Biomass Allocation (biomass + allocation)

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Biomass allocation and leaf life span in relation to light interception by tropical forest plants during the first years of secondary succession

N. Galia Selaya
Summary 1We related above-ground biomass allocation to light interception by trees and lianas growing in three tropical rain forest stands that were 0.5, 2 and 3-year-old regeneration stages after slash and burn agriculture. 2Stem height and diameter, leaf angle, the vertical distribution of total above-ground biomass and leaf longevity were measured in individuals of three short-lived pioneers (SLP), four later successional species (LS) and three lianas (L). Daily light capture per individual (,d) was calculated with a canopy model. Mean daily light interception per unit leaf area (,area), leaf mass (,leaf mass) and above-ground mass (,mass) were used as measures of instantaneous efficiency of biomass use for light capture. 3With increasing stand age, vegetation height and leaf area index increased while light at the forest floor declined from 34 to 5%. The SLP, Trema micanthra and Ochroma pyramidale, dominated the canopy early in succession and became three times taller than the other species. SLP had lower leaf mass fractions and leaf area ratios than the other groups and this difference increased with stand age. 4Over time, the SLP intercepted increasingly more light per unit leaf mass than the other species. Lianas, which in the earliest stage were self-supporting and started climbing later on, gradually became taller at a given mass and diameter than the trees. Yet, they were not more efficient than trees in light interception. 5SLP had at least three-fold shorter leaf life spans than LS and lianas. Consequently, total light interception calculated over the mean life span of leaves (,leaf mass total = ,area × SLAdeath leaves× leaf longevity) was considerably lower for the SLP than for the other groups. 6Synthesis. We suggest that early dominance in secondary forest is associated with a high rate of leaf turnover which in turn causes inefficient long-term use of biomass for light capture, whereas persistence in the shade is associated with long leaf life spans. This analysis shows how inherent tradeoffs in crown and leaf traits drive long-term competition for light, and it presents a conceptual tool to explain why early dominants are not also the long-term dominants. [source]

Variations in size structure, growth and reproduction in Japanese plantain (Plantago asiatica L.) between exposed and shaded populations

Tsuyoshi Kobayashi
Abstract Plantago asiatica is a perennial herb that is distributed over a wide range of east Eurasia. The population structure, growth and reproduction in exposed (E-) and shaded (S-) populations of P. asiatica were examined in the Kanto District of eastern Japan. In both populations, the plant size structure showed a bimodal distribution during spring to early summer, in which the two modes corresponded to smaller seedlings and larger overwintered plants, respectively. In autumn, this distribution became unimodal due to seedling growth. However, this change occurred later in the S-population because of suppressed growth in the seedlings. In the S-population, flowering also began later in the growing season and the threshold plant size for flowering was larger than that of the E-population. Biomass allocation to the rhizomes was greater in autumn in the reproductive plants of the S-population. Growth and biomass allocation in plants grown from seeds collected from each population were compared under phytotron conditions. Near a saturated photon flux density, E-population plants had a higher relative growth rate than S-population plants. Therefore, E-population plants should allocate resources to reproductive organs sooner. Shaded population plants were not vigorous in their growth and reproduction. Seed size (dry weight per grain) was significantly greater in the S-population than in the E-population, both in the field and under phytotron conditions. These results suggest that ecotypic differentiation in life-history strategies, which is mainly due to light availability, occurs among local P. asiatica populations. The effects of severe trampling on early reproduction in the E-population are also discussed. [source]

Above- and below-ground plant biomass response to experimental warming in northern Alaska

Robert D. Hollister
Abstract Question: Does experimental warming, designed to simulate future warming of the Arctic, change the biomass allocation and mycorrhizal infection of tundra plants? Location: High Arctic tundra near Barrow, Alaska, USA (71°18,N 156°40,W). Methods: Above and below ground plant biomass of all species was harvested following 3,4 yr of 1-2°C of experimental warming. Biomass allocation and arbuscular mycorrhizal infection were also examined in the two dominant species, Salix rotundifolia and Carex aquatilis. Results: Above-ground biomass of graminoids increased in response to warming but there was no difference in total plant biomass or the ratio of above-ground to below-ground biomass for the community as a whole. Carex aquatilis increased above-ground biomass and proportionally allocated more biomass above ground in response to warming. Salix rotundifolia increased the amount of above- and below-ground biomass allocated per leaf in response to warming. Mycorrhizal infection rates showed no direct response to warming, but total abundance was estimated to have likely increased in response to warming owing to increased root biomass of S. rotundifolia. Conclusions: The community as a whole was resistant to short-term warming and showed no significant changes in above- or below-ground biomass despite significant increases in above-ground biomass of graminoids. However, the patterns of biomass allocation for C. aquatilis and S. rotundifolia did change with warming. This suggests that long-term warming may result in changes in the above-ground to below-ground biomass ratio of the community. [source]

Biomass distribution and nitrate assimilation in response to N supply for Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Sauvignon on five Vitis rootstock genotypes

Abstract Effects of nitrogen (N) supply on biomass distribution as well as N effects on NO3"assimilation, were examined in two-year-old graftlings of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Sauvignon on five rootstocks. Whole-plant biomass in all graftlings more than doubled with increased N supply in solution from 0.25 to 8 mM. Whole plant biomass was also affected by rootstock genotype, but to a lesser extent than by N supply. Biomass allocation to roots declined with increased N supply for all stock-scion combinations, but the magnitude of that response varied with rootstock genotype. Nitrate reductase activity (NRA) in leaves increased with increased N supply for all stock-scion combinations, whereas root NRA increased only up to 1 mM N supply, dropping markedly with additional N. NRA in leaves was one to two orders of magnitude higher than NRA in roots - a difference that increased steadily with increased N supply. By implication, grapevine leaves have a much higher capacity for NO3 - - reduction than do grapevine roots, and any contribution by roots to whole-vine NO3 - - assimilation declines even further as NO3 - - availability increases. [source]

