Cell Subtypes (cell + subtype)

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Selected Abstracts

Zinc and copper plasma levels in Icelandic horses with Culicoides hypersensitivity

Summary Zinc concentration has been shown to have a potent immunomodulatory capacity, particularly influencing T helper cell organisation and cytokine secretion. Culicoides hypersensitivity (CHS) in horses resembles the early and late phase of type I hypersensitive reactions in man, characterised by a shift from T helper cell subtype 1 to T helper cell subtype 2 cytokine profile. In this pilot study, zinc and copper levels were measured in the plasma of 48 CHS-affected and 56 healthy Icelandic horses age 4,25 years (mean , 11 years) kept on 7 farms. Affected horses were divided into 3 groups according to the severity of disease. Time of blood collection and feeding management was constant. No differences in zinc or copper plasma levels and plasma copper/zinc ratio were determined among CHS horses and controls by univariate analysis of variance. Therefore, the most significant influences on zinc and copper plasma levels were affected by the location of housing. However, Spearman correlation showed a negative coefficient between the plasma zinc concentration and the severity of CHS (r =,0.31). Due to a probability value of P = 0.002 the null hypothesis r = 0 is rejected, although only 9% of the total variation of plasma zinc is presently explained by its relationship to CHS. In contrast, the Spearman correlation coefficient between plasma copper levels and severity of CHS was not significant (r =,0.14; P = 0.16). The minor deviations in plasma zinc concentrations in association with the severity of CHS may be real or due to neurohumoral or cytokine-mediated mechanisms, but appear too minimal to be relevant. [source]

Prolymphocytic leukaemia of B- and T-cell subtype: a state-of-the-art paper

M. Dungarwalla
Abstract Prolymphocytic leukaemias of B and T cell subtype are rare diseases. Despite recent advances in immunophenotyping and molecular cytogenetics, leading to a better understanding of the underlying cell biology of the prolymphocytic leukaemias, prognosis for these patients remains poor. Purine analogues and monoclonal antibodies have shown efficacy in B-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia although further studies are warranted. Monoclonal antibody therapy with alemtuzumab has significantly improved outcome in T-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia (T-PLL) but responses are still transient and further disease progression is inevitable. While allogeneic stem cell transplant is an attractive option, due to the older age group of T-PLL patients the morbidity and mortality associated with the procedure is significant. [source]

Perplexing Pax: From puzzle to paradigm

Judith A. Blake
Abstract Pax transcription factors are critical for the development of the central nervous system (CNS) where they have a biphasic role, initially dictating CNS regionalization, while later orchestrating differentiation of specific cell subtypes. While a plethora of expression, misexpression, and mutation studies lend support for this argument and clarify the importance of Pax genes in CNS development, less well understood, and more perplexing, is the continued Pax expression in the adult CNS. In this article we explore the mechanism of action of Pax genes in general, and while being cognizant of existing developmental data, we also draw evidence from (1) adult progenitor cells involved in regeneration and tissue maintenance, (2) specific expression patterns in fully differentiated adult cells, and (3) analysis of direct target genes functioning downstream of Pax proteins. From this, we present a more encompassing theory that Pax genes are key regulators of a cell's measured response to a dynamic environment. Developmental Dynamics 237:2791,2803, 2008. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

The cells of the rabbit meniscus: their arrangement, interrelationship, morphological variations and cytoarchitecture

Four major morphologically distinct classes of cells were identified within the adult rabbit meniscus using antibodies to cytoskeletal proteins. Two classes of cell were present in the fibrocartilage region of the meniscus. These meniscal cells exhibited long cellular processes that extended from the cell body. A third cell type found in the inner hyaline-like region of the meniscus had a rounded form and lacked projections. A fourth cell type with a fusiform shape and no cytoplasmic projections was found along the superficial regions of the meniscus. Using a monoclonal antibody to connexin 43, numerous gap junctions were observed in the fibrocartilage region, whereas none were seen in cells either from the hyaline-like or the superficial zones of the meniscus. The majority of the cells within the meniscus exhibited other specific features such as primary cilia and 2 centrosomes. The placement of the meniscal cell subtypes as well as their morphology and architecture support the supposition that their specific characteristics underlie the ability of the meniscus to respond to different types of environmental mechanical loads. [source]

Plasma cell subtypes in bone marrow biopsies from patients without plasma cell dyscrasia

G. M. Markey
First page of article [source]

The immunological monitoring of alloreactive responses in liver transplant recipients: A review

Raymond Reding
The aim of this work is to review the current knowledge in the field of immunological monitoring of allogenic responsiveness in clinical liver transplantation. When compared to other solid-organ transplants, liver allografts are considered as immunologically privileged, and, accordingly, constitute a favorable setting to develop experimental as well as clinical strategies for minimization of immunosuppression and even induction of operational tolerance. The validation of simple, reliable, noninvasive assays exploring antidonor alloreactivity will constitute a crucial step toward implementing such approaches in the clinic. In contrast to research in rodents claiming the development of donor-specific tolerance in case of graft survivals of over 100 days without immunosuppression, it is impractical to confirm tolerance induction in this way in humans. Promising candidate assays include the detection of post-transplant immune deviation, of circulating precursors of dendritic cells subtypes, and of regulatory T cells. A conceptual framework for the development of tolerance assays in clinical liver transplantation is also proposed. Liver Transpl 12:373,383, 2006. © 2006 AASLD. [source]