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  • Selected Abstracts

    Prior academic background and student performance in assessment in a graduate entry programme

    MEDICAL EDUCATION, Issue 11 2004
    P L Craig
    Objectives, This study aims to identify whether non-science graduates perform as well as science graduates in Basic and Clinical Sciences (B & CS) assessments during Years 1,3 of a four-year graduate-entry programme at the University of Sydney (the ,USydMP'). Methods, Students were grouped into five categories: Health Professions (HP), Biomedical Sciences (BMS), Other Biology (BIOL), Physical Sciences (PHYS) or Non-Science (NONS). We examined the performance rank of students in each of the five groups for single best answer (SBA) and modified essay (MEQ) assessments separately, and also calculated the relative risk of failure in the summative assessments in Years 2 and 3. Results, Students with science-based prior degrees performed better in the SBA assessments. The same occurred initially in the MEQs, but the effect diminished with time. The HP students performed consistently better but converged with other groups over time, particularly in the MEQs. Relative performance by the NONS students improved with time in both assessment formats. Overall, differences between the highest and lowest groups were small and very few students failed to meet the overall standard for the summative assessments. HP and BMS students had the lowest failure rate. NONS students were more likely to fail the assessments in Year 2 and 3, but their pass rates were still high. Female students performed significantly better overall at the end of Year 2 and in Year 3. There were only minor differences between Australian resident and International students. Conclusion, While there are small differences in performance in B & CS early in the programme, these lessen with time. The study results will inform decisions regarding timing of summative assessments, selection policy and for providing additional support to students who need it to minimize their risk of failure. Readers should note that this paper refers to student performance in only one of the four curriculum themes, where health professional and science graduates would be expected to have a significant advantage. [source]

    Morphological irregularities and features of resistance to apoptosis in the dcp-1/pita double mutated egg chambers during Drosophila oogenesis

    CYTOSKELETON, Issue 1 2005
    Ioannis P. Nezis
    Abstract In the present study, we demonstrate the most novel characteristic morphological features of Drosophila egg chambers lacking both dcp-1 and pita functions in the germline cells. Dcp-1 is an effector caspase and it has been previously shown to play an important role during Drosophila oogenesis [McCall and Steller, 1998 : Science 279 : 230,234; Laundrie et al., 2003 : Genetics 165 : 1881,1888; Peterson et al., 2003 : Dev Biol 260 : 113,123]. The completion of sequencing and annotation of the Drosophila genome has revealed that the dcp-1 gene is nested within an intron of another distinct gene, called pita, a member of the C2H2 zinc finger protein family that regulates transcriptional initiation. The dcp-1,/,/pita,/, nurse cells exhibit euchromatic nuclei (delay of apoptosis) during the late stages of oogenesis, as revealed by conventional light and electron microscopy. The phalloidin-FITC staining discloses significant defects in actin cytoskeleton arrangement. The actin bundles fail to organize properly and the distribution of actin filaments in the ring canals is changed compared to the wild type. The oocyte and the chorion structures have been also modified. The oocyte nucleus is out of position and the chorion appears to contain irregular foldings, while the respiratory filaments obtain an altered morphology. The dcp-1,/,/pita,/, egg chambers do not exhibit the rare events of spontaneously induced apoptosis, observed for the wild type flies, during mid-oogenesis. Interestingly, the mutated egg chambers are protected by staurosporine-induced apoptosis in a percentage of 40%, strongly suggesting the essential role of dcp-1 and/or pita during mid-oogenesis. Cell Motil. Cytoskeleton 60:14,23, 2005. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Myosin localization during meiosis I of crane-fly spermatocytes gives indications about its role in division

    CYTOSKELETON, Issue 2 2003
    Rosalind V. Silverman-Gavrila
    Abstract We showed previously that in crane-fly spermatocytes myosin is required for tubulin flux [Silverman-Gavrila and Forer, 2000a: J Cell Sci 113:597,609], and for normal anaphase chromosome movement and contractile ring contraction [Silverman-Gavrila and Forer, 2001: Cell Motil Cytoskeleton 50:180,197]. Neither the identity nor the distribution of myosin(s) were known. In the present work, we used immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy to study myosin during meiosis-I of crane-fly spermatocytes compared to tubulin, actin, and skeletor, a spindle matrix protein, in order to further understand how myosin might function during cell division. Antibodies to myosin II regulatory light chain and myosin II heavy chain gave similar staining patterns, both dependent on stage: myosin is associated with nuclei, asters, centrosomes, chromosomes, spindle microtubules, midbody microtubules, and contractile rings. Myosin and actin colocalization along kinetochore fibers from prometaphase to anaphase are consistent with suggestions that acto-myosin forces in these stages propel kinetochore fibres poleward and trigger tubulin flux in kinetochore fibres, contributing in this way to poleward chromosome movement. Myosin and actin colocalization at the cell equator in cytokinesis, similar to studies in other cells [e.g., Fujiwara and Pollard, 1978: J Cell Biol 77:182,195], supports a role of actin-myosin interactions in contractile ring function. Myosin and skeletor colocalization in prometaphase spindles is consistent with a role of these proteins in spindle formation. After microtubules or actin were disrupted, myosin remained in spindles and contractile rings, suggesting that the presence of myosin in these structures does not require the continued presence of microtubules or actin. BDM (2,3 butanedione, 2 monoxime) treatment that inhibits chromosome movement and cytokinesis also altered myosin distributions in anaphase spindles and contractile rings, consistent with the physiological effects, suggesting also that myosin needs to be active in order to be properly distributed. Cell Motil. Cytoskeleton 55:97,113, 2003. © 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Cx31 and Cx43 double-deficient mice reveal independent functions in murine placental and skin development