Structural and biophysical simulation of angiogenesis and vascular remodeling ,

Ralf Gödde
Abstract The purpose of this report is to introduce a new computer model for the simulation of microvascular growth and remodeling into arteries and veins that imitates angiogenesis and blood flow in real vascular plexuses. A C++ computer program was developed based on geometric and biophysical initial and boundary conditions. Geometry was defined on a two-dimensional isometric grid by using defined sources and drains and elementary bifurcations that were able to proliferate or to regress under the influence of random and deterministic processes. Biophysics was defined by pressure, flow, and velocity distributions in the network by using the nodal-admittance-matrix-method, and accounting for hemodynamic peculiarities like Fahraeus-Lindqvist effect and exchange with extravascular tissue. The proposed model is the first to simulate interdigitation between the terminal branches of arterial and venous trees. This was achieved by inclusion of vessel regression and anastomosis in the capillary plexus and by remodeling in dependence from hemodynamics. The choice of regulatory properties influences the resulting vascular patterns. The model predicts interdigitating arteriovenous patterning if shear stress-dependent but not pressure-dependent remodeling was applied. By approximating the variability of natural vascular patterns, we hope to better understand homogeneity of transport, spatial distribution of hemodynamic properties and biomass allocation to the vascular wall or blood during development, or during evolution of circulatory systems. © 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Nitrogen fertilization effects on Myzus persicae aphid dynamics on peach: vegetative growth allocation or chemical defence?

Marie-Hélène Sauge
Abstract Plant nitrogen (N) fertilization is a common cropping practice that is expected to serve as a pest management tool. Its effects on the dynamics of the aphid Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) were examined on young peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch (Rosaceae)] trees grown under five N treatments, ranging from N shortage to supra-optimal supply for growth. Aphid population increased over time at the three intermediate N levels. It remained stable at the lowest N level and decreased at the highest N level. Four weeks after the start of infestation, the number of aphids displayed a parabolic response to N level. The relationships between N status and parameters of plant vegetative growth (stem diameter) or biomass allocation (lateral-total leaf area and root-shoot ratio) were consistent with responses proposed by models of adaptive plasticity in resource allocation patterns. However, the variation in plant growth predicted aphid population dynamics only partially. Whereas aphid number was positively correlated with plant N status and vegetative growth up to the intermediate N level, it was negatively correlated with plant N status above this level, but not with vegetative growth. The concentrations of primary and secondary (plant defence-related) metabolites in the plant shoots were modified by N treatments: amino acids (main nutritional resource of aphids) and prunasin increased, whereas chlorogenic acid decreased with increasing N availability. Constitutive changes in plant chemistry in response to N fertilization could not directly explain the reduced aphid performance for the highest N level. Nevertheless, the indirect effect of N on the induction of plant defence compounds by aphid feeding warrants further investigation. The study focuses on the feasibility of handling N fertilization to control M. persicae in orchards, but findings may also be relevant for our understanding of the physiological relationships between the host's nutritional status and the requirements of the insect. [source]

Allometric relationships between lamina area, lamina mass and petiole mass of 93 temperate woody species vary with leaf habit, leaf form and altitude

Guoyong Li
Summary 1The allometric scaling relationship between lamina and lamina support has rarely been examined, such that its significance to plant life-history strategies has not been fully explored and understood so far. We investigated the sizes of leaf lamina and petiole for 93 temperate broad-leaved woody species at two altitudes of a southwestern mountain, and analysed the scaling relationship in relation to leaf habit (evergreen vs. deciduous), leaf form (simple- vs. compound-leaved species), and habitat type (low vs. high altitude). 2Significant allometric scaling relationships were found between petiole mass and lamina mass, and between petiole mass and lamina area, with common slopes of 0·872 and 0·742, respectively, both significantly departed from the value of 1·0. The results of phylogenetic comparative analyses were in accordance with the observed positive scaling relationships. 3The evergreen species were found to have a greater petiole mass than the deciduous at a given lamina area; whilst a contrasting pattern was observed between lamina mass and petiole mass, in which the evergreens had a greater biomass allocation to lamina for the same petiole mass relative to the deciduous. 4The compound-leaved species were observed to be significantly greater in both lamina area and lamina support (including petioles, rachis and petiolules) than the simple-leaved species, whereas the former had a smaller lamina area or lamina mass at a given petiole mass than the latter. 5The plants from the high altitude had less lamina area at a given petiole investment compared to those from the lower altitude, likely due to the large mechanic and transporting requirements of petioles in the species at high altitude. 6Our results indicate that petioles serve as an adverse forcing on the maximization of lamina area and lamina biomass and that the allometric relationship between lamina and lamina support varies with leaf habit, leaf form and habitat. [source]

Allometry, growth and population regulation of the desert shrub Larrea tridentata

