Cell Variants (cell + variants)

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Selected Abstracts

Fine-needle aspiration of synovial sarcoma: Criteria for diagnosis: Retrospective reexamination of 37 cases, including ancillary diagnostics.

A Scandinavian sarcoma group study
Abstract The cytologic criteria of synovial sarcoma in fine-needle aspirates were defined by a retrospective examination of 37 primary tumors. Irrespective of subtype, a typical pattern at low power was found, provided the yield was rich. The typical pattern was a mixture of dispersed cells with the presence of striped nuclei and cell-tight tumor tissue fragments with irregular borders. Often a branching network of vessels was present in the fragments, imitating a true vascular tumor. Except in poorly differentiated synovial sarcomas, the tumor cells were, small to medium in size, with rounded, ovoid, or fusiform bland nuclei with inconspicuous nucleoli. In the biphasic variant, small glandular- or acinar-like structures were present, although not in all cases. In the poorly differentiated type, however, the cellular pleomorphism was marked with the presence of cells with irregular nuclei and rhabdomyoblast-like cells, corresponding to the pleomorphic variant. The Ewing's sarcoma-like and the atypical spindle cell variants of poorly differentiated synovial sarcoma were not diagnosed in the material. An unequivocal diagnosis of sarcoma is possible when the yield is rich. However, ancillary diagnostics are necessary for a correct diagnosis, to avoid important pitfalls, such as other sarcomas with bland tumor cells and vessel-rich tumor fragments, in particular, solitary fibrous tumor and true hemangiopericytoma. Electron microscopic and/or molecular genetic analyses were better diagnostic adjuncts than immunocytochemistry. Diagn. Cytopathol. 2003;28:232,238. © 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Molecular-cytogenetic comparison of mucosa-associated marginal zone B-cell lymphoma and large B-cell lymphoma arising in the gastro-intestinal tract

Thomas F.E. Barth
Extranodal B-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) type may represent a model of lymphoma progression, because a small cell component frequently occurs in the large cell variants. We studied 52 extranodal B-cell lymphomas: 18 extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphomas of MALT type (MZBL,MT), 7 MZBL,MT of the gastro-intestinal tract with a diffuse large B-cell component (giMZBLplusLBCL), and 27 diffuse large B-cell lymphomas of the gastro-intestinal tract without small cell component (giLBCL). Analytical techniques were comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The translocation t(11;18) was found as the sole aberration in two MZBL,MT only. In contrast to this, t(11;18)-negative MZBL,MT were characterized by frequent gains on chromosome 3 and DNA amplifications on 2p13,p15. Furthermore, we found a clonal lymphoma progression from the small to the large cell component with accumulation of gains and losses of chromosomal material in the large cell component in giMZBLplusLBCL. Aberrations overlapping with MZBL,MT and giMZBLplusLBCL included losses on chromosome 13, amplifications of the REL proto-oncogene, or gains on chromosome 12. In addition, the large cell component revealed gains on 8q24, including amplifications of the MYC proto-oncogene, and losses on 2q. The giLBCL had frequent gains on chromosomes 12 and 9, as well as on 11q, and losses on 6q. We conclude that, based on the distinctive and partly overlapping patterns of genetic aberrations, MALT lymphomas can be divided into different genetic subgroups. © 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Different structural components of conventional papillary thyroid carcinoma display mostly identical BRAF status

Alexander Abrosimov
Abstract Activating BRAFT1799A mutation is closely associated with a papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) histotype. The transversion is frequently detected in the conventional type, Warthin-like and tall cell variants, but is rare in the follicular variant of PTC. Conventional PTC is often presented with tumors of mixed architecture, which besides the papillary structures also contain areas with follicular and solid morphology in which the details of BRAF mutational status are unknown. We set out to differentially investigate the presence of mutated BRAF in the individual structural components microdissected from 44 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded PTC tissues from 40 patients. The mutation was detected in at least 1 structural component in 23 tumors (52%). Different structural components of the same tumor had identical BRAF status in 41/44 tumors (93%). In 3 tumors the BRAFT1799A mutation was found only in the papillary, but not in the follicular component. Mutational patterns identical to those in the primary tumors were found in 11/12 lymph node metastases (92%, including both BRAFT1799A -positive and -negative cases). The high concordance of the BRAF mutational status in structurally distinct areas suggests a rather homogeneous distribution of neoplastic epithelial cells in a conventional PTC tumor in most cases. These results imply the reliability of preoperative molecular diagnosis of PTC regardless of the type of tumor component at the site of biopsy sampling and suggest that the majority of patients with BRAF mutation-positive PTC may benefit from the targeted pharmacotherapy. © 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Loss of intercellular adhesion activates a transition from low- to high-grade human squamous cell carcinoma

