C. Jejuni (c + jejuni)

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  • c. jejuni strain

  • Selected Abstracts

    Reduction of fumarate, mesaconate and crotonate by Mfr, a novel oxygen-regulated periplasmic reductase in Campylobacter jejuni

    Edward Guccione
    Summary Methylmenaquinol : fumarate reductase (Mfr) is a newly recognized type of fumarate reductase present in some ,-proteobacteria, where the active site subunit (MfrA) is localized in the periplasm, but for which a physiological role has not been identified. We show that the Campylobacter jejuni mfrABE operon is transcribed from a single promoter, with the mfrA gene preceded by a small open reading-frame (mfrX) encoding a C. jejuni -specific polypeptide of unknown function. The growth characteristics and enzyme activities of mutants in the mfrA and menaquinol : fumarate reductase A (frdA) genes show that the cytoplasmic facing Frd enzyme is the major fumarate reductase under oxygen limitation. The Mfr enzyme is shown to be necessary for maximal rates of growth by fumarate respiration and rates of fumarate reduction in intact cells measured by both viologen assays and 1H-NMR were slower in an mfrA mutant. As periplasmic fumarate reduction does not require fumarate/succinate antiport, Mfr may allow more efficient adaptation to fumarate-dependent growth. However, a further rationale for the periplasmic location of Mfr is suggested by the observation that the enzyme also reduces the fumarate analogues mesaconate and crotonate; fermentation products of anaerobes with which C. jejuni shares its gut environment, that are unable to be transported into the cell. Both MfrA and MfrB subunits were localized in the periplasm by immunoblotting and 2D-gel electrophoresis, but an mfrE mutant accumulated unprocessed MfrA in the cytoplasm, suggesting a preassembled MfrABE holoenzyme has to be recognized by the TAT system for translocation to occur. Gene expression studies in chemostat cultures following an aerobic-anaerobic shift showed that mfrA is highly upregulated by oxygen limitation, as would be experienced in vivo. Our results indicate that in addition to a role in fumarate respiration, Mfr allows C. jejuni to reduce analogous substrates specifically present in the host gut environment. [source]

    HIV+ MALT lymphoma remission induced by highly active antiretroviral therapy alone

    Thomas Girard
    Abstract:, MALT lymphoma is usually described in association with Helicobacter pylori, HCV, HHV8, Campylobacter jejuni or in a setting of overreactive immunity. In HIV+ patients, MALT lymphoma is most commonly described in children. We describe here an original case of HIV+ MALT lymphoma with bronchial, conjuctival and laryngeal involvement for which a clinical and histopathological remission has been obtained with HAART alone. We conclude that HIV, as well as H. pylori, C. jejuni and HCV can target lymphogenesis in MALT lymphoma. [source]

    Application of real-time PCR for quantitative detection of Campylobacter jejuni in poultry, milk and environmental water

    Chengbo Yang
    Abstract Campylobacter jejuni is a leading human food-borne pathogen. The rapid and sensitive detection of C. jejuni is necessary for the maintenance of a safe food/water supply. In this article, we present a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for quantitative detection of C. jejuni in naturally contaminated poultry, milk and environmental samples without an enrichment step. The whole assay can be completed in 60 min with a detection limit of approximately 1 CFU. The standard curve correlation coefficient for the threshold cycle versus the copy number of initial C. jejuni cells was 0.988. To test the PCR system, a set of 300 frozen chicken meat samples, 300 milk samples and 300 water samples were screened for the presence of C. jejuni. 30.6% (92/300) of chicken meat samples, 27.3% (82/300) of milk samples, and 13.6% (41/300) of water samples tested positive for C. jejuni. This result indicated that the real-time PCR assay provides a specific, sensitive and rapid method for quantitative detection of C. jejuni. Moreover, it is concluded that retail chicken meat, raw milk and environmental water are commonly contaminated with C. jejuni and could serve as a potential risk for consumers in eastern China, especially if proper hygienic and cooking conditions are not maintained. [source]

    The structure of the lipid anchor of Campylobacter jejuni polysaccharide

    Adrian T. Corcoran
    Abstract Campylobacter jejuni is a leading cause of gastroenteritis in humans. Campylobacter jejuni produces extracellular polysaccharides that have been characterized structurally and shown to be independent of lipopolysaccharides. Furthermore, it has been suggested that these C. jejuni polysaccharides are capsular in nature, although their lipid anchor has not been identified. In this report, the occurrence of a lipid-linked capsular-like polysaccharide in C. jejuni is conclusively shown, and the lipid anchor identified as dipalmitoyl-glycerophosphate. [source]

