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Selected Abstracts

Tretinoin Peels versus Glycolic Acid Peels in the Treatment of Melasma in Dark-Skinned Patients

Niti Khunger MD
Background. Chemical peels have become a popular method for treating melasma. Although daily topical 0.05 and 0.1% tretinoin have been used for melasma, the therapy takes at least 4 to 6 months to produce clinically significant lightening. In a recent trial, 1% tretinoin peel has shown good clinical and histologic results after biweekly applications in 2.5 weeks only in the treatment of melasma. Objective. Because there is a paucity of studies evaluating the efficacy and safety of 1% tretinoin peel in the treatment of melasma in dark-skinned Asian population, we conducted a pilot study to evaluate the efficacy and side effects of this potentially new peeling agent versus a standard peeling agent, 70% glycolic acid, in the treatment of melasma in Indian women. Methods. Ten female patients of melasma, after written consent, were taken up for an open left,right comparison pilot study of 12 weeks. One percent tretinoin peel was applied on one-half of the face, whereas 70% glycolic acid was applied on the other at weekly intervals. The results were evaluated by a clinical investigator by using the modified Melasma Area and Severity Index and with photographs at baseline and 6 and 12 weeks. Results. A significant decrease in the modified Melasma Area and Severity Index from baseline to 6 weeks and then from 6 to 12 weeks was observed on both facial sides (p<0.001). Nevertheless, there was no statistically significant difference between the right and the left sides. Side effects were minimal and 1% tretinoin peel appeared to be well tolerated by the patients. Conclusions. It was concluded from the present trial that serial 1% tretinoin peel is a well tolerated and as effective a therapy for melasma in dark-skinned individuals as a standard and well-tried chemical peel, 70% glycolic acid, although larger trials over longer periods may be necessary to substantiate such findings. [source]

The Use of Microdermabrasion for Acne: A Pilot Study

Jenifer R. Lloyd DO
Background. Microdermabrasion is a superficial peeling modality that has become quite popular with our patients and the media. Objective. To evaluate the use of microdermabrasion in patients with acne. Methods. Twenty-five patients with grade II,III acne were enrolled into this pilot study. All patients were under dermatologic care and were maintained on their acne medications throughout the study. Patients received eight microdermabrasion treatments at weekly intervals. The results were documented with before and after photographs and evaluated for clinical improvement. Results. Twenty-four patients completed the study with 38% (9/24) having excellent results, 34% (8/24) with good results, 17% (4/24) with fair results, and 12% (3/24) with poor results. Ninety-six percent (23/24) of patients were pleased with their peel results and would recommend this procedure to others. Conclusion. The use of microdermabrasion in this pilot study appeared to produce a positive effect on the improvement of acne. [source]

Studying spatial and temporal dynamics of sward structure at low stocking densities: the use of an extended rising-plate-meter method

O. Correll
Abstract An extended rising-plate-meter method was used to study the spatial and temporal variability of the sward structure of extensively managed pastures over a grazing season. Two treatments of a long-term grazing experiment with heifers were investigated: extensive continuous grazing (EG) with a target sward height of 10 cm and intensive continuous grazing (IG) with a target sward height of 5 cm. Compressed sward height and related herbage mass (HM), dominant plant species and stage of development of phenology were determined at weekly or twice weekly intervals at fixed measuring points. The results demonstrated a strong variability in sward height and HM, especially on the EG treatment. The botanical composition of the standing herbage differed between treatments and between patches of different heights within the same treatment. In areas with a short sward, the herbage was predominantly composed of Agrostis capillaris, Festuca rubra and Trifolium repens. It was more evenly composed and also included taller growing species, such as Alopecurus pratensis and Galium mollugo, in areas with a tall sward. The area potentially available for reproductive development was high in the EG treatment and low in the IG treatment. The method employed proved suitable to provide a detailed description of the dynamics of the sward structure. [source]

The impact of joint bleeding and synovitis on physical ability and joint function in a murine model of haemophilic synovitis

HAEMOPHILIA, Issue 1 2008
Summary., Haemophilia is a congenital disorder that commonly results in musculoskeletal bleeding and orthopaedic complications. After an acute joint haemorrhage, an increase in intra-articular pressure and inflammation cause pain, swelling and limited motion. Blood in the joint space provokes a proliferative disorder known as haemophilic synovitis. Overgrowth of the synovial membrane causes mechanical dysfunction. Eventually, there is destruction of the articular surface and underlying bone. The aim of this project was to test the hypothesis that a minimum number of haemarthroses negatively impacts on joint function and that this would be reflected by decreased physical performance of experimental animals. Mice deficient in factor VIII coagulant activity were trained to ambulate on a rotating rod then injured three times at weekly intervals. Their ability to walk was then compared to a group of uninjured mice. Cohorts of mice were killed after 1, 2 or 3 months and the knee joints examined by gross and histological methods. The results supported the following conclusions: (i) haemophilic mice can be trained to ambulate on a rotating rod; (ii) acute hemarthrosis temporarily impairs their ability to ambulate and (iii) following recovery from acute injury, mice developing synovitis demonstrated inferior physical ability compared to mice not developing synovitis. This is the first description of a quantitative assay to monitor joint function in experimental animals and should be useful to evaluate the efficacy of new therapies developed to prevent and treat bleeding and to test strategies to counter the devastating effects of synovitis. [source]

Audit of community-based anticoagulant monitoring in patients with thromboembolic disease: is frequent testing necessary?

