Voice Assessment (voice + assessment)

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Selected Abstracts

Injection Versus Medialization Laryngoplasty for the Treatment of Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis,

Justin E. Morgan MD
Abstract Objective/Hypothesis: To determine whether injection laryngoplasty or medialization laryngoplasty is more effective in the treatment of unilateral vocal fold paralysis. Study Design: A retrospective study of patients with unilateral vocal fold paralysis who underwent either injection or medialization laryngoplasty at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences between July 29, 2003 and March 8, 2005. Methods: The data analyzed included patient characteristics and type of intervention, along with the pretreatment and posttreatment voice parameters of videostrobolaryngoscopy, perceptual analysis, and patients' subjective voice assessment. Results: Nineteen patients were evaluated. The average time from intervention to posttreatment evaluation was 3 (range, 1,9) months. Improvements were demonstrated in all three voice parameters in both the injection and the medialization groups. No significant differences were found in the degree of improvement between the two groups. Videostrobolaryngoscopy and the perceptual analysis, both rated by the authors, correlated well with each other, but they both correlated poorly with the patients' subjective voice analysis. Conclusions: Injection and medialization laryngoplasty were comparable in their improvement of subjective and objective voice outcomes. Both treatment modalities should be included in the otolaryngologist's armamentarium for managing unilateral vocal fold paralysis. [source]

Cross-cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Chinese Voice Handicap Index-10

Paul K. Y. Lam FRCSEd
Abstract Objectives/Hypothesis: Recent developments in voice assessment propose the use of quality of life measurements. The Voice Handicap Index (VHI) is one of the most psychometrically robust and well-studied instruments among the various instruments for measuring quality of life. Two versions of VHI (VHI-30 and VHI-10) have been shown to be valid instruments for distinguishing dysphonic from nondysphonic individuals and also for documenting treatment effect for dysphonic patients. The VHI has been used worldwide; however, the psychometric properties of the Chinese version of VHI remains untested. This study aimed to investigate such properties of the Chinese VHI-30 and VHI-10 in the Hong Kong Chinese population. Study Design: Psychometric analysis of the Chinese VHI-30 and VHI-10 in dysphonic patients and control subjects. Methods: The original VHI-30 was translated into Chinese and was completed by 131 dysphonic patients and 54 nondysphonic individuals. The dysphonic patients also self-rated their dysphonic severity. Results: Results showed high test-retest reliability and high item-total correlation for both Chinese VHI-30 and VHI-10. Both Chinese versions could be used to distinguish different dysphonic groups and between dysphonic and nondysphonic groups. Significant correlation was found between the VHI scores and the patients' self-rated dysphonic severity. Conclusion: The present study supported the original three-factorial structures of the VHI-30 and the use of the VHI for the Chinese population. It is shown that the Chinese VHI-10 is a strong representation of VHI-30 and is recommended for use in clinics because of its validity and ease of use by patients. [source]

Long-Term Follow-Up Results of Selective Laryngeal Adductor Denervation-Reinnervation Surgery for Adductor Spasmodic Dysphonia

Dinesh K. Chhetri MD
Abstract Selective laryngeal adductor denervation-reinnervation surgery for the treatment of adductor spasmodic dysphonia was reported in 1999 in 21 patients with encouraging results. Here, we report long-term results of this procedure. Surgical outcome was evaluated using patient surveys and perceptual voice assessment. Measured outcomes included Voice Handicap Index (VHI)-10 scores, patient questionnaire, and perceptual evaluation for voice breaks and breathiness. Patient survey was obtained from 83 patients, and perceptual voice evaluation was performed in voice samples from 46 patients. Average follow-up interval was 49 months. Mean VHI-10 scores improved from a mean of 35.6 to 12.7. Eighty-three percent showed significantly improved VHI-10 scores, representing improved physical, social, and emotional well-being. There was a high degree of patient satisfaction, with 91% agreeing that their voice is more fluent after the surgery. Perceptual evaluation of postoperative voice samples revealed voice breaks in 26% (15% mild, 4% moderate, 7% severe) and breathiness in 30% (11% mild, 13% moderate, 6% severe). A majority of patients had stable, long-lasting resolution of spasmodic voice breaks. [source]