    Mark Kibschull
    Abstract The overlapping expression of gap junctional connexins in tissues has indicated that the channels may compensate for each other. During development, Cx31 and Cx43 are coexpressed in preimplantation embryos, in the spongiotrophoblast of the placenta and in the epidermis. This study shows that Cx31/Cx43 double-deficient mice exhibit the known phenotypes of the single-knockout strains but no combined effects. Thus, Cx43, coexpressed with Cx31 at midgestation in the spongiotrophoblast of the placenta, cannot be responsible for a partial rescue of the lethal Cx31 knockout phenotype, as assumed before (Plum et al. [ 2001] Dev Biol 231:334,337). It follows that both connexins have unique functions in placental development. Despite an altered expression of other epidermal connexin mRNAs, epidermal differentiation and physiology was unaltered by the absence of Cx31 and Cx43. Therefore, in epidermal and preimplantation development, gap junctional communication can probably be compensated by other isoforms coexpressed with Cx31 and Cx43. Developmental Dynamics 233:853,863, 2005. © 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    ROCK inhibitor (Y27632) increases apoptosis and disrupts the actin cortical mat in embryonic avian corneal epithelium

    Kathy K.H. Svoboda
    Abstract The embryonic chicken corneal epithelium is a unique tissue that has been used as an in vitro epithelial sheet organ culture model for over 30 years (Hay and Revel [1969] Fine structure of the developing Avian cornea. Basel, Switzerland: S. Karger A.G.). This tissue was used to establish that epithelial cells could produce extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins such as collagen and proteoglycans (Dodson and Hay [1971] Exp Cell Res 65:215,220; Meier and Hay [1973] Dev Biol 35:318,331; Linsenmayer et al. [1977] Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 74:39,43; Hendrix et al. [1982] Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 22:359,375). This historic model was also used to establish that ECM proteins could stimulate actin reorganization and increase collagen synthesis (Sugrue and Hay [1981] J Cell Biol 91:45,54; Sugrue and Hay [1982] Dev Biol 92:97,106; Sugrue and Hay [1986] J Cell Biol 102:1907,1916). Our laboratory has used the model to establish the signal transduction pathways involved in ECM-stimulated actin reorganization (Svoboda et al. [1999] Anat Rec 254:348,359; Chu et al. [2000] Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 41:3374,3382; Reenstra et al. [2002] Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 43:3181,3189). The goal of the current study was to investigate the role of ECM in epithelial cell survival and the role of Rho-associated kinase (p160 ROCK, ROCK-1, ROCK-2, referred to as ROCK), in ECM and lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) -mediated actin reorganization. Whole sheets of avian embryonic corneal epithelium were cultured in the presence of the ROCK inhibitor, Y27632 at 0, 0.03, 0.3, 3, or 10 ,M before stimulating the cells with either collagen (COL) or LPA. Apoptosis was assessed by Caspase-3 activity assays and visualized with annexin V binding. The ROCK inhibitor blocked actin cortical mat reformation and disrupted the basal cell lateral membranes in a dose-dependent manner and increased the apoptosis marker annexin V. In addition, an in vitro caspase-3 activity assay was used to determine that caspase-3 activity was higher in epithelia treated with 10 ,M Y-27632 than in those isolated without the basal lamina or epithelia stimulated with fibronectin, COL, or LPA. In conclusion, ECM molecules decreased apoptosis markers and inhibiting the ROCK pathway blocked ECM stimulated actin cortical mat reformation and increased apoptosis in embryonic corneal epithelial cells. Developmental Dynamics 229:579,590, 2004. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Effects of antisense misexpression of CFC on downstream flectin protein expression during heart looping

    Kersti K. Linask
    Abstract Dextral looping of the heart is regulated on multiple levels. In humans, mutations of the genes CFC and Pitx2/RIEG result in laterality-associated cardiac anomalies. In animal models, a common read-out after the misexpression of laterality genes is heart looping direction. Missing in these studies is how laterality genes impact on downstream morphogenetic processes to coordinate heart looping. Previously, we showed that Pitx2 indirectly regulates flectin protein by regulating the timing of flectin expression in one heart field versus the other (Linask et al. [2002] Dev. Biol. 246:407,417). To address this question further we used a reported loss-of-function approach to interfere with chick CFC expression (Schlange et al. [2001] Dev. Biol. 234:376,389) and assaying for flectin expression during looping. Antisense CFC treatment results in abnormal heart looping or no looping. Our results show that regardless of the sidedness of downstream Pitx2 expression, it is the sidedness of predominant flectin protein expression in the extracellular matrix of the dorsal mesocardial folds and splanchnic mesoderm apposed to the foregut wall that is associated directly with looping direction. Thus, Pitx2 can be experimentally uncoupled from heart looping. The flectin asymmetry continues to be maintained in the secondary heart field during looping. Developmental Dynamics 228:217,230, 2003. © 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Rethinking axial patterning in amphibians

    Mary Constance Lane
    Abstract Recent revisions in the Xenopus laevis fate map led to the designation of the rostral/caudal axis and reassignment of the dorsal/ventral axis (Lane and Smith [1999] Development 126:423,434; Lane and Sheets [2000] Dev. Biol. 225:37,58). It is unprecedented to reassign primary embryonic axes after many years of research in a model system. In this review, we use insights about vertebrate development from anatomy and comparative embryology, as well as knowledge about gastrulation in frogs, to reexamine several traditional amphibian fate maps. We show that four extant maps contain information on the missing rostral/caudal axis. These maps support the revised map as well as the designation of the rostral/caudal axis and reassignment of the dorsal/ventral axes. To illustrate why it is important for researchers to use the revised map and nomenclature when thinking about frog and fish embryos, we present an example of alternative interpretations of "dorsalized" zebrafish mutations. © 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    The costs and benefits of fast living

    ECOLOGY LETTERS, Issue 12 2009
    Karen E. Rose
    Abstract Growth rates play a fundamental role in many areas of biology (Q. Rev. Biol., 67, 1992, 283; Life History Invariants. Some Explorations of Symmetry in Evolutionary Biology, 1993; Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B Biol. Sci., 351, 1996, 1341; Plant Strategies, Vegetation Processes, and Ecosystem Properties, 2002; Trends Ecol. Evol., 18, 2003, 471; Q. Rev. Biol., 78, 2003, 23; J. Ecol., 95, 2007, 926.) but the cost and benefits of different growth rates are notoriously difficult to quantify (Q. Rev. Biol., 72, 1997, 149; Funct. Ecol., 17, 2003, 328). This is because (1) growth rate typically declines with size and yet the most widely used growth measure , relative growth rate or RGR (conventionally measured as the log of the ratio of successive sizes divided by the time interval) , is not size-corrected and so confounds growth and size, (2) organisms have access to different amounts of resource and (3) it is essential to allow for the long-term benefits of larger size. Here we experimentally demonstrate delayed costs and benefits of rapid growth in seven plant species using a novel method to calculate size-corrected RGR. In control treatments, fast-growing plants benefited from increased reproduction the following year; however, fast-growing plants subjected to an experimental stress treatment (defoliation) showed strongly reduced survival and reproduction the following year. Importantly, when growth was estimated using the classical RGR measure, no costs or benefits were found. These results support the idea that life-history trade-offs have a dominant role in life-history and ecological theory and that the widespread failure to detect them is partly due to methodological shortcomings. Ecology Letters (2009) 12: 1379,1384 [source]