L. Young
Abstract Oral anticoagulant monitoring is managed by general practitioners in Auckland. An audit of this service in 452 patients demonstrated that anticoagulant control was in line with recommended international guidelines, with 58.3% of international normalized ratio (INR) measurements in the therapeutic range. However, the frequency of testing was high, with the majority of patients (68%), including those on long-term treatment, having INR measurements at weekly intervals. We question the need for such frequent INR testing. (Intern Med J 2004; 34: 639,641) [source]

DOC Release from Alder Leaves and Catkins during Decomposition in a Small Lowland Stream

árka Axmanová
Abstract Alder leaves and catkins were placed in a small stream, then retrieved in weekly intervals, and rates of release of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and substantial DOC characteristics were determined. Decomposition rates of leaves and catkins were 0.026 d,1 and 0.011 d,1 on the streambed, and 0.017 d,1 and 0.009 d,1 in the sediments, respectively, during 5 weeks of decomposition. The rate of DOC release from leaves declined from 18.0% d,1 to 0.7% d,1, and had a higher proportion of low molecular weight compounds, more saturated and contained larger humic molecules than DOC from catkins, which rate of release declined from 10.6% d,1 to 0.1% d,1. In initial stages of the decomposition, leaf material produced more biodegradable DOC (BDOC) than catkins. During the period of low leaf litter input, DOC released from catkins can become an important instream source of labile DOC. (© 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) [source]

Saline Drainage Water, Irrigation Frequency and Crop Species Effects on Some Physical Properties of Soils

Y. A. Al-Nabulsi
This field study evaluated the effects of water quality, irrigation frequency and crop species on some physical properties of soils. The experiment had a split-split-plot design, with three irrigation water qualities (normal water, drainage water and a 1 : 1 mixture of freshwater and drainage water) as the main treatments, two irrigation frequencies (at 7- and 14-day intervals) as the subtreatments and two crops (barley and alfalfa) as the subsubtreatments. The soil infiltration rate was highest in the barley plot receiving freshwater irrigation at weekly intervals. The lowest soil infiltration rate was found in alfalfa plots receiving saline irrigation water at 14-day intervals. Bulk density and proportions of micropores [pore radius (r) < 1.4 µm] were higher and the proportion of macropores (r > 14.4 µm) was lower in barley than in alfalfa. Saline irrigation caused the greatest decrease in total porosity. The soil infiltration rate was higher with more frequent irrigation, and was highest in alfalfa plots receiving freshwater irrigation. The decrease in soil bulk density and infiltration rate was greater with saline drainage water, irrespective of the crop grown and the irrigation frequency. Salzhaltiges Drainagewasser, Bewässerungshäufig-keit und Kulturpflanzenarten mit Wirkung auf einige physikalische Eigenschaften des Bodens Eine Felduntersuchung wurde vorgenommen, um dem Einfluss der Wasserqualität, der Bewässerungshäufigkeit und Kulturpflanzenarten auf einige physikalische Eigenschaften von Böden zu untersuchen. Die Infiltrationrate mit Frischwasser in wöchentlichen Abständen unter Gerste war hoch. Eine Behandlung mit Salzwasser in 14 tägigen Abständen unter Luzerne zeigte eine geringere Infiltrationsrate des Bodens. Bodendichte und der Anteil der Mikroporen (Poren mit einem Radius von r < 1,4 mm) waren größer und der Anteil der Makroporen (r > 14,4 mm) war unter Gerste geringer. Bewässerung mit Salzwasser verursachte die stärkste Abnahme in der Gesamtporosität. Die Infiltrationsrate des Bodens nahm mit der Häufigkeit der Bewässerung zu und zeigte den höchsten Wert bei Luzerne und einer Frischwasserbewässerung. Die Abnahme in der Bodendichte und der Infiltrationseigenschaften waren bei Salzwasserdrainage unabhängig von der Kulturpflanzenart und der Bewässerungshäufigkeit höher. [source]

Effect of different levels of mannan-oligosaccharide supplementation on some immunological variables in weaned piglets