A. P. Allen
Summary 1Quantifying the effects of individual- and population-level processes on plant-community structure is of fundamental importance for understanding how biota contribute to the flux, storage and turnover of matter and energy in ecosystems. 2Here we synthesize plant-allometry theory with empirical data to evaluate the roles of individual metabolism and competition in structuring populations of the creosote Larrea tridentata, a dominant shrub in deserts of southwestern North America. 3At the individual level, creosote data support theoretical predictions with regard to the size dependence of total leaf mass, short-term growth rates of leaves and long-term growth rates of entire plants. Data also support the prediction that root,shoot biomass allocation is independent of plant size. 4At the population level, size,abundance relationships within creosote stands deviate strongly from patterns observed for steady-state closed-canopy forests due to episodic recruitment events. This finding highlights that carbon storage and turnover in water-limited ecosystems can be inherently less predictable than in mesic environments due to pronounced environmental forcing on demographic variables. 5Nevertheless, broad-scale comparative analyses across ecosystems indicate that the relationship of total abundance to average size for creosote populations adhere to the thinning rule observed and predicted by allometry theory. This finding indicates that primary production in water-limited ecosystems can be independent of standing biomass due to competition among plants for resources. 6Our synthesis of theory with empirical data quantifies the primary roles of individual-level metabolism and competition in controlling the dynamics of matter and energy in water-limited ecosystems. [source]

Rooting depth and soil moisture control Mediterranean woody seedling survival during drought

Summary 1Seedling survival is one of the most critical stages in a plant's life history, and is often reduced by drought and soil desiccation. It has been hypothesized that root systems accessing moist soil layers are critical for establishment, but very little is known about seedling root growth and traits in the field. 2We related seedling mortality to the presence of deep roots in a field experiment in which we monitored soil moisture, root growth and seedling survival in five Mediterranean woody species from the beginning of the growing season until the end of the drought season. 3We found strong positive relationships between survival and maximum rooting depth, as well as between survival and soil moisture. Species with roots in moist soil layers withstood prolonged drought better, whereas species with shallow roots died more frequently. In contrast, biomass allocation to roots was not related to establishment success. 4Access to moist soil horizons accounted for species-specific survival rates, whereas large root : shoot (R:S) ratios did not. The existence of soil moisture thresholds that control establishment provides insights into plant population dynamics in dry environments. [source]

Hydraulic differentiation of Ponderosa pine populations along a climate gradient is not associated with ecotypic divergence

H. Maherali
Summary 1.,Pinus ponderosa occurs in a range of contrasting environments in the western USA. Xeric populations typically have lower leaf : sapwood area ratio (AL/AS) and higher whole-tree leaf specific hydraulic conductance (KL) than mesic populations. These climate-driven shifts in hydraulic architecture are considered adaptive because they maintain minimum leaf water potential above levels that cause xylem cavitation. 2.,Using a common garden study, we examined whether differences in biomass allocation and hydraulic architecture between P. ponderosa populations originating from isolated outcrops in the Great Basin desert and Sierran montane environments were caused by ecotypic differentiation or phenotypic plasticity. To determine if populations were genetically differentiated and if phenotypic and genetic differentiation coincided, we also characterized the genetic structure of these populations using DNA microsatellites. 3.,Phenotypic differentiation in growth, biomass allocation and hydraulic architecture was variable among populations in the common garden. There were no systematic differences between desert and montane climate groups that were consistent with adaptive expectations. Drought had no effect on the root : shoot and needle : stem ratio, but reduced seedling biomass accumulation, leaf area ratio, AL/AS and KL. Stem hydraulic conductance (KH) was strongly size-dependent, and was lower in droughted plants, primarily because of lower growth. 4.,Although microsatellites were able to detect significant non-zero (P < 0·001) levels of differentiation between populations, these differences were small and were not correlated with geographic separation or climate group. Estimates of genetic differentiation among populations were low (<5%), and almost all the genetic variation (>95%) resided within populations, suggesting that gene flow was the dominant factor shaping genetic structure. 5.,These results indicate that biomass allocation and hydraulic differences between desert and montane populations are not the result of ecotypic differentiation. Significant drought effects on leaf : sapwood allocation and KL suggest that phenotypic differentiation between desert and montane climates could be the result of phenotypic plasticity. [source]

Structural biomass partitioning in regrowth and undisturbed mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa): implications for bioenergy uses

GCB BIOENERGY, Issue 1 2010
Abstract Honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa Torr.) which grows on grasslands and rangelands in southwestern USA may have potential as a bioenergy feedstock because of existing standing biomass and regrowth potential. However, regrowth mesquite physiognomy is highly different from undisturbed mesquite physiognomy and little is known regarding growth rates and structural biomass allocation in regrowth mesquite. We compared canopy architecture, aboveground biomass and relative allocation of biomass components in regrowth (RG) trees of different known ages with undisturbed (UD) trees of similar canopy height to each RG age class. RG trees in most age classes (2,12 years old) had greater canopy area, leaf area, basal stem number, twig (<0.5 cm diameter) mass and small stem (0.5,3 cm diameter) mass than UD trees of the same height. Large stem (>3 cm diameter) mass was similar between RG and UD trees in all height classes. Ages of UD trees were determined after harvest and further comparisons were made between age, canopy structure and biomass in RG and UD trees. Relationships between age and total mass, age and height, and age and canopy area indicated a faster growth rate in RG than in UD trees. Large stem mass as a percentage of total tree mass accumulated more rapidly with age in RG than UD trees. Leaf area index and leaf : twig mass ratio were maintained near 1 in all RG and UD trees. Regrowth potential may be one of the most important features of mesquite in consideration as a bioenergy feedstock. [source]

Demographic variation and biomass allocation of Agropyron cristatum grown on steppe and dune sites in the Hunshandake Desert, North China

R. Z. Wang
Abstract Demographic and biomass allocation patterns of Agropyron cristatum were measured on steppe and dune sites in the Hunshandake desert of North China in 2001 and 2002. Total plant population, reproductive shoot densities and its differentiation rates were significantly higher in the steppe sites in both years. Plant heights for both vegetative and reproductive shoots were greater in the year with the higher rainfall. The dune sites had a higher biomass allocation to vegetative shoots and roots, while the steppe sites had a higher biomass allocation to reproductive shoots and seed production. It is suggested that the population demography and biomass allocation of the species responded to the differences in the soil variables in the steppe and dune sites. [source]