    Comparison of Campylobacter jejuni genotypes from dairy cattle and human sources from the Matamata-Piako District of New Zealand

    B.J. Gilpin
    Abstract Aims:, To identify the prevalence and types of Campylobacter jejuni carried by dairy cattle and the extent of overlap of these types with those causing disease in humans. Methods and Results:, Faecal samples from 410 dairy cattle were collected from 36 farms in the Matamata-Piako district in New Zealand. Campylobacter jejuni was isolated on all 36 farms, with a prevalence of 51% (95% CI 45,57) in dairy cattle and 65% (95% CI 58,72) in calves. Eighty-nine of these isolates were typed using Penner serotyping and pulsed field gel electrophoresis and were compared with 58 human C. jejuni isolates from people resident within this study area. Conclusions:,Campylobacter jejuni were found in the faeces of over half of the dairy cows and calves examined. Twenty-one per cent of the bovine isolates and 43% of the human isolates formed indistinguishable clusters of at least one bovine and one human isolate. Significance and Impact of the Study:, While a direct link between bovine isolates and human cases was not demonstrated, the finding of indistinguishable genotypes among C. jejuni isolates from bovine and human sources confirms that dairy cows and calves are a potential source of human campylobacteriosis. Barriers to separate bovine faecal material from the general public are therefore important public health measures. [source]

    Cross-contamination in the kitchen: effect of hygiene measures

    A.E.I. De Jong
    Abstract Aims:, To determine the effect of hygiene measures on cross-contamination of Campylobacter jejuni at home and to select a safe tracer organism for C. jejuni. Methods and Results: Comparative tests were conducted with nonpathogenic Escherichia coli and Lactobacillus casei and L. casei was chosen as the safe tracer organism. Salads containing chicken breast fillet contaminated with a known number of C. jejuni and L. casei were prepared according to different cross-contamination scenarios and contamination levels of salads were determined. Cross-contamination could be strongly reduced when cleaning cutting board and cutlery with hot water (68°C), but generally was not prevented using consumer-style cleaning methods for hands and cutting board. Conclusions:, Dish-washing does not sufficiently prevent cross-contamination, thus different cutting boards for raw meat and other ingredients should be used and meat,hand contact should be avoided or hands should be thoroughly cleaned with soap. Lactobacillus casei can be used as a safe tracer organism for C. jejuni in consumer observational studies. Significance and Impact of the Study:, Cross-contamination plays an important role in the transmission of food-borne illness, especially for C. jejuni. This study delivers suitable data to quantitatively assess the risk of campylobacteriosis caused by cross-contamination and it shows the effect of different preventive hygiene measures. [source]

    Modelling of Campylobacter survival in frozen chicken meat

    M. Ritz
    Abstract Aims:, To model the survival kinetics of Campylobacter jejuni on frozen chicken meat. Methods and Results:, Three different types of chicken meat surface (skin, skinned muscle and cut muscle) were inoculated with stationary phase cells of C. jejuni (8 log10 CFU cm,2) and frozen for 5 weeks at ,20°C. Bacterial numbers were determined weekly using two different methods of enumeration to quantify uninjured and injured cells. Analysis of variance of the results showed that the type of chicken surface and the method used to enumerate surviving cells were the most significant sources of variations in the numbers recovered (P < 0·0001), much more than the freezing time. To identify an appropriate model for the description of effects of freezing on survival over time, several models were fitted to the count data. Decay was found to be nonlinear. In general, survival was least on skin, better on skinned muscle and best on cut muscle. After 2 weeks, additional inactivation by freezing appeared to be negligible. Conclusion:, Because of the variability of survival it was not possible to fit and select a general model useful for all the different surfaces types. Significance and Impact of the Study:, The injured state of the cells leads to variability and the underestimation of bacterial survival. This is an essential factor for the assessment of Campylobacter -associated risk. [source]

    Enumeration of Campylobacter spp. on the surface and within chicken breast fillets