I. Nochta
Summary The effect of different doses of mannan-oligosaccharide (MOS) on specific and non-specific immune responses was studied in piglets, weaned at 28 days. A total of 58 piglets were used in six groups. Five groups were fed 0, 1, 2, 4 g MOS product per kg diet or with growth promoting antibiotics and immunized by inactivated Aujeszky's disease virus (AyV) vaccine at week 1 and 3 of the experiment (35 and 49 days). A sixth group, receiving the same non-supplemented diets was not immunized. Blood samples for lymphocyte stimulation (LST) and AyV neutralization (VN) tests were taken from all pigs on the first day of the experiment and at weekly intervals for 5 weeks. At week 8, the immunized piglets were infected orally with transmissible gastroenteritis virus. All piglets were weighed and slaughtered at week 10, digesta from small intestine were collected and tested for the presence of secretory (s)IgA. Feeding MOS supplementation resulted in enhanced specific and non-specific immune responses, however, a regressive dose-response of MOS was observed. Both the specific cellular (LST) and humoral responses (VN) were enhanced after 2 weeks of feeding 1 g/kg MOS and significantly differed from the antibiotic positive control. The same tendency was detected in case of the non-specific LSTs, although these started some weeks later showing significant differences by the fifth week. Higher doses of MOS had no further beneficial effect on systemic immunity. In addition, 1 g/kg MOS supplementation group also showed some advantage in local immune responsiveness. Therefore, based on the studied immune variables, 1 g/kg MOS product is suggested in the diet of weaned piglets. [source]

Measuring online information seeking context, Part 1: Background and method

Diane Kelly
Context is one of the most important concepts in information seeking and retrieval research. However, the challenges of studying context are great; thus, it is more common for researchers to use context as a post hoc explanatory factor, rather than as a concept that drives inquiry. The purposes of this study were to develop a method for collecting data about information seeking context in natural online environments, and identify which aspects of context should be considered when studying online information seeking. The study is reported in two parts. In this, the first part, the background and method are presented. Results and implications of this research are presented in Part 2 (Kelly, in press). Part 1 discusses previous literature on information seeking context and behavior and situates the current work within this literature. This part further describes the naturalistic, longitudinal research design that was used to examine and measure the online information seeking contexts of users during a 14-week period. In this design, information seeking context was characterized by a user's self-identified tasks and topics, and several attributes of these, such as the length of time the user expected to work on a task and the user's familiarity with a topic. At weekly intervals, users evaluated the usefulness of the documents that they viewed, and classified these documents according to their tasks and topics. At the end of the study, users provided feedback about the study method. [source]

Acetyl-l-carnitine in the treatment of painful antiretroviral toxic neuropathy in human immunodeficiency virus patients: an open label study

Maurizio Osio
Abstract Antiretroviral toxic neuropathy causes morbidity in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) patients under dideoxynucleoside therapy, benefits only partially from medical therapy, and often leads to drug discontinuation. Proposed pathogeneses include a disorder of mitochondrial oxidative metabolism, eventually related to a reduction of mitochondrial DNA content, and interference with nerve growth factor activity. Carnitine is a substrate of energy production reactions in mitochondria and is involved in many anabolic reactions. Acetyl carnitine treatment promotes peripheral nerve regeneration and has neuroprotective properties and a direct analgesic role related to glutamatergic and cholinergic modulation. The aim of this study was to evaluate acetyl-l-carnitine in the treatment of painful antiretroviral toxic neuropathy in HIV patients. Twenty subjects affected by painful antiretroviral toxic neuropathy were treated with oral acetyl-l-carnitine at a dose of 2,000 mg/day for a 4-week period. Efficacy was evaluated by means of the modified Short Form McGill Pain Questionnaire with each item rated on an 11-point intensity scale at weekly intervals and by electromyography at baseline and final visit. Mean pain intensity score was significantly reduced during the study, changing from 7.35 ± 1.98 (mean ± SD) at baseline to 5.80 ± 2.63 at week 4 (p = 0.0001). Electrophysiological parameters did not significantly change between baseline and week 4. In this study, acetyl-l-carnitine was effective and well tolerated in symptomatic treatment of painful neuropathy associated with antiretroviral toxicity. On the contrary, no effect was noted on neurophysiological parameters. [source]

Comparative immunogenicity of recombinant B domain-deleted porcine factor VIII and Hyate:C in hemophilia A mice presensitized to human factor VIII