Comparison of temperate and tropical rainforest tree species: growth responses to temperature

S. Cunningham
Abstract Aim, To investigate whether the latitudinal distribution of rainforest trees in Australia can be explained by their growth responses to temperature. Methods, The rainforest canopy trees Acmena smithii (Poir.) Merrill & Perry, Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br., Castanospermum australe Cunn. & C. Fraser ex Hook., Eucryphia lucida (Labill.) Baill., Heritiera trifoliolata (F. Muell.) Kosterm., Nothofagus cunninghamii (Hook.) Oerst., Sloanea woollsii F. Muell. and Tristaniopsis laurina (Sm.) Wilson & Waterhouse were selected to cover the latitudinal range of rainforests in eastern Australia. Seedlings of these species were grown under a range of day/night temperature regimes (14/6, 19/11, 22/14, 25/17, and 30/22 °C) in controlled-environment cabinets. These seedlings were harvested after 16 weeks to determine differences in growth rate and biomass allocation among species and temperature regimes. Results, The temperate species showed maximum growth at lower temperatures than the tropical species. However, there was considerable overlap in the growth rates of the temperate and tropical rainforest types across the temperature range used. Maximum growth of the tropical rainforest types was associated with changes in biomass allocation whereas the temperate rainforest types showed no significant changes in biomass allocation across the temperature range. Main conclusions, All species showed temperatures for maximum growth that were considerably higher than those previously shown for maximum net photosynthesis. The growth responses to temperature of the rainforest species under these experimental conditions provided limited evidence for their restriction to certain latitudes. These growth responses to temperature showed that the physiological assumptions used in various types of vegetation-climate models may not be true of Australian rainforest trees. [source]

Biomass and leaf-level gas exchange characteristics of three African savanna C4 grass species under optimum growth conditions

K. B. Mantlana
Abstract C4 savanna grass species, Digitaria eriantha, Eragrostis lehmanniana and Panicum repens, were grown under optimum growth conditions with the aim of characterizing their above- and below-ground biomass allocation and the response of their gas exchange to changes in light intensity, CO2 concentration and leaf-to-air vapour pressure deficit gradient (Dl). Digitaria eriantha showed the largest above- and below-ground biomass, high efficiency in carbon gain under light-limiting conditions, high water use efficiency (WUE) and strong stomatal sensitivity to Dl (P = 0.002; r2 = 0.5). Panicum repens had a high aboveground biomass and attained high light saturated photosynthetic rates (Asat, 47 ,mol m,2 s,1), stomatal conductance, (gsat, 0.25 mol m,2 s,1) at relatively high WUE. Eragrostis lehmanniana had almost half the biomass of other species, and had similar Asat and gsat but were attained at lower WUE than the other species. This species also showed the weakest stomatal response to Dl (P = 0.19, r2 = 0. 1). The potential ecological significance of the contrasting patterns of biomass allocation and variations in gas exchange parameters among the species are discussed. Résumé On a fait pousser des espèces herbeuses de savane de type C4, Digitaria eriantha, Eragrostis lehmanniana et Panicum repens, dans des conditions optimales dans le but de caractériser l'allocation de leur biomasse aérienne et racinaire et la réponse de leur échange gazeux à des changements d'intensité de la lumière, de concentrations de CO2, et à un gradient déficitaire (Dl) de pression de vapeur feuille-air. D. eriantha montrait la plus grande biomasse aérienne et racinaire, une grande efficience de l'assimilation de carbone dans des conditions de luminosité limitée, une grande efficience d'utilisation de l'eau (WUE) et une forte sensibilité des stomates à Dl (P = 0,002; r2 = 0,5). P. repens avait une grande biomasse aérienne et atteignait des taux photosynthétiques élevés en lumière saturée (Asat, 47 ,mol m,2 s,1), et une conductance stomatique (gsat 0.25 mol m,2 s,1) à une WUE relativement élevée. E. lehmanniana avait une biomasse qui était presque la moitié de celle des autres espèces et avait un Asat et un gsat similaires mais qui étaient atteints à une WUE plus basse que les autres espèces. Cette espèce montrait aussi la plus faible réponse stomatique àDl (P = 0,19, r2 = 0,1). L'on discute de la signification écologique potentielle de ces schémas contrastés d'allocations de biomasse et des variations des paramètres des échanges gazeux entre les espèces. [source]

Plant,soil feedback induces shifts in biomass allocation in the invasive plant Chromolaena odorata

Mariska Te Beest
Summary 1. ,Soil communities and their interactions with plants may play a major role in determining the success of invasive species. However, rigorous investigations of this idea using cross-continental comparisons, including native and invasive plant populations, are still scarce. 2. ,We investigated if interactions with the soil community affect the growth and biomass allocation of the (sub)tropical invasive shrub Chromolaena odorata. We performed a cross-continental comparison with both native and non-native-range soil and native and non-native-range plant populations in two glasshouse experiments. 3. ,Results are interpreted in the light of three prominent hypotheses that explain the dominance of invasive plants in the non-native range: the enemy release hypothesis, the evolution of increased competitive ability hypothesis and the accumulation of local pathogens hypothesis. 4. ,Our results show that C. odorata performed significantly better when grown in soil pre-cultured by a plant species other than C. odorata. Soil communities from the native and non-native ranges did not differ in their effect on C. odorata performance. However, soil origin had a significant effect on plant allocation responses. 5. ,Non-native C. odorata plants increased relative allocation to stem biomass and height growth when confronted with soil communities from the non-native range. This is a plastic response that may allow species to be more successful when competing for light. This response differed between native and non-native-range populations, suggesting that selection may have taken place during the process of invasion. Whether this plastic response to soil organisms will indeed select for increased competitive ability needs further study. 6. ,The native grass Panicum maximum did not perform worse when grown in soil pre-cultured by C. odorata. Therefore, our results did not support the accumulation of local pathogens hypothesis. 7. ,Synthesis. Non-native C. odorata did not show release from soil-borne enemies compared to its native range. However, non-native plants responded to soil biota from the non-native range by enhanced allocation in stem biomass and height growth. This response can affect the competitive balance between native and invasive species. The evolutionary potential of this soil biota-induced change in plant biomass allocation needs further study. [source]