Alexander Margulis
Abstract The relationship between loss of intercellular adhesion and the biologic properties of human squamous cell carcinoma is not well understood. We investigated how abrogation of E-cadherin-mediated adhesion influenced the behavior and phenotype of squamous cell carcinoma in 3D human tissues. Cell-cell adhesion was disrupted in early-stage epithelial tumor cells (HaCaT-II-4) through expression of a dominant-negative form of E-cadherin (H-2Kd -Ecad). Three-dimensional human tissue constructs harboring either H-2Kd -Ecad-expressing or control II-4 cells (pBabe, H-2Kd -Ecad,C25) were cultured at an air-liquid interface for 8 days and transplanted to nude mice; tumor phenotype was analyzed 2 days and 2 and 4 weeks later. H-2Kd -Ecad-expressing tumors demonstrated a switch to a high-grade aggressive tumor phenotype characterized by poorly differentiated tumor cells that infiltrated throughout the stroma. This high-grade carcinoma revealed elevated cell proliferation in a random pattern, loss of keratin 1 and diffuse deposition of laminin 5 ,2 chain. When II-4 cell variants were seeded into type I collagen gels as an in vitro assay for cell migration, we found that only E-cadherin-deficient cells detached, migrated as single cells and expressed N-cadherin. Function-blocking studies demonstrated that this migration was matrix metalloproteinase-dependent, as GM-6001 and TIMP-2, but not TIMP-1, could block migration. Gene expression profiles revealed that E-cadherin-deficient II-4 cells demonstrated increased expression of proteases and cell-cell and cell-matrix proteins. These findings showed that loss of E-cadherin-mediated adhesion plays a causal role in the transition from low- to high-grade squamous cell carcinomas and that the absence of E-cadherin is an important prognostic marker in the progression of this disease. © 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Alterations in Mitochondrial and Apoptosis-regulating Gene Expression in Photodynamic Therapy-resistant Variants of HT29 Colon Carcinoma Cells,

Xiao Yun Shen
ABSTRACT Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a novel cancer therapy inducing irreversible photodamage to tumor tissue via photosensitizer-mediated oxidative cytotoxicity. The cellular and molecular responses associated with PDT are only partially understood. We have reported previously the generation of several photosensitizer-specific PDT-resistant cell variants of HT29 human colon adenocarcinoma cells by selecting cells from sequential PDT treatment using different photosensitizers. In this report, we describe the use of messenger RNA (mRNA) differential display to identify genes that were differentially expressed in the parental HT29 cells compared with their resistant variants. In comparison with parental HT29 cells, mRNA expression was increased in the PDT-resistant cell variants for BNIP3, estrogen receptor-binding fragmentassociated gene 9, Myh-1c, cytoplasmic dynein light chain 1, small membrane protein I and differential dependent protein. In contrast, expression in the PDT-resistant variants was downregulated for NNX3, human HepG2 3,region Mbol complementary DNA, glutamate dehydrogenase, hepatomaderived growth factor and the mitochondrial genes coding for 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) dehydrogenase subunit 4. The reduction for mitochondrial 16S rRNA in the PDT-resistant variants was confirmed by Northern blotting, and the elevated expression of the proapoptotic BNIP3 in the PDT-resistant variants was confirmed by Northern and Western blotting analysis. We also examined the expression of some additional apoptosis-regulating genes using Western blotting. We show an increased expression of Bcl-2 and heat shock protein 27 and a downregulation of Bax in the PDT-resistant variants. In addition, the mutant p53 levels in the parental HT29 cells were reduced substantially in the PDT-resistant variants. We suggest that the altered expression in several mitochondria1 and apoptosisregulating genes contributes to PDT resistance. [source]