E. T. Parker
Summary., Hyate is a commercial plasma-derived porcine factor (F)VIII concentrate that is used in the treatment of patients with inhibitory antibodies to FVIII. OBI-1 is a recombinant B domain-deleted form of porcine FVIII that is in clinical development for the same indication. Hemophilia A mice were presensitized with human FVIII to simulate clinical inhibitory antibody formation and then were randomized to receive OBI-1 or Hyate:C in a comparative immunogenicity trial. OBI-1 or Hyate:C were given in a series of four intravenous injections at weekly intervals at doses of 1, 10, or 100 U kg,1. Inhibitory antibodies to porcine FVIII were not detected by Bethesda assay in most of the mice given OBI-1 or Hyate:C at doses of 1 or 10 U kg,1, but were identified in 81% and 94% of mice given 100 U kg,1 of OBI-1 or Hyate:C, respectively. There was no significant difference between OBI-1 and Hyate:C in inhibitory antibody formation at any dose, although there was a trend toward a lower Bethesda titer in OBI-1-treated mice at 10 U kg,1 (P = 0.09). Total anti-FVIII antibodies to Hyate:C and OBI-1 were also measured by ELISA using immobilized purified plasma-derived porcine FVIII and OBI-1, respectively, as antigens. At the 10 and 100 U kg,1 doses, the mean anti-FVIII response was higher in Hyate:C-treated-mice than in OBI-1-treated mice (P = 0.02 and P = 0.004, respectively). The results using this model suggest that OBI-1 may be less immunogenic and safer than Hyate:C in FVIII inhibitor patients. [source]

Time-series nasal epithelial transcriptomics during natural pollen exposure in healthy subjects and allergic patients

ALLERGY, Issue 2 2010
P. Mattila
To cite this article: Mattila P, Renkonen J, Toppila-Salmi S, Parviainen V, Joenväärä S, Alff-Tuomala S, Nicorici D, Renkonen R. Time-series nasal epithelial transcriptomics during natural pollen exposure in healthy subjects and allergic patients. Allergy 2010; 65: 175,183. Abstract Background:, The role of epithelium has recently awakened interest in the studies of type I hypersensitivity. Objective:, We analysed the nasal transcriptomics epithelial response to natural birch pollen exposure in a time series manner. Methods:, Human nasal epithelial cell swabs were collected from birch pollen allergic patients and healthy controls in winter season. In addition, four specimens at weekly intervals were collected from the same subjects during natural birch pollen exposure in spring and transcriptomic analyses were performed. Results:, The nasal epithelium of healthy subjects responded vigorously to allergen exposure. The immune response was a dominating category of this response. Notably, the healthy subjects did not display any clinical symptoms regardless of this response detected by transcriptomic analysis. Concomitantly, the epithelium of allergic subjects responded also, but with a different set of responders. In allergic patients the regulation of dyneins, the molecular motors of intracellular transport dominated. This further supports our previous hypothesis that the birch pollen exposure results in an active uptake of allergen into the epithelium only in allergic subjects but not in healthy controls. Conclusion:, We showed that birch pollen allergen causes a defence response in healthy subjects, but not in allergic subjects. Instead, allergic patients actively transport pollen allergen through the epithelium to tissue mast cells. Our study showed that new hypotheses can arise from the application of discovery driven methodologies. To understand complex multifactorial diseases, such as type I hypersensitivity, this kind of hypotheses might be worth further analyses. [source]

Usefulness of specific immunotherapy in patients with atopic dermatitis and allergic sensitization to house dust mites: a multi-centre, randomized, dose,response study

ALLERGY, Issue 2 2006
T. Werfel
Background:, The effect of specific immunotherapy (SIT) on eczema in atopic dermatitis is not known. Therefore, a multi-centre, randomized dose,response trial, double-blind with respect to the efficacy of a biologically standardized depot house dust mite preparation was performed. Methods:, Eighty-nine adults with a chronic course of atopic dermatitis, SCORAD ,40 and allergic sensitization to house dust mites [CAP-FEIA ,3] were included, of whom 51 completed the study. Subcutaneous SIT with a house dust mite preparation (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus/D. farinae) applying maintenance doses of 20, 2000 and 20 000 SQ-U in weekly intervals for 1 year. The main outcome measures addressed the change of the SCORAD as average of the values after 9 and 12 months of SIT in comparison with the value at baseline. Results:, The SCORAD declined in the three dose groups in a dose-dependent manner (P = 0.0368, Jonckheere,Terpstra test) and was significantly lower in the two high-dose groups (2000, 20000 SQ-U) compared with the low-dose group of 20 SQ-U (P = 0.0379, U -test) after 1 year of SIT. The use of topical corticosteroids was significantly reduced with higher doses (P = 0.0007, Mantel,Haenszel chi-square test). Conclusions:, Allergen-SIT for 1 year with a house dust mite preparation is able to improve the eczema in patients with atopic dermatitis who are sensitized to house dust mite allergens and reduces the need for topical corticosteroids. SIT may be valuable in the treatment of this chronic skin disease. [source]

Three Years of Italian Experience of an Educational Program for Parents of Young Children Affected by Atopic Dermatitis: Improving Knowledge Produces Lower Anxiety Levels in Parents of Children with Atopic Dermatitis

