in the state proficiency system and, thus, their motivation to succeed. [source] Caterers' experiences and perceptions of implementing the 2006 school meal standardsJOURNAL OF HUMAN NUTRITION & DIETETICS, Issue 5 2008C.J. Weir Background:, School meal standards were introduced in 2006 (Department for Education and Skills) and caterers are expected to comply with these standards. No research has been conducted looking at the caterer's experiences and perceptions of implementing these standards. This area has 32 school meal provider organisations for 103 schools. Half the schools are with one provider and the others are, mostly, single-handed in-house operations, often managed by a local community member. The aim of the current study was to explore caterers' understanding of the school meal standards, the barriers to implementation, and proposed solutions, to inform local practice. Methods:, A combined quantitative and qualitative design was used. A questionnaire was used to assess understanding and implementation of the standards and distributed to all the catering provider organisations (n = 32), with a good response rate of 78% (n = 25). For each question about achievement of the ten food-based standards the responses were scored 0,4 where: 0 = ,Do not intend to achieve this standard'; to 4 = ,Fully achieved'. This gave a total standards achievement score for each catering provider organisation, where the minimum score that could be achieved was zero which indicated the minimum level of achievement and the maximum score which could be achieved was forty which indicated all ten standards fully achieved. Four focus group were undertaken involving 40 people who considered themselves to be in a management role within a catering provider organisation. Semi structured interviews were undertaken with 11 people (until saturation), using purposive sampling, to explore barriers and solutions to implementation of the standards in detail. Descriptive and appropriate inferential statistics (Fisher's Exact tests and independent samples t- tests) were performedon the datausingStatistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The process undertaken for the qualitative analysis was thematic analysis, and used analytic hierarchy (Richie & Lewis, 2003). Approval for this study was obtained from Leeds Metropolitan University ethics committee. Results:, The qualitative discussions led to caterers' identifying two main themes. These were: support from various groups, and the roles and responsibilities caterers believed these groups had and should be performing in order to achieve successful implementation of the standards ,Think it's good someone's shaken up school meals but who is doing the actually work , it's us isn't it'.(Semi structured interview respondent medium primary provider) ,I've found it really difficult as I'm on my own at the school, totally on my own without anyone to help'. (Focus group participant primary school group). The groups that caterers identified as those who had roles and responsibilities and who should be providing support were the ,whole school'; catering provider organisations; parents; the local authority; and, the broader environment/whole population. Caterers felt the standards had ,gone too far too soon' and did not allow choice. Caterers felt finances were a barrier, and that training was required across all sectors to achieve success. The standards implementation achievement score were statistically higher for caterers who had received formal training compared with those with only food and hygiene (P = 0.001); and, between caterers who provided to a secondary school as opposed to a primary school only (P = 0.034). There was a statistically significant relationship between providers and qualifications with those providing to secondary schools more likely to have had formal qualifications (P = 0.015). Discussion:, Caterers felt all those involved in schools and school meals needed to undertake their roles and responsibilities, to provide support, and, to implement the ethos of a whole school approach. The caterers in this study identified many barriers and practical obstacles either experienced or perceived to implementing the new school meals standards. Conclusions:, The results will be used to inform the Local Authority and Primary Care Trust to ensure the effective implementation of the school meal standards. There may be opportunity to transfer these results to other school caterers, and to develop support and training to assist implementation. [source] Relationship of Student Undergraduate Achievement and Personality Characteristics in a Total Web-Based Environment: An Empirical StudyDECISION SCIENCES JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE EDUCATION, Issue 2 2005Marc J. Schniederjans ABSTRACT Web-based education is a popular format for the delivery of college courses. Research has shown that it may not be the best form of education for all students. Today, many students (and student advisors) face a choice in course delivery format (i.e., Web-based or more traditional classroom courses). This research study examines the relationship between student personality characteristics and their achievement scores as a means of identifying predictors of academic success in an undergraduate business program using Web-based education. The results of the study show that four basic personality characteristics are highly correlated to student