Cardiac Side Effects (cardiac + side_effects)

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Selected Abstracts

Development of the Thyroid Hormone Receptor ,-Subtype Agonist KB-141 : A Strategy for Body Weight Reduction and Lipid Lowering with Minimal Cardiac Side Effects

Gary J. Grover
ABSTRACT Few treatments for obesity exist and improvements for treatment of hyperlipidemia are still desirable. Thyroid hormone receptors (TRs) regulate body weight, adiposity, and cholesterol levels. However, thyroid hormones can have deleterious effects, particularly cardiac acceleration, that limits the use of hormones in the treatment of obesity. There is evidence that the TR, subtype mediates lowering of blood cholesterol levels and possibly elevation of metabolic rate, whereas TR, appears to control heart rate. In studies, described in this review article, we examined the effects of selective TR, activation on metabolic rate and heart rate in mice, rats and monkeys. T3 had a greater effect on increasing heart rate in wild type (WT) than in TR,-/- mice (ED15 values of 34 and 469 nmol/kg/day, respectively). T3 increased metabolic rate (MVO2) in both WT and TR,-/- mice, but the effect on TR,-/- mice was less pronounced compared to WT mice. Stimulation of MVO2 is mediated by both TR, and TR,, but with different profiles. In cholesterol-fed rats, KB-141, a selective TR, agonist, increased MVO2 with a 10-fold selectivity and lowered cholesterol with a 27-fold selectivity vs. tachycardia. In primates, KB-141 caused significant, cholesterol, Lp(a) and body weight reduction after 1 week of treatment with no effect on heart rate. These data suggest that selective TR, agonists may represent a novel class of drugs for the treatment of obesity, hypercholesterolemia and elevated Lp(a), which may make them useful therapeutics for patients with metabolic syndrome. [source]

Cardiac side effects of psychiatric drugs,

Paul Mackin
Abstract This review describes the common effects of psychotropic drugs on the cardiovascular system and offers guidance for practical management. Selected reports from the literature describing common side effects associated with psychotropic drugs are reviewed, and suggestions for further reading are given throughout the text. Orthostatic hypotension is the most common adverse autonomic side effect of antipsychotic drugs. Among the atypical antipsychotics the risk of orthostatic hypotension is highest with clozapine and among the conventional drugs the risk is highest with low potency agents. Rarely, orthostatic hypotension may result in neurocardiogenic syncope. QTc prolongation can occur with all antipsychotics but an increased risk is seen with pimozide, thioridazine, sertindole and zotepine. QTc prolongation is a marker of arrhythmic risk. Torsade de pointe, a specific arrhythmia, may lead to syncope, dizziness or ventricular fibrillation and sudden death. Heart muscle disease presents most commonly in the elderly as chronic heart failure, but myocarditis and cardiomyopathy, although relatively rare, are devastating, but potentially reversible complications of psychotropic drug therapy have been particularly linked to clozapine treatment. Patients with severe mental illness (SMI) are a ,high risk' population with regard to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. It is probable that many patients accumulate an excess of ,traditional' risk factors for the development of cardiovascular disease, but other mechanisms including psychotropic drugs may also be influential in increasing risk in this vulnerable group. These risks need to be seen in the context of the undoubted therapeutic efficacy of the psychotropic armamentarium and the relief that these drugs bring to those suffering from mental disorder. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Domperidone versus cisapride in the treatment of infant regurgitation and increased acid gastro-oesophageal reflux: a pilot study

Badriul Hegar
Abstract Aim: Although domperidone is used frequently to treat infant regurgitation, efficacy data are scarce. Cisapride was previously used in the same indication. Methods: Domperidone and cisapride were compared in an investigator-blinded, prospective comparative trial by evaluating (a) the frequency of regurgitation, (b) acid reflux and (c) cardiac side effects in infants regurgitating >4 times/day since >2 weeks and with reflux-associated symptoms of discomfort, after conservative treatment failure. Results: Within the first treatment week, the frequency of regurgitation decreased in both groups, more rapidly in the cisapride group: the median regurgitation decreased from 6.22 to 3.50 in the cisapride group versus from 4.80 to 3.70 in the domperidone group. The decrease in regurgitation was still significant after 1 month: cisapride from 6.22 to 1.55 versus domperidone from 4.80 to 1.25. However, the natural decrease in the incidence of regurgitation induced by age should also be considered. The median reflux index decreased after 1 month in the cisapride group from 3.60 to 1.75 versus from 2.70 to 2.45 in the domperidone group. One child treated with cisapride developed a significant QT prolongation. Conclusion: The decrease in regurgitation was comparable in both groups, although acid reflux decreased more in the cisapride group. Cisapride induced QT prolongation in one infant. [source]

Absolute configuration of the thyroid hormone analog KAT-2003 as determined by the 1H NMR anisotropy method with a novel chiral auxiliary, M,NP acid

CHIRALITY, Issue 1 2004
Toshihiro Nishimura
Abstract The absolute configuration of the chiral thyroid hormone analog KAT-2003 (+)- 2, showing hypocholesterolemic activities, decreases of hepatic triglyceride contents with lowering cardiac side effects, and significant inhibitory effect for the second primary hepatocellular carcinoma, was determined as S by the 1H NMR anisotropy method using a novel chiral auxiliary, 2-methoxy-2-(1-naphtyl)propionic acid (M,NP acid). Chirality 16:13,21, 2004. © 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]