Giampaolo Ricci M.D.
As atopic dermatitis affects 10% of the pediatric population, pediatricians and dermatologists spend much time on the treatment of this disease, which requires a multidisciplinary approach. To improve the quality of life of children and families affected by atopic dermatitis we have offered an educational program to the parents of young children affected by the disease. The program consists of six meetings at weekly intervals involving a pediatric allergist, a dermatologist, and a psychologist. Our experience has been positive. This type of program may help to improve the quality of life of families with children affected by atopic dermatitis. Lower levels of anxiety were observed among parents at the end of the program. We believe that educational programs of this type, in association with conventional treatment, can be useful in the long term management of the disease. They may be considered to improve the quality of life of the family and children and to create more interaction and compliance between physicians, parents, and children. [source]

Chemical residues and bioactivity of tebufenozide applied to apple foliage

Michael J Smirle
Abstract Tebufenozide, an insect growth regulator that acts as an ecdysone agonist, was applied at recommended label rate to apple trees in August 1997 and May 1998. Foliar residues were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography from samples collected 2, 24, 48 and 96 h post-spray, and at weekly intervals thereafter for 9 weeks in 1997 and 11 weeks in 1998. Foliage sampled at the same times was used in bioassays to determine residual toxicity to first-instar obliquebanded leafrollers, Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris). Residue decay followed first-order kinetics in both years, with residual half-life of 36.3 days in 1997 and 7.2 days in 1998. Estimates of the time needed to reduce bioactivity to 50% in bioassays were 18.7 days in 1997 and 36.3 days in 1998. The accuracy of equations describing decay of tebufenozide residues and bioactivity over time was not improved by using degree-day accumulations as the independent variable. For the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Government of Canada, © Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada 2004. Published for SCI by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Healthcare resource utilization during 1-year treatment with long-acting, injectable risperidone,

A. Leal
Abstract Background Schizophrenia is associated with disproportionately high costs, mainly due to hospitalization rates. This study assessed healthcare resource use in patients with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder during treatment with long-acting risperidone. Methods Patients (n,=,397 [inpatients, 24%; outpatients, 76%]) receiving stable doses of an antipsychotic for ,4 weeks were eligible to enter this 1-year, open-label study. Following a 2-week run-in period (oral risperidone 1,6 mg/day), patients received intramuscular long-acting risperidone (25 or 50 mg modal dose) every 2 weeks. Healthcare resource use in the previous 12 weeks was assessed at baseline and 12-weekly intervals. Results Patients needing hospitalization decreased significantly and continuously from 38% during the 12 weeks before study entry to 12% during the last 12 weeks. Mean hospitalization length during the study was 30.5 days (outpatients, 4.9 days; inpatients, 110 days). This included 28 patients (7%) who remained in hospital throughout the study. During treatment, 71% of those hospitalized at baseline were discharged. Partial hospitalization decreased significantly from 7% of patients during the 12 weeks before treatment to 3% during the last 12 weeks. Outpatient consultations also decreased significantly from 70% of patients to 30% in the first 12 weeks of treatment and remained stable thereafter. Only 9% of patients required an emergency room visit; mostly for non-psychiatric conditions. Conclusion Healthcare resource use is significantly reduced in patients with stable schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder receiving long-acting risperidone. It is highly likely that these reductions will decrease healthcare costs in patients receiving long-acting risperidone. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Swimming activity and energetic expenditure of captive rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) estimated by electromyogram telemetry

S J Cooke
Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) are usually cultured at high densities to maximize production, but little is known about the physiological and behavioural consequences of high-density fish culture. The purpose of this study was to develop quantitative correlates of activity for fish held under conditions of increasing density. Fifteen hatchery-reared rainbow trout (mean fork length = 432.3 ± 9.2 mm) were implanted with activity (electromyogram; EMGi) transmitters and randomly assigned to each of three replicate tanks. Original tank densities (15 kg m,3) were then increased to 30 and finally to 60 kg m,3 at weekly intervals by adding additional fish. Remote telemetry signals indicated that activity increased with increasing stocking density. Fish were relatively inactive during the middle of the day, with diel activity patterns not differing among treatments. Fish were more active during periods of darkness, with activity increasing with increasing stocking density. Relationships between swimming speed, EMGi activity and oxygen consumption were developed using a respirometer and used to estimate oxygen consumption of the fish in the density treatments. Average oxygen consumption estimates increased with increasing density treatments as follows: low density = 75.6 mg kg,1 h,1; medium density = 90.0 mg kg,1 h,1; and high density = 102.6 mg kg,1 h,1. Telemetry permits quantification of the effects of increasing density on fish activity. Physiological telemetry devices may provide a useful tool for remotely monitoring animal welfare correlates under controlled conditions for fish exposed to different husbandry conditions and may prove a valuable tool for the aquaculture industry. [source]

Early elevation in circulating levels of C-telopeptides of type II collagen predicts structural damage in articular cartilage in the rodent model of collagen-induced arthritis