    The cytoplasmic tail of invariant chain modulates antigen processing and presentation


    Abstract The MHC class II-associated invariant chain (Ii) has several important functions in antigen presentation. In this study, we have examined the effect of Iip33 expression on endocytic transport and antigen presentation. We find that degradation of both endocytosed antigen and Ii itself is delayed in cells expressing high levels of Ii, whereas a mutant Ii with an altered charge distributionin the cytoplasmic tail was unable to exert this effect. Furthermore, the Ii mutant did not enhance the presentation of an Ii-dependent MHC class II-restricted epitope to the same extent as the wild type. In a parallel study, we investigated the effect of charge in the cytoplasmic tail of Ii. We find that due to exposed negative charges, it promotes endosome fusion events, and we suggest thatthis causes endosomal retention (Nordeng et al., Mol. Biol. Cell 2002). Together, the data reveal an additional property of the Iip33 cytoplasmic tail that contributes to the modulation of antigen processing and presentation. [source]

    Elements of a neurobiological theory of hippocampal function: the role of synaptic plasticity, synaptic tagging and schemas

    R. G. M. MorrisArticle first published online: 8 JUN 200
    Abstract The 2004 EJN Lecture was an attempt to lay out further aspects of a developing neurobiological theory of hippocampal function [Morris, R.G.M., Moser, E.I., Riedel, G., Martin, S.J., Sandin, J., Day, M. & O'Carroll, C. (2003) Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B Biol. Sci., 358, 773,786.] These are that (i) activity-dependent synaptic plasticity plays a key role in the automatic encoding and initial storage of attended experience; (ii) the persistence of hippocampal synaptic potentiation over time can be influenced by other independent neural events happening closely in time, an idea with behavioural implications for memory; and (iii) that systems-level consolidation of memory traces within neocortex is guided both by hippocampal traces that have been subject to cellular consolidation and by the presence of organized schema in neocortex into which relevant newly encoded information might be stored. Hippocampal memory is associative and, to study it more effectively than with previous paradigms, a new learning task is described which is unusual in requiring the incidental encoding of flavour,place paired associates, with the readout of successful storage being successful recall of a place given the flavour with which it was paired. NMDA receptor-dependent synaptic plasticity is shown to be critical for the encoding and intermediate storage of memory traces in this task, while AMPA receptor-mediated fast synaptic transmission is necessary for memory retrieval. Typically, these rapidly encoded traces decay quite rapidly over time. Synaptic potentiation also decays rapidly, but can be rendered more persistent by a process of cellular consolidation in which synaptic tagging and capture play a key part in determining whether or not it will be persistent. Synaptic tags set at the time of an event, even many trivial events, can capture the products of the synthesis of plasticity proteins set in train by events before, during or even after an event to be remembered. Tag,protein interactions stabilize synaptic potentiation and, by implication, memory. The behavioural implications of tagging are explored. Finally, using a different protocol for flavour,place paired associate learning, it is shown that rats can develop a spatial schema which represents the relative locations of several different flavours of food hidden at places within a familiar space. This schema is learned gradually but, once acquired, enables new paired associates to be encoded and stored in one trial. Their incorporation into the schema prevents rapid forgetting and suggests that schema play a key and hitherto unappreciated role in systems-level memory consolidation. The elements of what may eventually mature into a more formal neurobiological theory of hippocampal memory are laid out as specific propositions with detailed conceptual discussion and reference to recent data. [source]

    Striatal modulation of cAMP-response-element-binding protein (CREB) after excitotoxic lesions: implications with neuronal vulnerability in Huntington's disease

    Carmela Giampà
    Abstract Recent evidence has shown that the activity of cAMP responsive element-binding protein (CREB) and of CREB-binding protein (CBP) is decreased in Huntington's disease (HD) [Steffan et al. (2000)Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA, 97, 6763,6768; Gines et al. (2003)Hum. Mol. Genet., 12, 497,508; Rouaux et al. (2004) Biochem. Pharmacol., 68, 1157,1164; Sugars et al. (2004)J. Biol. Chem., 279, 4988,4999]. Such decrease is thought to reflect the impaired energy metabolism observed in a HD mouse model, where a decline in striatum cAMP levels has been observed [Gines et al. (2003)Hum. Mol. Genet., 12, 497,508]. Increased levels of CREB have also been demonstrated to exert neuroprotective functions [Lonze & Ginty (2002)Neuron, 35, 605,623; Lonze et al. (2002)Neuron, 34, 371,385]. Our study aimed to investigate the distribution of CREB in the neuronal subpopulations of the striatum in normal rats compared to the HD model of quinolinic acid lesion. Twenty-five Wistar rats were administered quinolinic acid 100 mm into the right striatum, and killed after 24 h, 48 h, 1 week, 2 weeks, and six weeks, respectively. The contralateral striata were used as controls. Dual-label immunofluorescence was employed using antibodies against phosphorylated CREB and each of the different neuronal subpopulations markers. Our results show that activated CREB levels decrease progressively in projection neurons and parvalbumin (PARV) and calretinin (CALR) interneurons, whereas such levels remain stable in cholinergic and somatostatin interneurons. Thus, we speculate that the ability of cholinergic interneurons to maintain their levels of CREB after excitotoxic lesions is one of the factors determining their protection in Huntington's disease. [source]

    Irregular dimerization of guanylate cyclase-activating protein 1 mutants causes loss of target activation