    P. Luber
    Abstract Aim:, To investigate how many Campylobacter bacteria are present on the surface and inside chicken breast fillets, with a focus on generating data distributions which can be used in risk assessments for this pathogen,commodity combination. Methods and Results:, We analysed 100 fresh retail chicken breast fillets (skinless and deboned) by means of a rinse sample for surface and 55 fillets for internal pathogen contamination using 10 g meat and a most probable number technique. Prevalence was 87% on the surface and 20% in the deep tissue. The mean number of Campylobacter on the surface of the fillets was 1903 CFU, with a median of 537 CFU and a maximum of 38 905 CFU. Campylobacter counts inside the tissue were <1 CFU g,1 meat (mean = 0·24 CFU, median = 0·15 CFU, maximum = 0·74 CFU). In addition, we investigated the influence of the type of package on the occurrence of the pathogen. Data provide an indication of less favourable conditions for survival of the pathogen on chicken meat packed under a modified atmosphere of carbon dioxide in nitrogen, in comparison with ambient air or vacuumed packages. Conclusions:, Given the high numbers of the pathogen on the chicken meat surface in comparison with low levels of internal contamination, it can be concluded that cross-contamination during the preparation of contaminated chicken is a more important pathway for consumers' exposure to Campylobacter than the consumption of undercooked meat. Significance and Impact of the Study:, The detailed quantitative data on the occurrence of C. jejuni and C. coli on the surface and inside chicken meat presented here can be useful for future probabilistic exposure assessments. [source]

    Genotyping of Campylobacter jejuni strains from Danish broiler chickens by restriction fragment length polymorphism of the LPS gene cluster

    K.N. Knudsen
    Abstract Aims:, To apply and evaluate LG (LPS genes) genotyping, which is a genotyping method based on a cluster of genes involved in the synthesis of surface lipopolysaccharides (LPS) in Campylobacter species, for typing of Campylobacter jejuni isolates obtained from Danish broiler chickens. Furthermore, the LG genotyping method was used to study the genetic stability of four C. jejuni strains after gastrointestinal passage through experimentally infected chickens. Methods and Results:, In the present study, the LG genotyping method was modified with respect to the restriction enzymes used. To validate the method, 63 Penner serotype reference strains and 107 C. jejuni chicken isolates, representing the most common Penner serotypes of C. jejuni in Danish poultry, were selected for typing. The method was successfully used for typing all isolates and the LG genotype profiles were reproducible. There were no changes in the LG genotype of the C. jejuni strains obtained after experimental passage through chickens. Conclusions:, All C. jejuni strains obtained from broiler chickens were typeable by the LG genotyping method. Application of the RsaI restriction enzyme improved the method in terms of ease and consistency of analyses and increase of discriminatory power. Significance and Impact of the Study:, The LG genotyping method is a valuable tool for typing C. jejuni isolates obtained from poultry. However, the association between Penner serotyping based on passive haemagglutination of heat-stable antigens and LG genotyping was low when applied to poultry isolates. This is in contrast to previous studies on isolates of human origin that reported a high correlation between results obtained by the two typing methods (Shi et al. 2002). [source]

    Chronic shedding of Campylobacter species in beef cattle

    G.D. Inglis
    Abstract Aims:, To determine the prevalence of chronic shedding of Campylobacter species by beef cattle, a longitudinal study of shedding patterns was conducted in a cohort of 60 beef steers over a 4-month period. Methods and Results:, Steers were maintained in a simulated feedlot setting but individually in pens to minimize transmission among animals. At each collection time, campylobacters in faeces were detected using conventional PCR. In addition, quantities of Campylobacter jejuni and C. lanienae in faeces were measured using real-time quantitative (RTQ) PCR. All of the steers tested shed Campylobacter species during the course of the study, and overall, 90% of the 299 samples tested were positive for Campylobacter DNA. The majority of the animals (86%) shed campylobacters at ,4 sample times. The most prevalent taxon detected in bovine faeces was C. lanienae (56% of samples) followed by C. jejuni (13%), C. hyointestinalis (8%), and C. fetus (2%). No C. coli was detected, and 13% of the faecal samples contained two or more of the above species. Seven (12%) and 34 (57%) animals shed C. jejuni and C. lanienae at ,3 sample times, respectively. For both C. lanienae and C. jejuni, a substantial number of cells were detected in faeces using RTQ-PCR; 27% of the samples positive for C. jejuni contained populations >104 cells g,1 (maximum of 5 × 105 cells g,1), and 44% of samples positive for C. lanienae possessed populations >106 cells g,1 (maximum of 4 × 108 cells g,1). A significant correlation was observed between shedding of C. lanienae and the severity of liver abscesses. In 27% of the samples, an amplicon was obtained for genus-specific but not for the species-specific primers. Sequencing of the partial 16S rRNA gene suggested the presence of at least two undescribed Campylobacter species but this has yet to be confirmed. Conclusions:, A high percentage of feedlot cattle shed large quantities of Campylobacter species in their faeces over a protracted period of time (ca 112 days). Significance and Impact of the Study:, This is the first study of longitudinal shedding patterns of campylobacters in beef cattle using PCR-detection methods. In addition, this is the first use of RTQ-PCR to directly quantify C. jejuni or C. lanienae in faeces. The results of the study show that a large number of cattle (>85%) chronically shed campylobacters in feedlots. [source]

