Virus Ecology (virus + ecology)

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Selected Abstracts

Barley yellow dwarf viruses (BYDVs) preserved in herbarium specimens illuminate historical disease ecology of invasive and native grasses

Summary 1In plant invasion ecology, viruses and other pathogens are often considered in terms of the enemy release hypothesis, which predicts that plants become invasive in new ranges if they escape pathogens from their home range. However, pathogens may sometimes facilitate host spread rather than hinder it. 2Previously, we hypothesized that apparent competition mediated by barley and cereal yellow dwarf viruses (Luteoviridae: BYDVs, CYDVs) may have facilitated historical grassland invasion in California, USA, where Eurasian grasses displaced native grasses in the 18th and 19th centuries (the disease facilitation hypotheses). However, this could have happened only if the viruses were present during the invasion, which is unknown. 3To investigate the historical ecology of BYDVs in California grasses, we analysed preserved virus infections in herbarium specimens and used the historical virus sequences to determine rough time estimates of relevant phylogenetic events. 4The historical viral RNA sequences we identified in invasive and native grasses date from 1917 and are among the oldest recovered from plants thus far and the oldest from North America. 5Herbarium evidence and phylogenetic analysis suggest that BYDVs were likely to have been present in wild grasses during the California grassland invasion and to have shared some functional characteristics with present-day isolates, supporting the disease facilitation hypothesis. 6We found evidence of virus spread from California to Australia (or, less likely, from Australia to California) in the late 19th century, when much horticultural exchange occurred, as well as potential correspondence in the timing of virus diversification events and the beginning of extensive human exchange between the Old and New Worlds. 7Synthesis. Increasing evidence indicates that viruses are important in the ecology of grasslands and may, in some cases, mediate apparent competition among species. Historical data provide essential insight into plant virus ecology and suggest the need to examine human influence on plant virus diversification and spread within natural ecosystems. [source]

Virus infection and grazing exert counteracting influences on survivorship of native bunchgrass seedlings competing with invasive exotics

Summary 1,Invasive annual grasses introduced by European settlers have largely displaced native grassland vegetation in California and now form dense stands that constrain the establishment of native perennial bunchgrass seedlings. Bunchgrass seedlings face additional pressures from both livestock grazing and barley and cereal yellow dwarf viruses (B/CYDVs), which infect both young and established grasses throughout the state. 2,Previous work suggested that B/CYDVs could mediate apparent competition between invasive exotic grasses and native bunchgrasses in California. 3,To investigate the potential significance of virus-mediated mortality for early survivorship of bunchgrass seedlings, we compared the separate and combined effects of virus infection, competition and simulated grazing in a field experiment. We infected two species of young bunchgrasses that show different sensitivity to B/CYDV infection, subjected them to competition with three different densities of exotic annuals crossed with two clipping treatments, and monitored their growth and first-year survivorship. 4,Although virus infection alone did not reduce first-year survivorship, it halved the survivorship of bunchgrasses competing with exotics. Within an environment in which competition strongly reduces seedling survivorship (as in natural grasslands), virus infection therefore has the power to cause additional seedling mortality and alter patterns of establishment. 5,Surprisingly, clipping did not reduce bunchgrass survivorship further, but rather doubled it and disproportionately increased survivorship of infected bunchgrasses. 6,Together with previous work, these findings show that B/CYDVs can be potentially powerful elements influencing species interactions in natural grasslands. 7,More generally, our findings demonstrate the potential significance of multitrophic interactions in virus ecology. Although sometimes treated collectively as plant ,predators', viruses and herbivores may exert influences that are distinctly different, even counteracting. [source]

Monitoring exposure to avian influenza viruses in wild mammals

MAMMAL REVIEW, Issue 3 2009
ABSTRACT 1Avian influenza (AI) viruses primarily circulate in wild waterfowl populations and are occasionally transmitted to domestic poultry flocks. However, the possible roles of other wildlife species, such as wild mammals, in AI virus ecology have not been adequately addressed. 2Due to their habitat and behaviour, many wild mammals may be capable of transmitting pathogens among wild and domestic populations. Exposure to AI viruses has been reported in an array of wild and domestic animals. The presence of wild mammals on farms has been identified as a risk factor for at least one poultry AI outbreak in North America. These reports suggest the need for seroprevalence studies examining the exposure of wild mammals to AI viruses. 3Serological tests are routinely used to assess domestic poultry, domestic swine and human exposure to influenza A viruses, but these tests have not been validated for use in wild mammals. As such, some of these protocols may require adjustments or may be inappropriate for use in serology testing of wild mammals. Herein, we review these serological techniques and evaluate their potential usefulness in AI surveillance of wild mammals. We call for care to be taken when applying serological tests outside their original area of validation, and for continued assay verification for multiple species and virus strains. [source]

Viral Control of Phytoplankton Populations,a Review,

ABSTRACT. Phytoplankton population dynamics are the result of imbalances between reproduction and losses. Losses include grazing, sinking, and natural mortality. As the importance of microbes in aquatic ecology has been recognized, so has the potential significance of viruses as mortality agents for phytoplankton. The field of algal virus ecology is steadily changing and advancing as new viruses are isolated and new methods are developed for quantifying the impact of viruses on phytoplankton dynamics and diversity. With this development, evidence is accumulating that viruses can control phytoplankton dynamics through reduction of host populations, or by preventing algal host populations from reaching high levels. The identification of highly specific host ranges of viruses is changing our understanding of population dynamics. Viral-mediated mortality may not only affect algal species succession, but may also affect intraspecies succession. Through cellular lysis, viruses indirectly affect the fluxes of energy, nutrients, and organic matter, especially during algal bloom events when biomass is high. Although the importance of viruses is presently recognized, it is apparent that many aspects of viral-mediated mortality of phytoplankton are still poorly understood. It is imperative that future research addresses the mechanisms that regulate virus infectivity, host resistance, genotype richness, abundance, and the fate of viruses over time and space. [source]