    FEBS JOURNAL, Issue 18 2004
    Ji-Young Hwang
    Guanylate cyclase-activating proteins (GCAPs) are neuronal calcium sensors that activate membrane bound guanylate cyclases (EC of vertebrate photoreceptor cells when cytoplasmic Ca2+ decreases during illumination. GCAPs contain four EF-hand Ca2+ -binding motifs, but the first EF-hand is nonfunctional. It was concluded that for GCAP-2, the loss of Ca2+ -binding ability of EF-hand 1 resulted in a region that is crucial for targeting guanylate cyclase [Ermilov, A.N., Olshevskaya, E.V. & Dizhoor, A.M. (2001) J. Biol. Chem.276, 48143,48148]. In this study we tested the consequences of mutations in EF-hand 1 of GCAP-1 with respect to Ca2+ binding, Ca2+ -induced conformational changes and target activation. When the nonfunctional first EF-hand in GCAP-1 is replaced by a functional EF-hand the chimeric mutant CaM,GCAP-1 bound four Ca2+ and showed similar Ca2+ -dependent changes in tryptophan fluorescence as the wild-type. CaM,GCAP-1 neither activated nor interacted with guanylate cyclase. Size exclusion chromatography revealed that the mutant tended to form inactive dimers instead of active monomers like the wild-type. Critical amino acids in EF-hand 1 of GCAP-1 are cysteine at position 29 and proline at position 30, as changing these to glycine was sufficient to cause loss of target activation without a loss of Ca2+ -induced conformational changes. The latter mutation also promoted dimerization of the protein. Our results show that EF-hand 1 in wild-type GCAP-1 is critical for providing the correct conformation for target activation. [source]

    Contribution of Tyr712 and Phe716 to the activity of human RNase L

    FEBS JOURNAL, Issue 13 2004
    Masayuki Nakanishi
    Ribonuclease L (RNase L) is a key enzyme in the 2-5A host defense system, and its activity is strictly regulated by an unusual 2,,5,-linked oligoadenylate (2-5A). A bipartite model, in which the N-terminal half of RNase L is responsible for the 2-5A binding and the C-terminal half alone is able to hydrolyse the substrate RNA, has been proposed on the basis of the results of deletion mutant analyses [Dong, B. & Silverman, R.H. (1997) J. Biol. Chem.272, 22236,22242]. Above all, the region between Glu711 and His720 was revealed to be essential for RNA binding and/or hydrolysis. To dissect the function of the region, we performed scanning mutagenesis over the 10 residues of glutathione S -transferase (GST)-fusion RNase L. Among the single amino acid mutants examined, Y712A and F716A resulted in a significant decrease of RNase activity with a reduced RNA binding acitivity. The losses of the RNase activity were not restored by its conservative mutation, whereas the RNA binding activity was enhanced in the case of Y712F. These results indicate that both Tyr712 and Phe716 provide the enzyme with a RNA binding activity and catalytic environment. [source]

    The N -acetylglutamate synthase/N -acetylglutamate kinase metabolon of Saccharomyces cerevisiae allows co-ordinated feedback regulation of the first two steps in arginine biosynthesis

    FEBS JOURNAL, Issue 5 2003
    Katia Pauwels
    In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which uses the nonlinear pathway of arginine biosynthesis, the first two enzymes, N -acetylglutamate synthase (NAGS) and N -acetylglutamate kinase (NAGK), are controlled by feedback inhibition. We have previously shown that NAGS and NAGK associate in a complex, essential to synthase activity and protein level [Abadjieva, A., Pauwels, K., Hilven, P. & Crabeel, M. (2001) J. Biol. Chem.276, 42869,42880]. The NAGKs of ascomycetes possess, in addition to the catalytic domain that is shared by all other NAGKs and whose structure has been determined, a C-terminal domain of unknown function and structure. Exploring the role of these two domains in the synthase/kinase interaction, we demonstrate that the ascomycete-specific domain is required to maintain synthase activity and protein level. Previous results had suggested a participation of the third enzyme of the pathway, N -acetylglutamylphosphate reductase, in the metabolon. Here, genetic analyses conducted in yeast at physiological level, or in a heterologous background, clearly demonstrate that the reductase is dispensable for synthase activity and protein level. Most importantly, we show that the arginine feedback regulation of the NAGS and NAGK enzymes is mutually interdependent. First, the kinase becomes less sensitive to arginine feedback inhibition in the absence of the synthase. Second, and as in Neurospora crassa, in a yeast kinase mutant resistant to arginine feedback inhibition, the synthase becomes feedback resistant concomitantly. We conclude that the NAGS/NAGK metabolon promotes the co-ordination of the catalytic activities and feedback regulation of the first two, flux controlling, enzymes of the arginine pathway. [source]

    Casein kinase 2 specifically binds to and phosphorylates the carboxy termini of ENaC subunits

    FEBS JOURNAL, Issue 18 2002
    Haikun Shi
    A number of findings have suggested the involvement of protein phosphorylation in the regulation of the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC). A recent study has demonstrated that the C tails of the , and , subunits of ENaC are subject to phosphorylation by at least three protein kinases [Shi, H., Asher, C., Chigaev, A., Yung, Y., Reuveny, E., Seger, R. & Garty, H. (2002) J. Biol. Chem. 277, 13539,13547]. One of them was identified as ERK which phosphorylates ,T613 and ,T623 and affects the channel interaction with Nedd4. The current study identifies a second protein kinase as casein kinase 2 (CK2), or CK-2-like kinase. It phosphorylates ,S631, a well-conserved serine on the , subunit. Such phosphorylation is observed both in vitro using glutathione-S-transferase,ENaC fusion proteins and in vivo in ENaC-expressing Xenopus oocytes. The , subunit is weakly phosphorylated by this protein kinase on another residue (,T599), and the C tail of , is not significantly phosphorylated by this kinase. Thus, CK2 may be involved in the regulation of the epithelial Na+ channel. [source]

    Differential actions of p60c-Src and Lck kinases on the Ras regulators p120-GAP and GDP/GTP exchange factor CDC25Mm