    Inter-laboratory evaluation of three flagellin PCR/RFLP methods for typing Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli: the CAMPYNET experience

    C.S. Harrington
    Abstract Aims: To compare typeability, discriminatory ability, and inter-laboratory reproducibility of three flagellin PCR/RFLP (fla typing) methods previously described for Campylobacter. Methods and Results: The sample set (n = 100) was diverse, including both C. jejuni (n = 85) and C. coli (n = 15). Two of the three flaA typing methods amplified flaA alone, whereas one, a multiplex assay, amplified flaB in addition to flaA. DdeI restriction enzyme was employed for all methods, but HinfI was also investigated. 98,100% typeability was obtained for flaA-based methods, but only 93% for the multiplex assay, due to inconsistent amplification of a non-specific product. In addition, there appeared to be selective amplification of flaA over flaB. More DdeI types were generated using a longer flaA PCR amplicon, whilst additional use of HinfI increased the number of types by ca 25%. Inter-laboratory reproducibility for both flaA-based methods was defined at 100%. Conclusions:Fla typing requires standardization with respect to PCR primers and restriction enzymes. This study identified an assay, employing the full flaA gene and DdeI digestion, as an appropriate method on which to standardize. 100% inter-laboratory reproducibility was demonstrated using that method. Significance and Impact of the Study: This work should facilitate progress towards inter-laboratory standardization of fla typing. [source]

    Detection and survival of Campylobacter in chicken eggs

    O. Sahin
    Abstract Aims:Campylobacter jejuni, a food-borne human pathogen, is widespread in poultry; however, the sources of infection and modes of transmission of this organism on chicken farms are not well understood. The objective of this study was to determine if vertical transmission of C. jejuni occurs via eggs. Methods and Results: Using a temperature differential method, it was shown that Campylobacter had limited ability to penetrate the eggshell. When C. jejuni was directly inoculated into the egg yolk and the eggs were stored at 18°C, the organism was able to survive for up to 14 days. However, viability of C. jejuni was dramatically shortened when injected into the albumen or the air sac. When freshly laid eggs from Campylobacter -inoculated specific pathogen-free (SPF) layers were tested, C. jejuni -contamination was detected in three of 65 pooled whole eggs (5,10 eggs in each pool) via culture and PCR. However, the organism was not detected from any of the 800 eggs (80 pools), collected from the same SPF flock, but kept at 18°C for 7 days before testing. Likewise, Campylobacter was not recovered from any of 500 fresh eggs obtained from commercial broiler-breeder flocks that were actively shedding Campylobacter in faeces. Also, none of the 1000 eggs from broiler breeders obtained from a commercial hatchery were positive for Campylobacter. Conclusions: These results suggest that vertical transmission of C. jejuni through the egg is probably a rare event and does not play a major role in the introduction of Campylobacter to chicken flocks. Significance and Impact of the Study: Control of Campylobacter transmission to chicken flocks should focus on sources of infection that are not related to eggs. [source]