Biomass allocation and leaf life span in relation to light interception by tropical forest plants during the first years of secondary succession

N. Galia Selaya
Summary 1We related above-ground biomass allocation to light interception by trees and lianas growing in three tropical rain forest stands that were 0.5, 2 and 3-year-old regeneration stages after slash and burn agriculture. 2Stem height and diameter, leaf angle, the vertical distribution of total above-ground biomass and leaf longevity were measured in individuals of three short-lived pioneers (SLP), four later successional species (LS) and three lianas (L). Daily light capture per individual (,d) was calculated with a canopy model. Mean daily light interception per unit leaf area (,area), leaf mass (,leaf mass) and above-ground mass (,mass) were used as measures of instantaneous efficiency of biomass use for light capture. 3With increasing stand age, vegetation height and leaf area index increased while light at the forest floor declined from 34 to 5%. The SLP, Trema micanthra and Ochroma pyramidale, dominated the canopy early in succession and became three times taller than the other species. SLP had lower leaf mass fractions and leaf area ratios than the other groups and this difference increased with stand age. 4Over time, the SLP intercepted increasingly more light per unit leaf mass than the other species. Lianas, which in the earliest stage were self-supporting and started climbing later on, gradually became taller at a given mass and diameter than the trees. Yet, they were not more efficient than trees in light interception. 5SLP had at least three-fold shorter leaf life spans than LS and lianas. Consequently, total light interception calculated over the mean life span of leaves (,leaf mass total = ,area × SLAdeath leaves× leaf longevity) was considerably lower for the SLP than for the other groups. 6Synthesis. We suggest that early dominance in secondary forest is associated with a high rate of leaf turnover which in turn causes inefficient long-term use of biomass for light capture, whereas persistence in the shade is associated with long leaf life spans. This analysis shows how inherent tradeoffs in crown and leaf traits drive long-term competition for light, and it presents a conceptual tool to explain why early dominants are not also the long-term dominants. [source]

Prey availability directly affects physiology, growth, nutrient allocation and scaling relationships among leaf traits in 10 carnivorous plant species

Elizabeth J. Farnsworth
Summary 1Scaling relationships among photosynthetic rates, leaf mass per unit area (LMA), and foliar nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) content hold across a diverse spectrum of plant species. Carnivorous plants depart from this spectrum because they dedicate substantial leaf area to capturing prey, from which they derive N and P. We conducted a manipulative feeding experiment to test whether scaling relationships of carnivorous plant leaf traits become more similar to those of non-carnivorous taxa when nutrients are not limiting. 2We examined the effects of prey availability on mass-based maximum photosynthetic rate (Amass), chlorophyll fluorescence, foliar nutrient and chlorophyll content, and relative growth rate of 10 Sarracenia species. We hypothesized that increased prey intake would stimulate Amass, reduce stress-related chlorophyll fluorescence, increase photosynthetic nutrient-use efficiencies (PNUEN, PNUEP), and increase relative biomass allocation to photosynthetically efficient, non-carnivorous phyllodes. 3Two plants per species were assigned in a regression design to one of six weekly feedings of finely ground wasps: 0,0.25 g for small plant species; 0,0.5 g for intermediate-sized species; and 0,1.0 g for large species. The first two leaves emerging on each plant were fed. 4Increased prey availability increased photosystem efficiency (Fv/Fm ratio) in the first two leaves, and chlorophyll content and Amass in younger leaves as older leaves rapidly translocated nutrients to growing tissues. Higher prey inputs also led to lower N : P ratios and a shift from P- to N-limitation in younger leaves. PNUEP was significantly enhanced whilst PNUEN was not. Better-fed plants grew faster and produced a significantly higher proportion of phyllodes than controls. 5Feeding shifted scaling relationships of P relative to Amass, N and LMA from outside the third bivariate quartile to within the 50th bivariate percentile of the universal spectrum of leaf traits; other scaling relationships were unaffected. Carnivorous plants can rapidly reallocate P when nutrients are plentiful, but appear to be less flexible in terms of N allocation. 6Synthesis. Our results support the general hypothesis put forward by Shipley et al. (2006) that observed scaling relationships amongst leaf traits derive from trade-offs in allocation to structural tissues vs. liquid-phase (e.g. photosynthetic) processes. These trade-offs appear to be especially constraining for plants growing in extremely nutrient-poor habitats such as bogs and other wetlands. [source]

The effect of within-genet and between-genet competition on sexual reproduction and vegetative spread in Potentilla anserina ssp. egedii

