Cadherin Family (cadherin + family)

Distribution by Scientific Domains

Selected Abstracts

Functional plasticity and robustness are essential characteristics of biological systems: Lessons learned from KLRG1-deficient mice

Stipan Jonjic
Abstract Killer cell lectin-like receptor G1 (KLRG1) receptor is considered to be a marker of terminally differentiated NK and T cells and is strongly induced by viral and other infections. KLRG1 is a C-type lectin-like inhibitory receptor, which interacts with members of the cadherin family of molecules leading to the inhibition of T- and NK-cell function. A study in this issue of the European Journal of Immunology addresses the role of KLRG1 in the maturation and differentiation of NK and T cells in vivo. Using KLRG1-deficient mice generated by homologous recombination, the study reveals that KLRG1 is dispensable for NK- and CD8+ T-cell differentiation and function in vivo. This interesting finding is discussed in this Commentary in light of the plasticity and robustness of immune response mechanisms. [source]

Interaction of KLRG1 with E-cadherin: New functional and structural insights

Stephan Rosshart
Abstract The killer cell lectin-like receptor G1 (KLRG1) is an inhibitory receptor expressed by memory T cells and NK cells in man and mice. It is frequently used as a cell differentiation marker and members of the cadherin family are ligands for KLRG1. The present study provides new insights into the interaction of mouse KLRG1 with E-cadherin. Firstly, we demonstrate that co-engagement of KLRG1 and CD3/TCR in a spatially linked manner was required for inhibition arguing against the notion that KLRG1-ligation per se transmits inhibitory signals. Secondly, experiments with T cells carrying Y7F-mutant KLRG1 molecules with a replacement of the tyrosine residue to phenylalanine in the single ITIM indicated that the inhibitory activity of KLRG1 is counteracted to some degree by increased interaction of KLRG1+ T cells with E-cadherin expressing target cells. Thirdly, we demonstrate that deletion of the first or the second external domain of E-cadherin abolished reactivity in KLRG1-reporter cell assays. Finally, we made the intriguing observation that KLRG1 formed multimeric protein complexes in T cells in addition to the previously described mono- and dimeric molecules. [source]

Desmoglein-3 is a target autoantigen in spontaneous canine pemphigus vulgaris

Thierry Olivry
Abstract: Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) is an autoimmune blistering skin disease of humans and companion animals. In human patients, PV is associated with the production of IgG autoantibodies specific for keratinocyte desmosomal glycoproteins of the cadherin family. The purpose of this study was to determine whether antikeratinocyte IgG autoantibodies were present in the skin and serum of dogs with PV, and also to identify the canine PV autoantigen(s) targeted by circulating autoantibodies. Eleven dogs were selected because of the microscopic demonstration of suprabasal epithelial acantholysis. Direct immunofluorescence revealed the presence of IgG autoantibodies bound to the membrane of keratinocytes in skin biopsy specimens of 8/9 dogs (89%). Using indirect immunofluorescence, serum-circulating IgG autoantibodies were found in 10/11 (91%) and 5/11 (45%) dogs, using normal canine gingiva and cultured canine oral keratinocytes, respectively. By immunoblotting using cultured canine oral keratinocyte protein lysates, IgG autoantibodies from 7/9 (78%) tested dogs recognized a 130-kDa antigen that comigrated with that identified by rabbit polyclonal antibodies raised against desmoglein-3. This 130 kDa antigen was confirmed to represent the canine equivalent of human desmoglein-3 by immunoprecipitation-immunoblotting. The results of these studies provide evidence that the canine desmoglein-3 homologue is a major autoantigen in dogs with PV. These observations further establish spontaneous canine PV as a natural model for research on pathogenesis, etiology and novel therapeutic approaches for this disease of humans. [source]

Cadherin 13 in cancer

Alexandra V. Andreeva
We review the evidence suggesting the involvement of Cadherin 13 (CDH13, T-cadherin, H-cadherin) in various cancers. CDH13 is an atypical member of the cadherin family, devoid of a transmembrane domain and anchored to the exterior surface of the plasma membrane via a glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor. CDH13 is thought to affect cellular behavior largely through its signaling properties. It is often down-regulated in cancerous cells. CDH13 down-regulation has been associated with poorer prognosis in various carcinomas, such as lung, ovarian, cervical and prostate cancer. CDH13 re-expression in most cancer cell lines inhibits cell proliferation and invasiveness, increases susceptibility to apoptosis, and reduces tumor growth in in vivo models. These properties suggest that CDH13 may represent a possible target for therapy in some cancers. At the same time, CDH13 is up-regulated in blood vessels growing through tumors and promotes tumor neovascularization. In contrast to most cancer cell lines, CDH13 overexpression in endothelial cells promotes their proliferation and migration, and has a pro-survival effect. We also discuss molecular mechanisms that may regulate CDH13 expression and underlie its roles in cancer. © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

The sequence determinants of cadherin molecules

Alexander E. Kister
Abstract The sequence and structural analysis of cadherins allow us to find sequence determinants,a few positions in sequences whose residues are characteristic and specific for the structures of a given family. Comparison of the five extracellular domains of classic cadherins showed that they share the same sequence determinants despite only a nonsignificant sequence similarity between the N-terminal domain and other extracellular domains. This allowed us to predict secondary structures and propose three-dimensional structures for these domains that have not been structurally analyzed previously. A new method of assigning a sequence to its proper protein family is suggested: analysis of sequence determinants. The main advantage of this method is that it is not necessary to know all or almost all residues in a sequence as required for other traditional classification tools such as BLAST, FASTA, and HMM. Using the key positions only, that is, residues that serve as the sequence determinants, we found that all members of the classic cadherin family were unequivocally selected from among 80,000 examined proteins. In addition, we proposed a model for the secondary structure of the cytoplasmic domain of cadherins based on the principal relations between sequences and secondary structure multialignments. The patterns of the secondary structure of this domain can serve as the distinguishing characteristics of cadherins. [source]