    FEBS JOURNAL, Issue 11 2001
    Carmela Giglione
    It is known that the human Ras GTPase activating protein (GAP) p120-GAP can be phosphorylated by different members of the Src kinase family and recently phosphorylation of the GDP/GTP exchange factor (GEF) CDC25Mm/GRF1 by proteins of the Src kinase family has been revealed in vivo[Kiyono, M., Kaziro, Y. & Satoh, T. (2000) J. Biol. Chem.275, 5441,5446]. As it still remains unclear how these phosphorylations can influence the Ras pathway we have analyzed the ability of p60c-Src and Lck to phosphorylate these two Ras regulators and have compared the activity of the phosphorylated and unphosphorylated forms. Both kinases were found to phosphorylate full-length or truncated forms of GAP and GEF. The use of the catalytic domain of p60c-Src showed that its SH3/SH2 domains are not required for the interaction and the phosphorylation of both regulators. Remarkably, the phosphorylations by the two kinases were accompanied by different functional effects. The phosphorylation of p120-GAP by p60c-Src inhibited its ability to stimulate the Ha-Ras-GTPase activity, whereas phosphorylation by Lck did not display any effect. A different picture became evident with CDC25Mm; phosphorylation by Lck increased its capacity to stimulate the GDP/GTP exchange on Ha-Ras, whereas its phosphorylation by p60c-Src was ineffective. Our results suggest that phosphorylation by p60c-Src and Lck is a selective process that can modulate the activity of p120-GAP and CDC25Mm towards Ras proteins. [source]

    The polypeptide chain release factor eRF1 specifically contacts the s4UGA stop codon located in the A site of eukaryotic ribosomes

    FEBS JOURNAL, Issue 10 2001
    Laurent Chavatte
    It has been shown previously [Brown, C.M. & Tate, W.P. (1994) J. Biol. Chem.269, 33164,33170.] that the polypeptide chain release factor RF2 involved in translation termination in prokaryotes was able to photocrossreact with mini-messenger RNAs containing stop signals in which U was replaced by 4-thiouridine (s4U). Here, using the same strategy we have monitored photocrosslinking to eukaryotic ribosomal components of 14-mer mRNA in the presence of , and 42-mer mRNA in the presence of tRNAAsp (tRNAAsp gene transcript). We show that: (a) both 14-mer and 42-mer mRNAs crossreact with ribosomal RNA and ribosomal proteins. The patterns of the crosslinked ribosomal proteins are similar with both mRNAs and sensitive to ionic conditions; (b) the crosslinking patterns obtained with 42-mer mRNAs show characteristic modification upon addition of tRNAAsp providing evidence for appropriate mRNA phasing onto the ribosome. Similar changes are not detected with the 14-mer pairs; (c) when eukaryotic polypeptide chain release factor 1 (eRF1) is added to the ribosome·tRNAAsp complex it crossreacts with the 42-mer mRNA containing the s4UGA stop codon located in the A site, but not with the s4UCA sense codon; this crosslink involves the N-terminal and middle domains of eRF1 but not the C domain which interacts with eukaryotic polypeptide chain release factor 3 (eRF3); (d) addition of eRF3 has no effect on the yield of eRF1,42-mer mRNA crosslinking and eRF3 does not crossreact with 42-mer mRNA. These experiments delineate the in vitro conditions allowing optimal phasing of mRNA on the eukaryotic ribosome and demonstrate a direct and specific contact of ,core' eRF1 and s4UGA stop codon within the ribosomal A site. [source]

    Microheterogeneity of recombinant human phenylalanine hydroxylase as a result of nonenzymatic deamidations of labile amide containing amino acids

    FEBS JOURNAL, Issue 20 2000
    Effects on catalytic, stability properties
    The microheterogeneity of recombinant human phenylalanine hydroxylase (hPAH) was investigated by isoelectric focusing and 2D electrophoresis. When expressed in Escherichia coli four main components (denoted hPAH I-IV) of ,,50 kDa were observed on long-term induction at 28,37 °C with isopropyl thio-,- d -galactoside (IPTG), differing in pI by about 0.1 pH unit. A similar type of microheterogeneity was observed when the enzyme was expressed (1 h at 37 °C) in an in vitro transcription-translation system, including both its nonphosphorylated and phosphorylated forms which were separated on the basis of a difference in mobility on SDS/PAGE. Experimental evidence is presented that the microheterogeneity is the result of nonenzymatic deamidations of labile amide containing amino acids. When expressed in E. coli at 28 °C, the percentage of the acidic forms of the enzyme subunit increased as a function of the induction time with IPTG, representing about 50% on 8 h induction. When the enzyme obtained after 2 h induction (containing mainly hPAH I) was incubated in vitro, its conversion to the acidic components (hPAH II,IV) revealed a pH and temperature dependence characteristic of a nonenzymatic deamidation of asparagine residues in proteins, with the release of ammonia. Comparing the microheterogeneity of the wild-type and a truncated form of the enzyme expressed in E. coli, it is concluded that the labile amide groups are located in the catalytic domain as defined by crystal structure analysis [Erlandsen, H., Fusetti, F., Martínez, A., Hough, E., Flatmark, T. & Stevens, R. C. (1997) Nat. Struct. Biol. 4, 995,1000]. It is further demonstrated that the progressive deamidations which occur in E. coli results in a threefold increase in the catalytic efficiency (Vmax/[S]0.5) of the enzyme and an increased susceptibility to limited tryptic proteolysis, characteristic of a partly activated enzyme. The results also suggest that deamidation may play a role in the long term regulation of the catalytic activity and the cellular turnover of this enzyme. [source]

    Phosphorylation of phosphodiesterase-5 by cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinase alters its catalytic and allosteric cGMP-binding activities