Svetlana Oestergaard
Objective To investigate changes in the circulating levels of the C-telopeptide of type II collagen (CTX-II) with relation to disease onset and structural damage of cartilage in a rodent model of collagen-induced arthritis (CIA), and to investigate immunolocalization of the CTX-II epitope in the articular cartilage of affected joints. Methods Seven-week-old female Lewis rats were immunized with type II collagen and monitored using blood sampling at weekly intervals. At study termination (day 23), the animals were killed, synovial fluid was collected, and the affected joints were scored macroscopically for disease severity and underwent immunohistochemical evaluation. Results At the time of disease onset (day 15), which was characterized by redness and swelling of the affected joints (mean ± SD macroscopic severity score 9.1 ± 1.6), there was a 355% increase in serum CTX-II levels. The early change in serum CTX-II from day 0 to day 15 showed a significant association with the severity of cartilage damage (r = 0.61, P < 0.01). Immunostaining revealed extensive presence of the CTX-II epitope in the damaged, uncalcified cartilage tissue. Conclusion The elevation in serum CTX-II concomitant with the onset of disease and proportional to cartilage damage demonstrates that CTX-II is a sensitive diagnostic tool for monitoring joint disease in the rodent model of CIA. Furthermore, the immunohistochemical findings are consistent with the concept that the major source of serum CTX-II is the damaged articular cartilage. [source]

Analysis of tannins in seeds and skins of Shiraz grapes throughout berry development

Abstract The flavan-3-ol and proanthocyanidin composition of both seeds and skin of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Shiraz grapes was determined by reversed-phase HPLC after acetone extraction and acid-catalysis in the presence of excess phloroglucinol. Samples were taken at weekly intervals from fruit-set until commercial harvest. The main period of proanthocyanidin accumulation in grape seeds occurred immediately after fruit-set with maximum levels observed around veraison. Over two seasons there was variation in both the timing and content of proanthocyanidins in seeds. In skin, proanthocyanidin accumulation occurred from fruit set until 1,2 weeks after veraison. Proanthocyanidin subunit composition was different in seeds and skin and changed during berry development but the mean degree of polymerisation of the tannin polymers in skins was higher than in the seeds at all stages of berry development. Proanthocyanidin levels in both seeds and skin decreased between veraison and harvest. Additional proanthocyanidin subunits were released when the residues remaining after acetone extraction were subjected to direct acid-catalysis in the presence of phloroglucinol. In the seeds, these accounted for much of the post-veraison decrease, but not in grape skin. At harvest, 75% of extractable berry proanthocyanidin was in the seeds. Accumulation of proanthocyanidins in the seeds appears to be independent of that in the skins, but in both tissues synthesis occurs early in berry development and maximum levels are reached around veraison. [source]

Indorenate Improves Motor Function in Rats with Chronic Spinal Cord Injury

Guadalupe Bravo
Four months after a ninth thoracic vertebrae spinal cord contusion, 29 rats were randomly allocated into two groups: saline solution and indorenate-treated animals with daily doses incremented at weekly intervals. The locomotor performance of all rats was measured by the Basso, Beattie, and Bresnahan (BBB) rating scale. The results showed that at the end of the treatment, the motor activity of indorenate group was significantly better than that presented by saline solution group. The 80% of indorenate, (against 15% of saline solution) did not show detriment on motor activity. When we analysed the motor activity of rats with basal BBB lower than 10, a significant improvement of motor recovery in indorenate-treated animals was observed. The benefits observed in locomotor function at low doses followed by increasing doses could be associated with pharmacological treatment by indorenate, a well-known 5-HT1A receptor agonist. Our results suggest a potential mechanism by which serotonergic agents may improve motor function in rats with chronic spinal cord injury. [source]

Comparison of clozapine and haloperidol on some autonomic and psychomotor functions, and on serum prolactin concentration, in healthy subjects