    JOURNAL OF FOOD SAFETY, Issue 4 2009
    ABSTRACT The efficacy of using direct high-pressure hot water (60C, 140F) and a quaternary ammonium compound to clean the inside of stainless steel pipe used to transport chicken giblets was evaluated. The giblets were collected from a commercial processing plant and were inoculated with Campylobacter jejuni. The cleaning system was effective in reducing the numbers of inoculated C. jejuni and naturally occurring mesotrophic bacteria (aerobic plate counts) on the inside surface of the stainless steel pipe used to transport the giblets. However, the decreases in naturally occurring Escherichia coli and coliforms were not significant. These results suggest that additional improvements are needed to better disinfect the piping system used to transport giblets to reduce the potential for cross-contamination with C. jejuni and E. coli. The devised cleaning system could be optimized to reduce the use of chemical agents, the cleaning time and the cost of cleaning pipes in poultry processing facilities. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS These experiments suggest that the traditional use of hot water and quaternary ammonium compounds to clean the inside of the piping system used to transport chicken giblets may not be sufficient to reduce the contamination with Campylobacter jejuni and mesotrophic bacteria (aerobic plate count). Poultry processors should be aware of the limitations of cleaning closed piping systems and develop and test high-pressure systems to thoroughly clean the pipes used to transport giblets after processing to avoid potential sources of cross-contamination with C. jejuni and mesotrophic bacteria. [source]


    JOURNAL OF FOOD SAFETY, Issue 1 2001
    ABSTRACT Risk assessment and impact of foodborne pathogens on the health of different populations was one of the goals identified in the Presidential Food Safety Initiative three-year plan. This entailed estimation of dose-response relationship for foodborne pathogens to humans, either by feeding studies or from outbreaks. For certain pathogens, such as Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli O157:H7, there are no feeding studies due to ethical reasons, and the results from outbreaks are normally used to estimate the infectious dose. The focus of this review is to compile dose-response information in volunteers for several foodborne pathogens including Salmonella, Shigella spp., Campylobacter jejuni, Vibrio spp., Escherichia coli, Cryptosporidium parvum and Entamoeba coli. The infectious dose for different serovars of Salmonella and strains of E. coli was quite large (> 105 organisms), while the infectious dose for some Shigella spp. seemed to be as low as less than 10 organisms. Toxigenic V. cholerae (O1 and O139 serotypes) were infective at a dose of 104 organisms; a non-O1 strain was infective at a much higher dose (106 organisms). C. jejuni, C. parvum and Entamoeba coli appeared to have infectious doses as low as 500 organisms, 10 oocysts, and 1 cyst, respectively. The infectious dose and the dose response are dependent upon the strains used, and the age and physical condition of the individuals, and can therefore show wide variations. In addition, since many of the volunteer studies are carried out by feeding the organisms in a nonfood matrix after neutralizing the stomach acidity, results obtained may not reflect the true dose response. [source]

    Relative importance of abnormalities of CCK and 5-HT (serotonin) in Giardia -induced post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome and functional dyspepsia

    Aliment Pharmacol Ther,31, 883,891 Summary Background, Post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome (PI-IBS) and functional dyspepsia (FD) have been described after both Campylobacter jejuni gastroenteritis and Giardia infection. After C. jejuni, there is increased rectal serotonin (5-HT)-containing EC cells and postprandial plasma 5-HT, while a pilot study suggested increased plasma cholecystokinin (CCK) after Giardia infection. Aim, To determine changes in plasma and duodenal mucosal 5-HT and CCK in Giardia -induced PI-IBS. Methods, A total of 32 patients previously infected with Giardia and 19 who had recovered fully (controls) completed symptom questionnaires. Endoscopic duodenal biopsies were obtained from all subjects and immunohistochemically stained for CCK, 5-HT and CgA containing entero-endocrine cells and mast cells. 5-HT content was also assessed. Twenty-one of 32 patients and 19 controls consumed a high-carbohydrate meal, while fasting and postprandial plasma CCK and 5-HIAA were measured. Results, Post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome patients had increased numbers of CCK cells (P = 0.02), but lower numbers of EC cells (P = 0.009). Plasma CCK did not differ significantly between the groups, but correlated significantly with postprandial dyspepsia scores (r = 0.5, P = 0.05). PI-IBS patients had significantly lower plasma 5-HIAA, before and after meal (P = 0.05) as well as more dyspepsia (P < 0.0001) compared with recovered subjects. Conclusions, Post-infectious bowel dysfunction following Giardia infection is associated with increased duodenal mucosal CCK. Postprandial dyspeptic symptoms correlate better with CCK than measures of 5-HT metabolism. [source]

