Cells Alone (cell + alone)

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Selected Abstracts

Flow cytometry with gold nanoparticles and their clusters as scattering contrast agents: FDTD simulation of light,cell interaction

Stoyan Tanev
Abstract The formulation of the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) approach is presented in the framework of its potential applications to in-vivo flow cytometry based on light scattering. The consideration is focused on comparison of light scattering by a single biological cell alone in controlled refractive-index matching conditions and by cells labeled by gold nanoparticles. The optical schematics including phase contrast (OPCM) microscopy as a prospective modality for in-vivo flow cytometry is also analyzed. The validation of the FDTD approach for the simulation of flow cytometry may open up a new avenue in the development of advanced cytometric techniques based on scattering effects from nanoscale targets. (© 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) [source]

Mesenchymal stem cells enhance growth and metastasis of colon cancer

Kei Shinagawa
Abstract Recently, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were reported to migrate to tumor stroma as well as injured tissue. We examined the role of human MSCs in tumor stroma using an orthotopic nude mice model of KM12SM colon cancer. In in vivo experiments, systemically injected MSCs migrated to the stroma of orthotopic colon tumors and metastatic liver tumors. Orthotopic transplantation of KM12SM cells mixed with MSCs resulted in greater tumor weight than did transplantation of KM12SM cells alone. The survival rate was significantly lower in the mixed-cell group, and liver metastasis was seen only in this group. Moreover, tumors resulting from transplantation of mixed cells had a significantly higher proliferating cell nuclear antigen labeling index, significantly greater microvessel area and significantly lower apoptotic index. Splenic injection of KM12SM cells mixed with MSCs, in comparison to splenic injection of KM12SM cells alone, resulted in a significantly greater number of liver metastases. MSCs incorporated into the stroma of primary and metastatic tumors expressed ,-smooth muscle actin and platelet-derived growth factor receptor-, as carcinoma-associated fibroblast (CAF) markers. In in vitro experiments, KM12SM cells recruited MSCs, and MSCs stimulated migration and invasion of tumor cells through the release of soluble factors. Collectively, MSCs migrate and differentiate into CAFs in tumor stroma, and they promote growth and metastasis of colon cancer by enhancing angiogenesis, migration and invasion and by inhibiting apoptosis of tumor cells. [source]

Kojic acid reduces the cytotoxic effects of sulfur mustard on cultures containing human melanoma cells in vitro

C. N. Smith
Abstract In vivo experiments have shown that melanocytes are more sensitive than keratinocytes to the cytotoxic effects of sulfur mustard when it is applied topically to pig skin.1 It has been hypothesized that this is caused by the uncoupling of the melanogenic pathway by depletion of cellular glutathione, resulting in the uncontrolled production of cytotoxic quinone free-radical species by tyrosinase.2. In the present study, the feasibility of blocking the melanogenic pathway as a means of reducing the cytotoxicity of sulfur mustard was evaluated using kojic acid. Kojic acid is a topically applied depigmenting agent that exerts its effect by acting as a slow-binding, competitive inhibitor of tyrosinase.3 Preincubation of G361 pigmented melanoma cells and mixed cultures of G361 cells and SVK keratinocytes with 2.5 mM kojic acid resulted in significant increases in the viability of these cultures as determined by neutral red (NR) and gentian violet (GV) dye binding assays for up to 48 h following exposure to 50 µM sulfur mustard. The highest levels of protection were seen in the G361 cultures, with a 26.8% increase in culture viability (NR assay) compared with the sulfur-mustard-only controls at 24 h. Preincubation of SVK cells alone with kojic acid resulted in lower increases in viability (2.5% at 24 h by the NR assay). Inhibition of the melanogenic pathway reduces the sensitivity of cultures containing pigment cells to sulfur mustard. © Crown copyright 2001. Reproduced with the permission of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

