Achievement Domains (achievement + domain)

Distribution by Scientific Domains

Selected Abstracts

Beyond Accountability and Average Mathematics Scores: Relating State Education Policy Attributes to Cognitive Achievement Domains

Laura M. Desimone
We found moderate correlations among four policy attributes (consistency, specificity, authority, and power), which suggest that in many states, at least in design, standards-based reform is working as advocates imagined,aligned content standards and assessments established, backed up by detailed guidelines and frameworks, incentivized by rewards and sanctions, and supported with extra resources and programs for struggling students and their teachers. Our findings suggest that specificity and authority may be related to improvements in procedural knowledge, and no change in problem solving or conceptual understanding, while power (accountability) may be associated with a small decrease in all types of learning. We found that disadvantaged students showed gains in procedural knowledge and did not lose ground in either conceptual understanding or problem solving. Implications for developing an improved theory of policy effects on achievement are discussed. [source]

Basic Personality Dispositions, Self-Esteem, and Personal Goals: An Approach-Avoidance Analysis

Sara A. Heimpel
ABSTRACT This research examined the hypothesis that self-esteem negatively predicts avoidance (relative to approach) personal goals, as well as the hypothesis that self-esteem mediates the link between indicators of approach and avoidance temperament and avoidance (relative to approach) personal goals. Study 1 established that self-esteem is indeed negatively related to avoidance (relative to approach) goals, even with social desirability concerns controlled. In Study 2, self-esteem was found to mediate the relation between Neuroticism (conceptualized as an indicator of avoidance temperament) and avoidance (relative to approach) personal goals. In Study 3, self-esteem was documented as a mediator of the relation between BAS and BIS sensitivity (conceptualized as indicators of approach and avoidance temperament, respectively) and avoidance (relative to approach) personal goals in the achievement domain. The implications of these findings for our understanding of basic personality dispositions, self-esteem, and personal goals are discussed. [source]

Self-esteem, academic self-concept, and aggression at school

Laramie D. Taylor
The present study explores the relation between academic self-concept, self-esteem, and aggression at school. Longitudinal data from a racially diverse sample of middle-school students were analyzed to explore how academic self-concept influenced the likelihood of aggressing at school and whether high self-concept exerted a different pattern of influence when threatened. Data include self-reported academic self-concept, school-reported academic performance, and parent-reported school discipline. Results suggest that, in general, students with low self-concept in achievement domains are more likely to aggress at school than those with high self-concept. However, there is a small sample of youth who, when they receive contradictory information that threatens their reported self-concept, do aggress. Global self-esteem was not found to be predictive of aggression. These results are discussed in the context of recent debates on whether self-esteem is a predictor of aggression and the use of a more proximal vs. general self-measure in examining the self-esteem and aggression relation. Aggr. Behav. 32:1,7, 2007. © 2006 Wiley-Liss; Inc. [source]

Cattell,Horn,Carroll cognitive-achievement relations: What we have learned from the past 20 years of research

Kevin S. McGrew
Contemporary Cattell,Horn,Carroll (CHC) theory of cognitive abilities has evolved over the past 20 years and serves as the theoretical foundation for a number of current cognitive ability assessments. CHC theory provides a means by which we can better understand the relationships between cognitive abilities and academic achievement, an important component of learning disabilities identification and instructional planning. A research synthesis of the extant CHC cognitive-achievement (COG-ACH) research literature is reported. Systematic and operationally defined research synthesis procedures were employed to address limitations present in the only prior attempted synthesis. Nineteen studies met the criteria for inclusion, which yielded 134 analyses. The 134 analyses were organized by three age groups (6,8, 9,13, and 14,19) and by four achievement domains (basic reading skills, reading comprehension, basic math skills, and math reasoning). The results reveal a much more nuanced set of CHC COG-ACH relations than was identified in the only prior review because of (a) breadth of cognitive abilities and measures (broad vs. narrow), (b) breadth of achievement domains (e.g., basic reading skills and reading comprehension vs. broad reading), and (c) developmental (age) status. The findings argue for selective, flexible, and referral-focused intelligence testing, particularly in the context of emerging Response to Intervention (RTI) assessment models. The results suggest that narrow CHC abilities should be the primary focus of instructionally relevant intelligence testing. Furthermore, the finding that more than 90% of the available research is based on the Woodcock,Johnson Battery argues for significant caution in generalizing the findings to other batteries. CHC-based COG-ACH research with other intelligence batteries is recommended. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. [source]