Summary 1Patterns of biomass allocation to sexual and vegetative reproduction were examined in a perennial stoloniferous clonal plant, Potentilla anserina (L.) Rydb. ssp. egedii (Wormsk.) Hiitonen, in relation to intraspecific competition between monoclonal and multiclonal ramets. 2We predicted that a lack of competition would generate allocation to rapid, short-distance spread (vegetative propagation), while the presence of competition would increase allocation to long-distance dispersal (sexual reproduction), and that the allocation shift would be more pronounced where the competing ramets were related. 3P. anserina ramets were grown in a glasshouse in small pots, either alone (no competition) or with a size-matched ramet that originated from the same clone (within-genet competition) or a different one (between-genet competition). 4Competition suppressed both growth and reproduction, but there was no treatment response in relative investment at the level of a whole genet, although both mother ramets and their daughters showed clear effects when analysed separately. 5When experiencing competition, the mother ramet allocated relatively more to flowers, whereas allocation to vegetative growth was more intense when competition was absent. Allocation patterns were independent of the relatedness of competitors. 6The results imply that P. anserina can modify the allocation of resources to different life-history traits according to competitive stress. Such flexibility is likely to reflect a shift in the optimal allocation strategy during the life cycle of a plant with a guerilla growth form with rapid exploitation of free space in a new patch by vegetative spread favoured. When spread becomes limited by competition, long-distance dispersal in space (seeds) or time (persistence) becomes beneficial. [source]

Sexual dimorphism and the genetic potential for evolution of sex allocation in the gynodioecious plant, Schiedea salicaria

Abstract Sex allocation theory addresses how separate sexes can evolve from hermaphroditism but little is known about the genetic potential for shifts in sex allocation in flowering plants. We tested assumptions of this theory using the common currency of biomass and measurements of narrow-sense heritabilities and genetic correlations in Schiedea salicaria, a gynodioecious species under selection for greater differentiation of the sexes. Female (carpel) biomass showed heritable variation in both sexes. Male (stamen) biomass in hermaphrodites also had significant heritability, suggesting the potential for further evolution of dioecy. Significant positive genetic correlations between females and hermaphrodites in carpel mass may slow differentiation between the sexes. Within hermaphrodites, there were no negative genetic correlations between male and female biomass as assumed by models for the evolution of dioecy, suggesting that S. salicaria is capable of further changes in biomass allocation to male and female functions and evolution toward dioecy. [source]

Seedling growth and morphology of three oak species along field resource gradients and seed mass variation: a seedling age-dependent response

Ignacio M. Pérez-Ramos
Abstract Question: What is the relative importance of seed mass and abiotic factors in species-specific seedling growth and morphology during the first and the second growing season? How do oak species respond along gradients of these factors? Location: Mediterranean oak forest in southern Spain. Methods: We analysed seedling growth components and morphology of three co-occurring Quercus species (two deciduous and one evergreen). Oak seeds with a wide variety of sizes were sown along broad gradients of abiotic conditions. Intra- and inter-specific differences were evaluated by calibrating maximum likelihood estimators of seedling growth during the first two years of life. Results: We found multiple resources and conditions affecting seedling morphology and biomass allocation. However, the integrative variables of seedling growth , total aboveground biomass and relative growth rate (RGR) , were affected by two main factors: seed mass and light conditions. The relative contribution of these two factors depended strongly on seedling age. Seed mass explained most of the growth and morphological variables during the first year, while light conditions were the best predictor in the second growing season. In contrast, soil factors did not play an important role in seedling growth. We found some evidence of regeneration niche partitioning between oak species along the light gradient, a reflection of their distribution patterns as adults at the study site. Conclusions: We conclude that inter-specific differences in seedling growth, arising from seed size variability and microsite heterogeneity, could be of paramount importance in oak species niche segregation, driving stand dynamics and composition along environmental gradients. [source]

Effect of lianas on tree regeneration in gaps and forest understorey in a tropical forest in Ghana

T. Toledo-Aceves
Abstract Questions: Do lianas alter the relative success of tree species during regeneration? Are the effects of lianas on tree seedlings moderated by canopy openness? How are patterns of biomass allocation in tree seedlings affected by liana competition? Location: Tropical moist semi-deciduous forest in Ghana. Methods: Seedlings of the trees Nauclea diderrichii (pioneer), Khaya anthotheca (non-pioneer light demander) and Garcinia kola (non-pioneer shade bearer) were planted with the lianas Acacia kamerunensis (fast growing) and Loeseneriella rowlandii (slow growing) in large and small gaps (ca. 15% and 8% PAR respectively) and in the forest understorey (ca. 4% PAR). Seedling survival, growth and biomass allocation were measured. Results: Canopy openness moderated the interaction between liana and tree seedlings. The nature of the interaction was both liana and tree species specific and displayed temporal variation. Acacia competition effects were stronger in sites with greater canopy openness. In big gaps, Acacia reduced significantly the biomass of Nauclea by 32% and Khaya by about 50%. Khaya growth in leaf area was five times greater without Acacia, while Nauclea and Garcinia were not affected. Acacia was more plastic than Loeseneriella in response to the environment and the tree species. Our results show that while Loeseneriella, with lower rates of growth, did not affect seedling growth of the three species evaluated, Acacia could alter the relative success of tree species during regeneration. Conclusions: There is evidence that competitive effects by Acacia on tree regeneration through competition could modify tree species capacity to establish. Effects by lianas at the regeneration phase may have important implications for forest management. [source]