MLO-Y4 Osteocyte-Like Cells Support Osteoclast Formation and Activation,

S. Zhao
Abstract Osteocytes are terminally differentiated cells of the osteoblast lineage that have become embedded in mineralized matrix and may send signals that regulate bone modeling and remodeling. The hypothesis to be tested in this study is that osteocytes can stimulate and support osteoclast formation and activation. To test this hypothesis, an osteocyte-like cell line called MLO-Y4 and primary murine osteocytes were used in coculture with spleen or marrow cells. MLO-Y4 cells support osteoclast formation in the absence of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OD)2D3] or any other exogenous osteotropic factor. These cells alone stimulate osteoclast formation to the same extent or greater than adding 1,25(OH)2D3. Coaddition of 1,25(OH)2D3 with MLO-Y4 cells synergistically increased osteoclast formation. Optimal osteoclast formation and pit formation on dentine was observed with 200,1000 MLO-Y4 cells per 0.75-cm2 well. No osteoclast formation was observed with 2T3, OCT-1, or MC3T3-E1 osteoblast cells (1000 cells/well). Conditioned media from the MLO-Y4 cells had no effect on osteoclast formation, indicating that cell contact is necessary. Serial digestions of 2-week-old mouse calvaria yielded populations of cells that support osteoclast formation when cocultured with 1,25(OH)2D3 and marrow, but the population that remained in the bone particles supported the greatest number of osteoclasts with or without 1,25(OH)2D3. To examine the mechanism whereby these cells support osteoclast formation, the MLO-Y4 cells were compared with a series of osteoblast and stromal cells for expression of macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF), RANKL, and osteoprotegerin (OPG). MLO-Y4 cells express and secrete large amounts of M-CSF. MLO-Y4 cells express RANKL on their surface and their dendritic processes. The ratio of RANKL to OPG mRNA is greatest in the MLO-Y4 cells compared with the other cell types. RANK-Fc and OPG-Fc blocked the formation of osteoclasts by MLO-Y4 cells. These studies suggest that both RANKL and OPG may play a role in osteocyte signaling, OPG and M-CSF as soluble factors and RANKL as a surface molecule that is functional in osteocytes or along their exposed dendritic processes. [source]

Induction of Oxidative DNA Damage in the Peri-Infarct Region After Permanent Focal Cerebral Ischemia

Tetsuya Nagayama
Abstract: To address the role of oxidative DNA damage in focal cerebral ischemia lacking reperfusion, we investigated DNA base and strand damage in a rat model of permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO). Contents of 8-hydroxyl-2,-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) and apurinic/apyrimidinic abasic sites (AP sites), hallmarks of oxidative DNA damage, were quantitatively measured in nuclear DNA extracts from brains obtained 4-72 h after MCAO. DNA single- and double-strand breaks were detected on coronal brain sections using in situ DNA polymerase I-mediated biotin-dATP nick-translation (PANT) and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end-labeling (TUNEL), respectively. Levels of 8-OHdG and AP sites were markedly elevated 16-72 h following MCAO in the frontal cortex, representing the peri-infarct region, but levels did not significantly change within the ischemic core regions of the caudateputamen and parietal cortex. PANT- and TUNEL-positive cells began to be detectable 4-8 h following MCAO in the caudate-putamen and parietal cortex and reached maximal levels at 72 h. PANT- and TUNEL-positive cells were also detected 16-72 h after MCAO in the lateral frontal cortex within the infarct border, where many cells also showed colocalization of DNA single-strand breaks and DNA fragmentation. In contrast, levels of PANT-positive cells alone were transiently increased (16 h after MCAO) in the medial frontal cortex, an area distant from the infarct zone. These data suggest that within peri-infarct brain regions, oxidative injury to nuclear DNA in the form of base and strand damage may be a significant and contributory cause of secondary expansion of brain damage following permanent focal ischemia. [source]

Tissue targeting of anti-RNP autoimmunity: Effects of T cells and myeloid dendritic cells in a murine model

Eric L. Greidinger
Objective To explore the role of immune cells in anti-RNP autoimmunity in a murine model of pneumonitis or glomerulonephritis, using adoptive transfer techniques. Methods Donor mice were immunized with 50 ,g of U1,70-kd small nuclear RNP fusion protein and 50 ,g of U1 RNA adjuvant. Whole splenocytes as well as CD4+ cell and dendritic cell (DC) subsets from the immunized mice were infused into naive syngeneic recipients. Anti-RNP and T cell responses were assessed by immunoblotting, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and flow cytometry. Development of renal or lung disease was assessed by histology and urinalysis. Results Unfractionated splenocytes from donor mice without proteinuria induced predominantly lung disease in recipients (8 [57%] of 14 versus 2 [14%] of 14 developing renal disease; P = 0.046). However, infusion of CD4+ cells from donors without proteinuria induced renal disease more frequently than lung disease (7 [70%] of 10 versus 2 [20%] of 10; P = 0.01); adoptive transfer of RNP+CD4+ T cells from short-term culture yielded similar results (renal disease in 8 [73%] of 11 recipients versus lung disease in 3 [27%] of 11). Cotransfer of splenic myeloid DCs and CD4+ T cells from immunized donors prevented induction of renal disease in all 5 recipients (P = 0.026 versus recipients of fresh CD4+ cells alone), although lung disease was still observed in 1 of 5 mice. Transfer of myeloid DCs alone from immunized donors induced lung disease in 3 (60%) of 5 recipients, without evidence of nephritis. Cotransfer of splenocytes from mice with and those without nephritis led to renal disease in 4 of 5 recipients, without evidence of lung disease. Conclusion These findings indicate that RNP+CD4+ T cells are sufficient to induce anti-RNP autoimmunity, tissue targeting in anti-RNP autoimmunity can be deviated to either a renal or pulmonary phenotype depending on the presence of accessory cells such as myeloid DCs, and DC subsets can play a role in both propagation of autoimmunity and end-organ targeting. [source]