    Inactivation of Campylobacter jejuni by high hydrostatic pressure

    E.B. Solomon
    Abstract Aims:, To investigate the response of Campylobacter jejuni ATCC 35919 and 35921 to high pressure processing (HPP) while suspended in microbiological media and various food systems. Methods and Results:,Campylobacter jejuni 35919 and 35921 were subjected to 10-min pressure treatments between 100 and 400 MPa at 25°C suspended in Bolton broth, phosphate buffer (0·2 m, pH 7·3), ultra-high temperature (UHT) whole milk, UHT skim milk, soya milk and chicken pureé. The survivability of C. jejuni was further investigated by inoculated pack studies. HPP at 300,325 MPa for 10 min at 25°C was sufficient to reduce viable numbers of both strains to below detectable levels when cells were pressurized in Bolton broth or phosphate buffer. All food products examined offered a protective effect in that an additional 50,75 MPa was required to achieve similar levels of inactivation when compared with broth and buffer. Inoculated pack studies showed that the survivability of C. jejuni following pressurization improved with decreasing post-treatment storage temperature. Significance and Impact of the Study:, These data demonstrated that HPP at levels of ,400 MPa, can inactivate C. jejuni in both model and food systems. [source]

    Advances in Campylobacter biology and implications for biotechnological applications

    Byeonghwa Jeon
    Summary Campylobacter jejuni is a major foodborne pathogen of animal origin and a leading cause of bacterial gastroenteritis in humans. During the past decade, especially since the publication of the first C. jejuni genome sequence, major advances have been made in understanding the pathobiology and physiology of this organism. It is apparent that C. jejuni utilizes sophisticated mechanisms for effective colonization of the intestinal tracts in various animal species. Although Campylobacter is fragile in the environment and requires fastidious growth conditions, it exhibits great flexibility in the adaptation to various habitats including the gastrointestinal tract. This high adaptability is attributable to its genetically, metabolically and phenotypically diverse population structure and its ability to change in response to various challenges. Unlike other enteric pathogens, such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella, Campylobacter is unable to utilize exogenous glucose and mainly depends on the catabolism of amino acids as a carbon source. Campylobacter proves highly mutable in response to antibiotic treatments and possesses eukaryote-like dual protein glycosylation systems, which modify flagella and other surface proteins with specific sugar structures. In this review we will summarize the distinct biological traits of Campylobacter and discuss the potential biotechnological approaches that can be developed to control this enteric pathogen. [source]

    Isolation and characterization of bacteriophages specific for Campylobacter jejuni

    Sunyoung Hwang
    ABSTRACT Human infection by Campylobacter jejuni is mainly through the consumption of contaminated poultry products, which results in gastroenteritis and, rarely, bacteremia and polyneuropathies. In this study, six C. jejuni -specific bacteriophages (CPS1,6) were isolated by the spot-on-the-lawn technique from chicken samples in Korea and characterized for potential use as biocontrol agents. All isolated bacteriophages exhibited a high specificity, being able to lyse only C. jejuni, but not other Gram,negative bacteria, including C. coli, Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., and Gram,positive bacteria. Bacteriophages contain an icosahedral head and a contractile tail sheath in transmission electron microscopy, and possess ds-DNA with an average genome size of approximately 145 kb; therefore, all bacteriophages are categorized into the Myoviridae family. Bacterial lysis studies in liquid media revealed that CPS2 could be used to control the growth of C. jejuni. [source]

    Substrate specificity of three cytochrome c haem lyase isoenzymes from Wolinella succinogenes: unconventional haem c binding motifs are not sufficient for haem c attachment by NrfI and CcsA1

    Melanie Kern
    Summary Bacterial c -type cytochrome maturation is dependent on a complex enzymic machinery. The key reaction is catalysed by cytochrome c haem lyase (CCHL) that usually forms two thioether bonds to attach haem b to the cysteine residues of a haem c binding motif (HBM) which is, in most cases, a CX2CH sequence. Here, the HBM specificity of three distinct CCHL isoenzymes (NrfI, CcsA1 and CcsA2) from the Epsilonproteobacterium Wolinella succinogenes was investigated using either W. succinogenes or Escherichia coli as host organism. Several reporter c -type cytochromes were employed including cytochrome c nitrite reductases (NrfA) from E. coli and Campylobacter jejuni that differ in their active-site HBMs (CX2CK or CX2CH). W. succinogenes CcsA2 was found to attach haem to standard CX2CH motifs in various cytochromes whereas other HBMs were not recognized. NrfI was able to attach haem c to the active-site CX2CK motif of both W. succinogenes and E. coli NrfA, but not to NrfA from C. jejuni. Different apo-cytochrome variants carrying the CX15CH motif, assumed to be recognized by CcsA1 during maturation of the octahaem cytochrome MccA, were not processed by CcsA1 in either W. succinogenes or E. coli. It is concluded that the dedicated CCHLs NrfI and CcsA1 attach haem to non-standard HBMs only in the presence of further, as yet uncharacterized structural features. Interestingly, it proved impossible to delete the ccsA2 gene from the W. succinogenes genome, a finding that is discussed in the light of the available genomic, proteomic and functional data on W. succinogenes c -type cytochromes. [source]

