Various Indicators (various + indicator)

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Selected Abstracts

Western European welfare states in the 20th century: convergences and divergences in a long-run perspective

Bela Tomka
The study investigates the welfare systems in Western Europe in the course of the so-called ,short 20th century' (1918,1990) from a long-term comparative perspective and focusing on the convergent versus divergent features of development. Various indicators examined show that in terms of relative level of welfare expenditures, features of welfare institutions and social rights, there were significant differences between Western European countries in the first half of the 20th century, but diversity significantly decreased by the 1950s, and the tendency of convergence continued steadily in the next two decades. Subsequently, changes in variation between countries from the 1970s onwards displayed a somewhat less clear-cut pattern, but in several areas the convergence continued. As a result, in 1990 the differences between the Western European countries can be regarded as less significant in that respect than in the middle and especially at the beginning of the 20th century. [source]

Comparison of critical limits for crop plant growth based on different indicators for the state of soil compaction

Manfred Kaufmann
Abstract Soil compaction affects physical soil condition, in particular aeration, soil strength, and water availability and has adverse effects on plant growth. Bulk density is the most frequently used indicator to describe the state of compaction of a soil. However, this parameter lacks a direct functional relationship with plant growth. Various indicators have been proposed to simultaneously characterize the state of compaction of agricultural soil and its suitability for plant growth. This paper examines and compares the critical limits for crop plant growth based on three of these indicators: packing density, least limiting water range, and S parameter (the latter is the slope of the soil water-retention curve in the inflexion point). In a first step, we reviewed the literature for published optimum and limiting values of bulk density and found that these values were highly dependent on clay and silt content. Converting them into corresponding values of packing density (composite index of bulk density and clay content), a value of 1.70 was found to effectively distinguish between optimum and limiting soil conditions for plant growth. In a second step, the packing density of 59 soil horizons sampled in N Switzerland was compared with the least limiting water range and the S parameter of these soil horizons (both determined by means of pedotransfer functions taken from the literature). A linear relationship between the three parameters was found, which allowed for a comparison of the published critical limits for plant growth based on these parameters. The critical limits of the three indicators, which had been postulated independently of each other in the literature, were found to agree well with each other. This means that all of them could equally be used to describe the compaction state of a soil and its physical suitability for plant growth. However, the proposed critical limits of packing density, least limiting water range, and S parameter still need further validation by field studies relating plant growth to soil compaction. [source]

A comparison of various authoritarianism scales in Belgian Flanders

Alain Van Hiel
Abstract The present study compared in a Flemish adult sample (N,=,480) four recently developed authoritarianism scales as well as the widely used Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA) scale. Results revealed that all these measures were strongly related and that they showed relationships of comparable magnitude with various indicators of right-wing ideology such as conservatism and racism, as well as with political party preferences. Analyses confirmed the superior fit of a multidimensional model for the scales that are assumed to have an explicit underlying multidimensional structure, but it was also revealed that there was little consensus on what these dimensions exactly mean. Finally, the results indicated serious problems of overlap between cultural conservatism and authoritarianism for some of the scales. Having relied exclusively on an empirical method for comparing the utility of these scales, the use of other criteria for a final assessment of the authoritarianism scales is elaborated upon. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Spatiotemporal dynamics of evapotranspiration at the Glacial Ridge prairie restoration in northwestern Minnesota

Assefa M. Melesse
Abstract Among the various indicators of success in wetland restoration, hydrology is the most important and relatively easy to monitor. Evapotranspiration (ET) was used to assess the ecohydrologic changes at the Glacial Ridge prairie restoration site in northwestern Minnesota. Twelve Landsat images from 2000,03 for the months of June, July and August were used to study the spatial ET changes. Spatial monthly and seasonal ET were estimated using a surface energy budget technique from Landsat images. Five sub-basins within the study area were delineated to represent the different conditions of the wetlands. Their spatial and temporal ET responses to the restoration activities (native species planting, burning and ditch closures) were studied. Spatial statistics showing mean and standard deviation of monthly ET were computed. Comparisons were made between these watersheds and the preserved sub-watershed of the study area. The average annual ET increases for the five sub-basins were in the range of 9% (2002,03) to 25% (2001,02). Over the study period, ET increased by nearly 50%. After considering the effect of variations in precipitation, wind speed and solar radiation on the resulting ET, the results show that ET increased in recent years as result of the restoration activities. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Planning for stingray tourism at Hamelin Bay, Western Australia: the importance of stakeholder perspectives