Bis(1H -indol-2-yl)methanones are effective inhibitors of FLT3-ITD tyrosine kinase and partially overcome resistance to PKC412A in vitro

Florian Heidel
Summary Inhibition of the mutated fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3) receptor tyrosine kinase is a promising therapeutic strategy in acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). However, development of resistance to FLT3 tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI), such as PKC412A, has been described recently. This observation may have an increasing impact on the duration of response and relapse rates in upcoming clinical trials employing FLT3-TKI. Herein we investigated two representatives of a novel class of FLT3-TKI: Bis(1H -indol-2-yl)methanones. Both compounds effectively induced apoptosis in FLT3-internal tandem duplicate (ITD)-transfected murine myeloid cells and in primary FLT3-ITD positive blasts. Combination of both compounds with chemotherapy revealed synergistic effects in apoptosis assays. The compounds did not show significant toxicity in human bone marrow cells derived from healthy donors. Compound102 overcame resistance to PKC412 within a non-myelotoxic dose-range. Western Blotting experiments of 32D-FLT3-ITD cells showed dose-dependent dephosphorylation of FLT3-ITD and of its downstream targets STAT5, AKT and ERK upon incubation with either compound. In conclusion, bis(1H -indol-2-yl)methanones overcome resistance mediated by FLT3-ITD mutations at position N676 and show strong efficacy in FLT3-ITD-positive cells alone as well as in combination with chemotherapy. We propose that further development of methanone compounds overcoming resistance to currently established FLT3-TKIs is an important step forward to an anticipated need within our future therapeutic algorithm in FLT3-ITD-positive AML. [source]

The in vitro response of human retinal endothelial cells to cytokines and other chemically active agents is altered by coculture with vitreous-derived hyalocytes

Naoki Tojo
Abstract. Background:, Ocular angiogenesis is regulated by polypeptides including cytokines, which are known to affect vascular endothelial cells. We have reported that hyalocytes interact with vascular endothelial cells, and some cytokines affect these interactions. Aims:, To determine the effect of various chemically active agents on the viability of endothelial cells alone and cocultured with hyalocytes. Methods:, The viability of human retinal endothelial cells (HRECs) was determined after exposure to IL-1,, IL-1,, IL-6, TNF, and VEGF using the MTT assay. These results were compared to the viability when the HRECs were cocultured with porcine hyalocytes that had been exposed to different types of cytokines. The effects of bevacizumab, fenofibrate and dexamethasone on the viability of HRECs in coculture with hyalocytes were also assessed. Results:, Ten micrograms/millilitre of bevacizumab decreased the percentage of living HRECs stimulated by VEGF without hyalocytes, but with the hyalocytes, 100 ,g/ml of bevacizumab was required to decrease the percentage of viable HRECs stimulated by VEGF. Fenofibrate, at 5 ,g/ml, decreased the viability of HRECs stimulated by IL-1, and VEGF without hyalocytes but could not decrease the viability of HRECs cocultured with hyalocytes. Dexamethasone, at 50 ,g/ml, decreased the viability of HRECs stimulated by IL-1,, IL-1,, IL-6 and VEGF without hyalocytes but could not decrease the viability of HRECs cocultured. Conclusions:, Coculturing HRECs with vitreous-derived hyalocytes depressed the effects of cytokines, bevacizumab, fenofibrate and dexamethasone. This suggests that the vitreal hyalocytes may play a role in pathogenic endothelial cell proliferation in vivo. Future studies to better understand this pathobiology should utilize coculture systems of HRECs and vitreal hyalocytes. [source]