    A temperature-regulated Campylobacter jejuni gluconate dehydrogenase is involved in respiration-dependent energy conservation and chicken colonization

    Mohanasundari Pajaniappan
    Summary Campylobacter jejuni is a gastrointestinal pathogen of humans but can asymptomatically colonize the avian gut. C. jejuni therefore grows at both 37°C and 42°C, the internal temperatures of humans and birds respectively. Microarray and proteomic studies on temperature regulation in C. jejuni strain 81,176 revealed the upregulation at 42°C of two proteins, Cj0414 and Cj0415, orthologous to gluconate dehydrogenase (GADH) from Pectobacterium cypripedii. 81,176 demonstrated GADH activity, converting d -gluconate to 2-keto- d -gluconate, that was higher at 42°C than at 37°C. In contrast, cj0414 and cj0415 mutants lacked GADH activity. Wild-type but not cj0415 mutant bacteria exhibited gluconate-dependent respiration. Neither strain grew in defined media with d -gluconate or 2-keto- d -gluconate as a sole carbon source, revealing that gluconate was used as an electron donor rather than as a carbon source. When administered to chicks individually or in competition with wild-type, the cj0415 mutant was impaired in establishing colonization. In contrast, there were few significant differences in colonization of BALB/c-ByJ mice in single or mixed infections. These results suggest that the ability of C. jejuni to use gluconate as an electron donor via GADH activity is an important metabolic characteristic that is required for full colonization of avian but not mammalian hosts. [source]

    The Campylobacter jejuni stringent response controls specific stress survival and virulence-associated phenotypes

    Erin C. Gaynor
    Summary Campylobacter jejuni is a highly prevalent food-borne pathogen that causes diarrhoeal disease in humans. A natural zoonotic, it must overcome significant stresses both in vivo and during transmission despite the absence of several traditional stress response genes. Although relatively little is understood about its mechanisms of pathogenesis, its ability to interact with and invade human intestinal epithelial cells closely correlates with virulence. A C. jejuni microarray-based screen revealed that several known virulence genes and several uncharacterized genes, including spoT, were rapidly upregulated during infection of human epithelial cells. spoT and its homologue relA have been shown in other bacteria to regulate the stringent response, an important stress response that to date had not been demonstrated for C. jejuni or any other epsilon-proteobacteria. We have found that C. jejuni mounts a stringent response that is regulated by spoT. Detailed analyses of a C. jejuni,spoT mutant revealed that the stringent response is required for several specific stress, transmission and antibiotic resistance-related phenotypes. These include stationary phase survival, growth and survival under low CO2/high O2 conditions, and rifampicin resistance. A secondary suppressor strain that specifically rescues the low CO2 growth defect of the ,spoT mutant was also isolated. The stringent response additionally proved to be required for the virulence-related phenotypes of adherence, invasion, and intracellular survival in two human epithelial cell culture models of infection; spoT is the first C. jejuni gene shown to participate in longer term survival in epithelial cells. Microarray analyses comparing wild-type to the ,spoT mutant also revealed a strong correlation between gene expression profiles and phenotype differences observed. Together, these data demonstrate a critical role for the C. jejuni stringent response in multiple aspects of C. jejuni biology and pathogenesis and, further, may lend novel insight into unexplored features of the stringent response in other prokaryotic organisms. [source]

    Novel Hemoglobins to Enhance Microaerobic Growth and Substrate Utilization in Escherichiacoli,