Anna Lewis
Abstract Stingray tourism continues to be developed at various locations around the world with the concept being marketed on television travel programmes, documentaries, internet sites and travel brochures. Food provisioned stingray tourism, for example, now attracts some 100,000 visitors a year to ,tingray city' in the Caymen Islands. At Hamelin Bay in southwest Western Australia, up to 16 large stingrays (Dasyatis brevicaudata and Dasyatis thetidis) and numerous eaglerays (Myliobatis australis) are fed by visitors from the waters edge. This study reports on stakeholder perspectives relating to tourism development and potential management of the Hamelin Bay site. From the results of this study it is clear that there is sufficient interest in stingray tourism (by all the stakeholders surveyed) to develop Hamelin Bay as a permanent feeding site. Visitors on average gave their experience with the rays a satisfaction value of 8.9 out of 10. Twenty-five per cent of visitors surveyed did not want commercialisation, tour groups or excessive visitor numbers. Their main concern was that the health and safety of the rays may deteriorate with an increase of visitors if the situation is not managed correctly. Visitors desire to be educated about the rays, and how to best interact with them safely. Visitors also acknowledged that the site needs management through more signs, information and a management plan. Management for the site is therefore likely to be best implemented through the application of signage, development of guidelines/codes of conduct, protection of the rays and zoning the beach according to specific recreational purposes. Management regimes should also use various indicators to monitor the impacts of stingray tourism at Hamelin Bay. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Community involvement and victimization at school: an analysis through family, personal and social adjustment,

Teresa Isabel Jiménez
The present study analyzes the impact of adolescents' community involvement on victimization by peers at school through various indicators of family, personal and social adjustment (openness of communication with mother and father, life satisfaction, social self-esteem, and loneliness). Participating in the project were 565 adolescents aged 11 to 18 (51% male) drawn from secondary schools in Spain. Statistical analyses were conducted using bivariate correlations, the t test and structural equation modeling. Results indicated an indirect and protective influence of community involvement, openness of communication with parents and life satisfaction on victimization by peers. There was also a direct protective effect of social self-esteem and a direct risk effect of loneliness on victimization at school. Findings are discussed in light of the consideration that community involvement is a key factor in the promotion of other protective factors related to adolescent victimization at school. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. [source]

How are new citation-based journal indicators adding to the bibliometric toolbox?

Loet Leydesdorff
The launching of Scopus and Google Scholar, and methodological developments in social-network analysis have made many more indicators for evaluating journals available than the traditional impact factor, cited half-life, and immediacy index of the ISI. In this study, these new indicators are compared with one another and with the older ones. Do the various indicators measure new dimensions of the citation networks, or are they highly correlated among themselves? Are they robust and relatively stable over time? Two main dimensions are distinguished,size and impact,which together shape influence. The h-index combines the two dimensions and can also be considered as an indicator of reach (like Indegree). PageRank is mainly an indicator of size, but has important interactions with centrality measures. The Scimago Journal Ranking (SJR) indicator provides an alternative to the journal impact factor, but the computation is less easy. [source]

The Impact of Technological and Organizational Changes on Labor Flows.