    FEBS JOURNAL, Issue 9 2000
    Jackie D. Corbin
    In addition to its cGMP-selective catalytic site, cGMP-binding cGMP-specific phosphodiesterase (PDE5) contains two allosteric cGMP-binding sites and at least one phosphorylation site (Ser92) on each subunit [Thomas, M.K., Francis, S.H. & Corbin, J.D. (1990) J. Biol. Chem.265, 14971,14978]. In the present study, prior incubation of recombinant bovine PDE5 with a phosphorylation reaction mixture [cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG) or catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA), MgATP, cGMP, 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine], shown earlier to produce Ser92 phosphorylation, caused a 50,70% increase in enzyme activity and also increased the affinity of cGMP binding to the allosteric cGMP-binding sites. Both effects were associated with increases in its phosphate content up to 0.6 mol per PDE5 subunit. Omission of any one of the preincubation components caused loss of stimulation of catalytic activity. Addition of the phosphorylation reaction mixture to a crude bovine lung extract, which contains PDE5, also produced a significant increase in cGMP PDE catalytic activity. The increase in recombinant PDE5 catalytic activity brought about by phosphorylation was time-dependent and was obtained with 0.2,0.5 ,m PKG subunit, which is approximately the cellular level of this enzyme in vascular smooth muscle. Significantly greater stimulation was observed using cGMP substrate concentrations below the Km value for PDE5, although stimulation was also seen at high cGMP concentrations. Considerably higher concentration of the catalytic subunit of PKA than of PKG was required for activation. There was no detectable difference between phosphorylated and unphosphorylated PDE5 in median inhibitory concentration for the PDE5 inhibitors, sildenafil, or zaprinast 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine. Phosphorylation reduced the cGMP concentration required for half-maximum binding to the allosteric cGMP-binding sites from 0.13 to 0.03 ,m. The mechanism by which phosphorylation of PDE5 by PKG could be involved in physiological negative-feedback regulation of cGMP levels is discussed. [source]

    Intracellular trafficking and release of intact edible mushroom lectin from HT29 human colon cancer cells

    FEBS JOURNAL, Issue 7 2000
    Lu-Gang Yu
    Our previous studies have shown that the Gal,1,3GalNAc,- (Thomsen,Friedenreich antigen)-binding lectin from the common edible mushroom Agaricus bisporus (ABL) reversibly inhibits cell proliferation, and this effect is a consequence of inhibition of nuclear localization sequence-dependent nuclear protein import after ABL internalization [Yu, L.G., Fernig, D.G., White, M.R.H., Spiller, D.G., Appleton, P., Evans, R.C., Grierson, I., Smith, J.A., Davies, H., Gerasimenko, O.V., Petersen, O.H., Milton, J.D. & Rhodes, J.M. (1999) J. Biol. Chem.274, 4890,4899]. Here, we have investigated further the intracellular trafficking and fate of ABL after internalization in HT29 human colon cancer cells. Internalization of 125I-ABL occurred within 30 min of the lectin being bound to the cell surface. Subcellular fractionation after pulse labelling of the cells with 125I-ABL for 2 h at 4 °C followed by culture of the cells at 37 °C demonstrated a steady increase in radioactivity in a crude nuclear extract. The radioactivity in this extract reached a maximum after 10 h and declined after 20 h. Release of ABL from the cell, after pulse labelling, was assessed using both fluorescein isothiocyanate-labelled ABL and 125I-ABL and was slow, with a t1/2 of 48 h. Most of the 125I-ABL both inside cells and in the medium remained intact, as determined by trichloroacetic acid precipitation and SDS/PAGE, and after 48 h only 22 ± 2% of ABL in the medium and 14 ± 2% inside the cells was degraded. This study suggests that the reversibility of the antiproliferative effect of ABL is associated with its release from cells after internalization. The internalization and subsequent slow release, with little degradation of ABL, reflects the tendency of lectins to resist biodegradation and implies that other endogenous or exogenous lectins may be processed in this way by intestinal epithelial cells. [source]

    Differential mechanism-based labeling and unequivocal activity assignment of the two active sites of intestinal lactase/phlorizin hydrolase

    FEBS JOURNAL, Issue 24 2000
    Juan C. Díaz Arribas
    Milk lactose is hydrolysed to galactose and glucose in the small intestine of mammals by the lactase/phlorizin hydrolase complex (LPH; EC The two enzymatic activities, lactase and phlorizin hydrolase, are located in the same polypeptide chain. According to sequence homology, mature LPH contains two different regions (III and IV), each of them homologous to family 1 glycosidases and each with a putative active site. There has been some discrepancy with regard to the assignment of enzymatic activity to the two active sites. Here we show differential reactivity of the two active sites with mechanism-based glycosidase inhibitors. When LPH is treated with 2,,4,-dinitrophenyl 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-,- d -glucopyranoside (1) and 2,,4,-dinitrophenyl-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-,- d -galactopyranoside (2), known mechanism-based inhibitors of glycosidases, it is observed that compound 1 preferentially inactivates the phlorizin hydrolase activity whereas compound 2 is selective for the lactase active site. On the other hand, glycals (d -glucal and d -galactal) competitively inhibit lactase activity but not phlorizin hydrolase activity. This allows labeling of the phlorizin site with compound 1 by protection with a glycal. By differential labeling of each active site using 1 and 2 followed by proteolysis and MS analysis of the labeled fragments, we confirm that the phlorizin hydrolysis occurs mainly at the active site located at region III of LPH and that the active site located at region IV is responsible for the lactase activity. This assignment is coincident with that proposed from the results of recent active-site mutagenesis studies [Zecca, L., Mesonero, J.E., Stutz, A., Poiree, J.C., Giudicelli, J., Cursio, R., Gloor, S.M. & Semenza, G. (1998) FEBS Lett.435, 225,228] and opposite to that based on data from early affinity labeling with conduritol B epoxide [Wacker, W., Keller, P., Falchetto, R., Legler, G. & Semenza, G. (1992) J. Biol. Chem.267, 18744,18752]. [source]

    Finding starting points for Markov chain Monte Carlo analysis of genetic data from large and complex pedigrees

    Yuqun Luo
    Abstract Genetic data from founder populations are advantageous for studies of complex traits that are often plagued by the problem of genetic heterogeneity. However, the desire to analyze large and complex pedigrees that often arise from such populations, coupled with the need to handle many linked and highly polymorphic loci simultaneously, poses challenges to current standard approaches. A viable alternative to solving such problems is via Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) procedures, where a Markov chain, defined on the state space of a latent variable (e.g., genotypic configuration or inheritance vector), is constructed. However, finding starting points for the Markov chains is a difficult problem when the pedigree is not single-locus peelable; methods proposed in the literature have not yielded completely satisfactory solutions. We propose a generalization of the heated Gibbs sampler with relaxed penetrances (HGRP) of Lin et al., ([1993] IMA J. Math. Appl. Med. Biol. 10:1,17) to search for starting points. HGRP guarantees that a starting point will be found if there is no error in the data, but the chain usually needs to be run for a long time if the pedigree is extremely large and complex. By introducing a forcing step, the current algorithm substantially reduces the state space, and hence effectively speeds up the process of finding a starting point. Our algorithm also has a built-in preprocessing procedure for Mendelian error detection. The algorithm has been applied to both simulated and real data on two large and complex Hutterite pedigrees under many settings, and good results are obtained. The algorithm has been implemented in a user-friendly package called START. Genet Epidemiol 25:14,24, 2003. © 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Histidine and not tyrosine is required for the Peroxide-induced formation of haem to protein cross-linked myoglobin