achievement in Web-based courses. Use of these personality characteristics as variables in a regression model is shown to be a highly accurate predictive tool to aid students in the decision as to whether to take a particular Web-based course format or a more traditional classroom course. [source] The role of resource, protective, and risk factors on academic achievement-related outcomes of economically disadvantaged Latino youthJOURNAL OF COMMUNITY PSYCHOLOGY, Issue 5 2003Hazel M. Prelow We examined the effects of cumulative risk, resource, and protective factors on the language and math achievement scores and school problem behaviors of a sample of 549 10,14-year-old, economically disadvantaged Latino youths. Findings indicated that as the number of risk factors increased, youth's language and math achievement scores decreased and school problem behaviors increased. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that each of the hypothesized resource variables (i.e., maternal monitoring, maternal academic involvement, socioemotional competence, and extracurricular activity) made a unique contribution to at least one achievement-related outcome, over and above the effects of cumulative risk. Moreover, maternal monitoring buffered the effects of multiple risk factors on language achievement scores. Contrary to expectations, higher levels of participation in extracurricular activities had a detrimental effect on male school problem behavior scores and was unrelated to girl's problem behavior scores. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Comm Psychol 31: 513,529, 2003. [source] Increasing the Reliability of Ability-Achievement Difference Scores: An Example Using the Kaufman Assessment Battery for ChildrenJOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL MEASUREMENT, Issue 1 2002John C. Caruso In this study, we focused on increasing the reliability of ability-achievement difference scores using the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (KABC) as an example. Ability-achievement difference scores are often used as indicators of learning disabilities, but when they are derived from traditional equally weighted ability and achievement scores, they have suboptimal psychometric properties because of the high correlations between the scores. As an alternative to equally weighted difference scores, we examined an orthogonal reliable component analysis, (RCA) solution and an oblique principal component analysis (PCA) solution for the standardization sample of the KABC (among 5- to 12-year-olds). The components were easily identifiable as the simultaneous processing, sequential processing, and achievement constructs assessed by the KABC. As judged via the score intercorrelations, all three types of scores had adequate convergent validity, while the orthogonal RCA scores had superior discriminant validity, followed by the oblique PCA scores. Differences between the orthogonal RCA scores were more reliable than differences between the oblique PCA scores, which were in turn more reliable than differences between the traditional equally weighted scores. The increased reliability with which the KABC differences are assessed with the orthogonal RCA method has important practical implications, including narrower confidence intervals around difference scores used in individual administrations of the KABC. [source] Standardized test outcomes for students engaged in inquiry-based science curricula in the context of urban reformJOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN SCIENCE TEACHING, Issue 8 2008Robert Geier Abstract Considerable effort has been made over the past decade to address the needs of learners in large urban districts through scaleable reform initiatives. We examine the effects of a multifaceted scaling reform that focuses on supporting standards based science teaching in urban middle schools. The effort was one component of a systemic reform effort in the Detroit Public Schools, and was centered on highly specified and developed project-based inquiry science units supported by aligned professional development and learning technologies. Two cohorts of 7th and 8th graders that participated in the project units are compared with the remainder of the district population, using results from the high-stakes state standardized test in science. Both the initial and scaled up cohorts show increases in science content understanding and process skills over their peers, and significantly higher pass rates on the statewide test. The relative gains occur up to a year and a half after participation in the curriculum, and show little attenuation with in the second cohort when scaling occurred and the number of teachers involved increased. The effect of participation in units at different grade levels is independent and cumulative, with higher levels of participation associated with similarly higher achievement scores. Examination of results by gender reveals that the curriculum effort succeeds in reducing the gender gap in achievement experienced by urban African-American boys. These findings demonstrate that standards-based, inquiry science curriculum can lead to standardized achievement test gains in historically underserved urban students, when the curriculum is highly specified, developed, and aligned with professional development and administrative support. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 45: 922,939, 2008 [source] |