Thorbjorn J Loch-Wilkinson
Background: Monitoring of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) has been claimed in some studies to reduce rates of nerve injury during thyroid surgery compared with anatomical dissection and visual identification of the RLN alone, whereas other studies have found no benefit. Continuous monitoring with endotracheal electrodes is expensive whereas discontinuous monitoring by laryngeal palpation with nerve stimulation is a simple and inexpensive technique. This study aimed to assess the value of nerve stimulation with laryngeal palpation as a means of identifying and assessing the function of the RLN and external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve (EBSLN) during thyroid surgery. Methods: This was a prospective case series comprising 50 consecutive patients undergoing total thyroidectomy providing 100 RLN and 100 EBSLN for examination. All patients underwent preoperative and postoperative vocal cord and voice assessment by an independent ear, nose and throat surgeon, laryngeal examination at extubation and all were asked to complete a postoperative dysphagia score sheet. Dysphagia scores in the study group were compared with a control group (n = 20) undergoing total thyroidectomy without nerve stimulation. Results: One hundred of 100 (100%) RLN were located without the use of the nerve stimulator. A negative twitch response occurred in seven (7%) RLN stimulated (two bilateral, three unilateral). Postoperative testing, however, only showed one true unilateral RLN palsy postoperatively (1%), which recovered in 7 weeks giving six false-positive and one true-positive results. Eighty-six of 100 (86%) EBSLN were located without the nerve stimulator. Thirteen of 100 (13%) EBSLN could not be identified and 1 of 100 (1%) was located with the use of the nerve stimulator. Fourteen per cent of EBSLN showed no cricothyroid twitch on EBSLN stimulation. Postoperative vocal function in these patients was normal. There were no instances of equipment malfunction. Dysphagia scores did not differ significantly between the study and control groups. Conclusion: Use of a nerve stimulator did not aid in anatomical dissection of the RLN and was useful in identifying only one EBSLN. Discontinuous nerve monitoring by stimulation during total thyroidectomy confers no obvious benefit for the experienced surgeon in nerve identification, functional testing or injury prevention. [source]

Fascia Augmentation of the Vocal Fold: Graft Yield in the Canine and Preliminary Clinical Experience,

Sanford G. Duke MD
Abstract Introduction Glottal insufficiency resulting from vocal fold bowing, hypomobility, or scar is frequently treated by injection augmentation. Injection augmentation with fat, collagen, gel foam, polytef, and recently, fascia lata has been previously reported. Variable graft yield and poor host-tissue tolerance have motivated the continued search for an ideal graft substance. Study Design A prospective trial of autologous fascia augmentation of the vocal cord in the human and in an animal model. Methods Autologous fascia injection augmentation (AFIA) was evaluated in 8 canines and 40 patients at our institution between 1998 and 2000. The animal study compared graft yield from AFIA with autologous fat yield. The outcome measure was graft yield calculated from histological examination of larynges 12 weeks after injection augmentation. Clinical trial outcome measures included symptom surveys, acoustical voice analyses, and subjective voice assessments. Mean follow-up was 9 months. Results In the canine larynx, the mean graft yield for AFIA was 33% (range, 5%,84%) compared with autologous lipoinjection (47%; range, 7%,96%;P = .57). Subjective improvement in vocal quality was reported by 95% of patients (38 of 40) after AFIA. Preoperative and postoperative voice analysis data were obtained from 26 patients. Subjective voice rating demonstrated a significant improvement after AFIA (P <.0001). Acoustical parameters of jitter, shimmer, noise-to-harmonic ratio, phonatory range, and degree unvoiced improved significantly (P <.05) in all patients after fascia augmentation. Conclusions Based on the animal study, we concluded that graft yields are excellent but variable for AFIA. The result is similar in variability and overall yield to autologous lipoinjection. Subjective and objective analyses of voice outcomes after AFIA are universally improved. Fascia appears to be an excellent alternative to lipoinjection in properly selected cases of glottic insufficiency. [source]