J. L. Pretorius
Aims To compare the autonomic, neuroendocrine and psychomotor effects of single doses of the ,atypical' antipsychotic clozapine and the ,classical' antipsychotic haloperidol, in healthy male volunteers. Methods Clozapine (50 mg), haloperidol (3 mg) and placebo were administered to 12 healthy male volunteers at weekly intervals, according to a balanced double-blind design. Resting pupil diameter, salivary output, heart rate, blood pressure, plasma prolactin concentration, critical flicker fusion frequency and subjective ,alertness', ,contentedness' and ,anxiety' were measured at baseline and 2, 3, 4 and 5 h after drug ingestion. Data were analysed by analysis of variance with individual comparisons (Dunnett's test) with a significance criterion of P < 0.05. Results Significant treatment effects (difference from placebo [mean, 95% CI] 5 h after drug ingestion) were as follows: clozapine reduced pupil diameter (mm; ,3.02 [,3.56, ,2.47]), salivary output (g; ,0.34 [,0.60, ,0.08]), mean arterial blood pressure (mm Hg; ,8.7 [,14.3, ,3.1]), critical flicker fusion frequency (Hz; ,3.26 [,3.94, ,2.58]), and subjectively-rated ,alertness' (mm; ,20.94 [,29.21, ,12.67]) and ,contentedness' (mm; ,12.98 [,17.90, ,8.06]), whereas haloperidol increased prolactin concentration (mU l,1; 301.3 [196.7, 405.8]) and caused small reductions in pupil diameter (mm; ,0.68 [,1.23, ,0.14]), mean arterial blood pressure (mm Hg; ,7.0 [,12.6, ,1.4]) and critical flicker fusion frequency (Hz; ,1.15 [,1.83, ,0.47]). Conclusions The effects of the antipsychotics are in agreement with their receptor binding profiles: ,1 -adrenoceptor blockade by clozapine may contribute to reductions in pupil diameter, salivation, mean arterial blood pressure and sedation, and muscarinic cholinoceptor blockade by the drug may underlie the reduction in salivation. Conversely, D2 dopamine receptor blockade by haloperidol is likely to be responsible for the increase in prolactin secretion evoked by the drug. [source]

Stroma remodelling during healing of corneal surface irregularities induced by PTK

Marios Panagiotopoulos
Abstract. Purpose:, To study the histopathology of the remodelling process in the stroma after excimer-laser-induced corneal irregular injuries. Methods:, Seven New Zealand white rabbits received in one eye a transepithelial plano photoablation (60 µm) and an additional plano ablation (25 µm). On the denuded stroma, an electron microscopy specimen grid was placed and another 25 µm ablation was applied to produce surface irregularities. Dichlorotriazinyl aminofluorescein (DTAF) was then applied for 45 seconds. Another seven right eyes of seven rabbits were ablated the same way but without using the grid, resulting in a plano ablation. All the rabbits were killed at weekly intervals after treatment. The harvested corneas from both eyes were further processed for haematoxylin-eosin staining and were also stained with monoclonal antibodies directed against Ki-67 antigen and ,-smooth muscle actin (,-SMA). All specimens were examined under light and fluorescence microscope. Results:, The corneal wounds were covered by epithelium during the first week. The 25 µm × 25 µm × 25 µm stromal irregularities were clearly discernible up to 3 weeks after treatment, during which time they melted and disappeared. A homogeneous zone was formed in which stroma cells laid down an initially disorganized stroma. This was sharply visible under a fluorescence microscope as a dark area between the dichlorotriazinyl aminofluorescein (DTAF) fluorescent stroma and autofluorescent epithelium. Very little response was seen in the plano-ablated wound microscopically and in terms of positive stained cells. Conclusion:, As the irregularities are flattened and the homogenous zone becomes repopulated with keratocytes forming extracellular matrix material (ECM), the cornea regains its previous architecture in both groups. The irregular wound surface promotes wound-healing reactivity, a process that allows the cornea to compensate for the irregularities and heal to a functional state. [source]

Prenatal Antecedents of Newborn Neurological Maturation

Janet A. DiPietro
Fetal neurobehavioral development was modeled longitudinally using data collected at weekly intervals from 24 to 38 weeks gestation in a sample of 112 healthy pregnancies. Predictive associations between 3 measures of fetal neurobehavioral functioning and their developmental trajectories to neurological maturation in the first weeks after birth were examined. Prenatal measures included fetal heart rate (FHR) variability, fetal movement, and coupling between fetal motor activity and heart rate patterning; neonatal outcomes include a standard neurologic examination (n = 97) and brainstem auditory evoked potential (BAEP; n = 47). Optimality in newborn motor activity and reflexes was predicted by fetal motor activity, FHR variability, and somatic,cardiac coupling predicted BAEP parameters. Maternal pregnancy-specific psychological stress was associated with accelerated neurologic maturation. [source]

Intralesional triamcinolone alone or in combination with 5-fluorouracil for the treatment of keloid and hypertrophic scars

A. Darougheh
Summary Background., Keloids and hypertrophic scars are benign growths of dermal collagen that can cause physical and psychological (cosmetic) problems for patients. Methods., In this 12-week, double-blind, clinical trial, 40 patients were randomized into two study groups. Patients in group 1 were given intralesional triamcinolone acetonide (TAC), and patients in group 2 were given a combination of TAC and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU); both groups received injections at weekly intervals for 8 weeks. Lesions were assessed for erythema, pruritus, pliability, height, length and width. Results., Four patients in group 1 and three patients in group 2 failed to complete the study. At the 8-week and 12-week follow-up visits, both groups showed an acceptable improvement in nearly all parameters, but these were more significant in the TAC + 5-FU group (P < 0.05 for all except pruritus and percentage of itch reduction). Good to excellent (> 50%) improvement were reported by 20% of the patients in group 1 and 55% of the patients in group 2, which was significantly different (P = 0.02). Good to excellent responses was reported by trained observers as 15% in group 1 and 40% in group 2. Their difference was not significant (P = 0.08). Conclusion., The overall efficacy of TAC + 5-FU was comparable with TAC, but the TAC + 5-FU combination was more acceptable to patients and produced better results. [source]