    IUBMB LIFE, Issue 8-9 2007
    Brandon J. Reeder
    Abstract Peroxide-induced oxidative modifications of haem proteins such as myoglobin and haemoglobin can lead to the formation of a covalent bond between the haem and globin. These haem to protein cross-linked forms of myoglobin and haemoglobin are cytotoxic and have been identified in pathological conditions in vivo. An understanding of the mechanism of haem to protein cross-link formation could provide important information on the mechanisms of the oxidative processes that lead to pathological complications associated with the formation of these altered myoglobins and haemoglobins. We have re-examined the mechanism of the formation of haem to protein cross-link to test the previously reported hypothesis that the haem forms a covalent bond to the protein via the tyrosine 103 residue (Catalano, C. E., Choe, Y. S., Ortiz de Montellano, P. R., J. Biol. Chem. 1989, 10534 - 10541). Comparison of native horse myoglobin, recombinant sperm whale myoglobin and Tyr103 , Phe sperm whale mutant shows that, contrary to the previously proposed mechanism of haem to protein cross-link formation, the absence of tyrosine 103 has no impact on the formation of haem to protein cross-links. In contrast, we have found that engineered myoglobins that lack the distal histidine residue either cannot generate haem to protein cross-links or show greatly suppressed levels of modified protein. Moreover, addition of a distal histidine to myoglobin from Aplysia limacina, that naturally lacks this histidine, restores the haem protein's capacity to generate haem to protein cross-links. The distal histidine is, therefore, vital for the formation of haem to protein cross-link and we explore this outcome. [source]

    Oncogene expression profiles in K6/ODC mouse skin and papillomas following a chronic exposure to monomethylarsonous acid,

    Don A. Delker
    Abstract We have previously observed that a chronic drinking water exposure to monomethylarsonous acid [MMA(III)], a cellular metabolite of inorganic arsenic, increases tumor frequency in the skin of keratin VI/ornithine decarboxylase (K6/ODC) transgenic mice. To characterize gene expression profiles predictive of MMA(III) exposure and mode of action of carcinogenesis, skin and papilloma RNA was isolated from K6/ODC mice administered 0, 10, 50, and 100 ppm MMA(III) in their drinking water for 26 weeks. Following RNA processing, the resulting cRNA samples were hybridized to Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430A 2.0 GeneChips®. Micoarray data were normalized using MAS 5.0 software, and statistically significant genes were determined using a regularized t -test. Significant changes in bZIP transcription factors, MAP kinase signaling, chromatin remodeling, and lipid metabolism gene transcripts were observed following MMA(III) exposure as determined using the Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery 2.1 (DAVID) (Dennis et al., Genome Biol 2003;4(5):P3). MMA(III) also caused dose-dependent changes in multiple Rho guanine nucleotide triphosphatase (GTPase) and cell cycle related genes as determined by linear regression analyses. Observed increases in transcript abundance of Fosl1, Myc, and Rac1 oncogenes in mouse skin support previous reports on the inducibility of these oncogenes in response to arsenic and support the relevance of these genomic changes in skin tumor induction in the K6/ODC mouse model. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biochem Mol Toxicol 23:406,418, 2009; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI 10.1002/jbt.20304 [source]

    CREB-dependent cyclooxygenase-2 and microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1 expression is mediated by protein kinase C and calcium

    Hung Pham
    Abstract Cellular production of prostaglandins (PGs) is controlled by the concerted actions of cyclooxygenases (COX) and terminal PG synthases on arachidonic acid in response to agonist stimulation. Recently, we showed in an ileal epithelial cell line (IEC-18), angiotensin II-induced COX-2-dependent PGI2 production through p38MAPK, and calcium mobilization (J. Biol. Chem. 280: 1582,1593, 2005). Agonist binding to the AT1 receptor results in activation of PKC activity and Ca2+ signaling but it is unclear how each pathway contributes to PG production. IEC-18 cells were stimulated with either phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate (PDB), thapsigargin (TG), or in combination. The PG production and COX-2 and PG synthase expression were measured. Surprisingly, PDB and TG produced PGE2 but not PGI2. This corresponded to induction of COX-2 and mPGES-1 mRNA and protein. PGIS mRNA and protein levels did not change. Activation of PKC by PDB resulted in the activation of ERK1/2, JNK, and CREB whereas activation of Ca2+ signaling by TG resulted in the delayed activation of ERK1/2. The combined effect of PKC and Ca2+ signaling were prolonged COX-2 and mPGES-1 mRNA and protein expression. Inhibition of PKC activity, MEK activity, or Ca2+ signaling blocked agonist induction of COX-2 and mPGES-1. Expression of a dominant negative CREB (S133A) blocked PDB/TG-dependent induction of both COX-2 and mPGES-1 promoters. Decreased CREB expression by siRNA blocked PDB/TG-dependent expression of COX-2 and mPGES-1 mRNA. These findings demonstrate a coordinated induction of COX-2 and mPGES-1 by PDB/TG that proceeds through PKC/ERK and Ca2+ signaling cascades, resulting in increased PGE2 production. J. Cell. Biochem. © 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Membrane potential and endocytic activity control disintegration of cell,cell adhesion and cell fusion in vinculin-injected MDBK cells