    Christian J. T. Bollinger
    Limited oxygen availability is a prevalent problem in microbial biotechnology. Recombinant Escherichia coli expressing the hemoglobin from Vitreoscilla (VHb) or the flavohemoglobin from Ralstonia eutropha (formerly Alcaligenes eutrophus) (FHP) demonstrate significantly increased cell growth and productivity under microaerobic conditions. We identify novel bacterial hemoglobin-like proteins and examine if these novel bacterial hemoglobins can elicit positive effects similar to VHb and FHP and if these hemoglobins alleviate oxygen limitation under microaerobic conditions when expressed in E. coli. Several finished and unfinished bacterial genomes were screened using R. eutropha FHP as a query sequence for genes (hmp) encoding hemoglobin-like proteins. Novel hmp genes were identified in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhi, Klebsiellapneumoniae, Deinococcus radiodurans, and Campylobacter jejuni. Previously characterized hmp genes from E. coli and Bacillus subtilis and the novel hmpgenes from P. aeruginosa, S. typhi, C. jejuni, K.pneumoniae, and D. radiodurans were PCR amplified and introduced into a plasmid for expression in E. coli. Biochemically active hemoproteins were expressed in all constructs, as judged by the ability to abduct carbon monoxide. Growth behavior and byproduct formation of E. coli K-12 MG1655 cells expressing various hemoglobins were analyzed in microaerobic fed-batch cultivations and compared to plasmid-bearing control and to E. coli cells expressing VHb. The clones expressing hemoglobins from E. coli, D. radiodurans, P.aeruginosa, and S. typhi reached approximately 10%, 27%, 23%, and 36% higher final optical density values, respectively, relative to the plasmid bearing E. coli control (A600 5.5). E. coli cells expressing hemoproteins from P. aeruginosa, S. typhi, and D. radiodurans grew to similar final cell densities as did the strain expressing VHb (A600 7.5), although none of the novel constructs was able to outgrow the VHb-expressing E. coli strain. Additionally, increased yield of biomass on glucose was measured for all recombinant strains, and an approximately 2-fold yield enhancement was obtained with D.radiodurans hemoprotein-expressing E. colirelative to the E. coli control carrying the parental plasmid without any hemoglobin gene. [source]

    Is Campylobacter lipopolysaccharide bearing a GD3 epitope essential for the pathogenesis of Guillain,Barré syndrome?

    N. Yuki
    The hypothesis has been proposed that the GD3 ganglioside-like lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is essential for and functions in the development of Guillain,Barré syndrome (GBS) and Miller Fisher syndrome (MFS) subsequent to Campylobacter jejuni enteritis. Our study showed that patients with GBS or MFS who had previously suffered diarrhea had anti-GD3 antibodies less often than those who had not had diarrhea. Sera from patients who showed GBS or MFS with the serologic evidence of prior C. jejuni infection had anti-GD3 antibodies less frequently than sera from those without evidence of infection. Statistical analysis showed that anti-GD3 antibodies were less frequent in patients with GBS or MFS from whom C. jejuni had been isolated than were other anti-ganglioside antibodies, such as anti-GM1 antibodies. These results could not support the above hypothesis. [source]

    A major role for intestinal epithelial nucleotide oligomerization domain 1 (NOD1) in eliciting host bactericidal immune responses to Campylobacter jejuni

    Matthias Zilbauer
    Summary Campylobacter jejuni is the foremost cause of bacterial-induced diarrhoeal disease worldwide. Although it is well established that C. jejuni infection of intestinal epithelia triggers host innate immune responses, the mechanism(s) involved remain poorly defined. Innate immunity can be initiated by families of structurally related pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs) that recognize specific microbial signature motifs. Here, we demonstrated maximal induction of epithelial innate responses during infection with live C. jejuni cells. In contrast when intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) were exposed to paraformaldehyde-fixed bacteria, host responses were minimal and a marked reduction in the number of intracellular bacteria was noted in parallel. These findings suggested a role for intracellular host,C. jejuni interactions in eliciting early innate immunity. We therefore investigated the potential involvement of a family of intracellular, cytoplasmic PRRs, the nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (NOD) proteins in C. jejuni recognition. We identified NOD1, but not NOD2, as a major PRR for C. jejuni in IEC. We also found that targeting intestinal epithelial NOD1 with small interfering RNA resulted in an increase in number of intracellular C. jejuni, thus highlighting a critical role for NOD1-mediated antimicrobial defence mechanism(s) in combating this infection at the gastrointestinal mucosal surface. [source]