Earliest rooting system and root : shoot ratio from a new Zosterophyllum plant

Shougang Hao
Summary ,,The enhanced chemical weathering by rooted vascular plants during the Silurian,Devonian period played a crucial role in altering global biogeochemical cycles and atmospheric environments; however, the documentation of early root morphology and physiology is scarce because the existing fossils are mostly incomplete. ,,Here, we report an entire, uprooted specimen of a new Zosterophyllum Penhallow, named as Z. shengfengense, from the Early Devonian Xitun Formation (Lochkovian, c. 413 Myr old) of Yunnan, south China. This plant has the most ancient known record of a rooting system. ,,The plant consists of aerial axes of 98 mm in height, showing a tufted habit, and a rhizome bearing a fibrous-like rooting system, c. 20 mm in length. The rhizome shows masses of branchings, which produce upwardly directed aerial axes and downwardly directed root-like axes. ,,The completeness of Z. shengfengense made it possible to estimate the biomass allocation and root : shoot ratio. The root : shoot ratio of this early plant is estimated at a mean value of 0.028, and the root-like axes constitute only c. 3% of the total biomass. Zosterophyllum shengfengense was probably a semi-aquatic plant with efficient water use or a strong uptake capacity of the root-like axes. [source]

Two mire species respond differently to enhanced ultraviolet-B radiation: effects on biomass allocation and root exudation

Riikka Rinnan
Summary ,,Increased ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation arising from stratospheric ozone depletion may influence soil microbial communities via effects on plant carbon allocation and root exudation. ,,Eriophorum angustifolium and Narthecium ossifragum plants, grown in peatland mesocosms consisting of Sphagnum peat, peat pore water and natural microbial communities, were exposed outdoors to enhanced UV-B radiation simulating 15% ozone depletion in southern Scandinavia for 8 wk. ,,Enhanced UV-B increased rhizome biomass and tended to decrease the biomass of the largest root fraction of N. ossifragum and furthermore decreased dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and monocarboxylic acid concentration, which serves as an estimate of net root exudation, in the pore water of the N. ossifragum mesocosms. Monocarboxylic acid concentration was negatively related to the total carbon concentration of N. ossifragum leaves, which was increased by enhanced UV-B. By contrast, enhanced UV-B tended to increase monocarboxylic acid concentration in the rhizosphere of E. angustifolium and its root : shoot ratio. Microbial biomass carbon was increased by enhanced UV-B in the surface water of the E. angustifolium mesocosms. ,,Increased UV-B radiation appears to alter below-ground biomass of the mire plants in species-specific patterns, which in turn leads to a change in the net efflux of root exudates. [source]

Allometry of Salsola collina in response to soil nutrients, water supply and population density

Yingxin Huang
The allometry of greenhouse-grown Salsola collina Pall. in response to variation in soil nutrient content, water supply and population density has been compared. The results showed that the biomass allocation was size-dependent. Root, stem, leaf and reproductive allocation showed a ,true' plasticity in response to soil nutrient variation. At low soil nutrient content, plants tended to allocate more biomass to the development of reproductive organs than to stem and leaf, but root allocation was consistent due to a tradeoff between the effects of plant size and soil nutrient content. The plasticity of stem allocation and reproductive effort was ,true', while the plasticity of root allocation was ,apparent', but there was no plasticity for leaf allocation in response to soil water variation. At lower soil water content, plants tended to allocate more biomass to the stem than to development of reproductive organs. With the exception of ,apparent' plasticity of root allocation, no plasticity was detected in biomass allocation when population density was varied. [source]

Morphological variation of Aechmea distichantha (Bromeliaceae) in a Chaco forest: habitat and size-related effects

PLANT BIOLOGY, Issue 3 2009
L. Cavallero
Abstract Plants show different morphologies when growing in different habitats, but they also vary in their morphology with plant size. We examined differences in sun- and shade-grown plants of the bromeliad Aechmea distichantha with respect to relationships between plant size and variables related to plant architecture, biomass allocation and tank water dynamics. We selected vegetative plants from the understorey and from forest edges of a Chaco forest, encompassing the whole size range of this bromeliad. Plant biomass was positively correlated with most architectural variables and negatively correlated with most biomass allocation variables. Understorey plants were taller and had larger diameters, whereas sun plants had more leaves, larger sheath area, sheath biomass and sheath mass fraction. All tank water-related variables were positively correlated with plant biomass. Understorey plants had a greater projected leaf area, whereas sun plants had higher water content and evaporative area. Plasticity indices were higher for water-related than for allocation variables. In conclusion, there were architectural and biomass allocation differences between sun- and shade-grown plants along a size gradient, which, in turn, affected tank water-related variables. [source]

Development of Distylous Flowers and Investment of Biomass in Male and Female Function in Palicourea padifolia (Rubiaceae)

PLANT BIOLOGY, Issue 6 2007
A. Hernández
Abstract: Knowledge of developmental pathways for achieving differences in style and anther heights, in concert with those of ancillary features accompanied with data in regard to biomass investment to male and female function, provide an excellent opportunity for examining the developmental correlations between primary and ancillary floral traits so as to understand the evolution of heterostyly. The ontogenetic relationships between bud length and anther height and between bud length and style height, and between bud length versus bud width, anther length, and number of pollen grains per anther for long-styled (LS) and short-styled (SS) morphs of P. padifolia are described. We also described the ontogenetic biomass allocation to male and female function and to corolla with elongation of buds harvested at regular intervals. We observed an early termination of stylar growth in SS buds, whereas LS styles steadily increased in size. Morph differences for relative growth rates were significant for anther height, anther length, and pollen number but not for bud width. Bud width and anther length had a negative allometric relationship with bud elongation. The relationship between bud length and number of pollen grains per anther was positive and morph differences in pollen number were detected at later stages of development. An increase in corolla mass involved a disproportionate allocation to the female function in SS flowers and male allocation was similar for the two morphs over the course of development. Our results are consistent with theoretical and empirical data for distylous species with an approach herkogamous ancestor, and with the more general hypothesis of ontogenetic lability of heterostyly, in which morph differences in style and anther heights are achieved in various ways. Variations observed in sexual investment between floral morphs suggest differences in sex expression during flower development. [source]

