Biological Foundations (biological + foundation)

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Selected Abstracts

Methamphetamine Addiction: Biological Foundations

Rebecca McKetin
No abstract is available for this article. [source]

Biological foundation for periodontitis as a potential risk factor for atherosclerosis

Yong-Hee P. Chun
Objectives:, Links between periodontal diseases and systemic diseases have been well documented by epidemiological studies. Recently, research has shifted to elucidating the biologic mechanism for a causal relationship. One focus of interest is atherosclerosis, the underlying event of cardiovascular diseases due to its serious health impact. However, it is still not clear whether periodontopathic pathogens are truly etiologic agents or ubiquitous bystanders. This article reviews the current understanding about the molecular biological interactions between periodontal disease and atherosclerosis and the biological plausibility of periodontitis as a potential risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Materials and methods:, The current literature regarding periodontal diseases and atherosclerosis and coronary vascular disease was searched using the Medline and PubMed databases. Results:,In vitro experiments and animal models are appropriate tools to investigate the biological interactions between periodontal disease and atherosclerosis at the cell molecular level. The concepts linking both pathologies refer to inflammatory response, immune responses, and hemostasis. In particular, Porphyromonas gingivalis appears to have unique, versatile pathogenic properties. Whether or not these findings from isolated cells or animal models are applicable in humans with genetic and environmental variations is yet to be determined. Likewise, the benefit from periodontal therapy on the development of atherosclerosis is unclear. Approaches targeting inflammatory and immune responses of periodontitis and atherosclerosis simultaneously are very intriguing. Conclusion:, An emerging concept suggests that a pathogenic burden from different sources might overcome an individual threshold culminating in clinical sequela. P. gingivalis contributes directly and indirectly to atherosclerosis. [source]

Tracking Fragmentation of Natural Communities and Changes in Land Cover: Applications of Landsat Data for Conservation in an Urban Landscape (Chicago Wilderness)

Yeqiao Wang
Within the metropolis survive some of the world's best remaining examples of eastern tallgrass prairie, oak savanna, open oak woodland, and prairie wetland. Chicago Wilderness is more than 81,000 ha of protected areas in the urban and suburban matrix. It also is the name of the coalition of more than 110 organizations committed to the survival of these natural lands. The long-term health of these imperiled communities depends on proper management of the more extensive, restorable lands that surround and connect the patches of high-quality habitat. Information critical to the success of conservation efforts in the region includes (1) a current vegetation map of Chicago Wilderness in sufficient detail to allow quantitative goal setting for the region's biodiversity recovery plan; (2) quantified fragmentation status of the natural communities; and (3) patterns of land-cover change and their effects on the vitality of communities under threat. We used multispectral data from the Landsat thematic mapper (October 1997) and associated ground truthing to produce a current vegetation map. With multitemporal remote-sensing data (acquired in 1972, 1985, and 1997), we derived land-cover maps of the region at roughly equivalent intervals over the past 25 years. Analyses with geographic information system models reveal rapid acceleration of urban and suburban sprawl over the past 12 years. Satellite images provide striking visual comparisons of land use and health. They also provide banks of geographically referenced data that make quantitative tracking of trends possible. The data on habitat degradation and fragmentation are the biological foundation of quantitative goals for regional restoration. Resumen: En Chicago hay una concentración de comunidades naturales globalmente significativas sorprendentemente alta. En la metrópolis sobreviven algunos de los mejores ejemplos mundiales remanentes de praderas de pastos orientales, sabanas de roble, bosques abiertos de roble y humedales de pradera. Chicago Wilderness es más de 81,000 ha de áreas protegidas en la matriz urbana y suburbana. También es el nombre de una coalición de más de 110 organizaciones dedicadas a la supervivencia de esas tierras naturales. La salud a largo plazo de estas comunidades amenazadas depende del manejo adecuado de las tierras, más extensas y restaurables, que rodean y conectan a los fragmentos de hábitat de alta calidad. La información crítica para el éxito de los esfuerzos de conservación en la región incluye: (1) un mapa actualizado de la vegetación de Chicago Wilderness con suficiente detalle para que la definición de metas cuantitativas para el plan de recuperación de la región sea posible; (2) cuantificación de la fragmentación de las comunidades naturales y (3) patrones de cambio de cobertura de suelo y sus efectos sobre la vitalidad de las comunidades amenazadas. Utilizamos datos multiespectrales del mapeador temático Landsat (octubre 1997) y verificaciones de campo asociadas para producir el mapa actualizado de vegetación. Con datos de percepción remota multitemporales (obtenidos en 1972, 1985 y 1997), derivamos los mapas de cobertura de suelo en la región en intervalos equivalentes en los últimos 25 años. El análisis de los modelos SIG revela una rápida aceleramiento del crecimiento urbano y suburbano en los últimos 12 años. Las imágenes de satélite proporcionan comparaciones visuales notables del uso y condición del suelo. También proporcionan bancos de datos referenciados geográficamente que hacen posible el rastreo de tendencias cuantitativas. Los datos de degradación y fragmentación del hábitat son la base biológica de metas cuantitativas para la restauración regional. [source]

Specific reading disability (dyslexia): what have we learned in the past four decades?

Frank R. Vellutino
We summarize some of the most important findings from research evaluating the hypothesized causes of specific reading disability (,dyslexia') over the past four decades. After outlining components of reading ability, we discuss manifest causes of reading difficulties, in terms of deficiencies in component reading skills that might lead to such difficulties. The evidence suggests that inadequate facility in word identification due, in most cases, to more basic deficits in alphabetic coding is the basic cause of difficulties in learning to read. We next discuss hypothesized deficiencies in reading-related cognitive abilities as underlying causes of deficiencies in component reading skills. The evidence in these areas suggests that, in most cases, phonological skills deficiencies associated with phonological coding deficits are the probable causes of the disorder rather than visual, semantic, or syntactic deficits, although reading difficulties in some children may be associated with general language deficits. Hypothesized deficits in general learning abilities (e.g., attention, association learning, cross-modal transfer etc.) and low-level sensory deficits have weak validity as causal factors in specific reading disability. These inferences are, by and large, supported by research evaluating the biological foundations of dyslexia. Finally, evidence is presented in support of the idea that many poor readers are impaired because of inadequate instruction or other experiential factors. This does not mean that biological factors are not relevant, because the brain and environment interact to produce the neural networks that support reading acquisition. We conclude with a discussion of the clinical implications of the research findings, focusing on the need for enhanced instruction. [source]