User Costs (user + cost)

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Selected Abstracts

Nutzungskosten: DIN 18960-2008 , Leistungsfähige Grundlage für die zielorientierte Planung der Lebenszykluskosten

BAUTECHNIK, Issue 7 2008
Udo Blecken em.
Die DIN 18960 , Nutzungskosten im Hochbau , ist in überarbeiteter Form im Februar 2008 herausgegeben worden. Sie ist durch Ergänzungen zu einem vollumfänglichen Controllingkonzept (Nutzungskostenvorgabe, -ermittlung, -kontrolle und -steuerung) weiterentwickelt worden, die dem Bauherrn eine kostengesicherte Nutzungskostenplanung ermöglicht. Mit dieser Norm liegt nun eine ökonomisch und ökologisch wichtige Grundlage für den Planungsprozess vor. Im Folgenden sollen die Neuerungen der Norm 18960 beschrieben, die angrenzenden Normen und wichtigen Merkmale erläutert, das Controllingkonzept inkl. eines Berechnungsbeispiels unter Einschluss von Risikoüberlegungen dargestellt und Planungsvertragsfragen besprochen werden. User costs of buildings DIN 18960 , a performance basis for planning of life cycle costs. An updated version of the DIN 18960 , user costs of buildings , has been published in February 2008. The norm has been further developed with supplements to a comprehensive controlling concept (usage cost estimate, usage cost calculation, usage cost monitoring and usage cost management), which provides the builder with the tools to plan the usage costs in a cost-controlled manner. This norm, furthermore, provides an economically and ecologically important basis for the planning process. The new aspects of the DIN 18960 are outlined, the related norms and important features are explained, the controlling concept including a calculation example that considers risk factors is described and questions regarding planning contracts are discussed. [source]

The Role of Interbank Markets in Monetary Policy: A Model with Rationing

banking; rationing; monetary policy This paper analyzes the impact of asymmetric information in the interbank market and establishes its crucial role in the microfoundations of the monetary policy transmission mechanism. We show that interbank market imperfections induce an equilibrium with rationing in the credit market. This has two major implications: first, it reconciles the irresponsiveness of business investment to the user cost of capital with the large impact of monetary policy (magnitude effect), and second, it shows that banks' liquidity positions condition their reaction to monetary policy (Kashyap and Stein liquidity effect). [source]

Preliminary Highway Design with Genetic Algorithms and Geographic Information Systems

Jyh-Cherng Jong
A method that integrates geographic information systems (GIS) with genetic algorithms (GAs) for optimizing horizontal highway alignments between two given end points is presented in this article. The proposed approach can be used to optimize alignments in highly irregular geographic spaces. The resulting alignments are smooth and satisfy minimum-radius constraints, as required by highway design standards. The objective function in the proposed model considers land-acquisition cost, environmental impacts such as wetlands and flood plains, length-dependent costs (which are proportional to the alignment length), and user costs. A numerical example based on a real map is employed to demonstrate application of the proposed model to the preliminary design of horizontal alignments. [source]

Optimal feeder bus routes on irregular street networks

Steven Chien
The methodology presented here seeks to optimize bus routes feeding a major intermodal transit transfer station while considering intersection delays and realistic street networks. A model is developed for finding the optimal bus route location and its operating headway in a heterogeneous service area. The criterion for optimality is the minimum total cost, including supplier and user costs. Irregular and discrete demand distributions, which realistically represent geographic variations in demand, are considered in the proposed model. The optimal headway is derived analytically for an irregularly shaped service area without demand elasticity, with non-uniformly distributed demand density, and with a many-to-one travel pattern. Computer programs are designed to analyze numerical examples, which show that the combinatory type routing problem can be globally optimized. The improved computational efficiency of the near-optimal algorithm is demonstrated through numerical comparisons to an optimal solution obtained by the exhaustive search (ES) algorithm. The CPU time spent by each algorithm is also compared to demonstrate that the near-optimal algorithm converges to an acceptable solution significantly faster than the ES algorithm. [source]

Nutzungskosten: DIN 18960-2008 , Leistungsfähige Grundlage für die zielorientierte Planung der Lebenszykluskosten

BAUTECHNIK, Issue 7 2008
Udo Blecken em.
Die DIN 18960 , Nutzungskosten im Hochbau , ist in überarbeiteter Form im Februar 2008 herausgegeben worden. Sie ist durch Ergänzungen zu einem vollumfänglichen Controllingkonzept (Nutzungskostenvorgabe, -ermittlung, -kontrolle und -steuerung) weiterentwickelt worden, die dem Bauherrn eine kostengesicherte Nutzungskostenplanung ermöglicht. Mit dieser Norm liegt nun eine ökonomisch und ökologisch wichtige Grundlage für den Planungsprozess vor. Im Folgenden sollen die Neuerungen der Norm 18960 beschrieben, die angrenzenden Normen und wichtigen Merkmale erläutert, das Controllingkonzept inkl. eines Berechnungsbeispiels unter Einschluss von Risikoüberlegungen dargestellt und Planungsvertragsfragen besprochen werden. User costs of buildings DIN 18960 , a performance basis for planning of life cycle costs. An updated version of the DIN 18960 , user costs of buildings , has been published in February 2008. The norm has been further developed with supplements to a comprehensive controlling concept (usage cost estimate, usage cost calculation, usage cost monitoring and usage cost management), which provides the builder with the tools to plan the usage costs in a cost-controlled manner. This norm, furthermore, provides an economically and ecologically important basis for the planning process. The new aspects of the DIN 18960 are outlined, the related norms and important features are explained, the controlling concept including a calculation example that considers risk factors is described and questions regarding planning contracts are discussed. [source]

Application of genetic algorithm for scheduling and schedule coordination problems

Prabhat Shrivastava
The problems on scheduling and schedule co-ordination usually have conflicting objectives related to user's cost and operator's cost. Users want to spend less time to wait, transfer and travel by public buses. Operators are interested in profit making by lesser vehicle operating cost and having a minimum number of buses. As far as level of service is concerned users are interested in lesser crowing while operators are concerned with maximizing profit and thus to have higher load factors. In schedule co-ordination problems transfer time plays an important role. Users are interested in coordinating services with in acceptable waiting time whereas operators prefer to have lesser services and want to meet higher demands, which invariably increases waiting time. These problems have multiple conflicting objectives and constraints. It is difficult to determine optimum solution for such problems with the help of conventional approaches. It is found that Genetic Algorithm performs well for such multi objective problems. [source]