Quercitol and osmotic adaptation of field-grown Eucalyptus under seasonal drought stress

ABSTRACT This study investigated the role of quercitol in osmotic adjustment in field-grown Eucalyptus astringens Maiden subject to seasonal drought stress over the course of 1 year. The trees grew in a native woodland and a farm plantation in the semi-arid wheatbelt region of south Western Australia. Plantation trees allocated relatively more biomass to leaves than woodland trees, but they suffered greater drought stress over summer, as indicated by lower water potentials, CO2 assimilation rates and stomatal conductances. In contrast, woodland trees had relatively fewer leaves and suffered less drought stress. Plantation trees under drought stress engaged in osmotic adjustment, but woodland trees did not. Quercitol made a significant contribution to osmotic adjustment in drought-stressed trees (25% of total solutes), and substantially more quercitol was measured in the leaves of plantation trees (5% dry matter) than in the leaves of woodland trees (2% dry matter). We found no evidence that quercitol was used as a carbon storage compound while starch reserves were depleted under drought stress. Differences in stomatal conductance, biomass allocation and quercitol production clearly indicate that E. astringens is both morphologically and physiologically ,plastic' in response to growth environment, and that osmotic adjustment is only one part of a complex strategy employed by this species to tolerate drought. [source]

O3 impacts on plant development: a meta-analysis of root/shoot allocation and growth

ABSTRACT The mechanism of O3 action on plants remains poorly characterized. Symptoms include visible lesions on the leaf surface, reduced growth and a hypothesized reduction in allocation of carbohydrate to roots. The generality of this latter phenomenon has not been demonstrated. Here, a meta-analysis is performed of all available experimental data, to test the hypotheses that O3 exposure of the shoot inhibits biomass allocation below ground (the root/shoot allometric coefficient, k) and inhibits whole-plant growth rate [relative growth rate (RGR)]. Both k and RGR were significantly reduced by O3 (5.6 and 8.2%, respectively). Variability in k was greater than in RGR, and both exhibited some positive as well as mostly negative responses. The effects on k were distinct from the effects on RGR. In some cases, k was reduced while RGR was unaffected. Slow-growing plants (small RGR) exhibited the largest declines in k. These observations may have mechanistic implications regarding O3 phytotoxicity. There were no effects of type of exposure chamber on sensitivity to O3. The analyses indicate that the O3 inhibition of allocation to roots is real and general, but variable. Further experiments are needed for under-represented plant groups, to characterize exceptions to this generalization and to evaluate O3,environment interactions. [source]

Effects of elevated ozone and low light on diurnal and seasonal carbon gain in sugar maple

M. A. Topa
Abstract The long-term interactive effects of ozone and light on whole-tree carbon balance of sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) seedlings were examined, with an emphasis on carbon acquisition, foliar partitioning into starch and soluble sugars, and allocation to growth. Sugar maple seedlings were fumigated with ambient, 1·7 × ambient and 3·0 × ambient ozone in open-top chambers for 3 years under low and high light (15 and 35% full sunlight, respectively). Three years of ozone fumigation reduced the total biomass of seedlings in the low- and high-light treatments by 64 and 41%, respectively, but had no effect on whole-plant biomass allocation. Ozone had no effect on net photosynthesis until late in the growing season, with low-light seedlings generally exhibiting more pronounced reductions in photosynthesis. The late-season reduction in photosynthesis was not due to impaired stomatal function, but was associated more with accelerated senescence or senescence-like injury. In contrast, the 3·0 × ambient ozone treatment immediately reduced diurnal starch accumulation in leaves by over 50% and increased partitioning of total non-structural carbohydrates into soluble sugars, suggesting that injury repair processes may be maintaining photosynthesis in late spring and early summer at the expense of storage carbon. The results in the present study indicate that changes in leaf-level photosynthesis may not accurately predict the growth response of sugar maple to ozone in different light environments. The larger reduction in seedling growth under low-light conditions suggests that seedlings in gap or closed-canopy environments are more susceptible to ozone than those in a clearing. Similarly, understanding the effects of tropospheric ozone on net carbon gain of a mature tree will require scaling of leaf-level responses to heterogeneous light environments, where some leaves may be more susceptible than others. [source]

Variations in size structure, growth and reproduction in Japanese plantain (Plantago asiatica L.) between exposed and shaded populations

Tsuyoshi Kobayashi
Abstract Plantago asiatica is a perennial herb that is distributed over a wide range of east Eurasia. The population structure, growth and reproduction in exposed (E-) and shaded (S-) populations of P. asiatica were examined in the Kanto District of eastern Japan. In both populations, the plant size structure showed a bimodal distribution during spring to early summer, in which the two modes corresponded to smaller seedlings and larger overwintered plants, respectively. In autumn, this distribution became unimodal due to seedling growth. However, this change occurred later in the S-population because of suppressed growth in the seedlings. In the S-population, flowering also began later in the growing season and the threshold plant size for flowering was larger than that of the E-population. Biomass allocation to the rhizomes was greater in autumn in the reproductive plants of the S-population. Growth and biomass allocation in plants grown from seeds collected from each population were compared under phytotron conditions. Near a saturated photon flux density, E-population plants had a higher relative growth rate than S-population plants. Therefore, E-population plants should allocate resources to reproductive organs sooner. Shaded population plants were not vigorous in their growth and reproduction. Seed size (dry weight per grain) was significantly greater in the S-population than in the E-population, both in the field and under phytotron conditions. These results suggest that ecotypic differentiation in life-history strategies, which is mainly due to light availability, occurs among local P. asiatica populations. The effects of severe trampling on early reproduction in the E-population are also discussed. [source]