Immunosuppression with mycophenolate mofetil attenuates the development of hypertension and albuminuria in deoxycorticosterone acetate-salt hypertensive rats

Erika I Boesen
Summary 1. The interplay between the immune and renin,angiotensin systems is emerging as a crucial factor in the development and progression of hypertension. The aim of the present study was to determine the involvement of immune cells in the hypertension and renal injury produced by a non-angiotensin II-dependent form of hypertension, namely deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)-salt-induced hypertension, in rats. 2. Male Sprague-Dawley rats underwent uninephrectomy and received either a sustained-release pellet of DOCA s.c. and 0.9% NaCl (saline) to drink for 21 days or a placebo pellet and water to drink for 21 days. Additional groups of DOCA-salt- and placebo-treated rats were treated concurrently with the immune suppressant mycophenolate mofetil (MMF; 30 mg/kg per day). Rats were placed in metabolic cages for 24 h urine collection prior to and at weekly intervals during the 21 day experimental period. 3. Mycophenolate mofetil significantly attenuated the development of hypertension in DOCA-salt rats compared with untreated DOCA-salt hypertensive rats (mean arterial pressure by telemetry on Day 18 146 ± 7 vs 180 ± 3 mmHg, respectively; P < 0.001), as well as proteinuria (87 ± 27 vs 305 ± 63 mg/day, respectively, on Day 21) and albuminuria (51 ± 15 vs 247 ± 73 mg/day, respectively, on Day 21). Creatinine clearance was better preserved in MMF-treated DOCA-salt rats compared with untreated DOCA-salt rats (0.74 ± 0.07 vs 0.49 ± 0.09 mL/min, respectively; P < 0.05), but was still significantly reduced compared with that in the placebo group (1.15 ± 0.12 mL/min; P < 0.05). Finally, MMF treatment significantly attenuated the DOCA-salt-induced rise in renal cortical T-lymphocyte and macrophage infiltration (P < 0.05). 4. These data indicate that immune cells play a deleterious role in both the hypertension and renal injury associated with DOCA-salt hypertension. [source]

Emotional issues after kidney transplantation: a prospective psychotherapeutic study

Lyndsay S Baines
Abstract:,Background:, Negative emotional states are the single most influential factor in determining quality of life after a successful kidney transplant. We designed a prospective study using psychotherapeutic principles to understand and intervene in emotional issues in adult recipients of first cadaver kidney transplants. Methods:, Forty-nine recipients of first cadaver kidney transplants were subjected to 12 sessions (at weekly intervals) of psychotherapy within 3 months of receiving their transplant. The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) was utilized as a measure of change in emotional state, pretherapy, at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. A higher score on BDI was suggestive of psychological dysfunction. In the first instance, data was analysed within a quantitative framework, by virtue of the BDI. In the second instance, data was considered in terms of recurring themes described by patients during psychotherapy and was analysed qualitatively. In the third instance, both qualitative and quantitative data was considered in terms of individual patient's ability to achieve some feeling of having implemented some social, relational and vocational equilibrium into their everyday life. Recipients of live kidneys, paediatric transplants and patients who received more than one transplant were excluded, as emotional issues are different in this cohort of patients. All patients have completed 1 yr of follow up. None of the patients were on antidepressant medication before or after therapy. Results:, This is an ongoing study in which we are comparing individual vs. group therapy vs. controls (who receive no therapy). The total number of patients recruited will be 120 and the final report will be available in 2003,04. The results reported in this paper form the 49 patients in the individual arm of the study. All the patients in our study happened to be white people. There was significant improvement in the BDI scores following therapy. The mean score was 26.3 ± 7.9 before and 20.5 ± 8.8 after therapy (p = 0.001); the lowering of the scores remained sustained at 12 months. Multivariate analysis of age, gender, employment status, duration of dialysis (if in dialysis for more than 3 yrs) and psychotherapy given before transplantation did not affect the results of our study. For the qualitative aspect of the study, we grouped the emotional problems as expressed by the patients into three recurring themes (i) fear of rejection, (ii) feelings of paradoxical loss post-transplant despite having received a successful transplant and (iii) the psychological integration of the newly acquired kidney. Conclusions:, Psychotherapeutic intervention was an effective means of addressing emotional problems in recipients of kidney transplants. The recurring themes as identified above provided a baseline for psychotherapeutic exploration and resolution of these issues. Successful resolution of these issues was associated with lower BDI scores and the redefinition of normality in daily living post-transplant. [source]