LABOUR, Issue 2 2007
Evidence on French Establishments
We conduct an empirical analysis in which we make extensive use of a unique data set on a representative sample of French establishments. Working with various indicators of labor flows (gross labor flows, hiring rate, firing rate, net labor flows, and churning flows), we find that the use of new technology seems to have a positive effect on aggregate job turnover and, more specifically, turnover among manual workers. In contrast, innovative workplace organizational practices are related to lower turnover among clerical workers and intermediate professionals and have a positive effect on churning among managers. [source]

Indicators of information and communication technology adoption in the nonprofit sector: Changes between 2000 and 2004

Seth Finn
With the knowledge that information and communication technology (ICT) has brought about significant changes in the structure and functioning of businesses, this research provides information about the changes that have occurred in ICT adoption in nonprofit organizations between 2000 and 2004. Using archival data, it specifically investigates various indicators of ICT adoption and adoption readiness factors. Results illustrate that nonprofit organizations are beginning to position themselves to take advantage of the opportunities provided by ICT adoption. [source]

Self-Interest, Symbolic Attitudes, and Support for Public Policy: A Multilevel Analysis

Richard R. Lau
This paper examines the role of self-interest and symbolic attitudes as predictors of support for two domestic policy issues,guaranteed jobs and incomes and national health insurance,in the American National Election Survey (ANES) between 1972 and 2004. As was the case in 1976 when Sears, Lau, Tyler, and Allen (1980) first explored this topic, symbolic attitudes continue to be much more important predictors of policy attitudes than various indicators of self-interest over the 30 years we analyze. We explore this finding further to determine whether any individual/internal and external/contextual variables affect the magnitude of self-interest effects on policy support. Five possible internal moderators of self-interest effects are examined: (1) political knowledge, (2) issue publics, (3) political values, (4) social identifications, and (5) emotions, but none are found to boost the magnitude of the self-interest effect. However, we do find some evidence that contextual variables representing the social/information environment moderate the impact of self-interest on public opinion. [source]

Evidence from panel unit root and cointegration tests that the Environmental Kuznets Curve does not exist

Roger Perman
The Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis , an inverted U-shape relation between various indicators of environmental degradation and income per capita , has become one of the ,stylised facts' of environmental and resource economics. This is despite considerable criticism on both theoretical and empirical grounds. Cointegration analysis can be used to test the validity of such stylised facts when the data involved contain stochastic trends. In the present paper, we use cointegration analysis to test the EKC hypothesis using a panel dataset of sulfur emissions and GDP data for 74 countries over a span of 31 years. We find that the data is stochastically trending in the time-series dimension. Given this, and interpreting the EKC as a long run equilibrium relationship, support for the hypothesis requires that an appropriate model cointegrates and that sulfur emissions are a concave function of income. Individual and panel cointegration tests cast doubt on the general applicability of the hypothesised relationship. Even when we find cointegration, many of the relationships for individual countries are not concave. The results show that the EKC is a problematic concept, at least in the case of sulfur emissions. [source]

Mobile phone use and location of glioma: A case,case analysis

Hanna Hartikka
Abstract We assessed a new approach for evaluating the glioma risk among users of mobile phones to focus on the part of the brain most heavily exposed to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields from mobile phones. The tumor midpoint was defined from radiological imaging. A case,case analysis with 99 gliomas was performed using logistic regression. The exposed cases were those with the tumor mid-point within 4.6 cm from the line between the mouth and the external meatus of the ear, representing the most likely location of the mobile phone (the source of exposure). Alternative analyses based on various indicators of mobile phone use as the outcome were also carried out. The majority of cases were regular mobile phone users. A slightly higher proportion of gliomas among mobile phone users than non-users occurred within 4.6 cm from the presumed location of the mobile phone (28% vs. 14%). Modestly elevated odds ratios were observed for several indicators of mobile phone use, but without an exposure gradient. The highest odds ratios were found for contralateral and short-term use. Our results, though limited by the small sample size, demonstrate that detailed information on tumor location allows evaluation of the risk related to the most heavily exposed part of the brain, representing direct evaluation of the possible local carcinogenic effects of the radiofrequency fields. However, field strength varies between users and over time also within a given anatomic site, due to the output power of the phone. Collaborative analysis of a larger sample is planned. Bioelectromagnetics 30:176,182, 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]