    Riitta Palovuori
    Cell fusion occurs during fertilization and in the formation of organs such as muscles, placenta, and bones. We have developed an experimental model for epithelial cell fusion which permits analysis of the processes during junction disintegration and formation of polykaryons (Palovuori and Eskelinen [2000] Eur. J. Cell. Biol. 79: 961,974). In the present work, we analyzed the process in detail. Cell fusion was achieved by microinjecting into the cytoplasm of kidney epithelial Madin-Darby bovine kidney (MDBK) cells TAMRA-tagged vinculin, which incorporated into lateral membranes, focal adhesions and nucleus, and, prior fusion, induced internalization of actin, cadherin and plakoglobin to small clusters in cytoplasm. Injected vinculin was still visible at lateral membranes after removal of junctional proteins indicating that it was tightly associated and perturbed the cell,cell contact sites resulting in membrane fragmentation. Injection of active Rac together with vinculin induced accumulation of cadherin to the membranes, but did not affect vinculin,membrane association. However, it hampered cell fusion probably by supporting adherens junctions. In order to stop endocytosis, we lowered intracellular pH of vinculin-injected cells to 5.5 with the aid of nigericin in KCl buffer. In acidified cells, injected vinculin delineated lateral membranes as thick layers, cadherin remained in situ, and cell fusion was completely inhibited. Since this treatment also leads to cell depolarization, we checked the vinculin incorporation in a KCl solution containing nigericin at neutral pH. In these circumstances, both endogenous and injected vinculin delineated lateral membranes as very thin discontinuous layers, but still fusion was hampered most likely due to perturbation in the initial vinculin,membrane association. We suggest that vinculin might function as a sensor of the environment triggering cell fusion during development in circumstances where membrane potential and local and transient pH gradients play a role. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Stability of the hydration layer of tropocollagen: A QM study

    K. Pálfi
    Abstract Collagen is a triple helical protein, highly hydrated in nature. Bella and Berman (J Mol Biol 1996, 264, 734) have reported the structure of the first hydration layer. Water molecules form bridges of different length around the POG repeats and self assemble into left-handed helical water threads. To explore the stability of these specifically hydrated places, we have designed suitable QM models: each comprises a triple helix formed by 18 residues surrounded by 8 to 12 explicit waters. Two sets of amino acids were used, one standing for the core structural subunit of tropocollagen (POG-model) and one for its natural enzyme recognition sites (AAG-model). We have determined the stability order of the water binding places, the strongest being ,8.1 kcal mol,1, while the weakest ,6.1 kcal mol,1 per hydrogen bond. In X-ray structures, each triplet of tropocollagen is shielded by six to nine water molecules. Beside the mandatory six, the "surplus" three water molecules further strengthen the binding of all the others. However, the displacement of selected water molecules turns out to be energy neutral. These water binding places on the surface of the triple helix can provide explanation on how an almost liquid-like hydration environment exists between the closely packed tropocollagens (Henkelman et al., Magn Reson Med 1994, 32, 592). It seems that these water reservoirs or buffers can provide space for "hole conduction" of water molecules and thus contribute to the elasticity of collagen. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Comput Chem, 2010 [source]

    Body size evolution in Mesozoic birds: little evidence for Cope's rule

    R. J. BUTLER
    Abstract Cope's rule, the tendency towards evolutionary increases in body size, is a long-standing macroevolutionary generalization that has the potential to provide insights into directionality in evolution; however, both the definition and identification of Cope's rule are controversial and problematic. A recent study [J. Evol. Biol. 21 (2008) 618] examined body size evolution in Mesozoic birds, and claimed to have identified evidence of Cope's rule occurring as a result of among-lineage species sorting. We here reassess the results of this study, and additionally carry out novel analyses testing for within-lineage patterns in body size evolution in Mesozoic birds. We demonstrate that the nonphylogenetic methods used by this previous study cannot distinguish between among- and within-lineage processes, and that statistical support for their results and conclusions is extremely weak. Our ancestor,descendant within-lineage analyses explicitly incorporate recent phylogenetic hypotheses and find little compelling evidence for Cope's rule. Cope's rule is not supported in Mesozoic birds by the available data, and body size evolution currently provides no insights into avian survivorship through the Cretaceous,Paleogene mass extinction. [source]

    Synergistic epistasis and alternative hypotheses

    S. Trouve
    Abstract Inbreeding generally results in deleterious shifts in mean fitness. If the fitness response to increasing inbreeding coefficient is non-linear, this suggests a contribution of epistasis to inbreeding depression. In a cross-breeding experiment, Salathé & Ebert (2003. J. Evol. Biol. 16: 976,985) tested and found the presence of this non-linearity in Daphnia magna. They argue that epistatic interactions cause this non-linearity. We argue here that their experimental protocol does not allow disentangling the effect of synergistic epistasis from two alternative hypotheses, namely hybrid vigour and statistical non-independence of data. [source]

    Sperm head morphology in 36 species of artiodactylans, perissodactylans, and cetaceans (Mammalia)

    Amy Downing Meisner
    Abstract Detailed descriptions of mammalian sperm morphology across a range of closely related taxa are rare. Most contributions have been generalized descriptions of a few distantly related mammalian species. These studies have emphasized a generalized ungulate sperm morphology, but have not underscored several important morphological differences in ungulate sperm, such as head shape. The present study is the first to document descriptions of sperm head morphology using cold field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) for a large number of closely related mammalian species. In total, the sperm of 36 species in three orders: Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates), Cetacea (whales, porpoises, and dolphins), and Perissodactyla (odd-toed ungulates) were examined to gather new information relevant to the debate about the phylogenetic placement of cetaceans relative to terrestrial ungulates. In all species examined, the sperm heads were generally flattened and ovate in shape with a distinct apical ridge, although considerable variation in sperm head shape was detected, both within and between orders. In artiodactylans, the sperm head was uniformly flat in lateral view, whereas perissodactylan and cetacean sperm heads showed a distinct posterior thickening. In both artiodactylans and perissodactylans, the mitochondria were elongate and wound in a tight helix around the midpiece, whereas in cetaceans the mitochondria were rounded and appeared to be randomly arranged around the midpiece. Additionally, prominent ridges running along the anterior,posterior axis were observed in the postacrosomal region of the sperm head in four species of cetaceans. These ridges were not observed in any of the terrestrial ungulates examined. Pits or fenestrations were detected in the postacrosomal region in most artiodactylan species examined; these structures were not detected in perissodactylans or cetaceans. The equatorial segment of the acrosome was detected in the artiodactylan species examined, tentatively identified in perissodactylans, but not found in cetaceans. Its shape and location are described for relevant taxa. The presence of a recently reported substructure within the equatorial segment (the equatorial subsegment; Ellis et al. [2002] J Struct Biol 138:187,198) was detected in artiodactylans, and its shape is described for the species examined. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]